Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 8: Haggard Host Hopefully Homestead Hazardous Haven

ryuan said:
... why do you guys want to have a fame as exhibitionist again?
It's not really fame for being an exhibitionist, its more people sneaking photos and videos of us apparently in the shower and simply spinning it into a positive thing by using it to declare how much we respect Narwhal and that we shouldn't be ashamed of our body or something, sorta like the message behind Kill La Kill I think?
Getting and managing Reputation (Beauty) would be sensible.

It's a shame we neglected to stunt assuming human form again, as that would be a lot less off putting, and would cut down on the amount of exposure Thinker's shards have to our true nature to build models from.
Alratan said:
Getting and managing Reputation (Beauty) would be sensible.

It's a shame we neglected to stunt assuming human form again, as that would be a lot less off putting, and would cut down on the amount of exposure Thinker's shards have to our true nature to build models from.
...Yeah, in retrospect we should have done that. But stunt slots were at a premium this vote. We'll just have to stunt it in at the next vote if it doesn't happen in the course of the plot.
landcollector said:
...Yeah, in retrospect we should have done that. But stunt slots were at a premium this vote. We'll just have to stunt it in at the next vote if it doesn't happen in the course of the plot.
Not like the stunt slots were even fully used.
Loom-Server Migration requires Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier to be on. It's a submodule, not a distinct Charm.
You know what. I think I wanna push for Vista being exalted. Not because she's an epic heroic, but because she's Taylors friend, and the upgrade would make her one of the scariest things on the planet me thinks. Her power alchemized would remove a few limitations to it :)
kestrel404 said:
...There are several elements in it that I'd want to point out are poorly played out - except then I remember the Exalted rules concerning appearance and suddenly the whole thing makes perfect sense and it's uproriously funny. I think that the ones who're having the most problem with this are the ones who don't know the exalted rules, or don't recall how social combat works in exalted (and recall that, for Taylor, her 'physics' and by extension her social interactions, are effectively dictated by those game rules).

Basically, the key here is that the difference in two individual's Appearance attributes is applied as a respective bonus/penalty on all social interactions any time it comes into play (whenever that quality is mentioned, or something calls attention to it - like nakedness). Say, for example, that Armsmaster is handsome - he has an above average appearance (three dots). Taylor is the height of physical beauty (five dots). So on ANY interaction between them where Taylor is wearing new or striking clothing, or her beauty is obviously displayed, or if Armsmaster walks in on her while she's wearing nothing? He gets a 20% penalty, and she gets a 20% bonus, which is statistically compounded by the relevant skills involved (the more dice they each roll, the more obvious this bonus is). This effect is built into the laws of physics that Taylor works under, will be affecting the people who interact with her at a level that is effectively subconscious, and all they'll know is that whenever Taylor is 'naked', they become awkward, bumbling social simpletons - and this will be most obvious to those who have the most honed social skills.

And Taylor - who had little to no social skills prior to exaltation - is completely oblivious of this fact, since she not only exalted with this improved appearance, but has gained her extra social skills at such incredible speed as to have no real reference points. So even if she were to try to analyze this change in the demeanour of others around her, she'd probably think it a result of her rapidly improving skills relative to her original abilities.

TL;DR - So, while explaining the joke might ruin it, that's basically the cornerstone of WHY Taylor occasionally showing up naked and stunning literally everyone with her beauty into senselessness is hilarious to those who've played exalted, and why it keeps coming up (I think). Basically, it's YET ANOTHER superpower (relatively) that no one has even noticed yet. But it will come out eventually. And the reveal will almost certainly be hilarious.

I feel an Omake coming on...
Well, we did just Buy 3 dots of Reputation (Beautiful), and the fourth dot will probably be added to that soon enough, barring more pressing XP expenditures like Medicine or Linguistics (Computer Languages)...
Klaus said:
Being human is Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier. Hiding our nature to avoid thinker headaches is Loom Server Migration, which we should probably have never turned of.
We can't use LSM without IAT running, which makes sense, as it would be hard to pretend we're running on Earth Bet physics when we're made out of the tortured souls of the damned.
Jinnt said:
Yeah great flavor instead of being famous for wanting to kill the Endbringers we are going to be famous for being Beautiful that's not going to make it harder to be taken seriously.
Geeze, calm down Jinnt. Like it or not, in reality attractive people are listened to more than those who are not. Also, Exalted. Roll with it.
Jinnt said:
Personally even if I was the most handsome man on the planet that's still probably the last thing I'd want to be famous for that's definitely not the kind of flavor I enjoy mechanical bonuses or not.
Keep in mind that we are also famous right now for being The Wardiest Ward Who Ever Warded.
kestrel404 said:
Actually, re-read my post. That social bonus/penalty applies every time our beauty is relevant - literally, whenever it comes to a person's mind. So that reputation? Could cause that benefit to apply even while we're in our power armor, not physically present, or otherwise hidden from view.

Literally, we could use a stunt to cause someone to remember our unofficial pinup calendar photos just as we're using a social skill on them, completely removing any ability they have to defend themselves against us in social combat, while on the phone with them.

It's all in how you use what you've got.
That's a very good point, and one I'd not considering about the benefits of the reputation. In some ways it might allows us to get over our dire Linguistics, by effectively applying our Appearance remotely, as you suggest.
Jinnt said:
Right and that's a GOOD thing we are being noticed for our accomplishments instead of something we had no control over.
Different people respond to different things. In any case, everything we've achieved has been largely dependent on the upgrades Autocthon gave us. What our Appearance is no more or less than the rest. We chose our clothes and outfits, to go along and work with Glenn's PR campaign about us. We certainly had some control over it, and helped craft that Reputation.
Chandra Magic said:
While I won't spoil this too much (I have the threat of getting the hose from Gromweld), I will just say that this is a relevant thought.

Of course, there are downsides to this as well, but again, I don't want to get the hose.
...Oh dear. Welp, Dot four (and dot 5 when it becomes available) are semi-priorities then, as we need all the help we can get on that front.
Chandra Magic said:
While I won't spoil this too much (I have the threat of getting the hose from Gromweld), I will just say that this is a relevant thought.

Of course, there are downsides to this as well, but again, I don't want to get the hose.
Teasing information incurs the hose, too!