Age of Ice and Blood: A Pathfinder System Heroic Fantasy Quest

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Chances are, if he both saved against an effect and is conscious enough to make use of the feat, he would at least be able to retreat or drink a healing potion instead.
Well, potions are not cheap, but they are affordable for as. But, if I understand correctly, potions requires Move Action, and feat only Immediate Action. So, with this feat on the 6 level we can use Full Round Action with additional attack. Which seems useful.
Also, does Roland even have anything else for Immediate Action? Challenge is a Swift Action, medallion has a Free Action (but it is better not to use it), Intercept/Aid Allies take Attack of Opportunity... well, Mounted Combat requires Immediate Action, so yes, it could be a problem.
Unfortunately (really unfortunately, without sarcasm), we rarely have an opportunity to go in combat on Silver.
Well, potions are not cheap, but they are affordable for as. But, if I understand correctly, potions requires Move Action, and feat only Immediate Action. So, with this feat on the 6 level we can use Full Round Action with additional attack. Which seems useful.
Also, does Roland even have anything else for Immediate Action? Challenge is a Swift Action, medallion has a Free Action (but it is better not to use it), Intercept/Aid Allies take Attack of Opportunity... well, Mounted Combat requires Immediate Action, so yes, it could be a problem.
Unfortunately (really unfortunately, without sarcasm), we rarely have an opportunity to go in combat on Silver.
It's not the time involved in the action that is an issue, but that an action is required at all.

That just makes it much less useful, IMO, and it wasn't that useful to begin with.
Also, not gonna lie, not the biggest fan of dipping into fighter. I get it's very sound mechanically, but I was hoping for something more...interesting, or barring that just taking more Chevalier levels.
Also, not gonna lie, not the biggest fan of dipping into fighter. I get it's very sound mechanically, but I was hoping for something more...interesting, or barring that just taking more Chevalier levels.
Fighter is just a stepping stone for Roland, one taken toward eventually being able to retrain as a martial initiator.

That's how you get to something interesting, because neither Cavalier or Fighter are interesting on their own, nor are any of the other semi-viable options for him right now.
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The vote is really close so I think I am going to do a far off interlude now and leave it up overnight. Don't worry though i will give you guys another interlude that you can vote on tomorrow
Will we be even able to retrain this?
We will, there are at least two paths to it as confirmed by DP:
It's an eventual goal of mine for him, but not something he can just pick up through a regular level up. It'll involve a significant amount of training with a suitable combat instructor, so he'll very likely be maxed out at 6th level with at least a few extra feats under his belt before the stars align and we find the opportunity for him to become an Initiator.
Well either that or making your own martial class Ser Richard style, but that needs a lot of experience of the very strangest kind, you need to fight fey, outsiders, undead etc... and not only live but learn something from it.

Edit: @DragonParadox, how is Wanderer taking to the city? Does he has any problems, do we need to do something to help him? Does he know what he can use his pay for?
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Arc 10 Interlude 3: Forgiveness

Thirty-Sixth Day of Ikomi-eza (Ikomi Ascendant) 1348 A. L. (After Landfall)

A thousand leagues and more the plains stretched north of the balmy blue waters, a thousand leagues over which the elk herds strode and the lions stalked, where dwelt the Yayar raiding and trading along the coast, the Tsusax along the banks of the Father of Rivers, living as much off fish as the meat of their herds, the Yarduk, who by cunning craft held the pass through the mountains that held off the frozen breath of the east wind and a thousand thousand other tribes unknown to the men of Orinilu or others of their mariner kin, and far, far to the north, in such lands as came near to the frozen edge of the world, two tribes struggled to survive a frozen winter after a summer of blood.

Low burned the fire in the hearth untended and mournful were the horns on the lonely plains, but the Knikut, those the southlanders called hillfolk, for they had found them first in the hills along the coast, knew these plains as no others could and so they endured. Low burned the fires in the camps of the Wyrdoki, but low it had ever burned for there was little wood in this treeless land, only the warmth of beasts and that which the beasts made. Had any of their visitors lingered through the long Black Months of winter they would have found the fumes noisome and the milk of their beasts sour, but such was not the case one cold and moonless night when a herdsman came with beasts in tow to the tall gate of the Danuk.

"Friend comes! Friend comes! Friend comes!" the herder called stomping the still soft snow with wide shoes cunningly wrought.

Twas not without suspicion and not without ill will that the guards looked upon this visitor, but still slowly, grudgingly, the gate was opened. Only then in the red light of crude oil lanterns that they could see the one driving the beasts was not a man at all but a woman. They saw also that though she bore the axe and sling that any traveler on the plains must carry if they do not wish for death she did not carry the spear and bow of a hunter or a warrior.

"I come with the meat of Chief Spirit-Heart," the woman said, a greeting old as the hills and as far spoken as the voice of the wind. In other parts it had been mistaken by foreigners to mean that the Knikut devoured each other as they did the beasts of the land, but that was not so, for the meat of the chief was not that cut from his bones but the meat of his herds, his part of that which made up the wealth of the Wyrdoki as much as the bright tin made the wealth of the Danuk.

The guards looked up in awe and wonderment upon her for they knew the beasts of the chief were not parted from him save in death and to give such Old Horns to a tribe not his own was a great and weighty gift.

"Oaths we have made and bargains we have sealed," the messenger continued. "When we left here two and a half moons past we were even as tribe with tribe, but we would be more than even with you as kith with kith and the bloodshed weighed heavy upon the mind of the chief so he has bid me to give you this that you might think fondly of the Wyrdoki-kin."

"He is dead then?" the eldest of the guards asks, the same man who had once faced against a daemon in man's shape with naught but the spear in his hand.

"Name dead, not heart dead," came the reply after a long silence. "He said the spirits called him and his soul-brother to go south and carry the word of the evil that has been done between us and the webs of the Hollow Ones."

Other things she told that day, that the old chief had seemed filled with a new vigor, as though a new springtime had come over his aged shoulders and the great beast he rode had walked then not through the snow, but over it as though it weighed no more than a feather. The great ivory helm he bore had shone it was said like moonlight on water and all about him the Wyrdoki were filled with awe and wonder and asked that they may joined them. But in that hour Spirit-Heart had spoken to them in as clear and commanding a voice as any of them had heard on mortal lips, filled with sorrow and with resolve.

"Go now and live your life as men must live it, seek peace and find joy in the doing, for I have been called to other paths. If you would honor me as your chief one last time take my herds that are the Meat of the Chief and give them onto the Danuk for the payment that I could not give them before lest we be shamed."

And so it was for the chief's meat along among all the traditional gifts of the Knikut which did not ask for gifting in kind and there was no shame in the giving of it to whoever the chief wished... and yet in this the Danuk broke the custom, for though they gave no gift that can be weighed in the hand in recompense they offered a thing more precious by far.

OOC: Not sure how much you guys still care about this, but here is what has been going on in the White Lands.
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So, the Mammoth-Rider goes south to tell people about daemons?

Not sure how many will believe him, but few indeed would say so in the face of a few tons of megafauna.
OOC: Not sure how much you guys still care about this, but here is what has been going on in the White Lands. Not yet edited.
This is great, DP. I'm glad to see that the Danuk and Wyrdoki are still getting along and are likely to make it through Winter intact.

Good luck, Spirit Heart and Mr. Mammoth!
@Goldfish , are we taking the Drill Sergeant archetype so that we get the tactician ability too?
That's my plan for when Roland reaches 6th level. There isn't really any point in including it in my current vote, though, since it doesn't affect any thing until reaching 2nd level of Fighter.

Not only will that synergize really well with Tom's own Tactician ability, together they will work really well to augment our men for tough fights. The best part, IMO, is that it then serves as a training wheels introduction for when/if Roland retrains as a Warlord with the Bannerman archetype using the Golden Lion discipline.

Then he'll be able to share any Teamwork feats he knows several times a day, rather than just once, or borrow a Teamwork feat from a nearby ally.
That's my plan for when Roland reaches 6th level. There isn't really any point in including it in my current vote, though, since it doesn't affect any thing until reaching 2nd level of Fighter.

Not only will that synergize really well with Tom's own Tactician ability, together they will work really well to augment our men for tough fights. The best part, IMO, is that it then serves as a training wheels introduction for when/if Roland retrains as a Warlord with the Bannerman archetype using the Golden Lion discipline.

Then he'll be able to share any Teamwork feats he knows several times a day, rather than just once, or borrow a Teamwork feat from a nearby ally.

Warlord is so superior to everything we have so far.

I thought that archetypes needed to be decided beforehand, but I have no idea about it really.
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