Spectral Waltz
Scatterbrained Writer
- Location
- Walking the Endless Corridors
I have been mentioned! I would need to study their faction in order to figure out where it is in order to actually make a decision one way or another, though.
Also, I had kinda really wanted to do the piratey faction idea I'd had even if I'd have to re-study to find where I was going to put my base...
Edit:And, just in general, 'picking up where so and so left off' isn't usually a super pleasant way to start a rp :|
Well... They're currently set up in Drake passage, the easternmost point of the Pacific ocean at the bottom right corner of the map.
IC how is such a change explained?
A sudden epiphany followed by turning over a new leaf?
However the new player wants within reason, though given it's so early in the game I'm prepared to allow for a fair bit. Slaughtering Depths hasn't been characterized to a huge amount (not a dig at Forgotton, just pointing it out) so there's a lot of room for someone to take what's there and reshape it in terms of personality and such.
I don't know about moving the base or anything like that but I'll see what I can do. My interest is in keeping the RP running, so if grub decides they aren't interested I'll put up some posts to see if anyone else would like to take the spot and run them as a GMPC faction in the mean time.