Arc 14 Post 12: Eye of the Storm
Eye of the Storm
Twenty Eight Day of Elnu-Hamba (Elnu Descendent), 1349 A. L. (After Landfall)
You would pray, but you do not know the right words for this not whom to ask for nimble tongue when faced with half mad spirits in their domain. "If I might b so bold perhaps there is another way to find yourself again in the company of your daughter my lady?" you finally hazard. Strange words to speak those last two when you are measuring her up for the sword should she choose to fight, but any notion that a magician is less deadly by reason of womanhood is long since gone from your mind. So you press on while you still have the chance. "Although considered an adult by her adopted people, Lina remains a young woman, sheltered for all of her life and raised with the sense of unearned entitlement common among Human nobility. She chafes under the authority of others, be they Ohun who acted as regent for much of her life, her brother after he became king, and potentially even you, my lady, her own mother. The prospect of others making decisions for her lead to a desperate and ill-advised alliance with the Formless."
At this the spirit laughs, and it is not a pleasant sound, a tinkle though more like breaking glass than silver chines. "A child, you would call her a child when they had thought to wed her thrice over... strange is the way of your lands Man of False Iron."
"To be young and foolish is not the domain of children alone, for all the hopes of the wise and aged," you answer, thinking back to all the ill advised things you had done as a squire or a knight new to his spurs. You had spent more time in penance that first year than in the previous three and the next three together. It is likely different for a woman, for on them weighs a burden more lasting, but still one can hardly weigh the duties of court and king, those that are expected since childhood against the threat that one would be sent into another world. Just being down here in the dark makes you long for the sight of the sun and the touch of the wind... to live here you cannot even contemplate. And yet here, or somewhere like here is where Lina had chosen to live, among those who were the rivals of her kin...
With a shake of your head to dismiss the questions you cannot answer you continue instead to plead the case in the name of a woman you barely know "We know she no longer wishes to live among the Formless, but has no easy means of leaving them as she did Ansefu's court, at least not one she deems acceptable from her limited experience and perspective."
"Well of course she doesn't, foolish girl, does she think that they will let her leave their company the same as they found her, that would be positively boring."
The last word makes you start, not knowing that it means, not sure you want to know. What in the Devil had you gotten yourself into?
"Lina believes she can return to Lirman and take what she feels is her rightful place on the throne, but she is naïve, and according to Ohun, who despite what offenses he has given you remains wise in the ways of the Anwari, the people of the island would never accept her now given her past actions."
"As far as they know anything of her actions she was taken and did not seek the company of the sons of madness of her own will," the spirit interrupts again. "With the Drowned King passed to his just reward there is none to gainsay it save Ohun... and you." Balefire sparks in her eye as you feel Esha's eyes on your, the weight of her hardening resolve.
"I can give her what she wants, to be queen and once she grows tired of it she can be with me at last... but not she cannot be queen if her treason is known.... treason.. treachery yes..."
"That takes time." Quite how you manage to keep your calm in that moment you do not know, but it is as if ice water flows though your veins, fear, anger and the rush that comes before battle all faded away. "Would it not be better if Ohun agrees to help Lina return to Lirman anyway, with your secret assistance to insure both his continued cooperation and your daughter's safety? She will quickly learn there is no place among the Anwari left for her, and she will have burned her bridges with the Formless, unable to return after forsaking them."
Silence reigns for far too long after these words are said. One... two... three... four... Each heartbeat seems an age. "You are plotting against her..." the spirit is sullen, dropping her head, hair as a dark halo around her pale face.
"He is trying to give you an answer that is not a pledge to do the impossible or allow the impermissible," Esha's words are stark, offering for once no flourish... and no apology.
"She won't like me if I try to take away her crown, her father didn't like it either."
Wonderful, What are you supposed to say to that? Yes of course she won't now release the prisoner. Somehow you do not see that as going well. "Do you want her to be with you, or do you want her to be happy?"
"I... I don't know... I don't know what that is for a mortal. You burn so bright so quick. If she is not with me how would I even learn?"
What do you reply?
[] Ask her, it is the best any of us can do, even a mortal to a mortal speaking
[] If she wants to be free you should let her
[] Write in
OOC: Well that was a close one, you avoided her exploding into a fight by the +1 from Inge and then you only made the last re-roll via the fortune hex.
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