Alice Lovelace

Path of Resistance
Level 1

When you Fight.exe.
When you gratuitously blow something up as an act of resistance.
The first time in a session you tell an authority to go fuck itself.
XP: ◉◉
You may spend Resistance XP to add or subtract Harm you give or take, 1-1.
Path of Truth
Level 1
When you Prompt.exe.
When you follow your curiosity in a way that doesn't advance the mission.
The first time in a session you discover something new about the Matrix.

XP: ◎◎
You may spend Truth XP to reroll dice when you Charge or Refresh, 1-1d6.
Path of Enlightenment
Level 1
When you Disconnect.exe.

When you refuse to back down or run away from impossible odds.
The first time you run out of Resolve in a session.

XP: ◉◉◎◎
You may spend Enlightenment XP as if they were Detachment, 1-1.
Beginning to Believe: You gain +1 Detachment the first time you Charge.
Stop Trying to Hit Me: You take -1 Harm when on the Defensive in Fights.
Mine Now: Spend a Full Hit in Fight to disarm an enemy of their weapon. If you then shoot them with it, take +1.
Try Again: When you attempt a Disconnect you failed before and have not yet succeeded at, you may input one 6 as a True Hit.
Bit of Help: When you spend Detachment on any move other than Disconnect, you get two +1s. They can be applied to the same die or different ones.

Jump Impossible Distances Lvl 2*
Hit with Implausible Force Lvl 1

Dodge Implausible Ways Lvl 1
Act with Implausible Slight of Hand Lvl 1

CW: Very 90s.

Also, this is going to be a seriously fucked up quest. I'm going to be doing my damndest to channel an appropriately edgy, teen-rage vibe. Expect violence, drugs, sex, etc.

There's also going to be some Pretty Uncomfortable Dysphoria-ing, trans readers be warned.
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No it's exactly as it sounds. we take a harm and something about this situation gets shittier for us
Well, as I said above it might be an "or", that's not entirely clear to me just yet, but the "the situation gets worse" part is definitely not flavor text if that's what you're wondering

got it. Appreciate the clarification. wasn't sure if we'd take more than 1 harm from a nat 1. Things getting worse sounds fun!
got it. Appreciate the clarification. wasn't sure if we'd take more than 1 harm from a nat 1. Things getting worse sounds fun!
Oh, that. Some of the nastier guns in the gear listing (informational threadmark #3) do deal more than that, so it's possible that that carries over to enemy weapons in some cases? Also unclear to me
My reading was that it'll stop up to 3 harm from bullets total, not that it would be used once for 1 source of harm.
Pretty sure that
3 Gear points. You activate it as a reaction to being shot at, where it eats up to 3 Harm, then vanishes in a puff of computer code.
Means it gets popped as a reaction to getting shot, eats (<3) damage, and then poofs away at the end of that action.
That is correct. Armoured vests act entirely on 'guy gets shot, falls down, friends go to their side because they're dying and then they tear open their shirt and there's a vest' rules.
2.1 - Werewolf the Masquerade
You managed to get out a noise, if not a word, of warning, before the glass shattered and you found yourself on the floor, staring up at the ceiling fan. The next thing you were aware of was Lexi leaning over you, her hands on your face, and something hot running down your brow. Your cell phone clattered to the ground, Vector's voice still echoing from it. There wasn't pain, just a sickening numbness.

It wasn't real. Whatever it wasn't, whatever you were feeling, was a fiction. It was a computer program trying to impose itself on your body, once again trying to tell you who you were and how you should be. It couldn't. You'd not let it.

"Get… get back," you groaned, pointing to the far wall. You wanted to reach up and touch the wound you suspected was at the top of your head, but you knew better. The less real it felt, the less real it'd be.

You turned and saw Engima at the end of the hall, a small pistol in either hand, sheltered in the shadow of the bookshelves. His expression was fixed, unchanging, the emotionless cool of a man in control. He indicated to move away from the window, and you tried your best to shift, breathing deep and trying to stay composed. It wasn't real. The blood was a lie, the pain was a lie.

You put a hand on the windowsill to steady yourself as you crawled back, and there was a trio of loud cracks as bullets impacted around it. You recoiled, dropped to the floor, and crawled on your belly until you were clear, then stood up unsteadily.

"Can you fight?" Enigma asked, and you made a point to brush the dust off your jacket, to regain the composure that would keep you alive. You were about to respond when there was a further crash of glass beside you, and something heavy clattered against the floorboards and started sputtering smoke into the room.

Without missing a beat, Enigma pulled a gas mask from his belt and put it on, indicating to the door beside you. You looked over just in time to feel the whole building shutter as a boot crashed into it from the other side, the locks shaking, the wood cracking. Then again, then the door burst open, forcing you back to the edge of the window as the first Exile came through.

She didn't look that scary, just a woman in a loose-fitting patterned t-shirt and baggy jeans, but her eyes glowed a bright yellow, so bright it seemed to leave trails in the air as she moved. Enigma's guns popped behind you, one after another, tearing dark holes in her shirt, and she just grinned, showing off a set of razor-sharp canines before she lept across the room toward him with a howl.

As the room filled with smoke, the next came through, and you came eye to piercing yellow eyes with him as you stood to block his path.

You have 1 Harm on you. What do you do?
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We give Enigma time to do his work, that's what we do.

[X]Spend that 3 in Flexible to knock down our opponent and keep any more from coming through.
[X]Spend that 3 in Flexible to knock down our opponent and keep any more from coming through.
I'm not read up on the mechanics yet, so I'm going to abstain, but I've been wondering: What does the Ashtur look like?
I'm not read up on the mechanics yet, so I'm going to abstain, but I've been wondering: What does the Ashtur look like?

It's a standard hovercraft, so probably like this :

Arrayed around it were hoverships, dozens and dozens, and you finally got a chance to see them from the outside. Though they were all different shapes and sizes, they all had a vaguely dragonfly-esque shape, a bulky body and a long tail. They were covered in large pads, circular, square, angled, which when active glowed blue and crackled with electric power.

Incidentally, I'm not sure this adds up.
All the ships look different, but supposedly they're all salvaged from tunnels from a single organization, the UN army.

Was there that much aftermarket-modification/patching, or did the UN just have zero standardization at all?
It's a standard hovercraft, so probably like this :

Incidentally, I'm not sure this adds up.
All the ships look different, but supposedly they're all salvaged from tunnels from a single organization, the UN army.

Was there that much aftermarket-modification/patching, or did the UN just have zero standardization at all?

Each country produced it's own hovercraft and put them on secondment to the UN navy?
There's four eras of ships, you can date em by the configuration and design.

Era 1: Consolidation Era

Not many of these, but you can tell because they have the big heavy interlocked panels rather than separate ones. They're each very unique since they were provided during the general hostilities to the UN from everywhere the UN could grab them. This is where you get the very few "lux" craft, which were literally shanghaied by the United Nations from billionaires and some even still have the nicer furnishings left (the one that's all covered in real wood is actually kept as relic in Haven for people to touch actual wood, with all the wartech and hover panels removed.)

Era 2: Uniform Era

This was when the UN was the only real government left and had access to industrial factories capable of putting out ships. They have three basic frames - this is where you get battleships - and they're the most coherent looking ones, and the ones that have the best actual weapons. Most EMPs are modeled after EMPs made on these OR they're just outright ripped off hulked ones.

Era 3: Desperation Era

This was when the UNN was the only part of the UN left - and they were back to scrounging, retrofitting, even stealing things to make fly. This is where you get the weird fuck ships that have machine parts that have been co-opted and put into them. No one saves their crew trusts these because no one is sure if the machine parts are actually dead.

Era 3: The Surrender

Any ships made at this time are the really tiny, really small ones, only used by ascetics and nomads. They're hovercrafts made either right before or right after the UNN gave up. They're basically exposed to most elements, with tiny habitation quarters, and frames made of scrap and what they could salvage. They're usually running panels meant for ships several times they're size, so they're EXTREMELY good at running.
[X] Spend that 3 in Flexible to knock down our opponent and keep any more from coming through.

Btw, that shore leave sequence with the rave and Cangjie was so lovely and sweet and earnest. Thank you.
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Oh, sweet! Werewolves! 😃

Um... Do we (or does Coda) know if you have to use silver to kill a werewolf in the Matrix?