That... would actually work better both in general and to fit with my intent for the character.

Alright then, making the following changes to the character sheet:
Noting 10 meter blink limit, adding no-blink-resolution-in-matter rule, reword Eidos tricks explanation to make 1-minute limit clearer.

… also, I somehow forgot to note the temperature scale used, but the Impart Heat can impart up to 100 degrees C. For that matter, I think I'm going to go through and change speeds noted in MPH to KMH.

Other than what's already been noted, any issues with the sheet? Anything that's too much, or that is insufficiently explained?

Uh, I guess how long it takes for Impart Heat to work. Other than that looks good.
Uh, I guess how long it takes for Impart Heat to work. Other than that looks good.
From 0 to like 102 is very near to instant, though going past 102 with it is out of the question no matter where the target starts.

Does that work, or should it take longer?

EDIT: as for the amount it can effect... let's say a cubic meter of matter at a time?
Last edited:
From 0 to like 102 is very near to instant, though going past 102 with it is out of the question no matter where the target starts.

Does that work, or should it take longer?

EDIT: as for the amount it can affect... let's say a cubic meter of matter at a time?

Hmm, well I guess since its technically your only pure attack spell its okay. Yeah, looks good.
Upside of having a pokemon that eats garbage, it makes cleaning up a bit easier. Also for reference this

Is currently attached to the bottom of my ship and weaving a web with the intent of catching herself a meal.
Estro as Karen Mellisar
Name: Karen Mellisar
Character Type: OC
Gender: Female
Universe of Origin: Kill Six Billion Demons. Kinda.
All Life is fundamentally Fire.

Not the fire of wood, or of coal or gas. Not even the nuclear fires of the sun. No, those are but pale reflections of the Fire that burns in each and every soul. In another world, I might have spoke about how even those flames are but fragments of one older and younger, but this is not the place for that.

No, the Fire that burns in Karen's chest is a milder one, and all the more vicious for it. She has stoked it well, kept it stocked with fear and envy and pride and more. And now it burns at her command. Let it suffuse her flesh, and make it unto banded iron. Let it suffuse her fists, and the arts of war shall burn the brighter for it. Lend it to her sight, and she shall pick out a mans eye colour ten miles hence.

She has not yet masted it. No man has mastered it, not even those who sit at the Concordance. But for now she can keep it burning, and keep it from consuming her.
She's strong enough to bench a good 100 kg without using the fire and with it can punch holes in an inch of spring steel, and yes, beneath her kimono she does look like she can lift that.
She's tough. She could run about forty miles before she was out of breath (something that would take her two and a half hours). Bostering her flesh with her atum, will allow her to resist battle rifle shots, and even before that she has the pain tolerance of someone stupid
She knows 49 burning palms, although not as well as our dear White Chain. It's a supernatural martial art that basically is awesome.
Gear: A single ring of banded adamant, marked with the seal of her teacher.
A chest of clothes.
A single guilder. (coin about the size of an oreo, made o' gold.)
Additional Information:
Karen is a martial artist, who trained under her teacher, the Demiurge Cirni Rautha. She has long given up on Karen learning but a fraction of her own skill, and has shoved her into this sea as a last test to see if she is worthy of her continued tutalage. Karen must learn to burn a fire underwater, and she will be allowed to continue her apprenticeship. And yes, that's a metaphor.
Name of the Vessel: Panama
Ship Class: Yes, very classy
Ship Appearance:

Crew Compliment: One, if they're willing to work their arse off constantly, but really more like three. Room for about eight.
Armaments: Karen.
Attached Units: A green 1963 Vespa 150. For some reason it can drive on water. Probably due to the demons in it's engine.


Last edited:
Name: Karen Mellisar
Character Type: OC
Gender: Female
Universe of Origin: Kill Six Billion Demons. Kinda.
All Life is fundamentally Fire.

Not the fire of wood, or of coal or gas. Not even the nuclear fires of the sun. No, those are but pale reflections of the Fire that burns in each and every soul. In another world, I might have spoke about how even those flames are but fragments of one older and younger, but this is not the place for that.

No, the Fire that burns in Karen's chest is a milder one, and all the more vicious for it. She has stoked it well, kept it stocked with fear and envy and pride and more. And now it burns at her command. Let it suffuse her flesh, and make it unto banded iron. Let it suffuse her fists, and the arts of war shall burn the brighter for it. Lend it to her sight, and she shall pick out a mans eye colour ten miles hence.

She has not yet masted it. No man has mastered it, not even those who sit at the Concordance. But for now she can keep it burning, and keep it from consuming her.
She's strong enough to bench a good 100 kg without using the fire and with it can punch holes in an inch of spring steel, and yes, beneath her kimono she does look like she can lift that.
She's tough. She could run about forty miles before she was out of breath (something that would take her two and a half hours). Bostering her flesh with her atum, will allow her to resist battle rifle shots, and even before that she has the pain tolerance of someone stupid
She knows 49 burning palms, although not as well as our dear White Chain. It's a supernatural martial art that basically is awesome.
Gear: A single ring of banded adamant, marked with the seal of her teacher.
Additional Information:
Karen is a martial artist, who trained under her teacher, the Demiurge Cirni Rautha. She has long given up on Karen learning but a fraction of her own skill, and has shoved her into this sea as a last test to see if she is worthy of her continued tutalage. Karen must learn to burn a fire underwater, and she will be allowed to continue her apprenticeship. And yes, that's a metaphor.
Name of the Vessel: Panama
Ship Class: Yes, very classy
Ship Appearance:

Crew Compliment: One, if they're willing to work their arse off constantly, but really more like three. Room for about eight.
Armaments: Karen.
Attached Units: A green 1963 Vespa 150. For some reason it can drive on water. Probably due to the demons in it's engine.



And its good to have her.
Estemi as Captain Elise Ladon
I made a decision. It helped that I found an awesome character picture that captured what I wanted my girl to be.

Name: Captain Elise Ladon

Character Type: OC

Gender: Female


  • Military Trained
    • Captain Ladon is a Navy woman through and through, having climbed up the ranks to secure her own command until she left to form her own private naval contractor group, and has all the associated training and experience that comes with a long career on the sea.
  • Combat Tested
    • The Hesperides has been through combat before, and both Captain and crew are well versed in naval warfare.
  • Marksman
    • Preferring short-medium range weapons, both to repel boarders and board hostile vessels, Captain Ladon has earned something of a reputation for rarely missing a shot.
  • 2x Beretta M9A1 Tactical Pistols - 9mm
  • 1x H&K G36C Assault Rifle - 5.56mm
  • 1x H&K MP5SD Submachine Gun - 9mm
  • Assorted uniforms and ballistic vests
  • SCUBA diving equipment
Additional Information:

Captain Ladon has a reputation for being a no-nonense skipper. She can be cold and calculating, and not afraid of getting her hands dirty. She has hand-picked the crew of the Hesperides, and has earned their loyalty by leading them through countless trials and never once betraying them or her own principles, even if standing her ground ultimately made the situation worse.

Name of the Vessel: Hesperides

Ship Class: Armidale-class

Ship Appearance:

Crew Compliment: 21 (+8 dedicated security personnel)


Attached Units:
  • 2x Black RHIBs, one port and one starboard, recoverable at sea via ship-borne crane.
Last edited:
I made a decision. It helped that I found an awesome character picture that captured what I wanted my girl to be.

Name: Captain Elise Ladon

Character Type: OC

Gender: Female


  • Military Trained
    • Captain Ladon is a Navy woman through and through, having climbed up the ranks to secure her own command until she left to form her own private naval contractor group, and has all the associated training and experience that comes with a long career on the sea.
  • Combat Tested
    • The Hesperides has been through combat before, and both Captain and crew are well versed in naval warfare.
  • Marksman
    • Preferring short-medium range weapons, both to repel boarders and board hostile vessels, Captain Ladon has earned something of a reputation for rarely missing a shot.
  • 2x Beretta M9A1 Tactical Pistols - 9mm
  • 1x H&K G36C Assault Rifle - 5.56mm
  • 1x H&K MP5SD Submachine Gun - 9mm
  • Assorted uniforms and ballistic vests
  • SCUBA diving equipment
Additional Information:

Captain Ladon has a reputation for being a no-nonense skipper. She can be cold and calculating, and not afraid of getting her hands dirty. She has hand-picked the crew of the Hesperides, and has earned their loyalty by leading them through countless trials and never once betraying them or her own principles, even if standing her ground ultimately made the situation worse.

Name of the Vessel: Hesperides

Ship Class: Armidale-class

Ship Appearance:

Crew Compliment: 21 (+8 dedicated security personnel)


Attached Units:
  • 2x Black RHIBs, one port and one starboard, recoverable at sea via ship-borne crane.

Looks good! Nice to have you.
Given that you had Wave 1 roll for starting location, should we do the same, or are you using a different method of determining our starting locations?
"O God of the Quad Roads,
She of Many Flowers, who descendeth upon the spear,
O Pravi, the Torn one, with thy exquisite scalp,
Bless this earthly passage."
– Invocation of the Torn Goddess
Estro threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: 1d100 Total: 51
51 51
THatWhichWillBe as David Leviathan
Name: David Leviathan
Character Type: OC
Gender: Male
Appearance: A swashbuckling daredevil, clad in a resplendent crimson coat and boasting a jaunty beret on his head. His beard is finely groomed, despite only extending an inch from his chin. His right eye has been replaced with a bionic implant, giving him an unblinking stare that is very useful in staring contests.
Rogue Trader: As the latest scion of the Rogue Trader Dynasty Leviathan, David is an extremely savvy negotiator, capable of trading almost anything with almost anyone. Before arriving in the Silver Sea, David had specialized in trading rare technology, though other goods are not completely foreign to him.

Savvy Scrapper: David has been in enough rough situations to know that in the grim darkness of the 41st millenium, you need to be able to defend yourself. So, he has trained himself to be a fine marksman and studied several dueling arts from across the fringes of the Imperium.
Las-Eye: His cybernetic Eye has an implanted Laspistol mechanism, allowing him to fire lasers out of his eye that are about as effective as modern pistol rounds.

Plasma Pistol: He possesses a Plasma Pistol, a rare weapon capable of blasting bolts of superheated plasma, which deal damage equivalent to 20mm autocannon rounds, though it has a significant risk of exploding if used too often in a period of time.

Hotshot Laspistol: This laser pistol can deal damage equivalent to modern assault rifles, however, this is not their primary advantage. As lasers, they have no fall-off, and they are extremely easy to charge. It is possible to simply leave the battery out in the sun, and it will slowly over the course of 48 hours of continuous sunlight, charge to full power.

Hotshot Lasgun: This lasgun is a supercharged version, capable of dealing damage similar to .50 caliber rounds, with all the properties of the standard lasgun.

Power Greatsword and Dagger: A power weapon is, generally, a melee weapon that projects a field of energy that breaks down molecular bonds around it. This allows it to cut through solid steel like an ordinary axe cuts through wood. David's particular Power Weapon of Choice is a two-handed Greatsword, but David also bears a short Power Dagger for times when a great big sword isn't that convenient.

Additional Information:
Name of the Vessel: The Merry Guardsman
Ship Class: Corvette
Ship Appearance:

Crew Compliment: 8
  • Tech-Priest Alto-1: A heavy cybernetic Tech-Priest, with a passion for innovation unlike his fellows. Having travelled with scions of the Leviathan Dynasty for centuries, he's very experienced in not getting himself killed. He has an immense amount of technological expertise and experience, and effectively counts as 3 crewmen, what with the utility of his mechadendrites.
    • Armament:
      • Arc Rifle: This rifle is superficially to a standard, modern day assault rifle. However, it bears an enormous capacitor, charged with a truly enormous amount of electric energy. This energy is projected into bolts of lightning, very useful for frying machinery, but not so useful for hurting living, biological targets.
      • Power Axe: It's a power weapon, but a honking big axe, the symbol of the Tech-Priests.
  • Mr. Yohon: He's an Ogryn, a subspecies of human in the far future that is enormous and very, very strong, enough to lift a truck and throw it at someone with ease. He's a recent addition to the crew, and though not too bright, is a wonderfully cheerful individual.
    • Armament:
      • Lascannon: This is essentially a very scaled-up version of the Laspistol, somewhat equivalent to a 50mm cannon, if it was held by an infantryman.
      • Arc Maul and Arc Shield: A big beastick and a big shield that are crackling with electric energy, shocking enemies that are hit with either.
  • The Triplets: A triplet of young psykers that Alto picked up on his rounds. Psykers are individuals with access to the Warp, a realm of thoughts and emotions. Of course, being from a GrimDark future, accessing the Warp is rather dangerous, especially for novices. Despite this, they have useful abilities. Uno is a talented Biomancy Psyker, capable of healing small wounds, Dues is a weak telepath, and Trine is a rare telekinetic, who at present is training to catch with her powers.
    • Armament:
      • Laspistols: Simply self defense weapons, these laspistols are equivalent to modern day pistols, but without the recoil and able to be charged by almost any power source. Including sunlight.
  • Lily of Rodigan: Another Psyker in the party, she's the teacher of the Triplets, and a master of Divination, able to discern subtle clues in the future that may lead to greatness. Or, they might lead to a great honking disaster, Divination is quite tricky in that way.
    • Armament:
      • Transuranic Arquebus: This is a massive Anti-Material rifle, that requires a steady rest to put it on before firing, else it shatters your shoulder at best with the recoil.
  • Eric Jeeveson: David's Accountant and Butler, and until recently apprenticed to David's former butler, who died due to an unfortunate incident aboard a Space Hulk. He takes care of all the logistical things the others can't, like cooking and cleaning.
    • Armament:
      • Lasgun: A modern assault rifle except with lasers and a lot easier logistically. Nothing special.
Armaments and Equipment:
  • Front-Mounted Weaponry
    • 2 Heavy Rail Cannons: These heavy guns fire big chunks of metal at high velocity. Due to the general 'on the fritz' nature of the Tau Manta after the transition, they aren't quite the Titan-Killing weaponry they once were, instead only having the power of a 100mm cannon.
    • 6 Ion Cannons: These rapid-firing guns fire 20mm Autocannon rounds, delivering a hail of firepower at anything that sits in front of the ship. Of course, they're very maintenance intensive.
  • 16 Burst Cannons: These Burst Cannons are essentially rapid-fire energy weapons, firing the equivalent of .50 caliber bullets. They cover essentially all angles of approach around the ship, but not all of them can be brought to bear on a single target at a time.
  • Void Shields: Alto-1 was installing these energy shields onto the ship when the ship transitioned, and now they're pretty much fried and useless.
  • Pulse Engines: These engines were once capable of having the ship 'skip' across the warp, but with the transition, they're now only capable of propelling the ship through the waves. The ship can submerge for a short period of time, being completely watertight, but air limitations prevent it from being a submarine.
  • Nano-Crystalline Armor: The Armor is made of a nano-crystalline alloy which is significantly stronger than steel, but it is rather thin, only 35mm thick.
Attached Units: NONE
THatWhichWillBe threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Location roll Total: 27
27 27
Well, thats good to see!

"O God of the Quad Roads,
She of Many Flowers, who descendeth upon the spear,
O Pravi, the Torn one, with thy exquisite scalp,
Bless this earthly passage."
– Invocation of the Torn Goddess

Huh, Karen may like this weirdly enough.

Chrome also, might like this.

The second roll above 90 hope you, realize what that means.
SoaringHawk218 as Viktor Krum
If you're still accepting applications, the Durmstrang ship and its students from Harry Potter could take a wrong turn on their way back from Hogwarts and end up on the Silver Sea.

Name: Viktor Krum

Character Type: Canon

Gender: Male

Appearance: "Thin, dark, and sallow-skinned, with a large curved nose and thick black eyebrows" (Harry Potter Goblet of Fire)
Universe of Origin: Harry Potter

-Renowned Seeker: Viktor played for the Bulgarian National Quidditch team and led his team to the finals. He has exceptional eyesight and flying skills, able to repeatedly outfly another national Seeker.
- Tolerance for pain: He did the above even after taking a Bludger to the face.
- Triwizard Champion: Of all the Durmstrang students, the Goblet of Fire chose Viktor to represent his school. He proved to have a gift for transfigure, able to partially transform himself into a shark to reach the bottom of a lake.
- Dualist: Although not shown, Viktor was willing to engage in a duel with an older, more experienced wizard, and he showed exceptional aim by striking a dragon in the eye with a spell at range. Durmstrang also has a reputation for emphasizing martial magic.

- His wand (10 1/4 inches, hornbeam, dragon heartstring)
- His Firebolt broomstick
- Various magical odds and ends (robes, books, cauldron, etc.)

Additional Information:
Viktor Krum

Name of the Vessel: Vulchanova's Will (Non-canon, but I thought it fit. Named after the founder of Durmstrang)

Ship Class: Magical Carrack

Ship Appearance:

Crew Compliment: 15-20 (by use of magic)

Armaments: Unarmed; relies upon its crew to defend itself. It does have the ability to sail underwater and is likely far tougher than its wooden hull would normally allow.

Attached Units: The Durmstrang Triwizard Contingent (Sans Karkaroff). All of-age witches and wizards.
If you're still accepting applications, the Durmstrang ship and its students from Harry Potter could take a wrong turn on their way back from Hogwarts and end up on the Silver Sea.

Name: Viktor Krum

Character Type: Canon

Gender: Male

Appearance: "Thin, dark, and sallow-skinned, with a large curved nose and thick black eyebrows" (Harry Potter Goblet of Fire)
Universe of Origin: Harry Potter

-Renowned Seeker: Viktor played for the Bulgarian National Quidditch team and led his team to the finals. He has exceptional eyesight and flying skills, able to repeatedly outfly another national Seeker.
- Tolerance for pain: He did the above even after taking a Bludger to the face.
- Triwizard Champion: Of all the Durmstrang students, the Goblet of Fire chose Viktor to represent his school. He proved to have a gift for transfigure, able to partially transform himself into a shark to reach the bottom of a lake.
- Dualist: Although not shown, Viktor was willing to engage in a duel with an older, more experienced wizard, and he showed exceptional aim by striking a dragon in the eye with a spell at range. Durmstrang also has a reputation for emphasizing martial magic.

- His wand (10 1/4 inches, hornbeam, dragon heartstring)
- His Firebolt broomstick
- Various magical odds and ends (robes, books, cauldron, etc.)

Additional Information:
Viktor Krum

Name of the Vessel: Vulchanova's Will (Non-canon, but I thought it fit. Named after the founder of Durmstrang)

Ship Class: Magical Carrack

Ship Appearance:

Crew Compliment: 15-20 (by use of magic)

Armaments: Unarmed; relies upon its crew to defend itself. It does have the ability to sail underwater and is likely far tougher than its wooden hull would normally allow.

Attached Units: The Durmstrang Triwizard Contingent (Sans Karkaroff). All of-age witches and wizards.

Looks good.