Age of Ice and Blood: A Pathfinder System Heroic Fantasy Quest

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I'm not sure what the raider chieftain's attack bonus looks like (probably +11 or +12), but Roland's AC to resist it is going to be a nice high 28, since he'll be buffed by Haste's +1 Dodge bonus, his martial stance increasing his Shield bonus by +1, and Silver providing the +2 Aid Another bonus via Bodyguard.

On top of that, Roland has his Iron Shell maneuver to counter the attack if the raider succeeds. With buffs and bonuses, that works out to a +14 bonus on the attack roll to negate the raider's attack.

How do we have a +14 to a shield bash?
I thought it'd be a +10 (+5BAB +2 Str +3 Shield AC)
How do we have a +14 to a shield bash?
I thought it'd be a +10 (+5BAB +2 Str +3 Shield AC)
Roland's Stance of the Defending Shell adds +1 to his Shield bonus, Haste adds +1 to all attacks he makes, and since it's all part of a Charging attack he gets another +2. I don't think he can double dip with the Panthera on the Hunt maneuver for the Shield Bash attack bonus, or that would be another +2 as well.

So it all adds up to +14, or +16 if the bonus from the maneuver is also included.
Roland's Stance of the Defending Shell adds +1 to his Shield bonus, Haste adds +1 to all attacks he makes, and since it's all part of a Charging attack he gets another +2. I don't think he can double dip with the Panthera on the Hunt maneuver for the Shield Bash attack bonus, or that would be another +2 as well.

So it all adds up to +14, or +16 if the bonus from the maneuver is also included.
An immediate action maneuver to defend himself is not really part of the Charge though.
The Charge is per definition a full-round action you take to attack.
@Goldfish , I looked through character sheets and did not find Fiery Cocktail among Zaia's discoveres. It is a bug, is not it? Yes, this discovery is not important, but it's worth mention nevertheless.
An immediate action maneuver to defend himself is not really part of the Charge though.
The Charge is per definition a full-round action you take to attack.
Seems like it should be included, though, since the repurposed Shield Bash is also an attack roll and the Immediate Action inserts it into the order of events. Timing wise, Roland would be using it and attacking virtually simultaneously.
[X] Goldfish

We also can perform a Ride check to avoide damage due to Mounted Combat.
Didn't think to specifically mention that in the plan, but I'll add it now.
@Goldfish , I looked through character sheets and did not find Fiery Cocktail among Zaia's discoveres. It is a bug, is not it? Yes, this discovery is not important, but it's worth mention nevertheless.
Left that out intentionally. It's only really applicable if Zaia has the ability to deal a different type of damage with his bombs, which he doesn't, so there didn't seem to be any point in cluttering up his character sheet with it.
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Vote closed. Let's see how this goes.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jul 15, 2022 at 1:08 PM, finished with 20 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Accept the duel
    -[X] Roland and Silver Charge the raider chieftain taking full advantage of their magically enhanced speed, with Roland using his Panthera on the Hunt maneuver while attacking with his lance (+12 [2d8+8]). Once he and the raider exchange attacks, Roland and Silver will try to keep too close to the raider to allow him to attempt another charge or to use his lance, switching to Durendal if successful.
    --[X] If the raider's attack succeeds, Roland will use the Iron Shell counter as an Immediate Action. If the raider's attack does not succeed, or he attacks Silver instead of Roland, Roland will use Mounted Combat as an Immediate Action to attempt to negate a hit against him from the raider or his mount. Roland will also use Bodyguard as an AoO to increase Silver's AC by +3 if the raider or his mount attacks him.
    -[X] Silver will focus on the raider's odd mount, taking care to avoid being gored by its antlers but attacking with his hooves and bite if possible. Silver will use Bodyguard as an AoO to increase Roland's AC by +2 against the raider's attack.
    -[X] At the first sign of treachery from the raiders:
    --[X] Inge will target the largest group within range with a Web spell and Esha will target the raider chieftain or the next greatest threat (by her discretion) with a Blindness spell, or Magic Missiles if she judges it more likely to put the threat down. If Zaia has made it to shore, he will drink a Bomber's Eye extract and begin targeting nearby raiders with his bombs. Tom will lead our spearmen and Anwari warriors, using his Tactician ability as a Standard Action while the Zentragt Charges the archers responsible for firing the magical arrows and our own archers prioritize enemy archers or any who looks like they might be casting a spell.
    -[X] Even if the raiders do not interfere with the duel, our people will continue to move ashore and prepare for further attacks.
Arc 15 Post 21: Duel and Doom
Duel and Doom

First of Olweje-hamba (Olweje Descendent), 1349 A. L. (After Landfall)

Across the bloody field of battle, filled still with the screams of the wounded and the drums of war, you call out an agreement, hoping he speaks the tongue of Orinilu and then you raise a hand for at least those nearest to you to stop fighting you charge. Your foe is not so swift, but coming nearer the man with the fox's tail he exchanges words in a harsh guttural tongue, that of the Yayar kin you assume. So the shaman, for what else could he be, raises a bloody hand and places it on the haft of the lance, setting it alight with black flames from the hart of the iron, a thing of awe and dread.

As Silver's hooves cross though the water and onto the sand, more than two thirds the distance you hear the warriors chanting all around you, a song of courage perhaps, or else one of cursing upon their foes.

Not that it matters, you can barely hear them, you can barely see them. All that is real is the foe before you... the point of the lance darting wit h deadly purpose. Shifting in the saddle you move your shield to catch the blow and Silver moves with you, the practice of many battles and the wisdom new gained together.

It is not enough.

At the last moment the lance shifts in the man's hand and instead of striking the bronze shield it pierces your shoulder and almost tears you out of the saddle. Pain races through you like a thunderbolt and your blood flows free onto the sand to the roaring approval of the raiders.

You take 28 Damage

But still you barely hear them, but still you barely see them. Your own lance is level steady... and it finds his heart, under the shield and through the leather brigantine festooned with the prizes of his conquests the lance passes under his ribs and bursts out of his back in a shower of red. The white elk strikes at Silver with horn and hoof in a blind rage even as your friend answers with his hooves.

Silver takes 5 Damage

It is only as the body slides off your lance onto the hard ground that you realize the mess you are in, surrounded by foes, including at least one magician, and sore wounded. The bloody lance had passed though your arm and into your side.

"So it is done!" you shout in as loud a voice as you can manage. "Take your dead and bury them in the manner of your fathers. Go from this place and trouble it no longer!"

"We do not bury the dead man of the sea, we let them be taken by the breath of the Heavens," the shaman says in rough but understandable Engur. "Tell me now, do you need healing?"

The words are heavy with hidden meaning, but of what sort you cannot say, perhaps in accepting the aid you would seal yourself as an honorable foe, or mayhap it would be a show of weakness and a sign that whatever warrior wants the mantle of the old chief should avenge himself upon his slayer.

What do you reply?

[] I do need healing and would gladly accept it

[] My own folk can see to me

[] Write in

OOC: This guy was basically designed to be a lance fighter, he was a cavalier like you, but a lot more focused on the lance... but no amount of focus can save one from a lance crit. You did about three times more damage than he had HP after buffs.
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Damn, the sneakiest bastard and best difficult-terrain rider a Cavalier can be (well, that I can build) and we met him in an open clash.

Sometimes the NPCs just start in a bad situation.
Damn, the sneakiest bastard and best difficult-terrain rider a Cavalier can be (well, that I can build) and we met him in an open clash.

Sometimes the NPCs just start in a bad situation.

He was going to retreat if you wounded him critically, basically more than half health... but then he got crit killed. I was going to have this two wounded warriors talking if they were both really wounded.
Whew, if Roland took 28 damage, that means he really took 33 damage and Ablative Barrier aboard 5 points of it. Without the +10 HP from Bear's Endurance and the DR from the Ablative Barrier extract, Roland would be down to 2 HP rather than 17.

[X] My own folk can see to me. Save your magic for your fellows who have not yet succumbed to their wounds.
Still, if I had forseen this I would have left Spirited Charge in the build.

That seemed too much at the time.

It wouldn't have killed Roland, but certainly knocked him out.
The chieftain's Cold Iron lance will make decent loot, even if it isn't enchanted.
[x] I do need healing and would gladly accept it worked out with the Knikut.
But that won't always be the case, and there are a lot of nasty Touch-range spells we do not want to get hit with.

Refusing healing isn't going to be what makes these people our enemies. Them raiding a fishing village and slaughtering the inhabitants that did that.
@DragonParadox , I want to ask you some questions not regarded to the current situation.
As the Marcella rows forward through the near windless night into the Mouth of the World you find that it was not one tower but many, half a dozen fires like red eyes opening on the hillside. From the heights the horns go out, one after another, echoing each other in a hunting call.
Were there any Ibanorian towers at the Mouth of the World this time?

2) Can we still visit Ibanora after Orinilu? I understand that the trace will be dead cold, but maybe we can find some information about our foe. Also, it seems that Esha has some connections.
3) How many books from Dresden Files it needs to read to understand what's happening in your other quest?

Also, I would like to formulate to-do lists about our possible actions in Orinilu...
[] I do need healing and would gladly accept it
We are hurt enough that we shouldn't be too picky about how we get healed.
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[x] I do need healing and would gladly accept it
We are hurt enough that we shouldn't be too picky about how we get healed.
Inge is seconds away from us. We aren't in danger of dying in the next couple minutes, so needlessly exposing ourselves to a potentially hostile magic user, one whose chief/leader/associate/whatever we just skewered through the heart like a kebob, seems unwise to me.
Inge is seconds away from us. We aren't in danger of dying in the next couple minutes, so needlessly exposing ourselves to a potentially hostile magic user, one whose chief/leader/associate/whatever we just skewered through the heart like a kebob, seems unwise to me.
Oh wait she is, I forgot about that, if we have other immediately available healing them we should just take our own and say something like we don't want to impose or something like that.
[x] My own folk can see to me
@DragonParadox , I want to ask you some questions not regarded to the current situation.

Were there any Ibanorian towers at the Mouth of the World this time?

2) Can we still visit Ibanora after Orinilu? I understand that the trace will be dead cold, but maybe we can find some information about our foe. Also, it seems that Esha has some connections.
3) How many books from Dresden Files it needs to read to understand what's happening in your other quest?

Also, I would like to formulate to-do lists about our possible actions in Orinilu...
  1. There were not, they seemed to have moved on
  2. You can yes
  3. Up to the eight book Proven Guilty if you want the full scope of canon to the PoD, but I like to think I have made it so you can understand even if you have not read the books. Feel free to ask questions in the thread
Up to the eight book Proven Guilty if you want the full scope of canon to the PoD, but I like to think I have made it so you can understand even if you have not read the books. Feel free to ask questions in the thread
To add to this, @Arhin, I don't know anything about Exalted, but folks in the thread have gone out of their way to explain stuff when I asked.
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