This soup battle may be decided by omakes...
The analysis of the soup spiling 393 words
Deep conceptual shifts within twentieth-century science of soup making have undermined this Cartesian-Newtonian metaphysics. Revisionist studies in the history and philosophy of soup spilling have cast further doubt on its credibility and, most recently, feminist and poststructuralist critiques have demystified the substantive content of mainstream Western practice that it is the woman and not the man that has to spill the soup.This has revealed the ideology of domination concealed behind the façade of ``progression''.It has thus become increasingly apparent that physical ``reality'', no less than social ``reality'', is at bottom a social and linguistic construct; that the power of Letrizia`s Sharpbright reflects and encodes the dominant ideologies and power relations of the culture that produced it – namely the nonlinear dynamics of soup spilling (see appendix 1). The truth claims of Rank are inherently theory-laden and self-referential and consequently, that the discourse of the imperial scientific community, for all its undeniable value, cannot assert a privileged epistemological status with respect to counter-hegemonic narratives emanating from dissident or marginalized communities(like the one in the Temple of the False Moon). These themes can be traced, despite some differences of emphasis, in Aronowitz's analysis of the cultural fabric that produced quantum mechanics in the Voyaging Realm and in Ross' discussion of oppositional discourses in post-quantum science, in Irigaray's and Hayles' exegeses of gender encoding in giant mech`s pilots and in Harding's comprehensive critique of the gender ideology underlying the natural sciences in general and physics in particular. This proves without doubt that the act of spilling is nothing more than a metaphor for our own breaking of boundaries.
Appendix (1)
Nonlinear dynamics deals with cases in which the rates of change of various quantities depend nonlinearly on these quantities. For instance, the rates of change of thepressures, temperatures, and velocities at various points in a soup depend nonlinearly on these pressures, temperatures, and velocities. It has been known for almost a century that the long-term behavior of such systems often exhibits chaos, an exquisite sensitivity to the initial condition of the system. (The classic example is the way that the flapping of a butterfly's wings can change the weather weeks later throughout the world.) For Rank researchers, the current interest in nonlinear dynamical systems stems from the discovery of general features of chaotic behavior that can be precisely predicted.
Bonus points for figuring what bullshit I am referencing (plagiarizing).