Royal Rebirth
Fifth Day of Olweje-eza (Olweje Ascendant), 1349 A. L. (After Landfall)
You almost nod without thinking then draw instead your own sword, forged among the hills of Normandy just as he had and by the same craft, just as lacking in ornament, and you had made sure kept oiled and well cared for should something happen to Durendal.
"Let them try..." The words ring in your ear as much as steel might growl.
Tom mistakes your smile. "My lord you don't have to..."
"I wish it just the same," you cut him off, glad indeed that he is not one to argue. It would hardly be polite to imply that the one you are about to hand the sword to might have some nefarious purpose which you would rather fall on you and not him. Actually given how Tom would react to the notion that you want to take risks in his place it is doubly good that he does not think to question you as you carefully place the blade on the 'ground' that is the creature's flesh.
"Did you do something?" Antonio's mind voice has a strain to it like and unlike the stillness before battle.
"Tell me you did something..."
It is hard to blame the man given what you find once you are out of the 'rock'. The fog is already growing tattered and the spray of white that marks the passage of the great beast veils the deck for a few moments, but once it clears you are greeted with the sight of a man curled in on himself knees to his chest inside a yellowish bladder shot through with deep red veins. Apparently it 'popped right out of the sea like a sausage in a barrel'. This is no doubt the first time Zuan speaking of sausages is not well received by the crew. Still Zaia is nothing if not a curious soul and soon enough sharpened bronze taken from the lair of the mad mage Ipsit parts the skin of the... container to reveal a sputtering, shivering and naked, but still very much alive King Ansefu.
"Witch! Witch! Liar! Witch!" The first few words are not what you might have hoped, but he calms down at the sight of Inge at least enough that you can get him a cloak and usher him into a cabin.
"Hopefully his precious accommodations didn't sour him on his sister, it would be rather wasteful to return to Apuku only to start a war again," you hear Esha murmur as soon as the door is closed.
"Can hardly keep him around to scrub the deck," Antonio chuckles before shaking his head and turning to the helm to adjust the heading.
Hopefully the journey back will be enough for him to get his footing again at least enough to be presented to his people. The king is as much effigy as he is man, that much does not change no matter the world. In the meantime your thoughts turn to the battles of recent days and of all the time you had avoided battle. Between a conspiracy of dragons seeking to buy a stolen spear and a spirit of the Formless kindred now stalking the ship you have no doubt that you will need those skills again soon... and you would not turn your nose up at some luck either.
Arc Fourteen Complete
+Entered the Dreamlands to converse with Lina
+Survived the Storm Spirits' rage
++Rescued Ohun from the grasp of the Sea Spinner
+Made Pledge of Study
[Must take at least one esoteric knowledge skill or spellcraft at the first opportunity]
++Helped preserve the city of Lirman from traitors and opportunist fey
+Prevented Ohun from abandoning his calling for the wild and the company of birds and beasts
+Rescued Ro the Fey Smith and struck a bargain with him
++Entered the realm of the fey and returned better than you had gone
+Rescued Megin 'the half-again horse'
+Defeated the thief and the dragon spawn
+Gained the name and the friendship of Mynid the Wayguard
++Rescued the lost king Ansefu of Lirman from... the Formless
Total XP gained: 4,000 XP
What have been the lessons of this war for you and yours?
[] More skills in peace and war
Cost: 0 XP
[] Wanderer has learned and grown in the battles unlike any that he has faced before (Wanderer Level Up)
-[] Write in level up (Applicable as template to all future veteran Barbarian recruits)
Cost: 1,000 XP
[] You have battled beasts and spirits, you have walked the realms of the tinker fey and faces formless spirits upon the back of their great kin, though you are no wizard you are more than a knight (Lose Martial Training feat in exchange for retraining two level of Cavalier as Warder)
Cost: 2,500 XP
[] Zaia has studied the tomes of the assasin you slew and found them filled with accounts of powers and decoctions that he might know use for his own (Level Up)
Cost: 500 XP
[] Swift Pebble's daring has been rewarded by skill in subterfuge and stealth (Level Up)
Cost: 1,000 XP
OOC: You can take as many as you want, plan voting.