Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 2: Bullsh*t Magical Robot Girl

Zechstein said:
Question for Gore17: What do we do at time slot 4 (Sunday, 7:30 am to 10:30 am) if we already completed Goals 4(A) and 4(B) on Saturday? Simply sleep in or do all later goals simply move forward one slot?
Crap, knew I was forgetting something. I'll fix that up right now.
veekie said:
Filling in with one of the options which would not have time available for it? *Drone nudge*
Sorry, don't think there's enough time for that. I put in Taylor loading up with food and drink, then going around the PRT, offering snacks and refreshments to everyone, all the while spying on them.

Taylor did it on Friday, but one sweep isn't enough. Who knows, we might get lucky.
Gore17 said:
Sorry, don't think there's enough time for that. I put in Taylor loading up with food and drink, then going around the PRT, offering snacks and refreshments to everyone, all the while spying on them.
Remember that it's the morning, so I'd suggest things like croissants, pastries, bacon sandwiches, freshly made juice, and coffee and tea.
Emphasis on coffee. You give coffee in the morning you have the utter loyalty of any office worker. Especially good coffee. Not joking at all in this. And if it's like any government job, people have to bring their own, or they have a cheap little brewer inside somewhere.
[X] PLAN Gore17
Lost Star said:
Emphasis on coffee. You give coffee in the morning you have the utter loyalty of any office worker. Especially good coffee. Not joking at all in this. And if it's like any government job, people have to bring their own, or they have a cheap little brewer inside somewhere.
I wouldn't underestimate the amount someone who has to work the weekend shift would give for a magically appearing bacon sandwich.

Let's face it, quite a few of them are likely to be hungover.
Alratan said:
I wouldn't underestimate the amount someone who has to work the weekend shift would give for a magically appearing bacon sandwich.

Let's face it, quite a few of them are likely to be hungover.
Adults? Not likely. Especially if some of them are married. Hungover is often for 18-mid twenties. After that weekends are breaks and not partying.
Lost Star said:
Emphasis on coffee. You give coffee in the morning you have the utter loyalty of any office worker. Especially good coffee. Not joking at all in this. And if it's like any government job, people have to bring their own, or they have a cheap little brewer inside somewhere.
I know. Coffee was the first thing I put down for Taylor to make.

Personally, I hate the stuff. And tea, for that matter.
Lost Star said:
Adults? Not likely. Especially if some of them are married. Hungover is often for 18-mid twenties. After that weekends are breaks and not partying.
It does depends on the age profile, I suppose, but what I've seen in my industry is that the drinking is age irrespective. It's just the form that changes.
So what kind of activities will reduce Clarity? Because I really want to contact Autochthon and tap him for knowledge so that we can help him out, but I also don't want raise our Clarity too high. MAX 3-4 when it comes to clarity.
A Nation's Virtue said:
So what kind of activities will reduce Clarity? Because I really want to contact Autochthon and tap him for knowledge so that we can help him out, but I also don't want raise our Clarity too high. MAX 3-4 when it comes to clarity.
Socializing with ordinary people(the cheerleaders or the outcasts in school count, Vista, Kid Win, Armsmaster and Dragon probably don't count), using our virtues to augment actions(Compassion to back up diplomacy,etc).
A Nation's Virtue said:
So what kind of activities will reduce Clarity? Because I really want to contact Autochthon and tap him for knowledge so that we can help him out, but I also don't want raise our Clarity too high. MAX 3-4 when it comes to clarity.
Simply socializing with other humans will do. Between our interactions with the Wards, some of the Protectorate members (ie, Armsmaster) and the school, that's not gonna be all that hard.
veekie said:
Socializing with ordinary people(the cheerleaders or the outcasts in school count, Vista, Kid Win, Armsmaster and Dragon probably don't count), using our virtues to augment actions(Compassion to back up diplomacy,etc).
Kelenas said:
Simply socializing with other humans will do. Between our interactions with the Wards, some of the Protectorate members (ie, Armsmaster) and the school, that's not gonna be all that hard.
Sweet! That's easy enough!
veekie said:
Socializing with ordinary people(the cheerleaders or the outcasts in school count), using our virtues to augment actions(Compassion to back up diplomacy,etc).
Virtue channelling is a good point. We may want to consider how to stunt doing so for some important actions. Compassion for reassuring Danny and working on the nanobots, Conviction/Valor for accepting the costume choice, that kind of thing.
A Nation's Virtue said:
Sweet! That's easy enough!
The effectiveness of socializing is dependent on the Alchemicals Compassion rating, incidentally. Since Taylor has Compassion 3, she has 78.4% chance of losing at least a single dot of Clarity after every meaningful interaction with humans.

She also has the Eidolon background, which allows us to make that roll three times per story, even without human contact.

Finally, whenever an Alchemical channels Willpower through a Virtue for extra dice, they lose a point of Clarity.

Note that this is only effective against temporary Clarity. Alchemicals gain 1 point of permanent Clarity for each point of Essence above 5, and certain Charms grant permanent Clarity as well. The first ones kind-of irreversible, but the second one can be fixed by simply not having the Charms installed.
Alratan said:
Virtue channelling is a good point. We may want to consider how to stunt doing so for some important actions. Compassion for reassuring Danny and working on the nanobots, Conviction/Valor for accepting the costume choice, that kind of thing.
...What? Don't look at me, I'm about to fall asleep here. 'Night.
The default rules of losing Clarity:
Manual of Exalted Power: Alchemicals p.110 said:
Losing Clarity:

Unlike Limit, Clarity does not "break" at 10 points. Gains in excess of this total are simply ignored. As mentioned, permanent Clarity can be lost only by removing the situation that produced it (usually by removing an Exemplar Charm). Temporary Clarity, however, can be removed in two ways.

• Human Contact: At the end of a scene in which the Alchemical meaningfully interacts with normal humans, roll Compassion (applying penalties according to current Clarity). Add one bonus die to this roll if the Alchemical bears an emotional Intimacy toward any of the humans with whom she interacted. If the roll is successful, the Exalt loses one point of temporary Clarity. On a botch, the Alchemical's alienation deepens, and she gains a point of temporary Clarity. Only one point of Clarity may be lost in this manner each day.

• Embracing Virtue: Whenever the Alchemical spends a point of Willpower to channel a Virtue, he loses a point of temporary Clarity.
Houserule: Channeling a Virtue may only allow you to lose one point of Clarity a day if you have not otherwise done so through Human Contact. As a result, only one (1) point of Clarity may be lost every day.
So here's an idea i'm stealing from Leet and Uber.

Simply put Taylor makes a camera drone that films their Cape fights (or cape events) and she posts it online afterwards (of course making sure the video is approved by the PR people) with possibly a commentary from her and the Wards
Vote tally:
##### 3.5
[x] Gideon's Plan: Prep Time and Meditations
No. of votes: 4
gideon020, EnderofWorlds, Peanuckle, Deathwings

[x] Kelenas' Alteration Plan
No. of votes: 3
Kelenas, Jack Folstam, HyperionTW

[X] Blackout's Plan
No. of votes: 1

[x] sun tzu' Plan: The Human Factor
No. of votes: 1
sun tzu

[x] Plan: Veekie + Jinnt
No. of votes: 2
Azure, landcollector

[x] Jinnt's Plan: Ready, Set
No. of votes: 1

[X] Plan Veekie
No. of votes: 6
GamingGeek, XenonPrime, Demonic Spoon, Amorous Intent, wingnut2292, Elero

No. of votes: 9
DragonBard, Daemir Silverstreak, Acaila, Quantumboost, Leliel, Carrnage, uju32, A Nation's Virtue, FallenTemplar86

[X] PLAN Gore17
No. of votes: 24
Odysseus2099, Cheshire, moonrune, Catty Nebulart, Uruloki, Zechstein, ZiPeppe, Cyanios, Ryune, Jinnt, 1986ctcel, veekie, Sinsystems, spudman, dracklor, Alratan, Overmind, sainen, FunkyEntropy, Lilithium, Gore17, NotAlwaysFanfic, RCa, Harish
Thank you for the Tally. +1 XP (to be used after 2.6)

Plan Gore17 wins!
Gore17 said:
[X] Plan Gore17
- Day One: 14.5 hours of work, 1.5 hour safety net and 8 hours of sleep.
- Day Two: 14 hours of work, 2 hour safety net and 8 hours of sleep.

DAY ONE (Saturday)
[X] Goal 1: Ward Preparations. 8 hours; 7:30 am to 3:30 pm
- [x] Stunt: Look through the prototypes, pick the most acceptable style, and bargain with Glenn as necessary; remember to prioritize what's most important to you. Get Missy's advice, then the boys. They're a resource pool of experience about what works in the field; use them. Even if the boys need help keeping their minds on the job, you can always bribe them with the carrot of more food. Or in Clockblocker's case, the threat of spiders.
- [x]: Prioritize putting together a base outfit in the agreed colors/style with integral armor; you're squishy despite being Exalted, so prioritize something you can get approved before you have to assume duties on Monday. Then start working heavier armor/powersuits based on what Kid Win and Armsmaster let you access. Get their help with that.
- [x]: Run through PRT armory for approved weapons; a grenade launcher for containment foam grenades would be nice. Tasers. Kid Win's guns. Whatever they'll let you take and which you can fit inside storage. Also first aid gear, medical supplies, radiation detectors and the like.
- [x]: Contact Glenn, inform him of the choices made, and check for objections. Flight is non-negotiable, and be willing to sacrifice control over aesthetics to allow the weaponry.
- [x]: Study up on PRT files of known supervillains and villain groups and rogues, prioritizing the BB area. Whichever files you can access. Keep an eye out for Lisa's alias, assuming she is publicly active.
- [x]: Begin keeping a diary, specifically of the Lisa events. In cipher, and store it Elsewhere.
- [x]: Cheerleading outfits in spare time. Make Missy something while doing so; it's all female outfits after all, and one more shouldn't hurt. And maybe something for the coach.
- [x] Stunt: Rehearse for your debut. Ask for advice, and contact the Cheerleading club and Outcasts to come to your debut.

[X] Goal 2(A): Protectorate Socialization (Miss Militia). 3 hours; 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
- [x]: Ask advice on Ward presentation; she used to be a Ward herself. And is female.
- [x]: Request tips on speeding up acquisitions/permissions for things like Darwin's Spiders for tougher outfits.
- [x]: Attempt to acquire help with training Firearms skill.

[X] Goal 2(B): If Miss Militia is unavailable, attempt to contact Autochthon. 3 hours; 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
- [x] Stunt: You carve a sculpture made of metal, in the image of the Great Maker as you saw him in your vision, with the iris of the Deus Machine open to face you. Holding it to your chest, it slowly sinks into your body, stored safely within you. Slowly, you let your mind clear of everything but that of the sculpture within your breast, and what it represent, while the sound of gears echoing dimly through your mind.
- [x] Stunt: Your senses expanding, you feel the bubbling and churn of the Essence reservoir inside you. With every breath, you feel it flowing into and out of you, disturbing the shroud that covers you unseen. It's sparks leap and jump across your skin, warm and ethereal. With every beat of your heart, a pulse runs through it, felt by every part of your body. And, perhaps, there is a thread, much like that between you and your servants, stretching far into the distance...
- [x] Stunt: If contact is made, thank him for his blessing, and tell him you are trying to live up to his wish for you to be a hero. Ask him what we can do for him.
- [x] Stunt: Bowing, you tell him of what you have done, what you plan to do, and ask of him important questions. What are the limits and particulars of her powers? What must she need know, and what should she know?

[X] Goal 3(A): Wards Socialization. 3.5 hours; 7:30 pm to 11:00 pm
- [x]: Hang out with the Wards. Even if the exigencies of identification make it difficult to go out without being recognized, make it an evening in.
- [x] Stunt: Make sure to cook for them.

[X] Goal 3(B): If Wards are unavailable, and Goal 2(B) was not completed, attempt to contact Autochthon. 3.5 hours; 7:30 pm to 11:00 pm
- [x] Stunt: You carve a sculpture made of metal, in the image of the Great Maker as you saw him in your vision, with the iris of the Deus Machine open to face you. Holding it to your chest, it slowly sinks into your body, stored safely within you. Slowly, you let your mind clear of everything but that of the sculpture within your breast, and what it represent, while the sound of gears echoing dimly through your mind.
- [x] Stunt: Your senses expanding, you feel the bubbling and churn of the Essence reservoir inside you. With every breath, you feel it flowing into and out of you, disturbing the shroud that covers you unseen. It's sparks leap and jump across your skin, warm and ethereal. With every beat of your heart, a pulse runs through it, felt by every part of your body. And, perhaps, there is a thread, much like that between you and your servants, stretching far into the distance...
- [x] Stunt: If contact is made, thank him for his blessing, and tell him you are trying to live up to his wish for you to be a hero. Ask him what we can do for him.
- [x] Stunt: Bowing, you tell him of what you have done, what you plan to do, and ask of him important questions. What are the limits and particulars of her powers? What must she need know, and what should she know?

[X]Goal 3(C): If we've already contacted Autochthon, and the Wards are unavailable, visit Danny. 3 hours; 7:30 pm to 11:00 pm
- [x]: Talk to his lawyer about his case; assure yourself that the guy is working in your father's best interests, given Lisa's warning.
- [x] Stunt: Inform Kid Win you'll be taking backing Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade. Use it to get up to date with the progress of our father's case. Tell Dragon that you don't want her to break any confidences, but we'd like to know what the status is.
- [x] Stunt: Visit him/call him, whichever you can. Reassure him about how you are doing, and find out how he is; if Lisa is telling the truth, you want to keep tabs on his condition, even if he wasn't your father.
- [x]: Spend a point of Willpower to channel Compassion while reassuring him.
- [x] Stunt: Try to arrange to call our father every day. If need be, tell Piggot that you'd be much less stressed about the big reveal and press conference if you've had chance to speak to him first. Try to arrange taking some of your own 'home' cooking to him (volunteering to give it to the techs to check).

DAY TWO(Sunday)
[X] Goal 4(A): If we didn't yesterday, visit Danny. 3 hours; 7:30 am to 10:30 am
- [x]: Talk to his lawyer about his case; assure yourself that the guy is working in your father's best interests, given Lisa's warning.
- [x] Stunt: Use Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade to get up to date with the progress of our father's case. Tell Dragon that you don't want her to break any confidences, but we'd like to know what the status is.
- [x] Stunt: Visit him/call him, whichever you can. Reassure him about how you are doing, and find out how he is; if Lisa is telling the truth, you want to keep tabs on his condition, even if he wasn't your father.
- [x]: Spend a point of Willpower to channel Compassion while reassuring him.
- [x] Stunt: Try to arrange to call our father every day. If need be, tell Piggot that you'd be much less stressed about the big reveal and press conference if you've had chance to speak to him first. Try to arrange taking some of your own 'home' cooking to him (volunteering to give it to the techs to check).

[X] Goal 4(B): If we visited/contacted Danny yesterday, attempt to contact Autochthon. 3 hours; 7:30 am to 10:30 am
- [x] Stunt: You carve a sculpture made of metal, in the image of the Great Maker as you saw him in your vision, with the iris of the Deus Machine open to face you. Holding it to your chest, it slowly sinks into your body, stored safely within you. Slowly, you let your mind clear of everything but that of the sculpture within your breast, and what it represent, while the sound of gears echoing dimly through your mind.
- [X] Stunt: Your senses expanding, you feel the bubbling and churn of the Essence reservoir inside you. With every breath, you feel it flowing into and out of you, disturbing the shroud that covers you unseen. It's sparks leap and jump across your skin, warm and ethereal. With every beat of your heart, a pulse runs through it, felt by every part of your body. And, perhaps, there is a thread, much like that between you and your servants, stretching far into the distance...
- [X] Stunt: If contact is made, thank him for his blessing, and tell him you are trying to live up to his wish for you to be a hero. Ask him what we can do for him.
- [X] Stunt: Bowing, you tell him of what you have done, what you plan to do, and ask of him important questions. What are the limits and particulars of her powers? What must she need know, and what should she know?

[X] Goal 4(C): If we've already meet with Danny and Autochthon, reconnaissance is the name of the game. 3 hours; 7:30 am to 10:30 am
- [x] Stunt: Entering the kitchen, you activate Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade, and begin work on cooking and preparing a variety of snacks. Sandwiches of all kinds, perhaps some sushi if you have the ingredients, croissants and a few other pastries if you have the ingredients, some toast and some salads. You also brew some coffee and tea, make some fresh juice if you have enough fruit, or some from the fridges if you don't.
- [x] Stunt: Loading everything up, you begin to go throughout the building, offering the snacks to anyone you meet, and placing trays of food in easily accessible locations with any cutlery, napkins and plates you've managed to acquire. All the while, you utilize your Optical Enhancement and Shard of the Perfect Administrator to subtly observe and analyze everyone you meet or pass, and what they're doing. You haven't forgotten the potential threat that Lisa warned you about

[X] Goal 5(A): If contact with Autochthon was not made, or if he didn't tell us his limitations, it's time for testing. 5.5 hours; 11:00 am to 4:30 pm
- [x] Stunt: Absorbing tools and technology allows you the ability to understand and duplicate them. To what else does it apply? Medical, psychology and legal textbooks/case files? Lecture videos on DVD? What of computers and smartphones? Does absorbing them give you access to the stored information? Can you operate a cellphone from Elsewhere? Three lives are in immediate danger including your own, you need all the edge you can get. And knowledge is power.
- [x]: When Dragon arrives for the Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade test, see if she'll be willing/available to help you with further testing.
- [x]: Does the use of external parahuman powers leave energy traces? Can you see them? Dragoon Missy if she's free for a demo.
- [x]: Can you extend invisibility to people you are touching? If so, what's the limit? If attacking breaks your invisibility, what counts as an attack? Speech? Dropping a grenade at your feet instead of theirs? Accidental shots? What of locking a door against intrusion? Getting in someone's way? Explore the limits.

[X] Goal 5(B): If we've discovered the limitations and quirks of our powers thanks to Autochthon, it's time for TINKERING! 5.5 hours; 11:00 am to 4:30 pm
- [x] Stunt: Activate Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade, if we haven't already.
- [x] Stunt: Get to work on the idea that Kid Win mooted, to create mini attack drones incorporating his stunning weaponry and anti-grav that can be operated through insect pilots. Try to make at least four as proof of concept, but more is naturally better.
- [x]: Each drone is to have three basic weapons, a high intensity flashlight, one of Kid Win's electric charge-packet stun guns and a dart launcher, to be loaded with PRT approved tranquilizers afterwards.
- [x]: Prepare each drone with mounts for detachable decorative panels for the outer casing. We'd go with highly visible polished metal panels for PR reasons, but have the drone underneath be in camouflage friendly colors in case of emergencies.
- [x] Stunt: When Dragon shows up for the test, show her what we've been working on, ask for her opinion, and any help she could provide.
- [x]: Duplicate Kid Win's wingsuit design with spidersilk, customized to our costume design. If Kid Win hadn't managed to get his suit approved yet, leave out the antigrav for now but keep a socket for the unit. We'd need a bit of practice if we want to avoid plowing into a wall like he did anyway.
- [x] Stunt: Incorporate a support frame for pocket-space drone docks. Remember to test the interactions of pocket-space storage with the Technomorphic Integration Engine to avoid potentially embarassing interactions. Build it so that the fabric can be easily replaced for when we get the new spiders.

[X] Goal 6(A): Protectorate Socialization (Armsmaster). 3.5 hours; 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm
- [x] Stunt: Help optimise the nanobots. Suggest starting on insects you control - if the nanites don't preserve their brain properly you should be able to tell when the Shard of Perfect Administration stops working on them, and you can use Diagnostic Overlay to track any gross physical effects the nanites have. it may also be worth trying to internalise a container with an insect injected with the nanites inside.
- [x] Stunt: If experiments with books work, point out that you could learn Medicine if they get you the textbooks. So if they could get the reading list of a medical student>doctor>neurologist>neurological surgeon/researcher, you could get far along enough to help optimize Armsmaster's nanobots to save brain function.
- [x]: Ask to see the database of human behavior which Armsmaster used to program his lie detector works, assuming you know he has one. Perhaps you can integrate one into your suit, or simply internalize the knowledge.

[X] Goal 6(B): If Armsmaster is unavailable, and we didn't spend time with her yesterday, spend time with Miss Militia. 3.5 hours; 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm
- [x]: Ask advice on Ward presentation; she used to be a Ward herself. And is female.
- [x]: Request tips on speeding up acquisitions/permissions for things like Darwin's Spiders for tougher outfits.
- [x]: Attempt to acquire help with training Firearms skill.

[X] Goal 6(C): If Armsmaster is unavailable, and we spent time with Miss Militia yesterday, but didn't spend time with the Wards, or if we didn't spend time with Miss Militia, but she's unavailable, spend time with the Wards now. 3.5 hours; 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm
- [x]: Hang out with the Wards. Even if the exigencies of identification make it difficult to go out without being recognized, make it an evening in.
- [x] Stunt: Make sure to cook for them.

[X] Goal 6(E): If all the above is unavailable, and we have not contacted Autochthon yet, attempt to. 3.5 hours; 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm
- [x] Stunt: You carve a sculpture made of metal, in the image of the Great Maker as you saw him in your vision, with the iris of the Deus Machine open to face you. Holding it to your chest, it slowly sinks into your body, stored safely within you. Slowly, you let your mind clear of everything but that of the sculpture within your breast, and what it represent, while the sound of gears echoing dimly through your mind.
- [x] Stunt: Your senses expanding, you feel the bubbling and churn of the Essence reservoir inside you. With every breath, you feel it flowing into and out of you, disturbing the shroud that covers you unseen. It's sparks leap and jump across your skin, warm and ethereal. With every beat of your heart, a pulse runs through it, felt by every part of your body. And, perhaps, there is a thread, much like that between you and your servants, stretching far into the distance...
- [x] Stunt: If contact is made, thank him for his blessing, and tell him you are trying to live up to his wish for you to be a hero. Ask him what we can do for him.
- [x] Stunt: Give him an update of what we've been doing. Ask if we missed anything in our testing, and of the strange emptiness inside of everything.
- [x] Stunt: Humbly ask if there's anything we should or need to know.

[X] Goal 6(F): If all of the above is unavailable, it's time for self-study. 3.5 hours; 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm
- [x] Stunt: All the books. All of them. If it is of even tangential relationship to your interests, absorb it, read it, and add it to your collection. Parahuman case law, PRT procedures, human medicine, behavioral psychology, arthropod physiology and distribution, you name it. If it has a book, acquire, absorb and assimilate the knowledge.

[X] Goal 7(A): If we haven't attempted to contact Autochthon yet, we do so now. 2 hours; 9:00 pm to 11 pm
- [x] Stunt: You carve a sculpture made of metal, in the image of the Great Maker as you saw him in your vision, with the iris of the Deus Machine open to face you. Holding it to your chest, it slowly sinks into your body, stored safely within you. Slowly, you let your mind clear of everything but that of the sculpture within your breast, and what it represent, while the sound of gears echoing dimly through your mind.
- [x] Stunt: Your senses expanding, you feel the bubbling and churn of the Essence reservoir inside you. With every breath, you feel it flowing into and out of you, disturbing the shroud that covers you unseen. It's sparks leap and jump across your skin, warm and ethereal. With every beat of your heart, a pulse runs through it, felt by every part of your body. And, perhaps, there is a thread, much like that between you and your servants, stretching far into the distance...
- [x] Stunt: If contact is made, thank him for his blessing, and tell him you are trying to live up to his wish for you to be a hero. Ask him what we can do for him.
- [x] Stunt: Give him an update of what we've been doing. Ask if we missed anything in our testing, and of the strange emptiness inside of everything.
- [x] Stunt: Humbly ask if there's anything we should or need to know.

[X] Goal 7(B): If we've made contact with Autochthon already, and haven't done any self-studying, do so now. 2 hours; 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm
- [x] Stunt: All the books. All of them. If it is of even tangential relationship to your interests, absorb it, read it, and add it to your collection. Parahuman case law, PRT procedures, human medicine, behavioral psychology, arthropod physiology and distribution, you name it. If it has a book, acquire, absorb and assimilate the knowledge.

[X] Goal 7(C): If we have already contacted Autochthon, and have already done some self-studying, it's time for relaxation. 2 hours; 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm
- [x] Stunt: Have a nice hot bath or shower, put on some comfortable clothes, and curl up in bed or on a couch with a good book.
- [x] Stunt: Let all the stress flow out. The World(s) can wait: this is me time.


Occult x1: 4XP