AeroSpace Design Quest

[X] Frigate engines - you can cram one, maybe two, downscaled S.210 plasma torches on a Large hull, or a single one on a Small.
[X] Large hull (Cost 7)
[X] Large hull (Cost 7)
[X] Frigate engines - you can cram one, maybe two, downscaled S.210 plasma torches on a Large hull, or a single one on a Small.

Voted. I'm convinced that the speed, system integration and additional hardpoints are worth sacrificing easier maintenance by having standardised equipment.
[X] Small hull (Cost 5)
[X] Shop around for more offers
[X] Use the gimbal idea

Since we're not under any particular time crunch, it seems like we'd want to investigate whether there are any other types of fighter engines available. Maybe something that delivers a little more oomph without having to re-scale a frigate engine.
[X] Large hull (Cost 7)
[X] Frigate engines - you can cram one, maybe two, downscaled S.210 plasma torches on a Large hull, or a single one on a Small.
Project 2348-1, Phase Two
[X] Large hull (Cost 7)
[X] Frigate engines - you can cram one, maybe two, downscaled S.210 plasma torches on a Large hull, or a single one on a Small. (Cost +2)

Total Cost so far: 9

Settling for the larger hull size, the team begins modelling various designs and sketching out concepts - including a rather unique ducted-exhaust design from Blant and a rather retro rocket-ship-y looking thing from Jardin. Eventually, a fairly standard hullform - a brick, with some bits sticking out for equipment - is selected for the initial design.

[Aesthetics can be tweaked by vote; just throw a write-in into future Hull votes if there's anything specific you want, or add a comment for this one.]

Hull done, you begin working on the arduous part - downsizing and streamlining the Rolls-Royce S.210 plasma drives from a Luna-class to fit into the craft's frame. After several redesigns, modifications, and one odd 'pot-belly' design that Carson came up with to cram everything in (you'd rather forget that one), Jardin manages to set up all the bits and pieces to fit within the hull - though the engines and fuel tankage take up a combined 50% of available space. On the other hand, estimated range and acceleration figures have Blant giggling like a madwoman.

Up next is the ever-dreaded systems and avionics integration. The company has been oddly proactive here, digging up no less than four offers.

The previously-seen J5b Flight Command System Type 1, used in the Nova, could be modified for use here; though integration, as ever, would take time and tweaking, Jardin's previous experiences with it seemed to have warmed him up to it somewhat. Rating 1d3+1. Cost 3.

A new, in-house design comes in the form of the Sunscape IV Flight Management Computer. Supposedly both powerful and easily-integrated, you do note a certain… vagueness from the company on its exact capabilities. Still, it'd probably make management happy, and the hard numbers you do have are encouraging. Rating 1d3. Cost 2.

Also listed is a complete unknown to you - LMCB's "Lightning" AeroSpace Control Network. The numbers involved, while impressive overall, suggest a generalist system - which might be useful for a multi-mission ship like this one - but also a lack of any particularly outstanding features. Rating 2. Cost 2.

And at the bottom of the list is the lonely StarLink I FCC Mod.4 - an apparently-expanded variant of the one considered for the Nova. Still suffering from its lack of features and simplicity… but on the other hand, given the close call with the J5b, perhaps K.I.S.S. might not be the worst idea. Plus, it's cheap. Rating 1. Cost 1.

While you're here, Carson brings up the modularity requirement. Discussion brings up a point - how much do you want to go in for the modularity?

[] Module all the things - crew compartments, weapons, sensors, hell, maybe even different engine clusters could be swapped out. Build-Your-Own-Corvette, as it were.
[] Keep it fairly reasonable - weapons, sensors, and maybe part of the crew spaces. Achievable but still past the minimum requirements.
[] Minimal - weapons, sensors, and an option for external fuel tanks. Complexity isn't your friend, here.


QM's Note: Feel free to link/post images (spoilered, pls) if you have a particular look you want for Aesthetics votes. Also, woo updoot.
I'd love the j5b, though it does mean we'll have to be careful with future costs I think...

Other than that, I'd say the middle level for how modular we go. Not too complex to make it unmanageable, whilst still exceeding their requirements... Also shouldn't cause the cost to explode like the highest level probably does.
Mmm. The J5b is best but that'll leave us at 12/15 cost which isn't much wriggle room at all.

I'd go for the middle of the road on modularity. Weapons, sensors, crew spaces and creature comforts.

Then again, hubris is a coward's word. @Commander Error , what kind of rolls would we need to do for full modularity? Presumably something similar to the systems integration roll we did for the Nova and a time delay roll?

I don't want to risk rolling a 1 on the 1d3 for the Sunscape, so my choice after the J5b is the Lightning for the guaranteed rating 2.
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One integration roll per module, yeah.
Per module? Ouch. I'll take that gambit though.

We signed up to innovate with a new department at a reasonably established company. I'm not happy to rest on our laurels, even if we go to 17/18 cost overall.

[X] J5b Flight Command System Type 1
[X] Module all the things - crew compartments, weapons, sensors, hell, maybe even different engine clusters could be swapped out. Build-Your-Own-Corvette, as it were.

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[X] LMCB's "Lightning" AeroSpace Control Network. The numbers involved, while impressive overall, suggest a generalist system - which might be useful for a multi-mission ship like this one - but also a lack of any particularly outstanding features. Rating 2. Cost 2.

[X] Keep it fairly reasonable - weapons, sensors, and maybe part of the crew spaces. Achievable but still past the minimum requirements.
[X] LMCB's "Lightning" AeroSpace Control Network. The numbers involved, while impressive overall, suggest a generalist system - which might be useful for a multi-mission ship like this one - but also a lack of any particularly outstanding features. Rating 2. Cost 2.

[X] Keep it fairly reasonable - weapons, sensors, and maybe part of the crew spaces. Achievable but still past the minimum requirements.

Just found this quest and I hope it continues to update. :D
[X] LMCB's "Lightning" AeroSpace Control Network. The numbers involved, while impressive overall, suggest a generalist system - which might be useful for a multi-mission ship like this one - but also a lack of any particularly outstanding features. Rating 2. Cost 2.

[X] Keep it fairly reasonable - weapons, sensors, and maybe part of the crew spaces. Achievable but still past the minimum requirements.

I'd like to use the J5b as I said, but not if it takes us to 12/15 desired cost. Especially when we have a bunch of stuff left to work out. 11/15 is still rather close as it is...
[X] J5b Flight Command System Type 1
Sticking to what our people are familiar with should give maximum performance and minimal issues. Hopefully.
[x] Keep it fairly reasonable - weapons, sensors, and maybe part of the crew spaces. Achievable but still past the minimum requirements.
Full modularity tends to be a hassle. Minimum modularity might seem like we're slacking. Having some flex for crew spaces might make rad-hardened and VIP-transport versions possible.
[X] J5b Flight Command System Type 1
[X] Module all the things - crew compartments, weapons, sensors, hell, maybe even different engine clusters could be swapped out. Build-Your-Own-Corvette, as it were.

My hope is that we can do the base models in the 15 range and the more specialized variants in the 16+ range
[X] LMCB's "Lightning" AeroSpace Control Network. The numbers involved, while impressive overall, suggest a generalist system - which might be useful for a multi-mission ship like this one - but also a lack of any particularly outstanding features. Rating 2. Cost 2.
[X] Keep it fairly reasonable - weapons, sensors, and maybe part of the crew spaces. Achievable but still past the minimum requirements.
[X] Sunscape IV Flight Management Computer.

[X] Keep it fairly reasonable - weapons, sensors, and maybe part of the crew spaces. Achievable but still past the minimum requirements.
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So first off, the "Lightning" AeroSpace Control Network is really simple: Cost 2 for rating 2. Simple, and good value value.

The Sunscape IV Flight Management Computer costs 2 as well, but it might be better, worse, or the same as the Lightning. There's a 1/3 chance that it will be rating 1 for cost 2, meaning it'll require more work to get up to standard. But there's a 2/3 chance it'll be equal or better than the Lightning. If it's rating 2 for cost 2, then it's just as good as the lightning, and if it's rating 3 for cost 2 then it was worth the risk.

J5b Flight Command System Type 1 is the same risk as the Sunscape: 1/3 chance it will be rating w for cost 3, but also 2/3 chance it'll be rating 3 for cost 3, or rating 4 for cost 3. I think rating 3-4 is fair for the cost. However, it eats an extra cost from our budget that we can't use elsewhere.

[X] Sunscape IV Flight Management Computer.

It's the same risk/reward proposition as the more expensive JB5, while keeping costs down. Also, it'll "probably make management happy," which is a nice bonus.

[X] Module all the things - crew compartments, weapons, sensors, hell, maybe even different engine clusters could be swapped out. Build-Your-Own-Corvette, as it were.

As far as I can tell, military people eat this stuff up. Remember, we're in a competition. The added difficulty of this approach is well worth fully appealing to the military's desire for swiss army knifes
How much other cost can we expect exactly? I'd love to put in the J5b, since, in terms of expected value it gets us the best bang for the buck, but that basically puts us at 66% of the target budget.
[X] Sunscape IV Flight Management Computer.
[X] Keep it fairly reasonable - weapons, sensors, and maybe part of the crew spaces. Achievable but still past the minimum requirements.
[X] J5b Flight Command System Type 1
[x] Keep it fairly reasonable - weapons, sensors, and maybe part of the crew spaces. Achievable but still past the minimum requirements.
[x] Sunscape IV Flight Management Computer.
[x] Keep it fairly reasonable - weapons, sensors, and maybe part of the crew spaces. Achievable but still past the minimum requirements.

I'm a toady at heart. Besides, if we do well enough with it, it might gain a +1 to rating, like j5b did. And it is produced by our parent company.

On the modularity: remeber, our engine section ended up monstrously oversized. The moe modularity we have, the less effective pace we have.

By the way, I'm a bit surprised it's not our plasma engine we ended up installing and downsizing. Don't we manufacture frigate engines ouselves?
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Project 2348-1, Phase Three
(Tied vote, woo - rolled 1d3 for the FCS.)

[x] Keep it fairly reasonable - weapons, sensors, and maybe part of the crew spaces. Achievable but still past the minimum requirements.

Cost +2 - Total Cost 11.

Deciding on the in-house design seems to please your bosses; and you find yourself pleasantly surprised when the system turns out to work quite well; Jardin finds it easy to work with, accomplishing the integration in excellent time. [Roll 1d3 for Rating - 3.]

As for the modularity, you decide to stay reasonable; with a bit of work, you manage to finagle design allowing for easily-swapped weapon mountings, sensor hookups, and even a (fairly small) mission module for the crew - Jardin spends some of his off time sketching out SWACS, expanded crew quarters, and even an expanded fuel tank module.

Actually fabbing to test models proves a bit tricky, but you manage it soon enough - and the system works wonderfully, the small test mounts swapping out with barely a hiccup in the systems. [Rolled 1d4 for Module Integration - 3.]

Carson looks positively gleeful as she hands you the briefing for the weapons loadout - a sharp, razor-edged smile that frankly makes you a little nervous.

Still available from the last contract is the Ishukone L24/A laser - this time in quad-mount turrets, easily adapted to the module hookups. Still boring, still practical. Rating 2, Cost 1.

Having apparently enjoyed their success with the XM4, the Lunar Armaments XM6 Pulsar Projector is available - apparently using a focused beam instead of a particle blast, the system (naturally) has mind-bending power draw specs, but promises to put the fear of several gods into fighter pilots. Rating 1d4. Cost 3.

Something of an oddity is the Raytheon AG-116 Missile, available in pre-packaged quad-boxes or individually for rail mounting. Apparently the Latest and Greatest, the docs mention an 'aspect-seeking' function - comparing the sensor profile of the target at launch to the one before impact, apparently improving to-hit probability. Rating 1d3+1, Cost 4.

Rounding things out is the Jupiter Ordnance SS-4 Starhawk. The attached image has yo grinning - a wicked-looking twin-mount anti-ship missile, and if the numbers are right, one that could make even destroyers start sweating nervously. Sure, you could only slap 4 of them on, but still. Rating 2, Cost 2.

You can vote for as many Weapons as you wish - they will all be considered separate modules. Each will be Rated and Costed separately, and will have differing Acceptance rolls.

[] Take the lasers - K.I.S.S. is best, after all.
[] Go for the pulsar cannon - fuck the haters, particle weapons kick ass.
[] Ha ha ha, time for missiles - the AG-116s sound fun.
[] Draw up a module for the SS-4s; giving a small corvette a big punch could give it use outside the patrol role.
[] WE'LL DO IT LIVE - Make a module for everything nd try them all.
Project 2348-4 Modular Multi-Mission Corvette
Required: Hyperdrive, Interplanetary sublight range, modular weapons array, Cost 20 or less.
Preferred: Particle weapon module, laser battery module, SWACS module, crew of 5-8.
Reminder of what we want

[X] Go for the pulsar cannon - fuck the haters, particle weapons kick ass.
[X] Go for the pulsar cannon - fuck the haters, particle weapons kick ass. x2
[X] Draw up a module for the SS-4s; giving a small corvette a big punch could give it use outside the patrol role.

They want Particle Weapons, we give them it. I THINK this is how I vote for Twin Pulsars?
...also gluing on the anti ship missiles as a nice bonus.