Abstergo Bay (Worm/Assassin's Creed)

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-- Towers
-- Towers
-Ask others
-- Investigate Stefanov

Stefanov may not be a fan of Abstergo but I want to try and learn more about her before we commit to anything. We might also happen on something in the process.
Might as well bandwagon

-- Towers
-- Towers
-Ask others
-- Investigate Stefanov
{Having been stupid enough not to update the votes, I'm swapping the Boardwalk Towers for the Protectorate HQ towers, and skipping the dice rolls that would come with them normally. GM error, sorry. Works in your favor though.}

You send Chris to watch Stefanov for a few days, to get a sense of her routine. Your message to Guy Fawkes goes unanswered for almost a week, but he eventually sends you Abstergo's dossier on her. You choose not to ask how he got it. Lisa turns up quite a bit from her investigation as well. Crystal, now staying at the Captain's Hill safehouse, compiles all of this information and sets up a comm network; Chris built the communicators before he joined you, but he couldn't get them to work.

With a comm system operational, you take an afternoon to head through the docks, finding cell towers. They're mostly in out-of-the-way areas, and mostly in Yakuza territory. The word has spread already, though, that you're on Lung's side against Abstergo, so you get to the towers with minimal interference. They still take you longer than before.

You also take a day to head to the Protectorate's headquarters. Despite your two recent firefights with Abstergo, their allies don't seem to be too on edge. You're not arrested for stepping on the ferry, for instance. And while the towers are on the top floor, and thus normally out of your reach, you find an ally in Clockblocker. The joker of the Wards is fed up with Abstergo; you file that away for later and slip him your phone number. From what you can tell he thinks you were flirting with him.

By the end of the week, Crystal has finished compiling all the information you've recieved on Stefanov and the system administrator.
Age: 45
Security Clearance: Maximum
Leanings: Assassin [Send for Correction at End of Current Project]
Biography (Pertinent to Leanings): Stefanov joined Abstergo straight out of college, due to her work with VIDIC, WARREN (see file) on the Animus Project. Outside of Vidic, Stefanov has the most knowledge of the project.
Stefanov asked her son to test a prototype mobile Animus in June 2007. The project was greenlit by her superiors, and the Animus prototype was developed without Stefanov's input. When it failed, sending her son into a fit of hysteria, she blamed her superiors. It is worth noting that, after her son calmed down, he had forgotten his life in the present, all of his memories having been replaced by those of his ancestor. No testing has been authorized.
In 2010, Stefanov discovered CROSS, DANIEL (see file) and his kidnapping of two Assassins: MILES, DESMOND and MEULLER, HANNAH (see files). Despite not knowing of their Assassin status, she demanded they be released. She has threatened to release Templar secrets to Dragon, Inc., a known Assassin-affiliated company. No action has currently been taken; all actions are currently awaiting Templar approval.
If Stefanov is noted to be in contact with Assassins, Assassin affiliates, or other enemies of the Templar Order, she is to be dealt with immediately.

Guy_Fawkes32: In other words, she's almost completely on our side, but any open contact will see her killed. Stealth is the best approach, if you're going to. BE CAREFUL, Orcus. We want this one to slip through Abstergo's fingers.
Age: 25
Security Clearance: Templar
Leanings: Centered [Approach for Inner Circle at end of year]
Biography (Pertinent to Leanings): O'Donnell has an odd history with Abstergo. His family have been Assassins since Adam and Eve, but he decided to work for the Templars knowingly. It is unknown if he started as a mole, but at this time he is not. O'Donnell proved his loyalty to the Templars by killing his brother, though O'Donnell insists, and evidence agrees, that it was self-defence and not an attempt to prove anything.
O'Donnell has been given access to all of Abstergo's computer systems entirely due to never leaking information. It is unknown if this was intentional. He is currently considered a high-risk target for the Assassins, who have no other way into the Templar networks.
He currently has no strong leanings towards either the Templars or the Assassins, though an approach by either may persuade him to that side.

Guy_Fawkes32: This guy isn't being watched. He'll be easy to approach but hard to persuade. He isn't like the rest of the O'Donnell clan. Orcus, if you can get him, do it. Don't hurt him, though.
And, yes, Insight, I can hack your computer. I am that good.

{I can guarantee this are correct this time. You can't map the Protectorate HQ any further without a mole, so that's not available. You can map out up to 50% of Abstergo Offices, though.}

[] Downtown
-[] Action?

[] Uptown
-[] Action?

[] Captain's Hill
-[] Action?

[] Boardwalk
-[] Safehouse
-[] Other

[] Abstergo Offices
-[] Map (20% Complete)
-[] Safehouse
-[] Investigate
-[] Other

[] Protectorate HQ
-[] Safehouse
-[] Investigate
-[] Other

[] Docks
-[] Map (20% Complete)
-[] Safehouse
-[] Other

[] Tunnels
-[] Explore

Ask Others
-[] Help with what?

MISSIONS (Excludes All Other Votes):
[] The Animus Project
(Approach Stefanov; Write in how.)
[] Information Freeway (Approach O'Donnell)
[X] The Animus Project
--[X] Operation Loud and Proud
----[X] Try and get remote access to Stefanov's personal devices using project watch_dog when she is...
------[X] On a coffee run
------[X] At home
------[X] Running errands
----[X] Now using information of her habits
------[X] Setup a situation that requires evacuation of her to a public shelter
--------[X] Have your allies handle the details (Lisa, Colfax, etc.)
--------[X] Pull Stefanov into a corner
--------[X] Get info, talk, be awesome, etc.
[X] The Animus Project
--[X] Operation Loud and Proud
----[X] Try and get remote access to Stefanov's personal devices using project watch_dog when she is...
------[X] On a coffee run
------[X] At home
------[X] Running errands
----[X] Now using information of her habits
------[X] Setup a situation that requires evacuation of her to a public shelter
--------[X] Have your allies handle the details (Lisa, Colfax, etc.)
--------[X] Pull Stefanov into a corner
--------[X] Get info, talk, be awesome, etc.
[X] The Animus Project
--[X] Operation Loud and Proud
----[X] Try and get remote access to Stefanov's personal devices using project watch_dog when she is...
------[X] On a coffee run
------[X] At home
------[X] Running errands
----[X] Now using information of her habits
------[X] Setup a situation that requires evacuation of her to a public shelter
--------[X] Have your allies handle the details (Lisa, Colfax, etc.)
--------[X] Pull Stefanov into a corner
--------[X] Get info, talk, be awesome, etc.

((We've been getting by so far but I'm really hoping we get an additional bit of gear or Watch_dog programme soon))
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You spend a few days observing Bisera's home life.

She wakes up every morning at 5 A.M. exactly. The cameras in her bedroom, placed there by Abstergo, show her entering her bathroom at 6. She leaves the bathroom at 6:30, and exits the apartment building at 7. She leaves her balcony door unlocked, and spends exactly one minute every day staring at the lock. Her computer is similarly left unlocked, with an envelope placed next to the keyboard.

You're not sure if she knows she's being watched, but she certainly acts like she's leaving a message for someone. No one ever enters her apartment besides her, though.

She works for nine hours every day, and spends one hour in the gym afterwards. Her travel time from home to work and back each night is just under 30 minutes.

On the morning of February 7, just after 8 A.M., you climb the fire escape of the building next to Bisera's. The building is just taller that her balcony, so the jump is slightly easier for you to make, though the landing hurts like hell.

Your gloves cover your hand, just for the purpose of opening doors. You slip into her apartment and immediately head to her home office. There's something in her living room, but you decide to come back for it later.

The office is relatively Spartan. There's a plant in one corner, a picture of Bisera's son on the wall next to it. She has a filing cabinet recessed into the wall by her desk, but the drawers are all unmarked. The envelope is in its usual place, though being closer to it allows you to see the silver wording on the front. To the Assassins Watching Me.

So she did know. You pocket the envelope, reasoning it's safer to open it after Insight verifies it's safe. Then you sit at her computer.

The system she uses to organize her files is strange, but rather easy to understand. You copy everything related to genetic memory, Desmond, Hannah, and Warren. She has a few files on Daniel Cross, but you only take the one marked Psych Eval.

Putting the computer back into sleep mode, you spare a moment to check the cameras. There's no one coming directly, but the parked car that arrived after you makes you nervous.

You move into the living room quickly, grabbing the phone you saw on your first pass through, and leave the apartment quicker than you'd hoped. The climb back to street level is uninterrupted, but you watch the cameras just in case. You don't stop checking the cameras until you're safely on a bus out of the district. At some point while you were waiting for the bus, Abstergo agents entered Bisera's apartment and examined everything.

You text Lisa and Colfax, telling them both to meet you at the docks, near Lung's territory.

With Lung being on your side, you've spoken to him a few times. He's agreed to help you with a plan to get Bisera away from where her watchers can see. While he didn't immediately agree to the plan, citing a Yakuza rule not to get civilians involved, you eventually talked him into taking out the top of Abstergo's office tower. Colfax will be on the ground, setting off explosive charges on the building's supports. Lisa, meanwhile, will lead Bisera discreetly away from the rest of the group, along with a small contingent of other Animus Project workers. Knowing Lisa, she'll probably convince them that if they don't follow her the shelter will be too full or something.
While you wait for your meeting with Lung - free drinks and snacks provided - you hand Lisa the envelope. She spends a few minutes looking it over, running her hands along the bottom edge. "There's nothing dangerous in it. Something old, though. I can't tell what without opening it, but I'm pretty sure you'll want Mercurial to see it."

You nod, then take the envelope and walk a little bit away. When you slit the top of the envelope, you find a sheet much like the plans you've already found. From the diagrams, it's the gun that Mercurial said he needed. There's also a small note, reading "This was found in an Assassin ship in the bay. There was one other scroll recovered, but I couldn't find its current location. Hopefully you can."
Your plan goes into action on the 9th. It's perfect. Almost too perfect. Lisa manages to convince Bisera, all of her direct subordinates, and O'Donnell to evacuate to a secondary shelter along with several civilians.

Before the doors close, you slip inside. Once you're sure none of Bisera's watchers are in the shelter, you pull her to the back. She immediately leans in and whispers into your ear, "I know you're an Assassin."

You grin and whisper back, "Good. That makes this easier. I want your help, and I know you want something in return. Name it and we'll see if we can't do business."

She stares at you for a minute, long enough that you think she won't go for the deal, then sighs and hands you a slip of paper. "I have no idea if you can do this, but if you can, it'll free me to help you. If you'll excuse me."

As she walks away, you look at the note.

Kill Jane Birkham.

Well then.

{I could have actually described the bombing and Lung's attack and all that, but there's no real point. Also, Watch_Dog has upgraded, since you've completed all the Towers in the city. Check the character sheet for details.}

[] Approach O'Donnell while you're here. (Puts Animus Project on hold)
[] Leave O'Donnell until you have Bisera on your side.
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I might suggest thinking about this one.
Bisera runs the Animus Project, and she is constantly in communication with the Templar Grand Master.
O'Donnell is a system administrator, which means he's at bare minimum a good programmer, otherwise he wouldn't be able to set up and maintain the systems he administrates.

Templar information or programs, basically.
Has this Jane Birkham been mentioned before? I can't find any other mention of her.

"easy to approach but hard to persuade"... I don't like the sound of that. Going to wait on someone else to suggest a move first.
Jane is from the AC games. She was a friend of Warren Vidic's. In one of the e-mails in the first game she asked him out to lunch.

I just gave her a different role, like I did with Vidic.
[X] Plan Easy Does It
----[X] Look around the shelter for Jane Birkham
------[X] If She's in there see if you can isolate her
--------[X] Bathroom
--------[X] Dark Corner
--------[X] Anywhere quiet and out of site
-----------[X] Interrogate than kill her
------[X] If you can't pull her aside
--------[X] Follow her out of the shelter and pull her into an alley
-----------[X] Interrogate than kill her
-----[X] Install a backdoor/tap on O'Donnell's phone
--------[X] Have your allies look for...
-----------[X] Blackmail
-----------[X] Weak Points (Family, friends, lovers, etc.)
-----------[X] Hidden Agendas
-----------[X] Information on Abstergo's systems.
-----[X] Regroup outside the shelter
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Pick a minion to take over after the wiretap. If you're trying to get Bisera on your side you won't have time to recruit O'Donnell, which is why I split that vote the way I did.
On the other hand, if you send someone on the Information Freeway mission, you can do both at once.
The idea was that it was both a secondary objective, and not a full recruitment drive for O' Donnell, just a backdoor that you could install in a few seconds with watch_dog and have your allies dig though. I'll edit the plan to reflect this.
You show the note to Lisa, who agrees to look for Jane in the group she brought. Her power should make it rather simple. You also examine the room through your sight. You trust Lisa, but you need to make sure that you get the right person. Unfortunately, everyone in the room is blue. Jane isn't here. Lisa confirms this a few minutes later. You'll have to contact Guy Fawkes.

You walk through the room, telling anyone who asks that you're looking for your family. Instead, you walk around the whole room just to pass O'Donnell twice; the first time you pickpocket him for his phone. He doesn't notice, too wrapped up in a conversation with another I.T. guy.

Chris takes the phone and slips a chip in the SD card slot, since O'Donnell doesn't have an SD card. Once Chris verifies the wiretap as functional, you walk past O'Donnell for a second time, slipping the phone back in his pocket.

After a few hours of conversation between yourself and random civilians, the PRT finally unlocks the door. Someone at the front of the crowd shouts out, "Did you catch that dragon guy?"

The squad opening the door respond, "Unfortunately, Lung managed to elude the Protectorate. We're still not sure why he assaulted Abstergo's offices, but rest assured, we will catch him." A murmur ripples through the crowd. Clearly, they don't agree.

You walk out and meet Chris and Lisa in a cafe down the street. While you wait for Colfax to join you, you send a message to Guy, asking if he knows who Jane Birkham is. Knowing Guy, he;ll already know why you want to know.

Colfax heralds his approach by dropping a file on the desk. When you look up, he states, "Personnel files on Abstergo's top employees. CEO down to someone running a Project Cauldron. Guy in charge of that is Jonathon Costa-Brown. O'Donnell's in there, too. More than what your friend Guy and Lisa here found." Lisa bristles at the implied insult, but you set a hand on her shoulder. "I can't get stuff like this often; it cost me a hell of a lot of favors. It'll take me a long time to make up for this. Make it worth it, eh?" With that, he walks off.

What the hell does he do, anyways? You know Colfax is a cape name, you just can't find anything else on him.

Lisa grabs the files and starts digging through them immediately, passing the O'Donnell file to Chris, since he'll be handling that target. Eventually she finds a file marked BIRKHAM, JANE R. and hands it to you.

You skim the file. Apparently, Jane runs all of Abstergo's Brockton Bay operations, though there are people set to replace her in event of death. She's the one who set the watchmen on Bisera. She also authorized a plan to destroy Sol Invictus Orphanage due to its Assassin ties. The plan was to use Lung, making the Assassins think the Yakuza were attacking them and weakening both organizations at once, which explains why Lung hates Abstergo so much.

There are also a few operations against an organization called Erudito. Each of them mentions a sister operation in Chicago against an arm of Erudito called DedSec. You're not sure why this catches your eye; something about it seems off. You decide to look up Erudito and DedSec later.

Chris takes the O'Donnell file and leaves. Lisa leans closer to you. "So? You think she's worth killing?"

You sigh and close the file. "Honestly? I don't know. I'm not even sure how to tell. If Hana were still here, I'd ask her, but since we're on our own, we'll have to dig into this more. I'll start following Jane tomorrow. You... do what you do. Just don't get hurt."
REPORT: Insight, Parahuman
AGE: 18
DISPLAYED POWER: Able to focus on one person or object at a time, receiving a near-perfect insight into them. Cannot use this focus on multiple targets or for longer than 30 minutes at any given time. Chooses not to use focus whenever possible, though certain people and object, notably those related to Those Who Came Before trigger her focus involuntarily.
NOTABLE ANCESTORS: Abel, son of Adam and Eve, maternal. Henry Ford, paternal.

{Wanna vote on something? Your character sheet still has 11 stat points. Since you're going to start running into checks against those four stats, having them still at base is a good way to die.}
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{Without spoiling anything, can you tell us if it's better to max one stat ASAP or is it viable to keep them spread out evenly?}
Without spoiling anything?
You're a thief. Your choices will always have a better result if you aim for stealth. It's why your Stealth is currently 12 of 20. Now, that's not a stat you can modify with the points. Dexterity is, though.
I can say that there is a possible choice to kill Jane via a Dex roll, but with only 4 Dex you WILL die if you make it.
It's possible that Intelligence could help you with Project Watch_Dog. Strength is probably your least valued stat, given that you don't want to get into massive fights. Charisma has more to do with recruits. If you want to build an army...
[X] WSR Stat Plan 1.1
--[X] 5 Points to INT
--[X] 2 Points to DEX
--[X] 4 Points to CHA

INT is probably our most important stat, it makes it easier to work though all of the mysteries in character and it will give a boost to project watch_dog which is our most important field asset. An increase in DEX is good because it will most likely confer to a bonus to stats like Gunplay and Stealth. CHA is needed so we can recruit people and don't have to go though this quest solo.

[X] WarpObscura Stat Plan 1.0
--[x] 1 Point to STR
--[X] 4 Points to INT
--[X] 2 Points to DEX
--[X] 4 Points to CHA
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[X] WSR Stat Plan 1.0
--[X] 5 Points to INT
--[X] 2 Points to DEX
--[X] 3 Points to CHA

INT is probably our most important stat, it makes it easier to work though all of the mysteries in character and it will give a boost to project watch_dog which is our most important field asset. An increase in DEX is good because it will most likely confer to a bonus to stats like Gunplay and Stealth. CHA is needed so we can recruit people and don't have to go though this quest solo.
That's 10 points total. Are you saving that last one for something?
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