Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane

Pre-Vote Running Tally: Who Are Your Top 3 Choices For Orichalcum?

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And yet it still affected her to the point that she was ready to commit violence against him just prior to our placing her head in the Cradle, IIRC.

While not sure if Accord would be the wisest choice at this point (the XP thing is true admittedly, but still), it is likely that Prayer could be convinced to work with Accord far better than Saki could with Bonesaw.

The message from Gromweld I found earlier made it pretty clear that exaltation would fix most of his psycopathic behaviours. Given that, it would be easy enough for Taylor to basically explain entities and shards, how they influence minds and then blame the shard for most of it, something which Prayer (given her past as Marrow) would be rather sympathetic to. It would not even be a lie, since (unless Gromweld has since changed his mind, it was an old post from 2015 or something?) apparently Accords shard DID fuck him up mentally nearly as badly as hers did physically (in this quest atleast).
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*looks at vote results*
I REALLY didn't want to spend this weekend arguing about yet another vote.
Let alone trying to write an appropriate stunt.

[X]Aisha Laborn(Who) for Moonsilver Caste.
-[X]Stunt: Across from the Alchemicals, Aisha leaned forward, almost vibrating with anticipation."So what you're saying, yeah, is that you want me for James Bond? Or Electra?" Saki covers her mouth as Taylor winces. "Maybe less explosions? More like Veronica Mars...." "Sold! I'll be the best secret agent who ever agented! One question though." She points "I get Saki's disguise power, right?"(60 words)

Because we need a self-directed stealth/infiltrator/investigator specialist to poke her nose in places where Taylor cannot go, and do things that Taylor cannot do.
Aisha fits the bill best of everyone we know at the moment.
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Man, I wanna vote for MM, but I want Vista for Jade because who doesn't want Vista for Jade, and I want Aisha for moonsilver because... augh.

Anyways, I hear you like stunts, so while I agonize, have a Who? stunt. In which we deal with the main barrier between us and Brian.

[]Inquisition stares at the ornate brass notebook like it's a loaded gun. "Look, either get some reasonable context for your Thinker power or just tell me why you're so fucking terrified. We don't have time for this."

I'd say 'not my best work', but I don't think I've ever come up with a stunt at all, so... Kinda blah. But I came up with it pretty well on the spot. :V
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[X] Accord

I'm drawing a blank. Who exactly are you referring to?
Prayer mentioned him in a paragraph a while back. I don't remember his name. Prayer also mentioned that it happened quite a while ago.

Ethereal, the leader of a team of Case 53 heroes
From 7.5
"Well, things certainly picked up while you were away. Saint and the Dragonslayers attacked right when you hit the Cradle, using some kind of Tinkertech weapon to shut down Dragon and steal her suit. They also wiped out nearly all of Accord's gang in the process, so I've been..."

This time, you do not do as well at reigning in your disgust on your features and Administrator trails off as she notices it. You see the question beginning to form on her face, so you decide to answer it before it's asked.

"A team of heroic Case 53s formed in Boston. I was… close… with their leader, Ethereal."

You remember a picnic in the Boston Public Garden. Neither of you needed to eat, but the attempt at normalcy was a private joke between the two of you. Despite the stares your armored prison and his shade-like form drew, it was your first truly peaceful moment as Marrow. That evening was even better, but you shake your head free of the memories before your heartache grows too overwhelming.

"A clash with the Teeth spilled into Accord's territory. There was no proof of his involvement, but the bodies of all involved were found the next morning on the PRT's doorstep."

Administrator is silent for a long while, her eyes drifting off to a point in space beyond you while she considers your words. The conflict flickering across her face is easy for you to read, which his disheartening; it is clear she has found some measure of value in the murderous sociopath, and from what you remember of the exchange near the Brockton Bay Crater he may play a part in her plans in the future. Even worse, his assistance played a critical part in enabling your own conversion - a debt increased even further by the harm that came to him as a result of his aid.

But the salvation of Autochthon is greater than you and past grievances.

Closing your eyes, you take a deep, steadying breath. As you exhale, you attempt to relinquish the tension building in your shoulders, arms, and hands - unclenching your fists and laying your palms flat on your knees again. When you open your eyes again, you see Administrator giving you an apologetic look.

"That was years ago," you begin wearily, cutting off her attempt at consolation, "and I hospitalized him in return. That he put aside our past to aid my conversion means much."

Administrator flinches a bit at your statement, then sighs and shakes her head.

"I'm sorry, Prayer, I didn't know about your history with him. I'll… talk with Dragon, but apparently he's one of the most powerful Thinkers out there. If we do end up using him, well…" she trails off for a moment, before a conspiratorial grin spreads on her face.

"I'm sure you'd love to demonstrate what will happen to him if he steps out of line."

The grin you allow yourself is undoubtedly learned from seeing it every day on Kali's face.

"The blessings of the Great Maker are a wonder to behold."
Big old edit:

I'd vote for someone else, but really, at the moment it's between her and Accord and I'd take her over accord. Plus, if I voted for MM I'd need a stunt to influence her caste/charm loadout instead of a stunt to get Lisa out of the way, so...

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*looks at vote results*
I REALLY didn't want to spend this weekend arguing about yet another vote.
Let alone trying to write an appropriate stunt.

[X]Aisha Laborn(Who) for Moonsilver Caste.

Because we need a self-directed stealth/infiltrator/investigator specialist to poke her nose in places where Taylor cannot go, and do things that Taylor cannot do.
Aisha fits the bill best of everyone we know at the moment.
The argument was inevitable and was hanging over the thread. Imho it's better to get it over with as soon as possible.

Alternatively you can just make your vote and write a stunt and not bother arguing. Aisha is almost certainly going to win.
[X] Hannah Smith (Miss Militia)
Who is OK I guess, but... Aisha's no Miss Militia.
Miss Militia is not really a Moonsilver in the infiltrator mode though.
Her talents lend to either Jade or Ori.

The argument was inevitable and was hanging over the thread. Imho it's better to get it over with as soon as possible.
It didn't have to have to be this weekend of all weekends.

Alternatively you can just make your vote and write a stunt and not bother arguing. Aisha is almost certainly going to win.
2016 has disappointed me multiple times already; I'm not taking anything for granted.
We already have people voting without any idea what Caste they are voting for, just throwing names around.
We already have people voting without any idea what Caste they are voting for, just throwing names around.
You're not wrong.

What we need is stunts. And attached description of what those stunts are trying to accomplish. Probably.

Like, okay, who have we got?

Who: INfiltrator Moonsilver
Accord: Planner Ori
Miss Militia: Fighting Jade? Apparently Ori somehow? I was thinking Adaptable Moonsilver myself maybe
Chevalier: Fighter Jade?

The two top options are pretty straightforward. Would Who be a better infiltrator than Weaver? For planning, would accord be better than, say, Cauldron + Dragon?
Why exactly do people want Who so much, anyway? I haven't been paying that much attention to the great big vote argument since it was very confuse.
Why exactly do people want Who so much, anyway? I haven't been paying that much attention to the great big vote argument since it was very confuse.
1: Because Who's power keeps getting her nearly killed.
2: There are certainly other reasons, but I'm too rushed to think of them. :V
Miss Militia is not really a Moonsilver in the infiltrator mode though.
Her talents lend to either Jade or Ori.

It didn't have to have to be this weekend of all weekends.

2016 has disappointed me multiple times already; I'm not taking anything for granted.
We already have people voting without any idea what Caste they are voting for, just throwing names around.

Because practically everyone participating in the quest knows by now that Aisha = Moonsilver and Accord = Orihalcum.

Why exactly do people want Who so much, anyway? I haven't been paying that much attention to the great big vote argument since it was very confuse.

Because we like her character and want to see more of one of Taylor's adoptive little sisters?
Miss Militia is not really a Moonsilver in the infiltrator mode though.
Her talents lend to either Jade or Ori.

It didn't have to have to be this weekend of all weekends.

2016 has disappointed me multiple times already; I'm not taking anything for granted.
We already have people voting without any idea what Caste they are voting for, just throwing names around.
I'm sorry this weekend in inconvenient for you.

But as much other bad shit happened in 2016, I don't think that the results of a vote in this quest, as fun as it is to read, is nearly as important.

And I was under the impression that we don't choose Caste, Autobot does. I mean we have a very good idea of who will catalyze into which Caste, but it's ultimately not our decision.
But as much other bad shit happened in 2016, I don't think that the results of a vote in this quest, as fun as it is to read, is nearly as important.

And I was under the impression that we don't choose Caste, Autobot does. I mean we have a very good idea of who will catalyze into which Caste, but it's ultimately not our decision.

Probably for those who could arguably fit into multiple Castes. Accord for example would likely fit Ori and only that, no matter the stunt, but Chevalier or MM might fit into multiple castes.
And I was under the impression that we don't choose Caste, Autobot does. I mean we have a very good idea of who will catalyze into which Caste, but it's ultimately not our decision.
It's our choice OOC.
IC Taylor always has a good idea who is going where, when considering personality characteristics with the Caste requirements given by Autobot.
The only Alch she wasn't sure of was Prayer, as the very first one.

There are three open Castes left; Taylor has Vista pencilled down as Jade.
That leaves Ori and Moonsilver.
Of the people on the list, Aisha and Accord are mono-Caste, MM and Chevy are multi-Caste, and Kid Win might not make the cut; if he did, he probably would have been Starmetal. Willow is Moonsilver; whether she fits any other is beyond me.
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Okay, okay. Let me just... calm down a moment, and...

[X]Aisha Laborn(Who) for Moonsilver Caste.
-[x]Across from the Alchemicals, Aisha leaned forward, almost vibrating with anticipation."So what you're saying, yeah, is that you want me for James Bond? Or Electra?" Saki covers her mouth as Taylor winces. "Maybe less explosions? More like Veronica Mars...." "Sold! I'll be the best secret agent who ever agented! One question though." She points "I get Saki's disguise power, right?
[ :V ] Maybe Miss Militia if she suddenly becomes a contender.

Swapping for Uju's stunt because saki social 2stronk
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Fuck it.
Here we go; I want my disco ninja dammit.

Across from the Alchemicals, Aisha leaned forward, almost vibrating with anticipation."So what you're saying, yeah, is that you want me for James Bond? Or Electra?" Saki covers her mouth as Taylor winces. "Maybe less explosions? More like Veronica Mars...." "Sold! I'll be the best secret agent who ever agented! One question though." She points "I get Saki's disguise power, right?"(60 words)
Fuck it.
Here we go; I want my disco ninja dammit.

Across from the Alchemicals, Aisha leaned forward, almost vibrating with anticipation."So what you're saying, yeah, is that you want me for James Bond? Or Electra?" Saki covers her mouth as Taylor winces. "Maybe less explosions? More like Veronica Mars...." "Sold! I'll be the best secret agent who ever agented! One question though." She points "I get Saki's disguise power, right?"(60 words)

Geez leaving out Nancy Drew? (and Kevin McCallister because Aisha could totally pull off some wacky Home Alone stuff). :p
Man, I wanna vote for MM, but I want Vista for Jade because who doesn't want Vista for Jade, and I want Aisha for moonsilver because... augh.

I don't. She is 12 years old. Child soldiers are really disgusting and I'd rather avoid having those in an Assembly.
I don't like Aisha either for at least the same reason, but her Moonsilver bandwagon is even more unstoppable and she is at least slightly older.

Also, I really want more adults in the cast. If Accord has decent chance of win, I probably will tactically vote for him even though I dislike him, because realistically, there is no glorious indomitable Chevalier or token sane teammate MM on the cards.
[]Aisha Laborn(Who) for Moonsilver Caste.
-[]Inquisition stares at the ornate brass notebook in Taylor's hands like it's a loaded gun. Brian and Aisha look on, having sidestepped the confrontation entirely. "Look, either get some reasonable context for your Thinker power or just tell me why you're so fucking terrified. We don't have time for this."

It's a stunt. I guess. It exists. It has nothing to do with Aisha herself. It's about the main block between Taylor and an honest conversation about whether Brian is okay with exalting Aisha: Lisa poisoning the well. Hurray? Whatever. It's a stunt, it exists, if you have a better one or even just a different one, I'd like to see it.

A few issues. First, we don't have IAT (and Loom-Server Migration). So Lisa can't really be in the room with us without experiencing horrible agony from the headache.

Second, not sure what notebook was about? If its us giving all our personal notes to Lisa, then I doubt many would support that idea (nor would it work, since Lisa would just believe it censored).

EDIT: Lisa interaction might work remotely perhaps? Though the shard would still see the real Taylor so dunno. This is something @Gromweld, would have to answer.
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