[x] Five I-Class Destroyers
[x] Five Ro-Class Destroyers
[x] Ten Minesweepers
[x] Scout with a destroyer division: 2x Ro-Class, 2x I-Class
[x] Everyone else gathers resources, including the ones fresh off of construction.
--- [x] Once the destroyer division is done scouting, have them gather resources too.
More units = more resources. For now most of the building upgrades don't have any payoff while the units do. It also expands the amount of actions we can do since we can also absorb some extra losses.
You can only build several ships at the same time if, adding their sizes together, you're not above the shipyard size. The only exception is building a
single ship that is too large for the shipyard to handle, in which case it take twice as long.
So, basically, with your build plan, only seven ships would finished during this turn.
@Bki - Does our base generate any income naturally and does it also have any defenses? If not, then what are the requirements to build income buildings and defenses? On an unrelated note, what size and level is needed for a baby flattop (aka CVE)? Also what are the stats of the Minesweepers?
You really have the minimum available. I forgot about fixed defences, but you will be able to build some once you get the Workshop to build weapons.
I didn't put CVE on the build list yet, but this shall be fixed soon.
Can we Von Neumann it? Unit of destroyers brings enough to build unit of same strength. Until we exhaust easily available recourse nodes?
Above some point, sending more ships won't actually give any benefit. Unless they go farther and farther from the base, but then they're using more fuel.
It wouldn't be fun if you could Von Neumann your way into invincibility before even your first fight

Or Lvl 0 Factory limited to 1 destroyer/day?
Also, that, like I said earlier in this post. Well, it's not level 0 factory the problem, but size 1. Level = how good are the ships. Size = how many ships can you build at the same time.