Age of Mechs: Rise of a Polity (A Battletech Quest)

Voting is open
[X] Plan Logistical Mohawk Explosion
-[X] Colonist:
--[X] 2 Human Gene Bank
--[X] 3 Multi-storage Gene Bank
--[X] 5 Luxury Quarters
-[X] Science:
--[X] 1 Scientific and Technological Storage Vault
--[X] 3 Scientists Grants
--[X] 2 Advanced Scientific Equipment
--[X] 1 Colonial Scientific Institute
-[X] Agriculture:
--[X] 6 Advanced Farming Equipment
--[X] 3 Preserved Foods
--[X] 1 Vat Grown Meat Equipment
--[X] 3 Farmers Grants
-[X] Civilian Industry:
--[X] 2 Building Equipment
--[X] 3 Building Materials
--[X] 3 Industrial Workers Grants
--[X] 2 Water Purification Plant
--[X] 2 Automated KF Drive Factory
--[X] 1 Steel Factory
--[X] 1 Fuel Refinery
-[X] Military:
--[X] 1 Military Vehicle and Equipment Database Vault
--[X] 1 Modern Infantry Equipment
--[X] 1 Civilian Small Arms
--[X] 1 Modern Light Vehicles
--[X] 1 Modern Surveillance
--[X] 1 Modern Military Heavy Vehicles
--[X] 1 Modern Military Aircraft
--[X] 1 Military Factory
--[X] 1 Munitions Factory
--[X] 1 Outdated Military Vehicle and Equipment Database Vault
--[X] 2 Combat Veteran Grants
--[X] 1 Private Sector Military Grants
-[X] Energy:
--[X] 3 Fusion Power Plant
--[X] 2 Solar Panel And Battery Factory
--[X] 2 Automated Fusion Generator Factory
-[X] Space:
--[X] 1 Small Space Dock

[X] Plan Hiawatha Kianen
-[X] Male (Gender)
-[X] Hiawatha (First name)
-[X] Kanien (Family/dynasty name)
-[X] Mohawk/Iroquois/Native American (Nationality)
-[X] Iroquois Confederacy, you will remake that great empire in the stars. (Ancestral family line)
-[X] (Bonus to Learning Actions) A Scientist:
-[X] Entrepreneur: DamasCorp, a materials science company.
-[X] Do you bring them along (adopt aesthetic of your core nationality) (same bonuses and cultures as in the previous turn)
-[X] West South West

Why Hiawatha Kianen should go with Plan Logistical Mohawk Explosion:

Some interesting bits of factoid. As of 100 years before the beginning of the First Terran Exodus, the total Six Nations population was 120,000, divided between the United States and Canada. Iroquois languages other than Mohawk were reduced to 100 or fewer native speakers, with Mohawk having 3,500 speakers. If a majority of Iroquois stay on Terra, then even with significant population growth by US / Canadian standards, it seems likely that no more than 100,000 or so Iroquois would be making the trip. We're probably maxed out on the raw number of Iroquois coming.

Plan Logistical Mohawk Explosion is designed to better maximize the cultural influence of the limited number of Iroquois colonists in the early stages. The big differences between Plan Logistical Mohawk Explosion and Plan Populous Beginnings are the population profiles:

Awake passengers​
Frozen passengers​
Gene bank pop boost​
Logistical Mohawk Explosion
3,000 ish??​
Populous Beginnings
3,000 ish??​

Here are the three stages of cultural melding I would expect to see in the early stages of the colony. Crew population estimate is guessed based on primitive JumpShips I'm familiar with.

A nucleus is formed

First, during the trip (in some cases these trips took over a year), awake passengers and crew will integrate with one another to some degree. With a Mohawk leader and a "bring them along" vote, and a diverse range of migrants from very different societies (France + Japan as national sponsors for a Mohawk), it is possible, even plausible, that Mohawks in particular and Iroquois in general could be one of the most major cultural presences among the crew + awake passengers forming the highly connected nucleus of the core society; but even if not, the leadership here nearly guarantees that there will be disproportionately more influence on this nucleus. It will be a long and boring journey, and there will be a lot of cultural exchange and language-learning going on among the awake colonists.

The nucleus is diluted

Second, the frozen colonists are unfrozen. These colonists have lower degrees of social connectivity on decanting, because they probably signed up as a relatively small grouping - notably excepting any Iroquois frozen colonists, who are probably connected to at least some of the unfrozen ones, since the community is not that large.

Under Plan Logistical Mohawk Explosion, this more heavily Mohawk-influenced nucleus makes up 10% of the landing population, give or take uncertainty about the size of the crew: 53,000 or so out of 533,000. This is a large enough nucleus to both continue to hold onto its own internal connections better and exert significant influence.

Under Plan Populous Beginnings, this more heavily Mohawk-influenced nucleus makes up less than 5% of the landing population, give or take uncertainty about the size of the crew: 33,000 or so out of 693,000. We're talking about networking-level interaction effects, so effects are non-linear. In terms of the impact on the landing population, the nucleus of Populous Beginnings is probably around 1/4 as influential.

The next generation are raised

One of the next major transmission points will be child-rearing and the early population growth curve. There will probably be fast initial growth that starts to level out at a fixed carrying capacity. In both plans, we probably have the same number of Iroquois colonists - for the sake of argument, let's say it's a total of 60,000.

Under Plan Populous Beginnings, 60,000 people, their natural children, and possibly their natural grandchildren, would be responsible for raising 17,000 genetic colonists. Under Plan Logistical Mohawk Explosion, those 60,000 people, their natural children, and possibly their natural grandchildren would be responsible for raising 72,000 genetic colonists. The heavy use of genetic colonists is a way to strongly increase the impact of the probably-identical number of Iroquois colonists on future generations.
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So are people with me on us going very deep in the Deep Periphery? leave the rest of humanity to there own fate as we grow in peace
I think I will close the vote for this in about 36 hours. (Pretty interesting character choice will be fun to build from really.

Adhoc vote count started by Mad0Slayer on May 21, 2022 at 3:41 PM, finished with 64 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Hiawatha Kanien in SCIENCE!
    -[x] Plan: Populous Beginning
    [X] Plan Logistical Mohawk Explosion
    -[X] Colonist:
    --[X] 2 Human Gene Bank
    --[X] 3 Multi-storage Gene Bank
    --[X] 5 Luxury Quarters
    -[X] Science:
    --[X] 1 Scientific and Technological Storage Vault
    --[X] 3 Scientists Grants
    --[X] 2 Advanced Scientific Equipment
    --[X] 1 Colonial Scientific Institute
    -[X] Agriculture:
    --[X] 6 Advanced Farming Equipment
    --[X] 3 Preserved Foods
    --[X] 1 Vat Grown Meat Equipment
    --[X] 3 Farmers Grants
    -[X] Civilian Industry:
    --[X] 2 Building Equipment
    --[X] 3 Building Materials
    --[X] 3 Industrial Workers Grants
    --[X] 2 Water Purification Plant
    --[X] 2 Automated KF Drive Factory
    --[X] 1 Steel Factory
    --[X] 1 Fuel Refinery
    -[X] Military:
    --[X] 1 Military Vehicle and Equipment Database Vault
    --[X] 1 Modern Infantry Equipment
    --[X] 1 Civilian Small Arms
    --[X] 1 Modern Light Vehicles
    --[X] 1 Modern Surveillance
    --[X] 1 Modern Military Heavy Vehicles
    --[X] 1 Modern Military Aircraft
    --[X] 1 Military Factory
    --[X] 1 Munitions Factory
    --[X] 1 Outdated Military Vehicle and Equipment Database Vault
    --[X] 2 Combat Veteran Grants
    --[X] 1 Private Sector Military Grants
    -[X] Energy:
    --[X] 3 Fusion Power Plant
    --[X] 2 Solar Panel And Battery Factory
    --[X] 2 Automated Fusion Generator Factory
    -[X] Space:
    --[X] 1 Small Space Dock
    [X] Plan: Populous Beginning
    [X] Plan Hiawatha in Space!
    -[x] male
    -[x] Hiawatha (he who makes rivers)
    -[X] Onandaga (his original tribe)
    -[x] Native American (nationality)
    -[x] Iroquois Confederacy (you will remake that great empire in the stars)
    [X] Plan Hiawatha in Space!
    -[x] Plan: Populous Beginning
    [X] Plan: Hiawatha Kanien in SCIENCE!
    -[x] Plan: Populous Beginning
    -[X] Male (Gender)
    -[X] Hiawatha (First name)
    -[X] Kanien (Family/dynasty name)
    -[X] Mohawk/Iroquois/Native American (Nationality)
    -[X] Iroquois Confederacy, you will remake that great empire in the stars. (Ancestral family line)
    -[X] (Bonus to Learning Actions) A Scientist:
    -[X] Entrepreneur: DamasCorp, a materials science company.
    -[X] Do you bring them along (adopt aesthetic of your core nationality) (same bonuses and cultures as in the previous turn)
    -[x] West South West
    [X] Plan Hiawatha Kianen
    -[X] Male (Gender)
    -[X] Hiawatha (First name)
    -[X] Kanien (Family/dynasty name)
    -[X] Mohawk/Iroquois/Native American (Nationality)
    -[X] Iroquois Confederacy, you will remake that great empire in the stars. (Ancestral family line)
    -[X] (Bonus to Learning Actions) A Scientist:
    -[X] Entrepreneur: DamasCorp, a materials science company.
    -[X] Do you bring them along (adopt aesthetic of your core nationality) (same bonuses and cultures as in the previous turn)
    -[x] West South West
    [X] Plan Hiawatha Kianen
    -[X] Plan Logistical Mohawk Explosion
So are people with me on us going very deep in the Deep Periphery? leave the rest of humanity to there own fate as we grow in peace
Sure, I'm down for that.

Though there'd need to be an IC reason for it.
Why settle a system, say, 100 jumps away from known space, at great expense?
When 10 jumps away would be just as isolated, in the shorter-term?
(no idea how many jumps it actually is, but you get the idea)
Sure, I'm down for that.

Though there'd need to be an IC reason for it.
Why settle a system, say, 100 jumps away from known space, at great expense?
When 10 jumps away would be just as isolated, in the shorter-term?
(no idea how many jumps it actually is, but you get the idea)
Hmm the IC reason could be something with the MC being Native American, he should know his people history, so he would know what could happen to his nation if he stay close to other new nations, so why not go so far out there that no one will try and take from him and his people again

Something like that could be his IC reason
[X] Plan Hiawatha Kianen
-[X] Plan Logistical Mohawk Explosion

- i'm convinced of the argument for Mohawk Explosion
So are people with me on us going very deep in the Deep Periphery? leave the rest of humanity to there own fate as we grow in peace
Thoughts on the "Deep Periphery" path... here are our OTL metagame benchmarks if we're talking about Deep Periphery trips:
  • 15 light years: 1 jump at current technology. We have to target systems where we can recharge, so average jump distance will be a bit less than this.
  • 30 light years: Radius to which the Terran Alliance contracts in 2242. Future single-jump distance limit.
  • 40 light years: Maximum radius of effective Terran Alliance influence in 2172.
  • 90 light years: Maximum radius of effective Terran Alliance influence in 2199.
  • 100 light years: Maximum radius of effective Terran Alliance influence in 2216.
  • 120 light years: Current radius of known space. Maximum radius of effective Terran Alliance influence in 2235. Also roughly the maximum radius of the Terran Hegemony.
  • 250 light years: About the average distance from Terra to the five Inner Sphere Great House capital worlds.
  • 500 light years: Average radius of the post-Star League Inner Sphere. Also similar to the distance to some "near Periphery" capital worlds, including Rim Worlds Republic.
  • 750 light years: Maximum radius of influence of "near Periphery" powers, roughly the maximum reach of the Reunification War (Star League conquering Periphery).
Assuming a little bit of inefficiency and maybe having to jump again after checking out the first target system in person and finding it has problems, about 10 jumps past explored space gets you to the "typical Inner Sphere capital" sort of range. Getting outside of the Inner Sphere would be more like 30 jumps through unexplored systems, and going truly Deep Periphery is probably 40+ jumps through unexplored space.
I'ma just gonna roll this as there's little the vote will change for this and I can start laying the groundwork for the update. (Plus it looks kinda settled) (Vote closes in 12 hours)

Other Exodus fleets are just with you for the Trip not heading for your colony (3 Other fleets)
Mad0Slayer threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 39
39 39
Mad0Slayer threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Other Exodus Fleets Total: 46
46 46
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Vote Closed. A Fairly close vote all things considered

Scheduled vote count started by Mad0Slayer on May 20, 2022 at 3:35 AM, finished with 78 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Hiawatha Kanien in SCIENCE!
    -[x] Plan: Populous Beginning
    [X] Plan Logistical Mohawk Explosion
    -[X] Colonist:
    --[X] 2 Human Gene Bank
    --[X] 3 Multi-storage Gene Bank
    --[X] 5 Luxury Quarters
    -[X] Science:
    --[X] 1 Scientific and Technological Storage Vault
    --[X] 3 Scientists Grants
    --[X] 2 Advanced Scientific Equipment
    --[X] 1 Colonial Scientific Institute
    -[X] Agriculture:
    --[X] 6 Advanced Farming Equipment
    --[X] 3 Preserved Foods
    --[X] 1 Vat Grown Meat Equipment
    --[X] 3 Farmers Grants
    -[X] Civilian Industry:
    --[X] 2 Building Equipment
    --[X] 3 Building Materials
    --[X] 3 Industrial Workers Grants
    --[X] 2 Water Purification Plant
    --[X] 2 Automated KF Drive Factory
    --[X] 1 Steel Factory
    --[X] 1 Fuel Refinery
    -[X] Military:
    --[X] 1 Military Vehicle and Equipment Database Vault
    --[X] 1 Modern Infantry Equipment
    --[X] 1 Civilian Small Arms
    --[X] 1 Modern Light Vehicles
    --[X] 1 Modern Surveillance
    --[X] 1 Modern Military Heavy Vehicles
    --[X] 1 Modern Military Aircraft
    --[X] 1 Military Factory
    --[X] 1 Munitions Factory
    --[X] 1 Outdated Military Vehicle and Equipment Database Vault
    --[X] 2 Combat Veteran Grants
    --[X] 1 Private Sector Military Grants
    -[X] Energy:
    --[X] 3 Fusion Power Plant
    --[X] 2 Solar Panel And Battery Factory
    --[X] 2 Automated Fusion Generator Factory
    -[X] Space:
    --[X] 1 Small Space Dock
    [X] Plan Hiawatha Kianen
    -[X] Plan Logistical Mohawk Explosion
    [X] Plan: Populous Beginning
    [X] Plan Hiawatha in Space!
    -[x] male
    -[x] Hiawatha (he who makes rivers)
    -[X] Onandaga (his original tribe)
    -[x] Native American (nationality)
    -[x] Iroquois Confederacy (you will remake that great empire in the stars)
    [X] Plan: Hiawatha Kanien in SCIENCE!
    -[x] Plan: Populous Beginning
    -[X] Male (Gender)
    -[X] Hiawatha (First name)
    -[X] Kanien (Family/dynasty name)
    -[X] Mohawk/Iroquois/Native American (Nationality)
    -[X] Iroquois Confederacy, you will remake that great empire in the stars. (Ancestral family line)
    -[X] (Bonus to Learning Actions) A Scientist:
    -[X] Entrepreneur: DamasCorp, a materials science company.
    -[X] Do you bring them along (adopt aesthetic of your core nationality) (same bonuses and cultures as in the previous turn)
    -[x] West South West
    [X] Plan Hiawatha Kianen
    -[X] Male (Gender)
    -[X] Hiawatha (First name)
    -[X] Kanien (Family/dynasty name)
    -[X] Mohawk/Iroquois/Native American (Nationality)
    -[X] Iroquois Confederacy, you will remake that great empire in the stars. (Ancestral family line)
    -[X] (Bonus to Learning Actions) A Scientist:
    -[X] Entrepreneur: DamasCorp, a materials science company.
    -[X] Do you bring them along (adopt aesthetic of your core nationality) (same bonuses and cultures as in the previous turn)
    -[x] West South West
We'll be ruling the colony, right?

Make all schools teach mandatory core classes, at all ages, for Iroquois Language, Culture, and History.

Plus a choice of either French or Japanese classes, as a mandatory elective.

That should normalise the various cultures, with Iroquois becoming more dominant each generation.
Dangers of the Frontier
Edited by Imperialbriton

Dangers of the Frontier

The Jump: 39 (You came through a kinda safe Pirate point)

Exodus Fleets: 46 (3 Slightly smaller and less well-funded fleets)

You felt your stomach curl as reality distorted for a flicker of a moment; before you were twisted back to reality with a thud. Alarms blaring in your ears, as you tried desperately not to heave your guts on the polished floor of the bridge. Around you crews of all stations reported all clears as sensors flashed blue and green. Taking a shaky breath you steadied yourself before making your way to a nearby chair as the Admiral gave the order to be at ease.

Falling into your chair, your suroundings flashed around you, military jargon flying over your head like it was full of wool. You'd had Daniel brush you up on what you'd experience, but this rare bout of subconcious hysteria was unnerving. The admiral moved to inspect the system display, leaving Captain Moreau command of the bridge. Your eyes darted to the glowing orb at the centre, and the several satelites orbiting it. another 20 or so silhouettes filled the display, each inches apart from one another.

Now there was a lull in the reports, pulling you from the map. Making to keep your uppity digestive system in check, you made your way to the captain. He gave you a curt nod of acknowledgement at your approach. "Captain." He gave you a ghost of a smile. "Could i ask what the hell was that? I feel like I've drunk a shake of bran and prunes while watching a horror flick." You kept your voice low, but a soft echo of laughter filled the bridge.

Moreau raised his hand and the bridge went silent, only to snort at your rather poor attempt at interrogation. "Well I haven't tried that combination since my academy days; but there seems to be something screwing with our jumpdrives." He nodded to the admiral, who was staring intently at a illuminating moon, rubbing his pointed beard deep in thought. "We have nothing yet, but it seems the moon is emitting some form of radiation that screws with our re-materialization in system."

You eyed it, noting the swirls of radiation emitting from its surface. "Do you think it will be a problem?" The captain shook his head with a frown. "Can't tell, and even then, we have no way to warn the fleet, unless you want to eject half our fuel to force spool the engine..." You winced at that. "Hopefully at worst they'll just take some damage to their relay"

Nodding you rubbed your wrists restlessly. You could feel it, itching away, that feeling of dread...


Overall, the bridge seemed to be in good spirits...

Mores the pity that you weren't.

Using all your will to hold your guts in, you took a sip from a proffered coffee as you rapidly tried to ignore the glowing feeds in the screens around you. Thank god you'd put designs for a canteen at the back of the room. Your knight in shining uniform, Chief Swan took a sip from his own. "Apologies, you were looking rather pale sir, I take it the jump is still getting to you?"

You grimaced before taking a swig. "No comment." He gave you a thin grin. "Don't blame you sir, though if I were you, I'd recommend having a porridge before the next jump. Nice and stodgy, and sticks in your gut like glue." You paused as a nasty sensation came from what you hoped wasn't your bowels, overtook you for a moment. You share a gaze. "I'll keep that in mind."

A snap-hiss from the doors opening, and the dull whine of the now cooling drives echoed through the room.

"All sections report clear admiral." A young ensign called out after a quick salute.

"Good, any issues in transit." The old man said, before nodding to his first officer. "Have shuttles ready for when the rest of the fleet deploys."

The ensign turned to her datapad. "Rodger said there was some displacement with the drive; but we appeared to weather things fi..."

You had barely a time to react as a flash followed by an impact that ripped through the bridge, almost slamming you into the coffee brewer, if not for Swann. A loud alert echoed through the ship as beyond the bridge windows glowing shrapnel, filled the orbit; a glowing blue cloud of vapour filling the void.

Half an hour later...

You were on your fourth coffee, when you dragged yourself away from the feeds and left the bridge, your PA, and Chief Swan close behind. You'd had a hand in designing the shuttles and drones that were investigating the wreckage... with half the fleet still in transit, you were the one who had too... 'Oh god.... the images.'

You were roused from your thoughts, as the greying ginger took a seat across from you, dropped a tray of food between the two of you. He gave you a gallows look, before slumping back. "Never a good sight-seeing a failed jump. Can't blame the shipyards or the crews. It can happen to even the best of ships. Best not dwell on it, everyone knows it's a game of Sino roulette."

Closing your eyes you shook your head "I don't think I can ever get over those images from the Dauntless, that womans body " You barely noticed as your aid let out a squeak before rushing for the restroom. Shaking your head you leaned back to let out a breath "Bloody things a write-off, and seeing what I've seen, I hope they never find any survivors in it." You refuse to comment as Swann pulls out a flask, dashing some liquid in both of your drinks. With a small nod, you take a draught with a sigh...

Changing the subject you focused on Swann "Admiral Yoshika has already sent out a message for the majority of the elected members and Major investors to gather on his ship to discuss things related to government with the recent loss." The mere allusion to it having your stomach churn.

Swan seemed to hum as you opened your eyes, his reply coming within moment, "That… sounds like fun."

Snorting you stood up "I wish, still I should be preparing what I have, though I doubt anyone will even have an idea of what to do." Saying your farewells you made for the door and stepped through weightlessness griping you as you oriented yourself in zero gravity to a nearby conveyor system. Your thoughts plagued by the upcoming meeting and what it could mean.

You barely noticed your PA following you his face still lacking a lot of colour.


You listened to music to calm your nerves from the recent event's your stomach at least having calmed down though the sight of the damage done to your ship had filled your mind with all new horrors, thankfully the armour had held and was easily fixed.

hearing the all-clear sound off through the music you turned it off as you glanced at Elder Kai who seemed to be in deep thought as he raised from his seat, pushing off the chairs you floated behind the elder as he left the shuttle, a multitude of people seeming to leave a few shuttles that had come from your fleet, some of whom you had not even seen before while other's where more familiar.

Though in your haste to follow and slight distraction you failed to grab hold of the railing and found yourself drifting, only for someone to grab hold of your foot to drag you back down to safety as you heard a pleasantly-accented voice speak from behind you "Might want to get your head out of the clouds Mister Kanien"

You felt your cheeks warm as you glanced behind you to give a nod to a short woman in a pilot's suit "Thank you Ma'am, you have me at a disadvantage?" your voice a little off from your slip up.

She grinned while taking hold of the opposite railing to follow next to you as you travelled into the ship, "Pala Vance and it's no issue." She said easily as she helped you along the path as you entered a pleasant conversation, more than once struggling to keep up with the pace others set, though you were rather relieved that you were not the only one.


The door snapshot open, making you stand alongside everyone else as Admiral Yoshika entered the room. All conversations died as his face became visible. The old Japanese Admiral looked to have aged several decades, whatever pepper in his hair gone. Taking a moment to survey the room, he gave you a nod and before marching to take his seat beside you at the head of the table, a trolley with a screen on it, following close behind with a team of aide's.

He typed something on a nearby console before speaking as an image of the Dauntless, or whatever its glowing corpse now was, floated. "You know what happened so I'll keep this brief. With the fall of the Dauntless, our plans for the colonies future government has fallen like sand between our fingers. Aside from the good administator here." He gave you a nod, one you responded respectively. "The entire government selected for the colony has either been atomised, corrupted by warpfuel, or in a condition where i can firmly say would give the Oni tales of my childhood a run for their money..." The assembled people erupted into chatter before he raised his hand, and inhaled deeply before proceeding. "As of this moment thirteen of what are likely that tomb's former passengers and crew have been found alive among the wreck." His heavily accented English swept across the room.

Your stomach churned as you knew the ship carried over sixty thousand people alone within its bays, your eyes glanced at everyone to see either people in shock or other looking about as well as you the only people looking rather normal was those from Dynamis Corporation and they seemed almost dismissive of such a loss of life but you ignored that for the moment and focused on the Admiral.

You had already dismissed the survival of the nearly sixty thousand people alone within its bays, but for them to have survived that... God. Your eyes glanced at everyone to see either people in shock or, to your dismay, interest. You knew all to well the obsession scientists had on victims of rare disasters; your history lessons your father had instructed upon you as a youth came back strong. Ignoring the growing greed of the Dynamis Corporation representatives, you focused on the Admiral.

Mr White of Baria Frontiers seemed to give a nod, his greying hair bobbing behind him as he took lead of the conversation "And what would you have us do Admiral, were not exactly equipped to plan for a government, why half of us are businessmen or managers while others are as you say are advisors and even if we wanted to the majority of the law maker's and lawyers where on board that ship."

Bringing your hands before your mouth you managed to withhold a grimace as the Admiral gave a nod while other's voiced their agreement as he typed something out before giving you all his attention, "I'm well aware of this and without them, it will be a struggle hence why I will be expanding my deployment till the issue is resolved and a ship can be sent back to Alliance to send people over to help till then you will have to make do.

A soft voice spoke off to your right a young women wearing a Parohe Aerospace suit her red hair tied into a neat pony tail "Is it possible to transfer over personal from the other ships heading for a different colony to reduce the strain we are likely to suffer?"

Before the Admiral could speak a heavily accented French voice spoke across from her "Why would we need their help, most of them are of little consequence and I'm sure the General and his men can keep order till a system is established" Mr Aubert said whilst glaring at the women, his eyes only acknowledging the Admiral and his fellow Japanese representative as he took a sip of something.

You frowned at that as the Admiral slowly nodded his eyes squinting at the Frenchmen "I'm sure we can though it is not a poor idea, it will likely require a good deal of co-operation and fuel to see it done and that ignores the risk of awakening someone before their time. "

Leaning forward your eyes going over everyone "That is something to still consider but you made mention of survivors, I would rather hear of their status before we talk about something that will take months regardless if we take a few hours to care for those who are most affected."

You received a nod from the admiral as a few voiced their agreement. The Admiral seemed to consider his words as everyone fell into silence, "The Survivors, you are correct that it is a matter that needs discussion." He surveyed the room with a glare. "My duty to humanity requires me to ask for them to be studied, for the betterment of us all. But my heart calls for their euthanisation. A mercy against what is nodoubt an existance of endless pain." He look to you. "When comissioned to charter this fleet, I was required to return to Terran space, for my next order. I have decided, in order to not ignore these folks sacrifice and loss, to make sure their dream of a new home is fullfilled. As of now, I will assign myself to the colonial administration to render assistance until such a time, that my presence is no longer needed..."

You shot up like a rod. Shifting uncomfortably you nodded as you let a few others speak over the issue some inquiring about the admirals potential role, while others focused on their own thoughts about the future of the survivors.

The Admiral left shortly after that his piece said as you started speaking with other members on how you would run a government with nearly no support staff to keep things in order. Though as things were winding down Mrs Saleon from Baria Frontiers suggested limiting diplomatic power to the people until things were resolved.

You were about to voice your opinion as you stared alongside a great many others at the women when Mr Mori, chief of fabrication among the japanese colonists slammed his fist into the table, the sound carrying over the room as he growled at the woman opposite. "And when would you consider putting yourself in this restricted form of government because I'll not support an up jumped merchant taking additional power from the legitimate authority.

You internally groaned as the members present started jockeying for positions in what was likely to be the provisional government though as you listened to them you knew you would have to take the side of someone to keep things running though who was something you would have to consider carefully.

Thankfully you were given a moment amongst the arguing to call for a recess to buy yourself some time, as well as time to prepare for what was likely to be a headache for the rest of your journey

What type of Diplomatic government are you aiming for if even a limited one (Each one can lead to different types of government down the road as time passes.)

[] Representative Democracy: Keep it as it is on earth the people electing the leaders, even if it's not going to be easy to run until more people are hired to streamline the government.

[] Military Commissariat: You lack a lot of the people needed to help run the government, thankfully you have a large army core with a logistics division, how hard could it be to make use of them to make your life easier and have them folded into the government to help run it.

[] Citizen Republic: While you are not a Military man it will be easy enough to have the Military establish some form of control and supplement your missing ranks, though you may have to adjust some laws to get people from the military involved in the civilian government.

[] Rational Consensus: Aim to have your planet's government streamlined to run along the lines of Science and reason to help keep things calm as you try and build up the staff to try and run the government with less Bureaucracy to keep things in control.

[] Military Junta: While you are not part of the Military you have proven yourself a capable businessman and it will be easy enough to maintain a position of power amongst military leaders to help the colony flourish and grow.

[] Trade League: Shift the laws of the colony so that only those of successful businesses and major investors make the major changes within the government and allow those who are similarly successful to rise to power to promote the colony's growth through one's economic prowess.

[] Write-in

Who do you from a group with to get a preferred government? (If you try to gain their support for your government choice you automatically align yourself with the party aiming for that government.)

[] Japanese Representative: Approach Mr's Mori and her group to support her motion to establish members of the military in key positions to help stabilise the situation. Their Oath's and training likely to help keep the people safe on the new colony. (Military Junta)

-Gain their support for your proposed Government (DC of 60)
-Support them

[] French Representative: Despite his opinions on other nations Mr Aubert has stated that redefining and clearing up some laws to establish a democracy to ease the colony's future burdens with easy to understand and straightforward laws despite the fact it could cause issues with certain laws. (Rational Consensus)

-Gain their support for your proposed Government (DC of 60)
-Support them

[] Dynamis Corporation: Mr Ryoma from Dynamis has been pushing for the use of military members within the government to help fill in for the loss of personnel from the Dauntless, even if they are not entirely suited for it but a short period of work should see them folded into the roll with ease at least in his opinion. (Military Commissariat)

-Gain their support for your proposed Government (DC of 60)
-Support them

[] Parohe Aerospace: Support Madame Medici in getting the Military to help establish the government with them in key positions to help ensure the colony has strong leadership that will not falter, even if it will require a bit of work to set up. (Citizen Republic)

-Gain their support for your proposed Government (DC of 60)
-Support them

[] Baria Frontiers: Mr white has made suggestions to resolve the issue by making use of his groups holdings within the fleet as well as hinting at establishing some kind of government based around the wealthy of the fleet to help run the colony by giving them a few extra grants and rights. (Trade League)

-Gain their support for your proposed Government (DC of 60)
-Support them

What do you do with the survivors?

[] Put them in Cryo to decide at a later date

[] Have them euthanise

[] Try and treat them with what you have

Asking for assistance with admin staff

[] Yes: This will cost a jumps worth of fuel for your fleet to move the required personnel with other's in your fleet (Gain a small cultural drift from a random pop in the nearby fleet) (Also will have to roll to see if there are any issues)

[] No


So a poor roll to start your journey on still it happens, you did not lose anyone though the low roll did impact some members of the fleet, like the fact that a few ships are damaged but not anything that could be fixed except the Dauntless which was a Terran Alliance ship which held the personal meant to help run the government. So that will have consequences down the road, some of your votes will have an impact on how things turn out not immediately but you will see.

So you lost no one except some extra people bound for the colony, now let's hope the upcoming rolls are a little more forgiving than what this one has been.

Also looking at it there are a lot of jumpships, which I agree there are especially since it's only been about 30-40 odd years since the Exodus began and the lore makes a colony sound like only needing one ship to start one up. (Except from what I understand those all mentioned misjumped ships so I could be wrong) Still I just mentioning it cause someone might bring it up, all the jumpships are for the Trip only 3-6 would stick around to trade between you and Earth or other colonies the rest going their separate ways to make more money or that's my reason though I open to your guys thoughts on the matter.

Fleet Makeup

Total Alliance Presence for all Fleets 20 Ships (Now 19 of which 3 are damaged) (Split 4 ways a little more for you though) (Moderate Presence of Terran Alliance)

-11 Large Jumpships (1 Lost 2 Damaged
-8 Harland Class Jumpships (1 Damaged)

Your Fleets number of Jumpships: 52
-50 Standard Jumpship
-2 Harland Class Jumpships (Minor Manufacturing Capability)

Britain and America Fleet: 32
-24 Standard Jumpships
-8 Harland Class Jumpships

Italy and South Africa: 29
-28 Standard Jumpships
-1 Harland Class Jumpship

Australia and Brazil: 35
-32 Standard jumpships
-3 Harland Class jumpships

Mercenary Contingent: 14 Jumpships (8 of which are heading for your colony)
Rolled 97

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