We can't have that happening, can we? *Diabolical laughter*Relations between Japan and Korea and China are at the highest since... well, probably ever. There's a fair amount of reasons for that. The sea of Japan and yellow sea being the only two reasonably safe body of water in the area mean Japan had to play nice with those controlling her supply lines. The common, hopeless struggle of their navies against the abyssal threat certainly helped a lot, too. And now the Japanese shipgirls are earning quite a bit of goodwill what with being basically the only line of defence.
1. We're too far away for that.*looks around at other members of THE HIVEMIND*
I don't know what everybody else thinks, but I don't see a China in the post-war future. Mostly because I intend to have our units start shelling them for being despicable even by human standards.
We're the worst kind of villain: an idealistic one!
Noob question, what's TGG?
If I had to guess, I'd say The Greatest Generation.
I do wonder, where is the current death toll of the Abyssal war roughly at? My estimation would be at least triple digit millions. After all, this is, for those squishy humans, an unprecedented catastrophe.
For TGG we came up with a figure of at the very least 1 billion dead from the war and everything it brought with it. By the way, that figure might see a correction to more than 2 billion (of ~2030s ~9billion)
I think there's upward of 70% of the total chinese population in the eastern coastal part of the country. Massive bombing campaigns there will reduce the Dragon to a dragonewt. The strip of land where many people live is mostly within range of our aircraft. Flight from there would lead into either mountainous or steppe terrains, both not suited to take an influx of dozens of millions of people.
Anyway, the powers we really need to keep an eye out for is the US, followed by Japan, Britain (and the Commonwealth) and lastly France, Germany and Italy.
^What he said
Well, there are a lot of small island nations in the Pacific and some in the Atlantic/Indian Ocean. Those are most likely almost completely wiped off the map. Maledives and such.Good question...
At the moment (after a bit more than a year at war) if we count only those killed as a direct results of abyssal actions (including collateral damages during the Humans counter-offensives), we're definitely above the two digits millions, but unlikely to be in the hundred of millions.
Part of the reason is the different goals and methods of the various leaders. Also, because even the most murderous among them won't launch gratuitous attack upon civilians targets (if there's a good strategical reason, or at least what they perceive as one, it's a different story, of course). And obviously, people didn't stay in those coastal regions at risk of massive attacks.
When they capture an area, there tends to not be a lot survivors apart from those that fled on time, though. But Abyssal prefer (understandably) not taking territory which can be attacked by land, so that limit the amount of people slaughtered this way.
Now if we count the humanitarian disaster...
Things are Bad. It's maybe too soon for a whole billion people to have died already, but it's only a matter of time until it reach that point.
Places like Indonesia, Oz, or the Philippines are incredibly fucked.
Russia says "Hi!"
Yeah, but pipelines don't construct themselves overnight, especially the long ones you'll need to reach India.
Well, there Norway oil platforms. If European fleet can protect them..Also, Europe will be very, very happy to buy all the Oil Russia can deliver.
Well, that pipeline definitely would need several more. We're talking about 1 pipeline pumping enough oil to satisfy the hunger of a country of 1,3 billion people in India alone. Still, it's a good starting point.Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India Pipeline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well, there Norway oil platforms. If European fleet can protect them..
Well, there are a lot of small island nations in the Pacific and some in the Atlantic/Indian Ocean. Those are most likely almost completely wiped off the map. Maledives and such.
Oz might be a bit better off. Mind you, they most likely will have to resort to only home-grown food for the time being, but I'd think they'd manage. Fuel will likely be their biggest problem. I'm more concerned about NZ, I remember someone from NZ saying that in case of abyssal war, NZ might well face a famine.
Also, even if there weren't big assaults geared towards bombing whatever is in coastal regions, nations like India and China as well as anything in SE-Asia will have been hit incredibly hard and will have millions of refugees crushing whatever infrastructure there once was. Famines are extremely likely to begin, too. I would be surprised if Abyssals didn't take out at least some of the larger civilian ports and harbors, not just military ones.
And, well, looking at big harbor cities like Lagos (oil shipping from Nigeria), Mumbay (large breakers and generally a big harbor), Shanghai (one of China's biggest towns) getting destroyed there would be a crippling effect on these countries' economies. Suddenly their maritime trade grinds to a halt.
Maritime trade is basically THE way to trade, anything else is hard pressed to match the sheer volume of a single large freighter. Aircraft? 400 tons. Trains - some thousand tons. Reliant on an extensive railway network. Trucks - 40 or 60 tons. Large freighters - 100.000 tons at the lower end. To put it in easily understood pictures, you can load 4 fully-loaded Iowas and fully loaded Yamato and Musashi on the biggest freighter and still add Bismarck for a whooping 400.000 tons. Them being bulky basically the only thing that hinders you. If you find a way to stack them, you can put every single one of the 175 Fletcher-class destroyers on one ship. Without maritime trade, useful stuff like the kilotons of fertilizers you need no longer come your way. Without maritime trade, fuel can no longer be easily shipped to where it's needed. India and China need Oil, badly. Farming will suffer badly due to the lack of fertilizer, especially in countries that rely on them as they don't have that much arable land. And, well, export nations are boned, too.
tl;dr: The almost complete collaps of maritime trade would hit the world on a horrible scale. Unemployment, refugee crises, famines, diseases, economies crashing worse than 1929/2008, civil wars and so on. And that is without a single harbor getting attacked, only trade ships and warships getting sunk everywhere. If harbor bombings get added, the whole crisis will gain an order of magnitude, easily.
Well, that pipeline definitely would need several more. We're talking about 1 pipeline pumping enough oil to satisfy the hunger of a country of 1,3 billion people in India alone. Still, it's a good starting point.
Norway's and England's oil platforms will sink in the opening stages, on that I'd bet good money. Most European fleets are rather small these days, the abyssals would easily make mincemeat out of them. And until shipgirls are a thing, those platforms are long sunk.
Norway's and England's oil platforms will sink in the opening stages, on that I'd bet good money. Most European fleets are rather small these days, the abyssals would easily make mincemeat out of them. And until shipgirls are a thing, those platforms are long sunk.
Depends on mindset of Abyssals, i say.Depend on how much ground works the abyssals who attacked that area did beforehand. Though oil platforms would be unpractical to defend anyway, so if they weren't blown up in the opening stage, they probably are by now (or potentially captured).
Yeah, I can see that. And honestly, it won't be pretty.When I say the casualties haven't reached the billion yet, it's because a good amount of those are still not finished in the "dying" part.
1. We're too far away for that.
2. You do know that the most we can do is bomb the coastal areas. Have you seen the size of the country?
At least you have the possibility to get shipgirls. My place had/has 0 warships, I'm already dead from the abyssal attacck or will be dead during the refugee crisis.(By the way, France is rather screwed since there are well positioned islands to interdict all their naval bases and also other military significant ports... I hope alternate-universe me wasn't at home)
Singapore is screwed. It's an island and located near one of the most important trading lanes in the world (70% of China's oil import pass near it). Heck, anyone near the the Straits of Malacca,Lombok or Sunda is screwed.I didn't mention NZ, but I was thinking about them when considering the totally screwed country. Especially since they don't have the advantage of a relatively safe sea and short trade routes (compared to say Japan, or the UK).
Noted. However,Don't be silly, you can't have humans living miles away from the ocean, they'd dry up like shriveled figs! And where would they get all of the fuel they need? It's not like it just springs up out of the ground, and transporting that much would be prohibitively expensive, even with a humans much smaller size.
On that point, under the assumption that abyssals happens after all these terrorist stuff, what happens to the groups?
I don't know. I can't imagine literally any ship but maybe one liking them in any way, so they probably get a lot of literal flak, but everybody has bigger fish to fry soooooooo... huh, you know? They're probably not doing too badly, considering that they get by mostly on looting and murder instead of trade and nobody important has the time to stop them.On that point, under the assumption that abyssals happens after all these terrorist stuff, what happens to the groups?
My bet: lots and lots of anti-ship missiles (initally) and howitzers, plus strategic bombers. B-52s at least, plus escorts. Of course, those would be hard to replace. Our industrial complex has yet to fully get off it's ass by this point, and it'll be at least another year or so before we start seeing full wartime production. Once that's up, the major cities will resemble WH40K, they'll be bristling with so many high-caliber guns.What sort of defences would US coastal cities have around two months after the beginning of the war?
For the first? The first bunkers with large artillery would currently be under construction. Most likely they'll try to have the artillery either sattellite or laser-guided, otherwise it's spray and pray. If they threw people at the problem, some vital cities may have actual fortifications, but I doubt it. Such large-scale construction isn't quick, especially when being bullt for reliability.What sort of defences would US coastal cities have around two months after the beginning of the war? Also, how they would adapt to the realization that missiles has a very hard time hitting abyssals (and abyssals planes)?
Hm... At early stages they can dust-off M163 VADS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia for AA defense.What sort of defences would US coastal cities have around two months after the beginning of the war? Also, how they would adapt to the realization that missiles has a very hard time hitting abyssals (and abyssals planes)?
The M163 uses a small, range-only radar, the AN/VPS-2, and an M61 optical lead-calculating sight. The system is suitable for night operations with the use of AN/PVS series night vision sights that can be mounted to the right side of the primary sight.