[X] Say that you understand perfectly what the Osea wants and promise to bring it up with Pulford ASAP to have it sorted out, but unfortunately with XCOM being a multinational organization you cannot be seen favoring any one nation directly while slighting others, like bagging down on a deal already made. After all, only few nations are showing the same level of support as Osea and XCOM cannot afford to lose the support it has managed to acquire outside of Osea. Of course, any extra favor that Osea might show XCOM from the goodness of their hearts would Long Casters position better and his voice more heard in XCOM. And show the rest of the world the power and influence of Osea.
[X] Say that you understand perfectly what the Osea wants and promise to bring it up with Pulford ASAP to have it sorted out, but unfortunately with XCOM being a multinational organization you cannot be seen favoring any one nation directly while slighting others, like bagging down on a deal already made. After all, only few nations are showing the same level of support as Osea and XCOM cannot afford to lose the support it has managed to acquire outside of Osea. Of course, any extra favor that Osea might show XCOM from the goodness of their hearts would Long Casters position better and his voice more heard in XCOM. And show the rest of the world the power and influence of Osea.
[X] Say that you understand perfectly what the Osea wants and promise to bring it up with Pulford ASAP to have it sorted out, but unfortunately with XCOM being a multinational organization you cannot be seen favoring any one nation directly while slighting others, like bagging down on a deal already made. After all, only few nations are showing the same level of support as Osea and XCOM cannot afford to lose the support it has managed to acquire outside of Osea. Of course, any extra favor that Osea might show XCOM from the goodness of their hearts would Long Casters position better and his voice more heard in XCOM. And show the rest of the world the power and influence of Osea.
[X] Say that you understand perfectly what the Osea wants and promise to bring it up with Pulford ASAP to have it sorted out, but unfortunately with XCOM being a multinational organization you cannot be seen favoring any one nation directly while slighting others, like bagging down on a deal already made. After all, only few nations are showing the same level of support as Osea and XCOM cannot afford to lose the support it has managed to acquire outside of Osea. Of course, any extra favor that Osea might show XCOM from the goodness of their hearts would Long Casters position better and his voice more heard in XCOM. And show the rest of the world the power and influence of Osea.
January 14th: Battle in the Boardroom, Dialectic
[X] Say that you understand perfectly what the Osea wants and promise to bring it up with Pulford ASAP to have it sorted out, but unfortunately with XCOM being a multinational organization you cannot be seen favoring any one nation directly while slighting others, like bagging down on a deal already made. After all, only few nations are showing the same level of support as Osea and XCOM cannot afford to lose the support it has managed to acquire outside of Osea. Of course, any extra favor that Osea might show XCOM from the goodness of their hearts would Long Casters position better and his voice more heard in XCOM. And show the rest of the world the power and influence of Osea.
1 Insightful for the "big" mistake with this vote, if you can catch it before I tell you what it is.

"Well, sir," Long Caster begins, attempting to bring his not-smile down, "I think there may be some room where we can cooperate."

"Oh? Tell me more," Goddard said, genuine pleasure bleeding into his tone.

"Well, sir, it is a well-known fact that Osea contributes the most to multinational efforts," Long Caster begins, "so I understand and sympathize with your position. In fact, just as a favor from friend to friend, I'll talk the whole thing over with Pulford, see if we can't get this whole thing sorted out," Long Caster said, channeling Goddard's disingenuous slime as hard as he could.

"Good, good," Goddard oozed.

"But our sourcing is a little bit trickier," Long Caster pivoted.

"Oh? How so?" Goddard said, suddenly sounding less pleased.

"It's not a matter of quality alone - if it was just about that, I think the two of us know where Osea stands on that," Long Caster said. "It's about politics - you know the kind."

"Ah, say no more, my friend," Goddard instantly replied.

"In fact," Long Caster yawned, "in fact, XCOM's a multinational organization, so we can't slight other nations by being seen as unfair in acquisitions. We, in the IUN and XCOM, can always, count, on Osean support," Long Caster said, fighting tiny yawns every step of the way, "but the, support, of, other, nations is more fleeting," he finished.

"I understand, I really do," Goddard said. "This week has been rough on us both, it appears," he chuckled.

"Regardless, while the XCOM cannot ask for more, ourselves, if Osea wanted to show off its might through its great charity, we might both be able to benefit," Long Caster said, feeling bile rise in his throat.

"Ah hah! I knew I liked you," Goddard said.

Silence filled the call, as Goddard tried to figure out what to say next and Long Caster worked on controlling his feeling of disgust.

"Well, good talk," Goddard said, "and I won't keep you from your precious sleep any longer. Good night."

"Good night," Long Caster said, immediately hearing the click.

Who hung up first, Long Caster didn't know, and didn't care to find out.

Long Caster suddenly woke up in the wee hours of the morning feeling like he had forgotten something very important - more than a slight disaster when his job was literally to identify and remember all airborne - wait, he was a base commander, not an AWACS anymore. And that meant...

Right, he had to hurry out of the meeting with Charlie!

Long Caster couldn't remember whether he said to go ahead with the project or not...

Eh. He could always say he slept on it and changed his mind.

[] [Charlie] No, continue working on cheapening 5th generation aircraft.
[] [Charlie] You have 10,000 IC. Get cracking on an aircraft for our needs.
[] [Charlie] You have a blank check. Impress me.

Long Caster suddenly spit out his coffee. For a moment, he stared at the spilled coffee in wordless horror; the coffee wasn't instant, merely made from a coffee machine, and his tastebuds interpreted that as black ambrosia. To spill it, when he could be called back in the air at anytime? That was an absolute tragedy.

Then his brain reengaged, and he rubbed his eyes before looking at the news report again.

Unfortunately, the message didn't fade.

Osea completes Special Project: Aerial Denial Superweapon Arsenal Bird Vigilance!
1 Insightful for the "big" mistake with this vote, if you can catch it before I tell you what it is.
...Fuck. What did I do!? What did I do!!!?
Long Caster suddenly spit out his coffee. For a moment, he stared at the spilled coffee in wordless horror; the coffee wasn't instant, merely made from a coffee machine, and his tastebuds interpreted that as black ambrosia. To spill it, when he could be called back in the air at anytime? That was an absolute tragedy.

Then his brain reengaged, and he rubbed his eyes before looking at the news report again.

Unfortunately, the message didn't fade.

Osea completes Special Project: Aerial Denial Superweapon Arsenal Bird Vigilance!
Well, it is good that we have such a weapon to combat the aliens. The bad is that this is more than likely make Osea think even more that they can deal with the aliens without XCOM.

...Wait, was that what Goddard wanted us to undo? Our claim on the space elevator when we chose it as our base of operations?

[X] [Charlie] You have a blank check. Impress me.

Faster we can get those new planes, the better. Charlie did say that with blank check we should start seeing results within a week.
[X] [Charlie] No, continue working on cheapening 5th generation and superplane aircraft.
- [Write in]: With particular emphasis on how much will they cost if all the stealth features were removed in favor of more maneuverability?

@huhYeahGoodPoint, is the write in addition valid?

Also, folks, I have a proposal for what we can do to make Grunder Industries bother XCOM less in the future.

I propose that we have Long Caster discuss with Pulford and Snow about discretely asking Grunder Industries, via Goddard so that the Grey Men and the Osean War fanatics don't suspect anything, to look into the feasibility of laser rifles and pistols with an eye towards purchasing them from Grunder. Grunder Industries IS the pioneer of lasers in Streangereal, no?

If Grunder Industries fail to deliver, at least we managed to distract them away from us for some time. If Grunder Industries succeeds, well we not only could buy additional laser rifles for our future ground teams but also have them armed with man portable EML's that we would be pursuing at the same time we send Grunder Industries on the laser goose chase.

What do you folks think?
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Also, folks, I have a proposal for what we can do to make Grunder Industries bother XCOM less in the future.
It is not Grunder that's bothering XCOM, but Osea. Goddard brought Grunder up because it is (now days) Osean company.

Also, as far as LC and everyone knows, Grey Men were defeated and disbanded in the conclusion of Circum-Pacific War.
It is not Grunder that's bothering XCOM, but Osea. Goddard brought Grunder up because it is (now days) Osean company.

Also, as far as LC and everyone knows, Grey Men were defeated and disbanded in the conclusion of Circum-Pacific War.

Then this is to make Osea distracted, or to incite infighting between Army and Air Force war hawks. Anyways we really might need laser rifles in the future.

[X] [Charlie] No, continue working on cheapening 5th generation and superplane aircraft.
- [Write in]: With particular emphasis on how much will they cost if all the stealth features were removed in favor of more maneuverability?

As far as I can tell from the games (and a lot of fanfics), whatever sensor systems the ayy uses does not seem to be radar (or is a far better radar than what we have), so we should be fine without stealth. For now.
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[X] [Charlie] No, continue working on cheapening 5th generation aircraft.
- [Write in]: With particular emphasis on how much will they cost if all the stealth features were removed in favor of more maneuverability?

As far as I can tell from the games (and a lot of fanfics), whatever sensor systems the ayy uses does not seem to be radar (or is a far better radar than what we have), so we should be fine without stealth. For now.

I added "and superplane" to my plan. Just pointing it out.
Osea completes Special Project: Aerial Denial Superweapon Arsenal Bird Vigilance!
....Shit. It looks like we may have made Osea a little too overconfident here. We're going to have to find a way to reverse this.

[X] [Charlie] No, continue working on cheapening 5th generation aircraft.
- [Write in]: With particular emphasis on how much will they cost if all the stealth features were removed in favor of more maneuverability?
@huhYeahGoodPoint, a question.

Why did Osea make another Arsenal Bird mere months after an AI apocalypse almost destroyed the world as opposed to another Arkbird, which had humans manning the plane, especially when the aliens are so technologically advanced that its not implausible to think they could kill Streangereal AI and hack everything that used to be AI driven from all the way up there in their space ship?

Also, uh...is my change to my plan accepted and will be implemented come update time? The "and superplane" part?
[X] [Charlie] You have a blank check. Impress me.

Really, look at it this way; it'll be a purpose built anti-ayyy Gen 5 plane, even if its not super cheap; it'll be worth it, I feel.
Do remember that we were told that the original proposal of cheapening *all* Gen 5 aircraft was not going to bear fruit for a while yet. The question is, for how much longer would typical Gen 5 aircraft retain their relevance when that time comes?

EDIT: Ah shoot. I think I got a lead on what the 'big mistake' was. This line right here of our vote:
"Of course, any extra favor that Osea might show XCOM from the goodness of their hearts would Long Casters position better and his voice more heard in XCOM."
They're going to loan us that Arsenal Bird and force us to pay up on that promise aren't they?
EDIT2: Ok, probably not the Arsenal Bird. But the point still remains! We did dangle a promise in front of them, and if they bite we may just have a difficult choice on us.
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@huhYeahGoodPoint, a question.

Why did Osea make another Arsenal Bird mere months after an AI apocalypse almost destroyed the world as opposed to another Arkbird, which had humans manning the plane, especially when the aliens are so technologically advanced that its not implausible to think they could kill Streangereal AI and hack everything that used to be AI driven from all the way up there in their space ship?

Also, uh...is my change to my plan accepted and will be implemented come update time? The "and superplane" part?
What makes you think they started construction so late?

If it wins, sure. It's just...extra.

EDIT: Ah shoot. I think I got a lead on what the 'big mistake' was. This line right here of our vote:
"Of course, any extra favor that Osea might show XCOM from the goodness of their hearts would Long Casters position better and his voice more heard in XCOM."
They're going to loan us that Arsenal Bird and force us to pay up on that promise aren't they?
EDIT2: Ok, probably not the Arsenal Bird. But the point still remains! We did dangle a promise in front of them, and if they bite we may just have a difficult choice on us.
That's not quite it; for one, how would anyone enforce that?
Force was likely the wrong word; still, from what we told Goddard, if Osea gives us a decent enough 'donation', they'd be expecting some favors in return, yeah? Which would give us the choice of either saying no and upsetting one of our biggest supporters, or giving in and drawing the ire of basically everyone else. Especially Yuktobania, if I'm reading the political situation right.
Battle in the Boardroom, Response
If you're thinking the threadmarks look different, they are; I just changed the last threadmark title :V

Voting for Charlie's assignment is still open.

The barrage of following reports, however, significantly improved Long Caster's mood. Apparently in response to Osea's declaration that they had built yet another godforsaken Arsenal Bird, Yuktobania, Emmeria, the Federation of Central Usea, the Eastern Osean Mutual Self Defense Force, the IUN-PKF high commissioner, and nearly every other party to the IUN tripped over themselves in their rush to announce their support of the expansion to IUN-PKF Extraterrestrial Command's authority, giving their own IUN-PKF-XCOM branches near total control over all spaceborne military assets over their own space, along with control of the space above international waters.

Technically, Bradford informed Long Caster with his best shit-eating grin, technically the definition of all uncharted space as "international waters" meant that the IUN-PKF-XCOM had absolute control of military hardware in the orbitals. Technically they would absolutely be in the right to sail armed satellites over Osean outer space. Buuuut Osea apparently was insistent to voice their own support, so IUN-PKF-XCOM would have to content itself with merely effectively controlling every single speck of space above literally everywhere over the globe except for Osea's internationally recognized boundaries.

Long Caster could only give something between half a grimace and a smile in response - he was - no, had been - an Osean soldier, even if he had a lot of reasons to disagree with the current political leadership.

Still, he'd take whatever victories he could.

The other news that Bradford had to deliver was a lot less optimistic; while the IUN had agreed to merge more branches to the IUN-PKF-XCOM, in Bradford's opinion, it looked like the primary reason for doing so with the Usean air forces was because there was an absolutely critical lack of pilots - the Lighthouse War's opening phases, just before the LRSSG took the field, was absolutely devastating to the IUN's forces, and the IUN hadn't received the support they needed to recover from the aggressive, nearly-suicidal probing attacks during the opening phase of the war. The nature of said suicidal probing attacks generally meant that pilot recovery was significantly worse than expected; the previous war had taught Oseans and by extension the IUN that air rescue was fairly reliable, but the era of drone warfare had quite evidently put paid to that. The deep-strike doctrine then adopted by the Osean Army - sorry, "Self-Defense Force" - generally meant that pilots behind enemy lines couldn't be picked up for fear that operational tempo would slow down, so the end result was that the IUN's Usean air forces had few planes and fewer pilots.

This was...a negative and a boon, considering XCOM USEA had nearly twenty-one pilots and only eleven planes.

On the plus side, the relative proximity to the drone-controlled zone to the forward base ensured that most of the logistical assets, including the support crews for said logistics, were in good shape - somewhere Long Caster could hear Daniel Snow's voice saying "so they're dogshit then," even though Long Caster knew that Daniel Snow was logically nowhere near the building. Moreover, Fort Greys Island Air Base was being slated for a transfer over to XCOM USEA's command, and that would plug a very big hole in the current defensive network against the aliens.

Well, in any case, it wasn't information Long Caster could use at first; Bradford sheepishly admitted after some prodding that technically none of the paperwork had gone through yet; these were all preliminary bits of information and nothing was really signed, but it was what could be expected.

Long Caster shrugged, and set about making another coffee.

Dammit, he really liked that coffee. At least the breakfast bagel sandwich was okay.

When Long Caster reported to Pulford's office to report, he was confronted with a certain image.

On Stephen Pulford's desk, a man of proud North Point tea-drinking heritage, the French press was nowhere to be seen. What was seen was the heater, and a heap of instant coffee packets carelessly ripped open, as Stephen Pulford mechanically ripped another packet and poured it straight into a cup of boiling black tar.

"Sir?" Long Caster asked, hesitantly.

"Oh, don't you be such a prickler about this. Yes, I am from North Point, and yes I enjoy a good cup of grey, but I understand the necessity of extremely strong beverages in times of great need, and I find myself in need of that," Pulford snapped, eyes blinking open and shut rapidly.

Then Long Caster smelled the coffee and felt faintly worried. It was the smell of coffee, but instead of diluted as a normal cup might be, instead it was concentrated into a physical assault on his nose, the sheer overpowering strength of the mix exceeding anything he had ever had the displeasure of smelling. This included that back-alley dive that turned out to mostly be food-poisoning central, that Huxian's friend recommended.

Stephen Pulford took it off the heater and threw back a huge gulp.

"Sir, how are you even...drinking that?" Long Caster said, faintly horrified.

Pulford took a slow look at the cup, intently drilling a hole where the mixture was attempting to corrode its way out of its delicate ceramic container.

"I suppose I can only tolerate it because my hatred exceeds the hatred of this liquid," he finally said. After a few more swills, he stopped looking at the cup and instantly bored straight into Long Caster's eyes.

"Long Caster, report," the baleful eyes issued.

[] [Pulford] What do you report to Pulford?

I'll answer the question of what it was next update or so.

At the end of the day, however, Long Caster found himself staring at even more bad news, probably courtesy of the Osean Arsenal Bird. Damn were those things just bad news all around.

Large concentration of alien craft assembling in orbit. Estimated number: 100+. At least two new classes of -

Then the message hit again. It was unmistakable.

Under Thought Weakness Not Enough

Long Caster's gut dropped. Somehow, though, he forced himself to read to the end of the report.

vessels. One the size of other fighters, another larger than the six-gun class. Three of the large unknown alien craft confirmed, size of force and intent unclear at present moment. Monitoring will continue.
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The barrage of following reports, however, significantly improved Long Caster's mood. Apparently in response to Osea's declaration that they had built yet another godforsaken Arsenal Bird, Yuktobania, Emmeria, the Federation of Central Usea, the Eastern Osean Mutual Self Defense Force, the IUN-PKF high commissioner, and nearly every other party to the IUN tripped over themselves in their rush to announce their support of the expansion to IUN-PKF Extraterrestrial Command's authority, giving their own IUN-PKF-XCOM branches near total control over all spaceborne military assets over their own space, along with control of the space above international waters.
That is good to hear.
But Osea apparently was insistent to voice their own support, so IUN-PKF-XCOM would have to content itself with merely effectively controlling every single speck of space above literally everywhere over the globe except for Osea's internationally recognized boundaries.
Then Long Caster smelled the coffee and felt faintly worried. It was the smell of coffee, but instead of diluted as a normal cup might be, instead it was concentrated into a physical assault on his nose, the sheer overpowering strength of the mix exceeding anything he had ever had the displeasure of smelling. This included that back-alley dive that turned out to mostly be food-poisoning central, that Huxian's friend recommended.
That is a drink of a really strong man. Or just really stubborn.
Large concentration of alien craft assembling in orbit. Estimated number: 100+. At least two new classes of -

Then the message hit again. It was unmistakable.

Under Thought Weakness Not Enough

Long Caster's gut dropped. Somehow, though, he forced himself to read to the end of the report.

vessels. One the size of other fighters, another larger than the six-gun class. Three of the large unknown alien craft confirmed, size of force and intent unclear at present moment. Monitoring will continue.
Guess the aliens realized they've underestimated us. Shit.

[X] [Pulford] Tell him all that happened, including your conversation with Goddard. No reason to beat around the bush.