Abyssal Quest (Kancolle) : No SV, you are the Water Demon

@Bki: What current base capacity and purpose of Wa-class transport?

[X] Shipyard improvement (+1 level, 200 fuel, 200 ammo, 1000 steel, 200 bauxite, one week)

[X] A group consisting of 1 I-class and 2 Ro-class destroyers are to scout our surroundings.
[X] All remaining ships are to Gather resources.
The Wa-class transport can transport more resources than other ships.

The base capacity is at 100. It's in the summary of your base in the second post, but I will edit the update to put it there, too.
I just realized something. We can potentially cut off Australia's supply line from the west. And if we follow Kancolle logic,South-East Asia and New Guinea is defenseless!(If no Abyssal already took them that is and/or the Australians shipgirls are not already defending them.)

What current base capacity and purpose of Wa-class transport?
Well,going by logic, for now,they can get more resources if we send them to Gather resources.
The Wa-class transport can transport more resources than other ships.
It's more of late-game option, where we have to manage multiple bases, or can be used to improve Gather Resources?

They're really mooks. Often not so much different from a mindless beast. And pretty stupid at that (but able to follow order, at the very least).
As per Scout option they are at least able to convey information?
They would be able to carry more resources, but you're right they will be a lot more useful when you have to send supplies to other bases.

You can understand them. Somehow.

Abyssal magic and all that.
Would it be possible to turn them into something like a boarding ship? You know it clamps down on an enemy ship girl and releases a stream of...whatever we use that can be compared to marines.
Hum... Something like that might be considered with an actual amphibious ship, but probably not a "regular" transport.

Were there even any boarding action during WW2? I can't think of any.
Were there even any boarding action during WW2? I can't think of any.
WE'LL START ONE!. In all seriousness though,I have no idea if the boarding plan is feasible. They bring guns to the fight so any close contact is almost impossible.
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Hum... Something like that might be considered with an actual amphibious ship, but probably not a "regular" transport.

Were there even any boarding action during WW2? I can't think of any.
Well there were several cases of ships being crippled and them boarded so that they can be captured in tact with all their valuable information. Plus I can see it being needed to capture a ship girl alive, possibly a successful boarding action would allow the boarders to assume direct control of the girl's body for a time but the combat effectiveness would drop.
So, I put the stats for the three classes of destroyers you have available. Unlike the game, the Ro-class isn't better than the I-class in every way. The I-class are slightly better in AA and ASW roles, while the Ro-class are better in surface combat. The differences aren't big now, but will be more pronounced.

Capacity correspond to how much they can transport at once.

As for weapons, it's just there base load-outs. We're not restricted by game mechanisms, so they can potentially carry what seems to be a standard destroyer load-out of four 5'' mounts, two torpedo mounts and a bunch of AA guns.

Once you get them, that is.
Capacity correspond to how much they can transport at once.
Capacity - 3 means that that destroyer can carry 3 units of resources? That means that we will be needing transports to gather any meaningful amount of resources. Or Gathering has such low yield, so that's enough?

By the way, are we limited to 6 ships per unit, or we can zerg swarm shipgirls with pure numbers?
Capacity - 3 means that that destroyer can carry 3 units of resources? That means that we will be needing transports to gather any meaningful amount of resources. Or Gathering has such low yield, so that's enough?

That's just an arbitrary number at the moment.

By the way, are we limited to 6 ships per unit, or we can zerg swarm shipgirls with pure numbers?

You're not limited to 6 ships per unit. Larger fleets will be easier to detect, though, and having too much abyssal in one may be source of collisions, friendly fires, and the like.
[x] Five I-Class Destroyers
[x] Five Ro-Class Destroyers
[x] Ten Minesweepers

[x] Scout with a destroyer division: 2x Ro-Class, 2x I-Class
[x] Everyone else gathers resources, including the ones fresh off of construction.
--- [x] Once the destroyer division is done scouting, have them gather resources too.

More units = more resources. For now most of the building upgrades don't have any payoff while the units do. It also expands the amount of actions we can do since we can also absorb some extra losses.
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Hum... Something like that might be considered with an actual amphibious ship, but probably not a "regular" transport.

Were there even any boarding action during WW2? I can't think of any.
I think some U-Boats were boarded.

As for the plan:
[X] Shipyard improvement (+1 level, 200 fuel, 200 ammo, 1000 steel, 200 bauxite, one week)

[X] A group consisting of 1 I-class and 2 Ro-class destroyers are to scout our surroundings.
[X] All remaining ships are to Gather resources.

It is sound for now. We should definitely focus on our wealth first with defense being the secondary priority. I don't think we'll face massive attacks early on, but it is better to be ready for such a thing.

We can work on our assault capabilities later. I'd say it's generally more sound to focus on defense and wealth to build up and strengthen your fleet before joining the fray.
Can we have an idea about how much is 'Low Gains' and 'Medium Risk' and stuff?

Like is 'Low Gains' or 'Minimal Gains' mean like... 100-200 of all stats? Or is it like 1d4 = that resource get's 1d100 + 100? or something?
And will these be relative to our current forces? Like does 'Medium Risk' mean there's a 50/50 chance of success with our current forces or does it mean there's like 3 Ship Girls there.
Well, for the gather resources option, for example, it's going around looking for things which can be useful, or which can be converted into something useful through Abyssal Magic™. That can be a wreck that is relatively easily accessible by your destroyers for example.

Exactly how much, I'm still fine-tuning it, but without counting the point above which additional abyssal are just getting in the way (or the point you already harvested what was easily available), you can count on a few dozens of total resources per ship and per day. Most of it will be steel, with some fuel and ammo and a small amount of bauxite.

Convoy raiding would be finding some human shipping, and possibly dragging back some part of the ships or of its cargo. If those ships are escorted (and there are fair chances they are), your troops will have to fight or find an easier target. Whether you will find shipgirls... Well you have no idea. You know it's relatively recently thing, but not how fast and how far its spread, or who were the first doing it...

Let's say you didn't get the best news on what happened in the world of the livings...
We can work on our assault capabilities later. I'd say it's generally more sound to focus on defense and wealth to build up and strengthen your fleet before joining the fray.

@Bki - Does our base generate any income naturally and does it also have any defenses? If not, then what are the requirements to build income buildings and defenses? On an unrelated note, what size and level is needed for a baby flattop (aka CVE)? Also what are the stats of the Minesweepers?


The thing about more units is that they do equal more wealth and defenses. Right now, assuming we use all of our destroyers for resource gathering, we have a capacity for 18 units total. Since the common plan needs them to scout, this cuts our total capacity by half to 9 total. This reduces our resource income significantly and this will impact our future operations down the line. Plus, the main benefit of having access to new ships will be wasted since we won't have the steel, or the income, for new ships.

When the construction time of destroyers is taken into consideration, then even with my plan of using four destroyers to scout is not as disastrous since by the end of day 1, our resource gathering capacity is right back to where it would be in the other plans. By day 4, total capacity will have doubled to 18 units total. By day 7 there will be seven destroyers built in total. This means that our total resource capacity will have tripled in comparison to other plans by the end of the week. In addition to increasing our resource income, they will also help base security by being able to detect and engage enemy forces farther away from the base.
a few dozens of total resources per ship and per day.
Can we Von Neumann it? Unit of destroyers brings enough to build unit of same strength. Until we exhaust easily available recourse nodes?

Let's say one destroyer brings 30 units of resources on average with 15 steel, 7 ammo and fuel and 1 bauxite.
Recourse-gathering group of five brings enough to build new destroyer in a day.
In five days we have a second group
In 3 after - third
in 2 after - fourth
In 10-11 days we can pump units of 5 destroyers daily.

Or Lvl 0 Factory limited to 1 destroyer/day?
[x] Five I-Class Destroyers
[x] Five Ro-Class Destroyers
[x] Ten Minesweepers

[x] Scout with a destroyer division: 2x Ro-Class, 2x I-Class
[x] Everyone else gathers resources, including the ones fresh off of construction.
--- [x] Once the destroyer division is done scouting, have them gather resources too.

More units = more resources. For now most of the building upgrades don't have any payoff while the units do. It also expands the amount of actions we can do since we can also absorb some extra losses.

You can only build several ships at the same time if, adding their sizes together, you're not above the shipyard size. The only exception is building a single ship that is too large for the shipyard to handle, in which case it take twice as long.

So, basically, with your build plan, only seven ships would finished during this turn.

@Bki - Does our base generate any income naturally and does it also have any defenses? If not, then what are the requirements to build income buildings and defenses? On an unrelated note, what size and level is needed for a baby flattop (aka CVE)? Also what are the stats of the Minesweepers?

You really have the minimum available. I forgot about fixed defences, but you will be able to build some once you get the Workshop to build weapons.

I didn't put CVE on the build list yet, but this shall be fixed soon.

Can we Von Neumann it? Unit of destroyers brings enough to build unit of same strength. Until we exhaust easily available recourse nodes?

Above some point, sending more ships won't actually give any benefit. Unless they go farther and farther from the base, but then they're using more fuel.

It wouldn't be fun if you could Von Neumann your way into invincibility before even your first fight :).

Or Lvl 0 Factory limited to 1 destroyer/day?

Also, that, like I said earlier in this post. Well, it's not level 0 factory the problem, but size 1. Level = how good are the ships. Size = how many ships can you build at the same time.
Above some point, sending more ships won't actually give any benefit. Unless they go farther and farther from the base, but then they're using more fuel.
As i understand, Recourse Gathering is low-hanging fruit. We collect scrap that lies in some radius around our base, if we want more - we need to go father. Will scouting map out where is most cost-effective to collect resources, so we know that sending group to area A will cost X fuel and sending group to area B will cost Y fuel and each such node (may) brings X amount of resources - proportionally to amount of ships we send (but effectiveness drops after N ships).

Also, if we need to build a body, what we are now? Disembodied spirit?
As i understand, Recourse Gathering is low-hanging fruit. We collect scrap that lies in some radius around our base, if we want more - we need to go father. Will scouting map out where is most cost-effective to collect resources, so we know that sending group to area A will cost X fuel and sending group to area B will cost Y fuel and each such node (may) brings X amount of resources - proportionally to amount of ships we send (but effectiveness drops after N ships).

More or less.

As for scouting... Maybe. It will be more focused on potential threat, targets, and area of interest. You may write-in a scouting action focused on searching for resources, though (which would give a higher efficiency to resource gathering, but as such deplete the area faster).

Also, if we need to build a body, what we are now? Disembodied spirit?


Name : ???
Class : Disembodied spirit (Carrier)


Also what are the stats of the Minesweepers?

I forgot to answer that one. Basically, similar to destroyer but with less offensive abilities. Will add stats for them later.
One more question: Do we have/can build high+ frequency radio station to intercept non-encoded transmissions?