-So Christine Mathers did actual physical damage to her son?
I mean, shes a control freak, but I didnt think she would damage her own blood . Maybe Saki aggravated her beyond her normal control?
I guess Saki now has motivation to pick up the healing drug for her Hypodermic drug charm.
-That Uriel was immediately on the line makes me wonder if Saki went full totemic and people could see her anima from across the city.
Or whether the staff just had standing instructions to call him if anything out of the ordinary happened.
Probably help figure if people *cough*Wards*cough* are going to start calling her to check if she's okay because they saw her anima display from across the city, or on TV.
It is not repressed to not want tons of random dirty civilians cleaning themselves in your Familiar! Hot and/or cute civilians are fine, but you can't just pick and choose if you let him sit in the relief shelters! Well, you could figure out a way to do it and not tip people off, but the idea was for him to be there during school hours, without you!
She was using the bathhouse herself, or planning to use the bath house, when Lord Grasp let in the civilians to share the facilities.
Yeah, I can see how that would be an issue. For anyone with modern sensibilities. Let alone an Alchemical with a secret identity, an S-class cape she's trying to rehabilitate and a history of recent trauma.
-Noting that Uriel apparently got a phone call.
The fecal matter is about to hit the rotary impeller.
Wow. Just...need a minute to unpack all this.
No, it implies he went there either when she was meaning to use the facilities, or when she was already in them.
He's from Yu-Shan, which had an almost Romanesque attitude towards public baths; their standards of sharing intimate facilities like baths are very much not those of a Japanese-American girl from the East Coast.
I suspect its more that Saki wasn't sure she could trust herself...
Uh... wow, that bourgeois entitlement set in fast, huh. Got to keep the dirty peasants away, I guess? Unless their attractive of course, nothing creepy and objectifying about that, nope, not at all.
No offense, but how would you feel about sharing your home with the homeless?
Specifically, how would you feel about soaking in your jacuzzi, and then having a procession of strangers walk in to share it while you're right there?
Because that was what apparently happened with Saki.
It is Lord Grasps prerogative to do with his body as he pleases.
This is like saying that a married man or woman's body is theirs to do with as they please without consequence.
Ongoing relationship with responsibilities.
I'm not, I'm saying that she has them and that she is acting immorally because of them.
Expecting a traumatized teenage girl to be okay with essentially sharing her home/life partner with a procession of strangers is not really a reasonable ask. Saki is a nice girl with Compassion 3; she's not a saint.
And we actively voted against allowing her edit her own attitudes and intimacies.
And it bears noting that the difference here is that these are refugees at a federal refugee camp, not utter destitutes.
Refugee camps that Taylor and Accord and Dragon helped set up, with all that means for efficiency and amenities.
She's not denying them essential facilities.