The battle started quickly. Both sides trading blows and trying to keep each other busy. From outside this situation probably looked like chaos, but inside the chaos each combatant had their own pocket of order. Plans were brewed, tested and discarded at lightning speed as the pokemon traded blows. Your two new allies looked sure of themselves, like this was normal for them. They are used to battling. You on the other hand… this is probably your third battle, maybe fourth if that Luxray counts.
But you can't back down.
Alec and his Gligar looked in a good position. His pokemon swept down from his head as soon as the Houndour rushed him. She knew that pokemon was a lot stronger than she was. But she had something he didn't. Strong pincers.
"Come on Pincers. Show that dog who's boss. Quick Attack and Bulldoze!" Her trainer shouted with a smile and pointing at the enemy. She smiled too. That was her favorite combination.
Her glide suddenly increased in speed. The Quick Attack turning her movement into a blinding dash in the Houndour's direction. The pokemon looked confused for a split-second until he saw the Gligar, now on top of him flying straight down. Like a purple lightning bolt of pure power. The Houndour tried to take a step back to dodge her.
Gligar (66) vs Houndour (24)
The Houndour jumped back and saw the Gligar drop in front of him pincers down in slow motion. He thought his opponent failed the attack, but the Gligar was smiling, her pincers bright with brown energy.
As soon as her pincers touched the ground, a wave of power combined with her speed caused the ground to give, creating a crater big enough to almost reach the other combatants. The Houndour was flung upwards by the strength of the move, confusing him as he didn't expect such a powerful move. He landed with a hard hit on the center of the now waist-deep hole. A trickle of water filtering from under the ground slowly filling it. On the edge of the crater stood the Gligar, smiling. When she had no high ground she had to make her own.
[Gligar 1/3 Battle Points. Houndour A 0/3, Slowed.]
Flora the Roselia stood in front of two angry Houndour. That would scare any Grass pokemon, but she trusted her trainer enough to brush aside some of that fear. Like she always said, «The second before the performance begins is the most nerve-wracking moment of the day, but everything fades once the music starts». She was ready to give it all. Even in front of two fire breathing enemies.
"Come on Flora! Let's give them a show!" Her trainer said getting in position. She was ready to use potions or burn heals if something went wrong, but that was only a precaution. She had a plan. "Use our special combination! Sweet Scent and Attract!"
Flora twirled in place happily as the two enemies ran in her direction, jaws open. Her fragrance and beauty were some of the strongest amongst Roselia. She thought it was a waste when she got captured to be a fighting pokemon, but her trainer taught her how to use her skills to best anyone in battle.
A pinkish cloud emerged from her roses as she spun around. A cloud that moved in the approaching Houndour's direction, blocking their view of the little grass pokemon. The fire in their mouths was released and impacted with the cloud, trying to reach the pokemon but instead causing an explosion.
Roselia (98!) vs Houndour B (42) & Houndour C (17)
For a moment the explosion ignited the pink cloud, almost reaching the Roselia behind it, but it only served to make the leftovers of the cloud swirl in a pink tornado. The winds caused by the explosion flinging the scent into the two Houndour. Their noses absorbing the strongest pheromone cocktail they ever felt and, in an instant, their minds clouded with rage had something else in them. They both knew one truth in the deepest part of their heart. That Roselia was their mate. And with only that thought and rage fueling their actions, they started to fight each other for the right of mating with her.
The Roselia and her trainer smiled. A slightly darker smile at seeing their opponents tear each other apart. It would only last as long as they didn't shake off the effects but for now they would gladly enjoy the fight in front of them.
[Roselia 1/3 Battle points. Houndour B&C 0/3, Heavily Infatuated]
Your side of the battle was going okay. Maelstrom had some trouble trying to hold back his enemy. He just wasn't strong enough to fight without moves. Of course that would change shortly. Fang on the other hand was doing a great job at keeping the other Houndour on his place. It was time for some strategy. Maelstrom had troubles but with a combination of your two pokemon… You could do a lot of damage. You remember how Maelstrom's Aqua Jet leaves the enemy wet and how Fang used it to freeze Gligar on your last battle. Time to use it in a different way.
"Maelstrom! Aqua Jet on the Houndour, try to hit them both! Fang, follow up with Thunder Fang!" You shouted and, as you did, your two pokemon started to move almost as one.
Fang got closer to Maelstrom to get ready leaving his Houndour behind so it would follow. Maelstrom then started to focus water energy all around him, a blue aura surrounding his golden body as his Houndour charged. When he was ready, he shot off in his direction, followed closely by electricity filled mouth Fang.
Maelstrom & Fang (89 & 64) vs Houndour D (21)
Maelstrom hit the Houndour square in the face, bouncing back over his companion as Fang used his move. Electricity coursing through the Houndour's wet body as Fang bit him. It was a powerful combination that made the enemy stagger back pretty hurt and unable to even try to counter attack. Maelstrom wanted to hit the other Houndour as he bounced back, but it wasn't close. Where was it?
[Maelstrom 1/3 & Fang 1/3 Battle Points. Houndour D 0/3]
Lily was smiling. She hated to admit it but she loved fighting. She loved a challenge and a chance to show her power to her enemies. Around the Kirlia, water and rocks floated on her psychic hold. It wasn't how others usually used the move, but she liked it this way and it was the only option against a dark type like them if she wanted to use Psychic.
The Houndoom was looking for an opening around her shield, but no fire attack would pierce that combination of water and rocks. She was ready to launch everything to him when from the corner of her eye saw a Houndour approaching quickly. It was one of the weaker ones. He probably ran away from one of the other battles as soon as someone stopped paying attention to him for even a second. Probably Haru's fault, Lily thought to herself.
"Lily, take that one out first!" Violet shouted, surprising the pokemon. Was she actually giving her battle orders? It's been… a long time. Maybe it was the tension of the moment, or she was actually trying to be a trainer again. Doesn't matter. She trusted her.
The Kirlia made a fluid circular motion with her arms before pushing in the Houndour's direction. A violent push that sent all the water like a river coursing through the air. Of course the Houndoom took that chance to launch his attack, Lily's protection now weaker.
Lily (94) vs Houndour E (2…) & Houndoom (59)
The water impacted against the Houndour like a sudden flood, she even left some rocks out of her control so they were dragged by the water. That launched the Houndour back, making him fly through the air. Now waterlogged and hurt. His fire disabled for now. If he were a normal wild pokemon he would be running away now, but his internal fury made him stand up to keep fighting.
On the other hand, Houndoum launched his attack. A breath of red fire. It was a strange color, deep crimson instead of the usual orange and yellow. She tried to block with her rocks, but it wasn't enough. Some of that fire filtered through the cracks in her shield and clung to her body like napalm. It wasn't only a burning sensation. There was something more… Poison. She knew really well the feeling of being hit by her biggest weakness.
It hurt like hell.
She started screaming. A combination of pain and anger. "Stupid dog! Let's see if you like this!" She shouted to no one in particular, her psychic connection unable to enter his mind. But it made her feel better.
She teleported around in rapid succession. Looking for a weak point on the Houndoom defenses, trying to disorient him. When he looked in the wrong direction, she saw her chance. All the rocks floating around her started to pelt the enemy pokemon from all possible directions, exploiting any weak point possible. She punched the air and, with every punch, rocks flew against the exposed sides of the Houndoom. She even stomped on the ground using her Psychic to rise rocks from below him.
Violet looked at her pokemon worried. Maybe her order was a bad decision? Focusing on the small pokemon might've been a bad idea. The Kirlia now had a glob of fire literally clinging to her skin. Burning. She knew about Houndoom fire and how dangerous it was. It was a mixture of fire and fire-proof toxins, burning and infecting anything they touched. She had to treat that as soon as the combat was over. This was all her fault.
[Lily 1/3 Battle Points. Houndour E 0/3, fire disabled. Houndoom 1/3]
Battles right now:
Gligar VS Houndour A [Huge crater in this zone]
Roselia VS Houndour B & C [Pheromones floating all around here.]
Maelstrom and Fang VS Houndour D
Lily VS Houndour E & Houndoom
[][Orders] Write-in your orders. Remember that you can only give at most two orders or perform two actions (Using items takes your whole turn). Your pokemon will try to fight even without your instructions but Maelstrom will perform poorly.