A Song of Weiss and Fire

Malora Hightower huh? Now I'm extremly curious what happened for Stannis to marry her instead of Selyse Florent.

To bad Weiss and Blake Will find themselves in enemy factions for the incoming Civil war.

Still, I hope Weiss manages to overcome her distaint to being married and manages to make, if not happy at least healthy relationship with Stuar Redwyne.

And I hope RWBY ships aren't transported to this world unless they are builded organically from how it works, like Weiss and Stuar.

They have new lifes now. They can't and shouldn't Let go of their past one, but they should move towards their new future
I was stuck by a sudden idea and shall share it

Hear me out!

Ruby Arryn.

Her mother is red head. She is actually daughter of Lord Arryn and not of Littlefinger. Big sister to Sweetrobin. Lisa had many stillbirth in canon, here was a success. Silver eyes chalked to Lysa trying to kill the child in the womb

Another idea - Yang as daughter of Ned' True Love from Dorn. Here Ned have 2 bastards"

Weiss is superbly smug on this one
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Malora Hightower huh? Now I'm extremly curious what happened for Stannis to marry her instead of Selyse Florent.

To bad Weiss and Blake Will find themselves in enemy factions for the incoming Civil war.

Still, I hope Weiss manages to overcome her distaint to being married and manages to make, if not happy at least healthy relationship with Stuar Redwyne.

And I hope RWBY ships aren't transported to this world unless they are builded organically from how it works, like Weiss and Stuar.

They have new lifes now. They can't and shouldn't Let go of their past one, but they should move towards their new future

That fortune cookie quote doesn't really apply to Martin's perception of medieval marriages, which is glorified prostitution, with the parents serving as pimps.

I, for one, wouldn't just throw my entire upbringing and morality ingrained over a lifespan to proudly spread my legs and pray I don't die horribly in my first labour for the prestige and wealth of others. Especially if I had literal fucking superpowers.
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That fortune cookie quote doesn't really apply to Martin's perception of medieval marriages, which is glorified prostitution, with the parents serving as pimps.

I, for one, wouldn't just throw my entire upbringing and morality ingrained over a lifespan to proudly spread my legs and pray I don't die horribly in my first labour for the prestige and wealth of others. Especially if I had literal fucking superpowers.
Even in this God's forsaken land happiness, or at least contenment, can be found in marriages.

Ned and Catelyn had a good relationship even if It was forever hurt by Jon's existence. When Joanna was around Tywin was actually a happy Man (in His own way). And at least the marriage between Mace and Alerie Tyrell looked to be a good one.

And these are just the ones I can think on the get-go for this era.

Weiss was born in a life when Privilege as a Noble Is her Right, but comes with the Duty of Marriage.

They are still young for the betrothal, which can easily be postponned some years after Weiss get her period. And since the Greyjoy Rebellion was a short one, there will be ample Time to meet and influence her Future Husband.

And no matter how powerful of a Huntsman you are, for on her circunstancias isn't just about her anymore, but about her parents, and everyone related to her new Family.

Weiss a pseudo-noble as a Schnee, so she would have a better idea of how the entire legacy of her Family, present and future, depends on her.

She doesn't have the power to forsake such responsability. And neither the mindset to Not Care and be ultimately Selfish. Consequences be Damned
Even in this God's forsaken land happiness, or at least contenment, can be found in marriages.

Ned and Catelyn had a good relationship even if It was forever hurt by Jon's existence. When Joanna was around Tywin was actually a happy Man (in His own way). And at least the marriage between Mace and Alerie Tyrell looked to be a good one.

And these are just the ones I can think on the get-go for this era.

Weiss was born in a life when Privilege as a Noble Is her Right, but comes with the Duty of Marriage.

They are still young for the betrothal, which can easily be postponned some years after Weiss get her period. And since the Greyjoy Rebellion was a short one, there will be ample Time to meet and influence her Future Husband.

And no matter how powerful of a Huntsman you are, for on her circunstancias isn't just about her anymore, but about her parents, and everyone related to her new Family.

Weiss a pseudo-noble as a Schnee, so she would have a better idea of how the entire legacy of her Family, present and future, depends on her.

She doesn't have the power to forsake such responsability. And neither the mindset to Not Care and be ultimately Selfish. Consequences be Damned

Jesus Christ, what a load of shit.

Weiss's entire first life is defined by her rebelling against her family, refusing to be the perfect heiress Jacques wanted her to be and carving her own path as a Huntress, even if it meant facing struggle, pain and the risk of death. If there has EVER been a RWBY character who would refuse this, it is her.

Marriage is sacred when it is willing between both parties. The moment one side is forced - let alone both - is the moment the entire concept becomes a sick mockery of the union it is supposed to be. Trying to push someone with modern upbringing (which Weiss is, as Remnant is very modern in both tech and culture, and she remembere that life) into accepting being literally sold off for someone else's influence and ships and "lesrning to love her new husband" has the same energy as defending human trafficking rings because the men and women who get auctioned off and "married" ad a cover should just learn to love their new partners, and blaming them for wanting to be more. Doing so to a character like Weiss is even worse, as it pisses all over her entire personality and background. She doesn't even like the vast majority of her "family"; only her father and mother are the exceptions. And they ALSO didn't like the decision that TYWIN made to marry her off. You know, the guy who has been trying to publicly humiliate her at every turn.
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Jesus Christ, what a load of shit.

Weiss' entire first life is defined by her rebelling against her family, refusing to be the perfect heiress Jacques wanted her to be, and carving her own path as a Huntress.

Marriage is sacred when it is willing between both parts. The moment one side is forced is the moment the entire concept becomes a mockery of the union it is supposed to be. Trying to push someone with modern upbringing (which Weiss is, as Remnant is very modern in both tech and culture, and she remembere that life) into accepting being literally sold off for influence and ships and learning to love her new husband has the same energy as defending human trafficking rings because the men and women who get auctioned off and have the responsibility to learn to love their new partners, and blaming them for wanting to be more.
Talking about extreme comparisons.

Weiss Rebellion was limited to Not live under her Father direct control. But she Never rejected the comforts his money AND power face her.
Had she not being part of team RWBY and her personal experiences with Blake, her view of the White Fang as pure Terrorists and Faunus as needed "better management than her father's"

And I Never talked about Love. But about Weiss working to the make the relationship work, even only for It not to be a miserable experience.

Because compared to her life as a Schnee where her Father was a controlling maniac and her Mother absent and drunk, now she has Two parents she has came to, if not love, care very much. And she wouldn't do anything that would put them at risk because of her.

Weiss Schnee, and therefore Weiss Lannister, isn't Selfish and Blind to the consequences of her Acts
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Talking about extreme comparisons.

Weiss Rebellion was limited to Not live under her Father direct control. But she Never rejected the comforts his money AND power face her.
Had she not being part of team RWBY and her personal experiences with Blake, her view of the White Fang as pure Terrorists and Faunus as needed "better management than her father's"

And I Never talked about Love. But about Weiss working to the make the relationship work, even only for It not to be a miserable experience.

Because compared to her life as a Schnee where her Father was a controlling maniac and her Mother absent and drunk, now she has Two parents she has came to, if not love, care very much. And she wouldn't do anything that would put them at risk because of her.

Weiss Schnee, and therefore Weiss Lannister, isn't Selfish and Blind to the consequences of her Acts

Well, that's one way to reveal your lack of knowledge regarding the source material.

Weiss literally breaks off from her family halfway through the show, rejecting them and their wealth entirely. Her entire character arc throughought the show is about learning to put herself above the expectations of others. She literally SWEARS to do so, and to never have her life dictated for her again. Several characters make a note of how defiant she is, and Blake outright admires her for it. Her last moments prior to being reborn in Westeros was throwing herself at Cinder in a suicidal charge, because the latter mocked her for seemingly letting her friends die. Defiance to the bitter end.

Weiss Schnee is the very embodiment of someone who had "selflessness" and "duty" beaten into her, and then spent her entire remaining life rebuilding her ego until she had the will to finally say "No, I don't want this. I want to think about myself, from now on."

This isn't start-of-the-show Weiss, who eas very much still tied to the Schnees and was driven primarily by duty. This is Ever After Weiss (though she ended up in Westeros instead). A lot of character development has taken place over the literal years that have passed.
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Well, that's one way to reveal your lack of knowledge regarding the source material.

Weiss literally breaks off from her family halfway through the show, rejecting them and their wealth entirely. Her entire character arc throughought the show is about learning to put herself above the expectations of others. She literally SWEARS to do so, and to never have her life dictated for her again. Several characters make a note of how defiant she is, and Blake outright calls her defiance itself. Her last moments prior to being reborn in Westeros was throwing herself at Cinder in a suicidal charge, because she mocked her for letting her friends seemingly die. Defiance to the bitter end.

Weiss Schnee is the very embodiment of someone who had "selflessness" and "duty" beaten into her, and then spent her entire remaining life rebuilding her ego until she had the will to finally say "No, I don't want this. I want to think about myself, from now on."
She rejected her Family wealth after her Father practically imprisoned her. There was no real choice between accepting His tyranny or leaving to find her Friends.

Those choices only impacted her. Her Family wasn't a factor for a long time now.

With her new Family involved, one she has said to care More than her previous one, and without any of her Remnant friends. what choice does she has now?
She rejected her Family wealth after her Father practically imprisoned her. There was no real choice between accepting His tyranny or leaving to find her Friends.

Those choices only impacted her. Her Family wasn't a factor for a long time now.

With her new Family involved, one she has said to care More than her previous one, and without any of her Remnant friends. what choice does she has now?

Are you even listening to yourself? She literally REJECTED HER FAMILY because her FATHER wanted to keep her in check. In your eyes, this means she will let A DISTANT FAMILY PATRIARCH, who is a distant cousin at best, and who has been nothing but harmful and offensive to her so far, SELL her to a stranger who would have absolute power over her, for the sake of her actual family, who have shown blatant discomfort with the idea as well, and had no choice in the matter either.

This situation should be mashing her buttons like nothing else ever has. If his story wasn't smoothing some edges over to keep Weiss in Westeros, this would be the moment she runs away to Essos.
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Are you even listening to yourself? She literally REJECTED HER FAMILY because her FATHER wanted to imprison her. In your eyes, this means she will let A DISTANT FAMILY PATRIARCH, who has been nothing but harmful to her so far, SELL her to a stranger who would have absolute power over her, for the sake of her actual family, who have shown blatant discomfort with the idea as well, and had no choice in the matter either.

This situation should be mashing her buttons like nothing else ever has.
And I Ask again:
What choice does she has now?
And I Ask again:
What choice does she has now?


Literally all of them.

Because literally anything would be better.

If this story played Weiss straight, she'd be halfway to Essos by now, specifically without telling anyone so as to give her parents plausible deniability.

The only reason this hasn't happened is because some edges have been smoothed over to keep her in Westeros, where most of the plot is happening. But to outright make her submit to this is to rename this character "Seiss Lannister", because it wouldn't be Weiss anymore.

And even if she DID swallow this because of Tywin, say, literally threatening to murder her parents if she doesn't do so, that entire spiel about marriage you gave would still be a worthless load of shit. Because she'd be coerced into it with her parents as actual, literal hostages.

"Learn to love" the man you married because saying no would get your mother and father killed? Yes, why don't all rape victims learn to love the people who put a gun to their heads?
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Literally all of them.

If this story played Weiss straight, she'd be halfway to Essos by now, specifically without telling anyone so as to give her parents plausible deniability.

The only reason this hasn't happened is because some edges have been smoothed over to keep her in Westeros, where most of the plot is happening. But to outright make her submit to this is to rename this character "Seiss Lannister", because it wouldn't be Weiss anymore.
If that's the case, this whole debate Is pointless, since up to the writer's interpretation of Weiss Schnee.

But true, only by forsaken her Family name could she save her Family from reprisals. Now, how far would a 7 year old with a weak aura without conections and friends go Is something else.
If that's the case, this whole debate Is pointless, since up to the writer's interpretation of Weiss Schnee.

But true, only by forsaken her Family name could she save her Family from reprisals. Now, how far would a 7 year old with a weak aura without conections and friends go Is something else.

Really fucking far. This 7 year old with a "weak aura" has *superpowers*. She has a functional Semblance (and a very versatile one, no less) and has already massacred four veteran raiders, casually curbstomped trained squires and easily dismantled a skilled and infamous knight in a duel. Do you have any idea how many doors this opens? Even aside from all the obvious stuff she could do, such as hunting bandits for money or animals for food, she could challenge knights to duels for money, participate in tournaments (by pretending to be a dwarf) and rake in fat stacks, or even wear a cloak and roleplay as a travelling witch. With even basic and undetectable Aura enhancements, she would be priceless for construction work. And if the witch requests something as tribute in return? Well, it's good that she only asked for supplies and money before moving on; most witches would probably demand a firstborn. So, so many options.

It's not like people would be sending literal armies after her to drag her back, forcing her to defeat them singlehandedly. If anyone actually manages to track her down - extremely unlikely, without modern communication and recording technology - she'd at worst have to deal with one or two pursuers; simplicity itself. Not that anyone would bother. She's not a princess, or even the child of a Lord Paramount. She's a vague relative from Lannisport.
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In canon Hightowers tried into magic.
Has RWBY appearing here is result of this? Was girls born to women who participated in Hightiwer' ritual? (They thought what ritual didn't worked, they all was drunk anyway)

The rest of the feast passed by without any problems, though Weiss did receive plenty of song requests for her to sing. It felt nice, being able to flex one of her many skills from her past life. Weiss was well-known in all Four Kingdoms on Remnant, due to her Schnee name, and for having several number one albums. And based on some comments from Blake, even Menagerie had been a fan of her music despite their hatred of Schnees. She had gone on tour a few times before she decided to take her huntress training seriously, which Weiss took to spite Father Jacques at first. It felt like she had been singing for hours, when it had only been three or four songs in total.

The feast had also given Weiss a chance to draw closer to Stuar, her betrothed. He was a sweet, if rather dull boy, who tripped over his tongue when he spoke and on his feet when they shared a dance or two. She was lucky enough to have used her aura to protect her when he accidently stepped on her feet. At least they weren't her favorite pair of shoes, getting new clothes and accessories was expensive and took much longer than back on Remnant.

"You look lovely today, my Lady." Stuar said as they walked arm in arm in the garden of the Gold Keep. Alysanne, Alis and Ser Robart joined them, with the newly made knight standing the farthest away. Alysanne and Alis whispered as they walked a few paces behind them, their voices hushed and low. In this world, it would be considered improper to leave a man and a woman alone, especially amongst noble children. At the very least, as they grew older, it made some sense, but at this young age? It felt oddly smothering. A second knight walked alongside Robart, a Reachman with a fox on his leather jerkin.

They walked past a set of trees that seemed to be filled with birds, each singing their own song, or cawing complaints about the gardeners that were tending to the apples that were painstakingly cultivated.

Weiss kept her gaze forward, though she did give the blushing boy a glance out of the corner of her eyes. "Are you saying that I didn't look lovely yesterday, Lord Stuar?" She wasn't an easy woman to woo, Jaune and Ruby had to learn that the hard way. To say nothing of being burned by Neptune, and lingering issues from how Willow had been tricked.

"N-No!" Stuar stuttered as his face flushed. Weiss felt a smirk form on her face as the boy looked away, scratching the back of his head with his free hand. "You always look lovely, my Lady."

Perhaps she should stop teasing the Redwyne boy, they did only meet the day before. And it wasn't his fault Tywin had arranged a match for him to someone far above his station, at least in her opinion. Weiss was beautiful, even at her young age, and while the Lannisters of Lannisport didn't have the largest personal army or the most amount of levies, they were still a rich house.

"Thank you, Lord Stuar." Weiss gave him a fake smile. They continued the rest of their stroll in peace and quiet, aside from the clinging of Ser Robart's armor and Alysanne's whispering as she stared at the back of Weiss' head with Alis in arm. It was starting to be a bit worrying, the whispers.

"Call me Stuar." Her Betrothed said softly. "I know I'm no lord or knight, just a squire with the Redwyne name."

"Very well, Stuar." Weiss said with a teasing tone. He reminded her of Jaune, just with Nora's colorings.There were worse comparisons, even if this now did bring to mind the image of Jaune having a child with Nora, which meant Nora with pregnancy hormones. She shuddered, considering the results. "Then you must call me Weiss."

"M-My Lady." Stuar stumbled with his tongue. He was cute from an angle. "You honor me, W-Weiss."

Did he not have any experience talking with girls? Weiss was definitely going to have to stop teasing him then, which was a shame. She was going to have to use other ways to reveal more of his personality. Still, she had plenty of time to sound him out before they had to actually get married. Weiss would prefer if the bethothel ended up annulled by either side. Lord Tywin had sold her off for a few ships, and didn't get everything he wanted. Stuar seemed like a sweet boy, but she didn't want to marry him.

"I swear that I will return knighted." Stuar declared suddenly. "I will make my family proud, and you as well, my Lady Weiss." Very mature for a boy of ten and two namedays. If he was like this once he was older, Stuar would be a fine, if rather dull husband should Weiss fail to get the betrothal annulled. She could've ended up with worse.

"Okay." Weiss didn't know what else to say, she was rarely at a loss for words. He didn't need to have a goal like that just for her. Though she was a bit touched at the dedication. Maybe this would work out for the better?

"I shall be heading to Casterly Rock today, with Ser Edmund and Lord Stannis." Stuar continued speaking. "Lord Stannis and Ser Edmund wish to speak with Lord Tywin on the morrow."

Likely to plan and hopefully find the location of the Ironborn fleet. The last she heard, which was earlier that morning, was that King Robert was due to arrive in less than a week. The Golden Keep had, if anything had become more of a hive of activity, servants running around, watchmen scrambling to patrol the place.

"I shall pray to the Seven for your safety." Empty words, Weiss wouldn't pray to any god, real or not. The gods would have to prove themselves if they wanted Weiss' worship. And that was quite an uphill battle, in her mind, heart and soul.

Stuar squeezed her arm softly, his muscles tense and anxious. His mind was likely filled with thoughts of the upcoming battle. Weiss knew better than most that anything could happen on a battlefield, even the strongest could somehow fall. Stuar would likely be on the Redwyne flagship in the rear, far from any fighting. He would be safe, and return alive. Weiss was a bit tempted to run far away, to Essos and avoid this whole marriage problem, but she couldn't leave her parents behind, like she left Willow and her brother Whitley.

If Weiss was able to go back in time, how much would she have been able to change? Yet, there was only one thing Weiss knew.

"Thank you, Weiss." Stuar mumbled.

She would never love him.

Shortly after their short stroll through the gardens, Stuar departed to prepare for his visit to Casterly Rock. Weiss would stay behind in the Gold Keep of course, she had no business with Lord Tywin, who appeared to act like she didn't exist after her duel with Ser Amory Lorch. She'd take being left alone versus drawing his eyes once more. Being in his presence made her uncomfortable, even if he was her liege lord and the head of Lannisters everywhere.

"Your betrothed isn't too hard on the eyes, in the right light if I squint my eyes." Alis japed. They were making their way to Septa Loria's room for their afternoon lessons. Just because the Gold Keep was filled with guests didn't mean that Weiss' lessons would take a pause. If anything, they were going to be intensified, to avoid any potential mishaps. Alysanne wouldn't be joining them today to spend time with her Father, Lord Leo Lefford. It took a lot of convincing from Father to stop Lord Lefford from returning to the Golden Tooth with Alysanne, but in the end it worked out after she told her Father that she wouldn't leave, so the pretty girl remained as Weiss' handmaiden.

"He's not that ugly, just plain." Weiss lightly defended her betrothed. Even if he was considered ugly, any children born to Weiss would inherit her beauty, she was sure of that. Weiss was already aware how she was going to look once she was older, and had plenty of male and female admirers back on Remnant. She had to admit, Weiss enjoyed all the attention at first, until it became an annoyance and a facade. "If you'd like, I could try and arrange a betrothal with one of his cousins once we're married in a few years."

Alis shook her head, hiding her eyes with her bangs. Ruby and the others would've liked Alis, despite the cultural differences that took Weiss over a year to get used to. "I doubt the Redwynes would ever want me for a good-daughter."

The Peckledons were a simple house of landed knights. They weren't particularly strong, and didn't have a noteworthy history. Weiss would do her best to help her friend meet someone who would treat her correctly. Alis could've left Lannisport and Weiss' service after the Ironborn attack, but she didn't. Weiss would take better care of her from now on.

"Anyone would be lucky to have you as a good-daughter." Weiss reassured her. Ser Robart followed them with two more guards under his command, all three of them wielding iron cudgels instead of swords, likely so they wouldn't appear threatening to their guest.

Alis remained silent, but did give her a small smile as they continued the rest of their walk in silence, though they did stop to greet anyone who came across them, such as the servants and men-at-arms that patrolled the halls. It felt strange, having such a normal, yet different day. How would life be if Ruby, Blake, and Yang were here? Would they have stopped at nothing to find a way back home, or would they also have given up and tried to adapt to this new world? Weiss pressed her lips together tightly. She missed all of them, so very much, sometimes it felt like she was suffocating. They ran into another group of people as they passed the next intersection of hallways, only a few minutes away from Septa Loria's quarters.

A boy that appeared to be only a few years older stared straight into Weiss' sapphire blue eyes with his own gray-green. He was more pretty than handsome, with pale skin and long white hair that seemed to be of a similar length to Weiss' own. Her Uncle gave her a look of mistrust. Two boys around his age were with him, one with a blue swordfish on his doublet, and the other had two knights, one purple and the other white.

"Uncle." Weiss bowed her head slightly, which the three boys did not even a second later. Her Uncle seemed more hesitant than the other two.

"My Lady." Aurane said simply. He seemed uncomfortable, as if he hadn't expected her to acknowledge him. That was understandable, since he was a bastard and considered a slight on the family by most people. If Weiss had met him before she had gone to Beacon, she likely would have acted like he didn't exist, along with most of her family and Atlasian high society.

"My apologies, I wished to have spoken to you yesterday during the feast, but time passed by too quickly." Weiss gave him a smile and a tilt of her head, something childlike. Yesterday had been an extremely busy day. She wasn't lying either, as the daughter of the host, she had been quite busy socializing and later singing.

"Your apologies are necessary." Uncle said, giving one of his companions a brief side glance. It felt nice, being able to meet a family member who wasn't a Lannister, and looked similar to her. Weiss had to admit, she was tired of looking at blondes all day. Some days you just wanted some different color in your life.

"We are family, of course it is." Weiss regretted how she had treated Whitley in the end, acting as if he didn't exist. Her Schnee family was full of issues, but she still loved them the same. Most of them, at least. Jacques wasn't counted here. "Lady Alis and I are heading to our lessons, but perhaps we shall run into each other again, before you leave on the morrow."

Father and Ser Gerion would be meeting with the other lords of the Westerlands and Lord Stannis at Casterly Rock. Even now the Royal fleet was being resupplied and the Redwyne ship filled with sellswords and knights that volunteered. Soon they would be setting sail, ready to go avenge the slight done to her family's name.

Aurane seemed confused, but gave her a nod. Hopefully he would also return alive and without injury. "Very well."

Weiss was tired of being in the company of death.

Stannis Baratheon

If the Gold Keep made Stannis feel uneasy, then Casterly Rock made him feel downright uncomfortable. He brought only a small party with him, Ser Davos, despite his low birth likely offending Lord Tywin, knew the currents of the Sunset Sea well, as well as where any ships would be hidden. Ser Andrew Estermont, Stannis' cousin and former squire, Ser Richard Horpe, Ser Gerald Gower, and Ser Godry Farring formed the rest of his honor guard. His squire, Aurane Waters, would've joined them, but Ser Davos and Andrew attempted to convince him otherwise, claiming that the presence of a lowborn smuggler and a bastard would be too insulting to the Old Lion. Stannis reluctantly agreed, if only to not give Robert's good-father reason to back out on providing men for the Redwyne ships. To distract the boy, he suggested that he go meet his niece or trueborn sister, a fact which distracted the boy enough he acquiesced to being left behind.

"Where was the Greyjoy fleet last spotted?" Stannis said loudly, his dark eyes staring at a map of the Seven Kingdoms. The last he heard, the Iron Fleet attempted an assault on Seagard and failed, with one of Balon Greyjoy's sons slain by Lord Jason Mallister. There was no word on how many hulls were involved, which irked him. He needed proper intelligence to plan his campaign.

"Ravens from Lord Mallister say that the fleet moved south after Seagard." Ser Kevan Lannister answered. "Likely licking their wounds after being bloodied. House Fisher of the Misty Isle sent a raven not even a day ago, they spotted longboats sailing south, towards the Crag."

The rest of the lords and knights that joined them argued amongst themselves about the location of the Iron Fleet, or strategies on how to engage them. The Reachman, Ser Edmune in particular, seemed overconfident in their abilities, which was especially galling as the Reach support so far was some half manned ships. Lord Tywin was silent, silently drinking from a cup of Myrish glass that was filled with Arbor red. Stannis started to grind his teeth as the arguments drew louder.

He needed to smash the Greyjoy Fleet in one go, not engage in a war of attrition that would likely take years. Stannis would need to lure the Iron Fleet into a trap. And to do that, he needed bait. His eyes were drawn to the map, looking for a possible location, before his eyes were drawn to a pair of castles.

"How fortified is the Crag and the Banefort?" Stannis raised his eyes from the map. Those were the two most northern castles that sat along the coast, ruled by House Westerling and House Banefort respectively.

"Lord Westerling and Lord Banefort have called their banners." Ser Tygett was the Lannister that spoke this time. "They have their own longboats patrolling the nearby waters. The Greyjoys won't be able to seize either castle without a lengthy siege."

"Have them send their levies to Ashemark." Stannis turned to Lord Tywin, who met his cold gaze unflinchingly. "And summon the levies from Feastfire and Kayce, their galleys and longboats as well."

That immediately caused an outrage. Ser Davos avoided it by standing away from the great lords of the Westerlands closer to the door. He hadn't moved much from there, save for occasionally showing on the map some of the smaller coves and river mouths one could hide a ship in.

"You mean to leave the coast unguarded?" Lord Antario Jast boomed, yet Stannis gave him no answer, turning back to the map instead. The Redwyne boy flinched at the sudden yell.

The Greyjoys, emboldened by their victory over the Lannisters, had overextended themselves and were smashed at Seagard. They would likely raid and reave undefended locations to rebuild their strength and confidence, as well as secure loot.

"Have their levies within a half-day's march, and ensure they leave strong garrisons so they won't be taken quickly." Stannis ignored the curses that came in his direction. If he could lure them into the strait at Fair Isle, he could smash their Fleet in one go. Of course, that meant his timing had to be perfect. "Once the Iron fleet has been spotted they may return to their garrisons." That would force the Greyjoys south, closer to Stannis' chosen battlefield. All he needed to do was get enough of the fleet biting on his hook, and the rest would follow suit, lest they be cut off and left to fend for themselves.

With the majority of the Riverlords and the Northern host led by Eddard Stark joining up with the smaller Mallister fleet at Seagard, the Greyjoys would have no choice but to reave the undefended Westerland coast, or return to the Iron Islands in shame and humiliation at being beaten by the 'Greenlanders'. Knowing the squids, they'll likely take the first option.

"The Iron Fleet could land an invasion force!" Lord Damon Marbband growled, despite Ashemark being far from any actual combat. He turned to Lord Tywin. "My Lord, you cannot go along with this madman's plot!"

Lord Tywin shot Lord Damon a sharp glare and slowly turned to the Maester at his side. "Send the ravens, do as he says."

"My Lord!" Lord Antario raised his voice, only for Lord Tywin to silence him with the raise of a hand. The Old Lion slowly stood up from his seat and made his way towards the large map that was made into a table, a pale imitation of the Painted Table back on Dragonstone.

"In order to draw out a large fish, sufficient bait must be presented for it." Lord Tywin said. Despite Stannis being the taller of the two, they both seemed like equals in a room full of bickering men. "King Robert is due to arrive in a few days, I do hope that we receive news of your victory soon."

That was the most Stannis would get from the Old Lion, who had been one of his Father's closest friends when they were boys, alongside the Mad King. Stannis clenched his jaw and ignored Lord Lannister. He would have the Redwyne and Hightower ships sail into the strait of Fair Isle, and sail the Royal Fleet around the island. The Iron Fleet would be smashed from the north and south. In a few days, Stannis would be breaking his fast with squids, disgusting and chewy beasts.

"The Iron Fleet shall see that even iron shall rust and break against the strongest of storms." Stannis growled. "I shall send them to the halls of their Drowned god."

He would prove all of them wrong. All the doubters, all the whisperer's in King's Landing, all those prancing peacocks. He was Stannis Baratheon of Dragonstone, Master of Ships to King Robert Baratheon, father to Blake Baratheon, husband to Malora Hightower. Stannis cared not for the glory, only to complete his duty to his brother, to the Seven Kingdoms.

Ours is the Fury.


Just want to take this moment to thank everyone for their support! We never expected A Song of Weiss and Fire to be this successful and be this long within such a short amount of time. Its going to be a fun ride, and I hope everyone enjoys it.

And we now have a TV tropes
page! So feel free to add to it!
A Hightower?

Stannis went up in the world, even if I do like thr foxes, historically tying the Baratheons to the Hightowers serves as a much larger check on Tyrell influence then the Florents
Stannis would prove all of them wrong! But not for glory.
Stannis is the kind of person who
  • honestly believed being a straight A student who never got in trouble would result in success and popularity.
  • Never got over the feeling of betrayal upon realizing that is not true
  • And now resentfully stays the course to spite the universe
Last edited:
Cedric Payne

Cedric hated the sea, ocean, rivers or whatever body of water was large enough to be sailed on by galleys. As he vomited his lunch, which consisted of an orange and salted fish provided by the Redwyne boy for his crew, Cedric cursed the Lanny that he had offered his services to, and that serving woman who suggested it. He always avoided any jobs that required him to be on a ship, no matter how well paying they were. Cedric was used to fighting on land, on solid ground, not a rocking war galley where a single trip could send him to the watery depths of the Drowned god. Many knights and sellswords that had also been tricked into service avoided wearing their heavy armor, to allow them to swim should they fall overboard. Cedric was one of them, only keeping his half-helm and leather jerkin that was covered in metal studs.

"You alright coz?" Rod asked, staring at the contents that had been in Cedric's belly just moments ago. Cedric swore he saw small fishes picking at the slightly digested food which only made his nausea worse. He was able to avoid emptying his stomach once again, but barely. The worse part was that the damn stuff would linger on his tongue and in his nose, and he'd have to wash the taste out with salt water.

"Shut it, I don't need you making it any worse for me." Cedric groaned the moment vomit stopped erupting from his throat, finally able to breathe. The worst part was, Rod seemed to be immune to seasickness. No matter what remedy Cedric tried and failed, Rod would be just fine.

"But-" Rod started to continue speaking when Cedric cut him off with a wave of a hand. He already had to deal with the stares, and worse, snickering, from the Reachman and smallfolk from the Arbor that had been pressed into service as rowers, Cedric didn't need his squire joining in too.

Cedric and Rod were assigned by Ser Gerion Lannister himself to the Arbor's Delight, a two-decked war-galley that served as the flagship for the Redwyne fleet. It was a place of honor, since they would likely remain away from any combat, which was reassuring for Cedric. He wasn't confident fighting on a rocking and unsteady galley deck, even with the few days of drilling Ser Gerion imposed on them. Still, he'd accepted Lanny's coin, he was going to have to earn it. Hopefully it just meant standing around while he vomited out his guts for a few more days. The Redwyne and Hightower fleets were to block the strait off of Fair Isle, and engage the squids should they be spotted. Trapped in the strait, with no room to maneuver, and with two massive fleets on either side, hopefully the squids would be easily crushed.What a tale for Cedric's future children, about the Knight of Payne sending the squids to a deep grave.

If he didn't die from starvation since he kept vomiting up anything he ate. Gods, why did he take the offer? He should've stayed on dry land, working with the Redcloaks; they'd been looking for new officers to replace their losses from the Sacking. But noo, he listened to a serving wench and now look at him.

"They're staring at us." Rod mumbled loudly as Cedric wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his jerkin. He almost scratched himself with one of the metal nubs, wincing as the metal touched his sensitive mouth.

Cedric spotted the Redwyne boy, with wild orange hair that shot out in every direction, laughing at him. He was not going to live this down, not any time soon. Cedric had failed to impress Ser Gerion, with the Lannister only giving him a brief look due to the Payne coat-of-arms that decorated his shield, and he sincerely doubted the Redwyne boy or Ser Edmund would be impressed with a knight that could barely fight at sea. And with no chance to prove himself in combat, there was no chance of him getting a more permanent position.

"I don't care." Cedric groaned. Rodrik had gotten the easier job, protecting one of the scorpions near the rear of the war galley, alongside a score of other squires. Nobody really minded, squires were a bit young to thrust into combat, and they could still contribute.

They had been at sea for two days now, and there were still no signs of any longboats. There were grumblings among the men, that the Master-of-Ships had been tricked, or that some witchery was used. The grumbling started to grow after the Royal Fleet departed shortly after they passed the cape where Feastfire was located. And the morning fog that had settled in only made things worse. Every man on board knew that Stannis Baratheon held no love for the Redwynes after the Siege of Storm's End, so it made sense that he would leave them in reserve and steal all the glory, at least in Cedric's opinion. Not that he could blame the man, being nearly starved to death by some people would not endear you to them.

"Want an apple?" Rod continued speaking, turning his attention from the vomit in the water to the fog.

Cedric finally looked up and whipped his head in the direction of his stupid cousin. Rod was wearing a similar leather jerkin, with a short sword strapped to his side. Cedric considered throwing the apple overboard, but decided against it. He did need to eat something, and an apple was light enough it was worth the risk.

"You have an apple?" He asked. Rations were strict on board, though he could smell the crackling bacon when the Redwyne boy and Ser Edmund broke their fast earlier that morning.

"No, just wanted to know if you wanted one." Rod shrugged, earning himself a sharp glare. Cedric was about to slap the back of his head, when he was interrupted by the sound of yelling and drums bursting to life. He recognized the tone, it was one of the few they had made especially sure that all the knights would know by heart. Without turning, he barked at Rod to get ready for war. Time to kill something.

Out of the fog, emerged longboats three times the size of a normal, yet were still dwarfed by the dromonds of the Redwyne and Hightower fleets. Cedric' eyes widened slowly as more and more of them emerged, each bearing the banner of houses from the Iron Isles.

"To arms!"


King Robert arrived two days after the departure of Lord Stannis and the fleets, in a grand procession just outside of Casterly Rock near the Lion's Mouth. Anyone who was anybody was there, with all of the Lannisters gathered at the front of the crowd of great lords and knights that had come from all over the Westerlands. Weiss stood behind the Lannister men, beside Mother who was standing beside Lady Genna Frey, sister to Lord Tywin. She was married to Ser Emmon Frey, the second son of Lord Walder Frey, who was a small, thin man with a bald head. No one would ever call her a Frey to her face, not in the Westerlands.

Weiss had a clear view of the arriving procession which included thousands of men, all bearing the banners of their houses, including those from the Stormlands, Crownlands, the Vale, and a few Riverlords. At the head was a large man, even taller and wider than Lord Stannis, wearing a fine black leather jerkin over a pitch black doublet. His hair was as dark as his clothing, with a thick beard and stormy blue eyes. King Robert was an impressive man, and looked nothing like his younger brother Stannis. He was handsome with a large grin that seemed to annoy Lord Tywin, who stood at the front of the great crowd.

Three men stood directly behind him, each dressed in white armor and white cloaks. The eldest of the three carried the king's banner, and had white hair with sad blue eyes. He was handsome despite his age, and looked tall. That must've been Ser Barristan the Bold, the most famous living knight in all of the Seven Kingdoms! Weiss had heard the stories from Ser Tylan, how Ser Barristan faced Maelys the Monstrous during the Ninepenny War, slaying the Blackfyre pretender in single combat.

The Kingsguard behind him was much younger, and gorgeous too. With long blond hair, green eyes that appeared like emeralds, Ser Jaime Lannister the Kingslayer looked every bit a knight. The rumors claimed that he was considered the best swordsman in the Seven Kingdoms, alongside Ser Barristan. Weiss hoped she would be able to face them one day. She was confident she could defeat them as she was, but then that would ruin their reputation and earn her their ire. And Weiss sincerely doubted they would agree to a duel from a seven year old girl. Perhaps when she was older and taller something could be arranged, even a sparring match could teach her so much. The third Kingsguard was fat and bald, rather unimpressive in Weiss' opinion, but he must've been competent in order to gain the position. Behind them were the great lords of the other kingdoms, each one with a standard bearee by their side.

"Your Grace." Lord Tywin was forced to speak first before their king. The men bent to one knee while the women bowed deeply at the waist, including Weiss. It felt weird seeing even Tywin have to bow to his goodson, but she relished it. No matter what, even he had to answer to someone.

"Tywin." King Robert's voice was deep, deeper than his brothers. "I'd say it's good to be back, but then that'd be a lie. What's this I hear about all your ships getting burnt to a crisp?" He was pudgier than Weiss had expected, but was still strong.

Weiss couldn't see Lord Tywin's face, but she could tell he was clenching his jaw. It felt good, seeing him so powerless before someone else. She resisted the urge to titter, a sentiment no doubt shared by her father.

"Not all, your Grace." Lord Tywin said, his voice cold. "A few ships had managed to be saved, thanks to the efforts of my brother, Kevan."

And of course he was going to leave Father out of the discourse. Admittedly, given it was on his watch most of the ships had been burned, not drawing the king's attention was a good idea, but still, it wasn't just his fault. Lord Tywin should've heard the rumors well before her Father, and prepared his vassals accordingly.

"Yet it's my brother who sails to fuck the squids instead of your fleet." King Robert started to laugh. "Bring out your bread and salt, I have a war to finish for you." Weiss had to hide her smile at that insult to Lord Tywin.

She decided that she liked King Robert.

Cedric Payne

The Arbor's Delight stayed in reserve alongside a score of other war galleys, all Redwyne ships. The forward galleys engaged the Iron fleet with a ferocity that Cedric had never seen before. Dromonds fired their scorpions and catapults, only for the longboats to use their smaller size to avoid the heavy rocks and flaming arrows. It made Cedric nervous, hearing the sounds of men fighting and drums bursting out orders in quick succession. Not at all like the fights he'd engaged in on dry land. Out here, on the sea, it felt more real, more dangerous, he supposed.

With his shield strapped to his left arm and his sword in his right hand, Cedric was starting to feel sick again, his stomach rolling like the Arbor's Delight on the sea. The war galley rocked as a catapult on the portside launched a large rock towards a longship that had managed to get past the Redwyne and Hightower ships that were ahead of them. More of the large longboats started to slip past the large Redwyne dromonds. Shit.

"Archers! Form up!" Ser Edmund bellowed from the rear of the galley. "Sound the drums, advance! Battle speed! Signal the rest of the reserves to follow."

The sellswords armed with bows moved to the front, with one or two tripping on their own feet, while more stumbled about, unused to fighting at sea. Many of them wore light armor, the heaviest being their half-helms. Cedric was able to hear his orders due being stationed near the stairway that would lead to the helm. The rest of the Arbor's Delights officers repeated his command down to the lower floors filled with rowers. On beat with the sounds of the drums, the oars started to move, nearly causing Cedric to fall onto the deck.

"Seal the gaps! Don't let a single ship escape!" Ser Edmund continued to bellow. He wore full armor, heavy chains over boiled leather with a full helm, apparently unafraid of drowning. The Redwyne boy beside him changed into a plain leather jerkin with a bundle of grapes sewn onto its chest, with a short sword fit for his size at his side.

Cedric covered his mouth and swallowed the vomit that attempted to escape his throat. The sound of the beating drums remained constant, when a longboat with an iron ram at the fore sailed in their path. Judging from the sails, it looked to be a more fancy ship then the usual longboats he'd been seeing so far. It started sailing straight towards them!

"Ramming speed! Prepare to board!" Ser Edmund yelled, gripping the railing on the upper deck. Everyone around him did the same, Cedric included, bracing for the impact that was about to happen.

The Ironborn longboat rammed into the Arbor's Delight near the fore, causing Cedric to vomit onto the wooden deck. It smelled rancid, and mixed with the saltwater that kept spilling onto the deck. A few of the sellswords fell over and into the sea with a scream. The raiders threw grappling hooks, tying the two ships together.

"Repel boarders! Swords form a wall!" Ser Edmund raised his sword in the air, changing his orders without wasting a breath. Cedric tightened his grip on his sword and widened his stance. The sellswords let off another volley of arrows before falling back, slinging their bows over their shoulders as they did so.

Cedric and a dozen other knights and sellswords with short spears slowly advanced as the raiders started to board. Cedric nearly slipped on his own vomit, but raised his shield. It felt reminiscent of his fights on dry land, just with more of an emphasis on minding his footing.

"Never resting!" Ser Edmund screamed the words of his house, yet remained behind as Cedric struggled to keep his stomach down. None of the other ships moved to assist them, engaging the rest of the war longboats that were attempting to escape the Strait. They were stuck until their allies could finish up their own prey, which meant the priority was enduring this clash.

"Rahhh!" A large Ironborn raider with an axe the size of Rodrick charged at Cedric, who raised his shield just in time for the sharp blade to deflect away. Cedric nearly fell over, but was caught by a sellsword standing right behind him. Cedric vomited on the Ironborn before his next swing nearly took off his head. The raider, a huge beast, lept back, cursing Cedric. He was a massive fighter, nearly two heads taller than everyone else aboard the Arbor's Delight.

Seasickness was not worth the single gold dragon he was paid.

Chaos reigned over the Arbor's Delight. The line that Ser Edmund had ordered to maintain easily fell once a sellsword in the center had his head parted in half. They fought well, but were not used to fighting on a rocking ship that affected their footwork, Cedric included. And unlike the sellswords, the Squids were more than used to this type of fighting. Scores of raiders had boarded the Redwyne war galley, attempting to take the dromond with their own longship still lodged at the fore and tied on by grappling hooks. The Ironborn with the large axe was still alive, yelling and screaming curses as his chain armor deflected the light swing from a short sword, failing to pierce it.

Blood mixed with the foam of the saltwater on the deck as men fell, dead or wounded. It was a slaughterhouse, the wooden boards rapidly soaking up the blood and viscera.

"Shit." Cedric muttered when the Ironborn shot him a nasty glare. He apparently held a grudge over being vomited on. The knight was leaning against the railing as a small wave rocked the dromond, trying to maintain his balance.

"What is dead may never die-!" The Ironborn charged at him. Cedric raised his blade when he felt the urge to vomit once more. He bent over to relieve his stomach just as the Ironborn went for a wide swing, dodging the attack. Cedric wildly swung his blade while he was bent over still, which the Ironborn swatted away with the shaft of his axe. "-but rises again, harder and stronger!"

"Fuck." Cedric blocked a blow from the butt of the Ironborn's axe with his shield. He should try capturing the raider, his armor was expensive and looked like it belonged to a noble house. And even if they didn't offer a ransom, he could sell the armor and weapons. Maybe some Lannisport merchant would pay for a trophy over their victory? The Ironborn's half-helm had the metal impression of a hand facing downward with lighting flashing from the fingertips, some sort of sigil. This is what he gets for not listening to the Maester talking about heraldry. How did his father know this could come back to haunt him?

A sword erupted from the large man's throat before Cedric would move, covering his leather jerkin in spots of blood. The body of the Ironborn fell forward, and with Cedric taking a quick sidestep, fell over the rail of the Arbor's Delight. A mop of orange hair appeared where the raider had been, the Redwyne boy. When had Ser Edmund committed the boy and his guards? Shouldn't he have been kept near the scorpions or catapults where the heaviest guards were? Cedric gave the Redwyne a confused stare, who responded with a mischievous wink. Still, he wasn't ungracious enough to at least acknowledge his savior, so he saluted the squire with his blade.

"Arbor!" He yelled, raising his short sword in the air, charging the nearest raider who was about to finish off a bloodied sellsword with a caved in chest. The Ironborn, who wore heavy plate armor with a scythe sigil on his chest, turned quickly, the boy's battle cry giving away his attack. Idiot, you attacked, then gave a battle cry, not the other way around.

"Hyah!" The armored Ironborn moved fast, and buried his short axe in the Redwyne boy's neck, causing his battle cry to end in a dying gurgle. Well, this is why you kept squires out of the battle if at all possible. Huh, where was Rod, now that he thought about it? Probably dead, but with his luck, still alive to torment him.

Immediately, Cedric heard the cawing of a raven, and swung his head to the right. A raven covered in drops of blood stared at the body of the slain Redwyne boy before flying off, singing its caws. It disappeared into the fog not even a second later. What was a bird like that doing here? They were in a strait, there should've been gulls! Maybe one had gotten lost on the way from one castle?

The sound of horns and drums soon overpowered the raven's song, along with some cheering from the ships around him. Holding onto the railing, Cedric finally had a chance to take a glimpse of the battle. Forget about the death of the Redwyne boy, from the north came large war galleys, bearing the banners of House Baratheon and those from the Crownlands and Stormlands. A triple decked one smashed an Ironborn longship cleanly in half, the wreckage not even slowing the mighty ship as it powered through the water.

"We won." Cedric whispered, a grin slowly growing on his face. They had won! Now all he had to do was capture a nobleman and ransom him. Though he did have the body of that raider the Redwyne squire had saved him from. Could strip the armor from that, free armor, or even just sell it outright.

Now to see if Rod was still alive.


Took a bit longer than I expected since I'm not great at fight scenes, but it's done now! The Greyjoy rebellion will soon come to an end.