A Song of Weiss and Fire

Nah... Wait. On second thought that makes sense. Mama raider... That makes an horrible amount of sense. I dread how much pissed she would be if that was the case. Hopefully she get The Reader as an uncle...

It took a few hours for the feast to reach its apex. The children had already been sent to their rooms, with Queen Cersei leaving with her brother, Ser Jaime, as her guard. Lord Stannis departed with Shireen after King Robert finished several pitchers of wine and staggered off towards his bed chambers to avoid the rest of the feast. Ser Barristan and Ser Preston Greenfield would serve as King Robert's guards on this night, as his Grace fondled a half-naked serving woman that sat on his lap just a few feet away. Drunk noblemen and ladies danced to the tune of whatever song the musicians played, often whichever one was requested the loudest, creating a cacophony of sound. Weiss and Blake remained seated, watching the others dance.

No lordling or knight approached them to invite them out for a dance, likely due to fear. Weiss did display her power for all to see, and Blake seemed to scare most of them, with her amber eyes and barely impassive face. They truly didn't know or understand the former faunus, Weiss was easily able to read her face. As racist as it might've seen, Blake was a bit like a cat,which she more than lived up to. She tried hiding her emotions, yet there was always a twitch near the corner of her lips, and she'll angle her body towards Weiss even while in a conversation with Lady Genna or Shireen, before the younger girl went to sleep and was carried off in her father's arms.

"Please excuse me, Lady Baratheon." Weiss said once most of those were drunk or already deep within her cups. Most wouldn't notice if they left now, still, it would be for the best if the two went their separate ways, even if it was just for the moment. "I believe it is time for me to head to bed, tomorrow will be a long day."

The jousts were the biggest highlights of every tourney, several of the Kingsguard would be competing, and famed knights and warriors would try their hand at victory as well as any fool seeking to make his fortune. The competition would be fierce, especially with Ser Jaime, Ser Barristan and this rumored Knight of Flowers that would try to joust their way to victory, despite their fearsome reputation. Weiss would have joined, except her height and body build meant that she likely wouldn't do well, and well, she hadn't trained to joust. While she was slighter taller in this world, already the height she had been at Beacon at the age of fifteen, Weiss would be outranged by older men with longer lances and their greater mass would likely lend them an advantage. No, the melee was where Weiss belonged, with a sword in her hand and with help from her Aura, the former Schnee would dominate any fight.

"Would you like me to escort you back to your chambers, Lady Lannister?" Blake was likely the only person who stood a chance at defeating her, if the conditions were in her favor. It would be a close call either way, Blake was sneaky and would certainly ambush her, but at the same time, her glyphs gave her a major advantage in any fight. The Baratheon girl angled her head away from her Uncle, who really needed to get a room. And with the help no less? Could he be more of a cliché?

"That won't be necessary, Lady Baratheon." Weiss bowed her head respectfully to her old friend. She so desperately wanted to say yes, to spend more time with her friend, but alas, she must wait until the hour of the wolf, when nobody was around. Weiss was already dreading the wait, even if it was already late. She wished nobody else was around, to reveal her true feelings at finally finding her friend. To peel off her mask and finally let loose.

Blake frowned and nodded slowly. Even if their families were allies, with Prince Joffrey to inherit the Iron Throne with Lannister and Baratheon blood, Weiss didn't want Lord Tywin to use her in an attempt to manipulate Blake, should he find out how close they actually were. "Very well."

Perhaps it would have been easier to have been born as a smallfolk. Then they would've had to worry about what they were to eat the next day, and not about politics. It was a simpler life, in theory. Not having to worry about the Game of Thrones, not having to rely on skills she thought she would never need since she departed for Beacon, none of that. With their skills and experience working together, the two could easily run off to Essos and make a living as sellswords, but that would be too cruel to their families. And they would certainly seek to reclaim their wayward daughters, and they could easily afford it.

No, Weiss and Blake would have to be content with this, even if it hurt them in the short-term. Still, short term pain was far more preferable than something more lasting. She knew that better than most, she traded a scar on her face for freedom. That price was well worth it, and then some.

"Have a wonderful knight, 'Princess'." Weiss shot Blake a teasing wink, which earned her a soft glare. She quickly turned to leave, not giving the former faunus a chance to retort.

Weiss always got the last word.


Even with a torch in her hand, Blake was thankful for the enhanced vision that her Aura granted. Sure, it wasn't as great as the night-vision she had as a faunus, but it was still better than the average person. After waiting for more guests to become drunk, and for the knights of the Kingsguard keeping guard to fall drowsy from their long shifts, Blake managed to sneak away without anyone noticing, hopefully. Varys, Littlefinger, and the Lannister's had spies in every corner of the Red Keep, yet Blake was still a master infiltrator. And she had spent a few of her younger years mapping out the hidden passageways, she knew the Keep as well as anyone would.

Having changed into plain brown trousers and a shirt of black silk, Blake's heart pounded with every step. It was still hard to believe that she had been reunited with the former Schnee heiress, who was now reborn as a Lannister of all families. Still, Blake wasn't one to complain, and at least Weiss was a Lannisport Lannister, and not one of Casterly Rock. Father and Mother never trusted the Queen's family, and stories about Lord Tywin were found in every corner of the realm, no doubt spread by him on purpose. How he put two great houses, the Reynes and the Tarbecks, into the grave, extinguishing every family member from the Lords down to the babes in their mother's arms. And that wasn't even counting the murder of Princess Elia, Prince Aegon, and Princess Rhaenys during Uncle Robert's Rebellion, as well as the Sack of King's Landing. Lord Tywin was a dangerous man, and not one that should be crossed easily. Blake felt bad for Weiss, she had traded Jacques's for a man who didn't hesitate to murder.

This particular passageway would leave Blake near the hallway where Weiss' chambers were located. She just had to move quickly and silently, should any servants or other nobles were roaming the Red Keep in the dark of the night. Thankfully, they were both ladies. The scandal that would ensue if one of them was a man, and they were caught visiting the other at night, well, it didn't bear well to think about.

Blake soon stopped and scanned the wall to her right, trying to remember where she was in relation in the Keep. Weiss' chambers should be just a minute away if her calculations were correct. Why hadn't anyone thought to label these damn passages? Was it so hard to put up a sign or two? Even a little carving would suffice. She used her free hand to lightly run her fingers across the bricks, until she found the loose one Blake had been looking for. She pressed against it softly, allowing the brick to go deeper, until that section of the wall slowly creaked open as a door. Like a cat, Blake took careful steps into the hallway, her amber eyes glancing in every direction as the wall closed behind her with a soft click.

It was almost the hour of the wolf, and all was silent in the Red Keep. Blake turned down towards the left, counting each door until she reached the seventh on the right. Huh, was that a coincidence? Weiss did make a big show about being religious in public, but well, that was in public. That had nearly made Blake laugh out loud. The Weiss that Blake knew had been an atheist that didn't believe in magic until she saw the power of a Maiden up close, and even then the white haired girl tend to question everything. Blake snuffed out the flame on the torch, and gently knocked on the door, which slowly creaked open. Her eyes slowly widened in shock, did she truly not expect Blake to show up?.

Did Weiss have another visitor this late at night? Or did someone try to sneak in? No, Weiss would've screamed, and the entire Red Keep would be swarming in Red Cloaks and Gold Cloaks. To assault someone under guest rights was one of the gravest offenses a Westerosi could commit, alongside incest and kinslaying. Blake entered the room, which was dimly lit by several candles, but to her eyesight, appeared fairly well lit. She heard the door close behind her with a surprisingly loud thud. Startled, the noise made Blake whip her head around violently, just for a pair of pale, well-formed arms to throw themselves around her neck, nearly causing the former faunus to fall onto the floor.

"I missed you so much!" Weiss said in between her tears streaming down her face. She buried her face in the nape of Blake's neck, sobbing as she did so. It was so out of character for Weiss, the resident Ice Queen of Beacon, it stunned Blake for a second.

Blake threw her own arms around Weiss, her tears finally able to freely fall as well. She was still slightly taller than the Schnee, a fact which caused her to smile a little, and her tears moistened the top of Weiss' silky smooth hair. The two sobbed silently as they felt each other's skin for who knew how long. It had been so long since she'd seen someone else from Remnant, if not for having Aura, she had worried she was going mad, hallucinating all her memories." I missed you too, Ice Queen."

Weiss released a hoarse laugh as she slowly moved her head away, though she did not let go of Blake, nor did she loosen her embrace. Blake did the same, would Weiss disappear if she let go? After over a decade of looking, and searching for a way back home with Mother's books, even the ones Mother didn't want anyone to find, Blake finally found one of her best friends. The Schnee gently raised one of her hands, with the other still around Blake's neck, and patted the top of the former faunus' head, ruffling her dark hair.

"I miss your ears, Princess." Weiss giggled, her blue eyes now red and puffy. She wore a simple nightgown that was as white as her hair, that loosely clung to her body. Some things never changed, it seemed. It was rather fitting she was a Lannister, in hindsight.

"A Princess of Love and Beauty only rules for a single night." Blake rolled her eyes in response to Weiss's jest. She was sure her eyebags were heavy and her amber eyes bloodshot, between having to stay up late and the low-key drinking she'd done at the dinner. "Judging by how late it is, my rule has already ended."

"Too bad." Weiss formed her signature smug smirk. "Yang would have loved to see you, of all people, wearing a crown of flowers. Didn't she call you a princess once she heard from Sun who your parents were?"

That sent a sharp pang through Blake's heart at the memories. She never got to tell the blonde how she really felt, even after all they had done together. Her eyes must've shown signs of her grief, since the hand Weiss was ruffling her hair with was suddenly at her cheek, wiping away a tear.

"S-Since you're here, you must've been the last to fall. R-Right?" Blake said with a shaky tone that belied her usually unflappable face. She ran her hands through Weiss' hair slowly. It was as perfect as always, without any tangles and straight. Blake had chopped off her hair a year ago, the humidity on Dragonstone unbearable in the summer. The only reason her mother hadn't done the same was to keep up appearances, otherwise she would've been right there alongside her.

"L-Lets take a seat." Weiss looked away in shame, or something else. Blake felt her stomach curdle at what that implied. "We have a lot to talk about."

That they did.

In the end, the two ended up laying on Weiss' bed, their arms and legs tangled. It had been years since they had slept together in the same bed. Blake had been here for at least fourteen years, and who knew how long Weiss had been stuck in Westeros.

"You used Gambol Shroud?" Blake murmured as she rested her head on top of Weiss'. Weiss leaned into it, apparently happy with just some basic contact like this. The former Schnee heiress used to hate physical contact when they first met, but now she was clinging onto Blake like she was the only thing keeping the heiress tethered to the ground.

"I did, until Cinder knocked it over the pathways." Weiss said, her voice barely more than a whisper. "T-Then, Jaune-"

Blake pressed her lips together to not interrupt Weiss, she needed to know what happened once she had fallen. The anticipation was starting to kill her.

"Jaune killed Penny."


Weiss' voice cracked as she spoke. "I think she told him to do it, to stop Cinder from stealing her power."

Blake held Weiss even tighter in response to that shocking news. Penny may have been the closest to Ruby, but she was still their friend. And so soon after she had finally become a real girl, no less. The poor girl had been through so much in such a short time period. "I'm so sorry you had to see that." She wasn't sure how she would have reacted if Blake had been there.

"It's fine." Weiss said after a few seconds, regaining control of her voice. "I got over it a few years back, it's just hard saying it out loud."

"I understand." Blake brushed Weiss' bangs away from her forehead. "I'm glad we found each other."

"I am too. You have no idea how hard it was to not throw myself at you." Weiss chuckled at the image. Not that Blake could blame Weiss, she'd resisted the urge to fling herself out of the Royal Box and dash over to Weiss once she had been revealed.

"I know that feeling very well, Ice Queen." Blake smiled as they laid there in the darkness. "You looked like a dashing knight, with long hair and boobs." Left unsaid was Weiss had finally grown upwards, a rather sensitive topic to her. The Schnee was slightly taller and bustier.

"Blake!" Weiss shot her an unserious glare and slapped her shoulder in retaliation. Blake couldn't help from giggle in response as the two slowly sat up right next to each other. Weiss' bare leg pressed against Blake's trousers, her porcelain skin contrasting with the brown of her pants. The Lannister girl briefly looked off into a dark corner, her eyes slightly glazed over. "Do you think the others are here too? Somewhere?"

"Perhaps." Blake rested her head on Weiss' shoulder. "I used to believe I was alone, until I saw you in the melee. If we're both here, then Yang and Ruby must also be stuck in this world." And Neo went unsaid.

"I heard rumors about a Knight of Flowers." Weiss' voice sounded hopeful, almost pleading. It had been evident to Blake and Yang that Weiss and Ruby had been interested in one another. She supposed it was a fair sense of priorities. "Do you think that could be Ruby?"

Blake formed a grimace which likely went unnoticed in the dark. Loras Tyrell, the Knight of Flowers, was Uncle Renly's secret boyfriend. It was an open secret amongst the Royal Family, though Uncle Robert seemed to be the only one who truly had no idea. Ironic, considering Father was considered the worst of the three Baratheom brothers at politics and social events, that he would miss something like that. Maybe it was deliberate? She shook her head. "I've met the Knight of Flowers before. He isn't Ruby."

Weiss seemed to deflate a bit at the revelation, but nodded. "Too bad."

"Knowing our luck, Ruby's either a Tully or a Stark, and Yang's somewhere in Yi-Ti." Blake tried to lighten the mood. Dragonstone received rumors from every end of Essos thanks to Ser Davos. If Yang was somewhere in the Free Cities or beyond, then she would hopefully hear news of a blonde brawler in the future. Yang wasn't known for being subtle, once she arrived, well, they'd hear about it. One way or another.

"Tully's do have red hair, and Stark's gray eyes, which is close enough to silver I guess." Weiss grumbled until a single idea seemed to pop into both huntresses' brains. "One of Eddard Stark's kids?"

Blake was born a Baratheon, who were known for their dark hair, while Weiss had been born to a Lannisport Lannister and a Velaryon, a rich family and inherited Valyrian features. It made sense that red haired Ruby with silver eyes would be born to Eddard Stark and his Tully wife.

"Possibly." Blake nodded. As unwedded daughters, it would likely be impossible for them to visit Winterfell in this state. And given Weiss's bad luck with her fiancées, expressing interest in a marriage in one of the Stark sons would be ill-advised. And Blake usually scared men wherever she went. "But it would be best to not get our hopes up." Like Blake had many times over the years. For a while, she had thought that the rumors about Brienne meant that she was a reborn Yang.

"That would be for the best." Weiss' fingers wrapped around Blake's hand as the two enjoyed each other's presence, the sound of their breathing, their scent, their very Aura. Blake missed her friend very much.

She just hoped that Yang wasn't reborn as a Targ.


Im so surprised at the output these chapters have been releasing at, I used to release a 1k chapter every day for my previous story, now I'm easily reaching 2-3k every update.
I can't help but wonder if they were spied on - this is the Red Keep, after all - and if so, what Varys/Cersei/Littlefinger think about that conversation XD
Well, I'm certainly entertained enough to keep watching this story and it's companions. Just a minor query...

Still, who was Blake to stop true love? She certainly had a few of her own regrets, Blake took too long in telling a certain blonde how she felt. Now she would never have the chance to tell Yang how she truly felt, and was now stuck in a backwards land. Blake bit the inside of her cheek, allowing her blank and neutral face to remain solid just as the Fury docked, with sailors and men-at-arms scurrying about.

"Nonsense, you named me your 'Princess of Love and Beauty', it is only fair that I spend my evening with you." Blake's smirk appeared for only a second, but Weiss caught it. Yang would have killed Weiss if she witnessed the crowning. Weiss knew very well how close their Little Dragon had been with their resident faunus. Nora had started a betting pool about how long it would take for the two to date, shortly before the fall of Atlas. Nobody had chosen to comment on the hypocrisy, given her and Ren, well, hadn't said anything to one another.

Now I sorta checked out of RWBY around the start of Volume 5, but I still occasionally dipped into the fics and picked up things by people chatting about it and didn't Yang and Blake become official at some point? I know I saw a video of the two of them kissing. Did that not happen in this story or is there canon context I'm missing?
Volume 5, but I still occasionally dipped into the fics and picked up things by people chatting about it and didn't Yang and Blake become official at some point? I know I saw a video of the two of them kissing. Did that not happen in this story or is there canon context I'm missing?
That happens in Volume 9, which this story replaced. They fell into the void at the end of Volume 8.
Now I sorta checked out of RWBY around the start of Volume 5, but I still occasionally dipped into the fics and picked up things by people chatting about it and didn't Yang and Blake become official at some point? I know I saw a video of the two of them kissing. Did that not happen in this story or is there canon context I'm missing?
Despite all the flirting and romantic overtones throughout Volumes 6-8, they did not actually become an official couple until the middle if Vol. 9.

Team RWBY transmigrated to Planetos after Vol 8 so Blake never confessed to or was confessed to by Yang, nor did they even make-out.

Of course, apparently Weiss and Ruby wete a couple in this timeline, so who knows?
That happens in Volume 9, which this story replaced. They fell into the void at the end of Volume 8.
Despite all the flirting and romantic overtones throughout Volumes 6-8, they did not actually become an official couple until the middle if Vol. 9.

Team RWBY transmigrated to Planetos after Vol 8 so Blake never confessed to or was confessed to by Yang, nor did they even make-out.

Ooooooh. Gotcha.

Of course, apparently Weiss and Ruby wete a couple in this timeline, so who knows?

Were was that stated? I recall strong allusions to Weiss having feelings for Ruby ("always had a fondness for redheads" and that one bit where Weiss wonders whether the Knight of Flowers is her "past love" followed immediately by a "She missed Ruby") but I don't recall anything that stated they ever hooked up...
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I mean Ruby is a doofus but she is Weiss' dofus.

Let me re-emphasize:

Were was that stated? I recall strong allusions to Weiss having feelings for Ruby ("always had a fondness for redheads" and that one bit where Weiss wonders whether the Knight of Flowers is her "past love" followed immediately by a "She missed Ruby") but I don't recall anything that stated they ever hooked up...

Let me re-emphasize:
Fair enough. Although if Ruby is indeed the Knight of Flowers, Loras Tyrell, that would mean Ruby had a relationship with Renly Baratheon despite she was reborn a man.

On the other hand, the Knight of Flowers firing Silver Eyes blast would be terrifying. Sure it won't exactly harm people as it's meant for Grimm but it'd be one hell of a Solar Flare-like flash attack to blind an entire army to be caught off guard.

It might even work on the White Walkers who need eyes to see.
So Ruby is somewhere in the North or Riverlands. And Weiss just foreshadowed Yang being a Targ. That will certainly make things interesting in Essos if that's the case. Viserys maybe being less of a dick given someone in the familly being able to kick his ass and exerce a degree of maturity. And not being sold off to a horse lord.... Or not like in canon. Drogo better protect his nuts... And slavers will get heads on pikes. If there's still heads left with.
I'm a bit skeptical about Yang being a Targaryen. For one, it seems RWBY characters are additional characters, rather than replacements - Stannis has only one canonical daughter (Shireen), but here, he has two (Shireen and Blake). It would thus seem odd if Yang replaced Dany. Yet, having her simply be another of Dany's siblings would also be difficult - she can't be a younger sibling to Dany, given Dany's time of birth, and if she was an older sibling, there is no way Blake and/or Weiss would not have heard of her. The only other option is for her to be Dany's twin, but even that seems like something they should have heard of - it's not like Dany's existence was a big secret (just her whereabouts), so why would her twin's be?

Of course, she could be Jon's sibling ---

Actually, now that I think about it, that makes a lot of sense. If we assume Ruby is with the Starks, and Yang fills Jon's role as her supposed half-sister (possibly in addition to Jon himself), then that would nigh-perfectly mirror their canon relationship (well, apart from them being actually cousins rather than half-siblings). Now that I think about it, that seems almost too fitting for it not to be true.

I'm convinced, R + L = Y :lol:
It would thus seem odd if Yang replaced Dany. Yet, having her simply be another of Dany's siblings would also be difficult - she can't be a younger sibling to Dany
Fair enough. Although imagine the twist of Yang being reborn far earlier and grew up as an older woman compared to Weiss and Blake being younger. Like how canon Jaune grew older after he accidentally rewinded time to the past and had to live through it to the present as the Rust Knight in Wonderland in Volume 9.