[X] The Blade
The Eminence is a bit more cruel than I expected, and in the end I'm fine with the blade.
[X] Oops, the Soup
Friendship ended with Letrizia, Verschlengorge is my waifu now.
[X] The Avenger
Live and grow strong. So let's take the guaranteed victory, so that we may live and finally get out of this stupid Temple.
It's a Ring not a human, so as with Verschlengorge human psychology doesn't apply. It being a moral imperative that we end the torture doesn't necessitate that the Ring needs to be inactive to recover.
[X] Oops, the Soup
[X] The Blade
[X] Ruler & Vassal
toughest decision was definitely sad Letrizia vs bored/hungry Versch ;n;
I might flop on any of these options
Why are you Let It Rest voters treating the Ring as human? Not to sound bad but treating it nicely reduces what we can get from it and if you are worried about the Hatefulness remember that Gisenna has Nullity to moderate its effect. At least pick Ruler and Vassal.
[X] Peerless Grace
[X] The Blade
[X] Ruler & Vassal
It is best one keeps to one's deals.
Hatefullness can be reduced with other means for a time and I am leery of maximizing the Ring's suffering.
Sten actively worsened its obligations by forcing it to show him Fate/Stay Night! There are those who would say he's got what's coming to him.
[X] The Blade
I prefer not to get a torture scene. Clean is good.
The real reason to vote for Hateful Might, honestly. Unending torture, but the dude holding you in place for it is forcing you to read him novels out loud and show him anime? Soul-curdling time.
Subordination is exactly what the Azure would have done to the Crimson if their positions were reversed. Maximal gain for manageable downside. Do unto others...
Also, also, how does having a ring work for someone who doesn't use accretion?
Guh I don't wanna make Letrizia sad
[X] Peerless Grace
[X] The Blade
[X] Ruler & Vassal
I'm sorry Versch-kun, pls wait warmly for your meal
Not really relevant, but man Bloodwraith would've been awesome here, our Artifacts shift with us when we die, so if we still had blood buffs we could've just switched forms to regain the ring.
Yeah, it didn't deserve the eternal torture, that doesn't mean it doesn't deserve a shitty hiring contract though.
Guys Oops the Soup gives 1 Arete plus Avenger being the cheapest and safest option combined with either Ruler and Vassal or Subordination grants us at least 8 Arete plus whatever Arete we generate from this update. Thats like 1/3 towards the Evening Sky EFB plus Trinity.
Subordination would buy you guys much-needed breathing room in exchange for an extremely manageable downside that'll only manifest in the mid to long term anyway! Think of all the fanwork creators who have poured their hearts out into the task of your survival - should you not maximize the gains fostered thereof?
It's true that subjecting Sten to a fraction of the Ring's intentions is inhumane, but considering all that the Ring has suffered, would you truly deny it this catharsis? Sten actively worsened its obligations by forcing it to show him Fate/Stay Night! There are those who would say he's got what's coming to him.
Blade is the compromise option between greed and safety, Ruler is compromise option between empathy and benefit.
Alternatively it gives us the Arete for azure moon or gardener's hallow. Or some other nice thing, maybe a new praxis tech will appear.
[X] Peerless Grace
[X] The Blade
[X] Ruler & Vassal
It is known there is only one Lord of the Rings, and he does not share soup.
And I want to kill the lampreys! But we all have to yield a little to practicality at times...