You take a long drag on your cigarette, as you fold up your copy of the Frankfurter Zeitung and get ready to head out. You look around the cafe. It's a miserable damn sight. Half of Munich is a miserable sight, these days. You drain your coffee and head out. It's a cold, wet day. It fits the mood of Germany, as of late. Miserable. You pull your hat down tight, and try to make a fast line through the rain, pushing down the street, past the scores of the dispossed. They look to you expectantly. Like you could somehow save them from the miserable hell your homeland has become. Miserable bastards, the lot of them. You pity them, especially some of the men, wearing tattered uniforms. It…..
[X] Makes you hang your head in shame. That the corrupt, weak officials in the 'republic' would allow German heroes to be so debased hurts you deeply! This never would have happened under the Kaiser! (Gain trait. Monarchist Firebrand +2 Charisma. Democrats and NSDAP members loathe you. DNVP/DVP members like you.)
Moving on, you try to zone out the incessant wailing of several Stahlhem trucks, horns blaring out tinny propaganda, in fierce competition with the NSDAP trucks, and the odd SDP, Zentrum, KPD or DstP truck. As you duck past a crowd waiting for the train, you hear various cranks attempting to rally the people to their side. The chaos of the past few years has produced dysfunctional government after dysfunctional government. People are sick and tired of it, and right now, even though the government hasn't collapsed yet people are already agitating for their preferred party. You spend most of your time drawn to…
[X] DNVP agitators, a monarchist and rightist, you have (reluctantly) rejoined the DNVP after the collapse of the KVP in 1932. Still, assuming the republic survives past the next election, mayhaps you could help split off and revive a voice of sanity on the right of the political fence? (DNVP member. Former KVP member. National Conservative, Anti-Republican party. Not Weimar Coalition member. Strong hatred of Alfred Hugenberg.)
As you head home, you ruminate on the year ahead. Germany is in deep trouble, the NSDAP and KPD wait in the wings to destroy all that has been built these past decades. This cannot be allowed, you must prepare to become more involved. You might just be one lone man, but you are a powerful personality, and with your campaigning, you are certain you can start to affect things. The election is coming, the fate of Germany hangs in the balance.
Can you fight against the tide?
Well, let it never be said I don't deliver. Granted, the things I deliver are of low-quality, and utterly insane, but hey! I deliver. Welcome to the Madness. Welcome to.....Weimar Germany!
I'm working on a bunch of other stuff, for those interested. Trying to get KermitQuest back in gear, writing out the holiday plan for CampaignQuest, and of course, planning out another spin-off to CampaignQuest. But that's a secret~