[X] [Pulford] Tell him all that happened, including your conversation with Goddard. No reason to beat around the bush.
Say...how about firing QAAM missiles out of EML? Or vanilla Air to Air missiles? Once they get close enough *pwoosh* the rocket engines will ignite and send them to their targets.

In other words, EML assisted missile launches.
Gun-launched missiles are a thing. The complications are:

1) A fighter-sized railgun is probably too small to fire a projectile the size of a QAAM missile. Such a projectile would have momentum and velocity comparable to, say, a large-caliber naval gun. The firing stresses would almost certainly rip apart any normal aircraft. Aircraft built to superweapon scale (such as the XB-0) could probably mount such weapons, but that's a different story. Any such system would tend to work better with a ground-based gun that can have a longer barrel length and be better braced to withstand recoil.

2) As noted, atmospheric stresses associated with passing through the atmosphere at hypersonic speeds and the very high accelerations associated with being shot out of a cannon will tend to crush missile electronics. You can compensate by using lower muzzle velocities, but that defeats the purpose because you no longer impart enough kinetic energy to loft the missiles onto a suborbital path where they'll be able to lock on and acquire orbiting starships.

3) Some of our missiles probably aren't even rocket-powered; a lot of longer ranged air to air missiles in real life use ramjets, scramjets, or other propulsion systems that wouldn't function outside the atmosphere.
Battle in the Boardroom Debriefing: Victory and Its Cost
IUN-PKF-XCOM Resources

Critical Statistics:
Total Industrial Capacity: 62,730 IC
Personnel: 400
Overall Commander: Stephen Pulford

Available Industrial Capacity: 20,000 IC
Personnel: 150

Commander: Long Caster
Allied Units: Osean SOUTHCOM, Gunther Bay Emergency Home Defense
Items of Interest:
Alien Debris Spare Aircraft Misc.
20x Alien Fighters N/A International Space Elevator "Lighthouse" (Partially Restored)
4x Alien Unknown A    
3x Alien Unknown B    
20x Alien Alloys    


Anea Verusa Osea Usea
Kingdom of Nordennavic Nordennavic is located on the northwest of the Anean continent, near the North Pole. As a result, much of the country is nearly permanently encased in ice, especially in the wake of the 1994XF04 Ulysses Disaster. Nordennavic's economy is greatly buoyed by its thriving machine industry, although its status as a net-food importer has Nordennavic constantly wary. Diplomatically, Nordennavic has remained staunchly neutral for centuries, and insists on having a military only for self-defensive purposes. Recently, it has absorbed many refugees over the course of the past decade, and has considered joining the Republic of Anea initiative, only to break apart when Emmerian and Estovakian tensions have boiled over. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 17,000
    1. 5,000 supporting population, quality of life
    2. 12,000 available
  2. Energy Production: 80,000
    1. 68,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 5,000 supporting Population Quality of Life
    3. 7,000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 5,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: High
  5. Degree of Support: 7/10
  6. Militarism: 7/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
  1. Macmillan Heavy Industries
Sotoan Treaty Organization Sotoa, or the Sotoan Treaty Organization, is a group formed in the late-1960s formed to counteract the perceived-growing threat of the Union of Yuktobanian Republics. Located in western Verusa, it possesses a large population and equally large industry, but largely focuses on military buildup to counteract the hypothetical threat of the Yuktobanian invasion. Not even the result of the 2003 Raikala Election Verification Incident has deterred Sotoan caution; if anything, it has heightenend the Sotoan's caution and paranoia. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 253,000
    1. 240,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 13,000 available
  2. Energy Production: 1,209,000
    1. 1,012,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 195,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 3,000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 300,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Medium
  5. Degree of Support: 1/10
  6. Militarism: 1/10
  7. Alien Support: 1/10
Special Assets:
  1. Saif Two, Khawlah the Second
Osean Federation Osea is located in central Osea. Officially titled the Osean Federation, Osea is one of the two strongest nations in the world, boasting both an economy and military with only a single peer. Spanning much of the Northern Hemisphere, Osea has nearly every clime imaginable within its borders, and has the population to match; moreover, most of its citizenry enjoy an extremely high standard of living on top of Osea's incredibly strong Defense Forces. It is a federal presidential republic. As one of the main underwriters of the IUN project, and especially the IUN-PKF, they have high hopes for you; the Long Range Strategic Strike Group is and was an Osean force to begin with. The capital of Oured was also struck in the recent alien attack. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 860,000
    1. 800,000 supporting population, quality of life
    2. 40,000 supporting Osean Special Projects
    3. 20,000 available
  2. Energy Production: 4,434,000
    1. 3,440,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 800,000 supporting Population quality of life
    3. 160,000 supporting Osean Special Projects
    4. 30,000 supporting Osean Allies
    5. 4,000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 800,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: High
  5. Degree of Support: 7/10
  6. Militarism: 6/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
  1. Grunder Industries
  2. Basset Space Center
  3. ???
LOCKED EARLY GAME due to state of total warlordism and communications breakdown; the Erusean federal government has effectively totally ceased to exist.
Republic of Emmeria Emmeria is located on the western side of the Anean continent, close to the North Pole. Officially titled the Republic of Emmeria, it was founded in the mid 1500s by King Aurelius II. Between its natural highlands and high latitude, much of the land is barely fit for human habitation; the regions that are, however, is Anea's best breadbaskets. Naturally, this resulted in Emmeria becoming the preeminent superpower on the Anean continent, boasting a world-class economy and high-living standards throughout. Emmeria's economy is sustained through its wide variety of economic activities and trade. Emmeria's armed forces are considered in a class of their own with regards to combined arms doctrine, if not nearly the size of Osean or Yuktobanian militaries. One of the primary proponents of the Republic of Anea initiative, Emmeria withdrew due to Estovakian aggression. Having recently won the Emmerian-Estovakian War in 2015-2016, Emmeria's economy has largely been focused on internal rebuilding and supporting the Estovakian civilian government. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 93,000
    1. 80,000 supporting population, quality of life
    2. 13,000 available
  2. Energy Production: 458,000
    1. 372,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 80,000 supporting Population quality of life
    3. 6,000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 80,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: High
  5. Degree of Support: 5/10
  6. Militarism: 3/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
  • Talisman, a SS-tier ace.
  • Emmerian Combined Arms Doctrine
Union of Yuktobanian Republics Yuktobania, or the Union of Yuktobanian Republics is located on the eastern and central parts of the Verusan continent. Its economic and military might is matched only by Osea, but its diplomatic efforts have not been met with anywhere near the same amount of effect. However, the Yuktobanians are cautioning you to act as per your charter and not the suggestions of the Oseans, else they may need to find an organization which will provide for the common defense. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 707,000
    1. 650,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 30,000 Yuktobanian Special Projects
    3. 27,000 available
  2. Energy Production: 3,593,000
    1. 2,800,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 700,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 50,000 Yuktobanian Special Projects
    4. 15,000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 700,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Medium
  5. Degree of Support: 7/10
  6. Militarism: 8/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
  1. Albatross Squadron?
Democratic People's Republic of Leasath LOCKED EARLY GAME due to ongoing coup by General Diego Gaspar Navarro The Democratic People's Republic of Leasath, or Leasath for short, is currently undergoing a civil war as a result of a total economic collapse. Located near the tropical regions south of Osea, Leasath's fertile lands can support a significant population, but the current economic collapse and civil war has left the vast majority of its population poor and destitute. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 20,000
    1. 12,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 8,000 supporting ???
  2. Energy Production: 125,000
    1. 80,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 28,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 17,000 supporting ???
  3. Population (Est.): 35,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Low
  5. Degree of Support: 1/10
  6. Militarism: 8/10
  7. Alien Support: 1/10
Events: Ongoing coup; intervention possible.
  1. Special Assets:
    1. ???
Gunther Bay Emergency Administration The Gunther Bay Emergency Administration is a "government" largely funded by foreign aid and designed to distribute aid and house refugees in the Gunther Bay Area; formally it does not exist, and is largely held together on Rosa Cossette D'Elise's raw charisma. Consists of International Space Elevator, Selatapura City, and surrounding area. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 15,000
    1. 10,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 5,000 available
  2. Energy Production: 100,000,000
    1. 20,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 60,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    3. The rest supporting lmao do whatever the fuck you want man
  3. Population (Est.): 20,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Medium
  5. Degree of Support: 9/10
  6. Militarism: 3/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
  1. Tyler Island Space Launch Site
  2. Artificial Wonder International Space Elevator Lighthouse
    1. Provides 100,000 power to any installation capable of receiving microwave power.
    2. Provides one-way radio communication to the 150 and 30 degree lines.
  3. Rosa Cossette D'Elise
Federal Republic of Estovakia Estovakia is located on the eastern side of the Anean continent. Officially titled the Federal Republic of Estovakia, Estovakia has undergone much political turmoil recently. With even more of its land occupied by naturally mountainous terrain, Estovakia has even less habitable territory than Emmeria. However, absent any major disasters, Estovakia would have survived. Ulysses 1994XF04's Anean fragments obliterated that dream, destroying much of Estovakia's government and infrastructure. In the ensuing chaos, Estovakia broke out into near total warlordism for a period of seven to eight years, by which point in 2007 established military factions began to form in the ruins of Estovakia. However, these factions soon turned on themselves and began another grueling six or seven year long civil war, before finally unifying under the Eastern Front lead by the military junta of the Generals. In 2015-2016, they conducted a war against Emmeria which they very nearly won before being utterly routed by the Garuda Team's Talisman. Since then, Estovakia has been recuperating from nearly two straight decades of nigh-universal war footing in an incredibly harsh environment. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 10,000
    1. 6,000 supporting population, quality of life
    2. 3,000 available
  2. Energy Production: 50,000
    1. 40,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 9,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 1,000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 15,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Low
  5. Degree of Support: 1/10
  6. Militarism: 1/10
  7. Alien Support: 1/10
Special Assets:
  1. Destroyed Superweapon Chandelier
  2. Albastru-Electrice
  3. Strigon Squadron Remnants
People's Republic of Kaluga Kaluga, or the People's Republic of Kaluga, is located on the border of bay between Yuktobania, the Sotoan Treaty Organization, and the Verusan Federation. With significant portions of its military and economic capabilites destroyed in the Raikala incident, Kaluga has veen focused on mobilizing more and more, with no end in sight. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 52,000
    1. 30,000 supporting population
    2. 17,000 ???
  2. Energy Production: 238,000
    1. 208,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 20,000 supporting population
    3. 10,000 ???
  3. Population (Est.): 50,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Low
  5. Degree of Support: 0/10
  6. Militarism: 3/10
  7. Alien Support: 1/10
Special Assets: ???
Federal Republic of Aurelia Aurelia, officially titled the Federal Republic of Aurelia, is located on the southern tip of the Osean continent. It is rich in natural resources and as a result, enjoys a disproportionate prosperity relative to its size. Aurelia employs a modestly-sized military mostly equipped with top-of-the-line equipment, and is one of the leading researchers in the cutting edge field of particle research. Recently attacked, they suffered massive casualties but were able to drive off the aliens, albeit they retreated in good order. In the engagement, two fighters distinguished themselves: Falco 1 and Gryphus 1. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 38,000
    1. 30,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 8,000 available
  2. Energy Production: 210,000
    1. 152,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 60,000 supporting population
    3. 8,000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 30,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: High
  5. Degree of Support: 6/10
  6. Militarism: 5/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
  1. Special Assets:
    1. Biggest Aluminum supply
    2. Cyclone Accelerators research
    3. Falco 1 - a S tier ace
    4. Gryphus 1 - a S tier ace
Republic of Voslage Formed as part of the rebellions that arose out of Erusea's total governmental collapse during the Lighthouse War, the Republic of Voslage broke off from Erusea as part of the popular will, and even now prepares to fight a two-way civil war for the right to exist. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 15,000
    1. 8,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 7,000 available
  2. Energy Production: 75,000
    1. 60,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 10,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 5,000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 15,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Medium
  5. Degree of Support: 1/10
  6. Militarism: 7/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
  1. Special Assets:
    1. Shilage Castle
    2. Sol Squadron
Verusan Federation Verusa, officially titled the Verusan Federation, is a collection of Verusan states that decided to preemptively unify as a result of the Tyumen and Raikala Disputes, to present a unified front during negotiations. Delicately attempting to manage the balancing act between Yuktobania and the Sotoan Treaty Organization occupies the majority of the Verusan's political efforts; the rest largely goes into internal development. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 370,000
    1. 365,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 5,000 available
  2. Energy Production: 1,887,000
    1. 1,480,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 400,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 7,000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 400,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Medium
  5. Degree of Support: 6/10
  6. Militarism: 7/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
  • Shabhaz One, the Sun Fighter
Principality of Belka Belka, or the Principality of Belka, is located in central Osea, bordering the Osean Federation to the east. A once-mighty industrial nation, the economic collapse of early 1990s and the Belkan War of 1995 brought the Principality of Belka low; stripped of its rich territories and an international pariah for being the only user of nuclear weapons on their own soil, Belka has made clear that it holds the rest of the world in as much disdain as the rest of world holds for it, and that Belka is perfectly comfortable holding grudges until the other party is dead. In the intervening two decades, the Belkan diaspora has rightly and wrongly received reputations for being malicious schemers, but also for an incredible technical capability. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 65,000
    1. 50,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 15,000 supporting ???
  2. Energy Production: 330,000
    1. 260,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 55,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 15,000 supporting ???
  3. Population (Est.): 70,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Medium
  5. Degree of Support: 0/10
  6. Militarism: 5/10
  7. Alien Support: 3/10
  • Special Assets:
    1. Superweapon Wreck Excalibur
    2. V2
    3. Only uranium mines in the world
Erusean Restoration Forces The Erusean Restoration Forces seek to restore the Erusean country, conquests and all, while become the dominant power in Erusean politics by destroying the Free Erusean Remnants. Consists of Erusean Conservatives, runs most of country General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 25,000 (75,000)
    1. 20,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 5,000 available
  2. Energy Production: 125,000
    1. 100,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 25,000 supporting population quality of life
  3. Population (Est.): 55,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Low
  5. Degree of Support: 1/10
  6. Militarism: 7/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
  1. Special Assets:
    1. Drone Factory Remnants
Federation of Aboriginal Tribes of Osea FATO, or the Federation of Aboriginal Tribes of Osea, is located towards eastern Osea, bordering Belka to the west and the Nordland Confederacy to the east. Originally consisting of indigineous tribal nations who by strokes of good fortune managed to industrialize at a pace sufficient to keep up with would-be colonizers attacking into mountainous terrain, FATO has become an established power to be reckoned with; it was not until the Belkan War of 1995 that FATO truly found itself unable to resist Belkan advances. In the intervening years, FATO has focused on internal development, as well as closer diplomatic relations with the other eastern Osean nations to better secure FATO's interests against Osea and Yuktobania. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 32,500
    1. 30,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 2,500 available
  2. Energy Production: 162,000
    1. 130,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 30,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 2,000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 30,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: High
  5. Degree of Support: 2/10
  6. Militarism: 3/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
  1. Special Assets:
    1. Only economical source of lithium in the world.
Free Erusean Remnants The Free Erusean Remnants consist of the radicals within the Erusean military that still exist, along with whatever they could scrounge up. Consists of (remaining) Erusean Radicals still holding out General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 15,000 (45,000)
    1. 8,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 7,000 available
  2. Energy Production: 75,000
    1. 60,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 10,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 5,000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 30,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Low
  5. Degree of Support: 0/10
  6. Militarism: 7/10
  7. Alien Support: 1/10
  1. Special Assets:
    1. Drone Factory Remnants
Kingdom of Gebet Gebet, officially titled the Kingdom of Gebet, was spun off from Belka's eastern territories in 1988. It is landlocked on all sides, surrounded by Recta to the south, Wielvak to the east, Belka to the west, and FATO to the north. In 1995, Gebet was reoccupied as part of the Belkan War, but was soon liberated; since then, the Kingdom of Gebet has focused on cultivating a stable trading partnership between Recta and FATO to the north and south, as well as a general effort to deepen ties with other eastern Osean nations. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 30,000
    1. 27,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 3,000 available
  2. Energy Production: 150,000
    1. 120,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 25,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 5,000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 35,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Medium
  5. Degree of Support: 1/10
  6. Militarism: 2/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
Commonwealth of Usean States The Commonwealth of Usean States, located across Central and Southern Usea, is a collective bargaining organization for Usean states as a whole when negotiating on the IUN. Recovering from the aftershocks of the Lighthouse War, some of whom's side effects include destroying the microwave transmission systems for a short while requiring a fairly significant period to properly retool the Usean Industry. The constituent states of the Commonwealth have ultimately fought nearly three wars in two decades: the Usean uprising, Continental War, and the Lighthouse War. Each has left its scar on the Usean populace. Also, in San Salvacion, Stonehenge awaits. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 212,000 (450,000)
    1. 200,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 12,000 available
  2. Energy Production: 1,048,000
    1. 848,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 200,000 supporting population quality of life
  3. Population (Est.): 400,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Medium
  5. Degree of Support: 5/10
  6. Militarism: 3/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
  1. Stonehenge Ruins
Republic of Recta Recta, or Republic of Recta, was formed in 1988 during Belka's relinquishing of eastern territories; however, a strong current of Rectan independence has been charted from all the way back from 1970. It is a landlocked country, surrounded by Belka to the north and west, Ustio to the southwest, Ratio to the south, Wielvak to the east, and Gebet to the north. Since its indepedence, it has focused on internal development and vying for the position of political center-of-gravity among the eastern Osean nations. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 20,000
    1. 18,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 2,000 available
  2. Energy Production: 101,000
    1. 80,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 20,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 5,000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 30,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Medium
  5. Degree of Support: 1/10
  6. Militarism: 1/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
United Kingdoms of North Point North Point, or the United Kingdoms of North Point, is an island nation off the northeastern short of Usea. Maintaining a steadfast neutral and isolationist policy, North Point once commanded a respectable military, but has slowly seen its military subsumed by the ISAF and IUN forces, throughout the Continental War and Lighthouse War. It maintains a respectable, if not remarkable industry for its size. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 34,000
    1. 30,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 4,000 available
  2. Energy Production: 170,000 (temporary)
    1. 136,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 30,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 4,000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 30,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: High
  5. Degree of Support: 4/10
  6. Militarism: 5/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
  1. Fortified Base Fortress Intolerance
  2. SS/SSR tier ace Mobius One, the Ribbon Fighter
Republic of Ustio Ustio, officially titled Republic of Ustio, is a landlocked country formed when Belka spun off its eastern territories in 1988. As one of the primary belligerents in the 1995 Belkan War, the Ustian's hired Galm Team single-handedly turned the tide of the Belkan War in favor of the Allied Forces, including Ustio. Ustio's economy, however, remains largely agricultural and craftsman-based; startlingly little has changed in the intervening three decades between its formation and the present day. Diplomatically, it seeks closer ties with the rest of the Allied Forces in the Belkan conflict, but also seeks to become part of the nascent eastern Osean group. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 16,000
    1. 14,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 2,000 available
  2. Energy Production: 85,000
    1. 64,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 20,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 1,000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 20,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Medium
  5. Degree of Support: 2/10
  6. Militarism: 2/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
Commonan Commonwealth Comona, or the Commonan Commonwealth, or the Comona Islands is less a central government and more a series of islands shrugging and deciding to adopt the moniker to promote their cooperation. Possessing formidable aerospace capabilities, the Comona Islands industry is largely based around tourism and the space launch sites the Comonas possess. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 1,500
    1. 1,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 500 available
  2. Energy Production: 7,500
    1. 6,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 1,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 500 available
  3. Population (Est.): 1,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: High
  5. Degree of Support: 2/10
  6. Militarism: 2/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
  1. Comona Island Observatories
  2. Comona Space Launch Site
Republic of Ratio Ratio is a country on the eastern seaboard of Osea. Officially titled Republic of Ratio, it is bordered by Sapin to the south and west, Ustio to the west, Recta to the north, and Wielvakia to the north. With sea access, the Republic of Ratio is one of the stronger partners in the eastern Osean grouping; however, points of contention still exist between Ratio and Ustio over Ratio grabbing Ustio's eastern territories in 1991. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 40,000
    1. 38,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 2,000 available
  2. Energy Production: 200,000
    1. 160,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 39,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 1,000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 42,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Medium
  5. Degree of Support: 2/10
  6. Militarism: 3/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
Kingdom of Sapin Sapin, or Kingdom of Sapin, is located on the Spring Sea, and the eastern seaboard of Osea. During the events of the Belkan economic collapse, Sapin expanded to include former Belkan territories, which Belka immediately claimed when it destroyed the Sapinish air force and put Sapin to retreat. After Sapin formed a coalition with Osea, Ustio, and Yuktobania to push back Belka, Sapin ended up reclaiming all the territory it had claimed from Belka. Since then Sapin has focused on building closer relationships with other eastern Osean countries to form a bloc. As one of the most prosperous countries in the hypothetical bloc, Sapin is very likely to end up the political center of the bloc. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 51,000
    1. 46,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 5,000 available
  2. Energy Production: 254,000
    1. 204,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 46,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 4,000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 46,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: High
  5. Degree of Support: 4/10
  6. Militarism: 1/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
Wielvakia Wielvakia is an eastern Osean country bordered by the Nordlands to the northeast, FATO to the north, Gebet to the northwest, Recta to the west, Ratio to the south, and the Spring Sea to the east. As one of the preeminent neutral parties in the Belkan War, Wielvakia was brought in to arbitrate the Lumen treaties; since then, Wielvakia has focused on capitalizing on its diplomatic reputation to begin forming the eastern Osean groups, and especially to become closer with the Nordlands. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 45,000
    1. 42,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 3,000 available
  2. Energy Production: 222,000
    1. 180,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 38,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 4,000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 43,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: Medium
  5. Degree of Support: 4/10
  6. Militarism: 3/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
Confederation of Nordlands The Nordlands, officially titled the Confederation of the Nordlands, is located on the eastern coast of Osea, bordering the Spring Sea to the east, and FATO and Wielvakia to the west. Also called in as a neutral nation in the Lumen treaty negotiation, unlike Wielvakia the Confederation has focused on internal development and bringing its people up to a high standard of living. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 43,000
    1. 38,000 supporting population quality of life
    2. 5,000 available
  2. Energy Production: 214,000
    1. 168,000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 38,000 supporting population quality of life
    3. 4,000 available
  3. Population (Est.): 38,000,000
  4. Quality of Life: High
  5. Degree of Support: 8/10
  6. Militarism: 7/10
  7. Alien Support: 0/10
Special Assets:
Democratic Federation of Wellow Wellow, officially titled the Democratic Federation of Wellow, is a scrupulously neutral nation in much the same tradition as Nordennavic; originally picked to host the G7 conference in 2007, the G7 conference was ultimately canceled due to a terrorist attack in a nearby bay. General Stats:
  1. Industrial Capacity: 500
    1. 500 supporting population quality of life
    2. 0 available
  2. Energy Production: 3000
    1. 2000 supporting Industrial Capacity
    2. 500 supporting population quality of life
    3. 500 available
  3. Population (Est.): 50,000
  4. Quality of Life: High
  5. Degree of Support: 1/10
  6. Militarism: 1/10
  7. Alien Support: 1/10
Special Assets:

IUN-PKF-XCOM Personnel
Pilots Think Tanks Engineering Groups Logistics Division Miscellaneous

Alternate titles: Three Strikes, Strider One
SSR-tier ace pilot.

Plane: CFA-44 Nosferatu
Mobius One
Alternate Titles: The Ribbon Fighter, The Grim Reaper
SSR-tier ace pilot.

Plane: CFA-44 Nosferatu
SS tier ace pilot.

Plane: F-22A Raptor
S-tier ace pilot.

Plane: F-15 Eagle
S-tier ace pilot.

Plane: F-22A Raptor
Fat Man
S-tier pilot.

Plane: F-15 Eagle
Salamander 4
A-tier pilot.
Rigel 1
A-tier pilot.
Rigel 2
A-tier pilot.
S-tier pilot.

Plane: Su-37 Terminator
Waltz 1
B-Tier pilot
Waltz 2
B-Tier pilot
Azdaha 1
B-Tier pilot
Azdaha 2
B-Tier pilot
Zvezda 1
B-Tier pilot
Zvezda 2
B-Tier pilot

Dr. Moira Vahlen
Prefers nonmilitary research.
Charlie Burns
Aircraft designer. Risk-taker.
Audrey Jones
Particle physics specialist
Proud Aurelian Patriot

80 Scientists
Dr. Raymond Shen
Maria McGuinness
50 Engineers
Chief Logistician Daniel Snow

12 Logisticians.
Overall XCOM Commander Stephen Pulford
Usean Base Commander Long Caster
Avril Mead
Alternate Titles: Scrap Queen
SSR-tier mechanic.
10 Engineers
Posting is open now.

The World In Motion

"How soon?!"

"Do you think we're playing with toys here, General Secretary?! This absolutely cannot be rushed!"

"I realize that, but the Oseans already have another damned white bird!"

"And that is why we are hurrying with all possible speed! General Secretary, sir, please ask me to surmount mountains, not heaven!"

"Ladies, gentlemen, patriots and comrades alike! I come to you to tell you this: today we have struck a glorious blow for our country. But I also come to you to tell you that the true war is far from over; in fact, it has barely even begun!"

"You've done a fantastic job for us. You really stuck it to 'em."

[X] [Pulford] Tell him all that happened, including your conversation with Goddard. No reason to beat around the bush.

"I talked to Goddard last night. He kissed my ass, told me putting space weapons in XCOM's control was a mistake, and that he could get me orders with Grunder Industries. I told him that I sympathized, but I sympathized and, uh, I sympa - no, I said that already, uh, where was I - right, and I told him that I'd talk it over with you as soon as possible. I told him next that we couldn't, uh, show bias for a country, because we're multinatu - multinational, but anything they wanted to give us would be appreciated and boost our standing," Long Caster said, headache spiking.

"Huh. Good wor - hold a moment. You told him that, kck, that you would talk it over with me," Pulford said, wincing.

"Uh," Long Caster eloquently expressed, "I think so?"

Pulford sighed disgustedly. "Do you know how that nearly screwed up our negotiation strategy Long Caster?"

Long Caster tried to think on the spot.

"Did, uh, I make a promise to Osea?"

"No, that's not it," Pulford said, shaking his head slowly. Then vigorously, as he blinked back sleep. "It's that we're both selling each other out to the Osean Ambassador. If he thinks that - wait, no, yes, if he thinks for a moment and realizes that we have both pretended as though the XCOM initiative was not our idea, we must be lying and it must be the both of us, yes?"

Long Caster nodded slowly.

"That's why," Pulford said, blinking slowly, "that's why..."

He leaned back and fell asleep.

Long Caster sat there, first numb for a few seconds and then by trying to get Pulford to wake up.

Long Caster tried for ten minutes before finally giving up and moving on.

Note: I made this decision for a few reasons: the vote was tied 2-2-1, it seemed more characteristic for this to be Long Caster being undecided in favor of whatever Charlie thought was best, knowing Charlie's opinion, and frankly wanting to write Charlie making up a new plane entirely way more.

[X] [Charlie] You have a blank check. Impress me.

Long Caster found Charlie quickly, where he always was; in a noisy part of the hangar that somehow seemed even louder to him right now.

"Hey, boss! What's the call?" Charlie laughed.

"I couldn't decide, so I'm leaving it up to you. Impress me," Long Caster nodded, careful not to fall asleep.

Charlie's grin split open.

"Sweet. Give me a few days and I'll have results for you real quick, boss."

Long Caster nodded, looked at Charlie for a few more seconds, and then snapped out of it, headed...somewhere.

Yeah, somewhere was right.

Long Caster was fine, if he could just dismiss the damn alerts going off in his ears and in front of his eyes, he disgruntedly thought as he walked back to his room. One particularly hard dismissal sent his hand into the wall. He didn't notice until the pain traveled up to his arm a few seconds later.

Suddenly another wave of exhaustion hit him, the pulse of blackness lapping over the dull pressure and nearly putting him out on the spot.

Long Caster looked over at the door.

Surely a short nap couldn't hurt?

Long Caster has collapsed of exhaustion. Week Rating, news, front page updates, and planning will be delayed.

Vote for an Interlude.
[] [Interlude] Blaze
[] [Interlude] Charlie Burns
[] [Interlude] ??? Mystery Box! Who could it be?
Ooof, poor Long Caster. :/

And let's go with what's beyond mystery door number three.

[X] [Interlude] ??? Mystery Box! Who could it be?
Long Caster has collapsed of exhaustion. Week Rating, news, front page updates, and planning will be delayed.
Well, shit. Poor Long Caster. And Pulford too, both are nearly dead on their feet. Next week we must take it easier.

[X] [Interlude] ??? Mystery Box! Who could it be?
[X] [Interlude] ??? Mystery Box! Who could it be?

Shit. When can we order EML's and anything else? We gotta get planes and EML's and Lasers NOW!
[X] [Interlude] ??? Mystery Box! Who could it be?

is the clear runaway runner. As such, I am locking the vote.

Roll what could possibly be this quest's most important 1d100.
Well, this depends.

If this is like a D&D roll, we just got a great boon.
If this is like a Dark Heresy roll, we're fucked.
Interlude: ???

...not sure if good
It's pretty good. Not quest-altering in tone, but you would've needed a nat 100 to get that, methinks.


His real name has been lost.

No, that's not true.

A real ace has only their name, and their titles.

Whatever they used to be called is not important. Their name, and their old titles, fall away. Only what they earn through their flight matters.

So an ace named Galm One, TAC Name Cipher, titled the Demon Lord of the Round Table, and "buddy", respectively, existed.

Would continue to exist as long as someone remembered the name, in hushed whispers, name, and deed.

But the man (some called him monster) had sheathed the sword he drew.

What point was there to mercenary work? What point was there to patriotic work?

What purpose would conquering a kingdom of ash and air serve?

None. Not anymore.

He had once believed that there was no cost to war.

Then he believed that war had a cost but was worth more than the cost.

Finally, he realized the horrible truth: to win and to lose and to fight a war was to pay a cost to win another cost.

Red piled upon red upon red in a ledger stretching towards infinity.

There was no such thing as "equivalence" in war. Pixy and Hoffnung and the skies over the V1 craters had taught him that.

Each "gain" was ultimately only a small amount in the black compared to the pool of red sacrificed to make it. Each gain would then reveal itself to only be a darker shade of red.

And a man as much in the black as Cipher had been must have created an ocean.

So faced with the consequences of his own actions, he saw two possibilities:

One, to forsake the final dregs of his conscience and humanity. To give himself fully up as an avatar of destruction and violence, to embrace the Demon Lord and to never give up the skies ever again.

Two, to forsake being an ace in all its bloodstained glory. Forever stare up at the heavens knowing that he forsook his true home, and never returning.

On that New Year's Eve, twenty-five years ago, he made his decision.

Each war since then had only confirmed his suspicions. Usea, 1998. Usea again, 2004. Raikala, 2004. Estovakia, 2008. Osea-Yuktobania, 2010. Emmeria-Estovakia, 2015. Leasath, 2016. Usea, a third time, 2019. The fires hadn't yet died out on that one.

Each new ace crowned turned his stomach to read about.

So he didn't.

He chose to leave. To cut ties thoroughly. To beat the sword into a plowshare.

But he can't. He can't look away. He can't help but want to go back. To feel what soaring feels like.

He looks outside his window.

It's New Year's Eve, and it's snowing.

That man, who called himself the opposite side of the same coin and yet did not realize that the two faces in revolution must face the direction that the other has passed through and seen, would have felt the need to comment. To take to the skies and to search the land for the real answer, instead of his refusal to attempt an answer.

Perhaps the coin has spun far enough, he thinks, idly flipping a coin.

Heads, he'll get up from his old throne.

Tails, he'll remain where it's safe.

It goes up, spinning, gleaming in the light of the fireplace.

He grabs it midair, not bothering to see which side the coin would have landed.

He knows which answer he preferred.

Maybe, he tells himself.

Maybe, just to feel the weight.

It's pretty good. Not quest-altering in tone, but you would've needed a nat 100 to get that, methinks.


His real name has been lost.

No, that's not true.

A real ace has only their name, and their titles.

Whatever they used to be called is not important. Their name, and their old titles, fall away. Only what they earn through their flight matters.

So an ace named Galm One, TAC Name Cipher, titled the Demon Lord of the Round Table, and "buddy", respectively, existed.

Would continue to exist as long as someone remembered the name, in hushed whispers, name, and deed.

But the man (some called him monster) had sheathed the sword he drew.

What point was there to mercenary work? What point was there to patriotic work?

What purpose would conquering a kingdom of ash and air serve?

None. Not anymore.

He had once believed that there was no cost to war.

Then he believed that war had a cost but was worth more than the cost.

Finally, he realized the horrible truth: to win and to lose and to fight a war was to pay a cost to win another cost.

Red piled upon red upon red in a ledger stretching towards infinity.

There was no such thing as "equivalence" in war. Pixy and Hoffnung and the skies over the V1 craters had taught him that.

Each "gain" was ultimately only a small amount in the black compared to the pool of red sacrificed to make it. Each gain would then reveal itself to only be a darker shade of red.

And a man as much in the black as Cipher had been must have created an ocean.

So faced with the consequences of his own actions, he saw two possibilities:

One, to forsake the final dregs of his conscience and humanity. To give himself fully up as an avatar of destruction and violence, to embrace the Demon Lord and to never give up the skies ever again.

Two, to forsake being an ace in all its bloodstained glory. Forever stare up at the heavens knowing that he forsook his true home, and never returning.

On that New Year's Eve, twenty-five years ago, he made his decision.

Each war since then had only confirmed his suspicions. Usea, 1998. Usea again, 2004. Raikala, 2004. Estovakia, 2008. Osea-Yuktobania, 2010. Emmeria-Estovakia, 2015. Leasath, 2016. Usea, a third time, 2019. The fires hadn't yet died out on that one.

Each new ace crowned turned his stomach to read about.

So he didn't.

He chose to leave. To cut ties thoroughly. To beat the sword into a plowshare.

But he can't. He can't look away. He can't help but want to go back. To feel what soaring feels like.

He looks outside his window.

It's New Year's Eve, and it's snowing.

That man, who called himself the opposite side of the same coin and yet did not realize that the two faces in revolution must face the direction that the other has passed through and seen, would have felt the need to comment. To take to the skies and to search the land for the real answer, instead of his refusal to attempt an answer.

Perhaps the coin has spun far enough, he thinks, idly flipping a coin.

Heads, he'll get up from his old throne.

Tails, he'll remain where it's safe.

It goes up, spinning, gleaming in the light of the fireplace.

He grabs it midair, not bothering to see which side the coin would have landed.

He knows which answer he preferred.

Maybe, he tells himself.

Maybe, just to feel the weight.

The Demon Lord Takes
The Demon Lord Dies
The Demon Lord Lives
The Demon Lord Saves
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Guess we would have needed 100 to have Cipher immediately get up and join XCOM.
Mission 04 ACE OF ACES: Second Wave Briefing, The New Generation's Light
"Long Caster," his tour guide said, "your time is up."

"What do you mean?" Long Caster asked.

"Your trial here is at an end. Your trials elsewhere still await you."

"What are we talking about here?" Long Caster asked, grabbing one of the free samples while he still could. Ooh, an interesting combination of zest and sourness!

"I mean what I say, Long Caster," the guide said, turning towards him.

Twin golden burning orbs seared into his brain.

"Wake up."

Long Caster groggily opened his eyes, and then immediately screwed them shut because his brain was trying to jackhammer its way out of his skull. His throat reported in next, telling him it was drier than a salt shaker. Then he almost bent over, beccause there was a gaping void where his stomach was supposed to be but his skin was completely intact.

"Drink this, commander," someone said, pushing a warm bowl to his lips.

Long Caster drank. It was thin, nearly flavored water. Still, it was something, and he greedily gulped it down.

When the bowl was lowered, and Long Caster's headache finally receded enough to open his eyes, he saw Bradford and Trigger looking at him. Trigger nodded and turned, waving goodbye. Bradford waited patiently.

"Alright, you're awake. I have some information for you to look over when you have time, but right now we're on a ticking clock. That gathering alien task force has been constantly milling around, so we don't think that they're being deployed, but every second is crucial," Bradford began.

"Last I heard from the radar stations, the enemies are gathering into two groups, though both of them are pointed in the same direction. We've talked with the Eastern Osean Mutual Defense Organization and the Commonwealth of Usean States, and they've agreed to let us fly their airspace; same with XCOM OSEA and VERUSA, though I strongly hope it doesn't come to that," Bradford said.

Suddenly, someone started knocking on the door.

"Who is it?" Bradford projected.

"Radar tech Montgomery, sir! The alien craft look like they're settling into patterns; the projected flight path seems to be a few degrees south of the equator, headed due west, sir!"

Bradford's lips tightened.

"Call a briefing," Long Caster said.

Bradford looked back at him.

"Are you sure, Long Caster?" he said, clearly worried.

"Yeah, I am," Long Caster said, swinging off the bed through great force of will.

The Nordennavic camp was different. The camp was brighter than the wilderness, but there was nothing to do.

Oh, sure, there were the people trying to set up a school for all the refugees, but it wasn't very good; I found myself bored, and when I was bored I looked up, to where the night sky should've been.

That got me in trouble for disrespect and being disruptive.

Please. As if anything was going to compare to the invasion happening next door.

But I didn't care; I'd spend the detention that was supposed to be a punishment just looking up, like I always had. At night, after the sun went down, I scampered around the camp looking for a better viewpoint. No matter where I was, it was always an inky black; there was too much light pollution from the people on the ground.

That habit caused my parents no end of grief and terror; they thought that the Emmerians would take it out on us for looking vaguely Estovakian, but I don't think anyone else ever really noticed or cared. As far as they were concerned, we were refugees too, fleeing the Estovakians, and we looked sort of Emmerian. Was there anything else important?

I never really got it, to be honest. The obsession over which invisible line you're born in. I don't think I ever will.

My parents tell me that that attitude is going to be the new generation's light; whether it is illuminating or searing will be up to us.

Everyone, let's get to the briefing. Time is of the essence.

I'm sure you've heard rumors of the alien task force over the base. We are now confirming it, and confirming that you will be sortieing to intercept. Refueling tankers have already taken off west over the ocean, so in the case that we expect an interception in Sapin or even Osea, we can intercept the aliens there.

The alien force is the largest one yet, with an unknown ship class more massive than the six gun type by a significant amount and another unknown ship type that seems close to the alien fighters in profile. That being said, this force is also the most effective it's been. We can't tell you exactly how the aliens will deploy, because they're still changing their formation; however, it does seem to indicate that they will be in groups rather than one giant furball.

That being said, expect it to be one of the most intense aerial battles of your life, even after taking all of your life experiences into account. It is well worth remembering that there will be over a hundred aerial combatants in this battle, making it one of the largest aerial battles ever, in addition to the existing threat of alien fighters.

Your objective is, as always, to survive first, and worry about beating back the enemy second.

Mission Assets:
Strider 1 "Trigger": CFA-44 Nosferatu, MSL, GUN, ADMM*
Strider 2 "Count": F-22, MSL, GUN, QAAM
Strider 3 "Jaeger": F-15, MSL, GUN, QAAM
Strider 4 "Huxian": F-22, MSL, GUN, QAAM
Mobius One "Ribbon": CFA-44 Nosferatu, MSL, GUN, ADMM*
Mobius Two "Baker": Su-37, MSL, GUN, QAAM
Salamander 1 "Fat Man": F-35, MSL, GUN, QAAM
Salamander 4: F-35, MSL, GUN, QAAM
Razgriz 1 "Blaze": X-02A Wyvern, MSL, GUN, XLAA
Razgriz 2 "Captain": X-02A Wyvern, MSL, GUN, XLAA
Razgriz 3 "Pops": X-02A Wyvern, MSL, GUN, XLAA
Razgriz 4 "Archer": X-02A Wyvern, MSL, GUN, XLAA
Pixy: F-15, MSL, GUN, QAAM
Rigel 1: Su-33, MSL, GUN, QAAM
Rigel 4: Su-33, MSL, GUN, QAAM

There's one more Su-33 Flanker. Who do you vote to put in it, and which squadron do you assign them to?
[] [Flanker] Waltz 1
[] [Flanker] Waltz 2
[] [Flanker] Azdaha 1
[] [Flanker] Azdaha 2
[] [Flanker] Zvezda 1
[] [Flanker] Zvezda 2

Enemy Forces:

  • 6x Strike Group
    • 8x Alien Fighters
    • 1x Six-Gun Class
    • 1x Bulb Class
  • 3x Big Ship Group
    • 4x Alien Fighters
    • 1x UNKNOWN A
    • 4x UNKNOWN B
Engagement Location: Unknown

Sortie Long Caster?
[] [LC] Yes
[] [LC] No
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@huhYeahGoodPoint, several questions.

Are we the only ones who fill fight? No support from the normal air forces of Strangereal?

What is the OOB of XCOM Osea, Anea and Verusa?

So is this a second B7R? In terms of aircraft numbers?

Why are all normal planes lacking special weapons? No XMAA4 or somethong?

[X] [LC] Yes
[X] [Flanker] Waltz 1
-[X] Rigel Squadron
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