I had Maelstrom just dodging/stalling in my plan because I really don't want to put him in direct confrontation in the state he's in. Like, the Houndour is a good bit stronger than him and Maelstrom is at 2/3 Wounds. I'd much rather just have him stay on the defensive for a bit until Fang can come in and finish the Houndour.
[X] Plan K.I.S. (Keep It Simple)
-[X] Have Maelstrom barrage Houndour E in the side with Aqua Jet
-[X] Let Fang continue his Fang attack battle with Houndour D
Well, I figured all hell would be breaking loose. Poor Lily. We better make her stay at Veilstone as pleasant and refreshing as possible. Maybe Haru learned something useful for that at the Academy.
Violet too, really. Girl deserves some probs for grabing an infectious fireball like that.
[X] PLAN sharp Fang
[X]Maelstrom would dodge towards us using aqua-jet, making sure the houndour comes after him by using minimal movement. Meanwhile, Fang tries to thunder fang his enemy
[X]Once maelstrom is with us again, the fight is a team fight maelstrom+fang vs 1 or two houndours (depending if Fang K.Oed his earlier). Fang then has bonuses from at least his teamwork trait and should take the enemy down, helped by Maelstrom that could take the offensive again if necessary.
[X]if maelstrom has been too hurt by the poison by the time he got to us, : use a potion on him before getting him to get back into the fight with aqua-jet, and help Fang
I had Maelstrom just dodging/stalling in my plan because I really don't want to put him in direct confrontation in the state he's in. Like, the Houndour is a good bit stronger than him and Maelstrom is at 2/3 Wounds. I'd much rather just have him stay on the defensive for a bit until Fang can come in and finish the Houndour.
that why I specified to lure him to us slowly with minimal dodging movements. From Luxicato, if it thinks it can bite, it will try to. The trick is to not get out of reach, in wich case it will probably think about changing target.
Malestrom is a full rank below his opponent : however a full fight cannot be won by dodging, in this occurence we have a slightly better chance to succeed in dodging and luring than we have at just hitting. maybe it is not much a DC difference, but it is a little odd we can stack in our favor.
Helluva update. Lux, you're awesome. Almost as awesome as Alec
I think i like this plan the best:
[x] Plan Tackle
-[x] Fang use spark on Houndour D. Finish with a thunder fang.
-[x] Maelstrom aqua jet intoHoundour E. If the Houndour dodges use the aqua jet to come back to us.
[x] Plan Tackle
-[x] Fang use spark on Houndour D. Finish with a thunder fang.
-[x] Maelstrom aqua jet intoHoundour E. If the Houndour dodges use the aqua jet to come back to us.
I came up with the whole ''break off bite battle and hittem with spark" so I guess I gotta go for this one.
Those are my first words to the class. I was just here as a guest teacher for today, and I could already see that many students were not that invested into the class. Wich was surprising, coming from the future trainers some of them were probably.
« I'm Dr Lotaka, your teacher for the period. We will study pokemon … optimisation. Althought I do not like the term, it is sadly fitting enough. What we will do will mostly be about how to recognize abilities in a pokemon, and adapt what moves it learns in order to make it both powerful and full-blown. Never forget, you have not a basic 'to-do list' that comes with a pokemon's species : there are main paths, true, but you should always look after what will allow your pokemon to express itself in battle, what shows the most of its potential. It is the real road to success. »
With my last sentence, I see some students stirr a bit, visibly unimpressed. I then show off a badge box, filled with 4 badges. Only half of the ones in the region, but enough to show I have battle experience and know what I am speaking of.
« I did stop challenging the gym leaders to turn to science, but as you can see, I have had, if ever minimal, some experience of a trainer's life and needs. So, for start, I'll show you three pokemons, one by one. I'm waiting for your inputs and thoughts. »
And with that, I release the first pokemon.
Zigzagoon ♂
Rank: C+
Ability 1: Pick Up (easily find many things from the ground ... or your pockets)
Ability 2: Quick Feet (faster when induced with a status)
Trait 1: Huge potential (Can grow up to EX+ rank.)
Trait 2: Genetic Anomaly (cannot evolve) : soft fur, less protective
Trait 3: Crafty pest (can strategize on his own, but in very selfish ways)
Moves : Extreme Speed – Trick – Double Team – Odor Sleuth – Camouflage
« Is it .. a Zigzagoon, professor ? » The voice came from a young girl, tidied up a bit too much. She looks like the kind that decided to come here because she had the money and 'why not'. She seems pretty much taken aback and a bit disdainuous. I would just shrug her question away but today I AM her professor, so I should at least explain a bit, I suppose.
« Yet, it is a male Zigzagoon. Simple pokemons are the easiest for everyone to understand and seize up. However you were correct, I'd like to hear what you can say ABOUT him, aside from his species ? » The class chuckles a bit. I should not take it too far, but I like teasing and her look unnerves me. I pet the pokemon a bit, but already he is scanning everywhere, ears, nose and eyes frenetically moving.
« I, hu … It looks … odd. The fur is not as .. bristly as i'd expect. Looks pretty nervous too … ? » I smile : at least she tries, and I should not make fun of this students right away. Well, they aren't my students per se.
« Yes. This Zigzagoon is from an illegal hatching facility that the police has yet to find out. I got it in road 202, lost and alone. He was likely discarded because of this very fur. Unlike other Zigzagoons that use their bristly hair to mark trees, this one's is really soft, much like a cat's would be. By the way, he is not that stressed : Zigzagoons have extremely keen senses, and are easily distracted. This one is likely scanning all of you right now out of sheer curiosity. »
Another student, a burly man simply dressed, took his chance.
« Wouldn't such a fur be an hindrance to an already … weak pokemon ? » I grimace a bit : I do not like people speaking about suposedly weak pokemons, but he made a good point, at the very least.
« Yes. The fur is both a shell and a weapon for those little fellas : helps as a cushion from physical attacks, and by delivering some nasty bruises while tackling, for example. Having such a soft fur indeed is a problem, especially for a lone specimen like him. However, you have overlooked something : as I said, he comes without a doubt from an illegal hatching facility. As disgusting as such procedures are, this means he has some headstart. Show them little boy. »
I take my hand off the Zigzagoon, and it MOVES. Before any student could fully gasp, the brown and white furball came back to me with an object from each of them, some they even had in hand. They exclaim, and I savor the moment as I command my little helper to give it back. That, he does far slower, and reluctantly. Still a thief at heart, eh ?
« He was born with Extreme Speed and Trick as moves. Like many Zigzagoons, he is expert at picking up and robbing things, and even more at running. Even with the soft fur, he had many tools for survival. Plus, despite the anomaly of his hair, his genetics are quite good, as you can see if you look closer. Firm muscles, intelligent eyes, flexible limbs and ears, sharp fangs and claws. Because of his first-lonely life, he is both adaptable but selfish. So there are the moves I made him learn with the help of some … good friends. Take notes : Double Team, Odor Sleuth, and Camouflage. Can someone tell me why ? »
Not taken aback by his little lacking memory from earlier, the lad tries again. Good, he is the type that wants to prove himself. And the other students seem to actually start being interested. Very good, after all nothing beats working with a live subject, right ?
« With his speed, Double Team can be used with great efficiency, maybe even empowered a bit. Camouflage would be helpful if you need to be sneaky, but also because is type is too generic : getting an edge by resisting an attack can be important, and as he was familiar with the 'hide yourself' concept as a lone wild pokemon, it was probably not that hard for him to learn. As for Odor Sleuth … ho ! As Zigzagoons have already good senses, you can push it further for tracking. Not to mention he has only Extreme Speed as an attack move, so being able to hit even the ghost type pokemons is a boon. »
« Very good. What do you think he should try to learn next ? »
« To be honest, if he was my pokemon, I'd consider he has already a base good enough to start looking after making him evolve. However, he seems particularly good at taking things from people … so maybe a thief/fling combination ? I'd teach him Pin Missile to help with ranged foes, but I fear that with his fur, it would be nearly impossible to form the projectiles. »
« Finely analysed, even if it is a bit insensitive towards our little friend. In fact, it seems his oddity prevents him from evolving, at least as far as I can tell. Come back my boy, your friends are next. »
The little thief finish to hand over his last prized theft, then come back into his pokeball. The next pokemon I show my students is far more dangerous looking, even tho he comes from a pretty common species too. But a fully evolved pokemon is always something to treat with care and attention. Their eyes sparkle, and I feel pride for this fighter of mine. He is my first pokemon, after all.
Rank: B
Ability 1: Infiltrator (ignores most defensive moves)
Ability 2: Mold breaker (ignore immunity-giving abilities)
Trait 1: Relentless (won't change target 'til current is down : power's up the longer the same-foe fight)
Trait 2: Jump Scare (often starts a fight with a surprise attack – sneaking genius)
Trait 3: Leader of the pack (can strategize on his own, naturally comes out as a leader)
Moves : Cross poison – Leech Life – Confuse ray – Roost – Double Team – Feint Attack – Detect
This time it is a rather thin and short lad that speaks, trying to adjust his glasses. He does look really stressed, but he seems to have a very sharp glance. Not as sharp as his voice is high pitched, however : it hurts my ears a bit.
« This is a really healthy Crobat. His eyes show an impressive determination ... maybe a bit too much. Trained enough to be able to fight on his own, and maybe even manage it with an ally to order around. Even if I am close, I do not hear shuffling from his... her ... HIS wings. I suppose you trained him for surprise attacks ? You look like you were a sneaky kind of a trainer, professor. » I do not like his smirk, but I deserve it. After all, that is true. I let them discuss it for the whole of three seconds before I answer.
« Well, yes. Most Crobat have the ability to fly fast and control their movements well enough so that they can work around most protections from a pokemon move. This one is still stubborn after all this time, and I never got to make him change target before his current foe had fainted. What kind of moves would you chose for such a pokemon ? » The nerdy boy seems to think a bit before speaking : once again, sharp mind. I don't know how he fares in actual battle, but this mind of his could take him far, for sure.
« Concealment moves if he can, probably. Crobat also have a pretty dangerous Confuse Ray I would be glad to use no matter the overall style. Hum … Even if they are fast and strong, those pokemons are not sturdy, so maybe one or two ways to heal himself ? And for the extra smart enemies, a deceptive move, like Feint Attack, or maybe a ranged attack to surprise them. »
« Impressive. This fella knows Leech Life, Roost, Double team and Detect exactly because of the fragile build of his species. Confuse Ray IS a must, yes, and Feint Attack and Cross poison are adding an ectra punch to his possibilities. The result is a fast and resistant skirmisher, even with his low durability. Then I guess I should show the third pokemon. You're all doing pretty good up until now, let's see …
Dunsparce ♀
Rank: D+
Ability 1: Serene grace (secondary effects have more chance to apply)
Trait 1: Shiny (beautiful thing is beautiful)
Trait 2: Fast Learner (learns moves fairly easily and/or early)
Moves : Yawn – Roost – Coil – Drill Run
The surprise is visible in all thoses faces. The reactions ranges from « It is a shiny ! » to « A simple Dunsparce ? », but the lady in my desk just placidly look at the class, barely flapping her useless wings. You had this weird ''old sage'' vibe around her, and in fact she was witty … or at least incredibly talented in learning. Much less in performing, however. And as she was still a beginner, I did not have time to perfect her style. It was a different exercise I was about to ask out of my students.
« So, before we start, things will be a bit different for this one. This lady here is rather new to combat. However, her mind is pretty sharp, so much that she learned Yawn, Roost, Coil and Drill Run far before what anyone could expect. She is pretty much always composed. As many of her kind, she seems to have some luck when it comes to secondary effects of moves. I suppose you have seen them in other lessons, so I won't enumerate them. What do you think of her current movepool, and how would you plan to make it evolve ? »
The silence was … deafening. None of them was willing to imagine how to make a DUNSPARCE fight. A shame, really. When I was ready to call a random name, a bit disapointed, a light cough caught my attention. The girl seemingly disappeared behind a wall of knitted scarves, her pale skin having trouble hiding the shyness within her soul. When she spoke, it was so low I actually had to ask her to repeat a bit louder.
« I … if she is lucky as you say, Headbutt could be a great move, because of the STAB and the secondary effect. Or Dragon Rush or Iron Head. However, she looks more like a peaceful girl, and I feel Roost and Yawn suit her well. I heard these pokemons could learn Magic Coat and Dream Eater, wich may suit her overall personnality better. Maybe rest and snore too. »
« That is pretty considerate of you, thank you. » I turn to the other students, that are murmuring. « This case is indeed conflicting, because you are at the start of a training, and need to set a path for a pokemon. You could go for highly effective moves, or accomodate your pokemon's personnality with a roundabout fighting style that may not be optimised. This kind of questioning may happen for any of your pokemon, sometimes even for your starter ! So, what do you do ? Do you force the fighting style into your pokemon to use all its potential, or do you adapt the style to your pokemon, making it more natural to fight ? »
The silence that fell was a different kind. They were thinking. Indeed, some did not hesitate as much and answered they'd do the later. I rapidly uncovered they were planing to become pension keepers or pokemon nurses. Then I turn to the wannabe trainers. They had a harder time with the decision : their path was one for power and battle. True you had to bond with your pokemon, and your team was made of partners, not slaves, but if you had a choice to make ? Wouldn't the pokemon end up adopting the most efficient fighting style with time ? Isn't the battle a completely different field than life ? Would it really pain a pokemon to fight efficiently if it was not close enough to how he liked to behave outside of combat ? Or was it right to force a fighting style into an unwilling pokemon ? Was it even possible ? Would it not be a waste of time AND a challenge to force it to learn moves and strategies adverse to its personnality ? The answer was … different than what they'd expect.
« This is no easy question. And what you, future trainers, are looking for by coming here are answers. Guidelines, pointers. Truths as solid as rock. But during this lessons, we will see there are cases where you cannot mindlessly look at a list and choose from that. It takes patience, understanding of your pokemon to figure out what is the best to do. Can it go against its personnality for the duration of a fight ? Can you bring it to learn those moves it may dislike ? How will it affects your bond with your partner, is it worth it ? Can't you figure out another efficient fighting style that suits it better ? Those are question you will, and should ask yourself when you make decisions for the partners in your team. There is no simple answer sadly, you will have to trust your decision and your pokemon in the end. You may end up lucky or make mistakes, but know that it is never too late to make up for those. For example, the Crobat I've shown you : I started by trying to make him use powerful special attacks that could hit many foes at once : swift, heat wave, and the likes. But the 'win rate' of our battles was pretty low. It took time for me to actually accept that even if my strategies were probably good, they just could not work with this pokemon. Then he and I had to start his training all over. It was long and tiring, but he is now far more efficient in battle. »
They actually listened closely to my words : the experience a trainer had gone through. That was gratifying, but the time my intervention was given was almost spent. So I answered a few questions and took my leave. Really, sometimes I wondered if I should try being a full-time teacher. Not on those subjects however, my fields were … far more specific.
Upon entering into the lab, I turn on the PC, and call the main facility to get some reports. My team of researchers have been finally given its exact subject three days ago, and I had barely the time to set up this facilities. We were affiliated with the Oreburgh museum research teams. So yeah, our field is … broadly … fossiles and antic pokemons. They were many things to work with. Refining the reviving technique, studying the pokemons themselves, trying some reintroduction … and many more, like working with the « living fossiles » pokemons, like Relicanth. For us, the subject of our researches would actually be the result of a rather intriguing theory.
Was the rock type that predominant during those long forgotten times, or is the reviving technique contaminating the original type of the pokemons ? It could be interesting, but there was some concerns I had. Sure, the academy offered facilities and protection, and they had rather rare pokemons themselves … but we were supposed to regularly receive some revived pokemons, as well as non revived fossiles. Those were absurdly rare ressources, and I feared the regularity of the deliveries would encourage some nefarious idiots to try and intercept it. Maybe I should get back to some training too : after all, if my fears were true, I may end up needing to defend myself.
Was the rock type that predominant during those long forgotten times, or is the reviving technique contaminating the original type of the pokemons ? It could be interesting, but there was some concerns I had. Sure, the academy offered facilities and protection, and they had rather rare pokemons themselves … but we were supposed to regularly receive some revived pokemons, as well as non revived fossiles. Those were absurdly rare ressources, and I feared the regularity of the deliveries would encourage some nefarious idiots to try and intercept it. Maybe I should get back to some training too : after all, if my fears were true, I may end up needing to defend myself.
Love it. A bit rough at some points but I really like the concept. The first pokemon thing I tried to write long ago was about a scientist and pokemon research, so I have a soft spot for it.
I specially like the last par about why the rock type is present on revived pokemon and that they are actually researching that.
So... yeah. This omake doesn't get int he way of my story or worldbuilding and on top of that it gives me a bit more to work with. I declare it canon. That might or might not been Haru's class.
Also I encourage more people to write "Guest teacher" omakes because it seems fun to have something like that around. Like a collection of guest teacher omakes.
Oh, well. Now rewards. Not sure about a secondary/special reward so I will directly give the superdice. Next roll will be much more effective. Do you want it for Maelstrom or Fang?
hm ... Fang is at top health more or less, while maelstrom is poisoned and already on the brink of K.O. If our little fish was to be put down by a bad roll, his foe could as weel join any fight of go attack Violet. Better secure Malestrom roll as much as possible ...
So maelstrom will get to have that nice booster. Hope it is a good decision Q.Q
Closing the vote here then. I will write an update tonight or tomorrow. Probably the last of the fight.
Adhoc vote count started by Luxicato on Feb 21, 2019 at 2:30 PM, finished with 31 posts and 12 votes.
[X][Strategy] Plan Keep Away
-[X] Maelstrom uses Harden and dodges the Houndour's attacks with Splash, focusing on taking as little damage as possible.
-[X] Fang finishes his Houndour off, then moves to assist Maelstrom.
[X] Plan K.I.S. (Keep It Simple)
-[X] Have Maelstrom barrage Houndour E in the side with Aqua Jet
-[X] Let Fang continue his Fang attack battle with Houndour D
[x] Plan Tackle
-[x] Fang use spark on Houndour D. Finish with a thunder fang.
-[x] Maelstrom aqua jet intoHoundour E. If the Houndour dodges use the aqua jet to come back to us.
[X]Maelstrom would dodge towards us using aqua-jet, making sure the houndour comes after him by using minimal movement. Meanwhile, Fang tries to thunder fang his enemy
[X]Once maelstrom is with us again, the fight is a team fight maelstrom+fang vs 1 or two houndours (depending if Fang K.Oed his earlier). Fang then has bonuses from at least his teamwork trait and should take the enemy down, helped by Maelstrom that could take the offensive again if necessary.
[X]if maelstrom has been too hurt by the poison by the time he got to us, : use a potion on him before getting him to get back into the fight with aqua-jet, and help Fang
[x] Plan Tackle
-[x] Fang use spark on Houndour D. Finish with a thunder fang.
-[x] Maelstrom aqua jet into Houndour E. If the Houndour dodges use the aqua jet to come back to us.
[x] Plan Tackle
-[x] Fang use spark on Houndour D. Finish with a thunder fang.
-[x] Maelstrom aqua jet into Houndour E. If the Houndour dodges use the aqua jet to come back to us.
Tick. Tick. Tick. The lone clock hanging on the wall adds an underlying beat to the gentle buzz of the restaurant.
The sunlight shone through the windows that spanned the whole length of the walls, enhancing the cheery mood that reverberated through the building.
"Thanks for the food," the man held back a burp, "Great as always. Oh jeez, I don't know if I can go back to work."
His girlfriend rolled her eyes, pushing the man's shoulder. "You always say that. Don't worry, I can-" her words were cut off by a burp that pushed its way through the man's mouth. "Oh Arceus," As he walked out the doors his slumped back drew the gazes and laughs of the room's population.
"Ugh," she slapped a hand to her face, "You'd think that a lumberjack of all people would know when to stop eating."
Wild laughed, "What can I say? Our food's just that good."
"Oh, don't get me started on you!" Wild took a step back to avoid the accusing finger, "You cook way too well! Do you know how often I've cooked recently? Only breakfast, for the entire month so far! If it wasn't for your prices our finances wouldn't be looking great. As it is, we're budgeting almost all of our free money towards eating here."
She huffed and walked away. Wild just shook his head and picked up the money she had placed down. A sizable tip, as always.
"You know, I totally get what she's talking about," Lal drawled from his seat, "I really just can't stop eating. It's hard enough livin off a mailman's check, but your food's so addictive I think we should be makin' an inquiry with someone."
"Lal. Stop. I already give you a discount, and you never refuse the bonus that Tempest hands out to you alone, because you're the only one of us that's actually a mailman." Wild glared at him.
From his corner, Dark raised his bottle in salute, "Personally, I agree. I don't know what you do to it, but I just can't stop drinking."
"Oh don't you even start Dark. You're even worse than I am," Lal said, "Ya just sit around all day and only ever order the one root beer. While using the discount, mind you."
The accused man shrugged. "Hey, if it's offered I might as well take it."
In the corner Mon let out a snore, the bottle loosely held in his hand finally tipping down to land on top of the already considerable pile held in an expertly placed bucket.
A buzz from my pocket. The Xtransceiver I pull out shows a message from Tempest. A quick glance up shows that everyone else (even Mon) is looking at their Xtransceivers as well.
"Rose was spotted heading into town."
Dark sighs and gets up from his seat. "I've got this."
Right at that moment the door bursts open and the purple-clad figure of Rose runs in, accompanied by a burst of music. "Freeze Team Spiral!" She skids to a stop as her Slowpoke waddles in behind her, eyes dully glowing to gently close the doors.
"Sorry Ro- Ahem, Purple Protector," Wild cut himself off as Rose spun around to glare at him, "You just missed them. Maybe if you look around some more you can find them."
A smile makes its way back on her face, "Great! Thank you helpful citizen! And, uh, I ran into Rose on the way here. She wanted to know if… er…" She trails off, obviously embarrassed.
"Nah, don't worry about it," Wild waves it off, "I've still got her reservation for six tonight."
She beams, "Great! Now if you'll excuse me citizens of Celestic Town, I have JUSTICE to do!"
Rose did an immediate about-face and ran forwards, only to bounce off the doors.
"Huh? That's strange… This must be the work of a barrier master! Has Team Spiral recruited yet another member into their dastardly ranks?!"
Wild raised his hand, "Actually, the doors open inwards."
Flash nods and with another second of glowing eyes the doors are open.
"I'm off!" Rose runs off, Flash waddling afterwards with the music fading from people's minds.
Dark stands up. "Well, I've got places to be. You know how it is. Work is hard." As he walks out of the door he pulls out a mask from his pocket. A simple thing, the type of domino mask you could buy from any shop that sells any form of costume.
He straps it on and walks outside, one hand holding his root beer and the other pulling out a Pokeball.
"It is I!" He opens the doors and walks out, "Dark! The member of Team Spiral, completely unrelated to both the type and any other innocent civilians in the vicinity!"
A loud gasp is heard before Rose's voice booms out again. "I've finally found you! No evil can escape the Purple Protector!"
Mon stands up, stumbles his way towards the door and yanks it open, "Look, I'm really very glad that you found each other, but could you quiet it down a bit? Some people are trying to sleep!"
"Kids these days," he mutters as he slinks back to his chair. The instant he sits down his head drops and low snores begin to come from his frame.
Lal stood up, dropping some pokeyen on the table as he did so, "Aight it's been good seein' y'all and getting to relax for a bit but some lady up in Snowpoint put in a rush order for an everstone, so I've gotta get goin' before they finish monologuing. I'll see ya around Wild," he gave a quick, and rather sloppy, two finger salute on his way to the door.
Wild sighed, "You're leaving me with Mon aren't you?" The only answer he got was Lal's laughter fading into the ongoing monologues outside, before even that was cut off by the closing of the doors.
Wild turned around and grabbed a clean dishrag from behind the counter, draping it over Mon's face to block out some of the snores. "Right, so I've got an order for three steaks at table seven?"
I liked it. It was pretty funny and that's totally something Rose would do.
Like always I will give you a couple options. The first is of course to count this omake towards Team Spiral being canon some day. The other is a superdice for Fang in the next update.
But there is also something especial just this once. Maelstrom already has a superdice... But only this time I will let you upgrade it to a [???] dice. Be careful. Giving so much power to a Magikarp might have lasting effects.
I liked it. It was pretty funny and that's totally something Rose would do.
Like always I will give you a couple options. The first is of course to count this omake towards Team Spiral being canon some day. The other is a superdice for Fang in the next update.
But there is also something especial just this once. Maelstrom already has a superdice... But only this time I will let you upgrade it to a [???] dice. Be careful. Giving so much power to a Magikarp might have lasting effects.
Huh Interesting quest. And I think we should not catch the Houndoom but instead catch one of the Houndour. That way we will have Water, Electric, And Fire Dark types in our team not including the Pokemon in the Egg.
To make up for the last one in which I didn't add towards Team Spiral's canon status, I must pump out even more omakes!
As context, we wrote something called the Manifesto, which is basically a rules book, and then had the idea of making Rose be the one to write it.
Beginnings of a Manifesto
"What are you doing?" Wild asked Rose.
They sat in the back of one of Team Spiral's many underground bases, watching the rest of the team carry out their work.
Rose looked up from her notepad, finishing her sentence and closing it with a resounding slap. "I'm making observations on you villains."
"Observations?" Wild arched an eyebrow.
She nodded, "Exactly! If I can't take you down with force, I'll just sniff out your every weakness until you have no choice but to fall before my feet!"
"Are you sure we're the villains here?"
"Ah, fall at my feet so I can put handcuffs on all of you myself, that is," Rose raised a hand and coughed into it.
Flash rolled his eyes and psychically shifted his mask so it covered his eyes. Ares ran up to him, the Torchic saying something in rapid-fire poke-speak.
No response.
"Aha!" Rose shouted out, flipping the notepad open again, "Look, an opportunity!"
"Eh?" Wild asked, "I don't see anything though…" He looked around the room. Lal was sitting back in his chair and slowly working his way through a slice of cheesecake. Mon was in the training room, but from the sound of hysterical laughter and the occasional rumbling he was doing just fine. Tempest was just slogging his way through his day's work on one of the computers.
"There! Your leader, he's left himself unarmed!"
Wild's eyes followed her pointed finger. Crimson, the leader to Tempest's administrator, had put his swords against the wall while he thumbed through one of the newspapers they had gathered.
He blinked once, before the thought parsed and his eyes shot open. "Ro- PURPLE PROTECTOR, NO!"
"PURPLE PROTECTOR, YES!" She laughed and leaped forwards.
Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and looked at Rose, just as she reached the swords. "AN OPPORTUNITY!"
Crimson began to close the paper.
Rose's arms circled around the swords.
Crimson disappeared from his chair.
Rose disappeared from the room.
The newspaper hit the table.
There was a hole in the door, and Rose's voice could be faintly heard screaming as she flew into the distance, Crimson still posed like a baseball pitcher.
Wild sighed and picked up her notebook.
The open page read: Leader sometimes leaves himself unarmed.
Wild twirled the pencil around his thumb and thought for a minute. A second later and he appended: Do not touch his swords. Then he ripped out the page, taping it onto an empty part of the wall.
Weeks later Wild sighed yet again as Rose's screaming faded into the distance as per usual. He was doing that far too often nowadays.
He reached down and ripped out the page, hastily scribbling down the word "don't" where it had previously been missing.
In a practiced motion he taped it onto the wall next to the previous entry, another addition to their growing collection. Don't touch Lal's cheesecake.
Marissa's pupils were reduced to pinpricks as she saw the big explosion around the Kirlia. This was bad, really bad. She rushed next to the crater quicker, her Roselia trying to keep up with her short legs. If the Kirlia falls and the Houndoom is still fighting... It might mean having to jump into the water to survive, or run away and leave someone behind? That was an option, but only is there is no other way to survive.
She looked down into the hole expecting to see… Well she had no idea what to expect, but it was something like that. Alec had some burn marks and wounds. His Gligar wasn't much better but both still fighting. The Houndoom was in similar condition, on his last legs and almost unconscious but still fighting.
Alec (23) & Pincers (83) vs Houndour A (81)
[Alec +2 wounds]
The Gligar managed to protect her trainer from more than one hit and at the same time she kept herself safe, but it wasn't enough. The Houndour clearly was attacking the bigger prey before finishing off the pokemon, so things weren't going great for Alec. Marissa had to do something before it was too late, the Houndoom looked defeated now, but that didn't mean it wasn't going to stand up again soon.
"Flora, take aim and Poison Sting!" She shouted. Against a fire type like that Mega Drain wouldn't be enough. She just hoped that the hit was capable of incapacitating the enemy thanks to the growth she did before.
Flora took aim…
Flora (2…)
And everything went horribly wrong.
The little Roselia raised her hands and started to fire a cloud of purple needed filled with toxins. Her aim was true and the Houndour was on her sights. The problem was that Alec didn't hear Marissa's order. He was unaware of the attack coming and kept fighting.
The man tried to dodge a bite from the Houndour. The floor was really slippery, the water now reaching Houndour's belly and making his movements slow. Now he was in the place the enemy was a second ago, just in time to feel a sharp pain on his back as multiple thin needles embed themselves there. His eyes opening wide.
He had a moment of pure silence. He had just enough time to turn around, look at Marissa and ask "'da fuck?" before the venom sapped the little energy he had left. Making him drop face down on the water.
[Alec +1 Wound. KO.]
Marissa stood there for a second. Pincers stood there stunned and Flora looked at her trainer sheepishly. Even the Houndour had to pause for a second to realize what was happening. Then Marissa decided to jump down to help too. She wasn't a good fighter, but she was NOT coming back from a simple mission with a dead subordinate.
Flora followed her close behind. She was too tiny to stand in the water, so she had to jump on her trainer's shoulder. The Houndour was angry but hurt. They could defeat it if they really tried.
Bite, dodge, bite.
Fang was falling into the same rhythm as his enemy. Both dancing around each other trying to wound the other's back legs. It was a tactic used in pack hunting but maybe not that useful on a straight fight, as Fang realized. Fighting against a pokemon with the same body type and strategies was great training, but also frustrating. Even more frustrating when the enemy was stronger.
Fang (45) vs Houndour D (50)
He was faster and his bites caused a tiny explosion every time he failed. The fire spreading around his muzzle and causing tiny burns on Fang's body. He tried doing the same but his control over electricity wasn't good enough. His attack faded every time he closed his mouth. This was a war of attrition he was losing. Getting slower with each wound sustained, a bit weaker, a bit more scared. The burns starting to build up near his back legs.
[Fang +1 Wound]
At first, he wasn't taking the Houndour seriously. When he attacked together with Maelstrom it looked so easily… Bite, then dodge, then Maelstrom hits, then doing it again. He was used to that, to fight together with others. Fighting alone was more complicated…
"Come on Fang, just a couple more hits and he is done! Try with Spark and then Thunder Fang!"
But Fang wasn't alone. He had his trainer and that was all the encouragement he needed. All his body started to crackle with energy as he changed tactics suddenly, the Houndour not expecting it. Instead of dodging like usual, he dodged into the enemy, tackling it and at the same receiving a nasty bite.
[Fang +1 Wound, Houndour +1 Wound]
Both pokemon were now on the ground, the Houndour still holding onto the Shinx with his burning maw. Refusing to fall unconscious. The electric pokemon screamed as the fire singed his body. It was a horrible pain, Houndour's toxins finally seeping into his flesh. They were a lot weaker than Houndoom's but still the most pain Fang ever felt.
But he wasn't done.
Using all the courage the electric pokemon had, he gritted his teeth. Creating sparks between them as the Houndour kept biting even harder. Then he bit down with all his might, releasing all the energy he had stored inside his body. Shinx don't have much electricity compared to their evolutions, but he had enough to give a strong shock.
Houndour's eyes went wide and his jaw tightened even more, making Fang cry in pain as he was still biting too. After a couple seconds of electric discharge both pokemon released their fangs.
Houndour was unconscious on the ground. Fang managed to take a couple steps back and sit down. He was still conscious but so tired. The back leg that the Houndour caught in his mouth was badly burnt. He felt an intense pain coming from it but was too tired to even acknowledge it. His body was almost devoid of electricity and everything felt almost like a dream. His vision blurred. Haru panicking, holding a bleeding Maelstrom on his arms.
Houndoom standing up.
Fang just wanted this nightmare to be over.
You stood there, giving orders to your pokemon. What else could you do? Trying to fight those pokemon yourself was a suicide. You trusted them, you trusted Fang and Maelstrom. This wasn't the end. It couldn't be… The Houndoom was down, Marissa and Alec seemed to be in trouble, but they could take care of themselves. Two Houndour. Only two to defeat and you would be safe.
You looked at Violet, still tending to Lily's wounds. The pokemon seemed better now, her breath more even in her sleep. You felt a bit relieved, now you only had to make sure you did your part.
You gave your orders and cheered for Fang, but you couldn't focus on his battle. Maelstrom was fighting too, and he was in much worse condition.
The water pokemon was doing his best. He tried to hit the enemy a couple times but all his hits were too weak to do any damage. When the enemy started to attack again he had to focus totally on defense just to stay on the fight. A single hit might mean his end if things kept going like that.
You decided to get closer to him, running in his direction getting ready to use a potion or something if things went badly. Fang was stronger and could take care of himself but Maelstrom… No, you trusted both your pokemon.
"Maelstrom, Keep going with Aqua Jet! Retreat if he dodges!" You shouted. Still not sure if you should go all out of go back with Fang. They made a great team but felt a lot weaker on their own.
The pokemon did as ordered. He tried to hit the enemy with another Aqua Jet but even with his ability he wasn't fast enough. Maelstrom didn't have enough experience to fight the enemy in front of him, even if it was the weakest of the Houndour. He was just a Magikarp. His only strength was to be more shiny than the others. He learned a powerful move but in his fins it was useless. He was useless. Even if he promised his trainer he would protect him.
Houndour E (50)
Maelstrom's resolve was starting to weaken. He was starting to lose hope. That's when the enemy jumped on top of him. The Houndour finally catching the pokemon and biting down hard, leaving a huge bleeding wound on his side. Maelstrom kept moving trying to get away but the enemy wasn't done. He kept biting again and again.
Not thinking twice you rushed to his side, pushing the Houndour aside and shielding your pokemon. His blood staining your clothes. You were panicking, not knowing what to do for a second. Maelstrom looked really hurt and was bleeding a lot. He was a Magikarp, why? Why did he thought sending him to fight was a good idea? Even with a little more training he was still a simple Magikarp! This was his fault…
The Houndour growled at him, starting to get close. Haru was paralyzed for a moment not knowing what to do. Then a howl that made his blood run cold. A howl he heard more than once that day and made everyone looked at its origin.
Houndoom was standing up. He wasn't unconscious, but really hurt. Almost unable to move but his eyes were filled with fury and something else… You could feel it, even if you weren't an empath like Violet this was clear… That pokemon wanted to stop fighting. His instincts telling him to stop and run away to lick his wounds even if that overpowering rage wanted him to attack everything in sight.
He looked at you, holding Maelstrom in your arms.
He looked at Violet, doing the same with the wounded Lily.
Then started to walk in the girls' direction.
"NO!" You shouted standing up, still carrying your pokemon. What was your plan? You had no plan. You started to run, maybe to get in the way, maybe to scare him off… Maybe to let Violet take care of your pokemon while you fight the Houndoom by yourself. That idea was crazy, stupid and suicidal.
But it was also your only idea.
You started to run in that direction until you felt a sharp pain in your ankle. The Houndour Maelstrom was fighting just bit you. Blood pouring out of the wound and your leg almost giving up, but you couldn't stop. Adrenaline was taking you forward. The Houndoom was walking slowly in the direction of a terrified Violet and you were the only one available to help. You wouldn't stop even if that dog took your leg off.
[Haru +1 Wound]
But bravery can only take you so far. You couldn't outrun the pokemon carrying your wounded Magikarp. Another strong bite and you fell down, shielding Maelstrom from the fall and hurting you even more.
[Haru +1 Wound]
You felt dizzy. The bite this time was charged with Houndour fire. The pokemon's body a bit drier now, enough to attack like that again. You were face up on the ground with your pokemon next to you, still bleeding.
The Houndour moved on top of you, fangs filled with fire, a fire dripping like saliva. You were feeling the burn in your leg, it was as painful as they say. The toxins starting to use the weakened skin to infect the wound.
Maelstrom was still conscious next to his trainer. Looking with one eye at what was happening. He wanted Haru to leave him and go save the girls. They deserved to live, he could stay and distract the Houndour with his last breath.
But the pokemon wasn't interested in him, instead stepping on Haru's chest to bite down again. Haru wasn't a pokemon. He wasn't trained to fight. He wouldn't be able to survive that.
He had to do something. ANYTHING. He was a Magikarp but even Magikarp had the strength to do great stuff. He only had to focus. He only had to draw strength from that infinite well every pokemon is connected to. Like in their first training… When he thought Lily was going to drop a rock on them. Like when he stood in front of the Kadabra and believed he could stop any attack.
He just needed… to focus!
Maelstrom (97!!! + Primal dice!!!!)
Maelstrom started to glow. It was soft at first. The same glow his scales reflected from the sun. Slowly, the glow intensified, his scales tainted by the red of his blood returning to their golden color. Bit by bit, as the glow intensified, he stopped reflecting light to make his own. He was now his own sun.
A sphere of power was covering him. Golden and swirling with energy, making the Houndour on top of Haru stop his attack.
"... Pokemon change over the millennia, not just because of the evolution we know, but a slower process. Most change for the best but others change to adapt. For example: Magikarp evolved to survive in almost any environment, but lost most of their other capabilities along the line… Who knows, maybe in ancient times Magikarp were one of the strongest pokemon."
The class laughed and so did Haru.
That had to be a myth, right?
The aura around the pokemon dissipated with a gust of wind throwing the Houndour off Haru. The pokemon quickly stood up to face his enemy, the little part of rational mind he still had unable to believe that Magikarp was willing to keep fighting.
Nevertheless, what stood in front of him wasn't a Magikarp. It was something else entirely.
Primal Magikarp ♂ (Maelstrom)
Water/Normal Type
Rank: ???
Ability 1: Normalize (All attacks become normal type and are stronger.)
Ability 2: Scrappy (Allows normal and fighting attacks to hit ghost pokemon.)
Ability 3: Multiscale (His scales are extremely hard. They have to be damaged first before damaging his body.)
Huge potential (Can grow up to EX+ rank. Special training is easier.)
Shiny (More popularity in public battles. MUCH more popularity in contest. Really valuable.)
King Magikarp of Sunyshore City (News travel fast between Magikarp. They all know about the golden one. Magikarp around the city will obey him.)
Splash EX (Normal Type. Splashes around. It can be used to move quickly or to attack enemies using his body. Like a faster Tackle. )
Tackle (Normal Type. Hits the enemy with his body.)
Harden (Normal Type. Hardens the body making you more resistant to physical attacks.)
Aqua Jet (Water Type. Covers the user in water and launches it at high speeds. Weak but really fast attack.)
Bounce (Flying Type. The user jumps high and drops on top of the enemy. It makes you more difficult to hit but it's also easy to dodge. It's a slow move.)
In its place stood a pokemon no one there has seen before. It was like a Magikarp but his patterns different. Longer whiskers and a blue ridge around his eyes, with ethereal eyebrows coming from it. It felt… powerful.
The Houndour took a step back, his instincts overpowering his anger, but had no time to react. Maelstrom was already surrounding himself with a white light before rocketing in the enemy's direction. It wasn't water the thing pushing the pokemon forward, but pure energy.
The Aqua Jet impacted against the Houndour with enough strength to launch it back several meters. That was more than enough to leave it unconscious.
[Houndour E +1 Wounds. KO]
The pokemon then changed directions. Not stopping for a moment. He needed to reach Violet and Lily before the Houndoom did. He jumped high into the air using Bounce to clear the distance between them, landing in front of him. The hit against the ground was though, but not tough enough to even damage his new scales.
The Houndoom stood in front of the Magikarp confused. He didn't understand what was that thing in front of him or why was he scared of it. He took a step back, the survival instinct now more powerful than the anger. Looking back all his pack was down, that meant retreat.
But he didn't go far.
Maelstrom impacted against him with enough strength to make him lose his balance. The Houndoom was now on the ground trying to stand up, but was too hurt from his battle against the Kirlia. This time he decided to res a bit more, just to close his eyes and rest. The specks of anger left in his mind leaving his body as he finally fell fully unconscious.
Maelstrom closed his eyes. That power was too much for him. It felt like his body was trying to tear itself apart, but he was grateful. That was enough to save his friends. They might have been together for a short time but for him…? For him they were family.
The power slowly dissipated. Returning him to normal. His body getting weaker quickly as the strength left him. He almost felt like he was going to die, like he would be drained from all life force. But that wasn't the case. He had enough left to look around and finally rest. His wounds healed but his body so weak he fell unconscious.
You stood up. Your leg hurting like hell. It would be the only thing in your mind in a normal situation but right now… You weren't even thinking about it. You saw Maelstrom transform into… that. You don't even know what happened. A new evolution? No, he was now normal again. A Mega evolution? Looked like one but Magikarp can't do that, it was something else.
You got closer to where Maelstrom was, fearing for his life for a second. He wasn't moving… But still breathing. His wounds healed. A sigh of relief from your lips.
"Haru… you are bleeding." Said Violet. She was close to you, Maelstrom got in the way to protect her. You were both in shock, but she had her priorities clear. Lily was now stable, and she had to make sure everyone else was okay.
"Oh… Yeah." You said before falling to the ground. All the pain in your leg finally reaching your brain. That was PAINFUL. You couldn't complain because you are pretty sure that Violet and Lily were feeling much worse… Oh, right, Violet. She was burned by Houndoom's fire. That's much worse! She shouldn't be worrying about you! "I'm… okay. We need to heal you and the others. Make sure everyone is okay."
She nodded, still holding Lily. The pokemon was much better but it seems like Violet was a bit unstable now and had to hold her to feel safe. You would take care of that later. Looking around, you saw Fang where you left him. His enemy unconscious and him barely holding onto consciousness. He didn't look bad but was clearly tired.
From the hole came your two other allies. Alec and Marissa. Their pokemon probably inside their pokeballs. The looked pretty banged up, but it seems like they did some first aid on their own down there as soon as their fight was over. They were carrying one of the Houndour to lay it on dry ground and not leave it down there to drown. Alec seemed a bit miffed and murmuring something about bad aim but if he was capable of climbing that crater he was probably okay.
Time to gather everyone and patch wounds before the Houndour recover. You don't know what will happen then… But you have potions and they don't. The fight is over even if they wake up.
[Maelstrom gained the trait «Primal DNA»]
[Maelstrom's Splash is now Splash EX]
[][Resources] Everyone is pretty hurt. Violet used most of her stuff on Lily and the other two only had some antidotes. Spend as much as you can to help everyone back on their feet. (-6 potions, -1 Super Potion, -5 Antidotes, -1 Full heal.)
[][Resources] Spend enough of your healing items to make sure everyone can walk and defend themselves, but nothing else. You need to keep some just in case. (-4 potions, -5 antidotes.)
[][Resources] Heal you and your friends as much as you can but don't heal the two grunts. The aren't your friends. (-4 Potions, -1 Super Potion, -4 Antidotes)
[][Catch] Catch one of the Houndour.
[][Catch] Don't catch one of the Houndour.
[X][Resources] Heal you and your friends as much as you can but don't heal the two grunts. The aren't your friends. (-4 Potions, -1 Super Potion, -4 Antidotes)
[X][Catch] Catch one of the Houndour.
Oh yes, let's get ourselves a hellhound, we need a fire type stat.
Honestly we're stretched with our two Pokemon as it is.
I'd only catch one of the Houndour to bring an example in for someone official to look at.
I like option two, we need the spares in case we run into something else, and having a plot arc where if the world is ending we can trust these two to be helping us save it because the world is where they live - it'd be nice.
[X][Resources] Everyone is pretty hurt. Violet used most of her stuff on Lily and the other two only had some antidotes. Spend as much as you can to help everyone back on their feet. (-6 potions, -1 Super Potion, -5 Antidotes, -1 Full heal.)
Its only fair that we help the grunts since we got them into the situation in the first place.
[X][Catch] Catch one of the Houndour.
Its a fire Dark type and we need a fire type for our team. Well that and I beat Cynthia with my Houndoom during my playthrough.
[X][Resources] Everyone is pretty hurt. Violet used most of her stuff on Lily and the other two only had some antidotes. Spend as much as you can to help everyone back on their feet. (-6 potions, -1 Super Potion, -5 Antidotes, -1 Full heal.)
We're close, let's get everything back into shape and GTFO.
[X][Catch] Don't catch one of the Houndour
I don't really want to a see one of these particular houndour again, sosthat's a nope from me.
[X][Resources] Everyone is pretty hurt. Violet used most of her stuff on Lily and the other two only had some antidotes. Spend as much as you can to help everyone back on their feet. (-6 potions, -1 Super Potion, -5 Antidotes, -1 Full heal.)