A Song of Weiss and Fire

Also, I would love Yang being true born of Robert Baratheon so he could lament about her being girl, while she represent everything he ever wanted in successor
Isn't Blond Baratheons one of the big issues from Canon? If Yang is Robert's daughter, that would change so many things. How about
Yang as Jorah Mormont and Lynesse Hightower (I pictured her having Golden Hair and Purple Eyes from Canon)'s daughter? Yang is Goldilocks inspired and the Mormonts are Bear themed while also being Pro-Lady Warriors. Or if that does not work, she could be a Targaryen (Blond Hair and Purple Eyes come from Valyrian heritage, traveling with Viserys and Dany though I like the other idea better).
Hear me out. Blake is born in Stark family. And she is literally wolf-faunus (cat-faunus). That's why she is so elusive and always wears her hat. And Stark family are reclusive. And Ned lamenting what his daughter have even more wolfblood than his sister
Won't Ruby fit more with the Wolf theme due to she being based on Red Riding Hood? Also, not sure where Blake's black hair and amber eyes would come from because the Stark traits are Brown Hair and Grey Eyes, while Catelyn have Red Hair and Blue Eyes.
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If Yang Is born from Cersei, either her Father Is Jaime like her other siblings, or she Is the actual daughter of Robert.

Her Lilac eyes could easily pass as Baratheon from their Targaryen Herirtage.

BUT, this would make Robert even More distant, or even intolerant with her, because he Hates everything Targaryen related
Won't Ruby fit more with the Wolf theme due to she being based on Red Riding Hood? Also, not sure where Blake's black hair and amber eyes would come from because the Stark traits are Brown Hair and Grey Eyes, while Catelyn have Red Hair and Blue Eyes.
Thematically, Blake would fit with some group that is outcast from the rest of society but also structured enough to be fight for their right to survive/be acknowledged... so that would key to the free folk beyond the wall or the vale mountain tribes? Both are usually described as being dark of hair though can't remember anything about their eyes.
Thematically, Blake would fit with some group that is outcast from the rest of society but also structured enough to be fight for their right to survive/be acknowledged... so that would key to the free folk beyond the wall or the vale mountain tribes? Both are usually described as being dark of hair though can't remember anything about their eyes.
Someone else from SB, give an idea for Blake being Dornish due to the prejudice towards them, maybe a Blackmont due to their History. But, I also like the Wildlings and Vale Mountain Tribes idea, which fit thematically, maybe she can get a Shadow Cat as a pet?
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The weeks following Weiss' duel with Ser Amory Lorch passed by quickly, with Lord Tywin having to arrange the stay of countless lords, knights, and King Robert, who drew closer with every passing day. That didn't mean everything was comfortable. Mother had become more devoted to the Seven, visiting the Sept every seven days, and she made sure to drag Weiss along, much to the white haired girl's annoyance. Still, it was Weiss' fault in the end for forming the symbol of the Seven over her chest before her fight with Ser Amory Lorch started. Father and Mother kept their promise about always caring for her as their daughter, but there was always something hidden behind their eyes, apprehension and anxiety. It made Weiss nervous, but there was nothing she could do aside from reassuring her parents that she would be fine with Lord Tywin's latest command.

Weiss would be allowed to join the men in the training yard and practice her swordsmanship under the eye of the Master-at-Arms of the Gold Keep, Ser Janas Ruthermont, as long as it didn't interfere with the lessons taught to her by Septa Loria about being a lady. Ser Janas was an old man, even older than Ser Tylan, and was ten times the grouch. The ancient knight had managed to survive the Ironborn attack on the Gold Keep, with the rumors saying that he had killed five men before sounding the alarm before retreating to gather any surviving guards. He also didn't happen to like Weiss joining the other squires and knights in the training yard. Whether out of sexism or her upsetting a delicate routine, or even just him being a grouch was up in the air.

Dressed in brown trousers with a simple red leather shirt, and her hair tied back into a ponytail with a red ribbon, Weiss looked out of place amongst the squires and knights gathered in the training yard of the Gold Keep. Nearly everyone towered over her, including Robert Brax who kept sending her discreet glances when he thought she wasn't looking. Admittedly, she was used to that, even Ruby was taller than her petite form.

"Keep that sword up!" Ser Janas boomed, his shrill voice screaming at the pair of young squires that were in the middle of a spar. He hadn't allowed Weiss to join a single match since she had joined them. Her duel with Ser Amory Lorch didn't have many witnesses, only the four Lannister brothers, her parents, Ser Lyle Crakehall, and a few other men sworn to secrecy. That did little to stop the spread of rumors, even with the threat of punishment by Lord Tywin looming over everyone. Not helped that the Strongboar had loudly demanded his money from Lorch after the duel, and when the pig had refused, found himself beaten into the training ground again.

Nobody who wasn't present at the duel believed that she was capable of defeating a full grown man, which was fine. Weiss would rather have people underestimate her than being fully prepared, and it was Lorch, he barely counted as a knight in any event. It was a bit annoying though, not being able to spar against other people and focusing only on her drills. Roger Lannett, Ser Tylan's grandson, was one of the squires in the spar, against some Westerling boy named Raynald.

"I hope he doesn't end up injured." Alysanne whispered beside Weiss. Her Father had long arrived at Lannisport, and was staying in Casterly Rock as one of Lord Tywin's closest commanders. Leo Lefford may not have been the greatest warrior or strategist, but he was good with numbers and organization. Weiss knew that her friend was relieved her Father would be far from any fighting.

"He has a handsome face." Alis added in agreement. They were talking about Roger since he had the regular features of a Lannister, with blonde hair, green eyes, and a pointed nose. No one would cheer for Raynald, House Westerling had once been an influential family, but had now fallen on hard times. Raynald's Mother was from House Spicer, a rather new house founded by merchants given a lordship by Tytos Lannister, Lord Tywin's Father. That had improved their fortunes, but lowered their standing amongst the lordly houses. Weiss didn't particularly care, someone could be of noble blood and still be an idiot, while a person of so called 'low-birth' could prove themself to be of a much higher caliber. Still, she had to consider appearances and such, so she had to be careful how she reacted.

"They're both just swinging their sword-arms." Weiss shrugged. She stood away from the boys and watchful men, with Alysanne and Alis standing by her side. The two girls liked to join her, not being intimidated by her despite the rumors that had started to float around Weiss. The Lannister heiress suspected that they only joined her in the training yard to stare at the sweaty men and boys.

"Strong arms." Alis giggled. She was staring at Roger alongside Alysanne, her cheeks a shade of red. Weiss was personally tired of blondes, most of them were related to her in some way, and she wasn't keen on checking out any would-be cousins. That and she was betrothed now to a Redwyne, a boy she had never met before.

Roger and Raynald remained evenly matched, with both trying their best to slam their tourney swords onto the other's chest. It was rather boring if Weiss was being honest, no one here could match the skills of her friends from Remnant, though she could admit they were prodigies, and had trained for far longer than these boys had trained. She hoped Ser Janas would allow her to have a spar today. Sure she could use her Father's title to get what she wanted, but that would only bring back unwanted memories. Back when she was the spoiled heiress to the SDC, and would throw around the Schnee name like it was a weapon.

Raynald eventually managed to slip past Roger's defenses, and slammed his tourney sword against the Lannett's side, sending him to the ground. Alysanne and Alis winced while the other squires cheered. Once she was done here, Weiss was going to have to take a bath before assisting her Mother with the matters of the Gold Keep and then joining Septa Loria for her evening lessons. Today Weiss would be singing hymns of the Seven, Septa Loria and Mother often claimed she had the loveliest voice in all the kingdoms.

It was true of course, Weiss was a classically trained musician and singer. She missed her guitar, piano and drums. Perhaps she could try and recreate her old instruments? If nothing else, she was going to find a way to bring some of her old catalog back, if only to shake up the variety of what she had to listen to.

Raynald extended his arm to help Roger up, who only gave him a glare and slapped his arm away. Roger got up on his own and stomped away, joining the other boys who were now cheering. Someone was a bit of a sore loser, it seemed.

"Do better next time Lannett!" Ser Lanas shook his head. "Your grandsire would've beaten him in a single minute." Hearing other mention Ser Tylan still made Weiss feel guilty. Not that she could've done much in that case, but guilt didn't care for being reasonable.

"Brax, you're up." Ser Lanas turned to her Father's squire. "Who shall you challenge to a duel?"

Robert would probably try fighting another squire, with the levies from around the Westerlands slowly arriving, more and more noblemen were arriving to prepare for the invasion of the Iron Islands. Even now, the banners of the Crakehalls, Leffords, Brax, Marbrands, Prester, and Lydden were easily found, not even counting the minor lords and knightly houses. More would be arriving, except the Houses who were closest to the coast, they would likely be fortifying their positions to avoid an attack. And King Robert's immediate arrival meant that houses from the Crownlands, Stormlands, Riverlands, the Vale and the North would bring countless banners Weiss wouldn't be able to recognize.

"I wish to face Lady Weiss." Robert declared. That caught everyone by surprise, including Weiss who stared at him with wide eyes, and earned the young Brax a round of whispers and giggles from the other boys. Either someone was a fool, or had lost a bet.

Even Ser Janas looked like he wanted to burst out laughing, his thick neck wiggling softly as he clenched his jaw. He had a clean shaven face with a balding head with a few white hairs on top. Alysanne gave Robert a sharp glare, who puffed his chest out from his side of the training yard.

"Do you actually plan on fighting him?" Alis whispered, not that Weiss paid her companion any mind. Instead, she crossed her arms.

"Do you accept, Lady Weiss?" Ser Janas said with a slight sneer hidden beneath a veneer of politeness. He wasn't happy with being forced to 'train' a woman, not that Weiss needed any. She'd much prefer practicing the skills from her past life, and working out her body as best as she could as a seven year old girl.

"I accept." Weiss said, stepping forward. She'd just use her aura to enhance her strength just enough to wield the blunted tourney blades. As efficient as she was with daggers, Weiss always felt comfortable with an actual sword in her hands.

Weiss' answer only caused the laughter to spread, with even Roger Lannett joining in. Well, it was time to prove them all wrong, even if she had to beat them one by one, or all at once if she had to. She wasn't going to kill Robert, or maim him, he was just a little kid. Weiss was just going to hurt him, a little. Better a pint of sweat in the training yard then a pint of blood in the field, as Winter had put it.

Yeah right, it was going to hurt a lot once she was done with him.


"King Robert has arrived at Pinkmaiden, my Lord." Maester Creylin announced, his brown eyes staring down at a pile of letters that had arrived by raven. It was a hefty stack, necessitating the Maester to have one of his apprentices carry them in a bag down from the rookery.

Tywin sat at the head of a long table in one of Casterly Rock's many large rooms, where he'd preplaced maps, an imitation of Dragonstone's fabled Chamber of the Painted Table. All of his brothers were present, along with the lords of the Westerlands, his chosen commanders for the upcoming war with the Ironborn. Kevan sat to his right, while the old Maester sat directly to Tywin's left, passing him each letter as needed.

"His Grace's progress has been slow." Leo Lefford grumbled. His daughter had been present in the Gold Keep during the Ironborn raid, one of Lady Weiss' female companions. The Lord of the Golden Tooth was eager to get revenge on those who would dare try to turn his only child into a saltwife. He was far from a decent commander or fighter and would better serve in the rear in charge of supplies. Still, he was at least aware of that weakness of his, and would serve in the rear, while not happily, but efficiently.

"The Lord Hand's excuse would likely state that King Robert is gathering more men, drawn from Hoster Tully's levies." Damon Marbrant of Ashemark spoke up, one of Tywin's cousins through his Mother. He spoke the truth, yet the entire realm knew better. Robert was only good for fighting and fucking whores. Well, if nothing else, he was going to get his wishes fulfilled in droves when he finally showed up.

Tywin remained silent, allowing his bannermen to bicker amongst themselves as the Maester continued with the letters.

"We have received a raven from Oldtown, penned by Lord Stannis Baratheon." Maester Creylin croaked. He was a Frey bastard if Tywin remembered correctly, and was recently appointed to serve the Rock.

"Excellent." Dramen said, near the far end of the table seated between Lord Roland Crakehall and Ser Harys Swyft, Kevan's goodfather. "He must've met up with the fleet sent by the Redwynes."

The fool was lucky he was Tywin's kin, and for having a daughter as competent as Lady Weiss. Even after witnessing her duel with Ser Amory Lorch, who had been specifically ordered not to show any mercy or hold back, it was hard to believe that she was capable of defeating four Ironborn, and one of Tywin's knights. It almost made him regret having her betrothed to the Redwynes, such skill at killing must be cultivated, even if she happened to be a girl who had only seen seven namedays. Still, who knows? War changes the plans of men all the time. Perhaps a more deserving candidate for her hand would appear? Another Lannister cousin perhaps?

"What does the letter say?" Tywin finally spoke, taking a small sip of Arbor red. Stannie Baratheon was a hard man, unblooded in naval warfare, and had only gained the position as Robert's brother. Still, he was tenacious, any man who was willing to starve himself and his men, while keeping their loyalty, was to be respected.

"Lord Stannis reports that he has met up with the Redwyne and Hightower fleets that will assist in the battle to come. His goodfather, Lord Leyton Hightower, has provided forty war galleys." Maester Creylin started his summary. Tywin would read the details himself once he was alone. "However, the twenty galleys from the Redwyne fleet are undermanned, and have only provided enough men for the rowers."

Those Reach bastards. Tywin clenched his jaw, his cold eyes hard. The Redwynes believe they could cheat him? They would soon learn that a Lannister always paid their debts. Fortunately, he could see an easy solution for this problem, while also allowing some of his subordinates a chance at glory.

"The Master-of-Ships requests that we provide enough fighting men to fill the Redwyne ships." Maester Creylin finished awkwardly. His bannermen immediately started arguing, with even Tygett joining in. Tywin remained silent, aloof, considering his options.

"Stannis Baratheon does not request, he demands!" Lord Antario Jast complained.

"Filthy Reachmen." Ser Stafford Lannister muttered loudly. They were correct, the Redwynes had the strongest fleet in all of the Seven Kingdoms, and for them to provide half-manned ships was an insult, especially after the betrothal Tywin had arranged. Especially since this was a chance at them finally removing their hated foe, the Ironborn, at long last. Tywin made a note that he was going to increase the tariffs any Reach merchantmen would be receiving in the Westerlands in the coming moons.

"We will not send our levies." Tywin spoke up after a few seconds, his eyes scanning each of his bannermen. "My army is needed for the invasion of the Iron Islands, not to fill some Redwyne ships." Lannister pikes and crossbows at sea would be nearly useless without any prior training.

"Lannisport is full of sellswords and hedge knights my Lord." Dramen said, his daughter would be an excellent asset in the future. For those reasons Tywin allowed her to train with the men, and had rumors spread despite his outward order of containing them. Image was everything, and hers would be tied directly with the Lannisters. Tywin paused, considering Dramen's words carefully.

"Coin is easier to replace than men." Kevin added to Lord Dramen's words. Kevin wasn't wrong, and it was better to sacrifice sellswords and hedge knights vs actually valuable levies. Besides, if anyone stood out as particularly competent, well, he could use a replacement, given 'ser' Lorch had proven to be useless.

"Very well." Tywin gave them a single nod of his head. "Lord Dramen, I leave you the task of hiring these sellswords. Casterly Rock shall provide the funds, since you must be busy rebuilding Lannisport." A subtle jab for being the cause of having to rely on the Redwynes and Stannis Baratheon.

Dramen's face flushed red as he bowed his head. "As you command, my Lord." Apparently he was keen to make up for his past errors. Whether or not he would succeed was another matter altogether.

"Gerion shall have command of the sellswords." Tywin continued. His younger brother enjoyed being out on the sea, and only a handful of ships from his fleet had survived, those hidden in the small harbor within Casterly Rock. "He shall drill them, and make them into something worthy of the Lannister name."

They had a war to win, and much to organize before that oaf Robert arrived.


A battered and bruised Robert Brax laid on the ground. He stared up at Weiss with wide and confused eyes. She only gave him a smug smirk, having defeated him in ten moves, and that was her holding back. Though, to be fair to the boy, she hadn't humiliated him like she had for Lorch. Robert hadn't even gotten a chance to land a single strike on her, not for lack of trying on his part, as Weiss had used her tourney blade to guide his blows away from her, controlling his movements until she finally tripped him up.

"Anyone else?" Weiss shrugged, turning to look at the gathered group of squires that stared at her with wide eyes alongside Ser Janas. She hadn't even broken a sweat. In the background, Brax still laid there, gasping for breath. Winded and bruised, yet still intact.

A dozen hands shot in the air. Whether out of a masochistic desire to be stepped on, or a desire to avenge their comrade, she was unsure. Be them one or a dozen, she would break them all.

She was a Lannister. Hear Her Roar.


Sorry this took a bit longer than usual, there were some small details that had to be hammered out. Two surprises are also on the way, so keep an eye out for that.
This weiss is going to be a monster when she is older and once she rebuilds her weapon she is going to be even worse, the thing is for what side is she going to fight, because family or not cersei is not someone a sane person will follow.
This weiss is going to be a monster when she is older and once she rebuilds her weapon she is going to be even worse, the thing is for what side is she going to fight, because family or not cersei is not someone a sane person will follow.
She won't have a choice. She Will fight to keep Joffrey on the Throne because it's the side her Family Will fight for.

Besides, it's unlikely she will expent any real Time in King's Landing, so not knowing More personally either Cersei or Joffrey.

And without meta-knowledge or knowing the individuals involved personally, hearing Stannis claim to the Throne because the King was cheated 3 times by His Wife with her Twin brother would be...difficult to actually believe.

Weiss most likely would believe no one (Cersei and Jaime) could be that insane.

Besides all this, I wonder how long before Weiss comissions a rapier, or a sword like Needle. The design of Bravosi sword should be known enough to make one in the Westerlands. And if not, in King's Landing
She won't have a choice. She Will fight to keep Joffrey on the Throne because it's the side her Family Will fight for.

Besides, it's unlikely she will expent any real Time in King's Landing, so not knowing More personally either Cersei or Joffrey.

And without meta-knowledge or knowing the individuals involved personally, hearing Stannis claim to the Throne because the King was cheated 3 times by His Wife with her Twin brother would be...difficult to actually believe.

Weiss most likely would believe no one (Cersei and Jaime) could be that insane.

Besides all this, I wonder how long before Weiss comissions a rapier, or a sword like Needle. The design of Bravosi sword should be known enough to make one in the Westerlands. And if not, in King's Landing
Who knows, that stuff is years in the future and honestly I believe that dad knew she was sleeping with his brother, he didn't care, to him it was pure lion blood on the throne. That say I really don't think that no one knew what was happening, just that everyone hated Robert and angering the lions was a bad idea, not that joffrei was going to be king for long, there was like 5 plots ready to go off as soon as Robert died.
She won't have a choice. She Will fight to keep Joffrey on the Throne because it's the side her Family Will fight for.
See, this is the problem I was talking about earlier. Weiss was raised in a mostly eglatarian society and was a complete adult person before she had even heard of a Westeros. What makes you think she'll blindly follow her "family?" Especially to a war for something as petty as "who gets to sit on the world's least comfortable chair?" Especially seeing as how her parents are the only real members of her new family that she actually seems to like, and Tywin has so far made himself out to be petty and shortsighted from her point of view? Even if they try to "force" her, good fucking luck. I know much ado has been made about it, but it bears repeating: she killed four fully grown men, all fully armed and armored, with a letter opener and one of their own daggers. as a seven year old.

Nah. Metaphorically speaking, Weiss has the biggest hammer around. She's not particularly power-hungry, and the customs of Westeros are more something that she puts up with rather than something she actually agrees with. She's not going to think like a westerosi noble, she's a modern girl with modern sensibilites, except for the fact that she is extremely comfortable with violence. In this setting, that's a sleeping bear. There are no "good guys" in ASOIAF, and recognizing that, Weiss will do her best to stay out of it and focus her efforts on actually helping people. Anyone who tries to drag her into it (and I am certain that many will) will likely end up stabbed, no matter who they are.
Weiss will do her best to stay out of it and focus her efforts on actually helping people
And she can't do that without the riches of House Lannister and support of noble houses. And even if she is a one woman army that can make everyone cower, she's just one person and can't stomp everything and keep it stomped in her path like a power fantasy of a Self Insert would do.
See, this is the problem I was talking about earlier. Weiss was raised in a mostly eglatarian society and was a complete adult person before she had even heard of a Westeros. What makes you think she'll blindly follow her "family?" Especially to a war for something as petty as "who gets to sit on the world's least comfortable chair?" Especially seeing as how her parents are the only real members of her new family that she actually seems to like, and Tywin has so far made himself out to be petty and shortsighted from her point of view? Even if they try to "force" her, good fucking luck. I know much ado has been made about it, but it bears repeating: she killed four fully grown men, all fully armed and armored, with a letter opener and one of their own daggers. as a seven year old.

Nah. Metaphorically speaking, Weiss has the biggest hammer around. She's not particularly power-hungry, and the customs of Westeros are more something that she puts up with rather than something she actually agrees with. She's not going to think like a westerosi noble, she's a modern girl with modern sensibilites, except for the fact that she is extremely comfortable with violence. In this setting, that's a sleeping bear. There are no "good guys" in ASOIAF, and recognizing that, Weiss will do her best to stay out of it and focus her efforts on actually helping people. Anyone who tries to drag her into it (and I am certain that many will) will likely end up stabbed, no matter who they are.
Weiss Is just as vulnerable as everyone else to Assassins, poisoning, and having a blade pointed at her parents neck.

As much Weiss would hate the highborn society around her, being on the wrong side of Tywin would ensure the destruction of her Family.

Tywin wouldn't even need to kill her parents. Freeze any comercial relationships with other houses, seize their lands and smallfolke. Pretty much disconecting her Family and letting them starve.

Neither Weiss, or anyone else from Remnant, has the power the force their Will upon the war without consequences. If not themselves, their new families
Tywin is prideful, but his characterization here bothers me a bit... I feel like Tywin also has wisdom and competency which isn't shown in his pov. For example, him attributing the failure to Dramen rather than focusing on the Ironborn is odd. As far as I'm aware, Tywins flaw is pride, but generally he can detect who/whom the problem is and attribute to who it belongs correctly.

Being a lady in a noble and lordly house was not as easy as many painted it to be. The duty of a lord's wife was to manage the household, foster relationships with the wives of other powerful men, advise their lord husband, and bear children, an act that was more dangerous than any battlefield here in Westeros. People acted like managing a household was easy, which, well, it wasn't. Weiss had learned from watching Willow when she was sober, and then her own lessons, as to how difficult it could be to organize everything. Medical knowledge was rather primitive, and most people didn't bother washing their hands, so dying of a common cold happened often. Weiss wasn't planning on having kids anytime soon, no matter what the Redwyne boy said or tried.

"The rooms on the left wing must be prepared." Mother spoke as she walked through the halls of the Gold Keep, with Weiss following a few steps behind. A crowd of ladies followed them, mostly maids and their noble companions. Alysanne and Alis remained the closest to Weiss, only a foot or two away from her. "The sheets will have to be changed and the rooms dusted."

They were preparing for the arrival of King Robert, who was likely going to stay in Casterly Rock, but was still bringing hundreds of noble houses with him. The lordly houses and their representatives would stay in Casterly Rock and the Gold Keep, followed by any of the knightly houses should there remain any room for them. If not, the Knightly houses would have to move into the camps, or the inns in Lannisport. Their men-at-arms and levies would have to camp outside of Lannisport proper, most of the inns and brothels were already full of sellswords and hedge knights, but they would soon have to move to join the camp as their funds ran low.

Mother wore a beautiful white dress, with an even lighter star with seven points sewed onto her bodice, and sleeves that had the golden lions of the Lannisters. Her hair was done in the classic styles of the south, half done up with long locks that framed her pale face. "Have a runner sent to the market, we will need to stock up our grainery, and we will need more wine."

The entire realm knew that King Robert loved to drink, fight, and spend time with whores. Weiss had been a babe when he won his crown during Robert's Rebellion, having only seen a single nameday by the time the fighting was over. In the end, the Targaryen dynasty of close to three hundred years came to an end, all because Mad Prince Rhaegar couldn't keep it in his pants and ran off with another man's betrothed. That wasn't even mentioning the actions of his Father, King Aerys who burned some Lord Stark with wildfire while his son watched in horror.

Weiss pressed her lips in a thin line. She had heard rumors that the King hated those with Valyrian features, whether they were Targaryen, Velayron, or Celtigar. Rhaegar, who Robert personally killed during the Battle of the Trident, was said to have hair similar to Weiss' with deep purple eyes. At least she had time to prepare herself for any aggression the King would no doubt show.

"Bread and salt, do we have enough in the storehouse?" Mother turned to the lone man in their small crowd of women, Joff the steward of the Gold Keep. Bread and salt were an important part of Westerosi culture, integral to the custom of guest rights. It was a sacred unwritten law, bound to those who followed the new or old gods. Any guest who ate the food and drinks off a host's table would invoke the law, with neither allowed to harm each other throughout the entire stay. The giving of bread and salt symbolized the extension of a guest right to any visitor while also being easily accessible by even the smallfolk if need be.

"Salt we have in abundance." Joff answered. "We shall request more bread from the Street of Bread once the first riders arrive." Left unsaid was that the price would be considerably higher than it normally would've been, as the Street of Bread was occupied producing bread for the growing army.

Mother's face revealed nothing as she paused, causing the small group to come to a stop. She was mature, not even having reached twenty and four namedays, having given birth to Weiss at such a young age. "Very well, ensure that it remains within budget, and have the order placed soon."

The Gold Keep, normally only filled with Lannisters, Lannetts, Lantells, and Lanny's was going to be filled with a variety of people. Weiss' lessons today would be the memorization of houses from the kingdoms that would soon arrive, and there were going to be a lot of them. King Robert's detour to Pinkmaiden had given them extra time to prepare, at least a few more days. Based on conversations Weiss overheard between Father and Mother, the eldest of the Baratheon brothers was gathering more men for his invasion, with more houses departing for Seagard. Eddard Stark would take command there, while King Robert made for Lannisport.

Weiss remained silent as she observed her Mother at work. While she had been raised at the Heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, taking care of an entire household seemed much easier, yet difficult in another way. It made Weiss appreciate and miss Klein a lot more, and her cake butler. As delicious as apple and lemon cakes were, Weiss really missed the delicious frostings and sweets from back home on Remnant. Once the war was over and she had time for herself, Weiss was going to have to find a way to recreate such treats, even if she wasn't the best cook or baker. Tea and coffee were easy, but edible food was a completely different matter. She had burned a pot of boiling water once, trying to make ramen for a sick Blake, but succeeded with the cat faunus' favorite tea.

"Am I missing anything, Weiss?" Mother's voice pulled Weiss from her thoughts. It was a test of course, to see if Weiss had been paying attention and not zoning out the entire time. A simple test, yet one that would be useful in determining if her child was paying attention to even the more basic details. After all, it would take simply forgetting one house to potentially spark off some chaos.

Weiss licked her lips as she thought for a moment. They had to clean the rooms, food, and bread and salt. What else were they missing?

"Room assignments?" Weiss tilted her head cutely. Many houses had long and old grudges against others, ones that were capable of pushing guest rights to the very edge of dishonoring their host. Brackens and Blackwoods were a prime example, ancient houses with rivalries so old no one remembered the original cause. Their rooms would have to be placed at opposite ends of the Gold Keep, and probably assigned some extra guards to be safe. And that wasn't counting houses that were friends and so wanted to be as close as possible, and finding all the rooms for the nobles and their servants, all roughly close by.

Mother smiled, her sapphire eyes kind and soft. "Correct. Maester Harmune has started to receive ravens from lords that wish to stay within Lannisport. We now have the duty of organizing which houses shall be our personal guests." A normal lady's war would not be on a battlefield, but within their very homes, within their families.

Weiss hoped she could make her new Mother proud.

Cedric Payne

Lannisport was a busy and bustling city. The outskirts of the great city formed a second, temporary city, one made out of tents and pavilions instead of proper buildings. Cedric and Rod's tent would soon join them as soon as his squire was done setting it up, or more accurately, after Cedric was done setting it up after Rod failed to set it up, again. They found an opening beside a small pavilion, its banner displaying nine strawberries on a white saltire on a field of green, and red vairy in point. Cedric didn't remember what house it was, he preferred spending time in the courtyard than in a maesters room. From the icon, if he had to guess, they were from the Reach. Nobody else would brag about having fruit on their shield.

"Get our tent ready." Cedric ordered Rodrick, who was dismounting Nut. They needed to claim and have their tent ready before another lord or knight took the small clearing. "And make sure our coat-of-arms is displayed." The banner of House Payne, checked white and purple with a golden coin in each square. Hopefully Cedric would be able to find some lord that would take the two of them into his service, that should earn them enough coin to buy more supplies.

"Aye." Rod grumbled as he grabbed the cloth for their tent. Cedric remained on Lemonhead, watching his cousin start to work.

"Keep an eye on Nut and Cheese, we don't need urchins trying to steal them for a ransom." Cedric turned his eyes away from his stupid squire. He should've picked that Hawthorne boy, Or maybe even considered Nut and Cheese as his squires. At this rate, they at least had more brains then Rod had. "I'll be heading into Lannisport to buy more supplies." And find a new master to serve.

Rod opened his mouth to say something, dropping their tent on the dusty ground.

"No, we don't have enough coin for lemon cakes." Cedric gave him a sharp glare. Rod closed his mouth shut and picked up the tent, grumbling curses under his breath. He angled Lemonhead back onto the makeshift path, heading towards the tall walls that protected the largest city in the Westerlands. "And don't let anyone steal our supplies!"

"Aye!" Rod waved him off, already struggling to set up the tent despite all of his practice. Cedric made a note, first he'd go get a drink in Lannisport, then he'd go looking for a new master to serve.

He urged Lemonhead onward, disappearing into a sea of waving banners.

The streets of Lannisport were as full as the tent city on the outskirts. Filled with beggars, whores, drunks, merchants, and noble knights such as Cedric. He didn't pay the beggars any mind, though he did sneak a peek at a few of the whores as Lemonhead trotted past a brothel. Some redhead gave him a wink and yelled from her window to give her a visit later. Cedric would do just so once he had coin to spare. The last time he spent it on a whore instead of supplies, Rodrick complained for an entire moon's turn about how hungry he was, and in hindsight, Cedric would admit, it made more sense to get food rather than a whore, if only to avoid the complaints. Cedric approached a small inn that had several horses tied outside. A short stableboy stood by the horses, guarding them, a hound by his side.

Cedric approached the horse stand, and easily dismounted, his worn boots squelching as he stepped in horse shit. The stableboy laughed at Cedric's grimace, evidently well used to this happening, while Cedric started rubbing his boot against the dirt beside the smelly horse shit in an attempt to remove it from the soles of his boots.

"How much to keep watch over my horse?" Cedric asked, taking a more careful step over the shit, his boot as clean as can be, aside from the dust. Still, it would probably be a good idea to find someone to properly clean his shoes.

"A copper penny, goodser." The stableboy said, extending a filthy and calloused hand. Highway robbery, such a duty was normally only a half-penny. On the other hand, the stable was already filling up, and there was no promise he'd find a better deal elsewhere in Lannisport.

"Fine." Cedric pulled out a copper penny from one of his doublets pockets and placed it in the stable boy's hand. He discreetly wiped his hand on his trousers afterwards. Better to pay the urchin now than have Lemonhead stolen.

"Many thanks." The stable boy bowed his head and bit into the copper, obviously having been tricked in the past with fake coins. Cedric continued to pay him no mind and entered the inn.

It smelled of spilled wine and burned pig fat, among other things. It was a familiar smell,the odor of almost any inn anywhere in Westeros. In the corner, Cedric could see a pair of Dragonseed bounty hunters, a man and across from him, a woman oddly enough, playing a card game.The rest of the inn was filled up, hedge knights and their squires, townsfolk out for a night, even a few nobles seeking a night of respite. A group of what looked like sellswords and hedge knights gathered around a table at the far corner.

"A mead and roasted duck!" Cedric said loudly, raising his hand in the direction of a buxom serving woman. He took a seat at a nearby table near the entrance, his dagger at his waist. Cedric had left his sword with Rodrick, which was a bad idea now that he thought about it. On the other hand, being drunk and carrying a sword around was how you lost your sword or wound up picking a fight with someone you shouldn't have.

The buxom woman approached him with a wooden mug of mead. Her clothes were well-worn and old, a dark gray when it might've been white a few years ago, showing obvious signs of wear and tear. The neckline was low, revealing her generous cleavage. "Ten copper pennies."

This entire place was run by robbers! From the stable boy outside to this serving woman! With a slight grumble, Cedric pulled out her ten pennies and placed them in the palm of her hand. The woman placed his mug on the table with a sly grin. Well, at least he had a decent view, even if she had an ugly, pox marked face. The woman turned to walk away, but paused when Cedric grabbed her arm.

"Say, have you heard of any lordlings looking to hire a strong man such as myself?" Cedric gave her a grin. "I'm a knight you see, in need of honest work."

The buxom woman stared at him for a few seconds before motioning her head towards the crowded table at the far end of the inn. "There's a Lanny looking for swords, hiring in the name of Lord Lannister. They've been here a week looking for men such as yourself, Ser."

Cedric released his soft grip on her arm and nodded his head. "Thanks." The woman shrugged and sauntered away.

This was excellent news! Lord Tywin Lannister was a generous man, Cousin Ilyn had told them so back when he still had his tongue. Cedric didn't care much for the Lannisters of Lannisport, aside from sharing the same name, they were powerless outside of their great city. But the Lannisters of Casterly Rock, if Cedric managed to gain their favor then all of his issues with coin would be solved. He could afford a week with that redhead whore and still have enough coin for food and new armor!

And Rod could buy his whore-wife the Lannisport house he always wanted Cedric supposed. Finally, this streak of bad luck he'd been enduring had broken at long last. Taking a long gulp of his mead which dribbled onto his chin, Cedric slammed his half-empty mug on the table. Standing up, he sauntered over towards the table of his hopefully new patron, catching a glimpse of blond hair.

Time to make a good impression.


Cedric and Rod make another appearance! And now we have another piece of art I commissioned from ARJART featuring Weiss in a dress inspired by Sansa Stark!


not sure why i should care about them yet.... initially because i'm bad with names i thought one might be her fiance but now i really don't know.
not sure why i should care about them yet.... initially because i'm bad with names i thought one might be her fiance but now i really don't know.

Podrick Payne (who becomes Tyrion's squire) is the son of Rod (his father was a squire of Cedrick Payne who died in the greyjoy rebellion, his mother a chandlers daughter who abandoned him). Podrick is then adopted becomes a squire to Cedric (though treated more like a servant). Cedric dies during the war with the Starks and Podrick joins Tyrions group.

I'm guessing Podrick or a sibling of his is another RWBY character, maybe Jaune? And he ends up serving Weiss instead of Tyrion

With Weiss' duties assisting her Mother in preparing the Golden Keep for their swarm of guests, daily spars where she slaughtered squires, and her own lessons with Septa Loria and Maester Harmune, the white haired girl had very little time for rest, or for herself. It was a bit frustrating, she was finally able to start work on her swordsmanship, but didn't have any time alone to work with her glyphs. Alysanne, Alis, and Ser Robart were always somewhere to be found. Ser Robart she could understand, considering he was in charge of ensuring her safety until Father could choose a new sworn sword, but her two bedmaids seemed obsessed with her. And what little time she had alone, was spent trying to use her glyphs before she passed out of exhaustion.

At least being busy and exhausted was better than sitting around all day doing nothing and waiting for something to happen. And Weiss was finally able to start her exercise routine, running several laps around the training yard until she was out of breath without using her aura. The burning in her chest after a single lap only served to remind Weiss how lax she had been in her exercise. That would change, and her new routine would soon lead to turning her body into peak physical condition, and nobody was going to stop her. Admittedly, it was going to take quite some time, given she was seven, and all that, but still, no more laying around.

Not even that Redwyne boy, who was due to arrive any minute now. She waited at the partially rebuilt docks, standing on stone that connected Lannisport to the wooden structures that Father was working hard to repair. Father had mentioned using the rebuilding as an excuse to finish up some of the more tricky infrastructure projects he'd been meaning to do for some time. The rest of Weiss' new family joined her, along with other Westerland lords, knights and ladies, as Lord Stannis would be arriving alongside her betrothed. Also there was a considerable honor guard of Redcloaks standing at attention, to properly show off to the new arrivals, and to add some security to the entire affair. Her father was grown a bit security paranoid, but given what had happened, once bitten, twice shy, she supposed.

The new Lord Commander of the City Watch, since Ser Tytos died during the raid, looked nervous. He was a distant cousin of the Lannys, Ser Ammett Lanny. Ser Ammett was a small man, literally, with a clean shaven face that made him look like a child. She didn't blame him for being nervous, he had big shoes to fill and now he was thrust into a position nobody had expected him to be in, far ahead of schedule.

"How many sigils do you recognize?" Mother whispered from her spot beside Weiss. Father stood directly to Mother's right, with Ser Gerion Lannister standing to his right. He was the only one of the Lannister brothers that had decided to join the welcoming for the Master-of-Ships. The others had begged off, citing other duties at the time, either an intended insult, or a happy coincidence.

Weiss turned her attention towards the sea, where the Royal, Redwyne, and Hightower fleets gathered, rocking against the waves. Two large war galleys were quickly approaching along with a few smaller escort ships. With her aura enhanced vision, Weiss spotted the banners of House Baratheon, Velayron, Celtigar, Bar Emmon, Sunglass, Redwyne, Hightower and even an Estermont sigil!

"House Baratheon, Redwyne and Velayron." Weiss answered, choosing the houses with the galleys closest to the shore. Her bastard uncle, Aurane Waters, should be on one of those galleys that approached. The war galley with the banner of House Baratheon, a black stag with a crown on a golden field, sailed past the Redwyne and Velayron ship, gliding across the waters like a swan. The figurehead was that of a stag, and the deck was covered in scorpions and catapults. It was much larger than the Lion's Claws, which had burned during the attack a little over a month ago.

"Maester Harmune has been teaching you well." Mother smiled. The Baratheon galley must've been Lord Stannis' flagship, while the Redwyne ship likely was under the command of Ser Edmund Ambrose, who Stuar Redwyne was serving as a squire for. Her betrothed. She resisted the urge to sneer at the thought. While she didn't like the boy, who knows, people change, and Weiss had never met him before.

The rest of the wait continued in silence, the sea wind playing with the ends of Weiss' hair, which she had allowed to fall loosely over her shoulders. The harborworkers started running and shouting as the Baratheon ship docked, followed shortly by the Redwyne ship. The Velayron ship stayed further back, dropping its anchor. Weiss smoothed her long dress as men from both war galleys started to descend from the gangplank, stepping onto the newly built walkway. An extremely tall man stood at the head of the crowd of sailors, dressed in fine black leather clothes with a dark cape. A shorter man, with balding gray hair walked alongside him, with a neatly trimmed salt-and-pepper beard. Weiss caught glimpses of orange and Valyrian white hair behind them.

"They say Stannis Baratheon is a hard man." Mother whispered once more. "He's King Robert's brother, so treat him as you would a prince or a great lord."

"Yes, Mother." Weiss answered with a short nod of her head. It was better to be too polite to someone of such a high station as opposed to being not polite enough. She could hear Alis and Alysanne whispering behind her as the group of men drew closer, finally allowing Weiss a better look at the Master-of-Ships without having to use her aura.

Stannis Baratheon was a large man, with broad shoulders. His eyes were a dark and deep blue, and his pitch black hair was starting to recede despite his rather young age. Lord Stannis' face was clean shaven, revealing thin lips that seemed to be carved into a permanent scowl. There was a sort of power in his gaze, hard and unyielding. For some reason, she was reminded of General Ironwood, when he'd first come to the manor to recruit Winter. They both had that gaze, the kind that said nothing would stand in their way.

Stannis Baratheon was a dangerous man. He held out against an entire army besieging him with a small garrison for nigh a year, with only one small revolt. All at the age of 18 years old.She could sympathize, at that age, she was busy fighting her way to Atlas through Mistral. This was someone she really should keep an eye on.

The older man beside him looked older from up close, with leather-like skin and his graying beard. Weiss had only heard rumors about him, which had only grown as news started to spread that Lord Stannis would face the Iron Fleet. The Onion Knight was not as impressive as the rumors. Then again, very few people lived up to the rumors about them. Weiss' gaze went past them, where she caught glimpses of silver-white hair.

Two Reachmen stood to the side of them, one of them older than the other. Ser Edmund Ambrose wore a yellow doublet, with red ants decorating the area around his right chest. He was handsome, with a clean-shaven face and a mop of brown hair on top of his head. To his left was a younger boy, with wild and curly orange hair and bright blue eyes that seemed to smile. Freckles covered his homely face. This must be Stuar Redwyne, who was to be Weiss' betrothed. Oh joy, her 'beloved' had finally arrived.

"Lord Stannis." Father said first as the Lord of Lannisport. "I hope your voyage has been pleasant."

"Lord Master-of-Ships." Ser Gerion started not even a second later, with a grin on his pretty face. "It's been a few moons."

Lord Stannis seemed to grind his teeth, his nostrils flaring. He responded with a curt nod. "Lord Dramen, Ser Gerion. The voyage was as expected."

A rather straight to the point response. Seemed he wasn't one for smalltalk, in this case.

"We have a feast prepared for you and your men." Father took over the conversation. Mother and Weiss had been helping prepare the feast, with Septa Loria forcing her to prepare a song or two to sing. She really needed to write her own material at some point, it seemed like every minstrel only knew Rains of Castamere or The Bear and the Maiden Fair.

Lord Stannis frowned. "A feast is not necessary. We only stopped here to resupply and fill the Redwyne ships with fighting men." He said that last part with a sharp glare towards Ser Edmund and Stuar. Anyone with common sense wouldn't have said it straight, not to the faces of the Reachmen at least. Still, it was a telling comment, he was honest, and not afraid to speak the truth, especially when it came to political affairs.

Stuar wasn't paying attention, and was busy staring at Weiss with wide eyes. She met his gaze for a few seconds, forcing him to look away and mutter something under his breath to Ser Edmund. The pair gave each other knowing smiles. This was going to prove to be challenging, she could already tell.

"It is just a symbol of our gratitude, Lord Stannis." Father said, doing his best to keep his tone neutral. "We have prepared food, drinks and entertainment for you and your men."

Stannis Baratheon shot Father an uninterested stare, and briefly turned to the Onion Knight and a brown haired man with a pointy beard. The brown haired man had a green turtle etched onto his clothing. They spoke for a few seconds, out of Weiss's earshot, and then Lord Stannis turned back to her Father.

"Very well." Lord Stannis said the words as if they were causing him physical pain. "We shall be departing overmorrow."

Father nodded, his face twitching ever so slightly. "Come, my Lords, we have horses prepared to take you to the Gold Keep."

Feasting in the Gold Keep instead of Casterly Rock was a subtle insult, one that Lord Stannis likely noticed. Lord Tywin's excuse had been well planned out, using Weiss' and Stuar's first meeting to avoid hosting the Master-of-Ships himself. Many of the great lords of the Westerlands had also stayed behind in Casterly Rock, only sending their sons and knights as representatives of their houses.

The men started to leave first, with Mother, Weiss and the other ladies politely bowing their heads. Ser Robart and a handful of other Redcloaks stayed behind, guarding them. The Reachmen also didn't move, with Stuar Redwyne shooting Weiss glances whenever he thought she wasn't looking. The orange haired boy approached her, with Ser Edmund by his side.

"My Ladies." Stuar gave her a short bow, giving her Mother a smile before turning his attention back to Weiss. He was taller than her, and looked to be around twelve if she had to guess. Stuar looked like he could've been related to Nora, without any of her beauty. Still, he would grow, maybe in the coming years he'd grow more attractive?

"Lady Lannister, Lady Weiss." Ser Edmund gave them an easy smile. Alysanne giggled behind Weiss, holding Alis closely.

"Ser Edmund, Lord Stuar." Mother smiled politely. Stuar held no official rank, calling him 'lord' was a simple courtesy until he gained his knightly title. He would likely only inherit the Arbor should every other member of his family die. Still, it did give him a sense of freedom, she supposed. He could try to make his own path in life, not beholden to any legacy or anything, or in this case, marry far above his station, even if he was a Redwyne. At least their children would bear the name Lannister.

"My Lady." Staur said shyly. "You are even more beautifuller than I had ever imagined." His freckled face blushed as Weiss gave him a blank stare. Someone clearly needed to spend more time with a maester.Though, to be fair, he did just meet his future wife for the first time, and she could readily admit, she was a bit nervous as well. And she was reincarnated with past memories and everything!

Weiss faked a giggle, and covered her mouth with a hand. She should be nicer, he was just a child after all. It wasn't his fault they were being married off like this. "Welcome to Lannisport, I do hope you enjoy your stay."

"It's beautiful." Stuar said breathlessly. He was still staring at her, and hadn't even given Lannisport a single glance.

"We have prepared refreshments and rooms for you and your men, in preparation for the feast." Mother spoke up. "The gates of the Gold Keep are always open to the friends of House Lannister. We have bread and salt prepared."

"Many thanks." Ser Edmund nodded towards the men of Reach knights and lordlings behind him. Despite his easy going smile, he was uneased. They knew that providing ships with half-manpower was a grave insult to Lord Tywin. And their reception was likely to be very unpleasant, once the rumors started spreading.

"May I?" Stuar offered her his elbow, with a shy smile. He smelled like saltwater and oranges, though that could've just been the docks around her.

"You may." Weiss' fake smile seemed unbreakable and genuine, locking her elbow with her bethrothed. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a white hair boy with gray-green eyes staring straight at her. He was surrounded by a group of Crownland knights in light armor, and had a sea-green seahorse on silver. Aurane Waters looked exactly like Mother, who was doing her best to ignore his gaze. It felt somewhat weird, seeing a boy who was her mother's brother and yet was only a few years older then she was.

Weiss would have preferred getting to know her uncle, even if he was a bastard and only a few namedays older, but alas, she had her duties as a hostess to do. Hopefully, she would be able to meet him later.

She wasn't going to fail her new family.

Stannis Baratheon

Feasts were nothing more than a waste of time, money, and food. Oh sure, he understood the value of making connections with possible allies, but why waste all this time and food on something so simple? Only fools, drunks and idiots regularly attended them willingly, especially in the middle of a war. Stannis took a small sip from the mug of water that had several drops of lemon juice. Wine slowed the mind, causing lips to stir, and Stannis would never be a drunk like Robert. He would abstain and keep his senses, unlike that idiot Ambrose, Ser Edmund, who was already deep in his cups.

"They say Victorion Greyjoy is as large as an ox, but even more stupid." Ser Ant slurred, talking to no one in particular. His squire had already left, gone to dance with his betrothed as the musicians played the Bear and the Maiden Fair.

Stannis sat at the high table, with Lord Dramen to his right and Ser Edmund to his left. The Redwyne boy sat directly beside the Knight of Ants, alongside his betrothed, Lady Weiss. Ser Geriom and Lord Dramen's wife, Lady Ceria, also joined them at the high table. It took all of Stannis' self control to not grind his teeth. He hated the Lannisters, every single one of them. King's Landing was already full of the Queen's men, and Lord Tywin's spies. And here he was, sitting at a table with them, breaking bread.

It made Stannis uncomfortable being in the very heart of their power, even if this wasn't Casterly Rock. He would meet with Lord Tywin on the morrow, to plan and find wherever the Iron Fleet was. They already failed to take Seagard, with Rodrik Greyjoy slain by Lord Jason Mallister's very hand beneath the walls of his keep. That was a week ago, when he had just left Oldtown, the seat of his goodfather Lord Leyton Hightower. The Lord of Dragonstone had never visited his wife's former home.

Malora was going to be annoyed he didn't ask her Father to allow him to bring her back several old tomes and books. Though maybe on his return, he could pay a visit and request them. Stannis wished he had one when the dancing started, though it was amusing to see the Redwyne boy trip on his feet as he danced with the young Lannister girl. Lady Weiss looked nothing like a Lannister, and bore a strong resemblance to his latest squire, Aurane Waters. It made sense, since they both had the Valyrian features of House Velayron.

"Is the food to your liking, my Lord?" Lord Dramen asked, turning from a conversation with Ser Gerion.

"The food is fine." Stannis answered with a clenched jaw. He never thought he would share a feast table with an Redwyne, especially after they tried starving him out during the Rebellion. The thought alone disgusted him, and made the suckling pig taste like ash in his mouth. He had nearly starved to death, and had resorted to eating the leather off of his boots until Ser Davos arrived with his onions and salted fish. Every man in Storm's End wanted to kiss him that day.

The Onion Knight was seated far away from the high table next to Aurane Waters, closer to the smallfolk than a man of his station deserved. Ser Davos was a better man than many of these Lannister and Reach knights and lords. He had earned his position, and proven to be well worth the stares or sneers from the Court. Let the Lannisters or the Hand's pawns complain, he would not play their games.

"We spared no expense." Lord Dramen boasted. They had brought out ten courses, each more expensive and gaudier than the last. Stannis only served himself the bare minimum and slowly ate everything placed on his plate. He would not waste food, no matter where it came from.

"I see." Stannis turned his attention back to his lemon water. He'd rather be in the war room than here. Since the Iron Fleet failed to sack Seagard, they must've been licking their wounds by raiding and reaving the coast of the Riverlands, and were likely heading back to the Westerlands. Stannis would have to find a way to lure the Greyjoys to a favorable position, where he could use his larger ships to smash their fleet.

The Redwyne and the Lannister girl finished their dance, and soon returned to their seats, passing by the high table. She laughed at a joke the orange haired idiot said, yet her smile never reached her eyes. They were cold and hard, as if she had seen countless horrors. Stannis knew that stare very well, all of the men who had survived the Siege of Storm's End had it, except for Renly who tried to hide those memories with japes and spending time with his boy-lovers. Lady Weiss did not have the eyes of a girl who had seen seven namedays, rather, she had the eyes of some of his oldest sailors. She took her seat beside the Redwyne boy, who shook his head disapprovingly at Ser Ant.

"It is said that Lady Weiss has the loveliest voice in all of Lannisport." Ser Ant slurred, turning his head towards the opposite end of the table where Lord Dramen sat. "Is that true?"

"Of course." Lady Ceria was the one to answer, Aurane's trueborn sister who was twice his age. They shared the same face despite the differences with the color of their eyes. He was uncertain if he should try to arrange a meeting, just because they shared some blood did not mean they would automatically get along. "Weiss-Sweetling!"

The girl who looked like a white lion stood up from her seat instantly, excusing herself from her betrothed before walking around towards the front of the table. She held herself like a lady with decades of experience, it felt familiar somehow. He had seen this before.

"Yes Mother?" Lady Weiss bowed her head deeply. Lady Ceria and Lord Dramen smiled at her, evidently having raised her well.

"Why don't you sing a song for us?" Lady Ceria asked. Stannis took another controlled sip of his lemon water.

"Of course, Mother. What song should I sing?" Lady Weiss asked. She spoke like a woman that was years older. Lady Weiss was proving to be quite the interesting figure.

"The Name Day Boy!" Ser Ant shouted, raising his cup in the air. Not a bad choice, a bit uninspired, but certainly not the worse song out there.

"A Rose of Gold!" The Redwyne boy joined in. Of course, the Redwyne would press for a Tyrell song. He'd heard that song so many times at Storm's End, he'd nearly started dreaming about it when he fell asleep some nights.

"The Rains of Castamere!" A random Lannister knight yelled from his seat beside Ser Davos.

Lady Weiss gave them a small, obviously fake smile, and turned her attention to the Lord of Dragonstone. "Perhaps our honored guest would like to choose?"

Stannis started to grind his teeth as he felt everyone's attention turn to him. He had no interest in songs, or playing along with the little girl's games. The Master-of-Ships shot her a glare, yet she didn't yield or flinch, only giving him a casual smirk. There it was, the Lannister blood in her. She knew that he had to choose, lest he insult the kin of the man who would be providing men for the upcoming battle.

"Jenny of Oldstone." Stannis finally decided. It was his daughter's favorite anyway. She always enjoyed hearing about knights and fair maidens despite her maturity.

"An excellent choice, my Lord." Lord Dramen looked like a peacock puffing its chest.

Lady Weiss took a few steps back, onto the edge of the stone stairs that would lead to the lower tables and straightened her back. She gave the musicians a brief look, with their leader giving her a curt nod. The girl started to sing.

"High in the hills of the kings who are gone, Jenny would dance with her ghost…"

Blake would have enjoyed this far more than he.
So, here Stannis married a different woman
Probably political reasons, but she actually charmed him and they have a loving family

Blake! Revealed! Awesome!

P.S. I suspect there is more of subtle changes and they linked to one of five being born much earlier than others

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Yeah. Out of the girls Blake would probably do best with Stannis's household. She's got memories of a healthy family to rely on, and yet experience going without.

And Dragonstone has a lot of dramatic history to read up on.

And to be honest I had trouble picturing Stannis naming his daughter Ruby.
His wife, post-conversion to the Red God, would, but that's in the future.

It still raises the question of where they think her eye color comes from.

Good catch @Centergg I missed the "goodfather" comments.

Edit 2
And apparently Stannis namedropping his wife.

I need to read slower.
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It also makes sense for Blake - black-haired, and associated with the color black - to be born into the Baratheons ("Black of hair").

Also note that Blake's favorite song is Jenny of Oldstones, a song which, if we take the Game of Thrones version, matches onto her experience relatively well, and might give us some clues about her situation.

High in the halls of the kings who are gone (Dragonstone was built by the Targaryens, and they definitely qualify for "gone")
Jenny would dance with her ghosts
The ones she had lost and the ones she had found (old and new family/friends)
And the ones who had loved her the most (Yang, maybe? Or her parents?)
The ones who'd been gone for so very long
She couldn't remember their names
(it's conceivable there are some people from Remnant whose faces, but not names, she can remember, though probably not people particularly important to her, at least if her memory is as good as Weiss')
They spun her around on the damp old stones (oddly enough, "damp" probably fits Dragonstone better than Oldstones)
Spun away all her sorrow and pain (this might be foreshadowing how Blake feels)
And she never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave
Never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave
(ditto, in regards to "leaving" Remnant)

I also just realized - given her semblance, it's conceivable that she might somehow be able to literally dance with the ghosts of her past, provided she can have them assume forms other than her own. Even if she can't, she can still very literally "dance" with ghosts, fitting the lyrics.
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