Name: Sgtsoldier123

Character Type: OC


Universe of Origin: Roblox (Base Wars!

(Infinity Backpack) Each Robloxian possess a backpack of infinite size that can hold whatever gear one might come across. Cannot carry bulky objects
(Regenerative) Robloxians naturally regenerate any damage taken in a matter of minutes, if given enough time.
(Re spawn) As long as a designated spawn point is nearby, Sgtsoldier123 will respawn at that point, however, he will loss any equipment that wasn't his original gear.
(Text Box) The people of Roblox communicate through a visual box above their heads that displays text. Their communication systems often include keyboards with a screen.
(Naturally Honed Combatant) Sgtsoldier123, while receiving no formal military training, has spent most of his life fighting. Through trial and error, Sgtsoldier123 has gain considerable experience with combat, whether it be with guns, swords, or driving.
(Minor Reality Bender) Every Robloxian can bend reality to some degree to another. For Sgtsoldier123, he... isn't really skilled for that. He can practice, but the most he can do is make something colder or warmer. For now
(Robloxian SCAR-H Assault Rifle) A assault rifle based off the SCAR-H rifle, with an effective range of 105M and a rate of fire of 600 RPM. Clip size is 20-rounds.
(Robloxian Dual MP7A1s) A pair of Robloxian MP7A1s. Effective range is 32.5 m with a 850 RPM. Clip sizes for both guns is 40 rounds.
(Robloxian KNT76 Sniper Rifle) A sniper rifle based off of the KNT76. Effective Range is 350 m with a rate of fire at 350 RPM. Clip size is 20-rounds.
(BW RL-3 Lock On) A Robloxian original rocket launcher capable of locking on to any target that has a heat source. Can be fooled with flares launched from any source.
(FT-X Flamethrower) A Robloxian original flame thrower. It launches fireballs at targets. Has a ammo capacity of 50 fireballs per tank.
(Curved Battle Knife) A curved knife that Sgtsoldier has when things get's hairy. Able to swing fater then a normal knife.
(Assassin Armor) A suit of armor that increases the speed of it's wearer.
Additional Information: Sgtsoldier123 hails from the planet of Roblox, where it's people command unparalleled control of the local environment, allowing them to set their own rules. Ruled by the distant Builderman, the ultimate authority, Robloxians mainly just screw around. Countless works of art, engineering, and destruction have been constructed, and destroyed, on Roblox. However, recently, Builderman and his associates have been tightening control of the populace, censoring people they see as 'bad' and 'disrupted'. Sgtsoldier123 has grown concerned over this level of censorship, and elected to leave Roblox. While he forfeits the level of control Robloxians have over Roblox, he still feels that he can live without it.

Ship Class: Destroyer
Crew: One to three crew needed
(2) Auto-loading 30mm secondary turrets
3 76-rifled Turret Auto-loader
Ship Info: A Basic destroyer from where Sgtsoldier123 comes from, it only requires one person to operate. However, in order to use the secondary's, one must change seats in order to interface with the turrets. Much like it's creators, the ship is capable of self-repair.

First time doing something like this, if you have any nitpicks/criticism, please share that with me. Also, I... can't seem to figure out how to use the dice...
Sgtsoldier123 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: 1 Total: 77
77 77
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And with a resounding snap, the leg broke and shattered under her kick and its lower half flying into the water. Gushing out of the wound is a deep blackish green substance that is even hotter than the lava it chitters to itself and skuttle backwards slightly to take a better look at you and ina split second fires a solid ball of rock from its mouth directly at Karens head.
Oh, no, I clearly wasn't clear enough. The kick is to destroy the coating over the lava and get her away from the beast. The idea is the beast to get itself stuck *in* the lava.
Earl Warren As Commodore James O'Rourke
Name: CommodoreJames O'Rourke

Character Type: OC



Universe of Origin: (Kaiserreich)

Powers/Abilities: Firm man of the sea. O'rourke has been sailing the seas for years, and is very good at it, He can navigate the sea with incredible skill using the stars if nesscary, and can detect the most minute problem in his ship. This has earned him the loyalty of his crew. Guile; O'rourke is a smooth talker and can keep his cool under the most tense situations.

Gear: Service Pistol, Dozens of Maps and a good trusty compass.

Captian James O'rourke has had a incrediblly interesting history,.Born into a middle class Irish Catholic family, O'rourke was unusual in his home due to his die hard loyalty to the British Empire, even while his freinds and family were gravitating towards nationalism, Joining the Academy in 1910, he graduated just in 1914, just in time for the great war. During the war he served with Honor and distinction, participating in both Battles of Jutland , the Battle of the Falklands and anti Uboat taskforces. this did not go unnoticed and he was promoted to become the Executive of the HMS Hermes at the end of the war, despite being stalled for his Irish heritage. He stayed on in the Royal Navy, even after Ireland went indepedent. He was still kept back due to his Irish birth and almost got killed by a lynch mob of Nationalists. However everything changed when the revolution came in 1925, The captain was killed by rebels trying to storm the dock, and O'rourke took control of the ship. After managing to take on board 200 civilians,most of whom were either middle class or Nobles, he set off for north America, Defeating a Red ship which tried to intercept them. For this he was given the Victoria Cross and promoted to Captain after he arrived in Canada. He continued to work diligently for the Entene and the British Empire all over the world, finally being promoted to Commodore in 1934, He was on route to Austrlaisa when he was teleported here,

Name of the Vessel:HMS Hermes

Ship Class: Destroyer

Ship Appearance:

Crew Compliment: 80 (+20 marines)

HMS Niger (J73) - Wikipedia new weapons have been added over the years, in preparation for the liberation of Britan,these include new Turrets and two fully operational AA batteries, in addition to a death charge dispenser for Subs.
Attached Units:Escape boats and a small Airplane for scouting
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So guys what do you think of my charecter? I made a few changes too to give a more clear view of his abilities
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Name: Captain Andrew Blake

Character Type: OC

Gender: Male


Universe of Origin: Kaiserreich

Powers/Abilities: Sneaky bastord: natural for a sub captain, he is very good at all kinds of decit, wether it be On dry land during negotiations or at sea trying to sink Ships. Expierenced: like his Rival O'Rourke, Andrew Blake expierence at sea and in combat goes all the way back to the first weltkrieg, and he has been serving as the commander of a British Submarine for well over a decade now. true beliver: Blake is devoted to the Revolution and has a strong dislike for Royalists.Easy going: he is very good to his men and not demanding,unlike the stiffnecked O'rourke

Gear: Service Pistol, Dozens of Maps and a good trusty compass.
Blake was a working class kid from the coal fields of Wales. He worked in the mines until the Royal Navy came recruiting offering him a way out of his curent labor. He served as an rating in the ships during the Weltkrig and accrued much expierence and devlop a strong dislike of the officers who he viewed as looking down their noses at the men and demanding unreasonable amounts of work, while they rarely got their hands dirty. He came into frequent clashes with the "damn Mick" James O'rourke who was one of the more demanding officers.After the war he blamed the nobility for its failure and got drawn into the Revolutinary Syndicalst movment. When the Revolution finally came he was a big leader in the mutiny on his ship, and trying to blockade the groups bringing out exiles, leading to another confrontaion with the man he loathed,James O'rourke, who humiliated him when he mortally damaged Blakes ship in his escape. After the Revolutions succsses,Blake became high in the Republican navy due to lack of expierencecd officers. He was placed in Charge of a submarine at his insitence and by now he is expierenced at his job. He was in the Australsia area fighting for the Red Rebels and scouting out O'rourke when the change occured.

Name of the Vessel:RNS Cromwell

Ship Class: Submarine

Ship Appearance:

Crew Compliment: 56

Armaments:Type IX submarine - Wikipedia
(OOC, this is going to be a rival for O'rourke, im not playing him if thats okay.)