I, uh, just want to point out a little something I find funny.

Everyone else is like, nearly six feet, but my character is like 4'0", at best.

So yeah, tiny bat guy.
I, uh, just want to point out a little something I find funny.

Everyone else is like, nearly six feet, but my character is like 4'0", at best.

So yeah, tiny bat guy.
I wouldn't call Terror a tall girl probably close more to 4'9 if she stands on her tiptoes than 6'0
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Medievalparadox as a Lucas Storm.
Name: Lucas Storm

Character Type: OC

Gender: Male

Appearance: Luke stands at 5'11" is 20 years old with a generally athletic build, he has black, short but messy hair, he was brown eyes and usually wears what's practical or at the very least a red long sleeved shirt and black pants.

Personality: Lucas is a cool calm and collected individual, he always looks before he leaps and his first priority, aside from completing the mission is making sure everyone in his crew stays alive and relatively unharmed.

Universe of Origin: Marvel's X-Men

  • Telekinesis- this is your basic power, with it he can use his mind to pick up and move around physical objects like water or wood, it's only limit is that it requires him to spend more focus and pay less attention to his surroundings the more items he picks up with this power.

  • Psychic energy manipulation- this would be his advanced power, him using this to manipulate energy to do various things, the downside is that normally makes him expend his own psychic energy to manifest them and even more of his focus to keep them physical, the longer he uses this power the harder it is to keep it up.
  • Telekinetic force manipulation- this would be his strongest power and at the same it's his most draining as he taps into his raw power inside of him and releases a force of....well telekinetic power capable of breaking down walls or at least making a good dent in one. however this means he has to expend a lot of his energy to do this and as a result he's only able to do this twice before losing access to the rest of his powers for awhile

Name of the Vessel: Helicarrier
Ship Class: Carrier
Ship Appearance:

Armaments: the ship is covered with several small laser sentry's meant for defending the ship, for offense it has one big gun on the hull meant for offensive uses. It also has a cloaking device meant to keep it from being found by sight.

Attached Units: Being a carrier class owned by shield it naturally has a few of it's ships parked on/inside of it.
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Rolling too!

EDIT: Did I do the rolling dice thing correct? 'Cuz I got 80.
Ryven Razgriz threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: 100 Total: 80
80 80
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Oh, and just in case you're confused.

If your sheet is in Apochyra then its accepted if it's in sidestory its unfinished.
Unlikely, so long as you don't completely screw up I am sure you'll be fine. I mean you are an Independent Heavy Cruiser who can look after herself and doesn't need any dockyards.
Absolutely! The poor fools who would dare challenge someone as skilled in pole arm as I, shall taste the wrath of my long, hard and thick spear!
*Whistles Innocently* Whatever do you mean?
Just that Chang'e isn't the type of person who'd enjoy going up against your spear, now Charlotte on the other hand would enjoy the challenge although if you go up against her don't be surprised if you end up covered in sticky white stuff. Her Webs are very good.
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