(I'm going to have a lot to read through...)
People have brought up the idea of nomming books to absorb knowledge. If it works, anyway.
Has anybody brought up the idea of nomming CDs or USB flash drives? Download a bunch of books and essays onto a USB. Eat the USB. In fact, if nomming USBs work... We could ask to have them filled with all sorts of stuff. With not just textbooks, but actual lessons, tutorials -- or videos.
In fact, we could also fill it up with actual computer programs and code. If it works, we might get a headstart on programming and stuff. Just... just imagine if we could basically *download* things like that...
... Of course, since this seems so helpful and useful, I'm worried it might not actually work that way... But if it did, it'd be awesome. We'd be able to nom USBs with computer code and understand what it is.
... Actually, hell.
Computers. Nom harddrives. They're small enough to be able to fit into our Technomorphic Integration Engine.
Why eat USBs when we can just eat freaking harddrives?
Endodiagnostic Analytical Routines (Perception 4): The Alchemical perfectly understands all properties, powers and other characteristics of any object in the moment of internalizing it. This knowledge remains even after the item is extruded. Through comprehensive empathy algorithms that harmonize with new technology, the Exalt also can internalize objects that lack an owner (claiming instant ownership in the process). Finally, the cumulative difficulty to make a copy, improve a copy or make an improved version of any internalized object via appropriate Craft rolls is halved, rounded up. The example must remain internalized for the entire period of crafting for this benefit to apply.
Also also... What would it take, to get allowance for us to basically go around and temporarily nom Tinker-tech? We learn how to make anything once we eat it once, even if we then take it away. Which means all we have to do is eat a thing once and we're good...
While mundane tech can probably be actually put in Elsewhere storage, because it's just regular stuff and you can just buy or access it, Tinker-tech stuff is... Well. Yeah. I'm not asking to Add ALL The Tinker-tech to our hammerspace bag. I just want to get a scan of them all.
So we'd probably have to get permission -- either from the PRT or the Tinker involved.
But if we get that permission, it would mean that we would probably be able to repair or maintain anything that we internalized. Or, hell, build more -- because we'd understand it.
((On that note, we should probably build a copy, or two, of the Armsdriver. Never know when you're going to want a tool for every occasion but don't want to spend motes on Omnitool Implant and have your hands turn into tools.))
So anyway. Tinker-tech. Go around and get a schematic of every gadget we are allowed to or given access to. Ask the PRT or Tinkers for permission.
Only thing is... Well. I don't know what the procedures for this sort of thing are. Dragon reverse-engineers and repairs all the things. We pretty much can too. Does that mean that the PRT/Protectorate would gladly feed us samples of Tinker-tech, or what?