Dude, the cost of raising those individually would literally buy a Rating 5 Background from scratch.
Yes. Unfortunately, we have no idea when (heck, or even IF) background 5 becomes available. It might eventually, but that might be in thread 30 for all I know. Getting Prayer into a high position NOW is more valuable to me than a minor and boring bump to her intelligence.
Hmm. Also, as a separate sidenote, I just really looked at the thread title for the first time. Where exactly is Who anyway?
She already has Backing 4 PRT.
She is already working the equivalent of two fulltime jobs in the PRT, spending 70 plus hours a week.
Yes I know, which is why I want the top level backing (ignoring N/A equivalents). If It was going from backing 3 to backing 4, I would probably be less interested.
Backing 5 requires a time commitment in excess of 100 hours a week.
There are 168 hours in a 7-day week.
Even with Saki playing drug pusher, Marrow would still need to sleep at least 28 hours every week.
Add feeding and grooming time, and her day is gone.
She might not get the entire lost 30 hours back, but she gets plenty more hours than others who work in Backing 5 (and there are many who do). Whats more, this point is rendered even MORE moot by the comment by Gromweld below (well above) about how we can once again have our cake and eat it too, by manipulating things so that those 100 hours are spent on Assembly related business and such.
Heck, Ally (Legend) is specifically mentioned by Gromweld, and its something I have actually been wanting for some time since Legend is a very powerfull and influental character with generally good ethics, who is not quite as committed to Cauldron as the others, and so could be "converted" more easily to the Autochtonian cause. Finally, we can eventually get Prayer the sleep avoidance charm too if necessary (though I admit that without an act of plot, this is only possible in the far distant).
You may have missed this, but Alexandria is a bachelorette for a reason.
Actually, I think Gromweld said Alexandria basically has backing 5 in both Cauldron AND PRT. Basically, Prayers time would obviously become more limited, but I don't believe she would lose the ability to interact with people entirely. ESPECIALLY if we use other backgrounds to influence things as Gromweld said.
I personally follow this quest/game because it allows a balance between crisis and slice of life for all it's PoV characters.
Fridging Marrow for some nebulous idea of importance irks me.
Fair enough, though I don't really see it as putting her in the fridge. I don't believe Gromweld would just throw her into the bus, but would add new and interesting challenges and narratives that I would enjoy reading. Intelligence 4 seems boring in comparison (sorry). I guess this is one of those things were we disagree.
Furthermore, I urge you to go back and look at Marrow's Intimacies towards the PRT.
It is significantly more complicated than you seem to think.
Except in basically top position (ignoring N/A and such), she is in a far better position to start trying to actually change things. This is especially true with many of the charms Saki has available, which work on organizational level (the Taboo Inflicting Diatribe equivalents). Prayer and the assembly could basically slowly start turning PRT into something thats both better for the world overall and more suited to our goals aswell. Obviously it would be a slow process, but that only means its better to start early.
You may forget, but we just literally gave away three S-class criminals to Cauldron.
You mean the group the "civilian" leader of PRT has backing 5 in, and which Gromweld confirmed could influence PRT, making demotion or such virtually imposible for this act atleast? Not worried about that too much so long as Cauldron is not fully revealed (and if it is, we are screwed anyway since as you say, we did do that. For better or worse, we are tied to Cauldron now).
Um, plastic surgeons are literally a thing in modern society, you know?
You do not need parahuman powers to improve a person's looks, and the idea that a better looking person automatically screams Taylor isn't really a credible argument.
No, but surgery generally has its limits, and I figure reaching App 5 is up there.
Heck, look at the vote options themselves:
[ ] Saki's 'Everyday' Look:
Post-Surgery Saki ("Professionally Pretty," App 4) <- APP 4 = surgery
[ ] Saki's 'Everyday' Look:
Wyld-Touched Saki ("World-Class Beauty," App 5) <- APP 5 = mutated by magic
Taylor disagreed with you enough to spend time scanning everyone she came across for control implants.
Aisha carried an infiltrator bot inside herself into the hospital.
The Philly Phils were controlled and used as killbots. Bonesaw used multiple zombies.
How many of them had suddenly gone from APP 2 to APP 5, making it obvious to anyone with even normal eyes, that they would have undergone radical change? If anything, this kind of obvious change would be foolish for intended infiltrators, since it helps make it clear that somethings up to most, and draws attention even from those who don't realise the massive change. Attention which you don't want, when you can just use control implants and the like.
If your plan is to defend against Acts of Plot, you are missing the point of the quest.
More trying to minimize the
obvious risks that I feel are unnecessary and not worth it.
I would have voted App 7 if both Twins were around.
Simply claimed that they gained powers during the Nine attack that makes them look super-beautiful, and leave it at that.
Eh, Sakura will also have App 7 too when she appears.