Words Under Waves
Twenty Eight Day of Elnu-Hamba (Elnu Descendent), 1349 A. L. (After Landfall)
"I had a dream..." you trail off, the water sluggish on your lips. How do you say this to a mother desperate to see her daughter? How do you tell tis to a spirit of powers you cannot even fathom, save that she was able to summon things of air and thunder such as a whole fleet was put to flight and deadly peril. Wordlessly you send the question to Esha,
Alas she seems as weary as you are.
"So far I have been wise enough to keep my feet on solid ground, what the daughter of the ocean might do or why I cannot say... but better that it be from truth than falsehood. Those of faerie cannot lie and so they resent most of all that mortals have that power over them."
"I dreamed of her claiming that she went to the Faceless willingly to escape her brother's plans for her," you say at last, silently apologizing all the while for laying blame at the feet of a dead man, but better it be him than those who are not yet beyond harm in this life.
"His plans!" The tone is sharp again, as the blade of a knife. So much for trying to soften the blow.
The look the spirit gives you as you recount that you had heard from Lina, her fears, her plans and what she had asked of you is almost enough on its own to make you raise your shield. In that moment she is not comely in the least, more corpse-bride wrapped in shroud of foam and yet she speaks at last and her voice is soft.
"A liar was He of Many Shapes but not as I thought he was. Much pain might he have been spared if he had been as honest with me as have been. You may go now in peace from this place and tell your kin that they shall meet no more of the Ai-Huu, the children of the storm, on their path into the High Sands..."
Port, you translate automatically, of course they would not think of it the same who live in the sea.. A pity you cannot take her 'generous' offer. "I vowed to seek Ohun and liar or no I would speak with him."
And likely free him, you think but do not say. Such cunning sits ill indeed, but you have seen enough of sorcery to know that nothing is more perilous than what you do not know. Mayhap there is yet a way to see this out without blood. If not you had faced worse odds in this company
"Why do you care?" the question is more bemused than angry, a frown upon the uncanny face as though you were some puzzle box that had tumbled into her lap. "What is he to you but the man who near sent you to your death."
You cannot help it... you laugh. "My lady if I were to resent every man who near sent me to my death I would sore lack for company." So saying you tap the hilt of your sword, a soft almost melodic sound. "To live by this is to be sent into peril and to send others into it." More gravely you add. "I made my bargain with Ohun and he kept it true. More I could not have asked."
"So now you join him on the seas in search of wealth and glory..."
"Nay!" you shake your head sharply before she can finish, lady or no, witch or no. "We did not travel for loot and plunder but to make an end of the dark ones who had infested Korman and give it over to its..." almost you say 'rightful queen', but you feel the sharp sting of worry from Esha and stop, realizing your mistake. "People," you finish instead .
As she drifts though the water, seemingly light as a feather in the air the spirit drifts also in thought, speaking again perilously soft "My daughter has spoken to you and by some measure she trusts you. Find her and bring her to me or else return with news and I shall free the old man into your keeping... more if you should to the first I shall give you rewards beyond his paltry freedom, wealth..." she tips her head to Inge, "Knowledge..." Then to Wanderer. "Weapons of fel power even for many have been lost in the sea."
What do you do?
[] Agree to the deal
-[] To find out where Lina is
-[] To bring Lina back
[] Refuse the deal
[] Write in
OOC: Well, for what it's worth at least I am pretty happy with this one as talk heavy updates go.