Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 24: Xenial Xenos Xerox Xanthous Xiphos

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[X] Taylor's On Vacation, Work With Local Assembly And Read-In Allies First

This is one of the many things friends are for: bouncing ideas off each other before acting unilaterally on big problems. Also, including Armsmaster is a good way to remind each other that there is a video of an extradimensional lifeform associated with a parahuman (being tortured) so this is an opportunity to "draw conclusions" that we already knew.

After that, we can either ask Cauldron how to proceed or take our "conclusions" based on this incident plus Armsmaster's video plus Bonesaw's past work with parahuman brains plus Ciara's insights to Director Uriel and quietly inform Cauldron of what happened while the report is being passed up the chain of command. Hopefully, the end result will be one less explosive secret to pretend we don't know about.

It might even be spun to increase support for the Maker: "Godlike aliens are meddling in human affairs and we have proof that our actual God can counter them!"

I really hope it's Director Uriel we go to second and not Cauldron - it's a sign of allegiance to the "lawful authorities" over the shady conspiracy that we can point to if/when Cauldron is exposed. Also slightly more likely to result in efforts to help the afflicted coming out ahead of utilitarian spin efforts. And if the conspiracy asks why we went to the authorities before them, we can pretend it's because none of the others except Prayer know about the conspiracy and would have expected it.
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To further clarify, the "First" is the big part of the vote here - Cauldron will obviously lean on the PRT quickly, and the Local Assembly group will be involved no matter what, this is just detailing to whom Saki first goes to for helping shape the oncoming narrative. The one outlier here is that Taylor will not be involved (until her vacation actually ends) unless we choose the first option.
Hasn't Director Uriel seen the Broadcast shard/Jack Slash/Vision of Vengeance video that Armsmaster's armor recorded?
Or the highly classified report Taylor wrote explaining precisely what happened there?
Doesn't Chevalier remember seeing Vision pull tentacles out of Jack Slash's head?
[X] Taylor's On Vacation, Work With Local Assembly And Read-In Allies First

As others said, this is what the Assembly is for, and Taylor earned that vacation. Plus I can't wait to see her reaction when everything drops once she returns.
Hmmmmmm sudden shard yanking is usually fatal to the primary parahumans.

Complicating matters is that She's supposedly got several buds running around among the fallen, and a power that makes long term connections.

Depending on how buds work in this story that could have yanked the shards out of the heads of several parahumans, since in some stories they're still physically connected to the primary, and may even be running of it's support infrastructure.

Then there's however much feed back the people merely touched by her power are in for, especially valefor since he's the poor sod providing the actual bridge.
Hmmmmmm sudden shard yanking is usually fatal to the primary parahumans.

Complicating matters is that She's supposedly got several buds running around among the fallen, and a power that makes long term connections.

Depending on how buds work in this story that could have yanked the shards out of the heads of several parahumans, since in some stories they're still physically connected to the primary, and may even be running of it's support infrastructure.

Then there's however much feed back the people merely touched by her power are in for, especially valefor since he's the poor sod providing the actual bridge.
Its WoG (by Grom), that yanking a shard into a sanctum fucks up everyone else who was connected. If Prayer had had any balance formula, Exalting her would have fucled up every Case 53 with Balance.
I fully expect the actual Mama Mathers to be having seizures or in a coma right now, along with most of her buds.
[x]Taylor's On Vacation, Work With Local Assembly And Read-In Allies First

It is at this moment that Sirkalla realizes that Aisha might not be the only troublemaking going on
[ ]Taylor's On Vacation, Work With Local Assembly And Read-In Allies First

I'd vote Uriel, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't win.

[X] Taylor's On Vacation, Work With Director Uriel First

If nothing else, it's a good start on bringing him into the loop. If he thinks he's got headaches now...
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I'd much prefer people to vote for what they want, not just for what they think will win - I don't just look at the winning vote and toss everything else away, but rather use the voting results as a litmus for how much/how strongly people favor different narrative options.
Alas, Gibbard's theorem, proven in 1973, states that for any deterministic process of collective decision, at least one of the following three properties must hold:
  1. The process is dictatorial, i.e. there exists a distinguished agent who can impose the outcome;
  2. The process limits the possible outcomes to two options only;
  3. The process encourages agents to think strategically: once an agent has identified their preferences, they have no action at their disposal that would best defend their opinions in any situation.

Whenever you offer us all equal votes with more than two options, strategic voting will be a concern. Back when we were narrowing our Orichalcum candidates down to two, I changed from my true preference of Armsmaster vs Accord to just Accord because the developing landslide for Ciara meant Accord might be eliminated if Armsmaster got enough votes to come in second, and I wanted Accord to stay a candidate even more than I wanted Ciara to be eliminated as one. Choosing a less-than-most-favored option to avoid a least-favored option winning will always be a thing.
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Not incorrect, as Wildbow has stated
But all other times that the powers are discussed in any meaningful sense especially the powers most frequently called out as being among the most powerful thinker abilities such as PtV, Dinah, Coil, and Ziz the powers are described as being purely simulationist taking advantage of the nearly deterministic nature of Worm-verse.

[X] Taylor's On Vacation, Work With Cauldron First
Uggh reminding me of a stupid fanboy question post from forever ago . . . ironically based on exalt/shard interaction, which is hilariously relevant to this thread. I still remember how sore I was initially over being ignored completely, and then the non-answer afterwards. In hindsight I was being an idiot, but I was high on Flashlight's success at the time.

In any case, vote time:
[X] Taylor's On Vacation, Work With Cauldron First
[X] End Taylor's Vacation, Work With Taylor First