Less than 60 minutes. Vote could still go either way between prismatic and emerald, but Charcoal is a full 16 votes from taking the lead.
Prismatic : Anti-Sorcery fisticuffs, mimic genuine elemental effects of dragonblood anima banners instead of using illusions, good with materials sidereals are normally terrible with, Meditation and study on various different types of essence both exalted and not as part of training, can possess and hide inside objects.
Emerald : Time manipulation, loops, future vision, the works, though limited. Abstract thought and substance training. Mentor grace.
I favor Prismatic personally. Essence meditation and study appeals more than abstract thought and substance abuse, especially with Gazetteer's flare for describing interesting locations.funny thoughts like Grace pulling some of Ambraea's anima tricks and possessing her fancy new pen to avoid an uncomfortable conversation are also a motivation to pick it.