Haha, nice try, Higher Compassion leads to us gaining more Clarity in stressful situations. This has been explained in depth before.Elero said:If Clarity bothers you that much then buy some more Compassion.
*sigh* No, we're likely not.DragonBard said:I get the feeling we're not going to be getting enough votes for the stunt to turn off SoPA.
Not yet, I was going to when I'm idle, but there's a list for Warhammer Fantasy I need to check through and that'd take a big chunk of timeDragonBard said:
It is however, effective at getting Clarity to drop faster even as it makes for faster gains in Hard Person Doing Hard Choices moments. Given the inverse relationship between Clarity and the Compassion check to get rid of Clarity, this is a playstyle choice rather than a hard "X is Bad" decision. Fast gain, fast decrease versus medium gain slow decrease..IronSun. said:And as for 'we can just raise Compassion to counteract clarity', how many times does it have to be explained at length and in depth that that is NOT how clarity and compassion work?
And if it weren't for Grom's house rules I might actually be interested in that kind of build. Unfortunately though the fast loss part of the equation doesn't work here, and the extra point doesn't negate the effects of Clarity on Taylor's consciousness like some people think.veekie said:Of course the Compassion point would be moot if we could lose Clarity through virtue channels faster than 1/day(as is how it works in Exalted proper), since the same high stress situations usually have numerous opportunities for virtue channeling to purge off Clarity in action. Easier to write for when Clarity isn't shooting up and down rapidly though, so I understand the reasoning behind the decision..
It's not like space is limited there. It actually costs energy to release things and capacity is infinite.Menma said:To be honest, I'm kinda hoping to get to the point were we won't have to use TIE at all. Anything to cut down needless mote expenditure.
Speaking of which, when we get to Philadelphia we need to clean out our stuff space, right now we have wrappers and a planter among other useless things. No point in letting it build up.
Mundane items cost no motes to store and only one mote to extrude.Menma said:
Fast loss does work actually, we're down to a roll of 1 dice for losing Compassion, which is approximately a point of Clarity lost every 3 days through social interaction and one point gained every 10. Intimacies drop that to every 2 days, but one more dice would make it a consistent 1/day loss of Clarity..IronSun. said:And if it weren't for Grom's house rules I might actually be interested in that kind of build. Unfortunately though the fast loss part of the equation doesn't work here, and the extra point doesn't negate the effects of Clarity on Taylor's consciousness like some people think.
The problem is that it's easier just to think in terms of dice penalties and bonuses and forget the actual narrative effects of the two stats.
We just need some duct tape and chewing gum to go with it.Menma said:I'm still wondering what the point is in carrying around wrappers.
More Wits + Craft to improvise something.DragonBard said:Well, with our Lore and Intelligence, we 'could' pull off a decent MacGyver. We'd just need to up our Craft more I think.
Whoops! Fixed!Klaus said:I think you're missing a word or something here. A "scarce" commodity? A "plentiful" commodity?
You have Occult 3. ICly, Iris' Primer on Essence has mentions of prayer being used as a power source for essence generation, and that cults or religions can be created to sustain powerful essence-utilizing entities. This was sort of an oblique 'aha' moment, though Clarity!Taylor takes it in stride and moves on with the conversation.Klaus said:
Hmm, I see what you mean. I'm tempted to leave it as-is, however, as both interpretations work.Klaus said:I originally interpreted this "fear" as "expect" rather than "consider threatening".
Yeah, I actually waffled on this for a long time when writing and changed it at the last second. I've gone ahead and reverted the change: Aisha now says "bio bomb", which is just as bad but doesn't seem like such a leap.Klaus said:That's...a pretty big, and very specific, conclusion to jump to.
Lore 5 check with many successes, yes, but this is not 'what power do you think she has now' - it's 'what is the worst possible case' hypothesis.Klaus said:Unless we aced a Lore check, do we really have any reason to even suspect that?
That's why she says the 'expectation', and not 'the way you know things are'. I'll alter that line so it's more clear that I'm referring to the public perception of how The System should operate, and not How Things Are.Klaus said:I have some concerns about how high clarity Taylor is characterized. She does not seem to be acting like Taylor not even a hyper-logical Taylor. For example this line:
Does not make any sense. Taylor should have a bone deep understanding that this is not the case, no matter how things ought to be.
It's more that her subconscious, somewhat-irrational feelings of mistrust are cast aside when she's in Clarity, allowing her to focus on the fact that the PRT the force for Order and Justice in the world. In this light, lying or deliberately misleading figures of authority is incredibly inefficient and wasteful - note that she isn't shouting her information from the rooftops, but instead is only answering questions directly asked of her and only with as much information as is necessary at the time.Klaus said:Clarity Taylor also freely reveals informatioin, such as when talking to Alexandria or revealing that we can see parahumasn at a glance, despite such an ability being an incredibly valuable secret that we had previously tried to keep. Maybe we just fail Tmeperance a lot, but...
Clarity!Taylor seems to be more loyal/approving of organizations, even though that's not one of the effects of Clarity. Clarity can lead to burning down an organization just as easily. Clarity is "logic", not "Stereotypical Autochthonian".
You got some study time in, yes, but not enough to warrant a full Interval of study. Higher levels are harder to train and all that.DragonBard said:Hey Grom, we were supposed to be studying the books we had inside, so shouldn't we have gotten some study time in?
EOA converting most of America to Autobot's religion just by talking about it on the national news and late-night talk shows for a week straight? This has serious Big Brother propaganda potential.FunkyEntropy said:
Apparently my joke about a charm that would make it so you could never shut Lisa up even if you knocked her out was a bit too subtle.SwiftRosenthal said:EOA converting most of America to Autobot's religion just by talking about it on the national news and late-night talk shows for a week straight? This has serious Big Brother propaganda potential.