If the Cicatrix Maledictum has just opened, Robot Girlyman is probably still making his way to Terra to have a chat with dear old dad. He might stop by Pandora to check up on the potential of the UEF, but then it's straight off to Baal to pull the Blood Angels' asses out of the fire. Ultimately, the Pandora sector, while massive to us and massive in the scope of this quest, is a small corner of a very very big war.
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3853.02.07 | 001.M42 - Cracks in the Wall
3853.02.07 | 001.M42 - Cracks in the Wall

Fran found himself decidedly dissatisfied with the situation. His mind reeled from the effects of interstellar teleportation, and his consciousness was fogged by the mild tranquilizers forcibly injected into him to make the experience more palatable. The machine spirits within his implants were unsettled. He shook off Sergeant Hunna's grip on his forearm, seeking to preserve some measure of dignity as he stepped away from the imposing, power-armored Sororitas.

Hunna's expression was unreadable behind her armored visor. She lowered her arm, her power armor shifting into a more relaxed stance. The Skitarii accompanying them remained alert, their heavy riot rifles raised as the gate behind them flickered off, leaving the scent of ionized air in its wake.

"By the Omnissiah's gears, Sergeant, can you explain why I was extracted from the planet with such force and left without my subordinates?" Fran's voice dripped with irritation. "Epstost Major is under siege. The Integration Conclave's expertise is paramount to its defense, and my leadership is indispensable."

"Adept Mael will assume command in your absence," Hunna declared, her head tilting slightly as the fort commander of the UEF outpost approached, greeting the new arrivals with a salute followed by the aquila.

"Lieutenant Sena should have conferred with me regarding the necessity of this evacuation," Fran protested, trailing after the Sergeant and the base commander. "Her disapproval of my rapport with the Lieutenant General is known, but this is beyond rational. My presence in the theater of war does not compromise the Symbiosis Project or Shepard's emotional or psychological stability."

"You are gravely mistaken if you believe it was the Lieutenant who ordered your evacuation," Hunna continued as they stepped outside into the serene blue sky over the gray calcicrete and blue steel of Fort Blue Sky on the Paradise World of Paradiso. "General Shepard has declared you a Blue Level Asset."

Fran halted, cogitators whirring as he reconsidered the situation. "Ah, a simple misunderstanding, then," he concluded, quickening his pace, his red robe swishing behind him. "I will rectify this with her directly. We must return to Epstost Major immediately."

"There is no misunderstanding, tech-priest," Hunna halted abruptly, her voice ringing with authority. "You chose to become her favored consort and exploited that position to ascend the ranks of the Integration Conclave. Throne only knows why she deems it necessary to keep you safe and sound."

"Mind your tongue, Sergeant," Fran hissed, his mechadendrites twitching. "I have relentlessly advanced UEF technology integration and rightfully earned my position. I am contemplating reporting your insubordination for potential servitor conversion."

"You will do no such thing," Hunna replied, her confidence unwavering. "I am a soldier of the UEF. The moment you dare to lay a hand on me, Shepard will see to your swift evisceration."

"We shall see what the Omnissiah wills," Fran replied, maintaining a facade of confidence while refusing to concede defeat.

"We shall see," Hunna nodded, her tone resolute. "Fort Blue Sky has a lab. Channel your frustrations there or enjoy Paradiso as you wish. Just ensure you inform me if you decide to visit the beaches."

"I will do no such thing," Fran retorted, turning to walk away. He felt the reassuring presence of the data drive containing his personal project backup close to his chest. A data mechadendrite sneakily inserted itself into the combined power/data socket as he sang a binary rite of connectivity, loading the recent neurosims into his cranial data module. Being stuck here was detrimental for multiple reasons, one of which was the perception of his utility. He had calculated a high probability that Rebecca would increase security measures for his person, but this was unexpected and unwanted.

With another part of his conscious mind, he composed a polite letter of complaint to send to her personal datapad later. As he continued towards the laboratory, he considered that Paradiso, a relaxation resort for the mortal rich and powerful, would likely have an experienced Magos Biologis available. He might need to accelerate Project Symbiosis if politely asking Rebecca to relax his security rating proved ineffective. His chances of returning to Epstost Major without it were slim to nonexistent.

He signed the dataletter with a "<3" and proceeded with his work.

The representative of the Astra Telepathica appeared anything but happy, stress and agitation visible on his face even with his empty eye sockets, hands clenched tighter around his ceremonial staff, his eyeless gaze nevertheless wandering around the room, nervously twitching over to the very…radiant Lieutenant Sena behind him, whose golden eyes bore holes into the frail man's form.

On the other side of the room were you, Eliza, Canoness Rosentree and a projection of General Laurent, currently listening to the Astropath's proposition.

"Considering the arrival of the Orks has temporarily disrupted the local warp currents and rendered astropathic communication unreliable, and given that the Chapter Master of the Halo Swords has made demands for the news of this Waaagh to be disseminated throughout the sector, the Astra Telepathica formally approaches the United Earth Federation. We request permission to utilize your gate network to locate a planet undisturbed by the Warp disturbance to initiate the hymnal, as stipulated under emergency clause 4.1 of the agreement between the UEF, the local office of the Astra Telepathica, and the local office of the Navigator houses."

Before you can even form an opinion on the matter, Laurent speaks, a gleeful undertone in her voice. "Master Astropath, I am afraid you cannot make use of clause 4.1 considering it requires the full approval of both the Sector Telepathica Council and a letter of approval from all Navigator Houses that are signatories of the agreement and you are just a single representative of the former."

"General Laurent, I implore—"

"It was your ilk, psyker, who adamantly forbade the use of Gate technology for Imperial communications or transport, was it not?" Rosentree interjects. "Is your resolve so feeble that you now kneel before us the moment the Warp's capriciousness exposes your inability to maintain open channels?"

"This is but a highly unusual situation," he hastens to explain. "Clause 4.1 was specifically designed for circumstances such as these. I implore you not to be so close-minded as to dismiss the possibility of using the gate connections to contact the remaining members of the Sector Council directly and covertly."

"And I presume there will be no mention of your utilization of the gate network to circumvent the local warp disruptions in any public discourse," Eliza inquired, her arms crossed and a dazzling but insincere smile gracing her features.

"That was indeed the intent," he coughs.

"I suspect Chapter Master Ambros and Admiral Forhof were less than pleased when you informed them that the hymnals had vanished into the void," she continued. "I can well imagine their reactions when you refused them access to the Quantum Gate in this system to alert the sector of the Waaagh's presence."

"Such insinuations are unfounded," the Master Astropath stats with deliberate calm. "We merely concur that to adequately respond to the threat of the Orks, the Imperium must be alerted immediately, irrespective of the—"

"Let's cut to the chase", you cut him off. "What are you offering us in return for this favor? The consequences of breaking the agreement are clearly outlined, we would be putting ourselves at risk by doing what you ask."

"The might of the Legio Tonitru," he intoned gravely. "Our observations of gate technology's limitations suggest that all twenty-five god machines of the Legio and their support elements could be transferred via the gate network within a week, thus reinforcing this world's defenders."

"What about the Navigators, sending a message is one thing but transporting cargo is another?", you narrow your eyes.

"My colleague, the representative of the Navigator houses, is absent, is she not?" the Master Astropath subtly revealed his position.

"Typical", Rosentree snorts, her artificial lungs hissing mechanically while she takes breath.

The Astropath's head twitched slightly. "General Laurent, General Shepard, may I request a private audience with just the two of you?"

"You may", you decide, motioning the Canoness and Eliza to leave the room temporarily. "Lieutenant Sena will stay however."

"If that is your demand," he replied, clearly displeased but unwilling to contest. His eyeless sockets tracked the Canoness and Eliza as they exited the room, before turning his attention back to the generals.

"Generals," he began in a low voice, "I must caution you."

"For what?"

"For believing you can control faith," he continued, pacing before them. "Faith is one of the most potent forces in the Imperium—a purifying flame that illuminates the darkness or scorches everything virtuous in its path. For now, you may have managed to align faith with your interests, but remember, we are more alike than you care to admit."

"We are nothing alike", you snort, but Laurent motions you to be quiet, crossing her hands. "Go on."

"In the end, we are both mutants, aberrations of the human form, some born so by fate, others transformed in the pursuit of duty." His tone grew more cautionary. "Psykers are cursed to be different in ways that are easily deemed distasteful, mutations that are blatant and unsightly, though useful to His domain. Few of us are fortunate enough to differ in ways that aspire to the ideal human form, outwardly strong, beautiful, intelligent, healthy, like the genegrafters of the UEF clearly have managed to archieve. Yet, we remain cursed to be different, and our existence and right to live are perpetually tied to the utility we provide."

You don't need to read Katrisha's mind to know how she feels, an intense heat radiating away from her, the Astropath flinching, beads of sweat running down his forehead, posture tense, knuckles white around his staff

Laurent nods. "We will discuss your proposal, please leave."

The Astropath nods and goes from where he came, waiting outside for your decision. As soon as he is gone, Sena steps forth, her gaze intense. "Permission to speak, General."

"Granted", you motion her. "You said you had something important to tell us."

"Yes," she affirmed stoically. "The Warp disturbance is not isolated; it likely spans across the entire sector, worse, all over the Imperium."

General Laurent begins to speak, but the Lieutenant cuts her off before she could. "I received a vision from the God-Emperor, a revelation that incinerated my office upon receipt. I have already filed a report. Cadia has fallen; Abaddon has destroyed it. The Eye of Terror expands and threatens to cleave the galaxy in twain."

"It is true", Luna, always listening, appears. "Lieutenant Sena is not the only individual who reported dreams with such motives. There are multiple examples of Stoic Heart Sororitas having strange, intense dreams over the last nights."

Your superior nods, playing with a pen on her table. "Call in Rosentree and Harkon, if what you say is true, I want to know the exact repercussions. Shepard", she looks at you. "You have military command. I am not inclined to give the Telepathica anything, we gain much more from the Imperial's infighting, but if you think you require the Legio Tonitru to defeat the orks, you are authorized to agree to the Telepathica's plan."

You nod and salute, returning to planning the defense of the world, the Orks encroaching closer every minute.

What do you decide?

[]Agree to the Telepathica's terms.

[]Deny them.
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[X]Agree to the Telepathica's terms.

There's going to be a reckoning with the Navigators sooner or later, driving a wedge between them and the Astropaths can only be to our advantage.

Regarding the strategy for the upcoming battle, fighting Orks is going to be a big shift from Tyranids, and I recommend we emphasize flexibility. Orks are less numerous, but more unpredictable than nids. You never know when they might pull out some ludicrous superweapon or have a flash of tactical brilliance that sends you reeling.

I think we should build a Fatboy heavy ground force to absorb the attack. They're mobile, versatile, and can duke it out with all but the largest Ork contraptions. Mobile factories can rapidly shift production to respond to the situation, they can spit out AA, heavies, or crowd control units at a moment's notice, or they can pop out engineers and turtle up when necessary.
"I will do no such thing," Fran retorted, turning to walk away. He felt the reassuring presence of the data drive containing his personal project backup close to his chest. A data mechadendrite sneakily inserted itself into the combined power/data socket as he sang a binary rite of connectivity, loading the recent neurosims into his cranial data module. Being stuck here was detrimental for multiple reasons, one of which was the perception of his utility. He had calculated a high probability that Rebecca would increase security measures for his person, but this was unexpected and unwanted.

With another part of his conscious mind, he composed a polite letter of complaint to send to her personal datapad later. As he continued towards the laboratory, he considered that Paradiso, a relaxation resort for the mortal rich and powerful, would likely have an experienced Magos Biologis available. He might need to accelerate Project Symbiosis if politely asking Rebecca to relax his security rating proved ineffective. His chances of returning to Epstost Major without it were slim to nonexistent.
Don't you love it when your friends fight over you for political favor?
The representative of the Astra Telepathica appeared anything but happy, stress and agitation visible on his face even with his empty eye sockets, hands clenched tighter around his ceremonial staff, his eyeless gaze nevertheless wandering around the room, nervously twitching over to the very…radiant Lieutenant Sena behind him, whose golden eyes bore holes into the frail man's form.
"You have seen this light once before. Pray it is the last."
Before you can even form an opinion on the matter, Laurent speaks, a gleeful undertone in her voice. "Master Astropath, I am afraid you cannot make use of clause 4.1 considering it requires the full approval of both the Sector Telepathica Council and a letter of approval from all Navigator Houses that are signatories of the agreement and you are just a single representative of the former."

"General Laurent, I implore—"

"It was your ilk, psyker, who adamantly forbade the use of Gate technology for Imperial communications or transport, was it not?" Rosentree interjects. "Is your resolve so feeble that you now kneel before us the moment the Warp's capriciousness exposes your inability to maintain open channels?"
Laurent is loving Imperial politics. But then again, she is a whole dimension away and not in line of any bullets. Also, lol, Rosentree's pissed because the Astropaths aren't rebelling hard enough.
"Let's cut to the chase", you cut him off. "What are you offering us in return for this favor? The consequences of breaking the agreement are clearly outlined, we would be putting ourselves at risk by doing what you ask."

"The might of the Legio Tonitru," he intoned gravely. "Our observations of gate technology's limitations suggest that all twenty-five god machines of the Legio and their support elements could be transferred via the gate network within a week, thus reinforcing this world's defenders."

"What about the Navigators, sending a message is one thing but transporting cargo is another?", you narrow your eyes.

"My colleague, the representative of the Navigator houses, is absent, is she not?" the Master Astropath subtly revealed his position.
AKA: I have undercut and forced her to follow my demands. Something to keep in mind in the political calculus.
"Typical", Rosentree snorts, her artificial lungs hissing mechanically while she takes breath.

The Astropath's head twitched slightly. "General Laurent, General Shepard, may I request a private audience with just the two of you?"

"You may", you decide, motioning the Canoness and Eliza to leave the room temporarily. "Lieutenant Sena will stay however."

"If that is your demand," he replied, clearly displeased but unwilling to contest. His eyeless sockets tracked the Canoness and Eliza as they exited the room, before turning his attention back to the generals.

"Generals," he began in a low voice, "I must caution you."

"For what?"

"For believing you can control faith," he continued, pacing before them. "Faith is one of the most potent forces in the Imperium—a purifying flame that illuminates the darkness or scorches everything virtuous in its path. For now, you may have managed to align faith with your interests, but remember, we are more alike than you care to admit."
We know that, but thanks for the warning regardless.
"In the end, we are both mutants, aberrations of the human form, some born so by fate, others transformed in the pursuit of duty." His tone grew more cautionary. "Psykers are cursed to be different in ways that are easily deemed distas teful, mutations that are blatant and unsightly, though useful to His domain. Few of us are fortunate enough to differ in ways that aspire to the ideal human form, outwardly strong, beautiful, intelligent, healthy, like the genegrafters of the UEF clearly have managed to archieve. Yet, we remain cursed to be different, and our existence and right to live are perpetually tied to the utility we provide."

You don't need to read Katrisha's mind to know how she feels, an intense heat radiating away from her, the Astropath flinching, beads of sweat running down his forehead, posture tense, knuckles white around his staff
Yeah, see, that's where the situation differs. Navigator Houses at best have local security and assassins, gene-line members not deemed fit to fill the psychic role given combat training. You? You got one wierd power and not much else.

We have giant robots. We have domination of the information sphere that hasn't been seen in over twenty thousand years. We can turn the corpses and ruins of our enemies into an ever-growing tide of steel and lead.

We are not the same.
Your superior nods, playing with a pen on her table. "Call in Rosentree and Harkon, if what you say is true, I want to know the exact repercussions. Shepard", she looks at you. "You have military command. I am not inclined to give the Telepathica anything, we gain much more from the Imperial's infighting, but if you think you require the Legio Tonitru to defeat the orks, you are authorized to agree to the Telepathica's plan."
If I remember the changelog, Knights are T3 units themselves. So... we probably have a way to beat Ork Titans, just by exploiting sheer force size disparities. I forget, what type of Titans would we be getting? Bigguns or mostly the puppies?
I forget, what type of Titans would we be getting? Bigguns or mostly the puppies?
Tonitru has 24 Reavers with Pacific Rim style double Princeps systems and a single Warlord. Reminder:

Yeah, see, that's where the situation differs. Navigator Houses at best have local security and assassins, gene-line members not deemed fit to fill the psychic role given combat training. You? You got one wierd power and not much else.
Yeah, what are we getting on the scale from warhound to warlord? 25 opening warlords would let us take a lot more risks.

Edit: I mean Reavers are still two sizes over tier 3. The hidden risk with this choice is that losing a Titan legion would cost us a lot a political capital. Especially if we use it for some end of Arc heroic sacrifice.
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On the one hand, more giant stompy robots is always good.

OTOH, I do agree that letting the Astropaths and Navigators fight each other because they've deliberately chosen to be unhelpful has a certain appeal.
I don't care about the Titans. Yeah they would be nice but we already have the forces to win quickly or to win cheaply. And this feels like a loan rather than a gift.

So the question becomes which we care more about: Making a lot of people very annoyed with the Astropaths and Navigators or setting the precedent that we can just ignore the restriction if someone moderately powerful requests it.

[X] Deny them.
Personally I'm in favour of them suffering the consequences of their actions.
[X]Deny them.

I have a feeling the Navigators have far more pull to make our lives hell than the reward is worth.
[X]Agree to the Telepathica's terms.

You know what, who cares what help they're going to provide, we need to at least start working towards securing good relations with people who know about the warp. Since Princess was contacting us there previously, i imagine having knowledgeable people would be advantageous if an opportunity for more contacts with Aeon will appear. I still hope we get more supcom faction contacts this time
Though just some mechs are not that much of a force for them to not even mention that they used a gate for their transportation. Still their 25 mechs should somehow appear on the surface, so there's no way they can get away with keeping quiet about using gates.
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Titans would be nice and all, but they're only 25 of them and we'd literally get more milage out of getting command to send over schematics for T3 assault bots modified for ACU independent operation so we can dump them on the Imperial Guard. Or Mech Marines, which are each a bit larger than a Knight Titan and can be spammed in the way that T1 bots are so suited to.

Also, is Admiral Spire a thing? He's a pretty stand up guy.
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I want to agree to the Telepathica's terms, but what is the cost/benefit of agreeing? As far as I can tell, the main benefit locally is 24 titans, and regionally preparation for the orc waaah. While the cost would be the navigator houses sending assassins at us for using the gates without permission? Considering how Tet went, where having the knights around helped rescue Remy and the ACU, I'm willing to accept the extra help in exchange for more assassins. I say more because there's definitely an Inquisitor somewhere holding the stupid ball getting ideas.

[X]Agree to the Telepathica's terms.
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Titans would be nice and all, but they're only 25 of them and we'd literally get more milage out of getting command to send over schematics for T3 assault bots modified for ACU independent operation so we can dump them on the Imperial Guard. Or Mech Marines, which are each a bit larger than a Knight Titan and can be spammed in the way that T1 bots are so suited to.
HQ doesn't have enough bandwidth to send you much of anything. I am getting tired of repeating that Knights and Titan got an upgrade for the quest Canon, Knights can easily outfight T3 units and proper big Titans will eat experimental units alive.