Power - Know how to break out of here! (Thinker, feels like adaptation and countering)
Roll for C53 - 29, 66% chance, CONFIRMED.
Roll for consequences - 33, 33% chance, CONFIRMED.
Roll for consequence severity - 61, 33% high 66% medium 100% minimal, MEDIUM CONSEQUENCES.
[BEGIN TAYLOR-STARTUP]What? Where are you? You feel...weird. Your head feels clearer and... faster? Your body feels floaty, almost like you're weightless. Your eyesight is all blurry, so you blink a few times.
[LOADING SENSORY SIMULATION]Your vision starts to resolve into… is that binary? You blink a few more times, your vision resolving from binary to some form of very simple code, to HTML, and finally into...PHO?
are you?
You look around, but other than the front page of PHO floating in front of you like some sort of holographic screen, everything is just a black void. Looking down at yourself, you seem to be some sort of semi-indistinct hologram. This is very strange on a number of levels, and you can't help but feel like you should be being less calm about this.
You need to figure out what happened and where you are.
[] Try exploring PHO - maybe there'll be something on there that will give you some sort of clue? (There is
something on PHO, this isn't completely useless.)
[] Try exploring the internet - if you can access PHO surely you could access a more useful website. Write-in.
[] Try exploring the void around you - maybe you missed something?
You seem abnormally calm about all of this.
A note - medium consequences means that there's a non-zero chance Taylor might get noticed and possibly start off on the wrong foot here. However, this power's so distant from flashiness that it's not even a guarantee that she'll be identified and any negative first impressions would likely not be incredibly difficult to fix.