Against the Tide - Germany 1932.

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You take a long drag on your cigarette, as you fold up your copy of the Frankfurter Zeitung and...
The Beginning


Queen of the Coffee Cups
City of Coffee, Upside-down land
You take a long drag on your cigarette, as you fold up your copy of the Frankfurter Zeitung and get ready to head out. You look around the cafe. It's a miserable damn sight. Half of Munich is a miserable sight, these days. You drain your coffee and head out. It's a cold, wet day. It fits the mood of Germany, as of late. Miserable. You pull your hat down tight, and try to make a fast line through the rain, pushing down the street, past the scores of the dispossed. They look to you expectantly. Like you could somehow save them from the miserable hell your homeland has become. Miserable bastards, the lot of them. You pity them, especially some of the men, wearing tattered uniforms. It…..

[X] Makes you hang your head in shame. That the corrupt, weak officials in the 'republic' would allow German heroes to be so debased hurts you deeply! This never would have happened under the Kaiser! (Gain trait. Monarchist Firebrand +2 Charisma. Democrats and NSDAP members loathe you. DNVP/DVP members like you.)

Moving on, you try to zone out the incessant wailing of several Stahlhem trucks, horns blaring out tinny propaganda, in fierce competition with the NSDAP trucks, and the odd SDP, Zentrum, KPD or DstP truck. As you duck past a crowd waiting for the train, you hear various cranks attempting to rally the people to their side. The chaos of the past few years has produced dysfunctional government after dysfunctional government. People are sick and tired of it, and right now, even though the government hasn't collapsed yet people are already agitating for their preferred party. You spend most of your time drawn to…

[X] DNVP agitators, a monarchist and rightist, you have (reluctantly) rejoined the DNVP after the collapse of the KVP in 1932. Still, assuming the republic survives past the next election, mayhaps you could help split off and revive a voice of sanity on the right of the political fence? (DNVP member. Former KVP member. National Conservative, Anti-Republican party. Not Weimar Coalition member. Strong hatred of Alfred Hugenberg.)

As you head home, you ruminate on the year ahead. Germany is in deep trouble, the NSDAP and KPD wait in the wings to destroy all that has been built these past decades. This cannot be allowed, you must prepare to become more involved. You might just be one lone man, but you are a powerful personality, and with your campaigning, you are certain you can start to affect things. The election is coming, the fate of Germany hangs in the balance.

Can you fight against the tide?

Well, let it never be said I don't deliver. Granted, the things I deliver are of low-quality, and utterly insane, but hey! I deliver. Welcome to the Madness. Welcome to.....Weimar Germany!

I'm working on a bunch of other stuff, for those interested. Trying to get KermitQuest back in gear, writing out the holiday plan for CampaignQuest, and of course, planning out another spin-off to CampaignQuest. But that's a secret~
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Dr. Hugo Strauß. The Main Character.
Dr. Hugo Strauß

You are Doctor Hugo Strauß, Hugo to your friends and patients. You grew up in Bavaria during the golden years of the German Empire, and while you were more ambivalent towards the Republic in the twenties, when they were largely capable of handling German's many problems, with only a few problems, they've clearly lost their way, however. The last four years have proven trying, at best. The rise of the NSDAP, the KPD, and the ascenion of the bastard Alfred Hugenberg to control of the DNVP have shown the weaknesses of the Republic. You never much cared for Kaiser Wilhelm and his mad war that cost you so many friends, and gave you your start in surgery, but even he seems preferable to the utter madness that has begun to grip Deutschland by the throat. Threatening to strangle both liberty and sanity in there cradles. Germany needs decisive and sane leadership. Something the marxists in the SPD and KPD could never provide.

Not that Hugenberg could manage it either. You met him, once. You've never met a more delusional man in your life. He'd never be able to lead the DNVP in any capacity as a governor. He'd rather work with the Nazis than with good, conservative catholics in Bavaria! You have half a mind to slap him across his flabby, stupid face. No, Germany needs a voice of sane, reasonable conservatism to stop the Nazis and make her sane again. The question is, are you that man? You've never led anything more than a group of soldiers, and that was years ago!

Monarchist Firebrand
: While you are not as aggresive in your spouting of monarchist dogma as your fellows in the DNVP, but you still promote the restoration of the monarchy, and your massive personal charisma makes it so much easier. You can gather crowds to listen to you just by stepping on top of a soap box! (+2 Charisma, Speeches and personal interaction with voters is much more effective)
Former Soldier: While your service was behind the lines, the locals know you risked life and limb to ensure that their sons, their husbands, and even occasionally daughters and wives, could return to their home with their life and limbs intact. (Former Army Physician. Highly Popular in Bavaria/Baden/Württemberg/Hesse)
DNVP Disloyalty: You may be a DNVP member again but local members remember your disloyalty when the KVP was formed. You don't like them, and they don't like you. You need one another, for now, at least. (DNVP party members distrust you)
Tactically Minded: You've honed your military mind since the end of the Weltkrieg and the Revolution. TIme to put it to use! (+1 Leadership, permanent +5 bonus to tactical rolls)

Charisma: 5 (3+2). Your speeches draw crowds, and for as long as you are talking, people find little issue with you, often agreeing with your points. Of course, what happens after you've left is not always ideal. (Extremely good public speaker. People flock to your speeches, and you are highly popular in Munich and Bavaria in particular)
Leadership: 4 (3+1). While you weren't bad at organisation and leading people, your speeches are proof-positive of that, but you rely more on your words, and tend not to sweat details. Or you did, as you've spent your years honing your skills at leadership and organisation.(People respect your service, but few who served under you (for a week and a half) would vouch for you)
Integrity: 4. You have spent your life in the Deutsches Heer, and after that you worked as a doctor in Bavaria, holding speeches in between surgeries. (Many locals will vouch for your good character, you have no ties to the corporate class that people blame for the crisis)
Experience: 2. Damn it, you are a doctor, not a politician! The most experience you had with leadership was when you promoted to Oberst after the last one blew his brains out during the war. Poor bastard. (Struggle to co-ordinate campaigns. You are weak on matters requiring political experience)
Stamina: 4. You are, and have always been a firm believer, that if a doctor can't look after himself, he shouldn't be a doctor. You take extremely good care of your health. (+1 Personal action per turn)
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The Organisation
The Organisation

Deutschnationale Patrioten Bewegung (German National Patriots Movement)
The DnPB was formed as a broad-based anti-extremist movement, with the aim of bringing all strata of German society (And all Political parties, focused on the incredibly powerful BVP) together against the National Socialist and Communist menace. Backed heavily by DNVP member, Dr. Hugo Strauss, and DVP newspaper owner, Franz Khun, the first general meeting of organisation members was heavily attended by powerful members of the Bavarian DVP, BVP and Crown Prince Rupprecht himself.

The DnPB has grown at a rapid pace, successfully pushing for Crown Prince Rupprecht to become Staatskomissar. This achieved, the movement now focuses on consolidating power and influence in Bavaria, though it has already had its authority challenged by an upstart Sturmabteilung. Can the DnPB and its paramilitary wing, the Volksbanner, push back the fascist rising, and ensure Bavaria is stable and secured?

Constiuent Parties:

Social Democratic Party (SPD) - A party that suffers from serious internal divisions regarding their path forward, the SPD is split into a moderate social-democratic wing, a reformist socialist wing, and a more radical Marxist wing, though they've largely defected to the Communist Party of Germany (KPD). Despite the left-wing constantly threatening to split off from the main party, there is a general understanding within much of the party that they will all 'hang together' if the NSDAP takes power. It was the main pusher for Rupprecht to become Staatskommisar.
Bavarian People's Party (BVP) - A centrist to centre-right catholic party, the BVP presents itself as the party of the Bavarian people and is the largest party in Bavaria by membership. They are heavily associated with the Centre Party (Zentrum) and function as a kind of 'regional representative' of the German Catholic party. As Bavaria is overwhelmingly Catholic, this status lends them not inconsiderable leverage with the population, and they are still (barely) the largest party in the Landtag, despite heavy internal divisions brewing.
German People's Party (DVP) - A right-wing Liberal party with monarchist tendencies, the DVP has long been one of Bavaria's struggling parties, and barely managed to maintain representation in the Landtag, nonetheless the fact it draws its membership from German's moneyed class has meant that it is a valuable addition to the DnPB, especially in Pfalz, where it has a proper presence. Recently the Pfalz branch recieved a huge boost when the local chapted of the DNVP defied party leadership and voted to dissolve itself into the DVP
German National People's Party (DNVP) - A far-right party, the DNVP is not really a member of the DnPB by choice, having been dragged along more by its membership, who have flocked to the banner of the highly charismatic Doctor, Hugo Strauss. Fluctuating between decline and outright collapse, the DNVP has already lost its Pfalz branch to the DVP. Few think the party has much of a future in Germany at all, with private bets taking place as to when the party will finally give up the ghost and implode completely.

Notable members
Paul Emil Von Lettow-Vorbeck, Non-Partisan (DNVP lean)
Dr. Hugo Strauss, DNVP
Franz Kühn, DVP
Wilhelm Hoegner, SPD
Crown Prince Rupprecht, Non-Partisan (SPD lean)
Ernst Roger, Volksbanner (Stahlhelm) Captain
Eckard Krieger, Volksbanner (Stahlhelm) Captain
Jürgen Bohn, DVP Leader (Bavarian Landtag)
Niclas Boll, Volksbanner (Reichsbanner) Captain

480'000 Paying members.
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The Government
State Emergency Government

Following the Munich Crisis, the Crown Prince of Bavaria, and State Commissioner, Rupprecht von Wittelsbach, formed a State Emergency Government, bringing together many of his close friends and allies from across Bavaria to try and stabilize and rebuild the embattled Free State.

This government has leapt into action to try and restore order and stability, primarily through crushing the larger of the two organisations currently opposing it. The NSDAP, the instigators of an attempted coup right before the Government's formation. It maintains an officially unofficial political organisation and militia, through the Minister for Health, and confidant of the Crown Prince, the renowned surgeon Hugo Strauss.
Cabinet Members:
Rupprecht von Wittelsbach, State Commissioner (Non-Partisan, SPD lean)
Rudolf von Xylander, Minister for Security (DNVP, Lapsed)
Hugo von Strauss
, Minister for Health (DNVP, Lapsed)
Eduard Hamm, Minister for Justice (DVP)
Wilhelm Hoegner, Minister for Industry (SPD)
Karl Stützel, Minister for Rural Affairs (BVP)
Karl F. Bacon
, Minister for Finance (BVP)
Franz Goldenberger
, Minister for Education (BVP)
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[X] Makes your leg injury flare up. It hurts like shit, a memory of all you gave for Gott und Vaterland, all those years ago, as a fresh-faced fool. Madness, and as you see brownshirts, you shudder. Boys who don't understand. Can't understand. (Gain trait. Old Soldier. You served Germany proudly, throughout the war. +1 Leadership. +1 Charisma. -1 Stamina. Wounded leg.)
[X] SPD agitators, of course! You've always been a supporter of the party, growing up. If only they could find their damned spine as of late. There are rumblings of factional splits in the (inevitable) election next year... (SPD member. Social Democrat Party. Weimar Coalition member.)
Oh my god.
You're actually doing this.
Oh my god.
We're going to fight Hitler.

[X] Makes your leg injury flare up. It hurts like shit, a memory of all you gave for Gott und Vaterland, all those years ago, as a fresh-faced fool. Madness, and as you see brownshirts, you shudder. Boys who don't understand. Can't understand. (Gain trait. Old Soldier. You served Germany proudly, throughout the war. +1 Leadership. +1 Charisma. -1 Stamina. Wounded leg.)
[X] DNVP agitators, a monarchist and rightist, you have (reluctantly) rejoined the DNVP after the collapse of the KVP in 1932. Still, assuming the republic survives past the next election, mayhaps you could help split off and revive a voice of sanity on the right of the political fence? (DNVP member. Former KVP member. National Conservative, Anti-Republican party. Not Weimar Coalition member. Strong hatred of Alfred Hugenberg.)

My history is rusty as fuck, but I'm sure that being part of one of the parties that agreed to the Weimar is a bad idea.
Honestly, I was tempted to go for the industrialist due to the potential to use our wealth to enact change. However at the same time this quest is a political quest, and being an industrialist could be both a boon and a burden considering the economic conditions of the time. I would not be surprised if we chose that option and the Nazi's accused us of profiting off the misery of our fellow Germans or something. Being a war veteran is probably the most balanced approach seeing how we no natural enemies and we can play our experiences to our benefit.
...okay. That is a very ambitious quest here - hopefully it will not go down in flames.

As a german, I am obligated to take part in this quest!

[X] Makes you hang your head in shame. That the corrupt, weak officials in the 'republic' would allow German heroes to be so debased hurts you deeply! This never would have happened under the Kaiser! (Gain trait. Monarchist Firebrand +2 Charisma. Democrats and NSDAP members loathe you. DNVP/DVP members like you.)

[X] Zentrum agitators, a born and raised catholic, it is no surprise you are a supporter of the Zentrum party. Indeed, it would be strange if you didn't! (Zentrum/BVP member. Catholic Party. Weimar Coalition member.)
I'm tempted to suggest a longer-lived Hugo Stinnes as PC.

If so that would be:

[] Causes you to chuck some money there way. You've got plenty of funds lining your pockets, even with the hit your fortune has taken as of late, you still get by. You can offer some cash to Germany's finest. They smile up at you, as you do.(Gain trait. Philanthropic Industrialist. +2 Leadership. You have several factories (Specify type. I.e. Steel mill, Watch factory, etc.))


[] DstP agitators, despite the utter catastrophe of the 1930 election, you are still a supporter of the DstP, a liberal nationalist at heart, the hard-right veer of the DVP has left you with no alternative! (DstP member. Centrist Nationalist/Liberal party. Weimar Coalition member.)

Probably. Stinnes was one of the founders of the DVP, but it is hard to see him joining the party in coalition with the DNVP.

[X] Makes your leg injury flare up. It hurts likeshit, a memory of all you gave for Gott undVaterland, all those years ago, as a fresh-faced fool. Madness, and as you see brownshirts, you shudder. Boys who don't understand. Can'tunderstand. (Gain trait. Old Soldier. You served Germany proudly, throughout the war. +1 Leadership. +1 Charisma. -1 Stamina. Wounded leg.)
[X] DNVP agitators, a monarchist and rightist, you have (reluctantly) rejoined the DNVP after the collapse of the KVP in 1932. Still, assuming the republic survives past the next election, mayhaps you could help split off and revive a voice of sanity on the right of the political fence? (DNVP member. Former KVP member. National Conservative, Anti-Republican party. Not Weimar Coalition member. Strong hatred of Alfred Hugenberg.)

If we don't seek the return of the Kaiser we are all mad as mad hatters.
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[X] Makes you hang your head in shame. That the corrupt, weak officials in the 'republic' would allow German heroes to be so debased hurts you deeply! This never would have happened under the Kaiser! (Gain trait. Monarchist Firebrand +2 Charisma. Democrats and NSDAP members loathe you. DNVP/DVP members like you.)
[X] DNVP agitators, a monarchist and rightist, you have (reluctantly) rejoined the DNVP after the collapse of the KVP in 1932. Still, assuming the republic survives past the next election, mayhaps you could help split off and revive a voice of sanity on the right of the political fence? (DNVP member. Former KVP member. National Conservative, Anti-Republican party. Not Weimar Coalition member. Strong hatred of Alfred Hugenberg.)

OK I'm joininnn thissss
Suprised the DNVP is so popular, given their.....well you lot shall see :D
[x] Causes you to chuck some money there way. You've got plenty of funds lining your pockets, even with the hit your fortune has taken as of late, you still get by. You can offer some cash to Germany's finest. They smile up at you, as you do.(Gain trait. Philanthropic Industrialist. +2 Leadership. You have several factories (Specify type. I.e. Steel mill, Watch factory, etc.))

[x] Zentrum agitators, a born and raised catholic, it is no surprise you are a supporter of the Zentrum party. Indeed, it would be strange if you didn't! (Zentrum/BVP member. Catholic Party. Weimar Coalition member.)

I'm playing an RP where my character is in Weimar Germany, and then I see this quest...
[X] Makes you hang your head in shame. That the corrupt, weak officials in the 'republic' would allow German heroes to be so debased hurts you deeply! This never would have happened under the Kaiser! (Gain trait. Monarchist Firebrand +2 Charisma. Democrats and NSDAP members loathe you. DNVP/DVP members like you.)
[X] DNVP agitators, a monarchist and rightist, you have (reluctantly) rejoined the DNVP after the collapse of the KVP in 1932. Still, assuming the republic survives past the next election, mayhaps you could help split off and revive a voice of sanity on the right of the political fence? (DNVP member. Former KVP member. National Conservative, Anti-Republican party. Not Weimar Coalition member. Strong hatred of Alfred Hugenberg.)
Madness, Karvoka, utter madness.

That said...let's do this!

[X] Makes your leg injury flare up. It hurts likeshit, a memory of all you gave for Gott undVaterland, all those years ago, as a fresh-faced fool. Madness, and as you see brownshirts, you shudder. Boys who don't understand. Can'tunderstand. (Gain trait. Old Soldier. You served Germany proudly, throughout the war. +1 Leadership. +1 Charisma. -1 Stamina. Wounded leg.)
[X] DNVP agitators, a monarchist and rightist, you have (reluctantly) rejoined the DNVP after the collapse of the KVP in 1932. Still, assuming the republic survivespast the next election, mayhaps you could help split off and revive a voice of sanity on the right of the political fence? (DNVP member. Former KVP member. National Conservative, Anti-Republican party. Not Weimar Coalition member. Strong hatred of Alfred Hugenberg.)
[X] Makes you hang your head in shame. That the corrupt, weak officials in the 'republic' would allow German heroes to be so debased hurts you deeply! This never would have happened under the Kaiser! (Gain trait. Monarchist Firebrand +2 Charisma. Democrats and NSDAP members loathe you. DNVP/DVP members like you.)
[X] DNVP agitators, a monarchist and rightist, you have (reluctantly) rejoined the DNVP after the collapse of the KVP in 1932. Still, assuming the republic survives past the next election, mayhaps you could help split off and revive a voice of sanity on the right of the political fence? (DNVP member. Former KVP member. National Conservative, Anti-Republican party. Not Weimar Coalition member. Strong hatred of Alfred Hugenberg.)

Well then, For Kaiser, Gott und Vaterland!
We want Wilhelm back!
[X] Makes your leg injury flare up. It hurts likeshit, a memory of all you gave for Gott undVaterland, all those years ago, as a fresh-faced fool. Madness, and as you see brownshirts, you shudder. Boys who don't understand. Can'tunderstand. (Gain trait. Old Soldier. You served Germany proudly, throughout the war. +1 Leadership. +1 Charisma. -1 Stamina. Wounded leg.)
[X] DNVP agitators, a monarchist and rightist, you have (reluctantly) rejoined the DNVP after the collapse of the KVP in 1932. Still, assuming the republic survivespast the next election, mayhaps you could help split off and revive a voice of sanity on the right of the political fence? (DNVP member. Former KVP member. National Conservative, Anti-Republican party. Not Weimar Coalition member. Strong hatred of Alfred Hugenberg.)

Obligatory "Für das Vaterland"
[X] Makes you hang your head in shame. That the corrupt, weak officials in the 'republic' would allow German heroes to be so debased hurts you deeply! This never would have happened under the Kaiser! (Gain trait. Monarchist Firebrand +2 Charisma. Democrats and NSDAP members loathe you. DNVP/DVP members like you.)
[X] DNVP agitators, a monarchist and rightist, you have (reluctantly) rejoined the DNVP after the collapse of the KVP in 1932. Still, assuming the republic survives past the next election, mayhaps you could help split off and revive a voice of sanity on the right of the political fence? (DNVP member. Former KVP member. National Conservative, Anti-Republican party. Not Weimar Coalition member. Strong hatred of Alfred Hugenberg.)
[X] Makes you hang your head in shame. That the corrupt, weak officials in the 'republic' would allow German heroes to be so debased hurts you deeply! This never would have happened under the Kaiser! (Gain trait. Monarchist Firebrand +2 Charisma. Democrats and NSDAP members loathe you. DNVP/DVP members like you.)
[X] DNVP agitators, a monarchist and rightist, you have (reluctantly) rejoined the DNVP after the collapse of the KVP in 1932. Still, assuming the republic survives past the next election, mayhaps you could help split off and revive a voice of sanity on the right of the political fence? (DNVP member. Former KVP member. National Conservative, Anti-Republican party. Not Weimar Coalition member. Strong hatred of Alfred Hugenberg.)

Reich Zeit?

Reich Zeit!

[X] Makes you hang your head in shame. That the corrupt, weak officials in the 'republic' would allow German heroes to be so debased hurts you deeply! This never would have happened under the Kaiser! (Gain trait. Monarchist Firebrand +2 Charisma. Democrats and NSDAP members loathe you. DNVP/DVP members like you.)
[X] DNVP agitators, a monarchist and rightist, you have (reluctantly) rejoined the DNVP after the collapse of the KVP in 1932. Still, assuming the republic survives past the next election, mayhaps you could help split off and revive a voice of sanity on the right of the political fence? (DNVP member. Former KVP member. National Conservative, Anti-Republican party. Not Weimar Coalition member. Strong hatred of Alfred Hugenberg.)
[X] Makes your leg injury flare up. It hurts like shit, a memory of all you gave for Gott und Vaterland, all those years ago, as a fresh-faced fool. Madness, and as you see brownshirts, you shudder. Boys who don't understand. Can't understand. (Gain trait. Old Soldier. You served Germany proudly, throughout the war. +1 Leadership. +1 Charisma. -1 Stamina. Wounded leg.)
[X] SPD agitators, of course! You've always been a supporter of the party, growing up. If only they could find their damned spine as of late. There are rumblings of factional splits in the (inevitable) election next year... (SPD member. Social Democrat Party. Weimar Coalition member.)

Hard Mode.
[X] Makes you hang your head in shame. That the corrupt, weak officials in the 'republic' would allow German heroes to be so debased hurts you deeply! This never would have happened under the Kaiser! (Gain trait. Monarchist Firebrand +2 Charisma. Democrats and NSDAP members loathe you. DNVP/DVP members like you.)
[X] DNVP agitators, a monarchist and rightist, you have (reluctantly) rejoined the DNVP after the collapse of the KVP in 1932. Still, assuming the republicsurvives past the next election, mayhaps you could help split off and revive a voice of sanity on the right of the political fence? (DNVP member. Former KVP member. National Conservative, Anti-Republican party. Not Weimar Coalition member. Strong hatred ofAlfred Hugenberg.)