Here's what I've got for level ups or retraining.
Explosive Bomb seems like a good upgrade for Zaia. He won't always need to use the larger explosions, but having the option to do so if the situation calls for it could be very helpful. Zaia has already got quite a few good 2nd level extracts in his formulae book, along with those from Shadow's formulae book he can decipher now that he's going to 4th level. Something we've been lacking is a way to heal ability damage from disease, poison, magic, etc., which makes Lesser Restoration a very good extract for Zaia to learn this level up. It also fits his character well, IMO, considering that he's been a healer since long before we left Earth.
Nothing exciting to pick for Swift Pebble. Her bonus feat was already determined by her archetype and there are no other choices for her this level up beyond skill point allocation. She gets 10 points and has 10 skills already, so just +1'ing all of them is the way to go, IMO. That's not to say this isn't a good level up for her, as she gets Evasion and the extra HP are sorely needed to make her less fragile. Doesn't hurt that her ridiculously high Stealth bonus continues to creep up, too.
I know it looks like there is a lot going on with Roland's retraining, but there really isn't as much as it might seem. Warlord and Cavalier share the same number of skill points per level, so the only thing changing there is that we swore to Wanderer that we would put some effort into learning more about the supernatural at the earliest opportunity; losing a point of Survival to gain one in Knowledge (Arcana) doesn't hurt us at all, as Survival isn't something we've ever used and aren't likely to do so much in the future.
Although it looks like Roland loses a +1 bonus to his social skills due to dropping below 4 levels of Cavalier, he's also gaining the Bannerman's Diplomatic Presence ability, which gives him a +4 bonus to those same social skills. That works out quite well for Roland.
The only thing worth mentioning that Roland truly loses in this exchange is that his Challenge damage decreases from +4 to +2. To make up for that, he gains the ability to use several stances and maneuvers that either increase his damage and combat prowess or directly aid his allies. Take a look at those Golden Lion maneuvers;
Hunting Party,
Pride Movement, and
Tactical Strike can all be used on nearby allies in one way or another,
including Silver. They're great to use when fighting anywhere allies are nearby, but if he's fighting from the saddle while riding Silver, they become incredibly deadly and mobile. For example, he could use Pride Movement as a Swift Action to give Silver a free Move Action, allowing him to move up to 50 feet for free. That's not quite battlefield teleportation, but it's the next best thing we can get in this setting. Using Hunting Party would give Silver a free attack against an enemy, probably the same one Roland hit to initiate the maneuver, and Silver hits like a truck. Tactical Strike only grants 10 feet of movement if Roland applies it to Silver, but that's movement without provoking Attacks of Opportunity, meaning they could be surrounded by enemies and Silver could burst through them like shining equine Jesus without even being subject to any extra attacks.
/end dissertation 🤓
[X] Arc Fourteen Conclusion: Goldfish Edition (Level Up/Retraining plans found HERE)
-[X] You have battled beasts and spirits, you have walked the realms of the tinker fey and faces formless spirits upon the back of their great kin, though you are no wizard you are more than a knight (Lose Martial Training feat in exchange for retraining two level of Cavalier as Warlord)
-[X] Zaia has studied the tomes of the assasin you slew and found them filled with accounts of powers and decoctions that he might know use for his own (Level Up)
-[X] Swift Pebble's daring has been rewarded by skill in subterfuge and stealth (Level Up)
[] Swift Pebble Level Up
-[] Class: Rogue
-[] Skills (10 points): +1 Acrobatics, +1 Climb, +1 Disable Device, +1 Escape Artist, +1 Perception, +1 Profession (Sailor), +1 Sense Motive, +1 Sleight of Hand, +1 Stealth, +1 Swim
-[] Rogue Talent/Bonus Feat: Deft Maneuvers
[] Zaia Level Up
-[] Attribute: +1 Intelligence
-[] Class: +1 Alchemist
-[] Skills (9 points): +1 Craft (Alchemy), +1 Heal, +1 Perception, +1 Profession (Herbalist), +1 Sense Motive, +1 Spellcraft, +3 Knowledge (Arcana)
-[] Alchemist Discovery: Explosive Bombs
-[] New Extract:
--[] 2nd Level: Restoration: Lesser
[] Roland's Warlordification
-[] Class: -2 Cavalier, +2 Warlord (Bannerman)
-[] Skill Retraining: -1 Survival, +1 Knowledge (Arcana)
-[] Bonus Feat: Bodyguard (Rather than Courageous Defense ability)
-[] Warlord's Gambits: Brave Gambit, Unbreakable Gambit
-[] Martial Stances Known:
--[] Golden Lion: Pride Leader's Stance
--[] Iron Tortoise: Stance of the Defending Shell
-[] Martial Maneuvers Known:
--[] Golden Lion: Encouraging Roar, Hunting Party, Pride Movement, Tactical Strike
--[] Iron Tortoise: Iron Shell
--[] Primal Fury: Crushing Blow, Panthera on the Hunt