[X] Plan Logistical Mohawk Explosion
-[X] Colonist:
--[X] 2 Human Gene Bank
--[X] 3 Multi-storage Gene Bank
--[X] 5 Luxury Quarters
-[X] Science:
--[X] 1 Scientific and Technological Storage Vault
--[X] 3 Scientists Grants
--[X] 2 Advanced Scientific Equipment
--[X] 1 Colonial Scientific Institute
-[X] Agriculture:
--[X] 6 Advanced Farming Equipment
--[X] 3 Preserved Foods
--[X] 1 Vat Grown Meat Equipment
--[X] 3 Farmers Grants
-[X] Civilian Industry:
--[X] 2 Building Equipment
--[X] 3 Building Materials
--[X] 3 Industrial Workers Grants
--[X] 2 Water Purification Plant
--[X] 2 Automated KF Drive Factory
--[X] 1 Steel Factory
--[X] 1 Fuel Refinery
-[X] Military:
--[X] 1 Military Vehicle and Equipment Database Vault
--[X] 1 Modern Infantry Equipment
--[X] 1 Civilian Small Arms
--[X] 1 Modern Light Vehicles
--[X] 1 Modern Surveillance
--[X] 1 Modern Military Heavy Vehicles
--[X] 1 Modern Military Aircraft
--[X] 1 Military Factory
--[X] 1 Munitions Factory
--[X] 1 Outdated Military Vehicle and Equipment Database Vault
--[X] 2 Combat Veteran Grants
--[X] 1 Private Sector Military Grants
-[X] Energy:
--[X] 3 Fusion Power Plant
--[X] 2 Solar Panel And Battery Factory
--[X] 2 Automated Fusion Generator Factory
-[X] Space:
--[X] 1 Small Space Dock
[X] Plan Hiawatha Kianen
-[X] Male (Gender)
-[X] Hiawatha (First name)
-[X] Kanien (Family/dynasty name)
-[X] Mohawk/Iroquois/Native American (Nationality)
-[X] Iroquois Confederacy, you will remake that great empire in the stars. (Ancestral family line)
-[X] (Bonus to Learning Actions) A Scientist:
-[X] Entrepreneur: DamasCorp, a materials science company.
-[X] Do you bring them along (adopt aesthetic of your core nationality) (same bonuses and cultures as in the previous turn)
-[X] West South West
Why Hiawatha Kianen should go with Plan Logistical Mohawk Explosion:
Some interesting bits of factoid. As of 100 years before the beginning of the First Terran Exodus, the total Six Nations population was 120,000, divided between the United States and Canada. Iroquois languages other than Mohawk were reduced to 100 or fewer native speakers, with Mohawk having 3,500 speakers. If a majority of Iroquois stay on Terra, then even with significant population growth by US / Canadian standards, it seems likely that no more than 100,000 or so Iroquois would be making the trip. We're probably maxed out on the raw number of Iroquois coming.
Plan Logistical Mohawk Explosion is designed to better maximize the cultural influence of the limited number of Iroquois colonists in the early stages. The big differences between Plan Logistical Mohawk Explosion and Plan Populous Beginnings are the population profiles:
Plan | Crew | Awake passengers | Frozen passengers | Gene bank pop boost |
Logistical Mohawk Explosion | 3,000 ish?? | 50,000 | 480,000 | 640,000 |
Populous Beginnings | 3,000 ish?? | 30,000 | 660,000 | 200,000 |
Here are the three stages of cultural melding I would expect to see in the early stages of the colony. Crew population estimate is guessed based on primitive JumpShips I'm familiar with.
A nucleus is formed
First, during the trip (in some cases these trips took over a year), awake passengers and crew will integrate with one another to some degree. With a Mohawk leader and a "bring them along" vote, and a diverse range of migrants from very different societies (France + Japan as national sponsors for a Mohawk), it is possible, even plausible, that Mohawks in particular and Iroquois in general could be one of the most major cultural presences among the crew + awake passengers forming the highly connected nucleus of the core society; but even if not, the leadership here nearly guarantees that there will be disproportionately more influence on this nucleus. It will be a long and boring journey, and there will be a lot of cultural exchange and language-learning going on among the awake colonists.
The nucleus is diluted
Second, the frozen colonists are unfrozen. These colonists have lower degrees of social connectivity on decanting, because they probably signed up as a relatively small grouping - notably excepting any Iroquois frozen colonists, who are probably connected to at least some of the unfrozen ones, since the community is not that large.
Under Plan Logistical Mohawk Explosion, this more heavily Mohawk-influenced nucleus makes up 10% of the landing population, give or take uncertainty about the size of the crew: 53,000 or so out of 533,000. This is a large enough nucleus to both continue to hold onto its own internal connections better
and exert significant influence.
Under Plan Populous Beginnings, this more heavily Mohawk-influenced nucleus makes up less than 5% of the landing population, give or take uncertainty about the size of the crew: 33,000 or so out of 693,000. We're talking about networking-level interaction effects, so effects are non-linear. In terms of the impact on the landing population, the nucleus of Populous Beginnings is probably around 1/4 as influential.
The next generation are raised
One of the next major transmission points will be child-rearing and the early population growth curve. There will probably be fast initial growth that starts to level out at a fixed carrying capacity. In both plans, we probably have the same number of Iroquois colonists - for the sake of argument, let's say it's a total of 60,000.
Under Plan Populous Beginnings, 60,000 people, their natural children, and possibly their natural grandchildren, would be responsible for raising 17,000 genetic colonists. Under Plan Logistical Mohawk Explosion, those 60,000 people, their natural children, and possibly their natural grandchildren would be responsible for raising 72,000 genetic colonists. The heavy use of genetic colonists is a way to strongly increase the impact of the probably-identical number of Iroquois colonists on future generations.