Worm, a fantastic web serial, is owned by Wildbow. This quest will spoil a great deal - if not all - of the story, so if you haven't finished it already... go read it now! (Unless you don't care about spoilers, that is.)
Exalted, a delightful RPG system, is owned by White Wolf and CCP Games. Support the game by picking up a few PDFs on Drive-Thru RPG, would ya?
NAME: Enduring Order Administrator ALIASES: Taylor Anne Hebert (Human-form Name), Weaver (Cape Name) EXALTATION: Alchemical CASTE: Soulsteel ICONIC ANIMA: A towering Design Weaver (mecha-spider) puppeteering over a darkened world, framed by an infinite-fractal web of blue and black lightning. MOTIVATION: Win the Endbringer War ESSENCE:●●●○○ ATTRIBUTES: (Points in Red are from Augmentation Charms) - CASTE:
Ally (Accord) ●○○○○ Ally (Dragon) ●●●○○ Ally (Parian) ●○○○○ Backing (PRT) ●●●○○ Connections (PRT) ●●○○○ Eidolon/Past Lives ●●●○○ Equipment (Bezalel's Insect Drones) ●○○○○ [x12] Equipment (Tranquilizer Wasps) ●○○○○ [x 50] Equipment (Weaver Spiders) ●○○○○ [x 100] Equipment (Shearing Ants) ●○○○○ [x 25] Equipment (Spy Flies) ●○○○○ [x 200] Equipment (Dragonsuit Mk. XXVII) ●●○○○ Equipment (First Armor) ●●●○○ Equipment (Orange Drones) ●●○○○ [Protected x 1][Total x 1] Equipment (WCM's Hover Throne) ●●●○○ Familiar (Iris of Innovation) N/A Mentor (Autochthon) ●●●●● Reputation (Beautiful) ●●●●● "If we're going to make this new Iliad movie, we need convince Weaver to play Helen of Troy. The studios won't settle for anyone else." Reputation (Fashion Mogul) ●●○○○ "Did you see those shots on Versace's website? I hear Weaver might even have her own clothing line soon!" Reputation (Master Chef) ●○○○○ "I saw some rumors that Weaver's a goddess at cooking, too. Didn't she cook on that road trip to Philly?" Reputation (Ward) ●●●●● "Recruitment for Wards are already up 30% this month, and every one of them mentioned Weaver inspired them to stand up for what's right!" Resources ●●○○○
*Ally (Wyld) ●●○○○ *Equipment (Tranquilizer Wasps) ●○○○○ *Equipment (Weaver Spiders) ●○○○○ *Equipment (Shearing Ants) ●○○○○ *Equipment (Spy Flies) ●○○○○ *Reputation (Master Chef) ●●○○○ "Wasn't that the Ward a bunch of shows on the Cooking Channel were talking about the other day?"
INTIMACIES: RED Intimacies have not been fully-established yet, and are not used for bonuses/negatives.
GREY Intimacies yield the normal bonuses/negatives until fully eroded.
Sleep: Rested
Mental Integrity: Oh Maker What Is That Smell
Wounds: None
Ailments: None
NAME: First Prayer of Perfection ALIASES: Sirkalla Abeni Afolayan (Human-form Name), Marrow (Old Cape Name), Vajra (New Cape Name), Abeni Afolayan (PRT-Given Name) EXALTATION: Alchemical CASTE: Adamant ICONIC ANIMA: A crystalline moon, hovering over a darkened horizon and surrounded by an ever-shifting grid of stars. MOTIVATION: Prove worthy of the new life you have been given. ESSENCE:●●●○○ ATTRIBUTES: (Points in Red are from Augmentation Charms) - CASTE:
INTIMACIES: RED Intimacies have not been fully-established yet, and are not used for bonuses/negatives.
GREY Intimacies yield the normal bonuses/negatives until fully eroded.
Innocents (Protective Empathy) ●●●
Enemies of Case 53s (Barely-Restrained Fury) ●●●
Bladedancer/Kali (Love) ●●●
Chevalier/Robert (Affection) ●●●
Enduring Order Administrator (Familial Devotion) ●●●
Loom/Eliza (Righteous Condemnation) ●●●
Philadelphia Protectorate (Loyalty) ●●●
PRT (Strained Loyalty) ●●● Jack Slash (Divine Wrath) ●○○
Own Hair (Constant Adoration) ●○○
Strider/Kyo (Respect) ●○○
Willow (Sympathetic Respect) ●○○
Valor ●●●○○
Conviction ●●●○○
Compassion ●●●○○
Temperance ●●●●○
Temporary: ●●●●○ ○○○○○ (-1 to non-Intimidate social rolls)
Permanent: ○○○○○ ○○○○○
NAME: Iris of Innovation ALIASES: Eye of Autochthon, Second Fetich Soul of Autochthon, The Black Eye, Mrs. Bearing MOTIVATION: Prove to everyone that you are the ultimate creation of the Great Maker, Autochthon. ESSENCE: Lots ATTRIBUTES:
ABILITIES: Lots, though most are unusable by a featureless sphere. SPIRIT CHARMS: Powers that work on a scale of "larger than a castle" and go up from there. BACKGROUNDS:
Autochthon (Paternal Exasperation/Concern) ●●●●
The Core (Jealousy/Pity) ●●●●
Autochthonians (Approval) ●●●●
Enduring Order Administrator (Familial Exasperation) ●●●●
Compassion ●●○○○
Conviction ●●●●○
Temperance ●○○○○
Valor ●●●●●
Temporary: ●●●●● ●●●●●
Permanent: ●●●●● ●●●●●
Respiration: Whoops
Available: Nope
Sleep: Inefficient
Mental Integrity: NULL
Wounds: Never
Ailments: Being A Sphere
The Eye of Autochthon was renowned through Creation as the most powerful magic item known, for the Primordial Autochthon itself created it. Through the Eye, mortals could tap a tiny fraction of a power older than the world or gods or time itself - if they dared.
The Eye of Autochthon's natural form looks like an immense black pearl, so large that a hero might strain to wrap his arms around it. Its ebon luster draws the eye into limitless depths of dark radiance, a void that could birth worlds. While no force - human, natural or divine - could so much as scratch the Eye's surface, in Creation's First Age some unknown agency clamped the great globe into a tight-fitting nest of three gimbaled rings so that the Eye could turn freely in all directions. These rings are gone now, instead having been replaced by a mechanism-laden 'sheath' detailed to look like the world-body of Autochthon himself - including its ability to shift and reshape itself into a massive, mechanical eye.
No one since the First Age has owned the Eye long enough to fathom all it's mysteries. Before the fall of Creation, the sages of the Immaculate Order knew at least this much: the mere presence of the Eye quells all disturbances of land, sea, air and Essence for a league around it. The earth does not quake. Storms and waves calm. The Wyld itself subsides and stabilizes. Fair Folk wither and die in minutes if they enter the Eye's zone of power. The few trustworthy accounts of the Eye also tell of other powers that the Eye granted to owners who could weave the threads of Essence, with all sharing one common thread: while the power of the Eye is unmatched, so too are the disasters it leaves in its wake.
Six centuries ago, the sorcerer Bagrash Köl used the Eye to wrest a demense from the northern Wyld. He built a citadel so tall that its towers need gates to let the moon pass through, and enslaved thousands of peasants and barbarians to populate his kingdom. Five years later, dozens of terror-maddened men and women appeared in the northern Threshold kingdoms. They said that Bragrash Köl's kingdom had met a strange and nameless doom. Many sought the kingdom of Bagrash Köl in hopes of looting his treasures, but no one ever found his citadel - or if they did, they never returned.
Five centuries ago, the Grand Satrap Manosque Viridian found the Eye and sought to usurp the Empress. Through Lord Viridian's command of the Eye, the Manses of power that defend the Realm shut down, denying their use to the Empress and their legitimate owners. The legions of House Manosque were only three days' march from the Imperial capital when the day darkened to blackest night and - so the survivors said - Lord Viridian and half his army fell into the sky. The Empress subsequently killed every remaining member of House Manosque, even though they were of her own blood. She did not obtain the Eye, though.
Two centuries ago, the Eye turned up in the hands of the Southlands prophet Ikerre, who proclaimed a crusade against all the forces of chaos. Ikerre's cult of Autochthon decimated the Fair Folk of the south and cleansed two shadowlands. When the Imperial legions came to wrest the eye from Ikerre, however, they found the prophet and her caravan entirely turned to crystal - but not a trace of the Eye.
The reasons for the Eye's troubled past are explained by its most recent appearance on Earth-Bet: the Eye of Autochthon is, and always has been, sapient. Even more troubling, it has been revealed (by itself) to be the second Fetich Soul of Autochthon. Now possessing a method by which to communicate, it refers to itself as the Iris of Innovation - its previous name the result of a failed translation by the Solar who first discovered it.
CURRENT UNSPENT EXPERIENCE: Assembly XP may be spent on any character.
Enduring Order Administrator: 1 XP
First Prayer of Perfection: 2 XP
Assembly: 16 XP
Enduring Order Administrator: 364 XP
First Prayer of Perfection: 43 XP
- 3 XP - Willpower ●●●●● ●●●○○ (2.2)
- 3 XP - Compassion ●●●○○ (2.2)
- 4 XP - Presence ●●○○○ (2.2)
- 2 XP - Craft (Air) (2.2)
- 2 XP - Craft (Fire) (2.2)
- 4 XP - Lore ●●●●○ (2.2)
- 3 XP - Backing (PRT) ●○○○○ (2.3)
- 4 XP - Bureaucracy ●○○○○ (2.4)
- 3 XP - Backing (PRT) ●●○○○ (2.5)
- 4 XP - Occult ●●○○○ (2.6)
- 4 XP - Awareness ●●●●○ (3.1)
- 2 XP - Awareness (Swarms ●○○) (3.1)
- 4 XP - War ●●●●○ (3.1)
- 2 XP - War (Swarms ●○○) (3.1)
- 3 XP - Willpower ●●●●● ●●●●○ (3.1)
- 3 XP - Willpower ●●●●● ●●●●● (3.1) [NOW AT MAX]
- 17 XP - Familiar (Eye of Autochthon) ●●●●●(N/A) (3.3)
- 4 XP - Craft ●●●○○ (3.3)
- 2 XP - Craft (Water) ●●●○○ (3.3)
- 4 XP - Socialize ●○○○○ (3.4)
- 4 XP - Presence ●●●○○ (3.4)
- 4 XP - Linguistics (English) ●○○○○ (3.5)
- 3 XP - Temperance ●●○○○ (3.6)
- 3 XP - Connections (PRT) ●○○○○ (3.6)
- 2 XP - Craft (Swarms ●○○) (3.7)
- 2 XP - Awareness (Swarms ●●○) (3.7)
- 4 XP - War ●●●●● (4.1) [NOW AT MAX]
- 9 XP - Reputation (Ward) ●●●○○ (4.1)
- 4 XP - Awareness ●●●●● (4.1) [NOW AT MAX]
- 2 XP - Presence (Swarms ●○○) (4.1)
- 2 XP - Lore (Parahumans ●○○) (4.1)
- 2 XP - War (Swarms ●●○) (4.3)
- 2 XP - Lore (Parahumans ●●○) (4.3)
- 2 XP - Athletics (Power Armor ●○○) (4.3)
- 4 XP - Dodge ●○○○○ (4.4)
- 2 XP - Awareness (Swarms ●●●) (4.4) [NOW AT MAX]
- 4 XP - Athletics ●●●●○ (4.4)
- 4 XP - Occult ●●●○○ (4.4)
- 2 XP - War (Swarms ●●●) (4.4) [NOW AT MAX]
- 2 XP - Presence (Swarms ●●○) (4.5)
- 4 XP - Investigation ●●●●○ (4.5)
- 2 XP - War (Parahumans ●○○) (4.5)
- 2 XP - Lore (Endbringers ●○○) (4.5)
- 4 XP - Lore ●●●●● (4.5) [NOW AT MAX]
- 2 XP - Athletics (Power Armor ●●○) (4.5)
- 4 XP - Presence ●●●●○ (4.6)
- 2 XP - Investigation (Swarms ●○○) (4.6)
- 2 XP - Investigation (Swarms ●●○) (4.7)
- 4 XP - Reputation (Ward) ●●●●○ (5.1)
- 2 XP - Socialize (Swarms ●○○) (5.1)
- 3 XP - Resources ●○○○○ (5.1)
- 2 XP - Occult (Autochthon ●○○) (5.2)
- 2 XP - Survival (Swarms ●○○) (5.2)
- 3 XP - Connections (PRT) ●●○○○ (5.2)
- 4 XP - Integrity ●●●●○ (5.2)
- 2 XP - Investigation (Online Research ●○○) (5.3)
- 9 XP - Reputation (Beautiful) ●●●○○ (5.3)
- 4 XP - Socialize ●●○○○ (5.5)
- 3 XP - Backing (PRT) ●●●○○ (5.5)
- 4 XP - Bureaucracy ●●○○○ (5.6)
- 4 XP - Craft ●●●●○ (5.6)
- 4 XP - Medicine ●○○○○ (5.6)
- 4 XP - Performance ●○○○○ (5.7)
- 2 XP - Integrity (Mental Trauma ●○○) (5.7)
- 4 XP - Reputation (Ward) ●●●●● (6.2) [NOW AT MAX]
- 4 XP - Reputation (Beautiful) ●●●●○ (6.2)
- 4 XP - Dodge ●●○○○ (6.3)
- 4 XP - Presence ●●●●● (6.4) [NOW AT MAX]
- 6 XP - Ally (Dragon) ●●○○○ (6.5)
- 3 XP - Ally (Dragon) ●●●○○ (6.6)
- 2 XP - Investigation (Reading People ●○○) (6.6)
- 2 XP - Occult (Souls ●○○) (6.6)
- 3 BP - Intelligence ●●●●○ (6.6) [LEFTOVER FROM CHARACTER CREATION]
- 3 XP - Ally (Parian) ●○○○○ (6.7)
- 4 XP - Investigation ●●●●● (6.7)
- 3 XP - Resources ●●○○○ (6.7)
- 4 XP - Bureaucracy ●●●○○ (7.1)
- 4 XP - Performance ●●○○○ (7.1)
- 3 XP - Ally (Accord) ●○○○○ (7.1)
- 4 XP - Linguistics (Computer) ●●○○○ (7.1)
- 4 XP - Stealth ●○○○○ (7.1)
- 4 XP - Occult ●●●●○ (7.2)
- 4 XP - Socialize ●●●○○ (7.2)
- 2 XP - Linguistics (Specialty: American English) (7.2)
- 2 XP - Craft (Replication ●○○) (7.3)
- 2 XP - Lore (Autochthonia ●○○) (7.3)
- 2 XP - Investigation (Online Research ●●○) (7.3)
- 4 XP - Craft ●●●●● (7.4)
- 2 XP - Investigation (Swarms ●●●) (7.4)
- 6 XP - Reputation (Fashion Mogul) ●●○○○ (7.4)
- 4 XP - Reputation (Beautiful) ●●●●● (7.4)
- 2 XP - Medicine (Diagnostics ●○○) (7.4)
- 2 XP - Bureaucracy (Materiel Invoices ●○○) (7.4)
- 2 XP - Craft (Swarms ●●○) (7.4)
- 2 XP - Dodge (Overwhelming Opponents ●○○) (7.4)
- 2 XP - Performance (Teaching ●○○) (7.5)
- 3 XP - Reputation (Master Chef) ●○○○○ (7.5)
- 6 XP - Artifact (Dragonsuit) ●●○○○ (7.7)
- 2 XP - Lore (Artificial Intelligence ●○○) (7.7)
- 4 XP - Dodge ●●●○○ (8.1)
- 4 XP - Medicine ●●○○○ (8.1)
- 2 XP - War (Parahumans ●●○) (8.1)
- 2 XP - Presence (Swarms ●●●) (8.1)
- 3 XP - Equipment (Bezalel's Insect Drones) ●○○○○ (8.1)
- 2 XP - Craft (Drones ●○○) (8.1)
- 2 XP - Archery/Firearms (Sniping ●○○) (8.1)
- 6 XP - Equipment (Orange Drones) ●●○○○ (8.2)
- 6 XP - Dexterity ●●●○○ (8.2)
- 4 XP - Athletics ●●●●● (8.2)
- 4 XP - Linguistics (English) ●●○○○ (7.1)
- 16 XP - Stealth ●●●●○ (7.1)
- 13 XP - Resources ●●●●○ (7.5)
- 2 XP - Craft (Shards ●○○) (7.7)
- 4 XP - Occult ●○○○○ (7.7)
- 4 XP - Craft ●○○○○ (8.1)
Traits of 1-5 are 'Mortal' in capability.
- Trait 0 - Completely Awful/Unskilled, makes common and easily avoidable mistakes. Mortals suffer the Unskilled Penalty (-2 dice)
- Trait 1 - Novice/Below Average. Knows the most basic of basics.
- Trait 2 - Human Average. The gifted amateur or the niche talent resides here.
- Trait 3 - Professional. You use this skill in your career or daily life.
- Trait 4 - Reputable. You are the master in which others flock to for apprenticeships. Traditions are established under your tutelage and prowess. You are known within your field.
- Trait 5 - Peak Human Capacity/Skill. You are known in your field as one of the best there is at what you do. You are known outside of your field as the one of the best.
Scale: In Creation (where Exalted powers originated), trait ratings at 4 are rare, while ratings of 5 are almost unheard of and meant to be exceptions. As a Fictional Earth example: Helen of Troy was Appearance 5, and there was only one of woman as beautiful as she known throughout the whole region.
Cities in Creation are 10,000 people, maybe upwards of 20,000+ with exceptions like Nexus and the Imperial City being 100,000 or more.
Earth-Bet, however, is vastly more connected due to the Internet, International Television, Magazines, etc.; while Traits at 4/5 aren't more common, they're just more exposed by media and reputation.
Allies are your character's close friends and trusted companions. Unlike followers, allies are never extras. Most are either Exalted (of any type), small gods, Fair Folk or other magical beings that are typically at least as powerful as one of the Terrestrial Exalted. Alternatively, they might be exotic beings such as intelligent animals, or exceptionally skilled and powerful mortals such as the masterful thaumaturges, wealthy nobles, crime lords, or Guild factors. Characters don't have to buy the Allies Background to represent the rest of their circle - allies are always Storyteller characters. Also, allies are independent people with their own lives and goals. If your character asks for aid but does not provide any in return, her allies will soon desert her. Allies do what they can to help your character, but they won't risk their lives for any but the most important causes - possibly, not even then. Allies asking for help can make for fun roleplaying.
Trait Effects:
Each dot in this background typically represents one ally approximately equal in power to a starting character. More powerful allies require higher ratings. Depending upon both her score in this Background and the power of the allies, your character can have between one and five allies.
There is no limit to the number of points of Allies purchasable, so multiple Allies with levels of three or higher can be possessed. Additionally, the rating of an Ally is not necessarily their true power rating, but rather how much power they are willing to lend to your cause - earning more favor with an Ally can result in being able to increase their rating as they grow more willing to put their weight behind you.
Your character is an important member of an organization, such as a government, an army, the Guild, or a powerful organized crime syndicate such as the Lintha Family. The higher your character's Backing, the higher her rank is in this organization. At your Storyteller's discretion, you may take Backing multiple times for rank in different organizations. However, if your character has a high Backing, she is likely to be responsible for decisions involving great numbers of people and resources. And if she neglects her duties she can expect demotion - or worse.
Trait Effects:
●○○○○ - Your character is a lower officer or a minor functionary.
●●○○○ - Your character is a mid-level officer, the head of a small department or some similarly intermediate position.
●●●○○ - Your character is moderately powerful and has many people working under her.
●●●●○ - Your character is extremely powerful and typically is only one or two rungs down from the people in charge of her organization.
●●●●● - Your character is one of the leaders of her organization, a general or admiral, a Guild Factor, one of the Lintha Family's fathers or mothers, et cetera.
Backing is taken for each specific organization. For example, since Taylor is a Junior Ward she qualifies for Backing (PRT) 2. Should she eventually reach full Ward status, she could get to rank 3. Protectorate membership allows for rank 4, with rank 5 only for regional Protectorate leaders (what Armsmaster and Miss Militia are right now).
Both the Realm and Lookshy are complex societies, with well-developed webs of institutions, cliques, foundations and social clubs. The ability to use those webs for one's personal benefit is a powerful one. Characters with connections can guide society in the direction they wish it to move and grow, protecting their assets or gaining special favors. Such ability also requires a serious investment of time and resources, though. Therefore, Dragon-Blooded must focus their attentions on certain areas of influence in order to fully manipulate any of the Realm's labyrinthine social structures. Each area of influence (detailed below) is essentially a separate Background. A character can develop Connections (Military) 4, Connections (Gens Maheka) 2, Connections (Scavenger Lands Outlaws) 2 and Connections (Intelligence) 2, or Connections (House of Bells) 5, Connections (Military) 3 and Connections (Intelligence) 2, for example. Connections are direction (North, South, East, West, Blessed Isle) specific, as few have webs of influence far-reaching enough to cover all of Creation. Like many social Backgrounds, connections are a two-way street. Characters with ties to the House of Bells, for example, might be asked to provide detailed accounts of unique battles or to sit a term as guest lecturers on some topic in which they are well versed. Failing to reciprocate when asked for favors or information can result in this Background degrading or being lost altogether.
Note that this Background serves the same function as both the Contacts and Influence Backgrounds in the main Exalted rulebook.
Trait Effects:
○○○○○ (None) - You lack any ties to the group in question.
●○○○○ - You possess at least one major contact (and a handful of minor ones) in the group and are moderately influential on the local level.
●●○○○ - Two major contacts and several minor ones within your area of influence, giving you a great deal of pull in your city.
●●●○○ - Three major contacts and a large number of minor ones, making you a person of importance within your region.
●●●●○ - Five major contacts and a horde of lesser ones. You are one of the most influential people in the region.
●●●●● - You know all of the major power players in your area of influence, and more importantly, they not only know who you are, but listen to you as well.
As further detailed in the Dragon-Blooded manual, Connections is purchased for a specific 'Area of Influence', which are usually discreet organizations but can also be general groups or fields. Example Connections are the PRT, Academics, Finance, Medical, Media, Gesellschaft, Supervillains, Rogues, Superheroes, etc.
For some Alchemicals, memory-echoes of more than simply past heroism endure into their present incarnation. They remember quiet moments spent with friends and lovers, the tedium of daily labor or other defining moments of their previous lives as heroic mortals. Moreover, such Alchemicals can learn to immerse themselves in these memories, reliving the experience of wearing mortal skin and living a mortal life. An Alchemical with this Background draws on her brightest and strongest memories from her past lives to simulate the effects of a meaningful scene of human contact (see "Losing Clarity," p. 110), with the same mechanical benefits, a number of times per story equal to her rating in this Background.
Trait Effects:
○○○○○ (None) - Either your character retains no special connection to her previous lives, or she has embraced the machine wholeheartedly.
●○○○○ - If she strains, your character can remember the faces of a few past lovers.
●●○○○ - With a bit of effort, your character can match names to the faces of some of her friends and children from previous incarnations.
●●●○○ - Incidents in daily Autochthonian life often remind your character of quiet moments in her former lives.
●●●●○ - When she sleeps, your character relives memories from centuries ago as often as any other sort of dream, and usually with great vividness.
●●●●● - Your character has almost complete recall of several of her most notable incarnations and remembers significant emotional moments from most others.
Autochthon has improved upon the technique he used to forge soulgems for his first eight champions, allowing for Alchemicals from Earth-Bet to have perfect memory of their lives with only three points in the Eidolon background. More points of the background may be purchased later, allowing for more uses in a week to stave off Clarity, but no further memory improvements will be gained.
The only fully organic creatures in Autochthonia are humans, rats, and roaches. This lack of biological diversity does not prevent the Alchemical Exalted from obtaining loyal pets and companions, however. The Divine Ministers and their subgods frequently reward service to the greater harmony of Autochthonia with access to this Background. A Champion with such authorization may use a formal prayer-requisition to ask for a familiar to be issued to him, and given time, the mechanical wilderness of the Reaches responds. An Alchemical may have only one familiar at a time. If his current familiar is slain, or if he formally releases it from his service, then he may requisition a replacement after 25 hours have passed. Familiars may be requisitioned from anywhere in Autochthonia or Creation, though it takes appreciably longer for a summoned companion to reach a character in Creation.
The Alchemical's player is able to define the parameters of his character's familiar, up to the limitations of his rating in the Background. The Exalt may share one of his familiar's senses whenever it is within (the Alchemical's Essence x 10) yards. The familiar has an unerring instinct that tells it which direction its master is relative to itself at all times, and it is perfectly loyal to the Exalt, following his every command to the best of its abilities.
Trait Effects:
○○○○○ (None) - Either your character has no desire for companionship or he has performed no feats to impress the spirits of Autochthonia.
●○○○○ - Your character may requisition a minor mechanical servant, the artificial equivalent of a bird or squirrel. This servant can perform one useful function and possesses Intelligence no greater than ●. It is most likely incapable of any form of communication other than clicks and beeps (treat as a tribal dialect). Such a familiar arrives within an hour of being requisitioned.
●●○○○ - Your character's summoned construct is either smarter (Intelligence ●●) and capable of rudimentary communication in Autochthonic, or it's larger and more dangerous, roughly equivalent to a guard dog. Intelligent servants have two unique, useful functions, while combat servants possess one. The familiar arrives within three hours.
●●●○○ - Your character may requisition a companion up to his own size. Smaller, more intelligent familiars may have Intelligence as high as ●●●, with up to three useful abilities. Larger constructs possess one useful ability but might be either large enough to act as steeds or as fierce in combat as a great cat. The familiar appears within a day of the Exalt's summons.
●●●●○ - All constructs at this level possess at least Intelligence ●● and may begin mixing functions. Steeds may be as combat-capable as a simhata, for example, or might possess Intelligence ●●● and be capable of telepathic communication with the Exalt within sense-sharing range. Dedicated utility familiars are likely to possess a wide array of useful skills, while dedicated travel companions possess at least one exotic mode of travel. (Flight, amphibious mobility and wall-running are common examples.) Combat familiars are clockwork nightmares of armor and articulated blades. A servant of this quality must be custom-built for the Exalt and requires a week to arrive.
●●●●● - Your character may requisition a unique Essence 3 mechanical god, complete with an array of custom abilities and Charms. Complete rules for building such a being from the ground up may be found in The Books of Sorcery, Vol. IV—The Roll of Glorious Divinity I. Such a wonder of divine artifice takes up to a month to appear.
The Iris of Innovation, as a Familiar of N/A rank, comes with its own set of rules.
- Iris in Elsewhere: Normal respiration
- Iris (Focused Form), within SoPA* range: Respiration reduced by 1, to 3/hour. Stunts regain normal amounts of essence.
- Iris (Focused Form), outside SoPA range: Respiration reduced by 2, to 2/hour. Stunts regain half their normal amounts of essence.
- Iris (True Form), within SoPA range: Respiration stopped, essence drained by 1/minute starting from Peripheral essence. If no essence can be drained, Willpower is instead drained by 1/minute. Stunts only regain Willpower.
- Iris (True Form), outside SoPA range: Respiration stopped, essence drained by 5/minute starting from Peripheral essence, and Willpower is also drained by 1/minute. Stunts no longer regain essence or Willpower.
NOTE: If no essence or Willpower can be drained, the Familiar bond temporarily breaks and Iris becomes inert. The Familiar bond can be re-established by moving Iris into range of SoPA and allowing him to instantly drain at least 10 motes of essence or 1 Willpower.
*SoPA = Shard of Perfect Administration charm
In time, almost every Exalt becomes famous. The Background reflects your character's pull and status in society and her political power. This status could derive from political office, being an entertainer, a religious figure, or openly living as one of the Chosen. Regardless of reasons, people pay attention to her words and deeds. Influence can be used to garner favors from others, to promote a personal agenda in public, or just to bask in the glow of fame. This Background doesn't cover formal rank in any organization - that's Backing.
Trait Effects:
●○○○○ - You have some local fame in your town or in one district of a metropolis.
●●○○○ - Your character is well-known in her home city-state or satrapy.
●●●○○ - Your character's fame and power have spread even to neighboring states. The Dragon-Blooded know of her.
●●●●○ - Your character's words carry great weight throughout much of an entire quarter of Creation, and she might rule a town or small city. The Wyld Hunt will soon arrive to destroy her.
●●●●● - Your character rules an entire nation or has great pull in several. The Realm will soon gather armies to annihilate her.
This background is effectively "Fame", and conveys a more broad sense of power and authority than is given by a position in any specific organization. Alexandria, for instance, has Influence 5 not just because she's in the Protectorate but because of her power and deeds.
Although most Chosen meet their new life without a guide, your character found one. This mentor is a patron, a teacher, a defender, and a friend. Yet although she always acts in what she sees as your character's best interests, your mentor expects your character to obey her (or at least to listen to her). Your character is your mentor's student, ward, or apprentice, not her equal. However, this relationship need not be without conflict, and it can be the subject of much in-depth roleplaying.
A mentor can be one of the Exalted, an important prince or Guild Factor, or even a god or one of the Fair Folk. In addition to providing advice and assistance, your mentor may also teach Abilities, Charms, and possible even sorcery. Occasionally, she might also save your character from some dire fate. Characters who require such aid too often annoy their mentors and will be discipline for overly-reckless behavior.
Trait Effects:
●○○○○ - Your character's mentor is just a bit more worldly and wise than your character.
●●○○○ - Your character's mentor is a figure of some note or an exceedingly important individual who has little time for your character.
●●●○○ - Your character's mentor is wise, influential, and is considerably more powerful than your character.
●●●●○ - Your character's mentor is an exceedingly important individual whose words and deeds can shape the course of nations.
●●●●● - Your character's mentor is exceedingly powerful, and he takes a great interest in your character's welfare. However, he expects both obeisance and greatness from your character, and he likely has powerful enemies who might attack you to get to him.
Autochthon, the Primordial Great Maker, has chosen you to be the first of his new Champions in this strange new universe. He is extremely limited in how he can aid you directly due to Plot-related issues, but the attention and aid of a Primordial is certain to aid you in reshaping this universe to rescue him from mortality. He may also have enemies of his own...
Dragon-Blooded society is tightly knit, even incestuous—especially among the Dynasty—with news and gossip traveling at lightning speed. As a result, a character's notable exploits that she doesn't take pains to conceal will soon become well known by both her peers and the Dynasty, if not the Realm as a whole. This reputation can be positive or negative (or even both at once), and it affects the way others view your character. In situations the Storyteller deems it appropriate, a character may add her Reputation rating to her dice pool when making social rolls. In situations where the reputation is a liability, the character subtracts an equal number of dice.
It is important for the player and the Storyteller to work together to create as much detail as possible for the character's Reputation, as these details influence how and when the Background comes into play. If a character has a reputation for bedding every Dragon-Blood in the city, that reputation might help get him invited to important social gatherings, but it's not going to help him during negotiations to buy a sailing ship. A general with a reputation for offering fair treatment to foes who surrender without a fight will find it easier to negotiate the surrender of opposing forces, especially if she also has a reputation for merciless brutality against any who dare stand against her. A reputation need not necessarily be true. A coward might luck into becoming known as a war hero, while a shady swindler could have the reputation as the most honest merchant in the city.
Trait Effects:
○○○○○ (None) - You have yet to make a name for yourself.
●○○○○ - You're well known in your set. (City)
●●○○○ - Your name is bandied about in your part of the Dynasty. (State)
●●●○○ - Everyone in the Dynasty knows well your legend. (Region)
●●●●○ - Tales of your exploits have spread across the Realm. (Country)
●●●●● - Your legend has preceded you even to the far corners of the Threshold. (World)
Due to the Internet/social media, popular TV, magazines, and newspapers, the world of Earth-Bet is even more connected than the Dynasty-controlled Realm. Reputation is taken individually for something noteworthy about yourself, such as being a Ward, your peak-of-human-capability Beauty, or (should it ever be discovered) your existence as an Alchemical Exalt...
Resources are valuable goods whose disposition your character controls. These assets may be actual cash, but as this Background increases, they're more likely to be investments, property, or earning capital of some sort — land, industrial assets, stocks and bonds, commercial inventories, criminal infrastructure, contraband, even taxes or tithes. Remember that vampires don't need to arrange for any food except blood and their actual needs (as opposed to wants) for shelter are very easily accommodated. Resources for vampires go mostly to pay for luxuries and the associated expenses of developing and maintaining Status, Influence, and other Backgrounds. A character with no dots in Resources may have enough clothing and supplies to get by, or she may be destitute and squatting in a refrigerator box under an overpass.
You receive a basic allowance each month based on your rating, so be certain to detail exactly where this money comes from, be it a job, trust fund or dividends. (Storytellers, decide for your locality and any relevant time period what an appropriate amount of cash this monthly allowance is.) After all, a Kindred's fortune may well run out over the course of the chronicle, depending on how well he maintains it. You can also sell your less liquid resources if you need the cash, but this can take weeks or even months, depending on what exactly you're trying to sell. Art buyers don't just pop out of the woodwork, after all.
Players may purchase Resources for their characters with pooled Background points.
Trait Effects:
●○○○○ - Sufficient. You can maintain a typical residence in the style of the working class with stability, even if spending sprees come seldom.
●●○○○ - Moderate. You can display yourself as a member in good standing of the middle class, with the occasional gift and indulgence seemly for a person of even higher station. You can maintain a servant or hire specific help as necessary. A fraction of your resources are available in cash, readily portable property (like jewelry or furniture), and other valuables (such as a car or modest home) that let you maintain a standard of living at the one-dot level wherever you happen to be, for up to six months.
●●●○○ - Comfortable. You are a prominent and established member of your community, with land and an owned dwelling, and you have a reputation that lets you draw on credit at very generous terms. You likely have more tied up in equity and property than you do in ready cash. You can maintain a one-dot quality of existence wherever you are without difficulty, for as long as you choose.
●●●●○ - Wealthy. You rarely touch cash, as most of your assets exist in tangible forms that are themselves more valuable and stable than paper money. You hold more wealth than many of your local peers (if they can be called such a thing). When earning your Resources doesn't enjoy your usual degree of attention, you can maintain a three-dot existence for up to a year, and a two-dot existence indefinitely.
●●●●● - Extremely Wealthy. You are the model to which others strive to achieve, at least in the popular mind. Television shows, magazine spreads, and gossip websites speculate about your clothing, the appointments of your numerous homes, and the luxury of your modes of transportation. You have vast and widely distributed assets, perhaps tied to the fates of nations, each with huge staffs and connections to every level of society through a region. You travel with a minimum of three-dot comforts, more with a little effort. Corporations and governments sometimes come to you to buy into stocks or bond programs.
Taylor isn't a Vampire, so that clearly doesn't apply, and we don't have Pooled Backgrounds (a Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition mechanic). For our purposes, the PRT-provided salary, living spaces, and Tinker resources are covered by the Backing background, so Resources covers any financials and materials outside of what the PRT provides... which means this represents assets/funds the PRT does not control or oversee.
While the designs for the Chosen of Autochthon were drawn up before any other Exalted, no Alchemicals were actually created until after the Great Maker exiled himself from Creation. As such, the Great Curse of the Neverborn never fell on them. Instead, the Alchemical Exalted must deal with a trait known as Clarity. Not a curse as such, Clarity is an intrinsic design element of Alchemicals. Formed of a human soul and an artificial body, each Alchemical is held in suspended tension between his intrinsic humanity and the cold logic of the machine. Clarity is the measure of this balance.
Clarity is a draining of human imperfection and the ascension of precise, calculating logic. It is not sociopathy. Regardless of his Clarity, an Alchemical retains his essential Motivation and those Intimacies that manage to survive the streamlining of his priorities that results from an increase of Clarity. The logic so cherished by high-Clarity Alchemicals is a means, not an end in and of itself.
A Clarified Exalt intent on improving working conditions for the Populat in his nation will continue to pursue that goal. He simply begins regarding those on whose behalf he labors as bundles of safety/morale statistics to be improved, rather than people. A high-Clarity military commander will spend the lives of his soldiers without hesitation, but only after carefully calculating cost against benefit. Squandering valuable resources is senseless. A Clarified medic allocates supplies in such a way as to save the greatest possible number of lives. Upon deeming a patient beyond aid, he calmly administers euthanasia so that body and soulgem may be recycled and reallocates resources to those patients who can be cured. His bedside manner suffers, but the goal of treating the sick remains.
Where reward is productive, a clarified Alchemical applies it. If punishment best brings the Exalt closer to his goals, he dispenses it dispassionately. Should violence prove necessary, the Alchemical resorts to it without hesitation, but only to the degree circumstances require. Sadism, carnage and excess of any sort are wasteful and inefficient. Clarity abhors inefficiency.
There are two kinds of Clarity: permanent and temporary points. Permanent points of Clarity cannot be removed as long as the conditions that produced them remain in place. Temporary Clarity fluctuates according to behavior and situation. Characters may gain Clarity in the following ways: • Transhuman Essence: Alchemicals gain one point of permanent Clarity for each dot of Essence they possess over five. • Suppressing Virtues: Whenever an Alchemical spends a point of Willpower to suppress a Virtue he possesses at 3+, he gains a point of temporary Clarity. Alchemicals may automatically fail any Virtue roll without paying Willpower by accepting two points of Clarity instead. • Forsaking Humanity: Alchemicals gain a point of temporary Clarity after spending a full week without meaningful, nonviolent human contact of any kind. Other Alchemical Exalted do not count as humans for this purpose. • Charms: Charms with the Exemplar keyword bestow permanent Clarity while they are installed. Some Charms grant temporary Clarity when they are invoked, as well. See Chapter Five for more details.
Unlike Limit, Clarity does not "break" at 10 points. Gains in excess of this total are simply ignored. As mentioned, permanent Clarity can be lost only by removing the situation that produced it (usually by removing an Exemplar Charm). Temporary Clarity, however, can be removed in two ways. • Human Contact: At the end of a scene in which the Alchemical meaningfully interacts with normal humans, roll Compassion (applying penalties according to current Clarity). Add one bonus die to this roll if the Alchemical bears an emotional Intimacy toward any of the humans with whom she interacted. If the roll is successful, the Exalt loses one point of temporary Clarity. On a botch, the Alchemical's alienation deepens, and she gains a point of temporary Clarity. Only one point of Clarity may be lost in this manner each day. • Embracing Virtue: Whenever the Alchemical spends a point of Willpower to channel a Virtue, he loses a point of temporary Clarity.
Rising Clarity erodes an Alchemical's ability to empathize with humans, even as it attunes her to the alien logical processes of her Primordial patron and his component souls. This is a gradual process with several recognizable stages, each with its associated benefits and drawbacks.
0–2: The Alchemical's thought processes and behavior seem as ordinary and human as her traits would indicate.
3–4: The Exalt grows notably colder, though not inhumanly so. She seems faintly impatient with and disdainful toward mortal failings. In general, she has less time for people. All social rolls not pertaining to intimidation suffer a -1 internal penalty, unless the Alchemical is interacting with an Autochthonian spirit, automaton or Alchemical of equal or greater Clarity. In those instances, the Exalt enjoys a +1 situational bonus die. Compassion rolls suffer a -1 internal penalty. The senselessness of broad emotional commitments becomes obvious at this level of Clarity, restricting the Alchemical's available range of Intimacies. She may not retain emotional Intimacies toward broad social groups (as opposed to narrow ones—the Delzahn, children or the inhabitants of a certain city would be purged, while the National Tripartite Assembly of Yugash, the Council of Entities or the character's assembly would not). Intimacies toward groups that directly support her Motivation or are of regular material benefit or hindrance to the Alchemical remain unaffected.
5–7: The Alchemical's movements and speech become clipped and laconic for greater efficiency. She no longer pities mortals for their imperfections, correctly recognizing pity as a waste of cognitive function. In short, she is notably inhuman. Emotional needs are taken into account only for motivational purposes. Mistakes meet with prompt chastisement and punishment if possible, or the prompt filing of disciplinary reports with the defective mortal's superiors otherwise. The thrum and boom of distant gears sometimes impresses itself on the Alchemical in her dreams. All bonuses and penalties from the previous stage double at this level. The Alchemical may no longer sustain emotional Intimacies to broad social groups at all. Such Intimacies may remain only if they are valued for strategic import alone. Antagonistic Intimacies at this level of Clarity may be sustained only if the subject of the Intimacy is a serious, ongoing threat to the Alchemical or her goals. Emotional Intimacies of friendship may be retained only if this friendship is of material benefit to the Alchemical.
8–9: The Exalt has progressed beyond humanity, able to look back on it as a necessary but regrettably imperfect phase of her evolution. When absolutely necessary, she can present a façade of polite courtesy to facilitate expedient interaction with less enlightened minds. Her dreams are full of the crystalline hum of the Machine God's logic processes, and this stream of autonomic data sometimes impresses itself on her waking mind. Internal penalties and bonuses rise to three dice, and the Exalt gains a situational bonus die to all Mental Attribute or Temperance rolls involving memory, analytical deduction or dispassionate self-control. The Alchemical may now retain emotional Intimacies of friendship only if such ties directly support her Motivation. Intimacies based on love disappear at this range of Clarity unless the relationship is of material benefit to the Alchemical.
10: The Alchemical's voice carries occasional undertones of multilayered harmony, indicating her perfect synchronization with the Design of Autochthon. Her eyes are glassy, amorally regarding the world as an array of pure variables swirling around the goals she has set for herself. Humans receive no more consideration or priority in such calculations than any other piece of data. Social penalties and bonuses rise to four dice, while mental bonuses rise to three dice. All Compassion rolls made for the Exalt automatically fail. The Alchemical may sustain no emotional Intimacies at all. Groups, objects, nations and individuals are valued only for their utility in fulfilling the Exalt's Motivation. Grand Autocrat Kerok of Yugash might be retained as an Intimacy, for example, but only because he is an unusually effective leader and policy maker, and extraordinary measures should thus be taken to see that he is preserved.
The primordial Autochthon's first attempt at converting an Entity's shard into an essence-based mechanical spirit, the former Administrator shard was an overwhelming success in almost all of the right ways. As the shard itself counted as the 'tool' of another master, Autochthon - in his dream-fugue - was stymied by his own theme of Innovation and Creation; only through completely re- and over-designing the shard into an entirely new being could the weakened primordial apply his remaining might to the task.
The resulting charm is wholly unique, unreproducible, and likely cannot be uninstalled without mentally crippling its wielder. While the charm is active by default, it requires an expenditure of [(1+Clarity)/2, round up] points of Willpower to deactivate. Furthermore, every 24 hours (or the first time it is enabled in a 24-hour period) the charm generates a point of temporary Clarity. At Clarity 5, the charm's mental influence over the wielder grows, instilling an additional -1 internal penalty to all social rolls that do not involve administration, but yields a +1 to all Mental Attribute or Conviction rolls that do. These penalties/bonuses double at Clarity 8 and triple at Clarity 10. Finally, should the charm be disabled for an extended period of time, a Temperance check will randomly occur every [Willpower - Clarity] hours to keep it off - this check can be ignored by spending a point of Willpower.
The primary effects of the charm, however, are considered worth the trouble: Perfect control over, and understanding of, all non-sapient insectoid and invertebrate creatures within a radius of [Essence x 300] feet. The number of subjects within range of the charm does not decrease its effectiveness, as the wielder gains sufficient multi-tasking abilities to handle every subject of the charm as if each subject's body were the wielder's own.
Should there be sufficient subjects condensed in an area, 'swarm' attacks (Speed 6, damage varies) may be used through a [Wits + War] roll - these attacks do not incur a Flurry penalty. In addition, ranged attacks against targets sufficiently surrounded by charm subjects automatically gain a full Aim bonus without the need of a separate, prior action.
(Similar to this armor, but more 'regal' and with longer silken-armor skirt. Sadly, no cape.)
Armor vs Normal Attacks: 10 (+1 w/ AMU) Armor vs Energy Attacks: 17 (+1 w/ AMU, +5 w/ HES) Mobility: -1 Strength Min: 1 Battery: 150 Hours (Recharge/Repair 25 hours takes one FULL hour of Technomorphic Integration Engine) Other Bonuses: Flight (AGM), +2 Dodge DV (AES), +2 to rolls for interfacing with technology (DCS), +2 Awareness (TPMG), Perfect lie detection against visibly-human targets (TPMG), +2 dice to attacks and defenses in one-on-one combat against opponents without exotic powers (TPMG)
Advanced Materials Upgrade v11.13a
Through use of Tinker-designed materials, layers of advanced polymers and fibers are applied on top of the existing armor to enhance Armor by +2 . Electromagnetic seals to reinforce the armor's joints can be activated upon command (reflexive, enable/disable once per tick) at the cost of one hour of battery life per minute, but yield another +1 to Armor while enabled.
Anti-Gravity Manipulators v2.03c
Two modes, reflexively toggled: Tactical Flight (15yards/second normal, 25yards/tick dash), Transit Flight (30yards/tick normal [60mph], 40yards/tick dash [80mph]). Transit Flight requires a Dex+Athletics roll for quick changes in direction. Every hour (round up) spent flying in Tactical Flight counts as two hours for purposes of Recharge/Repair time, where Transit Flight counts as three hours.
Assisted Evasion System v1.22a
Various tiny antigravity modules dot the armour. When enabled (reflexive, enable/disable once per tick), the system reads the bodily movements of the wearer and exaggerates them by briefly firing the appropriate antigravity modules. This results in a 'jinking' movement that increases Dodge DV by +2, but drains an hour of battery power per minute active.
Distributed Computer System v5.54d
A suite of signal monitoring and transmission systems spread out across the entire suit collect and process data to feed into the suit's distributed operating system. Through this system, the wearer is able to detect and interface with all forms of broadcast communications, as well interface with physical ports through use of extending plugs, granting the user +2 on rolls involving wireless communications and computer systems. Nearby suits equipped with both Distributed Computer System and Tactical Prediction Model Generator may coordinate against a single target to gain attack and defense bonuses as if the combat was still one-on-one.
Hazardous Environment System v6.44h
A series of insulating materials, reflective surfaces, and coolant systems designed to protect the wearer against exposure to environmental hazards. The suit gains +7 Armor against all energy-based damage, such as extreme heat, cold, electricity, and radiation. Additionally, the suit can reflexively vent its coolant to give an additional +5 armor against a single energy-based damage roll; this also hits everyone within 5 yards of the wearer with boiling hot coolant (2L) and reduces the armor bonus to +4 until the coolant systems are repaired.
Tactical Prediction Model Generator v.08b
+2 Awareness, +3 successes for detecting lie attempts (against visibly-human targets), +2 dice to all attacks and defenses in one-on-one combat against opponents without exotic powers.
(Like this, but with thicker arms, taller back, wood-colored, and with white cushions.)
A collaborative Toybox commission by the villainess WCM that cost her several millions of dollars, it nonetheless served her well for four years as a mobile command center for the various supervillian and mercenary groups she teamed up with to run heists and other jobs. Maintenance and recharging the power plant made it harder costlier to use over time, however, to the point where she recently commissioned a more reliable set of power armor from Toybox to use instead - a commission that will likely go unfilled after her death in Brockton Bay at the hands of Behemoth.
The throne itself looks more like something you'd see on the front deck of a mansion in the deep-south United States, and in a way it is; the chair was originally part of an entire furniture set from WCM's family mansion in Georgia, but when her family fell on hard times and was forced to sell she managed to keep her favorite chair for personal use. When WCM first struck it big as a supervillain, she shipped the chair to Toybox and had them build her a 'throne' inside of it.
At first glance, the Hover Throne appears to be a high-backed wicker recliner with comfortable white padding along the seat and back, but careful inspection reveals that the chair's 'hollow' parts are instead brimming with Tinkertech gadgetry. The left armrest folds up to reveal projectors for three hard-light keyboards and nine monitors - the keyboards went mostly unused by WCM due to her technopath-like power, but were installed as a backup should she ever run into a power-negator. The cluster of computers and servers in the Hover Throne are high-end Tinkertech, complete with several high-band antennas to hook into radio and wireless signals, and retractable cords with universal adapters - the combination allowing for physical and wireless connections to nearly any computer system. Mechanically, this provides a +2 bonus to Lore rolls with the relevant downloaded libraries, +2 bonus to Investigation rolls with an Internet connection, and a +2 bonus to War rolls for the purpose of battlefield coordination if a team's communications are linked to the device.
Beyond its computing and tactical capabilities as a command center, the right armrest contains a dispenser for a programmable replicator, which feeds from a two-foot-cube tank accessible from the back of the chair. New items can be programmed into the replicator by placing it in the fuel tank, though WCM herself only had several types of tea (sweet and normal), a version of her heirloom tea set, and pastries programmed into the device.
Though the Hover Throne has no direct offensive capabilities built-in, a bubble-like shield can be charged up and erected around the chair. The hazy blue forcefield can reflect errant small arms fire with ease, but sustained, direct assaults can drain the shield quickly. Recharging the shield's capacitor takes 60 seconds if the Hover Throne is in flight, or 30 seconds if it is resting.
The Hover Throne, as the name implies, is capable of independent flight and hovering. It is not especially maneuverable in tight spaces, but can navigate building interiors if the driver is careful enough. It's usual maximum speed is 15 miles per hour (7 yards per tick), while an 'extended flight' mode can be engaged to propel it at 30 miles per hour (15 yards per tick) though this mode imparts a -2 external penalty to combat maneuvers.
As a collaborative Tinker effort, it is considerably more prone to failure, however, and the antimatter reactor that powers it requires fuel only provided by Toybox - both factors that made WCM eventually recently deem it too costly to use due to her dwindling funds. Repairs cost anywhere from a month's expenditure of Resources 2 to Resources 5, and a full refueling costs a month's expenditure of Resources 5.
Speed: 15/30mph Maneuverability: +1R (Technology/Lore 2, Drive/Ride 1) (Uses Wits+Drive/Ride) Endurance: 1ft-diameter antimatter power plant that degrades to uselessness after 150 hours of use. Maintenance required after 30 hours of use, with every 1 hour after that disabling a random feature of the Hover Throne. Crew: 1/1 Cargo: Built-in extended-space compartment on right side of chair, 3ft wide / 3ft tall / 6ft deep, with a maximum load of one ton. Shield: 6L/6B, can withstand 10 health levels of damage before recharging Armor: 6L/6B Health Levels: Undamaged x 5/ Minor Damage x10 / Critical Damage x3 / Inoperative x 2 / Destroyed Weapons: None normally. Other Notes: Moving at double-speed drains the power plant at a rate of 1 hour/minute. Restoring the shield consumes 5 hours of charge.
Relevant Philadelphia Information:
- Civilian Population: 900,000
- Parahuman Population (Officially): 10 Protectorate, 5 Wards, 91 Supervillains, 65 Unaffiliated Heroes, 9 Rogues
- Parahuman Population (Effective): 10 Protectorate, 5 Wards, 102 Supervillains, 67 Unaffiliated Heroes, 9 Rogues
- PRT Offices: PRT Headquarters/Downtown, PRT North, PRT Northeast, Protectorate Island
- Philadelphia's PRT usually counts Camden's non-PRT parahuman population in its numbers, as it does most of the work there. Cherry Hill and the other Camden County cities pitch in when available (which isn't often).
Relevant Camden Information:
- Civilian Population: 52,000
- PRT Offices: Camden PRT Headquarters
- Parahuman Population (Officially): 3 Protectorate, 0 Wards, 11 Supervillains, 2 Unaffiliated Heroes, 0 Rogues
- Many of Philadelphia's Gangs claim territory in Camden, but the parahumans don't live there.
- Somehow worse than Brockton Bay: over 40% of the population is under the poverty line, gangs rule the streets, and the most of the city is condemned.
Elsewhere Scrapyard:
[X] It's Raining Drones: Extrude some/most/all of the drones for the other Tinkers to use. (Stunt dictate what drones are extruded, can suggest Tinker or mundane projects.)
- [x] Stunt: The matter replicator of WCM's hoverthrone hums merrily in the background as you direct support staff to their assigned Tinkers. Dragon and Armsmaster are hunched over a large workbench discussing vulnerabilities in the drone AI, Chris focusing on utilizing them as modular dimensional disturbance detector/comm relays. Smoke accompanies Strider's arrival, another set of teleportation and bomb jammers.
On the First Day of Slaughter:
[X] Rest for the Weary: Sleep for 8 hours, getting rid of all sleep deprivation penalties.
- [x] Stunt: You compose yourself as Amelia works upon your fleshly form. As she finally looks up from concentration, you pass her the information on Bonesaw's work gathered during the fight, "You seem much better, can I have your opinion on dealing with these?" You continue as she reads, "And inform your worried teammates. The past only matters for anticipating the future."
[X] Getting To Know You: Sit down and chat with someone, one-on-one. This takes 2 hours. (Can be selected multiple times, Stunt dictates with whom we speak.)
- [x] Stunt: "Inquisition…" You allow her a moment as she is lost in the coffee/decaf (your own brew) delivered with the stack of documents by her assistant "We must be prepared for tomorrow, make sure things are running smoothly here. But I also require your input in determining and establishing alternate rally locations before we both rest."
[X] Getting To Know You (2nd Vote): Sit down and chat with someone, one-on-one. This takes 2 hours. (Can be selected multiple times, Stunt dictates with whom we speak.)
- [x] Stunt: You hiss in pain as Wyld molds another wasp. "Alright," she says confidently, "I modified the venom so it serves as a potent tranquilizer, it should also have the proper redundancies to combat Bonesaw." You can feel the changes. Better. Faster. Stronger. Your smile is not a nice one. "They're wonderful. Have you considered applying your talents towards enhancing humans?"
Free Actions:
[X] Free Action: You artfully manage to avoid stumbling as you land outside the PRTs Emergency Response Center. A disturbingly chipper woman is there to greet you, "Hi there, Weaver! I'm Lt. Kelly and I'm your assigned LNO." LNO? Uriel, you magnificent… "Kelly, first thing is make sure that these key individuals have the support staff and minders they need." "Right away."
[X] Free Action: "Ready to begin? Would you like me to put you under or…" "One sec." It takes mere moments to retrieve your IEU activations from Armsmaster, Inquisition, Strider, and the others; you nod in satisfaction as they wearily retreat to the snug embrace of their beds. Except Colin. He needs a motivational nip from one of your wasps to get moving.
XP Expenditures:
[X] EOA - 6 XP - Equipment (Orange Drones) ●●○○○
[X] EOA - 6 XP - Dexterity ●●●○○
[X] EOA - 4 XP - Athletics ●●●●●
You keep your gaze focused towards the blazing wreck of the Walt Whitman Bridge as you tear through the night sky, having dropped back down just below the cloudcover to give yourself an unimpeded view of the growing inferno two miles away. Still, your Ultraperipherial Awareness sub-module also allows a clear view of Who's petulant form, cradled bridal-style in your suit's arms.
"So… what's going on, Weavs? I thought you were a better flyer than that? And what's with this weird rain?"
"Siberian's hair took my right leg off at the thigh," you manage to grit out, your other consciousnesses scanning the fiery wreck of the bridge.
Who stops trying to brush off the drops of liquid soulsteel raining down on her from your billowing anima, startling at your growled admission.
"Holy shit! How-" she yelps, trying to crane her neck around to see the damage, but you clench your right arm around her shoulders.
"Stop moving."
"Fuck! Aren't you gonna bleed out?!"
"No. I can stop my own bleeding."
"Ooo...kay," she draws out, wilting slightly. "I'm guessing that's a robo-thing?"
Who snorts, then crosses her arms over her blood-soaked, armored chest and settles back into your grip. "Whatever. I'm pretty sure Poison Ivy can't fix robots, so what are you gonna do about it? And what about your armor?"
It takes you a second to get the reference, but you don't bother rising to the bait. "Wyld was able to heal my disguised form after the sniper attack, as well as my Alchemical form after Behemoth... though neither were as major as this. I'm going to see if she can repeat what she did with your limbs with my disguised form, but I'm not sure if that will carry over."
You can feel the young Stranger's stare through her opaque baseball helmet-and-visor, but eventually she just waves a hand dismissively.
"I'll pretend that makes sense, but what about your armor? Are you going to go back to the Island to get parts to fix it?"
You shake your head. "My storage charm can fix it without the need of spare parts."
"Wait, but… where does it get the spare metal and shit? The other random crap you've sucked up?"
"No. The charm creates mass and energy on its own," you admit, your shoulders twitching as you suppress the instinct to shrug - a movement that would throw off your flight pattern. "Once I get a moment to rest, I need to start refilling an antimatter battery for a device I picked up earlier, actually. It's a power supply for a mobile command center, which should help us coordinate with Dragon and the PRT outside of Philly."
Who is quiet for a moment, though the roar of the passing wind is starting to echo the roar of the massive gouts of flame still melting the bridge in the distance.
Your zoomed-in vision is just now starting to pick out more details on the melting bridge, which now mostly lacks anything like a 'road' in the section between the two suspension towers. However, judging by the way the loose suspensions cables are swaying and the flickers of dark shapes on them, there may be people stranded above the slagged bridge and flame-covered waters.
"So will I be able to do all this bullshit too when I get a robo-body?"
Even with the bridge growing closer, this new conversation thread is important enough to warrant a train of thought - specifically, recalling Aisha's pain-laced begging less than an hour ago.
"I am still not sure you are ready-"
"Oh, bullshit!" Who barks back, twisting in your grip slightly to give you a masked glare. "Then what the fuck was that 'will of a champion' shit you made me agree to?"
"You were delirious with pain and needed something to focus on," you mumble, barely keeping the grimace out of your voice - both at the pain still flaring from the air whipping past your exposed, amputated leg and at the admission of manipulation. You had needed to get Aisha to focus on suppressing her power long enough to allow Wyld to heal her, and in your defense, the tactic had worked. "Willpower is only one part of what's needed."
"Well, what the hell else-"
"I think I see your brother and his team on the bridge up ahead," you blurt out, forcefully derailing the conversation for some time when you are not wounded, tired, and flying into a steel-melting inferno that is still dumping survivors into a freezing river.
"Wait, what?" Who sputters, craning her neck around to look towards the growing glare. "Why the- don't fireballs usually explode? Not… y'know, sit in the air and burn shit?"
Indeed, over the few minutes you've been barreling towards the melting bridge it appears that the three explosions you were studying are, in fact, miniature suns - two melting through the massive support towers, and one floating the middle of the air where the bridge used to span the Delaware river. Each appears to be roughly one hundred feet in diameter, so while the bridge's roadway has melted and fallen into the ice-cold river, the towering support structures look like candles melting from the bottom.
"Bakuda. Tinker with a bomb specialty."
"The fucking Slaughterhouse Nine have a bomb tinker now, too? On top of those fucking drones? What the hell am I supposed to do, then?"
Veering right, you keep an eye on the struggling forms of the Wyld Hunt and dozens of civilians scrambling along the sinking portions of the bridge - the two primary support cables still keeping the fallen sections from being carried away by the river. From what you can see, you suspect the Wyld Hunt had kept to the sides as they crossed, which allowed them to leap to the supports when the middle of the bridge turned into a miniature sun.
The large mutant dogs they were riding appear to be more than capable of treading the rushing water as it consumes the fallen pieces of the bridge, but the two bodies Maestro was controlling are nowhere to be seen. Otherwise, all the Wyld Hunt members are accounted-for, though it looks like they are attempting to save as many civilians from the river as they can.
As you near the water's edge, your awareness once again lights up as more and more insects come into range... immediately bringing into view dozens of motionless bodies in the buildings nearby, the blood-drained corpses attracting flies and other scavenging insects. Pushing the images out of your mind is not easy, the scaling multi-tasking abilities of your Shard of Perfect Administration never quite allowing you to completely ignore the insects within your range. Instead, you start pulling the flying members of your swarm out and away from the corpses to direct survivors of Shatterbird's Scream to safety.
Thankfully, the firebombs were mostly kept to the over-water portions of the mile-long bridge, and you are slightly surprised that no additional bombs were placed to cut off where the long suspension cables anchor into the raised Interstate-76 highway. The concrete structure that serves as the interstate-bridge connection point also possesses the only stairwells for foot traffic to get down from the raised roadway, so you drop down amidst the crowd of civilians that are both desperately trying to flee the raging fireballs on the bridge and gawk at the slow-motion destruction of a Philadelphia landmark.
Almost everyone is cut up in some way, mostly light gashes on the faces and hands, but the dozens of bloodied bodies lying motionless in the rows of parked cars all around you reveal that these are the lucky ones - those fortunate enough to avoid being torn to shreds by the exploding glass of their windshields and side windows.
You don't turn your anti-gravity thrusters off as you carefully let Who slide out of your grip, however; while you could certainly balance on one leg even in your armor, it's not something you'd like to try in front of two-dozen panicking civilians.
"Everyone! Calm down and stop pushing!" you announce clearly, boosting your suit's speakers to their highest setting to make up for your lack of a swarm to echo your voice. Those who had not noticed your approach snap their heads to look in your direction, and on both sides of the highway you can detect a palpable sense of relief wash over the crowds as they realize a hero is here to help them - even though you do notice some wary glances at the light-devouring aura surrounding your form. A rush of desperate pleas begins, so you raise your voice again to cut through the noise.
"Yes, the Slaughterhouse Nine are in Philadelphia," you announce, forcing your voice to be steady despite the wails such a proclamation generates. "They are responsible for the glass in your cars exploding and the firebombs along the bridge. But right now, they are not here! I know many of you are hurt and afraid, but we have to be strong together. The Ward by my side is named 'Who', and she's going to help everyone get down from this bridge quickly and safely. I saw survivors on the bridge, so I need to go try and save them before the bridge towers collapse. I will be right back!"
"What the f-heck are you doing, Weaver?" Who hisses at you through a clenched smile, all while raising her hand to draw the attention of the desperate crowd to her. "Don't leave me in charge of this sh-stuff! Coordinatin' is your job!"
Rising higher into the air, you scale your vocalizer back down so that hopefully only she hears you. "Be visible, keep people moving, and point people to PRT Downtown if they need help. Remember that practice demonstration with Chevalier and the PRT squad?"
Her shoulders sag slightly at the memory of trying (and mostly failing) to boss around a few dozen PRT officers a few weeks ago, all while the officers gleefuly pretended to act like scared civilians. You hear a grunting sigh of admission before she strides to the middle of the road and hops up on top of a stalled pickup truck so that both sides of the road can see her - twitching slightly as she ignores the gory remains of the driver and passenger.
Tearing off towards the bridge, you absently keep track of Who gesticulating at the crowds to try to get them to form the crushing mobs into orderly lines, her body language already conveying impatience at the lack of immediate progress.
Yes, you have considered Aisha as a stronger and stronger candidate for exaltation - her quick wit and penchant for deceptively-clever schemes makes her one of the few candidates for the Moonsilver caste - but her young age and mental immaturity still give you cause to doubt whether her expressed desire for conversion is just a childish need for a quick solution to her problems.
Judging from your email inbox this morning, you already have a deluge of Case 53s clamoring for the same thing.
You were afraid of that happening when you chose Marrow, but now you're even more concerned about what their reaction would be if the next Assembly member isn't selected from the much-maligned Case 53 community. Especially since many of the emails were borderline threats.
None of that had mattered while you were carrying Aisha's mutilated body through the murderous hallways of Protectorate Island - the possibility that only Conversion would be enough to save Aisha having crept into your mind more than once during that nightmare. If Dragon hadn't given you the location of the Wyld Hunt, it's quite possible that you would have gone directly to the Cradle... which would have left that group vulnerable to the Siberian and Bonesaw…
That train of thought causes a cascade of mental images through your other consciousnesses: the vision of Missy, with wires and tubes grafted into her skull and her mouth stapled into a rictus smile. The warped body of Sakura, her head shaved and covered in grafted eyeballs and other electronic implements. Possible ways that Saki, and the other Wards, could be mutilated to serve the Slaughterhouse Nine.
Shuddering under the mental strain to force the images from your mind - and to keep your lunch from wallpapering the inside of your helmet - you shake your head and grit your teeth. Dwelling on those horrors is a waste, right now, when you need to keep it together for the people in the waters below.
You can already tell this is going to be a long night.
Compared to the hellish flames and blasts of lightning from Behemoth, the steel-melting miniature suns are a walk in the brightly-lit park. Even if your Industrial Survival Frame wasn't casually dismissing the heat with all the consideration of an absent-minded shrug, you had initially designed your armor to withstand blasts of flame from a powered-up Lung and the laser rifles used by Coil's mercenary minions - both of which were capable of temperatures on-par to those caused by Bakuda's bizarre firebombs.
The three floating suns light up the Delaware river almost as well as a cloudless afternoon, though the flames' reddish glow give the waters the tint of dark blood. Despite the lighting, those in the water are quickly losing hope; the Delaware River moves at just over a jogging pace at this time of year, which is more than fast enough to have already carried many unfortunate civilians hundreds of feet downstream.
While Feral's monstrous dogs are quick swimmers, you manage to make each trip - from the docks just south of the melting bridge to the center of the river - in just over three minutes, even if you grab two people. The Wyld Hunt keeps busy on the concrete loading docks where you and the dogs are dropping off survivors: Wyld healing the wounded while the other members search the surrounding warehouse and parking lot to make sure the area is secure.
By your twelfth trip, a streak of blue and white zips by to lend a hand.
"Weaver," Legend greets you as he slows to a halt, grimacing at your lost leg. "Are you alri-"
"There's four more downstream, right over there," you interrupt, pointing with your left hand as you lower yourself down to pick up the forty-something woman begging for help below. You turn your head back to give her the impression that you are paying attention to her quails. "M'am, please, take my hand but don't pull down. I'll lift you out slowly, don't worry."
You nod at the usual thanks from the civilian, paying more attention to Legend as he offers some reassurances to the woman while floating down to help secure her grip on your right arm.
"Don't worry, m'am, Weaver here will have you safe and sound in no time."
The woman gives a bleary, shivering groan of relief as you haul her slowly out of the river, and then Legend is off in a blink towards where you pointed. By the time you make it back to the dock, the Protectorate's leader has already made all four trips necessary to fish those survivors out of the water.
Just as you arrive, however, a booming groan from the Philadelphia-side suspension tower signals the end of the bridge. All thirty-eight heads in your assembled group turn towards the sound, watching as the narrow, rectangular 'U' shape buckles and folds in on itself - thousands of tons of steel being carried down by the remnants of the bridge it was designed to support. After a thunderous crash of steel, concrete, and churning river, the only remnants of the support tower are the two stocky legs sticking up out of the water and the miniature sun hanging above.
As everyone turns away from the destruction, you keep to the air to avoid having to hobble around awkwardly, allowing Wyld and her group to herd the survivors into the nearest warehouse for temporary shelter. Zooming in your sight towards where you left Who, it appears most of the civilians there have managed to make their way down the long stairwell that criss-crosses the concrete support structure. Before you can fly off to go pick up the young Stranger, however, Legend floats over to your side with his jaw set in a way that makes you think that you won't be able to easily distract him this time.
"Weaver," he tries again, his voice low despite the fact that you two are floating over fifty feet in the air. "Are you alright? Chevalier didn't mention you lost your leg."
Not wanting to stay idle, you wave at him to follow you while you begin to float towards where Who is guiding the last civilians down the fence-lined stairways.
"The Siberian and Bonesaw attacked the Wyld Hunt's base when I was there. Siberian's hair cut through my armor when I tried to distract… it."
"Ah," Legend sighs, nodding with a frown. "That was brave, but you should count yourself lucky. Not many have faced her and lived."
You turn to face Legend fully, the both of you now almost eighty feet in the air and away from where anyone might be able to hear you. Still, you keep your voice low to match Legend's.
"I was able to look through the Siberian with my enhanced sight, sir. She's a projection, just an air-filled forcefield."
Legend visibly stills at your comment and explanation, motionless in the air save for some wisps of his dark brown hair waving in the breeze. His silence is punctuated by the crackling flames generated by the miniature sun only a few hundred feet away - the Triumvirate member making no motion to indicate that he is bothered by the light or heat.
"You're certain of this."
You nod. "I didn't see the Master controlling it, but it's likely their range is large if they've managed to stay hidden for so long. I've been trying to scan everyone I see for a Corona Gemma, but it takes around five seconds for each person - I can scan six at a time right now, but still..."
Legend crosses his arms over his chest and nods in return. "We've considered the possibility that the Siberian was a projection, but it didn't match up with her behavior patterns…" he trails off, turning his head to look off into the distance absently. "If you're correct, it just means we've been played for fools for a decade."
"The controller is smart," you admit, going over what one of your minds has been considering. "I've been thinking about it, and it's likely they know how the PRT operates well enough to focus all the attention on the projection and avoid drawing attention to themselves. In the worst-case, they might be able to recall the projection back to themselves instantly and to take care of anyone that did discover them."
"And it would just look like another one of her 'random' hunting sprees," Legend sighs. "I hope you're right about this, because it'd be the first break we've had on the Siberian since she appeared. Does anyone else-?"
"Only you, Dragon, and Who - since she was with me when I figured it out. I don't want to make it public yet, because that might make the controller go to ground or act differently."
Legend nods again at your reasoning, but otherwise remains silent as he stares off into the distance for a few moments. His reverie is broken by Marrow's voice crackling through the Endbringer armband you noticed on his right forearm.
"Crawler and Burnscar sighted at Holmesburg Prison. Requesting assistance."
Legend's left hand whips to the armband and he raises it to his mouth. Just as he is about to speak, you see him turn his head slightly towards you, but you shake your head. With a slight nod, he speaks clearly into the armband, "Legend en route."
"I need to make sure Who and the Wyld Hunt make it to Headquarters," you explain, motioning to where Who is guiding the last of the stragglers down the southernmost stairwell. "I probably wouldn't make it in time to help, anyway."
Legend appears to stall, but a ghost of a smile passes across his face. "No, it's just that I forgot you were a Ward for a moment. Still, your plans are good. Be safe, Weaver."
Before you can utter a reply, Legend blurs up, away, and into the clouds in a blast of displaced air - a low rumble following his departure as the Triumvirate member casually breaks the sound barrier.
Turning back, you float down to where Who is waiting for you atop a grey SUV - this one without any dead occupants. She greets your arrival with a mock salute and a tired smirk, though you notice her hands and arms are covered in blood.
"Mission fuckin' accomplished, Commander Robo. Can we grab my bro and get the hell outta here?"
"Where did the blood come from?" you ask evenly, pointing towards her arms.
"Ehh… two guys were cut up pretty bad so I had to use my med kit to slap those anti-bleeding bandages on 'em. Didn't really have anything to wipe my hands on, 'cause, well…" she trails off, motioning her still-blood-soaked costume.
Nodding, you sweep down and pick her up in a bridal carry again, earning the usual petulant squawk at the act before she grumbles to herself and settles in for the ride. You rattle off your status - as well as the Wyld Hunt's - to Dragon, but her small avatar in your HUD barely nods to give you the indication that the message is received; from what you know of Dragon's limitations, she is likely still focusing her attention on coordinating the planned relief efforts.
During your week-long "imprisonment", you had gone over with Dragon just what the PRT did when they were able to predict an upcoming S-Class event. As it turned out, the PRT long-ago discovered that actually trying to prevent or "hunker down" for a predicted S-Class event either incited the event itself, or flat-out made things worse - a bitter example of all those ancient myths about the folly of attempting to fight one's own destiny. Instead, the PRT now prepares outside of the expected event area, with the goal of making response and relief efforts as streamlined and immediate as possible; in this case, Director Uriel called for PRT jurisdictions outside of Philadelphia and Camden to begin stockpiling emergency combat supplies and civilian relief.
Which, you suspect, explains the functional Endbringer armband that Legend was wearing. You had cribbed some of the armband's reinforcements for your suit when you were building it, so you know that at least three critical components would have been damaged by Shatterbird's Scream - that Legend's was functional means that a shipment of new armbands and other communication devices has likely already arrived.
While you consider all this, your other trains of thought focus on guiding your body around the perimeter of the shipping terminal in a sweep for survivors, bombs, possible traces of the Slaughterhouse Nine, and to gather up a large swarm. Who remains silent for the ten minutes it takes to patrol the four-mile-long perimeter, but a quick exam shows that she is both healthier than you've ever seen her and still brimming with energy - left-over side-effects of Wyld's "tune up," you suspect. For the mouthy Stranger to be silent for so long is slightly worrying, but you have more pressing matters to consider.
Finishing your circuit, you rest most of your million-strong swarm on top of the warehouse in which the Wyld Hunt and civilians are holed-up, while having the remainders circle through your range and sweep through the warehouse itself. Overall, the city block-sized warehouse is fairly empty save for an abandoned office on the top floor, some forklifts, and empty shipping containers.
Gliding through the open door facing the waterside, you float over to where Wyld, Inquisition, Skein, and Slate have gathered - Maestro still roving through the warehouse on one of the forklifts while Feral re-grows her monstrous dogs off to the side. From what you have picked up with your swarm, they are discussing their next plan of action while Wyld rebuilds Slate's and Inquisitions limbs from the sloughed-off meat and bone from Feral's dogs.
"We need to get to the PRT Downtown headquarters," you declare, causing their heads to turn as you float down just outside their gathered ring. "Shipments of new communication devices should have arrived already, and the PRT will be coordinating relief and combat efforts."
Your proclamation garners only silence for a few moments, with Inquisition twitching in a way that makes you think she is actively avoiding saying something in response. Wyld turns to give a masked glance to both Skein and Slate, then looks back to you - the glowing green eyes on her smooth, leafy helmet narrowed in concern.
"We're willing to help the PRT," she begins, her voice strained, "but we're still talking with Dragon and Narwhal right now. If you don't mind."
You can feel Who bristle in your arms at Wyld's tone, but you reply before the young Stranger can make a scene.
"You have working radios?"
Wyld nods her head to Slate, who is still flexing his new left leg absently. You squash the errant train of thought that appreciates the way his dark skin ripples with toned leg muscles, refocusing that mind on what repairs and improvements need to be made to Who's costume.
"Slate's power blocks Shatterbird's, so we were mostly safe from the Scream."
You hum in acknowledgement and refocus the mind working on anti-S9 strategies to ways that Slate's power could be used to lock down Shatterbird - which might only require hitting her with his cloud of darkness once, if timed right.
After a moment of silence, Wyld's stand-offish posture droops a bit and you can almost hear her sigh of resignation through the helmet. "Do you want me to fix your leg? We're waiting on Narwhal to confer with Dragon and the PRT, so I have time."
At her mention of your leg a flare of pain shoots through the amputated limb, causing it to twitch slightly and flick a few drops of silvery, luminescent blood on the ground - your consciousness dedicated to controlling your suit's flight patterns quickly compensating for the twitch so as not to send you sprawling to the side.
"I'm not sure it would work with my Alchemical form, actually," you sigh, "The materials used in my body's construction are probably beyond what your power can make. It might work if I switch to my disguise first, but I can't do that right now with my current anima level."
Skein and Slate shuffle a bit, clearly not understanding anything of what you just said, though Wyld's glowing eyes blink in a way that makes you think she only got half of it. Inquisition has stilled, but you hear a slight groan from her before she puts both hands to her helmeted head and mumbles some curses under her breath. Still, the way Wyld deflates a bit makes you think she was looking for something to occupy her time besides leadership duties.
"Actually," you muse aloud, bringing the mind that's been working on new bug ideas for Wyld to the forefront, "do you think you could try modifying some insects for me? I've been thinking of a few things ever since I saw what you were doing with your plants."
This gets nervous glances from everyone, even Who. Still, Wyld comes around after getting a nod from Skein - her voice tinged with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity.
"What… kind of modifications?"
The first few experiments revolve mainly around altering a few insects to possess superior sensory organs - sight, sound, scent, etc. - both to get Wyld used to modifying insects and to confirm that your Diagnostic Overlay sub-module will serve as a good way to double-check her work. You do note that she sterilizes all the insects she works on, but you decide not to comment on the lack of trust that implies.
From there, the two of you moved on to something you had desperately hoped would work: a bug that could imitate Iris' function as a range-extension mechanism. After a few minutes of study, Wyld was unable to figure out exactly how your Shard of Perfect Administration controlled members of your swarm, though she did notice a slight tingling through her power that reminded her of when she operated on you in the past; without an understanding of how your power worked, neither of you were able to determine a method for amplifying your charm's range.
Then you gave her Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade, and things rapidly accelerated from there.
Fifty PRT-white wasps possessing similar knock-out power as a full-sized tranquilizer dart. One-hundred blue, flying spiders capable of pumping out silk stronger than even Darwin's Bark Spider silk at triple the rate. Twenty-five flying red ants with saw-like jaws and powerful enough to tear through even your new spider silk, with a venom in their bite similar to a Bullet Ant's. Two-hundred houseflies modified to have nearly-human levels of eyesight and hearing, as well as limited camouflaging capabilities. Each of these new species were also made more durable, stronger, and capable of flying longer than their natural brethren. These improvements were not without cost, however, as the new breeds require anywhere from five to twenty times more food to compensate for their improvements.
Of course, they all pale to what Wyld finished making for Who only a few moments ago. The entire idea spawned from Slate asking if Wyld could design something to watch over his sister, but by the end even Wyld was starting to visibly have doubts about just how much power she had effectively dropped into Who's - and your - hands.
"Hahaha! Fuck yeah! Bug calvary, bitches!"
Guiding the flying, motorcycle-sized creation is an enlightening experience, especially after the few tweaks Wyld made at the end to give the massive beetle-mantis hybrid sufficient instincts to be able to operate outside of your charm's range: rudimentary learning abilities for how to better utilize its quad wings and four-foot-long, scything front arms. You can almost feel the creature recognizing how you're guiding its flight to allow it to swoop around through the rafters, hover in place, and even slowly fly backwards.
What is more curious are the puppy-like feelings of joy you are getting from the creature, which - like other insects and animals - seems immune to Who's Stranger power. Wyld's familiarity with working on Feral's dogs clearly had an impact on its behavior patterns, but you had noted earlier that any attempts to make the creature's brain resemble an actual canine's had caused it drop out of your charm's control. In the end, you and Wyld agreed with a "smart" bug that was about as intelligent as the dumbest dog ever, but operated more on instincts than reasoning powers; you could force the creature to remember individual scents as "master", "friendly", and "hostile", with all other scents defaulting to "indifferent" for safety's sake.
For now, Aisha's scent is the only one it recognizes as "master", as you can simply take control of it within your Shard of Perfect Administration's range if you need it to follow orders. Still, it should serve well as a guardian in the case the young Stranger finds herself in trouble again. Better still, the creature is covered by her power when she isn't suppressing it - as shown by the lack of reactions when you have the creature fly just above the group of civilian refugees that Skein is attending to now. Honeycomb-like compartments in the creature's abdomen also allow for you to store your new, smaller insects within the larger creation, though that was a feature Wyld only agreed to because Who backed up your request.
You didn't miss the look Inquisition shot you after that argument with Wyld, but the Thinker remained mostly silent during the entire brainstorming session - only occasionally suggesting something for Wyld to change to ensure that the new bug breeds wouldn't be too powerful, or subtle flaws that Wyld could invoke should the insects need to be neutralized. You in turn held your own tongue, as you simply didn't want to deal with the blatant hostility radiating off the silver-and-purple-clad teen.
According to your HUD's clock, the entire process from start to finish took barely over half an hour - longer than you had wanted to spend away from the PRT's coordination efforts, but an alert from Dragon had relayed that PRT forces would be on the way soon to set up temporary shelters and medical tents at the shipping terminal. Not only were the local hospitals beyond capacity, but with most cars disabled and the streets seeded with exotic bombs, Director Uriel was urging people to seek out the shelters being constructed around the city and to stay off the roads.
Just as you start to wonder when that might happen, your outermost swarm detects movement coming from the main dock entrance. It's barely a blur in the firebomb-lit night, but you know better than to suspect anything but the worst with the Slaughterhouse Nine in town.
"We've got company," you declare, taking a breath as you hop up from your seated position on the floor and extrude your armor again. The short break was enough time to get some repair work done on your suit, so now you get to enjoy the bizarre sensation of your armor's empty right leg wobbling about with no easy way to control it. Maybe you can fill it with bugs for now, just to give it some mass?
Moving quickly in response to your warning, Wyld looks up from the Brute-body she is rebuilding and begins directing her team to spread out and scan the area for hostiles. While their various members gear up and move out, you focus on getting your new insect breeds into the air and ready for whatever might be coming your way - especially Aisha's new guardian-bug.
"Let's go," you mumble, floating up beside Who as she weaves through the rafters. "I'm taking control of your bug, just in case this isn't the PRT."
Who straightens up from her forward-leaning seat and crosses her arms. "What."
"I said, I'm taking control-"
"No," she cuts in, a smirk evident in her voice as she points to the massive beetle-mantis hybrid below her. "That's her name. 'What.'"
While one of your minds appreciates the humor, the rest of your consciousnesses aren't willing to deal with this kind of nonsense right now.
"It doesn't have a gender, but fine, call it a 'she'. I'm vetoing that name, though - you're already enough of a problem."
"Ugh, killjoy. Fine, how about 'Mothra'?"
You blink and turn back to Who, just as the two of you touch down on the floor near where Wyld is finishing Maesto's new combat-body - the young Stranger suppressing her power again to get a startle out of the other two heroes.
"Suzy?" you clarify, incidentally drawing the attention of Wyld and Maestro.
"Y'know. Like those old 'Suzuki' bikes the ABB had. Tried to steal one once, but…" she shrugs, "I sorta crashed it before I got down the street."
Maestro and Wyld, the only two of their group still left in the warehouse, share a snort of laughter at that - the tux-wearing Master pointing to the large insect after finishing his sardonic chuckle.
"Monster Bug might get pissed if you ram him into a telephone pole, dork."
"Fuck you, dickless. Don't make me sic Suzy on you."
From his lazy recline on the ground, Maestro lifts one arm and gives a half-hearted wave of dismissal.
"Yeah, not gonna call that thing anything other than 'Abomination' or 'Terrifying'. Pretty sure the PRT's gonna shoot it on sight, anyway."
"No," you clarify, putting weight into your voice. "They won't."
As a response, Maestro just shrugs, holding his free hand up in a weak 'what can you do' gesture.
Thankfully, Wyld coughs and stands up from where she was kneeling over the seven-foot, insectoid-humanoid coming together under her power. It looks passingly similar to the plant-insect Brute-body you saw Maestro controlling earlier, but where plant material was used in the other creation this one was fashioned from the remaining blood, bone, and muscle that Feral's dogs sloughed off earlier when they shrunk down to normal size.
"Finished, Maestro. I tried to keep the nervous system the same from before, but I couldn't remember everything I did with the last one. Try it out."
Sitting up from his reclining position, Maestro tilts his head a bit to analyze the creature - which you can tell is breathing, now, judging by the hissing rush of air you hear from pores all along its body. With a flick of his wrist, the creature's own limb twitches in a slight imitation of the movement.
"Not the same. Gonna take me a while."
Your swarm is still noticing the barest hints of movement at the dock entrance, but your new sight-enhanced bugs are able to make out some specifics.
"Looks like a crowd near the dock's front gate," you call out, getting the attention of the heroes around you. "No PRT trucks yet, so it's either scared civilians or Bonesaw zombies." You ignore the glances from the other three at this statement, instead turning your head to look towards the teenaged Master. "Maestro, I'm going to give you a boost - let's see if we can speed this up."
"Boost? Wha-aaooohhh," he begins, before trailing off in a daze as you push a new instance of Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade into his mind. Maestro leans forward to clasp both hands to his head, remaining in that position for a few silent moments - punctuated only by the cries of tortured souls your anima broadcasts - before he slides to his feet in a series of smooth, mechanical motions.
"It's amazing, isn't it?" Wyld cheers, nodding once before turning back to Suzy to do a few final alterations.
"Kinda crowded in my head now but... whatever," he sighs, though the affected slump almost seems too mechanical to be natural now.
Turning his attention back to the task before him, when he raises his gloved hand at the large body before him, this time the body follows the motion smoothly. Maestro doesn't say anything more, instead appearing focused on the creature - which is now making numerous twitches and movements - simultaneously - all through its body. In less than a minute the creature is slowly climbing to its feet, though it's clear Maestro is still improving his control as he goes.
"Ok, yeah, this is pretty bullshit," he snorts, a hint of a wry smile in his clipped tone. "Can I keep it? Probably could… eh, nevermind. Too much work."
"Don't make me regret this, Maestro," you say evenly, quickly deducing what he was implying based on his criminal record. "I pulled up your file last week, so I know what to look for."
Wyld shuffles a bit behind you at the acusation, while Maestro himself just gives a quick shrug of indifference. Who, however, takes a few seconds of looking between you, Maestro, and the Brute-body he's controlling before finally making the connection with a startled jerk.
"Holy shit, you can hijack pe-?"
"Later," you cut in, holding your arm out as your swarm catches sight of something new near the front of the gate - and something high-up, approaching from the east. "New contacts, by the gate and in the air. They're… Oh, thank the Maker."
Wyld looks up, her glowing green eyes slanted in confusion. "They're the refugees?"
"Better," you grin behind your mask, noting Miss Militia and Armsmaster leading the convoy of flat-bed trucks, while Alexandria flies alongside the incoming Dragon-shaped aircraft.
With a nod from Alexandria, Legend steps up to the clearing made at the far end of the room. His audience, filling the central office inside the dock's main warehouse, is mostly comprised of the Wards, Protectorate, and PRT agents, with a few noticeable exceptions.
Overmind, a bald man suspended by a hover-belt and dressed in a business suit-looking costume, represents the independent hero group, Overleague. Frown, an androgynous figure in a stereotypical fool's motely, represents the Jesters gang that controls most of East Philadelphia. Void King, an imposing man in spiked, black armor with a wicked silver-and-black crown atop his helmet to signify his leadership of the Street Kings - now mostly operating out of Camden after the gang war last week.
Stonewall's absence is worrying, as the Boulder Builders have recently reclaimed the top billing as the most powerful gang in the city. Worse, Geode and Xylophone are missing as well.
The tall horn atop Narwhal's seven-foot form nearly hits the ceiling of the office, but you noted the world's premier forcefield user modified it to allow her to stand straight without tearing up the roof. The Wyld Hunt is gathered around her, though your swarm sees Feral's monstrous dogs still keeping watch outside the warehouse.
Filling out the back of the room, you note Marrow's armored form alongside a number of Case 53s: Weld, Bulldozer (a minotaur), Gully (a teenaged-girl that looks like a hunchbacked linebacker with an overbite), and a tree-like young new Case 53 by the name of Willow. An idle examination of Willow revealed that she possesses the impossible anatomy of a tree, yet still moves, breathes, and talks without any of the organs that would allow such feats. Not terribly surprising given Weld's existence as a hunk-shaped block of metal, of course.
You do wish he'd put a shirt on, as you're tired of having to re-focus idle trains of thought from ogling Weld's adonis-like form. Though, given his frequent glances in your direction, you are most likely the target audience for his fantastic appearance.
It's enough to make you tempted to dip into Clarity, just so you don't have to deal with that right now.
Strider, the man responsible for pulling together so many people from around the city and around the country, is still busy popping in and out of existence as he ferries supplies, PRT workers, and civilians into and out of the warehouse-turned-PRT command center.
"Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I'll try to be brief as I know many of us want to get back out there as quickly as possible, but it's worth making this clear: we've never been more prepared for a Slaughterhouse Nine attack, but the Slaughterhouse Nine have never before had such mobility and firepower."
Legend's voice is firm and even, despite the dread building from his words. You wonder if this was what his rallying speech was like when the forces at Brockton Bay were being organized against Behemoth.
After pushing a button on a small remote in his hand, Legend motions to the images now projected on the wall behind him: a list of names, and nine portraits.
"Before I go over the core of the Slaughterhouse Nine, be aware that these individuals are either missing and presumed captured, or have already been captured and suborned by the Nine: Uzu and Tatsu, the two teleporting Wards with access to a pocket dimension. Vista, the space-warping shaker. Transfusion, can pass regeneration effects through application of his blood. Mr. Feel Good, can pass regeneration effects through music. Bezalel, Tinker with a speciality in robotic drones."
There are some murmurs and shuffling in the audience, but it dies down quickly when Legend waves a hand for silence.
"There may - and likely will be - more to add to that list later, but for now it should be obvious: the Slaughterhouse Nine can teleport and shift their bases with relative impunity, and will likely possess means to heal anything but immediately-fatal wounds within hours. The one limitation of the teleporters is that they must have been to a location before; this is why are meeting here, instead of in the PRT headquarters downtown. Dragon, Armsmaster, and our other Tinkers are already working on ways to possibly block these teleports, but for now assume that the three major PRT headquarters are compromised."
Frown rings their small wand with dangling bells on it briefly, then cocks their head before speaking in a light, almost whimsical tone of voice.
"The girls may Move across the world, yes? What chance have we to stop the Nefarious Nine, before they flee to pastures green?"
There's a murmur through the audience again, and you notice Gallant, Clockblocker, and Kid Win share a glance with each other. Before Legend can respond, Alexandria cuts through the din with a voice like an iceberg.
"The teleporters have been turned into remote-controlled backpacks by Bonesaw. Consider them already dead."
Frown stills for a moment, then quickly swaps their mask for a face with a morose expression on it before nodding sadly. Beyond the tinkling of Frown's bells, the room is silent in horrified shock.
Who, sitting by your side with her power in effect, curses floridly under her breath for several seconds before turning to you with a hiss. "You're not letting that fuckin' happen, right?"
Slowly, you shake your head, your minds awhirl trying to think of new ways to save Sakura and Saki before Alexandria's proclamation seals their fate. Who merely nods in agreement with you, then sits back in her folding metal chair.
Regaining his momentum, Legend motions back to the images behind him with a solemn tone.
"The Slaughterhouse Nine may have a revolving membership, but these are the members we have confirmed are in the area right now: Jack Slash, Shatterbird, Bonesaw, Siberian, Burnscar, Crawler, Mannequin, Hatchet Face, and Bakuda."
With a push of a button, the projector focuses on the face of an attractive, 30-something woman of middle-eastern descent.
"Shatterbird has already used her signature 'Scream' to destroy anything made of silica - glass, computer parts, etc. - so as long as her pattern holds she won't repeat the attack again. In combat she manipulates razor-sharp shards of glass to control the battlefield, but can unleash a smaller Scream without needing build-up like her city-wide effect requires. We expect that she will try to fight near downtown, where she will have a nearly unlimited amount of glass at her disposal, but be mindful of any and all glass in your respective shelters. Finally, the new radios and Endbringer armbands we're distributing to you and your groups are silicon-free, so they should be reliable for the rest of this engagement."
A click, and the image re-focuses on a morose-looking college-age woman with dark hair and a row of cigarette burns running underneath each eye.
"Burnscar can create and manipulate fire, appears to be immune to heat altogether, and can teleport through flames within a mile radius of her position. History shows that she tends to grow more reckless - but more aggressive and powerful - as fights drag on. She will usually set a fire to serve as an escape method before engaging, so keep an eye out for smoke in the area if she flees a fight."
The image shifts to a surly man in his late forties, bald and with a large, sharp nose dominating his face. Dozens of scrapes and scars cover his countenance, giving him a visage only a mother could love.
"Hatchet Face is a mid-level brute with super-strength and regeneration, but it is his two-hundred-foot power-canceling aura that makes him so deadly. We suspect that he was responsible for the capture of the Uzu, Tatsu, Vista, and Transfusion, but his aura means that he will be unable to make use of their abilities to quickly move around the city. He is known for hunting solo, but will work with the rest of the Nine to set traps. Complete destruction may be necessary, as even a bullet to the brain hasn't kept him down for long, but if it's possible to capture him we may be able to use him against Crawler."
At the mention of the infamous Changer, Legend switches the display over to a truly nightmarish image - not a headshot, but rather a picture taken of a six-legged, alien abomination the size of an eighteen-passenger van as it tears through a brick wall.
"This is the most recent image of Crawler, taken two months ago in Wichita, Kansas. He can regenerate his entire body-mass in seconds, and each time he regenerates he mutates, growing stronger against whatever just hurt him. By now he is immune to anything short of an artillery round, and his fluids are some of the most potent acids in the world. He lives only for trying to find new ways to hurt himself, so do not try to fight him; distract, delay, or run. We've also seen him burrow at running-speeds, so don't expect him to always be visible, either."
You note Void King shaking his head and growling slightly under his breath, but Legend continues on, switching the image to a ceramic-white doll. Its head has an impression of a face, with only shallow curves where eyes would be. The design of the rest of the body obviously emphasizes flexibility, with large ball-joints and chain-linked appendages.
"Mannequin, formerly the Tinker known as Sphere... before the Simurgh drove him mad. We suspect it was he who was behind the security breaches on Protectorate Island and the abduction of Bezalel, as his Tinker specialty is Closed Systems. Despite his unassuming appearance he is exceedingly tough and deadly as a combatant, having replaced his entire body with artificial components; we suspect his brain and organs are stashed in one of his legs or in a small compartment in his torso. He is the master of stealth for the Nine, however, so do not trust security cameras and other surveillance equipment to protect against him."
On your right, Who snorts and cracks her knuckles. Unaware of the noise, Legend switches images to a scowling college-age woman of japanese ethnicity.
"Bakuda, theorized to be a Tinker specializing in bombs, is the Nine's newest member. This is a break in their standard methodology, as Jack Slash has gone on record to claim that bombs are 'unartistic'. Judging from the glass bomb on Protectorate Island, the sun-creating bombs on Walt Whitman Bridge, and the dozens of other effects that have destroyed roads across Philadelphia and Camden, his stance has clearly changed. Do not try to defuse, disarm, or smother a bomb if you encounter one. Evacuate the area and alert everyone of its location. Finally, Bakuda will likely not yet possess the physical enhancements Bonesaw gives Slaughterhouse Nine members, but she will undoubtedly have deadman-triggers on her body; do everything you can to knock her out, disarm, and restrain her."
Idly, you have a mind check through your new tranquilizer-wasps. You may need to talk with Wyld to boost their numbers, but for now you're going to keep them in reserve until you get a shot at Bakuda. You weren't quite able to figure out a way with Wyld to get around all the various redundancies Bonesaw has built into her system, as at least one of Bonesaw's implants allowed her to completely turn off blood flow to specific parts of her body.
As if thinking along the same lines, Legend's next click brings up the megawatt-smiling blonde herself. Both Triumvirate members grimace at her cheery expression, Legend shaking his head ruefully before continuing.
"Bonesaw. At twelve years old, she is arguably the world's best biological Tinker, and is the reason why anyone captured by the Slaughterhouse Nine should be considered unrecoverable and a potential new member of their group. She has demonstrated the ability to completely control people with surgically-implanted remotes, concoct delayed-acting plagues, and design implants for the other Slaughterhouse Nine members that give them minor Brute ratings. Yes, she has a Kill Order, but beyond the fact that her own implants require nothing short of complete brain destruction to actually put her down, her body is filled with methods of releasing any number of viruses and plagues. Smother and contain her, if you can, as the only other safe option is to turn the entire block to glass"
The click of a button brings a regrettably-familiar face to the fore, yellow scelera and orange irises standing out starkly on an otherwise pure-black-and-white-streaked face. Legend's voice is much harder now, though Alexandria herself shows no trace of emotion.
"The Siberian. The definition of Unstoppable Force, seemingly driven only by predatory zeal. Nothing we have tried against her in ten years has harmed or even slowed her, and a wave of her hand will go through any amount of armor or forcefields. If you see her, the best you can do is to try to avoid her attention or to fly away; she can run faster than most cars, but can't change course when she jumps. Worst of all, she is able to extend her power - immunity and unstoppability - to anything or anyone she touches, which has saved other Slaughterhouse Nine members dozens of times over. And yes, she even appears to be immune to Hatchet Face's aura, as the two have been known to hunt together. The only up-side is that she will likely be immune to space-warping powers like Hatchet Face, so she will be unable to warp around with the other Slaughterhouse Nine members."
You are both surprised and somewhat pleased that Legend has kept your revelation regarding the Siberian a secret for now, but you had not heard of Hatchet Face and Siberian working together before - if anything, that should serve as further proof of your findings.
"Finally," Legend intones, clicking with his remote to bring up the smiling, handsome face that you have burned into your mind, "we have Jack Slash.
"Jack Slash is, by all accounts, the weakest member in raw power, 'only' possessing the ability to lengthen the cutting edge of and blade he touches up to nearly a mile away. He does not increase its sharpness or the strength of the blow, but he has demonstrated an uncanny ability to find the weak points in a person's armor. If you haven't already, I encourage you to reinforce your costumes around vital areas - many have fallen from a slashed jugular before they even saw him. Beyond that, Jack Slash has somehow corralled the most lethal band of psychotic murderers for nearly twenty years. Do. Not. Underestimate him. He is never alone, and is most commonly seen in the company of Bonesaw and the Siberian. He undoubtedly has similar surgical implants as Bonesaw, so expect only the complete annihilation of his brain to put him down for good. Everything points to the Slaughterhouse Nine falling apart if Jack Slash dies, so if you have to pick a target, aim for him."
Very little of this is new to you, having researched the existing S-Class threats last week during your imprisonment. You've noted Inquisition leaning over to whisper something to Wyld occasionally during the presentation so far, but you've kept from spying on their group after Inquisition pointedly stared at a few of the bugs you had near them when everyone was getting settled. You're not quite sure what you've done to earn the blonde Thinker's ire, as by all rights she should be counting her blessings that you are not murderously angry with her for turning your father against you.
A part of you is sad for having lost your father like that, yes, but your mission is so much greater than that emotional connection that you've been able to set it aside for the greater good. You had hoped to at least find common ground with Lisa while the Slaughterhouse Nine are tearing the city apart, but that's looking less and less likely.
As Legend begins to go into details regarding the PRT's plans for dispensing aid to the neighborhoods hit hardest by Shatterbird's Scream, Dragon's avatar in your HUD blinks to life again.
"Taylor, you said you wanted to talk to me?"
"Yes," you nod, shuffling your consciousnesses to bring forth the mind that has been working on this next proposal. "How are we on Tinker supplies?"
The wireframe avatar raises an eyebrow, then frowns after a moment. "The loss of Protectorate Island means we don't have anything on-hand right now, and I'm waiting on some requests to pull materials from New York and Boston. Why?"
You grin.
Kid Win, Armsmaster, and a screen projecting Dragon's wireframe head look on as you disgorge the severed parts of the drones you absorbed earlier while following Chevalier's rampage: four birds, two cats, two dogs, an octopus, and three chunks of a massive robotic bull that had nearly tagged your invisible form with its laser eyes. The mangled robots clatter loudly to the floor of the large Dragon-craft, which has a fully-stocked Tinker workshop in its cargo bay just for situations like this.
Enjoying their expressions - well, Kid Win's at least, as Armsmaster is just as focused as ever - you extrude the item that should hopefully make things easier for the Tinker group. You had only grabbed it on impulse as you fled the Tinkertech Labs, but your instincts have paid off once again.
Dragon hums in recognition, but Armsmaster finally breaks down after a few seconds and snorts in disbelief.
"A wicker patio chair, Weaver?"
"Not just any wicker patio chair. Do you remember WCM?"
His head tilts up, and from his silence you gather he's interacting with his own helmet's HUD. After a few seconds, he nods. "Villain from Atlanta. Technopath that commissioned Toybox projects. Died to Behemoth in Brockton Bay. This was the throne her records mention?"
You nod, sitting down in it - a tight fit with your suit, but the chair only groans lightly at your armored weight of over six-hundred pounds. With a few taps on the armrests, they both slide down to reveal fantastically-complicated bits of Tinkertech.
"On the left," you begin, watching the two grown boys in front of you twitch in curiosity and eagerness, "a holographic workstation, with wireless and satellite connections as well as extendible universal connectors."
With a few hand gestures, you cycle the multiple holographic displays and keyboards to life, disable WCM's security features - which you know perfectly now, thanks to Technomorphic Integration Engine - and then put the system to sleep again. Tapping the right armrest, a box the size of a small microwave extends up from the armrest and dings with the sound of a toaster oven finishing. You slide down the faceplate of the device, then take out its contents: a platter of warm tea and biscuits.
Armsmaster sighs, Dragon giggles lightly, and Kid Win covers his faceplate with his glove.
"Really, Taylor?" the younger Tinker groans, "a tea dispenser?"
You absorb your helmet, drain the tea in one gulp, and then wolf down the biscuit before extruding your helmet again. You're pleasantly surprised by the quality, but coffee is more efficient as an energizing drink. The biscuit wasn't half-bad, at least.
As your HUD re-initializes, Dragon's wireframe face gives you a put-upon stare. "Be glad no one from PR saw you, Taylor. You would no longer be welcome in England for drinking tea like that."
Rolling your eyes, you stand up and have the two boys follow you around to the back of the chair, where pressing a hidden series of keys causes a large panel to slide open in the wicker facade. Inside is a device that looks akin to a kitchen garbage compactor - which you pull open to reveal a multi-colored mush of material. You drop the platter and teacup into the mush, then let the lid snap closed. Armsmaster is first on the pick-up, though Dragon obviously knows all about the device already.
"A replicator? I thought Rubix didn't sell those to villains."
You shrug, not aware of that history but filing it away for later. "It's not perfect, and WCM only programmed in a few food and drinks into it. You can add more designs by putting things in the armrest dispenser, but it drains the reactor quickly if you put something complicated in there. Still, it should serve as a good stand-in for me if you need to replicate a bunch of parts quickly - just be sure to put in the necessary materials into this bank here."
Armsmaster harumphs while Kid Win seems to be contemplating something, but the older Tinker finally shakes his head and waves a hand the chair - its form clearly offending his minimalist sensibilities.
"Is it still capable of flight and projecting a shield? Those were the main features on her PRT report."
Kid Win perks up at the question, but Armsmaster shoots him a glance that makes the younger Tinker sigh in admission. You raise a hidden eyebrow at the byplay, but you suppose the two have worked together long enough before the transfer to Philadelphia to still have each others' numbers. As Armsmaster turns back to you, you nod in agreement.
"All controlled by the computers in the left armrest. It's not too complicated, but I haven't actually flown it myself."
"Alright, then," Armsmaster begins, turning back towards the pile of parts you dumped on the aircraft bay floor earlier. "We need to get to work on-"
Dragon cuts in through the aircraft's PA, though her voice is heavy with trepidation. "Weaver, I've been told you need to check in with Chevalier. He's waiting for you in the warehouse office."
You see a line of tension run across Armsmaster's jaw for a moment as he stops in his tracks, but then the moment is gone and he's pacing away from you. Kid Win shoots a worried glance at his back, then looks to you.
"Are you going to be coming back, Taylor?"
You open your mouth to reply, but only end up yawning. Dragon's avatar in your HUD gives you a stern look, but you ignore it.
"Hopefully. I still need to get Wyld to rebuild my leg, but I'll try to be back before long."
"Your leg?" he asks, tiling his head, looking at your dangling limbs as you float just off the ground. "Is it… your right one? What's wrong with it?"
You sigh, figuring that any excuse you give him means he'll just ask Dragon for the truth after you leave. "The Siberian cut it off with her hair. I already fixed the armor, but there's no leg inside."
You punctuate the statement by knocking on where your thigh should be, though your suit's construction doesn't give you the hollow ringing you were hoping to evoke with the action. Kid Win still freaks out, though, babbling and condolences and fidgeting uncomfortably.
Sighing, you shake your head while letting his words roll over you. You don't have time for this.
Shoving a new application of Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade into his head via one of the bugs you've placed on his armor, your anima explodes into full totemic majesty - filling the space behind you with lightning-infused smoke and the menacing Design Weaver.
"I'm fine," you grind out in a mechanical growl, "but Chris, you need to focus. You're the only Tinker that's been in the Twins' dimension, so you're our best hope for getting their signature right for the dimensional anchor. We need that if we want to have any hope of saving Sakura and Saki."
Kid Win jerks back - half because of your anima and half because of the sudden application of your charm - but otherwise remains silent in shock. Armsmaster has turned back to watch you, frowning in thought, but you ignore him for now.
After a few seconds, the Design Weaver in your anima disperses and the severity of your anima fades slightly. Kid Win remains silent for several seconds more, but eventually sighs and nods in agreement.
"I'll see what I can do."
"No, Chris," you growl, floating forward and grabbing his shoulders, "you can do this. You will do this. We cannot fail them, so we won't. Do you understand?"
"I-I-" he stammers mechanically, before you hear his mouth click shut behind his helmet and he stills. After a few heartbeats, you feel his shoulders square under your armored grip and he nods again - this time with the finality you are looking for.
"You can count on me."
You made sure to leave Armsmaster with his own application of Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade, which was finally enough to get a ghost of a smile out of the determined Tinker. You keep enough insects in the aircraft's bay to monitor their progress, but so far the three Tinkers appear to be making headway into a device that can lock down an area and prevent the Twins from teleporting in or out; the hope being that enough of the devices can be made to cover the PRT headquarters, hospitals, and shelters going up around the city, as well as prevent the Slaughterhouse Nine from fleeing a fight with your friends in tow.
Who catches back up to you as you leave the Dragon-craft, having spent the time learning how to fly around with Suzy - specifically, how to buzz over people's heads while her power is active. You had to take control the first few times to prevent some collisions, but both of them are quick learners.
As you float into the office where you are to meet Chevalier - Who riding Suzy behind you silently - Miss Militia and Inquisition are also waiting for you. Rounding out the group is a moderately-attractive, college-aged woman with died blue hair and a hopeful - if somewhat tired - smile.
"Weaver," Chevalier greets with a raised hand, raising his voice to speak over the sound of tortured wails echoing from your armor, "thank you for coming. I know you want to help out the other Tinkers, but Director Uriel, Narwhal and I feel that you and Inquisition can be of more use here trying to pinpoint Slaughterhouse Nine strategies, tactics, and ways to better organize our relief efforts."
Inquisition has not moved a muscle since you floated in, though from her posture and the slant of her mask's glowing purple eyes she appears to be looking… down? Maybe at the droplets of soulsteel leaking from your armo- oh. This might be bad.
"We understand the two of you have history," Chevalier continues, glancing at Miss Militia who nods in response, "but you were able to work together for Behemoth, and this situation is no less serious. I trust this is not going to be an issue?"
"No, sir," you respond quickly, shaking your head. Inquisition is silent for a long moment, drawing the group's attention to her, before she jerks with a pained hiss and holds a hand up to her silver-leaf helmet.
"Just…" the teen Thinker grinds out, sighing away the pain while her glowing eyes wince shut, "don't leave me alone with her, alright? It hurts just to even look in her direction when she's like this."
Miss Militia scowls at Inquisition's attitude, but Chevalier audibly sighs and looks back to you.
"Why don't you have your disguise active, Weaver?"
"I've been extruding the drones I absorbed for the Tinkers to use as raw materials, as well as handing out applications of my Thinker boost. My anima is going to take at least an hour to disperse to a level where I can activate my disguise."
He hums in thought for a moment, then casts a glance at Inquisition.
"Will Weaver's Thinker boost help your headaches?"
"No!" she yelps, jerking away like she'd been shot and holding her hands up defensively. "No, that's alright! I'll be fine, just- just have Chambers here work as our go-between, alright?"
It doesn't take your HUD pinging 'Lie' to know that reaction is anything but a sign that the teen Thinker is fine, and your eyes narrow in suspicion. There's clearly a story going on here, as Tattletale seemed to relish your Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade when you gave it to her during the Behemoth attack, so what changed between then and now?
"You're the first person to ever turn Weaver's Thinker boost down, Inquisition," Miss Militia replies evenly, an eyebrow arched in curiosity. "Is there something we should know?"
Inquisition growls in a way that makes you think she is only barely holding her tongue back, then grips her head again and turns away from the group completely. "Fuck! Look, if you want my help then just keep the soulsteel from screwing with my head any more. Chambers, I'll be over here in this cubicle when you're ready to start being useful."
The college girl wilts slightly, though still manages to keep a semblance of a smile on her face while she offers a nervous giggle. Turning back from the departing Thinker, she holds the thick reams of paper in her arms to her PRT uniform's chest to allow her a free hand - which she uses to offer for a hand-shake.
"A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Weaver. I'm Kaylee Chambers, and Director Uriel assigned me to be your Liason Officer for now. It's not standard protocol for a Ward to receive one, but the Director told me you had been authorized for Protectorate-level clearance as long as the Slaughterhouse Nine are in the area."
You take Kaylee's hand and give it a polite shake with your armored gauntlet, your other minds re-evaluating Director Uriel's competency.
"Thank you, Kaylee. Actually," you wonder aloud, turning your head to address Chevalier and Miss Militia as well, "where is Director Uriel?"
Chevalier shakes his head, his voice somber as he crosses his arms over his armored chest.
"The PRT still has to maintain the appearance of control over the situation, so Director Uriel is going to remain in the Downtown headquarters. He's already made a few public appearences to the crowd that's constantly there, but… well, he knows that most PRT Directors don't survive Slaughterhouse Nine attacks. Director Samson is already proof of that."
Your minds take a few moments to process that, allowing an awkward silence to hang over your group. Finally, you turn back to Kaylee and let your handshake drop.
"Kaylee, let's get started. We're going to make sure Uriel beats the odds."
By the time ten o'clock rolls around, a number of facts about your situation have become clear:
First, the Slaughterhouse Nine are still conforming to most of their standard behaviors thus far. With little-to-no way to stop teleportation or space-warped incursions, there is very little that can be done to stop them at the moment… but yet they have kept to their usual pattern of allowing the defenders in a city time to rest after each attack. Inquisition expects that they won't resume activity until at least daybreak, so for the moment tension levels in the command shelter are at a low simmer.
Second, the PRT is resolved to pour more resources towards this fight against the Nine than ever before, due in no small part to the threat posed by a Slaughterhouse Nine with the potential to teleport around the world at will. As a result, both Legend and Alexandria will be in the area for the duration of the Nine's stay, with Eidolon possibly joining as well if he is able to deal with the Three Blasphemies rampage that is on-going in Africa.
Third, the city is largely in chaos. Residential and commercial streets all across both cities are mined at random points (with bombs that completely obliterate the road in some exotic fashion), power and water are out in most residential areas, and every local cell tower and internet hub needs some form of repair after Shatterbird's Scream. Thankfully, tonight is a balmy fifty-five degrees with only light humidity, but the weather is expected to take a turn for the worse tomorrow when a light rainstorm rolls.
Fourth, Inquisition is terrified of you to the point of wrapping all the way around again to anger. While she refuses to talk to you directly during your two hours of collaboration, the insects you have monitoring her pick up her scribbled notes on the side letting you know she "wants nothing to do with your dark god." Worse, when Who tries to get her to lay off of you, Inquisition freaks out and tries to convince Who not to let you "kill her." Who quickly wipes the conversation by asserting her power again, but Who is clearly shaken up by the desperate plea and leaves to go spend some time flying around with Suzy.
Fifth, Kaylee Chambers is Glenn Chambers' daughter, by way of an accident in college. She prefers the Human Resources and administrative side of the PRT, but she transferred to Philadelphia on Friday; Director Uriel was going to assign her to you after your imprisonment, but things haven't gone according to plan lately.
Also, Kaylee talks far, far too much.
"Inquisition said she's at her limit and is going to go find a place to-"
"Yes," you sigh, for what feels like the hundredth time. "I heard her as she walked out. Thank you, Kaylee." You're not quite sure how she can maintain a positive attitude when you and Inquisition are passing notes about plagues, bombs, ambushes, and casualty statistics in the tens of thousands, but she hasn't flagged so far. Perhaps you can get Wyld to scan her, to see if she can boost other people with that kind of boundless energy?
Unperturbed, Kaylee nods in satisfaction.
"Well, I've received a message from Director Uriel stating in no uncertain terms that you are to sleep tonight. Both Dragon and Legend have also sent me messages telling me the same thing."
You level an exasperated glare at the wireframe avatar on your HUD, which only causes it to roll its eyes.
"I know you didn't sleep last night, Taylor," Dragon quips in your helmet. "And after what you've been through today, you need it. In fact, I've already called Wyld to make sure she helps knock you out - just in case you have trouble sleeping after…"
Dragon trails off, her gaze drooping at the reminder of what you've witnessed in the past twenty-four hours.
"Fine," you say aloud to both Dragon and Kaylee, generating smiles on both of their faces. "Is Wyld still in the medical tents?"
Kaylee opens her mouth, but Dragon's voice crackles through her tablet computer before she can say anything.
"Yes, Weaver, Wyld should be in the medical tents right now. Ms. Chambers, I recommend you make use of the time to get some sleep as well."
The blue-haired LNO purses her lips for a second, then nods. "After I drop off these notes to Chevalier and Legend, Ms. Dragon. Will there be anything else, Ms. Weaver?"
Extruding your armor - having kept your helmet out while you worked in the comfort of one of the plush office chairs - you float a foot off the ground before turning back and nodding.
"I'm glad Assault and Battery transferred over to the Brockton Bay refugee camp, but the timing feels… too coincidental. Could you ask Director Uriel about that tomorrow morning, since he would have had to approve the transfer?"
"Of course, Ms. Weaver," Kaylee smiles, tapping away with her right hand while cradling the tablet in her left arm. "Anything else?"
"No, that's it, Kaylee. Thanks again for taking the plans to Chevalier."
"No problem! Good luck with your leg!"
You nod at Kaylee's enthusiastic farewell, then glide out the door, over the railway, and down to the warehouse floor. The central warehouse is now filling up with PRT vans and officers, as well as dozens of cars and trucks being worked on to serve as civilian transportation. Clusters of refugees are also being scanned and processed before being admitted to the medical tents - a precaution you and Inquisition insisted upon despite the clamor it's causing. No one has been found to have any implants or bombs, but you suspect that trend will be broken some time this week.
As you float out and then accelerate towards the medical tents, you observe how Alexandria and the other Brutes have piled up the shipping containers that were previously stacked in the area; instead of rows of containers up to five tall, they are instead assembled in boxed-off sections with only one pathway between each of the six large tents. The outer perimeter surrounding the complex is four trailers wide, allowing for plenty of PRT officers to patrol the improvised battlements while not making it nearly impossible for anyone to sneak over the edge without being noticed. There is still plenty of room for expansion, as more and more civilians are expected to pour in over the week, but right now the shelter is already housing over a thousand civilians - most of that overflow from the downtown hospital.
Flying over the tops of the tents, Who and Suzy briefly come into your range high above you but then pass back out. Accelerating, you catch the two of them again and take control of Suzy to bring her down closer to the ground.
Who greets you with a wave of a hand and a casual air, but you can see some hesitation in the movement.
"What's up?"
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah," she shrugs, "just working on getting used to Suzy. Needed to get away before I cut that bitch."
Your HUD pings the statement as a lie, but you let it slide for now.
"It's alright. We managed to get some work done on strategies for each of the Nine, which areas of the city they're most likely to hit next, and what the teams should be for when we move out."
"I'm with you, right?" she asks, a little too quickly.
You pause, trying to figure out a delicate way to put this.
"Actually, the Wards are being kept here at the shelter to make sure we have firepower in reserve. Besides, as long as they still have Hatchet Face and Bezalel's drones, there's too great a chance for them to get through your power."
"Oh. Well, that sucks," she grouses, "fuck those drones."
You shrug, opting not to mention the fact that you technically don't count as a Ward at the moment and will be leading the search against the Siberian tomorrow.
"Suzy's getting hungry," you point out, motioning to the motorcycle-sized bug. "Go ahead and land, and I'll gather up a swarm to feed her. I'm going to bed soon, anyway, and you should too - the Nine are probably going to do something tomorrow morning, so it's best to get some rest."
Who rubs the slick black carapace near Suzy's head, patting the space between the two horns that double as handlebars. "Awww, what's a hungry bug? You're a hungry bug, aren't you?"
Rolling your eyes and sparing a chuckle, you wave goodbye and pilot Suzy down to a clearing outside one of the tents where the other Wards are staying. You feel bad about not speaking to them after what you experienced today, but your swarm has seen how busy they've been kept since they arrived in the shelter - moving supplies, helping civilians reunite with family members, doing all the public outreach tasks that Wards are supposed to do.
Better that you're being treated like a Protectorate member now. You never really were a Ward, anyway.
Floating down into the medical tent, it takes you a few seconds to reach Wyld as she strides through the tent - three vine-like tentacles unfurled from each outstretched arm, each resting on a sleeping patient for a few moments before lifting off and moving to another. Hanging off her shoulders is a leafy, backpack-like sack of fluid that twitches slightly each time she touches someone.
"You're not asking for their permission?"
Wyld halts mid-step, her six vines finishing on their current patients before shrinking back to disappear into the tracings of her plant armor. That done, she turns slowly to face your floating form.
"Everyone that's admitted signs a release form," the bio-Striker admits casually, though you detect an undercurrent of… disdain? "Unless they are unconscious, of course. Either way, I don't have to wait around."
You hum in consideration, then motion with a hand at her backpack.
"Have you thought about extending a vine and let anyone who wants to just grab it for healing?"
Wyld perks up slightly, crossing her arms and narrowing her glowing eyes in thought.
"I can do that with lower-form organisms, but the bigger and more complex bodies get the harder it is to keep track of all the information without switching things around. Your boosting power is amazing for helping with that, but even with it I don't think I could handle more than six people at once."
"What about those pods with the goo in them?"
"Oh! I was just trying to copy those healing tanks from sci-fi movies, but I only ended up giving a bunch of rats cancer if I didn't customize the broth to each one individually. At that point, it's easier just to do what I'm doing now."
You remain silent in contemplation of her experimentation, but Wyld quickly brings up her hand to dismiss the thought.
"Oh, no, I fixed the rats. Well, I mean, until I- uh…" she trails off, suddenly looking nervous about her surroundings. "Can we talk somewhere else?"
"Actually, I was wondering if you had the time to heal my leg now. Is there somewhere we can-"
"Yes!" she agrees, with enough enthusiasm. "There are private beds set up for capes. Do you want to go now?"
"S-sure," you mumble, letting her take you by the hand and lead you over to the cape-reserved tent. It's not yet secure as the ones in the Brockton Bay refugee camp, so you've had dozens of insects placed strategically throughout the tent for a while now, but there's no one else in the tent at the moment.
You opt to take the middle-most bed, with its back in the direction of the other tents - just to be on the safe side - though you don't say as much to Wyld as you drop down to the floor within the curtained-off area.
The skip in Wyld's step is making your heart beat a little faster than normal, and your minds are starting to plot out escape routes and ways to take down the bio-Striker should things get a little too Penny. Should you get Skein over here?
Resigning yourself to the rollercoaster that is your life, you extrude a set of spidersilk shorts and t-shirt - made last week through your spiders, so not quite as good as your hand-crafted works - and then absorb your armor. As it folds up into compartments all across your body, you plop down on the bed with your leg and stump hanging off.
"Oh, my," Wyld gasps, not yet touching your Alchemical form's skin but instead leaning down to examine your amputated leg - and all the exposed networks of magical materials that make up your skin, muscles, bones, and charms. "I didn't get a good look at it before, but… I'm sorry, it's just so different than anything-"
"It's fine."
"Does- does it hurt?"
"Well, now that you've reminded me about it," you grit out, feeling the spike of associated pain that you had previously pushed out of your head and causing your eyes to blur. "Yes, it stings a bit."
Wyld's left hand reaches out, and you see the plant-armor gauntlet pull away to expose her lightly-tanned skin. Just before she touches your thigh above where the leg was amputated, her eyes dart up to meet yours.
"M-may I?"
Your eyes are closed and teeth gritted, so you just nod, deactivating Industrial Survival Frame in the same motion.
Her hand is warm on your skin, but you don't feel anything beyond that for several long, quiet moments. Wyld herself is stock-still, her glowing green eyes wide since the moment of contact, but eventually you hear her sigh in confusion.
"It's just… I can't… what are-? AH!"
With a scalding yell, Wyld yanks her hand back as if burned. The motion causes her to fall backward from her awkward forward-lean, resulting in her landing hard on her rear with a dull thud on the sanitized mat.
"Wyld?" you ask, trying to keep some surprise in your voice, even though there are a number of things in your body that could cause that kind of reaction.
"Wh-what was that?!"
"What was what?"
"I don't know!" she exclaims, waving her arms in exasperation towards your stump of a leg. "I was trying to figure out what you are made of, to see if I could replicate it! I was starting with your skin, which I think is some sort of clay-metal hybrid mesh, but then I just… it hurt me!"
You do your best to not let your worry show about Wyld trying to deduce the workings of soulsteel, opting instead to take a different route.
"What did you do when you healed me after Behemoth?"
"I-" she starts, before forcefully taking a long, deep breath to stop her hyperventilation. "All I did then was reconnect the pieces. That normally shouldn't work, but I can't- there's too much information in… whatever you're built out of."
You open your eyes, as the pain has mostly subsided for now, and cock an eyebrow as Wyld gathers her thoughts.
"It's the feeling you get when you're walking into the water on the beach. At a certain point, the water starts to get up near your neck and your head, and you can't see the bottom anymore. It feels like there should be ground when you take your next step, but then all of a sudden… it's like I stepped over a ledge."
"Ah," you say, eloquently. "Yeah."
Wyld's glowing green eyes blink owlishly as she tries to parse your detailed response. You hear her start to take a breath to respond, but hold up a hand before she can speak.
"It's ok. I didn't think this would work. Let me… try something."
Closing your eyes, you begin working through some breath exercises to prepare yourself mentally for this next step - not that the act will be strenuous, but rather you will be placing yourself at more risk than you would normally allow.
You'll just have to trust in your allies.
One by one you deactivate all your applications of Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade. Wyld gasps in shock as you save hers for last, but then you feel the sparking current of electricity near the base of your skull finally subside. With that done, you gather up your will and struggle mentally for a few moments with your Shard of Perfect Administration, letting out your breath in a woosh of air as it finally slams closed - and then nearly fall over as your world narrows down to just your tiny, miniscule perspective.
How long had it been since you last turned it off? Weeks? A month? You're not sure if you ever felt so… incomplete without it active before, even though you consciously recognize that as an unhealthy train of thought.
"Taylor! Are you alright? What happened?"
"Ah-" you try, struggling to get used to being in only one brain with only one consciousness again. "I'm fine, sorry. I just deactivated everything, since I think you were picking up on some of my active charms. I'm going to switch to my disguise now, then let's try that again."
Wyld simply nods, then slowly picks herself off the floor and brushes her armor off while you close your eyes and enable Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier and the Loom-Server Migration sub-module. You feel your body shift and hum as your body transforms into a perfect simulacrum of a human being, the sensation never quite growing old despite how many times you've done it before.
"Alright, try again."
Wyld doesn't move, and from her posture it seems she was watching your stump during the transition. Without your insects around you weren't able to see it happen, but it must have looked suitably bizarre as your metallic, crystalline, and clay components transformed to bone, sinew, blood, and flesh.
"O-ok. If you say so."
Once again Wyld places her hand on your thigh, but this time you see her glowing eyes blink in surprise. You hear her breathing even out over the next few moments, until you finally hear her mumble to herself.
"Alive... "
You remain quiet, giving her all the time she needs for now - you don't feel any changes happening, so for now you're content to let Wyld have her moment of universal understanding.
After what feels like five minutes of Wyld simply standing still and breathing lightly, she twitches and blinks her eyes rapidly.
"T-Taylor! You're alive!"
You nod your head slowly, hoping you didn't just fry Wyld's brain.
"Yes. I am alive. Are you alive, Amelia?"
Still keeping her left hand on your leg, Wyld gestures at the rest of your body with frantic excitement while trying to give you an eager stare through her helmet.
"No! I mean, yes, I'm alive, but not like you! You're not like everyone else, just a bag of meat and bones and chemicals bumping around! You're… real! You look like you're made of what everyone else is made of, but then I keep trying to dive deeper and deeper and it's… there's just so much potential!"
By now Wyld is practically jumping around, her left hand locked to your thigh in a way that is now growing distinctly painful.
"Uh, Wyld?"
"That's what I was getting from your bugs, and why they didn't feel the same as the ones I used in my Garden! Somehow you're passing… no, I was seeing you!"
The manic bio-Striker jerks to halt, the act nearly bringing tears to your eyes as you try to grit through a smile.
"That… really hurts."
"Ohmygosh I'm so sorry!" she gasps, sliding back so that she is up against the bed where you are now laying down in pain. "Here, I'm going to try to heal you now! Let me know how that feels?"
You just nod, not trusting your voice any longer, and watch as a much thicker, hose-like vine grows from the pack of goo on her back and slithers down to meet where her hand is on your thigh. Almost instantly you feel the pain disappear, only to be replaced with a light tingling sensation that reminds you of the times your foot or leg fell asleep. It's not the painful, but rather it's almost as if your leg is there but also… not there. A phantom limb inside your actual limb.
The process takes all of ten seconds, but as Wyld releases her grip on your leg and pulls away, the sensation doesn't fade. Frowning, you test your new leg by flexing it and wiggling your toes.
"Is everything alright?" Wyld asks tentatively, "I tried to build it using the template from your other leg, but I don't know how to make it… whatever you are."
"It's good, just… it's weird. Like it's not really a part of me. It's somewhat like what I expected to happen, but not exactly."
The verdant, glowing eyes of Wyld's mask narrow in what must be a frown of concern or thought. "Not exactly? What do you mean?"
"Well, when I figured one of a few things would happen. Either you wouldn't be able to heal me at all, this would happen, or it'd work perfectly. The first possibility was low, since you were able to heal my jaw, my burns, and my broken bones, but as you said before, those were just putting things back together. The third option would have been great, and we'd be having a much different conversation right now if that had happened, but it didn't. As for the second… well, I figured it would be like what happens when I eat."
At Wyld's blank, luminescent stare, you motion to your leg and nod.
"I'm not just made of different stuff, I actually run on completely different physics than normal matter and energy. I think what you're seeing is part of that when you start diving in the deep end with your power, but I'm not sure. Either way, I'm still able to eat and drink normal food and convert it to my type of physics and matter, so I think I'll be able to do the same thing here. Just… probably a little slower than when I eat."
Wyld blinks a few times as you go through your theory, but remains quiet when you finish. Eventually, she looks back to your leg and pokes it with her left index finger.
"I… think I get it? I mean, I could probably just sit here all night trying to figure this out, but I think I'm starting to get a headache now."
You nod, having expected as much, but you manage to remember one of your thoughts from before just as Wyld is looking like she might be ready to leave you be.
"Actually, Wyld, I was wondering something. Have you ever thought about improving someone beyond the small tune-ups you do? Build muscle, reinforce bones, something like that."
The plant-armored bio-Striker slowly pulls her finger back from your leg, then clasps her hands together in a way you saw her do as Panacea during the attack.
"I'm… not really sure I'm comfortable with that yet. It's one thing for me to experiment on those bodies I build for Maestro or on smaller animals, but…"
She huffs and starts to pace a bit, her gaze focused on the floor.
"It's not like you're the first person to ask. My si-Vicky did a few times, and occasionally people I healed."
"But you never did?"
"No!" Wyld blurts out, but then immediately starts to fidget again. "I-I mean, not intentionally. I-I think I may have done it to Vicky on accident over the years. It's just… it's so hard not to."
You blink, the statement triggering a thought you had last night about the nature of parahuman powers, if yours and Marrow's Shard-based charms are any indication: that powers might, in fact, be large, interdimensional, and sentient.
It's not something you're going to be talking to anyone about right now, but Wyld just may have added more evidence to your pile.
"I only understand what I see, not what came before, and even just reading DNA for instructions doesn't get the same results! I could start changing you or someone else and not know how to get back!"
"That makes sense," you agree, nodding. "From everything my diagnostic sight tells me, I think you might even be rewriting DNA when you make changes - my sight would pick up if something was different than what it should be."
"W-wait, really?" Wyld balks, causing you to raise an eyebrow in curiosity.
"You didn't notice that?"
"No! Of course not! I-" she holds a hand to her head, lost in thought, "I would have seen if I was changing Vicky or not!"
"Can you make changes without rewriting DNA?"
"Yes? I mean, that's what I'm doing when I'm healing people."
Both of you are silent for a moment, your own lips pursed as you make the connection several seconds before Wyld does. Unfortunately, the realization is a crippling one.
"O-oh no. No," she mutters, shrinking in on herself. "I-I can't even-"
"Amelia! Stop!" you bark out, turning on the bed and grabbing her shoulder - desperate to stop this train of thought before Wyld collapses completely. "I watched you heal with my own sight. It was perfect. Have you ever heard of anyone having any problems from your healing?"
The question makes Wyld blink a few times, the glowing green eyes of her plant-based helmet flickering as she tries to dredge up the memories.
"I-I don't… I don't think so… but I-"
"No! Shut up!"
You pray to the Maker that Bladedancer's brand of pep-talks will work here, because you're not coming up with anything else.
So far so good, if the stunned, wide-eyes of Wyld's helmet are any indication.
"Are you human?"
You grab her other shoulder, nearly shaking her with the act.
"I said, are you human?"
"Y-yes! Why-"
"Because if you're human, you are not perfect. Nobody is perfect. You have made mistakes. You will make more mistakes. But remember: you haven't hurt anyone."
You take your right hand off her shoulder and point it square in her face.
"Trust me, the PRT would have been on your case instantly if people started complaining about side-effects of your healing, and that didn't happen. So yes, there's a new quirk to your amazing, world-changing power. Who knows, maybe now that you know what to look for, you can even get around it! That's what being human means - figuring things out where things went wrong, then making things better!"
Your breath is heavy and hard after your tirade, while Wyld is still a deer-in-headlights under your firm grip. Eventually, you lower your finger but keep your glare going until you feel her twitch.
"No," you lean back in her face, finger now jammed against her mask with your best glare going, "the next thing I better hear out of your mouth is, 'Yes, Taylor!'"
"YES, TAYLOR!" she finally squeaks, but you don't let up.
"'I am amazing, Taylor!'"
"I am amazing, Taylor!"
"'I am making the world a better place, Taylor!'"
"I am making the world a better place, Taylor!"
"'I am going to stop collecting pictures of you in swimsuits, Taylor!'"
"I am going to-eeep!"
You keep your eyes narrowed, despite the shrill squeal of embarrassment Wyld just made while locking up under your grip.
"Yes, I saw those magazines, Amelia," you growl, trying to sound menacing without actually being truly angry, "though the ones in Sabah room can be excused since it's her job. What were all those pictures and magazines doing in your Garden, then?"
You're sorely tempted to activate Mass-Penetrating Scan to see through her helmet, but doing so would break your disguise at this point. Still, you have a good enough imagination to figure out that she's probably the color of a tomato at this point.
You lean back, eyeing her imperiously for a few more moments before releasing your grip and relaxing with a snort of amusement - falling back into the bed as you do so.
"Oh, whatever," you sigh, managing a weary smile. "It's not like I shouldn't have expected anything less than being pinned up to every teenaged boy's bedroom wall. Serves me right for agreeing to those photo shoots."
A distinctly un-ladylike snort of laughter from Wyld is the start of a gradual escalation to full-blown laughter, which is contagious enough that you get swept up into giggling as well. After a minute or so of it, you slide your legs a bit to the side to give enough room for Wyld to sit up on the bed as well, which she manages with zero grace.
"Thanks, Taylor," she eventually sighs, the giggles finally having died down.
"I'm just glad that I didn't have to start slapping you," you admit, rolling your eyes, "since I'm pretty sure that would have ended poorly for everyone."
That just starts Wyld giggling again, so you close your eyes and relax.
"I'm sorry about asking you about modifications, anyway. I'm just a bit nervous about tomorrow. I think I know what to expect from the Siberian now, but she's out for my blood after I screwed her up with my anima."
"O-oh. Is that how you stopped her from chasing us?"
"Yeah. She even talked to me, called me a machine. Which is right, I guess, but not really the same."
"Y-you're not a machine, Taylor. You're a human."
You crack one eye open to see Wyld fidgeting with her hands in her lap on the side of the bed. Her helmet is down now, revealing her bushy, curly hair and freckled, mousy face as she gazes off to the side.
"Thank you, Amelia. But… I'm really not. Not anymore, at least. I am, quite literally, a machine. Case in point," you sigh, gesturing with your right hand to your bicep as you flex it, "no matter how much I work out or train, I will never gain an ounce of physical power. My body is locked until I can get to a complex that can rebuild my muscles to be… I'm not going to say it."
"It's an old TV show from before Scion-"
"No-" Amelia frowns, concentrating on a thought, "a TV show? What does… nevermind, you mean all that training the Wards have to do won't help you at all?"
You bob your head from side to side for a bit, weighing the question before wincing. "Not really. I can train my skills - my mind, really - but I won't get stronger or more dextrous. Software yes, hardware no."
From her incredulous expression, Amelia isn't believing this one bit. She turns, bringing her right knee up on the bed as she fixes you with a skeptical gaze. "But brains are hardware. It's just neuron pathways being reinforced each time the brain processes an action or sensation."
"I… think I've heard of that, but no, that's not-" you begin warily, before sighing and shaking your head. "Look, do you remember how I said I run on different physics and matter?"
She nods, still not quite where this is going.
"Well, I actually have this… well, let's call it a phased organ that regulates my consciousness and sense of self. It's like another brain, really, except it actually keeps logs of my past states so that it can compare and contrast to detect changes that are both good and bad. My actual, physical brain in my normal body acts more like a tool for raw processing power, where the phased organ regulates my actual identity."
"O-oh," Amelia blinks, looking away for a moment to process that. After nearly half a minute, she finally turns back with a more thoughtful expression. "Do you know what the organ's called? Maybe there's a way I can try to replicate one if I could figure out how to identify it."
Your eyes widen at that very dangerous line of thought, so you hold your hands up to ward it off. Still, you're pretty sure of what her reaction is going to be to your next answer.
"W-Well, it's got a few different names, actually, but…" you try to smile, but it comes out more like a wince, "I guess you could call it a 'soul'?"
Her face drops into a blank, flat stare fast enough to make you think it'll stick that way.
"A soul? Really, Taylor?"
"Ah!" you counter, pointing a finger with rising indignation, "don't give me that. I'll have you know that where this body comes from, souls are actually tangible things. It's actually what in this big diamond in my head," you proclaim, pointing to the soulgem you've extruded from your forehead, "see?"
Amelia closes her eyes, takes a deep, long breath, then lets it out through her mouth - slowly - as she pinches the bridge of her nose. After finishing her world-weary sigh, she shakes her head.
"And just when I was starting to think you were normal. Honestly."
You just cross your arms and fall back to the tilted bed, pouting with mock-seriousness. "Hmph. Heathen."
This elicits a snort of laughter from Amelia, eventually leading to a short round of giggles between the two of you.
The tent grows quiet afterwards, Amelia looking off into space while you start to feel sleep overtake you. Just as you feel the black creeping into your vision, she turns back with a pensive expression.
"Do you really want me to try?"
You almost lose consciousness, but the effort of parsing the question manages to rescue you. Blinking away the drowsiness, you nod. "If you're up for it. Even the littlest bit may make the difference."
"I'm not going to make you into Marrow, you know," she sighs through pursed lips. "Since you need speed against the Siberian, I'll just try to reinforce the nerve connections to your fast-twitch muscle groups, and…"
You smile, not quite grasping her terminology as she goes into more detail, but you try to memorize it for future research.
"... and I'll work one part of your body at a time, so that I know what I've changed and how to go back if I mess up."
"Good idea. Do you want me to scan while you work?"
Amelia purses her lips again in thought, then shakes her head.
"No, if I'm working on your nerves then I need you to be out - too much chance that when I'm changing things you flex on instinct and I lose track. This is going to take me a while, too, and I'm pretty sure I saw you passing out back there."
"I don't know what you're talking about," you try to say, but unconsciousness has already claimed you.
A sudden, loud explosion rips the cobwebs from your mind as you jolt up out of bed...
… and nearly crush your own rib cage with your knees in the process.
You let out a hard, adrenaline-hastened breath as your mind finishes bringing you to the waking world, then hop out of bed with more spring in your step than you've ever had before. Were it not for the thunderous bang you just heard, you be jumping for joy right now.
Discarding your mortal disguise you reactivate your full suite of standard charms in a massive deluge of essence from your periperal reserve. As smoke blasts out from your shoulders and the Design Weaver of your anima screams in challenge, you feel your body shimmer from Industrial Survival Frame, your mind multiply from Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade, and expand beyond your single form through Shard of Perfect Administration - the latter of which reveals the scene around you in the morning daylight.
It takes you less than a second to process what you're seeing, but the sensation that hits your nose at the same time is faster than that.
Your eyes burn with liquid silver, your sinuses explode in pain, and you - like everyone else in you can see - collapse to the ground while trying to throw up everything you've ever eaten.
EOA - Wounds: None EOA - Ailments: None EOA - Current Clarity: 1 (No effect)
EOA - Intimacy: Wyld/Amelia (Working Friendship) [1/4] EOA - Intimacy: Inquisition/Lisa (Restrained Frustration) [1/4] FPoP - Intimacy: Willow (Sympathetic Respect) [1/3]
EOA - Athletics ●●●●● GAINED! EOA - Investigation (Reading People ●●○) NOW AVAILABLE! EOA - Integrity +1 Training Interval (2/6 Intervals) EOA - Medicine +1 Training Interval (1/6 Intervals) EOA - Survival +1 Training Interval (2/6 Intervals) EOA - Survival (Swarms ●●○) NOW AVAILABLE! FPoP - Craft +1 Training Interval (1/6 Intervals) FPoP - Dodge +1 Training Interval (5/6 Intervals) FPoP - Occult +1 Training Interval (2/6 Intervals)
EOA - Dexterity ●●●○○ GAINED!
EOA - Equipment (Orange Drones) ●●○○○ GAINED! EOA - Ally (Wyld) ●●○○○ NOW AVAILABLE! Equipment (Tranquilizer Wasps) ●○○○○ NOW AVAILABLE! Equipment (Weaver Spiders) ●○○○○ NOW AVAILABLE! Equipment (Shearing Ants) ●○○○○ NOW AVAILABLE! Equipment (Spy Flies) ●○○○○ NOW AVAILABLE!
Happy One-Year Anniversary, Alchemical Quest!
Hard to think it's been a year, really. A little over 460,000 words written for this quest just in the story updates, not counting all the work done for the Index and all the out-of-update clarifications, rules, and voting tallies - easily over 600k when counting those. I'm not sure I'll be able to match that for this next year, but I'm not giving up yet! I wanna see this thing through as much as you folk do!
Before we go into the voting particulars, there is something worth addressing: our growing collection of drones and specialized insects.
For both the Wyld-made insects and Bug Drones, the amount we have on-hand can vary wildly from one update to the next; Wyld can batch-grow insects should the need arise, and I foresee multiple ways we could pump out insect drones fairly easily… but both robot and biological bugs can be easily obliterated in huge swaths with not much effort on the part of our enemies. As a result, I'm not going to charge us XP to build up these smaller members of our swarm, but I will require us to dedicate votes (Intervals or Free Actions, the former yielding more than the latter) to rebuild them should we run low. On the character sheet, I'll represent how many we currently have with a multiplier listed next to the background listing, like so:
For larger drones and insects, such as our Orange Drones or bugs like Suzy, they can only be increased in number through Intervals (since they take more time than Free Actions allow), but their number(s) can be semi-protected by spending more XP on them. This 'protection' won't be a full re-buy, but rather will cost as much XP as they have dots: a 3-Dot drone will cost 3 XP, 4-Dot bug will cost 4 XP, etc. Drones and insects protected this way can be taken out of action, but not destroyed entirely - drones can be salvaged and repaired through TIE, and we will have methods beyond Amy to heal our big bugs. The character sheet will reflect our number of protected and total drones, like so:
*Note: Suzy is not 'ours' and thus will not be on our character sheet for now, unless we specifically take a Free Action to take ownership of her by switching us as the Master and Aisha to Friendly.
I have adjusted the end-of-update stats, and the character sheet, to reflect these modifications/available purchases. Now, on to the vote!
For the second day of the Slaughterhouse 9 event, there will be multiple battles happening across the city, and - since we are one of the greatest generals ever seen on Earth-Bet - our job is to help determine troop distribution. Taylor's work with Inquisition gave is giving us likely methods for where, when, and how the S9 might attack, so we have bonuses from that action helping us in addition to our own formidable War dice pools boosting the efficacy of the heroes - case in point, most of our forces are outside of the Dock Shelter on patrol, and thus are able to be dispatched quickly to the other battles going on (because they're not wallowing on the ground, puking their guts out).
* Philadelphia General Hospital
-- Targets: ~2,000 civilians
-- Enemies: Drones, Bombs, Zombies
And here are the heroes that can be dispatched:
Bulldozer (Juggernaut and Hulk from Marvel)
Willow (teleports through plants, can sense pain, touch-based painkiller/knockout)
Gully (Earthbender from Avatar: Last Airbender/Legend of Korra)
Kid Win
Miss Milita
- There are no WRONG choices, merely gradients of Awesome as Taylor is too good at War to screw this up. We are effectively choosing what kinds of fights you'd like to see be written.
- Strider is unavailable, but Dragonships are ferrying people around.
- If Weaver leaves Docks, Siberian will kill civilians.
- If Marrow leaves Docks, Crawler will kill civilians.
- Wyld Hunt members prefer to work together.
- Triumvirate members prefer to fight Siberian.
- Kid Win possesses an Anti-Twins Dimensional Anchor, but it has a single charge.
- Certain combinations of heroes may allow for live-capture of S9 members.
- Hatchet Face will appear at a random fight, to be decided after we assign heroes.
- Heroes do not need to be assigned to a fight!
On the Second Day of Slaughter: (Effectively 5 write-in votes, with ONE Stunt allowed for each!)
[ ] Docks Shelter: <Assign Heroes>
[ ] Street King Castle: <Assign Heroes>
[ ] Boulder Builder Mountain: <Assign Heroes>
[ ] PRT Downtown Headquarters: <Assign Heroes>
[ ] Philadelphia General Hospital: <Assign Heroes>
Please remember to format Free Actions properly: (Only ONE Free Action per Assembly member allowed!)
Free Actions should be phrased as stand-alone Stunts, so they must be 60 words or less (not counting "Free Action"), be descriptive about what you're hoping to accomplish, and set the scene.
[X] EOA - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other votes.]
[X] FPoP - Free Action: [Insert Stunt-like action that could be performed during other votes.]
XP Expenditures should be formatted as such for EOA and FPoP:
[X] NAME - ? XP - Item ●●●○○
[X] NAME - ? XP - Item (Specialization ●●○)
Spending more XP than a character has in their own bank will automatically draw from the Assembly bank, and Named XP will be spent before Assembly XP is used.
Hmm. Well, I guess I'll just have to keep things a bit more straightforward/simple for the future votes in this arc. Ah well. Thankfully, we have a quorum now, so here are the votes!
[X] Docks Shelter: Alexandria, Clockblocker, Marrow, Weaver No. of votes: 18 landcollector, FunkyEntropy, Jorlem, Enjou, Jinnt, Scify, Ridtom, Xomniac, spudman, sainen, charysa, GilliamYaeger, Daemir, suntzu, veekie, wingstrike96, Tsotate, Arbit
[X] Docks Shelter: Alexandria, Bulldozer, Marrow, Weaver, (PRT guy in drone) No. of votes: 1 noliar
- [x] Stunt: NOW! Perfect timing. With Crawler focused on Vajra, the young Striker with Prayer's IEU darts out from the frozen rubble, sliding underneath an errant tentacle as he slaps the monstrosity's rear leg. Excellent. Now help Alexan- The Siberian erupts from a storage container, your bugs giving barely enough warning to dodge. Clever girl...but you're not the hunter here. No. of votes: 18 landcollector, FunkyEntropy, Jorlem, Enjou, Jinnt, Scify, Ridtom, Xomniac, sainen, charysa, Daemir, suntzu, veekie, wingstrike96, spudman, GilliamYaeger, Tsotate, Arbit
- [x] Stunt: For all the smashed buildings it's a subtle dance; you keep the Siberian from killing your brutes (or you!) and they try holding Crawler who will happily rip his own leg off to get past. Prayer's IEU is invaluable. Flaring anima buys you a moment to take a call: You have Bonesaw? Well done! You meet tiger eyes, Cut them off... No. of votes: 1 noliar
[X] Street King Castle: Bladedancer, Narwhal, Who No. of votes: 18 landcollector, FunkyEntropy, Jorlem, Enjou, Jinnt, Scify, Ridtom, Xomniac, spudman, sainen, charysa, GilliamYaeger, Daemir, suntzu, veekie, wingstrike96, Tsotate, Arbit
[X] Street King Castle: Bladedancer, Chevalier, Weld No. of votes: 1 noliar
- [x] Stunt: In a trashed penthouse suite, a confident voice whispers into PRT Officer Sasha Freeman's ear, Target sighted, check your six. She slides off the musty chair, sweeps glass from the broken window on the other side of the room. Where? Switch to TacNet EMscan. ...I see him. She chambers the PRT-issued Tinkertech round into her rifle. Synchronize your shots. Five... No. of votes: 18 landcollector, FunkyEntropy, Jorlem, Enjou, Jinnt, Scify, Ridtom, Xomniac, spudman, sainen, charysa, GilliamYaeger, Daemir, suntzu, veekie, wingstrike96, Tsotate, Arbit
- [x] Stunt: PRT Officer Sasha Freeman couldn't believe her luck. Eight years she'd waited for this chance. Weaver had ordered sniper teams into position to take out Jack Slash without killing the mutilated Ward, and now she had a clear shot. She pulls the trigger as he evades a spray of blades, stopping at a shattered window. This is for my brother. No. of votes: 1 noliar
[X] Boulder Builder Mountain: Feral, Inquisition, Kid Win, Maestro, Slate, Weld, Wyld No. of votes: 18 landcollector, FunkyEntropy, Jorlem, Enjou, Jinnt, Scify, Ridtom, Xomniac, spudman, sainen, charysa, GilliamYaeger, Daemir, suntzu, veekie, wingstrike96, Tsotate, Arbit
[X] Boulder Builder Mountain: Feral, Inquisition, Kid Win, Maestro, Slate, Willow, Wyld, Narwhal No. of votes: 1 noliar
- [x] Stunt: You think darkness is gonna scare me? Jack said I'm a Big Girl! Tactical Hug! ...wait. Why didn't that work? For the briefest instant Weld pondered how the puzzled, pouting Bonesaw could be simultaneously adorable and utterly terrifying. He pushes it from his mind, focusing instead on Geode's relayed instructions. He charges through the smoldering wreckage, converging on Bonesaw's location. No. of votes: 18 landcollector, FunkyEntropy, Jorlem, Enjou, Jinnt, Scify, Ridtom, Xomniac, spudman, sainen, charysa, GilliamYaeger, Daemir, suntzu, veekie, wingstrike96, Tsotate, Arbit
- [x] Stunt: The throbbing howl of the sonic battle suddenly goes black. And he's walked into the oak. Willow nods and steps. The rest of the advance is hard fought but inevitable. Miasma, smoke, killer drones and fire are overcome. Teleport tag ends when Burnscar appears in a pre-diced flame. Chris's device hums, Willow points and soon, Bonesaw screams. No. of votes: 1 noliar
[X] PRT Downtown Headquarters: Chevalier, Gully, Miss Militia, Willow No. of votes: 17 landcollector, FunkyEntropy, Jorlem, Enjou, Jinnt, Scify, Ridtom, Xomniac, spudman, sainen, charysa, GilliamYaeger, Daemir, suntzu, veekie, wingstrike96, Tsotate, Arbit
[X] PRT Downtown Headquarters: Gully, Clockblocker, Skein No. of votes: 1 noliar
- [x] Stunt: There was a thunderous crack as the ground in front of Gully's shovel buckled, forming a jagged path leading to the PRT building. Pillars of fire, ash, and sizzling haze raised towards the sky in response, confirming her suspicions. Gully placed a gentle, almost motherly hand on Willow's shoulder, And that's why you don't give Tinkers time to prepare. No. of votes: 18 landcollector, FunkyEntropy, Jorlem, Enjou, Jinnt, Scify, Ridtom, Xomniac, spudman, sainen, charysa, GilliamYaeger, Daemir, suntzu, veekie, wingstrike96, Tsotate, Arbit
- [x] Stunt: Outside is the thunder of Gully clearing mines the fast way but in Uriel's office is silence. Scratched on the wall is Join Us. Why... Why do you think I'd... no Mannequin's pose radiates disbelief. Build what you like. No. People matter. Blades slide from ceramic. The psychopath retreats only to be stopped by a foam grenade. Improved formula. No. of votes: 1 noliar
[X] Philadelphia General Hospital: Bulldozer, Gallant, Skein No. of votes: 18 landcollector, FunkyEntropy, Jorlem, Enjou, Jinnt, Scify, Ridtom, Xomniac, spudman, sainen, charysa, GilliamYaeger, Daemir, suntzu, veekie, wingstrike96, Tsotate, Arbit
[X] Philadelphia General Hospital: Gallant, Miss Militia, (Many troops) No. of votes: 1 noliar
- [x] Stunt: Skein grimaces as another bomb detonates in the hallway, turning her frilly cloth mouse into prismatic confetti. Fucking Tinkers. This sentiment is shared by Bulldozer, who is busy using a cyberpanther to bat the cybergorilla through the wall. Gallant, on the other hand, is slightly traumatized by the implications as yet another zombie sinks to its knees in crushing despair. No. of votes: 18 landcollector, FunkyEntropy, Jorlem, Enjou, Jinnt, Scify, Ridtom, Xomniac, spudman, sainen, charysa, GilliamYaeger, Daemir, suntzu, veekie, wingstrike96, Tsotate, Arbit
- [x] Stunt: What do you do if Hatchet Face appears? Kind of busy boss! Dean blasts a security guard zombie over a trolley of medical records folders. What do you do? insists Hannah. Get his attention and run, There is the sound of shotgun blasts, Boss? Crow drones. Go on. Run for the open where you or Gust can pick him off. No. of votes: 1 noliar
Free Actions:
[X] FPoP - Free Action: "Crawler. You desire pain. Growth." The tentacled monstrosity drops the broken compactor, confused. "SO?" You fight me, when your compatriots could better fuel your transformation. "YOUR POINT." "Bakuda's seeds blight the landscape." "JACK SAID -" "- Jack shackles you. He denies you those that could hasten your evolution. Follow -" "- NO TRICKS. YOU FLY, THEY DIE." "No tricks. I seek your end." No. of votes: 18 landcollector, FunkyEntropy, Jorlem, Enjou, Jinnt, Scify, Ridtom, Xomniac, spudman, sainen, charysa, GilliamYaeger, Daemir, suntzu, veekie, wingstrike96, Tsotate, Arbit
[X] EOA - Free Action: You take a – thankfully stink-free - breath of air. "Thanks, Gust!" A bug flies to the pair above, granting IEU. "Next, assist Legend in clearing the city of drones so sniper team coverage can be optimized. I'm sure Hatchet Face will be rendered speechless when you…" You spin away from Siberian's leaping slash. Some people can't appreciate a joke. No. of votes: 18 landcollector, FunkyEntropy, Jorlem, Enjou, Jinnt, Scify, Ridtom, Xomniac, sainen, charysa, Daemir, suntzu, veekie, wingstrike96, spudman, GilliamYaeger, Tsotate, Arbit
[X] EOA - Free Action: Gust, get higher, you aren't as tough as Legend. As you hold five other conversations you mutter, If only we knew what the bastard looks like. - William Manton Alexandria's voice drips hate. You don't hesitate, Chambers, get an image to, Who, take Suzy, sweep west, stay hidden. and finally, Everyone, today we close down the slaughterhouse. Good hunting! No. of votes: 1 noliar
[X] FPoP - Free Action: You follow the rubble wake as the Siberian heads straight for Geode's home suburb. Get clear now! You buy some time moving the semi dismembered Bonesaw with your paramagnetic tether but you can't keep tiger from cub forever. Snarling, the projection charges on smoke to reach you. You see a rainbow flash three blocks away: Bonesaw falls from empty air. No. of votes: 1 noliar
So, last vote was a mess. My fault for a number of reasons, the largest reason being the fact that my own definition of "doing Awesome" against the S9 doesn't mean "flawless victory," which is what seems to have been what a large percentage of the voters thought it meant. Either way, I ultimately felt unsatisfied by lack of player agency I provided as it wasn't clear what impact the votes would actually have on the update itself nor was there a way for voters to declare what they wanted to accomplish in the encounters. Then with five Stunts needing to be written and each vote was a Write-In... yeah, mea culpa.
I'm not going to throw out all of that vote, as I'll be keeping it in mind when looking at the results of this vote, but some troop distribution may be shuffled around to better coincide with what we determine here.
The goal of this vote is narrow down what we want out of this day's engagements, while placing more power into the hands of the voters to declare just how far we're willing to go to succeed. Since the vote will already be a bit fiddly on its own, no Stunts or Free Actions, and I'll use the XP votes from last time.
And now, without further ado...
8.3 Vote, Take 2!
When it comes to War, Taylor can count herself as one of the greatest generals that has ever lived on Earth-Bet. Compounding that, we spend time with Inquisition the previous night going through the dossiers of all the Slaughterhouse 9 members, all the major hard and soft targets in Philly and Camden, where and when the S9 might strike, and the potential match-up for countering the Slaughterhouse 9's powers. As a result, Taylor has a truly superhuman dice pool for this plan: Intelligence 5 + War 5 + War(Parahumans) 2 + Stunts 3 + Lisa Helping 3 = 18 dice.
Instead of rolling those dice (because my dice sustain themselves on blood and tears), instead we will have 18 points to allocate towards what we want accomplished in these upcoming engagements. Tasks cost fewer or more points depending on how much of our resources we intend to allocate towards an objective, and will thus will ultimately determine where people go when the fur starts flying.
Oh, and remember when I said you would have at least one chance to save prospective Assembly members? NOW IS A CHANCE! Multiple prospective Assembly members may be dying/critically injured at the end of this update if you vote to leave their fates up to the dice, but the following people will at least live long enough for us to take one of them to the Cradle at the start of 8.4 (if we choose to do so): Bladedancer, Chevalier, Miss Militia, Tatsu, Uzu, Vista, Who.
Increase chance each member of a Friendly Group survives from 60% to 90%*: 0.5 points Everyone in a Friendly Group survives*: 2 points Kill an S9 Member**: 4 points Capture an S9 Member**: 5 points Ensure survival of a Captured Hero: 0.5 points Rescue a Captured Hero: 4 points Find a Search Target: 12 points
* "Survives" may not mean "able to keep fighting" but at least means "will likely make a full recovery."
**Jack can't be killed/captured by the forces we voted to send at him earlier, Crawler can't be killed but only costs 2 points to capture, Siberian is effectively not on the field.
Friendly Groups: (Covers all members in a Group, regardless of where they are in the city! Legend and Alexandria are independent actors.)
- The Guild (Wyld, Inquisition, Slate, Maestro, Skein, Feral, Narwhal, Dragon)
- Case 53s (Bulldozer, Weld, Gully, Willow)
- Protectorate (Chevalier, Bladedancer, Armsmaster, Miss Militia, Lockstep, Gust)
- Wards (Clockblocker, Gallant, Kid Win, Who)
- PRT (Uriel and normal officers at all locations)
- Boulder Builders (Gang mooks, Stonewall, Geode, Xylophone)
- Overleague
- Street Kings
- Civilians (covers all locations)
S9 Members:
- Jack Slash
- Bonesaw
- Shatterbird
- Mannequin
- Crawler
- Burnscar
- Hatchet Face
- Bakuda
Plan "I Love This Plan! I'm Excited To Be A Part Of It!"
- [ ] 12 points - Iris
- [ ] 5 points - Bonesaw
- [ ] 0.5 points - Phily Phils
- [ ] 05. points - Breakdown
OK, so. Operating under the assumption that we still want to get someone to fill the Public Relations (Primary) role next but want to avoid adding fuel to the POD PEOPLE fire...we have fewer choices. I mentioned Chevalier, Miss Militia, and Legend - if anyone else can think of someone who fits, feel free to speak up.
First off, can we expect this role to come with? Well, since it's public relations normally we'd associate that with Charisma, but we'll probably get high Manipulation as well since (a) we're getting the Happy Fun Spike no matter what, and (b) there are two very important charms for shifting public policy towards our own aims that require high MNP. High Appearance goes a long way towards ensuring dominance in social combat so we may see a few 4th Augs for that as well. All told, we can expect CHR 7, MNP 6/7, and APP 5~7. Plus all the actual charms.
What social charms we can reasonably expect* a PR (Primary) alchie to have:
4th Charisma Augmentation (x2) - E1, CHR 1 [1m]. Two charm slots.
1st/2nd Charisma Augmentation - E1, CHR 1 [1m]
4th Manipulation Augmentation** - E1, MNP 1 [1m]
Patriotism-Provoking Display - E2, CHR 3 [1m]
Perfected Union Patterning - E2, CHR 3 [1m]
Motivational Vocoder - E3, CHR 5 [1m]
Pattern Facilitation Module - E3, CHR 4 [1m]
Conceptual Entropy Module - E3, MNP 4 [1m]
Agenda Recalibration Protocols - E3, MNP 5 [1m]
Unobtrusive Repartee Baffles - E2, MNP 2 [2m]
Emotive Aesthetics of the Body Electric - E3, APP 4, PER 3 for submodule [1m]
Integrated Artifact Transmorgifier - E2, APP 1 [1m]
Possible Additions (if Autochthon isn't just being thorough, he's being completionist)
4th Manipulation Augmentation - E1, MNP 1 [1m], second of two 4th Augs
2nd Manipulation Augmentation - E1, MNP 1 [1m]
4th Appearance Augmentation (x2) or 5th Appearance Augmentation - E1, APP 1 [1m]
Rogue Cell Isolation Protocols - E2, MNP 3 [0m]
Hierarchical Dogma Lock - E1, INT 3 [0m]
Radiant Iconography Array - E3, APP 2 [0m]
Programmed Catechism Rebuttal - E2, CHR 4 [1m]
Happy Fun Spike and the other charms in its charm tree are, thankfully, gratis so we don't have to worry about charm slots and mote pool restrictions. The ones that require E4 will either be dormant until we hit E4 ourselves, we naturally start with E4 (unlikely) in which case we're also going to pick up Unconditional Imperative Programming (E4 CHR 4 [1m]), or we somehow magically get to use all the POS expansions because REASONS.
So we're looking at 13 charm slots and [13m] committed, bare minimum. 19~20 charm slots and [17m] committed if we include all possible additions. Why yes, focusing on Social does take up a lot of charm space. This means that, assuming we get the full 20 charm slots thanks to picking a very experienced candidate, we have 7 or less charm slots to play with.
That's not a whole lot. Assuming we grab ISF (and a Stam Aug) because it's the best defensive charm available (really helps vs Behemoth and the Simurgh for starters), that means we have even less to work with. Five charms means that any combat capability is going to be limited at best (three charms min for grabbing a PD) so we're going to want someone either naturally tanky or dangerous so we can use charms to shore up the area they're lacking.
*Expect, not want.
**Only one Manipulation Aug is needed, for a few reasons: (1) Alchemical social charms revolve mostly around Charisma so any Manipulation Augs are strictly to meet charm requirements; (2) the highest stat requirement is for a POS expansion, which needs MNP 6; and (3) the two social policy charms (CEM and ARP) function identically to Taboo-Inflicting Diatribe (just with a much narrower area of applicability) which lets you choose between CHR and MNP every time you use it.
Sorry for lack of communication/updates, been dealing with stuff. Unpleasantness. I'll leave it at that.
Thankfully, it's mostly resolved now. Hoping to have the update within the next few days, and then March will be clear for more regular updates.
Regarding the builds and discussion for future Assembly members, some critical data to keep in mind:
- Shard-Charms will always take up 3m of the Personal Essence pool, and one Dedicated slot. They're fuck-massive resource hogs, but they're OP as all get-out so whatever.
- Taylor gets to pick the new Assembly member's PRIMARY role, not any sub-roles as those are dictated by their personality and Autobot's motivations (example: Marrow).
- Cauldron/Eden Shards will usually veer towards replicating existing charms (and thus counting as prerequisites) since Autochthon is mostly rebuilding ("Repurposed") the broken creature/tool from the ground up to work within his themes. Scion Shards will usually work as more stand-alone creations as Autobot is converting a functioning creature/tool.
- If an Alchemical has augmentations for all three of a class of attributes (Physical, Social, Mental), their IEU allows Earth-Bet meatrobots to play by Exalted rules for actions of that class instead of OWoD, as well as allows for them to perform minor Stunting. (For reference, Bladedancer wouldn't have been able to keep up with Marrow in the slightest without the all-Physical IEU that Marrow gave her during that whole debacle.)
- IEU only has goofy interactions with Nowhereverse Shard powers, not Alchemical Shard-Charms. For example, Vista was warpin' space like a baus with Taylor's IEU, but if we converted her and Taylor hit Alchemical!Missy with IEU, then MissyBot wouldn't gain the same leap in power. This is one of the weird cases where Nowhereverse/Motonic Physics interactions favors Nowhereverse, so keep this in mind when considering whether we want to convert someone only for their powers.
- For your next assembly member, PR is going to be a Big Deal after all this if we don't want to just go to ground for a bit after some the shit that's going to go down at the end of the Arc. So, we can either go Social, Sneaky, or Scheming, with valid paths for each - just remember that we have about 3 months to go and each conversion takes a week off that time limit.