You do realize that what you outline here isn't really possible in the timeline constraints of the "Exalt Someone" vote that won, right? He can show his "worth" just with a soulgem if need be. I do not want him in a premier storyline position. No.[x] Accord
If we implant him with a soul and see how he acts then, with actual power to combat the influence of his shard, I think that Accord would really be able to show his true worth to us and to Autochthon.
If it does, it will not be happening in this quest. So, until we get a No from her I'm still keeping her as my choice for Jade caste.actually seriously considering holding off on her until a second set of Exaltation (if that ever occurs), because of the myriad issues that come with Exalting her
[x] Accord
If we implant him with a soul and see how he acts then, with actual power to combat the influence of his shard, I think that Accord would really be able to show his true worth to us and to Autochthon.
I'm drawing a blank. Who exactly are you referring to?Accord brutally murdered Prayers best friend/boyfriend. We really need our assembly to work together from the outset we don't need that friction in our team.
Prayer mentioned him in a paragraph a while back. I don't remember his name. Prayer also mentioned that it happened quite a while ago.
And yet it still affected her to the point that she was ready to commit violence against him just prior to our placing her head in the Cradle, IIRC.Prayer mentioned him in a paragraph a while back. I don't remember his name. Prayer also mentioned that it happened quite a while ago.