Abstergo Bay (Worm/Assassin's Creed)

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{I'll let you vote on that, even knowing WSR will probably be the only one with a plan. Meanwhile.}
Jane Birkham is guarded at almost every moment in the day. She sleeps with every door and window locked and three guards outside her bedroom door. Three different guards stand outside her bathroom when she showers. She never drives anywhere alone. Even in her own office building she's always surrounded by security.

The only time she's been alone in the week you've watched her is in the bathroom in her office. Even then, you'd have to get through security to get there. You're not completely sure of your aim, but you could probably hit her with a dart from a rooftop across the street. Project Watch_Dog might be able to cause her computer to explode, though you're not exactly sure how yet. You could also talk your way in. Fighting your way in is out of the equation.

Of course, you're not even sure you want to kill her. Lisa's still looking into the hacker collective, Erudito. Guy hasn't gotten back to you. You're not sure you trust Colfax; whatever his objective is, it's aligned with yours so far, but you don't know if that'll hold up. So far, from your observation, she's definitely ruthless, clearly a Templar; but you're not an Assassin, so the Templars are only your enemies so long as they hold sway over your home.

You're sure of that now, though. No matter what else you do, you're going to free Brockton Bay from the gangs and Abstergo. Or die. Whichever comes first, really. Accepting the danger is necessary or you wouldn't have the conviction.

While you sit in thought at a restaurant across the street from Abstergo's temporary office building, you fail to notice someone sitting down until they're there. You recognize her a moment later - the girl Chris was meeting before you recruited him. She speaks first.

"Hello, Zaki."

"Hello. Who are you?" You tilt your head slightly as she smiles.

"My name is Veldern Ystl. You and I have a mutual acquaintance in a young man named Colfax. You have also recruited one of my former coworkers." Chris. "I've come on behalf of my boss, Andrew Richter."
Hey, look, a second person from Merrowport.
You raise one eyebrow and wave the waiter away. "What does he want with me?"

"To put it simply? He wants to hire you." Both of your eyebrows raise at this. "You're forming an organization of some power. He recognizes the Assassin mentality of your organization. I've been sent to ascertain your willingness to spread this mentality throughout North America, starting here on the eastern seaboard." She raises her hand to cut off your response. "Don't answer now."

She waits while a group of teenagers walk past, one of them staring directly at you. "Even if you decide you only want to free Brockton Bay, Mr. Richter is willing to supply you with chemicals, electronics, and other parts that you likely otherwise wouldn't be able to get. He wants your respnse to that offer within the next day or so, but the other offer is one he'd rather you thought long and hard about."

You nod. "I'll ask my friends what they think first. How do I contact him?"

She smiles. "Just call Dragon Industries and tell them that Orcus is calling. They'll connect you either directly to Mr. Richter or to his daughter. Either of them can take your response."
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Nothing to strength at all? Even if we don't want to get into a fair fight, Murphy isn't going to care what we want.

If we're in a fair-fight, one that we can't win using explosives, project watch_dog, or our allies, we're fucked anyway and STR probably won't help.

And we most likely fucked up big time to get into such a situation.
I still think completely neglecting STR will bite us in the arse someday.

[X] WarpObscura Stat Plan 1.0
--[x] 1 Point to STR
--[X] 4 Points to INT
--[X] 2 Points to DEX
--[X] 4 Points to CHA
{Stats are updated: STR3 DEX6 INT7 CHA7. Sean has a reply for you...}

If Jane is in Brockton Bay, I'll send an Assassin to take care of her.
She's a necessary target for us.
I wouldn't recommend you go after her without serious preparation.
Some crowd control method especially. Nonlethal, preferably.
We try not to kill anyone but our target on assassination runs.

If you think of a good plan, run it by me.
I know you're smart, Orcus, and you've got a good team so far.
Let's see if you can make a plan good enough that I won't send anyone to clean up.

[] Plan to kill Jane Birkham
-[] Allies are doing what, when?
--[] Is Chris building any of your new plans? (Character Sheet)
-[] Resources to take with you
-[] Escape plan (generalised)

Let's see what you can do for your first real Assassination.

Jane's office is on the fourth floor of a four floor building. She has guards accompanying her everywhere except into the bathroom in her office. Entrances to the office include the hallway, which requires passing through several layers of security, the window, which requires scaling the wall, and the balcony, which has two guards on it but is easily accessed from the building across the street.

During her lunch break, she leaves the window directly behind her desk open while she eats. If you can get a good shot through the window without breaking it, you could kill her before any of the guards even know you're there. It's also possible to overload the power lines to her office, but someone's gonna notice that.

Entrances and Difficulties:
-Hallway: CHA or Stealth roll. Lisa provides bonus to CHA, up to a +10 max on a d50 roll. Difficulty 50.
-Windows, Closed: Free Running roll. Difficulty 50.Difficulty w/The Flow active: 25.
-Windows, Open: DEX roll. Difficulty 30.
-Balcony: STR or DEX roll. Difficulty 50 (STR) or 30 (DEX)

Every entrance requires a roll of d(Difficulty)+(Stat). So Balcony, DEX, however you write it as a DEX entry, would be d30+6. If your roll is equal to 1/2 the difficulty, you succeed.​
Are the doors to her office wired to a security system?

Do they contract out IT, maintenance, or other things?

Do we have a map of the interior? Do they have an internship program?

Do we have any allies inside of the corp?
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Of course. Why wouldn't they be?

Assume literally everything is set to make this as difficult as possible for you. Except your allies, who can make it easier.
OK, idea: We try to get her to invite us into the office for something, we use project watch_dog to crash her computer, blow out her lights or something else. Then pose as maintenance/IT and kill her quickly escaping though the balcony with an escape driver waiting for us.
Which of those plans can we actually build at the moment?
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Which of those plans can we actually build at the moment?

All of that is one, badly formatted, plan.


0. Arrange for escape vehicle

1. Get Maintenance/IT uniform and passes

2. Remotely blow out lights/BSOD computer

3. Lock Doors

4. Kill Jane

5. Escape from balcony

Nonono, by "plans" I meant stuff for Chris to build, as per RadioBaiBye's post, since I don't think he'll be much use in this Assassination.
Oh yeah, can he make a id spoofer, face-changer kit, or meta-material clothes?
He can make all four, though the gun won't have a silencer, as per AC games.

WSR, he makes modular weapons and armor, not spy gear.
And no, none of that could be built in his armor.

Your allies in general:
Lisa has 30 minutes of insight into one person at a time, but within those limits she's more bullshit than she was in canon.
Chris was explained a few lines ago.
Crystal has powerful lasers and decent forcefields. She's also the smartest person in your group before Lisa uses her power.
Colfax is a graffiti artist, football player (central midfield), and information broker. He also has a superpower, but since he's the main character for Merrowport, I'm keeping that a secret.
What types of darts will the dart gun be able to use? I know AC4 added sleep darts to the existing poison ones.

I'm a bit leery of the front entrance... "several layers of security" + "Assume literally everything is set to make this as difficult as possible for you." most likely means metal detectors, X-ray machines and stuff that can pick up the Hidden Blade or Glock even if we try to sneak them in under a disguise. I also doubt we'll be able to lure Jane to somewhere more conducive.

If we want to get Crystal in on the plan, is she likely to be able to take down the guards? Or is use of her powers something that will draw a lot of attention and thus should be avoided except as a last resort?
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Crystal is also known as Laserdream.
She's even more famous here than canon because she's the only part of New Wave still alive. Aisha was adopted by the Dallons but currently lives with Crystal and she was never part of New Wave.

The dart gun can use any dart you can get. Hunting, poison, sleeping, tranquiliser... Basically it's Shadow Stalker's crossbow but used by someone who isn't an asshole.
Hmm. So probably a Bad Idea as far as stealth is concerned... but may be useful as part of the escape if things go wrong.

@WSR I think we should get Chris to build the Dart Gun. And with the new info, do you still want to disguise and go in the front?
Nah, Its probably going to be easier to dart gun her though the window, or to remotely lock her in and then come from the balcony.
Chris has his power armor from the story. Remember, he's just Kid Win with knowledge of his specialty.
Lisa can talk her way past just about everyone.
Crystal's famous as hell. Bad idea for anything but support though, Abstergo wants her.
Colfax can provide distractions in the form of explosions or he can attack from a different direction, letting you slip in some other way.
If you really need help, Sean can send one or two actual Assassins.

I'm sure Vista's somewhere in the city, since she isn't a Ward.
Lung and the Yakuza are on your side, as well.

To be fair, this is one of the most difficult assassinations you could have gotten. The dice really didn't like you.
OK, there any gun stores in BB, that have rifles, by chance? Or could the Yakuza get us one on short notice?

It'd be easier then sneaking in, and unless she's got bulletproof glass..... Add in a decent perch.
While that would certainly kill her, it would also give away your location.
Cue running battle through BB.
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