1st Post

See my smile

Life...Life never Changes.
The Commonwealth
Hello Everyone, I'm going to be attempting an RP that I tried before but, had to stop after my computer decided to have a horrifying death spasm and corrupt most if not all of my notes on it. So, here it is once again. A multiversal RP set in an endless ocean that may or may not be the death of your character.

The way this is done is pretty simple: You, either as an SI, an OC or just any character is given a seagoing (or converted to such) vessel, and let loose upon the Silver Sea. The Silver Sea is a vast and near endless place filled with islands, mysteries, and Animals of a... Monsterious persuasion. The Islands of the Sea seem to be for the most part self-contained, and some even run on...altered physics.

So, with that in mind. Let's Sail!

=general rules:
Don't be a dick.
be cordial to other players.
My Word? It is the law.
PVP is allowed but, only if you have a decent reason in-universe to do so. (No taking OOC arguments in the game.)
Name: (The name of your character)

Character Type: (SI/OC/Canon)


Appearance: (What your character looks like, an image or description is fine)
Universe of Origin: (If relevant)

Powers/Abilities: (What your character can do. Please write this in such a way that one who has no prior knowledge of the powers/abilities can easily understand them) (Destructive Capability is set to house Buster, and more esoteric abilities are on a case-by-case basis)

Gear: (Items that your character has. VEHICLES ARE NOT TO BE PUT IN THIS SPOT!)
Additional Information:

The following can be either a normal seaborne vessel, or another type of one that has been converted to be seaborne, such as a UNSC Destroyer

Ship power level is dependent on the universe of the character, availability, and the like.
Name of the Vessel:

Ship Class: (Keep this relatively small at first.)

Ship Appearance:

Crew Compliment: (How many crew members are required to run your ship)

Armaments: (What weapons is your ship equipped with? Please include more than just the name of the weapon, including either a wiki link or description)

Attached Units: (What vehicles and the like does your ship carry? What applies to the armaments applies here.)
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Setting Details:
If anyone wants to make a Setting Island, PM Me. I have a bunch of Islands already but, I could always use more.

List of Islands:
Name: (The name of your character)

Character Type: (SI/OC/Canon)


Appearance: (What your character looks like, an image or description is fine)
Universe of Origin: (If relevant)

Powers/Abilities: (What your character can do. Please write this in such a way that one who has no prior knowledge of the powers/abilities can easily understand them) (Destructive Capability is set to house Buster, and more esoteric abilities are on a case-by-case basis)

Gear: (Items that your character has. VEHICLES ARE NOT TO BE PUT IN THIS SPOT!)
Additional Information:

The following can be either a normal seaborne vessel, or another type of one that has been converted to be seaborne, such as a UNSC Destroyer

Ship power level is dependent on the universe of the character, availability, and the like.
Name of the Vessel:

Ship Class: (Keep this relatively small at first.)

Ship Appearance:

Crew Compliment: (How many crew members are required to run your ship)

Armaments: (What weapons is your ship equipped with? Please include more than just the name of the weapon, including either a wiki link or description)

Attached Units: (What vehicles and the like does your ship carry? What applies to the armaments applies here.)
Since we be hunting monsters is it okay to be a melee-focused whaling ship?
Nisshin Maru - Wikipedia
As I said Esoteric Abilities will be taken on a case by case basis. So, It depends on what you mean by that exactly and how you think it should work.

Interested in portraying it as a death knight type character/ship , led by an Ahab type who has benefits when hunting aquatic creatures but not so good on land related monsters
Sinsystem as Chang'e Moon
Name: Chang'e Moon

Character Type: OC

Gender: Female


Universe of Origin: Pokemon


  • Pokemon Care Kit: An all purpose grooming and medical kit for Pokemon that contains everything a trainer needs to maintain their health.
  • Traveling Supplies: Chang'e mom helped her pack a bag containing everything she would need for her Island Journey, which is mostly basic camping supplies, some change of clothes, a few Potions and some Repels.
  • Z-Ring and Z-Crystals: A gift from the Tapus, the Z-Ring and accompanying Z-Crystals allow Chang'e and her pokemon to perform Z-Moves. However in order to perform a move a Pokemon must be compatible with crystal slotted into the Z-Ring.
  • Pokedex: A handy Pokemon electronic encyclopedia where one can find information on almost every species of Pokemon.
  • Pokeballs: A collection of Pokeballs Chang'e has picked up on her journey.
  • Fishing Rod: A fishing rod.

Name of the Vessel: The Lunala's Light

Ship Class: Luxury Yacht

Ship Appearance:

Crew Compliment:
  • 1 Rotom that inhabits the ship's electronics, it is not trained for combat but it will pilot the ship.

There is my sheet, hope people like it. I will add backstories to each Pokemon at a later date.
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Gamerlord as Marx Dulcenter
Name: Marx Dulcenter
Character Type: OC
Gender: Male
Universe of Origin: Mostly baseline, with a slightly longer Cold War and a heavier reliance on oil-based tech, with advances with extraction and production of both crude oil and biofuels. Less advanced computers.
Combat Training: Trained and experienced in combat, on land, sea and sky.
Engineering Experience: Decent experience in helping maintain and perform basic repairs on engines.
Tech Familiarity: Blades (Combat Knives, Bayonets), Unarmed Combat, Pistols, Rifles (Singleshot, Semi-Auto, Machine Gun), 'dieselpunk tech', Vehicles (Motorbikes, Cars, Trucks, APC), AREAP [Advanced Resource Extraction And Processing] (Ship's Inbuilt system that breaks down ores, organic matter and other raw materials and turns them to tools, ammo and fuel.)
Heart Of Ice: Cold and hard Marx can order the subjugation of entire villages and the massive exploitation of natural resources and lose not a minute of sleep.
Iron Command: Make no mistake Marx has a tight grip on his crew and they dare not test him.
Gear: RPK
Makarov Pistol
Diving Suit

Name of the Vessel: Marauder
Ship Class: Slightly larger as it is in the picture, though the tanks are missing and are replaced by a garage structure large enough to house and service cargo trucks. Can be converted for butchering sea life.
Ship Appearance:
Crew Compliment: 12 - 1 Pilot, 3 Engineers, 2 Gunners, 1 Navigator, 1 Cook, 4 Marines
Armaments: 2 20mm Cannons Mounted On Highest Points Of Hovercraft, Each Side, 2 Harpoon Guns, Front And Rear
Attached Units: Cargo Truck Without Spikes, Excavator
Welp, time to resubmit this sheet, since I don't think I could do better.
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Ryven Razgriz as St Louis.
Name: Ryven Razgriz (SI Name) or Saint-Louis (Shipgirl Name)
Character Type: SI
Gender: Female
Universe of Origin: Azur Lane

  • Shipgirl - Saint-Louis is the humanoid spirit of the Saint-Louis-class Heavy Cruiser, ILS Saint-Louis. Though she looks like a human, she is actually both human and warship. This means that what her hull can do, her human body can do as well, this also includes some features of her hull incorporated into her human body.
  • Enhanced Strength, Endurance and Durability - Being a shipgirl means having the qualities of her steel hull, this thus makes her stronger and tougher than the average human. While it does take naval weapons-grade firepower to damage her, this is only limited for when she's on a body of water. On land, her durability is the same as any other humans.
  • Radar - This manifests as a sort of sixth sense, allowing Saint-Louis to perceive her surroundings. This also helps her distinguish between friends and foes, like an IFF system, and can enable her to operate without using her sense of sight.
  • Fairy Crew - A ship has her crew, and as the spirit of a ship, Saint-Louis also has her own set interact-able of crew in the guise of chibi sailors. They help the shipgirl manage her ship systems, allowing her rigging independent action as long as it is deployed, repair damages she sustained and they're also the ones that pilots her seaplanes. Despite their small size and ineffectiveness without equipment to man, they will fiercely protect their shipgirl by annoying you to death. Or at least until you leave their shipgirl alone.
  • Shared Vision - Shipgirls can see through the eyes of ther fairies be it they piloting her aircrafts, manning and utilizing her range finders and seeing from their crew on their observation posts, if they have any, with their binoculars. It is similar to watching multiple TV screens.
  • Radio - All shipgirls have an internal radio, or multiple in some girls' case, which they can use to contact others who also have radios and is in range of their radios.
  • Recovery - Shipgirls are capable of resupplying, recovering from damage and re-spawning lost crewmen by eating and resting. A shipgirl's appetite corresponds to their ship class, as Saint-Louis is a Heavy Cruiser, she will need a large amount of food enough multiple grown men to resupply her stocks.
  • Summon Rigging - This is a manifestation of her power as a shipgirl, allowing her to deploy parts of her hull on her human body as well as her weapons in miniature form. This also enables her to float and move on water like a ship. Riggings can be summoned or un-summoned anytime a shipgirl wants to.
    • The drawbacks, however, are her overall mobility is heavily restricted on land. Her speed is reduced to baseline human running speed, her rigging becomes a very heavy and bulky equipment attached to her, she would have to stop in place to brace herself on the ground every time she wants to fire her main and secondary guns.
  • The rigging has these features:
  1. Guns - Saint-Louis armaments appears as miniatures on her and becomes available to use. On water, they're as powerful as they were on her hull though on land, they are severely limited to the equivalent of .50 and .22 caliber machineguns.Torpedoes - Saint-Louis gets her torpedoes working and as powerful as it was on her hull when in water. On land, they are the equivalent of a grenade and must be thrown.
  2. Featured armor and hull parts - Parts of Saint-Louis's hull and armor that appears throughout her human body whenever she deploys or summons her rigging, they are as strong as they were on her steel hull as long as the Shipgirl is on a body of water. On land, her armor and hull are merely the equivalent of human body armor. Easily pierced even by infantry guns with armor piercing bullets. When disabled or damage via enemy attacks (not dismissed or un-summoned mind you) the featured hull and armor pieces becomes a mere dead weight that can be removed by hand, although the damage done on her rigging, be it in water or land, simply means that if, and for example, one of her turrets was ripped off, that turret is gone until Saint-Louis has consumed enough resources and has rested properly to repair herself, anyone can re-insert said ripped off turret to lessen the amount of supplies and repair time it takes to fix her rigging.
  3. Anti-ship Cross Spear - Saint-Louis has a melee weapon, an ornate Cross Spear that she separately summon at will and is capable of cutting and piercing ships and shipgirls alike at sea. At land this Cross Spear becomes a normal spear. If lost in sea or at land, the lost spear de-materializes and can be restored by Saint-Louis 'resupplying' (read: Eating food).
Rigging Information:
  • Armaments:
  1. 9x - 203mm/55 Mle 1934 (3 x 3)
  2. 12x - 100mm/55 CAD Mle 1945 Guns (6 x 2)
  3. 12x - 40mm Bofors Mk.1 (6 x 2)
  4. 6x - 550mm Torpedo tubes (2 x 3)
  5. 1x - Anti-ship Cross
  • Attached Units:
  1. 3x - Loire 130 Seaplanes - A reconnaissance seaplane armed with two 7.5mm machine guns and two 75kg bombs.
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Bright flame as Chrom, the Risen King
Glad to see this back. I think I'll try out my old sheet

Name: Chrom, the Risen King/Brightflame
Character Type: SI
Gender: Male
Universe of Origin: Fire Emblem (Cipher)
Sol: A somewhat magical skill, Sol is the ability to absorb another person's life force in order to heal oneself. When Sol is used, the damage done to an enemy will heal Chrom as much. For example: If he's stabbed in the side by an enemy but also stabs said enemy in the same place using Sol, the wound in Chrom's side would heal. That is not to say he would be completely healed if he were ever to kill an enemy, he tends to be more resilient compared to most humans. When using all of his magical energy, Chrom can use this ability around 20 times a day.

Luna: Where Sol heals, Luna destroys. When using Luna, his blade ignores the armor of enemies by half. Leather armor would be cut through as if it was paper, iron as if it was leather, steel as if was iron, etc. Like Sol, Chrom can use this ability around 20 times a day if he uses all of his magical energy.

Aether: A combination of the two skills above, that's about it. May be used 15 times a day when all of Chrom's magical energy is used for it.

Charm: A passive ability, seemingly a result of Chrom's royal blood, his allies have higher morale and motivation. In his vicinity, his allies would work harder, fight harder, and are less likely to flee if the battle ever turns against their favor. However, this ability only works for people near Chrom and has a vicinity that reaches only to a large room or a Carrack-sized ship.

King of the Risen: As King of the Risen, Chrom has the ability to resurrect the dead and bring them under his control. A skill crafted by the Alchemist Forenus, it has been used by the Fell Dragon Grima, and now Chrom, to raise an army of the dead in order to destroy humanity. If Chrom were to use all of his magical energy, he could perhaps summon 10 humans from the dead in a single day, other creatures depends on their size and strength.

Inhuman Resilience: Being undead, Chrom no longer needs the majority of his organs in order to function and his ability to feel pain, though still present, has been numbed. Though he still requires major organs such as his heart and brain to function, his status as an undead creature has made him able to take much more damage compared to normal humans.

It should be noted that Chrom can only use the abilities Sol, Luna, and King of the Risen a maximum amount of times a day, due to them requiring magic to use. Afterwards Chrom would need to rest and let his magic recharge, taking around a day to have his use it at its full extent.

Armor of the Exalt: The armor Chrom used in life, this set of steel armor still clings to his undead body to this day. Besides being more flashy, it's as strong as a normal set of steel plate armor, though it is as half as heavy.

Ragnarok: A bastardized version of the holy Falchion, the blade wielded by his bloodline for generations, Ragnarok is a blade infused with dark magic, making it more effective when battling living beings.

Additional Information: Once Chrom was once the Prince and then Exalt of the nation known as the Halidom of Ylisse. A noble heart, Chrom formed the organization known as the Shepherds whose sole purpose was to protect the innocent from those who would wish to harm them. On a fateful day that could change history, Chrom and his sister Lissa would stumble upon an unconscious man known as Robin. Helping him, Robin would later join the Shepherds and become their main tactician, his skill unparalleled to all but a few. Chrom and his Shepherds would later be the main force tasked with defending Ylisse from its external enemies, namely the neighboring Kingdom of Plegia and later the Continent-spanning Empire of Valm. The Shepherds would successfully defend Ylisse in both wars, killing both King Gangrel of Plegia and Emperor Walhart of Valm on the field of battle.

The Shepherds greatest enemy however would be Gangrel's successor, King Validar. Validar was a fanatical worshiper of demonic Grima, the Fell Dragon. Validar would go to great ends so that Grima may return to the material world and destroy it, even offering his own offspring to act as Grima's avatar. This offspring would discovered to be Robin himself. In the final preparations to bring back the Fell Dragon, Chrom and his Shepherds would storm Plegia Castle and interrupted Validar's ritual. A great battle would occur, one that seemingly ended in victory for the Shepherds and perhaps in another timeline it would have.

Unfortunately, it would turn out to not be the case in this one.

Grima would possess Robin after Validar died and killed Chrom himself, later completing the ritual and restoring him to his full power. He would bring the world to ruin and kill all but a few living beings, those remained hid and fought a losing war of resistance. Some of these survivors would be the children of those who were in the Shepherds.

For an unknown reason, Grima would resurrect Chrom and grant him the power to resurrect the dead. This was not the heroic Chrom of Ylisse, this was the tyrannical Chrom, King of the Risen. Despite his nation being turned to ash, he still ruled it with an iron fist.

It seems that whatever divine beings that are out there took pity on Chrom, saddened by seeing the heroic soul being turned into Grima's thrall. It seems that they knew that Chrom's soul was destroyed by Grima and only the husk remained, therefore they took another soul from another world to act in its stead and then took the Risen King to a world far beyond Grima's grasp.

Unfortunately, it seems the soul they chose to take Chrom's place is a bit of a prick.

Name of the Vessel: Midmire
Ship Class: Undead Dragon
Ship Appearance:
Crew Compliment: Besides the dragon itself, just Chrom. Though Midmire can carry 3-5 passengers at a time
Expiration: A power once exclusive to Grima, Expiration was given to the resurrected dragon known as Midmire, named after the region the remains used to create him were found. Expiration is a breath-type weapon where Midmire unleashes a ball of dark flame from his mouth and is able to kill humans and similar-sized creatures with a single hit.
Attached Units:
Wings: Though largely torn and destroyed, Midmire's wings are still capable of flight to a certain extent and can go as fast as a Carrack-class ship. However, he can only go on for 3-4 hours before needing to rest, else his wings would be completely destroyed. When his wings are not able to be used, Midmire can still swim through the seas and move on land, though at a much slower rate.
Glad to see this back. I think I'll try out my old sheet

Name: Chrom, the Risen King/Brightflame
Character Type: SI
Gender: Male
Universe of Origin: Fire Emblem (Cipher)
Sol: A somewhat magical skill, Sol is the ability to absorb another person's life force in order to heal oneself. When Sol is used, the damage done to an enemy will heal Chrom as much. For example: If he's stabbed in the side by an enemy but also stabs said enemy in the same place using Sol, the wound in Chrom's side would heal. That is not to say he would be completely healed if he were ever to kill an enemy, he tends to be more resilient compared to most humans. When using all of his magical energy, Chrom can use this ability around 20 times a day.

Luna: Where Sol heals, Luna destroys. When using Luna, his blade ignores the armor of enemies by half. Leather armor would be cut through as if it was paper, iron as if it was leather, steel as if was iron, etc. Like Sol, Chrom can use this ability around 20 times a day if he uses all of his magical energy.

Aether: A combination of the two skills above, that's about it. May be used 15 times a day when all of Chrom's magical energy is used for it.

Charm: A passive ability, seemingly a result of Chrom's royal blood, his allies have higher morale and motivation. In his vicinity, his allies would work harder, fight harder, and are less likely to flee if the battle ever turns against their favor. However, this ability only works for people near Chrom and has a vicinity that reaches only to a large room or a Carrack-sized ship.

King of the Risen: As King of the Risen, Chrom has the ability to resurrect the dead and bring them under his control. A skill crafted by the Alchemist Forenus, it has been used by the Fell Dragon Grima, and now Chrom, to raise an army of the dead in order to destroy humanity. If Chrom were to use all of his magical energy, he could perhaps summon 10 humans from the dead in a single day, other creatures depends on their size and strength.

Inhuman Resilience: Being undead, Chrom no longer needs the majority of his organs in order to function and his ability to feel pain, though still present, has been numbed. Though he still requires major organs such as his heart and brain to function, his status as an undead creature has made him able to take much more damage compared to normal humans.

It should be noted that Chrom can only use the abilities Sol, Luna, and King of the Risen a maximum amount of times a day, due to them requiring magic to use. Afterwards Chrom would need to rest and let his magic recharge, taking around a day to have his use it at its full extent.

Armor of the Exalt: The armor Chrom used in life, this set of steel armor still clings to his undead body to this day. Besides being more flashy, it's as strong as a normal set of steel plate armor, though it is as half as heavy.

Ragnarok: A bastardized version of the holy Falchion, the blade wielded by his bloodline for generations, Ragnarok is a blade infused with dark magic, making it more effective when battling living beings.

Additional Information: Once Chrom was once the Prince and then Exalt of the nation known as the Halidom of Ylisse. A noble heart, Chrom formed the organization known as the Shepherds whose sole purpose was to protect the innocent from those who would wish to harm them. On a fateful day that could change history, Chrom and his sister Lissa would stumble upon an unconscious man known as Robin. Helping him, Robin would later join the Shepherds and become their main tactician, his skill unparalleled to all but a few. Chrom and his Shepherds would later be the main force tasked with defending Ylisse from its external enemies, namely the neighboring Kingdom of Plegia and later the Continent-spanning Empire of Valm. The Shepherds would successfully defend Ylisse in both wars, killing both King Gangrel of Plegia and Emperor Walhart of Valm on the field of battle.

The Shepherds greatest enemy however would be Gangrel's successor, King Validar. Validar was a fanatical worshiper of demonic Grima, the Fell Dragon. Validar would go to great ends so that Grima may return to the material world and destroy it, even offering his own offspring to act as Grima's avatar. This offspring would discovered to be Robin himself. In the final preparations to bring back the Fell Dragon, Chrom and his Shepherds would storm Plegia Castle and interrupted Validar's ritual. A great battle would occur, one that seemingly ended in victory for the Shepherds and perhaps in another timeline it would have.

Unfortunately, it would turn out to not be the case in this one.

Grima would possess Robin after Validar died and killed Chrom himself, later completing the ritual and restoring him to his full power. He would bring the world to ruin and kill all but a few living beings, those remained hid and fought a losing war of resistance. Some of these survivors would be the children of those who were in the Shepherds.

For an unknown reason, Grima would resurrect Chrom and grant him the power to resurrect the dead. This was not the heroic Chrom of Ylisse, this was the tyrannical Chrom, King of the Risen. Despite his nation being turned to ash, he still ruled it with an iron fist.

It seems that whatever divine beings that are out there took pity on Chrom, saddened by seeing the heroic soul being turned into Grima's thrall. It seems that they knew that Chrom's soul was destroyed by Grima and only the husk remained, therefore they took another soul from another world to act in its stead and then took the Risen King to a world far beyond Grima's grasp.

Unfortunately, it seems the soul they chose to take Chrom's place is a bit of a prick.

Name of the Vessel: Midmire
Ship Class: Undead Dragon
Ship Appearance:
Crew Compliment: Besides the dragon itself, just Chrom. Though Midmire can carry 3-5 passengers at a time
Expiration: A power once exclusive to Grima, Expiration was given to the resurrected dragon known as Midmire, named after the region the remains used to create him were found. Expiration is a breath-type weapon where Midmire unleashes a ball of dark flame from his mouth and is able to kill humans and similar-sized creatures with a single hit.
Attached Units:
Wings: Though largely torn and destroyed, Midmire's wings are still capable of flight to a certain extent and can go as fast as a Carrack-class ship. However, he can only go on for 3-4 hours before needing to rest, else his wings would be completely destroyed. When his wings are not able to be used, Midmire can still swim through the seas and move on land, though at a much slower rate.
Chang'e: Oh a ghost type! *Throws Pokeball*
Hannz as PT-41
Hoh hoh

It is time for the return of SMOL FAST BOTE

Character Type: Canon OC
Gender: Female
Universe of Origin: Arpeggio of Blue Steel
  • Nanomachine Constructs - Everything employed by the Fog, from their hulls to their weapons, are made from a form of non-baryonic matter called Nanomaterial. Once slaved to a Union Core, this sand-like material can take the form of anything from a perfect copy of human DNA to a functioning orbital laser so long as the blueprints for said objects are available. Nanomaterial should however, not be mistaken for a Von Neumann swarm. It cannot make more of itself and requires specialized facilities that PT-41 has no access to.
  • Quantum Computing - The Fleet of Fog is made entirely up of Nanomachines slaved to Quantum AIs. This gives someone even as lowly as a Patrol Boat enough processing power to put even the best of modern supercomputers to shame in all areas.
  • Superhuman Attributes - Mental Models are virtually immune to small arms fire, but due to a lack of processing power, anything with the force of a grenade can deal significant damage to it. In addition to this, Mental Models are granted enough strength to tear the turrets off a tank with effort. When it comes to agility, dodging semi-automatic gunfire a few feet away from them is entirely possible.
  • Operating System: SingleCore G-1 - The CPU or Heart of the Fog Ship, it contains PT-41's consciousness so it's destruction will result in instant death. It appears as a metallic sphere that can fit in ones hand. Unlike the Mental Model or the Ship, the Union Core possesses no Klein Field and is susceptible to conventional attacks.
Additional Information:
  • Personality:
    • Possessed by curiosity only children can muster, PT-41 has the patience to match. That is to say, she has no patience at all, and will often tire of one curiosity in favor of another only to then turn her attention to the object that grabbed her attention in the first place. She follows the Admiralty Code as faithfully as most ships, that is to say that she doesn't really understand why it's so important to follow the Code, but knows that not doing so is bad for both her and the fleet as a whole. That, and she feels like fully seceding from the Fleet is too much effort to bother with.
  • Quirks:
    • Oooh, Shiny!
    • Likely to wander off on her own if she isn't constantly reminded of her designated patrol route
    • Race me bro. No? What r u, chicken? >:-D
  • Likes:
    • Going Vroom Vroom!
    • The Open Ocean
    • New, novel things and experiences
    • Games! Any Game! Puzzles and Riddles included!
    • Getting a reaction from bigger ships
    • Unloading all 3 Guns on a solid target for that sweet BRRRRRT!
  • Dislikes:
    • Actually doing her job
    • Boredom and having absolutely nothing to do
    • Overly serious and strict personalities
    • Tight, enclosed spaces
    • Slow sailing
    • Being called small, or tiny
    • Stop ignoring me just cuz I'm tiny! >:0

Ship Class: Elco 77-foot PT Boat - Series PT20 Class
Ship Name: PT-41
Ship Appearance: PT-41 comes equipped with the standard neon-vinyls of the Fog given a personal touch with her color scheme of Orange and Bright Blue, a stark contrast to her dull gray hull. Refer to this image to gain a general idea of where certain armaments are:
Crew Compliment: 1
  • 4x 18 in (457 mm) Torpedo Tubes - Disguised as World War 2 Era Torpedo Tubes, PT-41 possess 4 of them in total with 2 on each flank. The similarities end there however, as these "Torpedo Tubes" can also function as Missile launchers and detach, elevate, or depress as needed to gain a better angle to fire from.
  • 5x Rapid-Fire Anti-Personnel and Anti-Air Photon Cannons - Disguised as .50 cal Browning Machine guns, with four of these installed in 2 Dewendre Turrets while the remaining .50 cal Browning Machine Gun is left in its default state. These cannons are capable of spitting out both magnetically accelerated lead, or lasers of the sci-fi kind and are more than capable of acting as point-defense. They are however, unlikely to sink another ship due to the target's sheer bulk, and will often overpenetrate. Photon Cannons are also incapable of firing when underwater, but can shoot through water with little reduction in power. Much like the Torpedo Tubes, the Cannons are capable of detaching, elevating, or depressing as need be.
  • 1x Corrosive Warheads - Supercavitating Warheads capable of traveling through air and sea. One of the few weapons capable of sinking a Fog Ship and breaching a Klein Field. Mental Model Klein Fields are rendered useless if caught in a Corrosive Warhead's blast radius. Upon detonation, the Thanatonium stored in the warhead causes a large scale degeneration of Gravitons and destroys all matter in a dome that can possibly reach a quarter of a Nagara's Length if controlled, to a large section of a dockyard if left alone.
  • 4x Acoustic Warheads - Specialized Torpedoes incapable of doing any physical damage upon detonation. They are mainly used to cause as much random noise as possible underwater, disrupting even the Fog's own SONAR.
  • 2x Lightning Missiles - Intended for culling large groups of enemies with weak armor. These Missiles are special in the way that they aren't fired at the enemy. Instead, they are launched upwards before hovering above their target to discharge large amounts of energy in the form of lightning. These missiles have been known to one-shot modern destroyers.
  • Armor: Nanomaterial Auto-Reacting Armor - PT-41 is unable to support a Klein Field, and thus relies on her nanomaterial armor for passive defense. Due to its nature, Nanomaterial will shift and change to best absorb any damage, but will be completely useless against a direct hit from even a WW2 era destroyer's main gun.
  • Communication System: Quantum Communication & Sensor Suite - Everything from RADAR, SONAR, INFRARED etc. is installed in PT-41. Likewise, she sports electronic countermeasures that prevent Modern Sensors from detecting her even when in visual range, unless she's in the midst of firing her weapons or going full blast with her engines. Quantum Communication meanwhile, gives PT-41 access to the Joint Tactical Network, allowing for near instantaneous communication with those capable of hooking up to the Network.
  • Propulsion: 4x Graviton Type-S Engines - Thanatonium powered engines allow for PT-41 to achieve speeds up to 127 knots above and under water.
Attached Units:
  • Mental Model - PT-41's Humanoid Avatar. Essentially, a drone whose main use is interaction and land-based exploration.
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