A Song of Weiss and Fire

An idea about Jaune - we saw what his blade in the Golden Clmoany and it belonged to Legend (probably him) in distant past. We can conclude what Jaune arrived much earlier and maybe in slightly different manner, maybe in his own body and accidentally replaced some local knight. And then suffered from Imooster Syndrome like Caiaphas Cain.
We also can only theorize how long can Hunter like him live thanks to the Aura. And Jaune always wanted to be a hero. And there is a legendary place I Westeros which is always hungry for more recruits.
So, I imagined what Jaune has left his sword to his inheritors in the Golden Company and took the black. He currently might be The Oldest Black Brother, have that Targaryen master as a friend and still kicking all thise young bloods in the yard of Castle Black. He also might have changed his name several times across his long long life.

Second theory, about Ruby - I didn't watched later seasons of RWBY, but in many fics Ruby falls into other worlds together with Penny Blades. And Penny is dead when she falls. But Penny is... Penny. She is of inhuman origin.
And here RWBY are reborn, we can conclude what it was their souls which traveled. What if because of that part of Penny being with Ruby when she fell, in this new life Ruby reborn with a (twin) sister Penny? Than I immediately imagined that due to Soul Engineering stuff what Sansa Stark is secretly Penny Reborn, struggling with inhuman memories and trying really hard to be a normal girl, hoping what her "human disguise" didn't Crack today
Than I immediately imagined that due to Soul Engineering stuff what Sansa Stark is secretly Penny Reborn, struggling with inhuman memories and trying really hard to be a normal girl, hoping what her "human disguise" didn't Crack today
If Sansa Stark is indeed Penny reborn, she'd probably get along with Arya Stark than bicker with each other. Then there's the fact she has no robotics or Winter Maiden powers anymore as it went to Winter Schnee after dying. She might have to adjust growing up and living as a human.
Just One Problem

Yang would never be capable of carrying out the Human Sacrifice needed to hatch the Dragon Eggs
Give her a reincarnated Cinder as an option to sacrifice and I think she'd be able to do it without losing any sleep.
If Sansa Stark is indeed Penny reborn, she'd probably get along with Arya Stark than bicker with each other. Then there's the fact she has no robotics or Winter Maiden powers anymore as it went to Winter Schnee after dying. She might have to adjust growing up and living as a human.
Oh no, Pinnochio-ette has to be a real girl. However will she cope? :p
Seriously though, however much adjusting she has to do, I think she'd be very happy that she needs to.

Blake lost track of time, and when the two huntresses had fallen asleep. There was simply too much to talk about and very little time. The two must've fallen asleep mid-conversation in Mistrali, both girls often switched between languages when they spoke. It came natural to them, as if they had just seen each other yesterday and kept in touch over the years, and was one of the few things they had in common, including a love of fish, though Blake preferred hers raw and Weiss, the heathen, preferred hers cooked, usually with a nice mustard sauce. Groaning softly as the former faunus started to wake from her slumber, her amber eyes blinked several times as they opened. Weiss' room was quiet, aside from the soft snores that escaped the Heiress' lips, who laid beside Blake with a thin arm draped around the Baratheon's belly.

Blake angled her head to get a better view of Weiss. Her white hair was still long, and out of the ponytail and braid that Blake had long been accustomed to seeing. It was strange, seeing Weiss without her signature scar, that had been the butt of many of Yang's jokes, at least before Beacon had fallen. Now that Blake got a better look, she looked even younger without the scar that had been the Schnee's only physical blemish back on Remnant. Even then, it did little to diminish her beauty, which was impressive considering that people from Remnant were far more attractive on average than the people from this world. There were exceptions of course, the Lannister Twins, Loras Tyrell, Melisandre and Mother just to name a few, but most were rather average or plain if Blake was being honest. It was likely due to their Aura, which helped their bodies to perform beyond what they could normally do, and better diets and hygiene.

Slowly and gently removing Weiss' hand from where it had laid on her waist, Blake sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. It had been pitch dark when she first snuck into Weiss', and now that light was slipping through the window, it was starting to look a lot more familiar. Blake's eyes darted towards the bookshelf, and took several light steps, to avoid making too much noise that would wake the Schnee. She grabbed the first book that she saw on the shelf.

"Paying her Iron Price." Oh, this was one of the smutty books Blake had Ser Davos smuggle in from the Reach, just to get a look at the literature available in the Hightower homeland. The poor old smuggler thought it was a book about the Stormlands, since he couldn't read at the time. "I was wondering where this went."

"Of course, that's your porn." Weiss yawned, causing Blake to turn around, hiding the book behind her back. The white haired girl was rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She had a smug smirk on her face as she leaned on her side. "Only someone like you could have such filthy taste in literature."

Blake's cheeks reddened as she looked away and placed her hands in front of her, no longer hiding the smut. A sudden thought entered into her brain, which made the former faunus place a hand on her hip. "How would you know? Did you read it?"

Weiss scoffed as she slowly moved herself into a sitting position. "As if, I've already seen several Ironborn, and they're nothing like the ones in your book."

A frown overtook Blake's face as she pondered what that mea-. Ah right, Weiss was a Lannisport Lannister, and had likely been around to see the sack during the Greyjoy Rebellion. "Oh, I-uh, I'm sorry."

Weiss waved her off as she moved to leave the bed, throwing back the covers and standing up. "Don't worry about it. If I hadn't killed those raiders, my family, friends and I would've been taken as salt-wives, or left for dead. It impressed Lord Tywin enough that he allowed me to train publicly."

Blake's frown deepened. Weiss hadn't mentioned any of that last night, only talking about how life had been, and the new family and friends the two had made. It seemed to have been an unofficial agreement to stick to the lighter topics, and catching up with one another. "You killed someone?"

Weiss raised an eyebrow as she moved to the mirror. "Just four raiders that wanted to rape or kill me. Why?"

The Baratheon girl wasn't fond of killing, a touch ironic, given her past, she had to admit. She had already seen too much death during her time in the White Fang, and after when Team RWBY worked in Atlas. Father didn't execute someone just because he wanted to, he always followed the law to the letter and gave them a fair judgment, criminal or not. Weiss, even at a young age, was way stronger than four raiders from this world. She could have subdued them so they could stand for trial, not kill them, even if it was in self-defense.

"No reason." Blake hid her thoughts with a smile, taking a note from Weiss's book. There's no reason to fight or argue, not when they had finally found each other. "There's just so much about our lives that we don't know about. One or two nights just isn't enough for that, you know?"

Weiss smiled in return and nodded. It was a happy feeling, at least Blake could maybe get away with exchanging letters with Weiss in the future. Or maybe even convince her father to let her sail over there, surely Lannisport could be a good base on the other coast for the Royal Fleet? That likely wouldn't happen, not with Tywin Lannister and Queen Cersei scheming something. "Yeah."

"How long will you be staying in King's Landing?" Blake asked, taking a few steps in Weiss' direction, who was tying her hair in her signature ponytail. Stepping in to help wrangle the mess was almost automatic, her hands moving like it was just yesterday they were in Beacon. Yang had always been the best at wrangling everyone's hair, but Weiss was just as good. As she put it, it had been one of the few ways she and Winter could truly express their affection for one another.

"Tomorrow morning, that was Lord Tywin's schedule at least. I need to store my winnings back home, but I was planning on taking a longer route back to Lannisport by going through the Riverlands since this is my first time out of the Westerlands, but I can postpone it a few days." Weiss offered, which made Blake's smile drop. Father was sending her and Shireen back to Dragonstone in the morning, with the tide. Well, that was unfortunate.

"Father wants me to return to Dragonstone, along with Shireen in the early morning." Blake sighed. There was so much going on behind the scenes, Father was always meeting with Jon Arryn, and that wasn't counting the Spider, Littlefinger, and Lannisters were always plotting some scheme. Maybe she shouldn't say anything about that to Weiss? The Lannister's were her kin, even if she was from a cadet branch.

It was Weiss' turn to frown this time. "It's like the universe doesn't want us to finally be reunited, even after we finally met each other."

Blake wrapped her arms around the shorter girl, who eagerly returned the hug, glad to finally have her friend back. "We'll figure something out, Team RWBY always does."

"Yeah, you're right." Weiss mumbled into Blake's shirt. Having to leave each other too soon was a horrible feeling. Who knew when they would finally be able to see each other again?

Yet, as long as they were together, they would be unstoppable.


The Master-of-Ships was not a man that could be threatened or cowed into submission. When Robert ordered him to hold Storm's End against the full might of the Reach, he did just so, and was down to eating his boot leather when the Onion Knight had saved them from such a fate. When Robert ordered him to build a fleet and take Dragonstone despite suffering from malnutrition during the siege, he did just so, even after running headlong into a major storm that had fortunately sank the remnants of the Targaryen fleet. When Robert ordered him to take the Royal Fleet and smash the Iron Fleet into splinters, Stannis Baratheon did just so, even if the bards sung more about how Robert had stormed the Iron Isles than his battle which had enabled such a feat. He was afraid of no lion, no spider, and certainly no little birds twittering around. Stannis Baratheom barged into the Lord Hand's office, pushing aside his squire, Hugh of the Vale, an ugly boy with reddish hair. The two guards with blue cloaks and falcon broaches could do nothing but stand to the side, as the Lord of Dragonstone easily towered over them. Pathetic, was the best the Vale could offer for guards? His bannermen would have resisted mightly had anyone tried storming in.

"What is the meaning of this, Lord Stannis?" The Lord Hand looked up from his desk, sweat coating his wrinkled forehead like tar on a galley's hull. He winced as he spoke, adjusting his seat. Truly this was the second most powerful man in the Kingdoms? A tired old man unable to sit for long?

"The Lannisters, have they heard of our plot?" Stannis narrowed his eyes. That Lannister girl, he had seen her once or twice before the Greyjoy Rebellion. He didn't think much of her then, she was just a minor Lannisport Lannister, and he was busy planning to smash the Iron Fleet and invade the Iron Isles. He never expected such an insignificant girl to win a melee filled with warriors as famed as Lord Bronze Yohn Royce and Thoros of Myr.

And she had the gall to name Blake the 'Princess of Love and Beauty'? His daughter, out of all the maidens present, chosen by a Lannister as the 'Princess of Love and Beauty'? This was no coincidence, Stannis felt that deep within his bones. This was a Lannister plot, and with the skill she showed on the tourney grounds, as well as the magic she used to summon snowflakes, Stannis was worried. Not for himself, of course, but for Blake. Did the Spider or Littlefinger find out about Blake's abilities and tell the Lannisters? Not helping matters was her attitude of appearing to be a pious Maiden, an attitude backed up by Septons preaching her virtues. His daughter was as skilled as almost any man, and remained undefeated in every match against Brienne of Tarth, who had proven to be as skilled as Stannis' best knights.

"No." The Lord Hand frowned. "Lord Tywin would have acted during the morning petitions had he known." With the amount of Red Cloaks and Westerlords in King's Landing, Stannis was thankful for the presence of the Riverlords, Stormlords, Valemen, and Crownlanders. For all of his many, many faults, Robert was always able to inspire loyalty from anyone, even enemies who had been trying to kill him moments before. The Lord Hand didn't seem too surprised about the Lannister girl's magic, and in fact, seemed almost cheery, if such an adjective, could be used to describe him for once.

"You already knew about her." Stannis said simply, in disbelief, that he hadn't been told of such an issue. He couldn't make plans when people kept information from him like this! While the smallfolk and nobles were in uproars and murmuring about the public display of magic, the only men who hardly batted an eye were Lord Arryn and Lord Lannister.

"Robert met her when he visited Casterly Rock, she had already killed raiders that had sieged the Gold Keep, and defeated Ser Amory Lorch and Ser Justin Massey in the training yard, at only seven namedays." The Lord Hand sighed and pressed his hands together, interlocking his fingers. Ser Justin had been Robert's squire at the time, and had been knighted after the war. Ser Smiles then ran afoul of Cersei Lannister, and ended up with a posting within the Royal Fleet, entering into Stannis' service.

"And her magic?" Stannis pressed, earning him a glare from the Lord Hand that ended with the old man coughing violently. Was he coming down with a chill? He was old, and spending a lot of time in the Red Keep, which had a bit of a draft.

The Lord Hand's glare did not phase Stannis. "I'm sure you would know more about her magic than I, Lord Stannis." A jab at his wife and Melisandre, who had taken up a position as one of his advisors on Dragonstone. Stannis graciously ignored the thrust, they had bigger fish to worry about at the moment. "Rest assured that the plan remains unchanged."

Stannis did not believe that one bit, simply because her existence upended the plan. The Lannister girl was brought to King's Landing by Tywin Lannister for a reason, likely a show of power, to brag to the entire realm that he had a girl that could defeat grown men, experienced warriors with excellent reputations, no less, as if they were unblooded squires. And her magic, it was stronger than Malora's, Melisandre's, and even Blake's, who could create shadows in combat that took on her appearance. Worse yet, was her ties to the Faith. While he wasn't a believer, that didn't mean he didn't appreciate the soft power it could lend someone.

"Are you sure?" Stannis continued. He had brought his suspicions to Lord Arryn because he was the only one who could convince Robert. If Stannis had brought every piece of evidence in the world with truthful witnesses, Robert would likely declare him an ambitious upstart who wanted to claim the Iron Throne. No, it had to be Jon Arryn, the one who Robert treated more like family than his own blood, and the old fool wanted to wait. They could arrest the Lannisters while they were all gathered at the evening feast, yet that would break the guest right, the most holy of all oaths. To become an Oathbreaker, or to prevent a bastard from sitting upon the Iron Throne, what a choice.

"Yes." The Lord Hand winced as he slowly stood up from his desk. Age was likely catching up with the Old Falcon, he was already old by the time of Robert's Rebellion, and over a decade in service to the realm as Hand of the King only aged him even more. "Now if you excuse me, I must see the Grand Maester. I'm not as young as I used to be." The Lord Hand walked past the Lord of Dragonstone.

Stannis frowned as he turned to follow the Old Falcon out of the Tower of the Hand, the guardsmen from the Vale following behind them as they did so. The glare that the Ugly Squire gave him was ignored, he was not but a boy, and not even an impressive one at that. They were halfway down the stairs when they ran into Littlefinger. Oh joy, just what he needed. This day had started out bad, and was not getting any better.

"My Lord Hand, Lord Stannis." The Master-of-Coin's voice was as slippery as a snake. He was Jon Arryn's man, or so he claimed. Petyr Baelish was a minor lord from the smallest of the Fingers in the Vale, and was a tiny man, yet he seemed to be everywhere and had his fingers in many pies. Littlefinger had a small pointed beard on his chin, and dark hair with strands of gray running around his head.

"Lord Baelish." The Lord Hand croaked. "I don't recall a meeting being scheduled. There was plenty of coin left for the champion of the joust, is there not?" The jousts were due to start in a few hours, after Robert woke from his drunken slumber and broke his fast. Maybe he'd been overtired from sleeping with that serving wench, and slept in?

Littlefinger gave Stannis a brief glance before lowering his voice. The whispering sounded very much like a snake's hissing, which Stannis was sure was an insult to the animals. Snakes didn't have a choice in the matter. "None of that, my Lord Hand. I merely overheard something that I'm sure you would like to know."

Jon Arryn's grimace was plain to see. What new mishap was about to befall them? A pestilence? Another Rebellion? The Iron Bank calling in its loans? "Well? Speak."

"The Queen has announced her intent to visit Casterly Rock, along with her children. His Grace, King Robert, has already given her his approval." Littlefinger's voice was little more than a whisper. Stannis immediately shot the Lord Hand a sharp glare and started to grind his teeth. And this was just what he needed. Now, the Queen and her bastards would be out of reach of them for some time, safely ensconced in their ancestral lands.

The Lord Hand frowned, not that Stannis could blame him. This was a right mess to deal with, and their options had shrunk. They could wait, see when she would return, but if the Lannisters knew of their plans, that might not happen anytime soon. "If that is her wish, who are we to prevent a daughter from visiting her Father?"

A daughter who cuckold the king and wished to place a bastard born of incest upon the Iron Throne. It was worse than the Targaryens, at least there they were known to be degenerates before taking the Throne. Stannis' eyes darkened as the three members of the Small Council continued down the stairs of the Tower of the Hand. He would not break the guest right, yet that did not mean Stannis would idly stand by and allow the Lannisters to do as they pleased. It was time for him to start considering some alternative plans.

For the realm, and all Seven Kingdoms.


Blake left Weiss' room shortly after the Lannisport heiress changed into a new dress to break her fast in the Great Hall. It saddened the white haired girl to have to pretend she didn't know who Blake truly was, to hide their friendship. They had spent so many years trying to find anyone, literally anyone from Remnant, just to separate once more. At least the dark haired Baratheon girl promised to visit Weiss' chambers one last time before she was shipped off to Dragonstone, and before Weiss made her way to the Kingsroad and then to the Riverroad to return to Lannisport.

"You were magnificent yesterday, Weiss." Alysanne said as she sat beside the white haired girl preening, almost. The two were seated in the Lannister Box, where only members of the family and high ranking lords and ladies of the Westerlands may enter. Cedric and Pod were given leave to wander the tourneygrounds, as it was the last day. She just hoped those dolts wouldn't get into any trouble, she was not bailing them out of the dungeons if they got caught stealing a ham instead of paying for it. Cedric had already been unhorsed in the lists, by a Beesbury Knight, so Weiss didn't want to look at him right now, less she say something he would regret.

"Thank you, Alysanne." Weiss gave her friend a smile, it was nice having friends once more, even if they weren't RBY. "It was all due to the Seven above, giving me their blessing to win such a melee."

The Lefford heiress had never judged Weiss for being different, even if other lords, knights and ladies were afraid or wary of her skills. It's what she appreciated about Alysanne and Alis, who were some of her only true friends in such a backwards world. Robert Brax counted as well, since he was always challenging Weiss to a duel in the training yard, and ended up battered and bruised for his efforts. The last Weiss had heard of her Father's former squire, he had been commissioning a new set of armor to celebrate his knighthood, which included a helmet that had a unicorn horn as a crest. Robert would want to show it off once Weiss and Alysanne return.

"The Seven who are one chose wisely." Alysanne smiled. She wore a blue dress with yellow accents, the colors that were on the sigil of House Lefford. It was quite a fetching dress on her, she had to admit. Whoever married her would have some good taste.

"And for that, I am grateful." Weiss returned her smile with a small one. Her eyes drifted towards the Royal Box, which was in plain view, and resisted the urge to frown.

King Robert was joined by Queen Cersei, as well as other members of both families and those of the Small Council. The Lord Hand, Jon Arryn, sat directly to the fat king's right, while a small man with a pointed beard with a mockingbird pin sat to the Hand's own right. From there were Renly and Stannis Baratheon, with Shireen and Blake seated to the right of their father. To the King's left were the Lannisters, the Queen, Lord Tywin, Prince Joffrey, Prince Tommen, and Princess Myrcella. Even Cousin Tyrion was present, lazing on a chair with a goblet, likely full of wine. Weiss' eyes immediately turned to Blake, who also happened to be staring straight at her. The Lannister girl tore her eyes away, just as Loras Tyrell, the Knight of Flowers, lance splintered against the shield of Ser Jaime Lannister.

The two knights were now in the finals of the joust, after defeating countless rivals throughout the day. Two lances had already been broken by each competitor, but more were drawn from the barrel full of them by their squires.

"The Knight of Flowers is a pretty one, but Ser Jaime has more experience." Ser Damion Lannister, his mother had been a Lannisport Lannister, bragged out loud. He was talking to Lewys Lydden, Lord of the Deep Den. It wasn't inaccurate, she had to admit to herself. The Kingslayer, for all his flaws, was still a great warrior.

"Ser Jaime has been winning tourneys since the Tyrell's been a babe." Lord Lefford, Alysanne's Father added. All three men were speaking loudly, with several other knights of high ranking families and other lords.

He wasn't wrong. Despite his reputation as the Kingslayer, Ser Jaime was also known as being the youngest knight inducted into the Kingsguard, and was considered one of the best swordsman alive. If Lord Bronze Yohn Royce and Thoros of Myr were considered excellent fighters, Weiss could not wait to see her distant cousin fight with a sword in hand, and not with a lance. She wasn't the biggest fan of jousting, to her eyes it just looked like two men charging each other to knock the other off.

The two knights charged once more, shattering their lances as they impacted against each other's shield, their third lances. Ser Jaime shook on his saddle, his golden armor and lion-shaped helm making him look like a knight straight out of the stories both in Remnant and here. Ser Loras, on the other hand, wore silver armor that was decorated in sapphires and black vines, with golden roses decorating his helm's crest. Weiss had been disappointed to find out that the Knight of Flowers was, indeed, not Ruby Rose, and was actually a young Tyrell that had served as Lord Renly Baratheon's squire.

"The Knight of Flowers is holding his own." Weiss noted with a wry smile. Based on everyone else's whispers, they had expected Ser Jaime to have knocked him off his horse by now. She could see some people exchanging worried looks as the realization sank in. Apparently they'd made some unwise bets, including Cousin Tyrion, but he never betted against family, so it wasn't exactly his fault.

"He is very handsome." Alysanne added with a sly smile. Loras Tyrell had golden brown eyes with brown curls, which he revealed when he first rode out onto the list for hisfirst round, to raucous applause from the crowds. He was handsome, but not exactly Weiss' type.

"We shall see if he's as skilled as my cousin." Weiss gave her friend a wink. So far, he had been impressive, already breaking three lances and getting ready for a fourth. His squire, a Crane of Red Lake, handed him the fresh lance as Ser Loras threw the splintered one on the ground. A Lannister cousin handed Ser Jaime his own, as both knights rode back to their starting positions.

After an entire minute full of tension, both knights charged at each other, stomping up dust. The Knight of Flowers and the Kingslayer soon lowered their lances, and they soon collided. The world seemed to slow as Ser Jaime was suddenly thrown from his horse, slamming hard onto the ground with a clatter, while Ser Loras held onto the saddle of his mare as hard as he could.

"Ahahaha!" King Robert boomed into laughter as the crowd cheered, smallfolk and nobles alike. Everyone cheered for the Knight of Flowers, everyone who wasn't in the Lannister Box, that is. Ser Damion and Lord Lewys frowned, while Lord Leo seemed to bite the inside of their cheek. She didn't even want to imagine how Lord Tywin was taking the sight.

Weiss only watched in silence as Ser Jaime moved to slowly stand up, with one of their younger cousins running onto the field to help him up, his heavy golden armor weighing him down. Ser Loras, on the other hand, removed his helm and started to parade around the boxes of noble houses and stands where the smallfolk watched.

"A well fought match." Alysanne whispered, so the other occupants of the Lannister box wouldn't hear. Weiss nodded in agreement as she turned to gaze upon the Royal Box. Needing four passes to be unhorsed was no small feat, and he'd certainly proved his mettle with such a deed. King Robert was talking and jeering at the man with the mockingbird pin, who grabbed a small sheathed dagger with an expensive hilt from where it rested on his belt. He handed it to the King in one fluid motion. King Robert stuffed it in his trousers with a wink.

Ser Loras passed by the Lannister box with a smug smile, though he waved at the ladies, including Alysanne and Weiss. He rode towards the front of the Royal Box. Oh no, was he about to copy what she did? Or was he about to do something worse?

"Congratulations on your victory, Tyrell." King Robert said with a sly grin. He spoke in his usual loud, boisterous tone, which allowed those in the other boxes to hear him. "It's not often someone shows the Kingslayer he's not invincible, a fine match. Choose your queen!"

The same servant from the day before approached the Knight of Flowers, handing him a crown that looked like it was made out of sunflowers this time around. Ser Loras rode around with an easy smile, one that remidned her of what she had dubbed her PR smile back in Remnant. One of his hands was holding the crown while the other held onto the reins of his steed. He approached the box filled with nobles from the Vale, to much tittering and gasps.

"May I have this honor, my Lady?" Ser Loras said to a Royce girl, short and fleshy with small eyes and brown, curly hair. Her purple dress decorated with moons revealed her ample bosom. The Royce girl laughed and nodded, bowing her head to allow the Tyrell to place the crown upon her.

The crowd cheered once more, with considerably less whispers and murmuring than yesterday, when Weiss had won. Ser Loras kissed the Royce girl's hand once more, which made the crowd grow even louder in showing their joy. Weiss' eyes drifted back to the Royal Box. Blake had an indifferent expression on her face, looking like she'd rather be literally anywhere else. Weiss felt the same way, she would have preferred to spend the entire day with her old friend, not watching the lists. There was more movement from the Baratheon's Box, with Lord Arryn speaking to the small man that had given King Robert the dagger.

Suddenly, the Lord Hand grabbed his stomach, and slowly fell over, with the small man and King Robert grabbing him before he hit the ground. Lord Stannis and Ser Barrisran quickly jumped from their seats to help the Hand of the King. The crowd gasped as it earned everyone's attention. Even Blake's indifferent mask briefly broke as she grabbed Shireen and pulled her out of the way of several Vale knights who were rushing towards their Hand. Lord Tywin watched in confusion, his deep voice echoing throughout the boxes. "Send for Grand Maester Pycelle!" And this had started out such a nice day, no less. Weiss pressed her lips together as her eyes darkened.

Hopefully the Old Falcon would be alright.


Our first chapter with more than two POVs! And it came out much longer than usual. Thank you for all of your support!

Night and I can't wait to have the war unfold, and slowly reveal and tease the appearances of Ruby, Yang, Jaune and Neo. And we have more art on the way, so keep an eye out for that!
"Of course, that's your porn." Weiss yawned, causing Blake to turn around, hiding the book behind her back.
Ah yes, the brick joke has reached its destination!

"Only someone like you could have such filthy taste in literature."

View: https://youtu.be/GqsNltUxb1I?si=s2zYQuh33aclM9Dz

Father didn't execute someone just because he wanted to, he always followed the law to the letter and gave them a fair judgment, criminal or not.
Even Ser Davos Seaworthy wasn't exempt and he had lost most of his fingers as he was a smuggler before being knighted and became Stannis' honest advisor.

Yet, as long as they were together, they would be unstoppable.
I wonder if they're worried about Salem winning in Remnant or having confidence in their friends like Oscar and remnants of Team JNPR and Winter Schnee will carry on.

the magic she used to summon snowflakes
At least Weiss is not a White Walker. They're very terrible when it comes to using ice magics and necromancy.

Brienne of Tarth, who had proven to be as skilled as Stannis' best knights.
Guess that means Brienne won't join Renly Baratheon, not that the latter deserves her loyalty anyway.

A jab at his wife and Melisandre, who had taken up a position as one of his advisors on Dragonstone.
Malora Hightower and Melisandre being the unlikely dynamic duo so long there's no involvement with Shadow Babies.

a girl that could defeat grown men, experienced warriors with excellent reputations, no less, as if they were unblooded squires.
Gregor Clegane:

View: https://youtu.be/n8ZbpxV382U?si=emCOivHsIXvXjlFz

Blake's, who could create shadows in combat that took on her appearance.
It's not as terrible as Shadow Babies at least.

It was time for him to start considering some alternative plans.
TFS Goku: "Everyone has a plan until they get punched right in the face."

Hopefully the Old Falcon would be alright.
So it begins with Jon Arynn being the Sacrificial Lion that would set off dominoes that will cause the War of the Five Kings variant.
Yeah...Baelish and Lysa have truly rushed things this Time. Jon Is falling down way too fast to be anything but poison

Wonder how Robert would react to the idea of His parental figure being poisoned with no idea who could have been since everyone Will start blaming the other
The burning question on my mind is whether Team WB (since RY is missing at the moment) will succumb to the system, fall out with each other, and wind-up playing the Game of Thrones... or if they'll decide to break the system altogether by striking out and doing their own thing. Even aside being tremendously powerful on a physical, personal level, Weiss has been building her own connections that may allow her to usurp Tywin and Blake has the traditions of the North with it's loyalty to the Starks to back her up. A new alliance between the Wolves and the Lions could very well be in the making, though some cleaning of house of the latter would be required for it to happen.
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The burning question on my mind is whether Team WB (since RY is missing at the moment) will succumb to the system, fall out with each other, and wind-up playing the Game of Thrones... or if they'll decide to break the system altogether by striking out and doing their own thing. Even aside being tremendously powerful on a physical, personal level, Weiss has been building her own connections that may allow her to usurp Tywin and Blake has the traditions of the North with it's loyalty to the Starks to back her up. A new alliance between the Wolves and the Lions could very well be in the making, though some cleaning of house of the latter would be required for it to happen.
But Blake is a Baratheon of the Stormlands not a Stark of the North?
But Blake is a Baratheon of the Stormlands not a Stark of the North?

Double checks the ASOIAF wiki
DAMMIT, I got who belonged to what house all mixed up because I forgot who exactly was related to whom by blood as opposed to marriage! Curse you complicated noble marriage alliances. >_<
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The feast that night ended up being delayed by a few hours instead of outright canceled. It made sense, all the guests still present did need to eat, after all, and they had everything already set up. Weiss was seated near a table in the center, which was still far from the Royal Table, all the way by the steep stairs that led to the Iron Throne. Whispers and rumors had already started to spread, that the Lord Hand had already died, that he ate some bad food, or that he had been poisoned. All Weiss knew, was that King Robert had truly been shaken, despite his attempts to hide his sad, dark blue eyes with laughter as he groped another serving lady, a different one and not the same wench as from yesterday. Thankfully, Weiss had been able to leave early, before the dancing started, to spend some time by herself in her room.

The Lannisport Heiress had been laying on her bed for hours, staring at the ceiling. She wasn't close to Jon Arryn, she hadn't even spoken a word to him since her arrival, but even Weiss knew that should he die, something would change, she just didn't know what. Not yet at least, while Weiss knew how to handle politics, she was a stranger to King's Landing and it's political scene. The Royal Court was full of Westermen, Valemen, Stormmen, and an assorted amount of lords and ladies from the other kingdoms and even those across the sea. Here in the Royal Capital, only the cutthroat and savvy would survive, and the threat of death would always be present in all dealings. She couldn't wait to return to Lannisport, her home, Weiss only wished that she could bring Blake back with her. Instead, the dark haired beauty would be sailing for Dragonstone within a few hours, at first light.

Weiss was pulled from her thoughts by the sound of a soft knock at her door. Three taps, a pause, and then another three, their old signal back at Beacon to make sure their room wasn't occupied. Blake was here! She was a little late, but that was understandable considering what was going on with the Lord Hand, slipping away must've been more difficult for her. The white haired girl jumped up from her bed, smoothing out her skirt, she hadn't changed from the dress she wore for the feast, not yet. The door slowly creaked open, and a pair of golden-amber eyes stared at her from the darkness, until Blake walked in, the dim light from the candles casting a light shadow over her pale flesh. She closed the door behind her, and locked it.

"Blake!" Weiss said in Mistrali, quickly throwing her arms around the slightly taller girl's neck. The dark haired girl caught her, returning Weiss' embrace, but a bit slower. "How's the Lord Hand?"

Blake grimace was plain to see as they slowly parted, though they continued to hold each other's hands. "Lord Arryn is still alive. Grand Maester Pycelle claims that it's just a chill, coupled with spending too much time in the sun under a tarp, and that he should hopefully recover with treatment. He is an old man, and exhausted from ruling. The Lord Hand just needs to rest, and he should be up and about in no time at all."

That was a relief. The Lord Hand was the second most powerful man in all Seven Kingdoms, only being overruled by the king himself. And with King Robert focusing on whoring, drinking and feasting, Weiss wouldn't be surprised if the Hand and the Small Council did all of the actual ruling. If the Hand died, the resulting political storm would drastically impact the Kingdoms, as everyone clamored for the job. All while the Kingdom was adrift, rudderless without anyone at the helm.

"That's good." Weiss sighed in relief at the news. She was still due to leave in a few hours, even with what happened at the tourney. Her win during the melee made her several thousand gold dragons richer, and transporting that to Lannisport would have to be a priority, to be used to help fund a few projects that she had in mind for her city. That's what her brain was telling her, yet her heart wanted to stay in King's Landing longer to spend more time with Blake.

"With Lord Arryn sick, I heard that Lord Tywin asked my Uncle if he wanted him to serve as Hand, until Lord Arryn woke." Blake continued, her voice hesitant, oddly enough. "His Grace rejected the offer." And that likely meant that Weiss would have to depart as scheduled. A pity.

"Lord Tywin will see it as an insult." Weiss guided Blake to the bed, the two huntresses taking a seat on the mattress, which dipped under their weight.

"Don't you think it's a bit suspicious?" Blake said evenly, unusually so at that. "The Lord Hand collapses, and now Lord Tywin asks to be named his replacement?"

Weiss frowned, knowing what her dear friend was implying. "Lord Tywin is many things, but he's not an idiot. And besides, you just said that the Grand Maester called it a chill? You know how easily people die here from disease, especially an old man who has been keeping this place running while Robert feasts himself into a grave."

Lord Tywin liked to view himself as a political mastermind, which he somewhat was, even if it was exaggerated at times. Poisoning the Hand and asking to be his replacement would be the move of an imbecile, not someone with as much experience as the Lord of the Westerlands or a former King's Hand. Such a move would cause a war with not just the Vale, but the Riverlands, Stormlands, and draw the ire of King Robert. As strong as the Westerlands were, not even they could win a war with all the other kingdoms against them, and Lord Tywin knew that very well. Odds are it was just him seizing an opportunity presented to him, coupled with knowing he did have experience in the role to temporarily take over.

Blake pressed her lips into a thin line, and nodded hesitantly. She leaned and placed her head on Weiss' shoulder, which allowed the white haired girl to gently rub her back. "I don't want to argue politics with you, not after we finally found each other."

Weiss hadn't even noticed that they were arguing, and she knew what it was like to argue with Blake. Their dorm room had played host to a variety of arguments while they had been at Beacon, mostly between them, but on occasion Yang and Ruby would be drawn in. The Lannisters and Baratheon's were allies, unless there were individuals that were trying to play the Game of Thrones, attempting to break apart that alliance.

"We won't let such lines get in our way." Weiss whispered back as she rested her head on Blake's. She continued rubbing circles around the former faunus' back. "Even if we have to leave each other for a short while now, we'll always find our way back to each other."

"That's true." Blake sighed. "At least Lannisport is much closer and more connected than the North, or Essos. I wish you were a Velaryon."

Weiss scoffed. "So I would end up being your bannerman? How sneaky of you, Lady Baratheon. Besides, my uncle is Lord Velaryon, and his son would have a stronger claim. I'd likely end up as someone's broodmare." She had hoped one of her Uncle's would have participated in the tourney, so she could get to know them better.

"Technically, you are my bannerman, from a certain point of view." Blake smirked. "My cousin is the Crown Prince, so doesn't that make me a princess?" Now that was just malarkey, and plain made up. The Lannisters of Lannisport were sworn directly to Casterly Rock, and the Rock to King Robert.

"If you're being technical, I was the one who crowned you 'Princess', so what does that really make me?" Weiss said as she playfully rolled her eyes. It was comforting, just the two of them together, alone at last. Blake's breathing sounded like a symphony, one that would likely take months or longer for Weiss to hear again.

"My darling knight, of course." Blake teased with a wry smile that reached her eyes. "You looked so dashing in your shining armor, you were like the Dragonknight or the Rusted Knight himself."

"Please, we both know that I'm much prettier than either of them." Weiss tossed a lock of her hair over her shoulder. Even back on Remnant, where Aura allowed people to be beautiful and in peak physical condition, Weiss was considered gorgeous. Not even the scar the Arma Gigas had given her could diminish that. If anything, it added to her beauty, in her mind.

"You're cocky, for a Lannister." Blake wrapped her arms around Weiss' waist, her head still leaning against the white haired girl's shoulder.

"And you're too quiet, for a Baratheon." Weiss fired back with a sly smile. The two girls sat in silence for a few minutes, when Weiss chose to break the silence.

"I'm going to miss you, even more now that I know you're alive." Weiss croaked, unintentionally ruining the moment. Life was unfair and always getting in the way. Both in Remnant, and in here.

"Me too." Blake finally straightened her back, angling her body in Weiss' direction, which the smaller girl mimicked. "But we'll always be able to find each other again, and we can send letters until we're able to visit each other!"

"I think you'll like Lannisport more than I'll like Dragonstone." Weiss teased, placing a hand on Blake's cheek. "I'd rather visit Driftmark than your pile of rocks."

"A pile of rocks is better than a mountain of shit." Blake said with a light giggle, which soon interrupted into laughter from the two of them as they said their goodbyes with tears and the tightest hugs possible.

Everyone knew that Tywin Lannister shit gold.


The Lannisters were bolder than Stannis has anticipated, but that was to be expected. Jon Arryn was the Lord of the Eyrie, Defender of the Vale, and Hand of the King, one of the most powerful men in all the Seven Kingdoms, only outranked by Robert himself. The Vale, allied to the Riverlands through Lord Arryn's marriage to Lysa Tully, made the Old Falcon the perfect choice to serve as Robert's Hand following the end of the Rebellion. Honorable, respected by all, diplomatic, and having vital ties to a few of the Kingdoms, on paper, he was an ideal Hand. Stannis hated to admit it, but the Old Falcon had managed to set up a powerblock that should've lasted decades, especially by arranging Eddard Stark to marry Catelyn Tully, Lady Lysa's older sister. The Vale, Riverlands, Stormlands, and the North in an irontight alliance that would no doubt start to unravel with the Lannisters meddling in the Royal Court.

With dark eyes and heavy footsteps, Stannis made his way to his eldest daughter's quarters, with two of his loyal knights following behind. With the Lord Hand stuck in his sickbed from a chill, he was vulnerable, even if he wasn't being treated by the Lannister's pet Grand Maester. How long before the Hand's sickness 'mysteriously' killed him, despite the 'best efforts' of Pycelle? All the plans and arrangements that the Master-Of-Ships had made would have to be changed, and rapidly at that. Already, he was encountering roadblocks from all sides, not helped by the fact that the Hand was the one who had made contact with many potential conspirators, and hadn't told any of them Stannis was involved.

Lysa Tully had barricaded herself in the Vale quarters, with Vale Knights and men-at-arms preventing the entrance of anyone the Lord Hand's wife did not permit. That, unfortunately, seemed to include everyone except for the occasional food delivery. With that, the plan to foster Robert Arryn was a failure, since forcing the mad woman to hand him over would no doubt result in bloodshed, and earn Stannis more suspicion from the Lannisters. The Old Knight had been forced to discreetly depart, already sailing for Dragonstone on the Black Bertha with those few servants who he had been able to convince to come along. He reached the hallway to Blake's quarters, with Ser Richard pausing at the intersection to keep an eye out, a hand resting by the hilt of his sheathed sword. Ser Rolland continued behind him, his head on the lookout, the Red Keep was infested with hidden passages, anyone could strike from hiding without any warning.

Robert was inconsolable, spending his time drinking and whoring, convinced that the Lord Hand would soon recover from his illness, regardless of the facts of the matter. He had been drunk, more so than usual, when he yelled at Lord Tywin, declaring that the Lannister would never be hand, not as long as he lived. Stannis ground his teeth even more at the memory. His older brother was an idiot antagonizing a lion whose pride had already been hurt, though Stannis would likely have reacted similarly. What wasn't helping matters was, for once, he was doing the right thing and denying the Lannisters a position of power, while also at the same time managing to fuck it up. Stupid Robert, who was now too fat to even wear his breastplate. At least the Lannister's were in the process of leaving, they should be by the outskirts of the city by now.

Stannis soon reached Blake's quarters, located deep within Maegor's Holdfast. The room she had been assigned once belonged to one of the lesser Targaryens, hence why it was a few floors away from the Royal Apartments.

"Guard the door." He said, not even turning his head to give Ser Rolland a glance. The pox-scarred knight nodded and turned to keep an eye on the hallway behind him. Stannis knocked on the door, which creaked open after a few seconds.

Blake stared at him with her amber eyes, with dark bags underneath them, as if she hadn't slept. She blinked a few times in confusion. "Father? I'm already packed and ready to return-"

Stannis movedinto her room, carefully, to not knock her over and quickly closed the door behind him, locking it. Blake seemed confused at his actions, and if she had been asleep when he arrived, she was clearly awake now. "What's going on, Father?"

"Sit." Stannis motioned towards her desk, not giving her an answer just yet. Blake did as commanded, though with some hesitation. Not that she could blame him, he was acting unusually.

"Did something happen?" Blake asked, looking up at him with confusion. Stannis grunted as grabbed an expensive, wooden chair with dragons carved on the back and legs, and placed it across from her. The wood creaked as he sat on it, unused to such a large man.

"With the Lord Hand indisposed, it is time that I bring you into the fold regarding our plans." Stannis admitted with a low voice that belied his fears. Blake was to be his heir, the future Lady of Dragonstone, and should Robert die without a trueborn heir, she would be the future Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, a heavy burden indeed, but it was their duty.

"Plans?" Blake frowned, a strange and queer expression when compared to her usual indifference.

"Shireen will return to Dragonstone alone. By now, she should already be aboard Sea Snake, escorted by Ser Waymar Royce and Ser Gerald Gower." Stannis ignored her, crossing his arms over his chest. "The two of you leaving together would draw too much suspicion, there are too many eyes watching." Blake was capable of defending herself, equal to the Lannister girl that Lord Tywin had brought. However, she was his daughter and heir. He was allowed to fear for her safety.

Blake's eyes widened slowly in shock at what he was saying. "Father, what's going on?"

"Tell me, Blake, do you truly believe that the Lord Hand has come down with a chill?" Stannis questioned. There was no need to dance around the topic like the Spider. Blunt honesty was far more effective, and also was impossible to misinterpret.

Blake hesitated for only a second. "N-No. He may have been old, but he has always been robust and active for his age."

"Because he has been poisoned." Stannis narrowed his eyes as he spoke with gritted teeth. This was going to be a uncomfortable conversation, to say the least. Blake was off balance, she was normally more quick-witted than this. "By the Lannisters."

Blake's indifferent mask returned, there was the daughter that he knew. "But why would they risk poisoning the Lord Hand? The Iron Throne is already theirs with Joffrey as Crown Prince. All they would have to do is wait, and it would fall into their hands."

"Because Joffrey is no son of Robert." Stannis whispered, yet his voice remained hard and unmoving. Blake's mask shattered as her golden eyes widened once more in shock. Her hands gripped the arms of the chair tightly. "And neither is Tommen nor Myrcella."

"W-What are you saying, Father?" Blake lowered her voice, though the news seemed to have shocked her. Not that he could blame her, it was shocking when he'd first learned it, but upon reflection, it made sense.

"Haven't you seen it? Joffrey, Tommen and Myrcella are not Robert's children, they are not your kin. They have the Lannister look, yellow hair, green eyes, they look more like their true father. " Stannis ground his teeth as he spoke. "They are nothing more than bastards, born of incest to that Whore Queen and her Kingslaying Brother."

"Those are treasonous words." Blake said simply, looking away. She wasn't wrong, this could easily be used against him if the wrong person was eavesdropping.

"The Lord Hand and I have been investigating for several moons. Brothels, whores, every single one of Robert's bastards have the Baratheon look, even to mother's with yellow hair. Even you, your Mother has light hair, yet you and Shireen have the color of a Baratheon." Stannis continued speaking. Using the color of Blake and Shireen's hair when compared to their Mother was the first evidence that convinced Jon Arryn of that Whore's infidelity. "And now, just when he plans on telling Robert, he collapsed at the tourney? The man's been poisoned, despite what Tywin's pet claims."

"What are we to do?" Blake finally turned to meet his eyes, as they narrowed. He slowly stood from his seat. He strode over to the window to look out at the estuary where the Blackwater Rush transformed into the Bay.

"Robert will not choose another Hand as long as Jon Arryn lives. We must hope that he survives." Stannis admitted, to both himself and Blake, the sad truth. Robert would never believe him, only Jon Arryn or Eddard Stark were capable of convincing the fat King, he loved that Stark more than his own blood. "However, should Jon Arryn pass, I will press Robert to name me as his Hand." The authority he had as Master-Of-Ships would not be enough. He was aware of how suspicious it would look, but he had no choice.

The Queen Whore and her bastards may enjoy their time at Casterly Rock, but once Robert named him Hand, and they returned from King's Landing, all they would receive as a welcome would be the Black Cells. And from there, they would go to the Faith, the Wall, or the headsman's block. He sensed Blake standing beside him looking out as well. She placed her hand on his arm, as he gave her a brief glance. Blake looked like her Mother, with the Baratheon colors. He was so proud of her.

"That bastard shall never sit upon the Iron Throne."


And with that, the tourney arc is now over! And what a wild ride it has been. Weiss and Blake have finally been reunited, just to be seperated once more. Hopefully they'll be able to see each other again soon.

As I'm waiting for my new art commission to be done, I've been playing around with an AI generator to come up with some looks for Weiss and Blake. If you would like to see them please let me know below, I know some aren't the biggest fans of AI art, but it's fun to pass the time, and I still commission artists for outfits and scenes used in the story.

Time for the next arc!
I imagine Baelish must not be having a good Time

Too early and Rush was the attempt against Jon who still breathes

Tensions are at a all-out-high Yet he can't predict what everyone Will do. And with Jon still alive, any chance to carry out his personal Vendetta against the Stark can't happen yet
Ooh~! Is Blake about to engage in some Magic Ninja Princess Shenanigans on behalf of her father?
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The burning question on my mind is whether Team WB (since RY is missing at the moment) will succumb to the system, fall out with each other, and wind-up playing the Game of Thrones... or if they'll decide to break the system altogether by striking out and doing their own thing. Even aside being tremendously powerful on a physical, personal level, Weiss has been building her own connections that may allow her to usurp Tywin and Blake has the traditions of the North with it's loyalty to the Starks to back her up. A new alliance between the Wolves and the Lions could very well be in the making, though some cleaning of house of the latter would be required for it to happen.
I really hope that RWBY are able to reunite and smash the system, because Westeros is a place that desperately needs to have its systems smashed.
A bit difficult considering the incoming Civilization ending threat, and the...questionable track record of Team RWBY regarding major social events (*cough* Fall of Atlas *cough*)
Honestly, it wasn't RWBY's fault that Ironwood went crazy. They got handed a shitty situation and did the best they could - and managing to evacuate most of the city's population is pretty well done considering the opposition.

As for the White Walkers... yeah, got me there. Still, maybe an existential crisis is just what is needed to shake Westeros out of its funk, eh?

The Lords and Ladies of the Westerlands left King's Landing in a grand train of wheelhouses, wagons, and horses that had all but blocked up the Lion Gate for a couple of days. The original retinue had grown much larger, with the addition of the queen and her entourage, which included at least two members of the Kingsguard. Weiss hadn't seen any of them, since she was busy managing the departure of her own household, but if the rumors were true, the two knights were Ser Preston Greenfield and Ser Mandon Moore. At least a hundred other servants and guards joined them, all members of the Queen's household, and their assorted luggage as well. With the ostentatious wheelhouse that Queen Cersei used, Weiss wouldn't be surprised if she managed to return to the Westerlands faster, even with the much longer detour she planned on taking. Hell, she could probably walk back and still outpace that house on wheels, it was a massive and gaudy display of her wealth.

She would break off from the Westerland convoy once they reached where the Kingsroad met the Goldroad, and continue North. From there, Weiss and her own party would reach the Riverroad, passing by Riverrun on the way back to Lannisport. Even with all of her servants on wagons, and with her men-at-arms mounted on horses, it would take a while for her trip to be completed. The road would be packed with other carriages, so she was forced to take a detour to ensure a fairly speedy return. At least, that was going to be her argument to her father when asked why she didn't follow the main convoy. In reality, she just wanted to take some time on the road, and clear her head, while also seeing another Kingdom. After a quick goodbye to Alysanne, who was stuck in the Lefford wheelhouse, Weiss and her servants were now finally heading up the Kingsroad.

"Have you ever been to the Riverlands?" Weiss asked Ser Cedric, who rode beside her on his own steed. Directly behind them was her own smaller wheelhouse, and then the wagons that carried her luggage, servants, and the fifteen thousand gold dragons she had won from the melee. That wagon had half of their guards all but glued to it, and their eyes constantly were looking around for someone to try something. She didn't need to discover, Brothers forbid, Raven had come through somehow. It would just be her luck to have the crazy slattern ambush them and steal her gold, somehow.

"Aye, my Lady." Ser Cedric nodded. He wore his lighter leather armor, with his longsword strapped to the mare he rode. "Lord Bracken and Lord Blackwood are always hiring sellswords and knights to spite the other, burning a field or so, or stealing some sheep."

"So you burnt a field." Weiss said dryly in response to that, well, not all that surprising fact. Ever since he came into her service, Cedric became a constant in her life, her shadow. And Pod served as his shadow, serving her idiot knight as a squire, the poor lad. The younger Payne was likely snacking on one of her secret lemoncakes, hidden in her wheelhouse. At least he wasn't getting into any real trouble there.

"Technically, Rod was the one who lit the fire before we were even hired." Cedric's eyes turned away at the mention of his dead cousin and former squire. Either he was trying to shift blame for their arson, or he was telling the truth about the matter.

Weiss sighed and rolled her eyes. "I'm not surprised."

She had never gotten the chance to meet Podrick's Father, and Cedric rarely spoke of him, even after he bought that manse in Lannisport that mostly went unused. Cedric and Pod both had rooms in the Gold Keep, and always ate at the table of Father's household knights. They had a rather good life now, especially compared to most hedge knights. Steady pay, food and board they didn't need to pay for, and a chance to make all the connections with a rich family one could ask for.

Cedric gave her a sheepish grin and rubbed the back of his neck, using his other hand to keep hold of his mare's reins. "Pod's just like his Father, my Lady. We best keep an eye on him should we see any fields."

Weiss laughed and nodded her head slowly. "Of course, I didn't win all those coins just to reimburse a lord or landed knight because you or your squire burnt his hunting grounds."

Cedric allowed himself to laugh along.

"Cause then you'll have to pay me back." Weiss' laughter turned into a giggle as Cedric started to choke on air. Even Coachman Figgin, the driver of the wheelhouse, joined in with his own laughter. Weiss wasn't joking though. Paying off a innkeeper's tab was one thing, she wasn't paying for arson. Of course, she was one to talk, given she'd burned down Brunswick Farms, but do as she said, not as she did. "A Lannister always pays her debts, Ser Cedric."

While Weiss wouldn't be the ruthless businessman that Jacques was, nor would she be a haughty and ruthless politician like Lord Tywin. She also wasn't going to allow herself to get taken advantage of, like Willow had been. She would do her best to rule justly and fairly once she was the Lady of Lannisport, to help improve the lives of the smallfolk while also being successful in her own right. The white haired girl had plenty of business ideas and improvements to organize and adapt. All she needed was enough time and coin. Lannisport would be reborn in her image, with modern ideas, though some would no doubt have to change depending on the facts and politics. Weiss wasn't here to make any major social changes, no, the culture here was too ingrained and would face major pushback from smallfolk and nobles alike, especially from her Liegelord, Tywin. But even something small could turn into a mountain, after she eventually passed. A rather morbid thought, but the truth.

"My Lady!" Pod's yell caused Weiss to turn her head to give the wheelhouse a glance. What was the matter now?

"Yes, Podrick?" Weiss asked while trying to hide a sigh. His chubby cheeks were covered in crumbs, Weiss' cake supply most likely. That boy at least would burn off the energy in a short amount of time.

"The cakes are all gone!" He said loudly, earning a wince from Coachman Figgin. One of her men-at-arms in hearing range, Jorek, laughed, his plate armor shaking with a clattering.

Weiss gave him a small smile and nodded. He was just a boy, hardly to blame for this. Lesson learned, it seemed. "We'll get more when we find a village."

Pod nodded with determined eyes and retreated back into her wheelhouse. Continuing north on the Kingsroad would lead them to the Crossroad Inn, if the map that they were using was accurate. There they would be able to rest and resupply before taking the Riverroad that ran alongside the Red Fork of the Trident. From there they would pass by Riverrun, the Golden Tooth and Sarsfield on the way to Lannisport. It would be a wonderful sidetrip, and she could pick up Alysanne on the way if she managed to beat Weiss back to the Westerlands.

"You are very kind, my Lady Lannister." Cedric said. His eyes were scanning the wagons in front of them, likely smallfolk since they didn't carry any banners. A wise move, given how much gold was in the convoy, all it would take is some clever bandits to try something, and they'd be in trouble.

"Nonsense." Weiss waved him off with a sly grin. "You'll be the one paying for them, to reimburse my poor sweet tooth." Cedric nearly fell off his horse, which made Weiss smile and the others present to burst out laughing once more.

She already missed Blake.


Jon Arryn died a fortnight after the departure of the Lannisters, in his bed. It was slow and painful, with the treatments provided by the Grand Maester doing little to ease the Hand's pain. Uncle Robert was inconsolable for days, locked in his room, with the doors only opening for food, wine, and new whores. Yet, life continued as usual since their King never did any actual ruling, leaving that to the now dead Lord Arryn and the Small Council. It should be an indictment that the death of the second most powerful man in the Kingdoms didn't impact the current state of affairs in the least. There was only so much Father could do with Littlefinger, Uncle Renly, and the Spider on the council. Littlefinger was busy filling his own pockets, which was easy to do when he was the Master-of-Coin and owned nearly every brothel in King's Landing. Blake wouldn't be surprised if all of the women that were sent into Royal Chambers were from the brothels he owned. Earning money coming and going, it would seem.

Uncle Renly was no better as the Master-of-Laws, preferring to prance and spend his days feasting with Loras Tyrell and other lords of the Reach and Stormlands, all while the Law was disrespected by almost anyone in King's Landing. Wylde, Caron, Buckler, Fossoway, Oakheart and more often broke their fast with him. Despite being the Lord Paramount of the Stormlands, her Uncle was starting to look more like a Tyrell with the amount of green he wore, and the whispers were starting to gather about him. It made him stand out from his Stormlords, but allowed him to blend in with his Reach friends.

"I hate politics." Blake sighed as she leaned against the railing of the Lady Marya, the ship captained by Allard Seaworth, Ser Davos second-eldest son. Allard was occupied with inspecting some of the repairs to the pinrails that had been done, due to wear and tear.

"You're talking to the wrong Seaworth then." Allard shrugged as he inspected the wood, ensuring the tar would prevent any rotting. They'd been cheated in the past when docking at King's Landing, there were too many dishonest carpenters lying about their skills. "Dale perhaps? Or Devan? He is serving as your Lord Father's squire."

Blake had grown up with the Seaworth boys, and they often ferried her from Dragonstone to King's Landing, or even Storm's End whenever Uncle Renly invited her to visit. They were the closest she had to brothers, as they spent most of their time with the Royal Fleet based on Dragonstone. She had expected them to spend time instead at Cape Wrath, where their Mother stayed with her youngest at the keep Father had gifted the Seaworth family after Uncle Robert's Rebellion.

"Dale's with your Father, is he not? And Devan is a boy." Blake raised an eyebrow in response to her surrogate brother's words. "Do you not enjoy my company anymore, Al?"

Allard shrugged as he plucked a splinter from his calloused and weathered hand, tossing it overboard. "I tolerate you because you remind me of a cat, and I need cats to keep rats out of the hold."

"So all I'm good for is to scare the rats away?" Blake pouted and tried not to think too hard about how the comment was oddly fitting, and how much she missed her ears. She was messing with her old friend to distract herself from Weiss' absence. By the time Blake arrived at the Lion Gate, the white haired Lannister was already gone, along with the rest of the Westerlords. She was too late, and Weiss likely wouldn't receive any ravens until she arrived in Lannisport.

"Of course not, my Lady." Allard turned and leaned against the railing, his eyes scanning the rest of his crew who rapidly discovered they had jobs they should be doing and not just eavesdropping Sailors gossiped worse than fishmongers, in her experience. "You're also a wonderful view that distracts all of my men."

Blake shot him a sharp glare. He was the womanizer who had a girlfriend in every port, not her. Despite her reputation as the 'Black Beauty' of Dragonstone, marriage offers were often far and in between. Many lords were scared of the rumors that circulated about her, especially due to the color of her eyes, and Mother and Father's reputation. No one wanted the daughter of the 'Mad Hightower' as the gooddaughter, even one related to the King. Still, a part of her felt that something was amiss, such as Father declining most offers that never reached her ears. Not that she could blame him for filtering them out, but it could feel cluttering knowing he was probably denying them all, sight unseen.

"It is not my fault you haven't disciplined them properly." Blake shrugged in a rather unladylike manner. She didn't really care, it was Allard's crew and not hers, and more to the point, this was a different time and place. Not that Blake was the most disciplined member of Team RWBY, that position belonged to Weiss, and Ruby in their weaponry class back at Beacon. The younger girl took anything related to weapons and engineering very seriously, it had been kinda scary at times. Even Weiss in her earlier, brattier days, had listened when Ruby was speaking in the weaponry classes.

"Your Father would attest that they have." Allard fired back, much like the near siblings they were. He had been the second of the Seaworth brothers to earn the right to captain a galley in the Royal Fleet, with Dale being the first. His younger brothers were serving about the Black Bertha with their Father or aboard the Fury, Father's flagship. "They served well in the Stepstones."

Likely during one of Father's campaigns to stamp out piracy and give the new recruits some experience against minor foes. Blake's eyes drifted towards the Red Keep, the top of which was still visible from even the harbor. The former faunus had a feeling that just as the Stepstones would never truly be rid of pirates, the Royal Court would never be able to rid itself of all the corruption that had been deeply rooted for decades. She tightened her grip on the railing as she narrowed her eyes at the sight.

Such corruption could only be removed with fire.


A slower arc, the calm before the storm that will eventually turn into a hurricane.
Well, dang. With Jon Arryn dead, it seems we will walk down a canon(ish) path after all - Robert will almost certainly offer the Hand to Ned, and unless the hypothesized presences of R (and maybe Y) changes things, Ned will accept. Though Cersei being away is certainly changing some things. Plus, an effectively untouchable Blake (yay for Aura) knowing about Cersei's infidelity early might also shake things up.

What I'd love to know is whether she shared her father's suspicions with Weiss - to me, it seems that would be the first thing she'd do, but we haven't seen her do so, and it's not referenced in the narration, so...
I wonder if we Will find out where Ruby and Yang before canon blows up in everyone faces and their families are forced to fight each other

Such corruption could only be removed with fire.
Dany already did/will/may do so. Everything about her was so symbolic and well-written. And really didn't mattered beside her Dragon burning the pointy chair because he nows understand symbolism and shit
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