This isn't my final vote, but people appear to be voting without much discussion. I really don't like "Spread The Word". There are a lot of advantages to information control. At the least I don't want to go around talking about it in public. I can't think of a good write in right now, but hopefully we can get people actually talking about this issue and not just copy pasting votes.
The Word Is Out: Dragon and Legend know a lot more about us now, and the former is definitely going to be inquiring more soon - not to mention Chevalier and our new boss, Director Uriel. How do we want to handle things?
[x] Mum's The Word: Keep this to your superiors only, and reinforce that this is not something you want spread around just yet as you are still figuring things out on your own.
[X] 4 XP - Performance ●○○○○