Hmm... Interestingly, this update does give us an important new diplomatic tool: the ability to threaten to hunt the Outer and Middle temples unto oblivion. If we did so, the Ring's call would reach far and wide, bringing all and sundry down on the heads of the Moon Temple Civ. The Councilors know this!

We can thus prod with both the carrot of Ennoblement and the stick of certain doom at the hands of an infinite horde of squabbling murderhobos.

[X] Stealth

Be cool if we stuck with an idea for once. :V
... Why's this even a thing... This is weird. Why would there be problems extracting Aeira? And and why does "study economics/business" address the Voyaging Realm Anti-Looting Mechanism???

"Ah, well... it was tried. The Voyaging Realm will tolerate some level of exploitation, but industrial-scale extraction of magics leads it to act out in increasingly apocalyptic ways... these days we're mostly limited to those mages that find their way to our City, and even then half the magics only work inside the Realm itself. There are unsanctioned efforts to extract more, the Republic especially deploys strike teams for that purpose, but the casualty rates are horrific. It's frequently a death sentence even if you succeed."

This answers the first and second question, not the last one though.
I wonder how their magical scrying got "DENIED!" by Hunger though. And why. Like, if the answer is just "Because he's a Cursebearer, and scrying on somebody touched by the Accursed is innately a baaad idea" that seems a bit... I mean. It doesn't quite seem right. Cursebearers don't have innate defenses against scrying. I mean, they might have innate defenses against Going Mad From The Revelation, and innate defenses against "Oops, your magic doesn't work in this reality!" but scrying defenses? So... did our Ring do this? (But if so, why didn't we notice it?) Or perhaps the Azure Ring? ... Or maybe it's our Evening Sky? Maybe it's linked to the Azure Ring or something or I dunno.
... Or maybe it's just Nullity. Maybe their heads went pop from scrying Hunger because Hunger hangs around Gisena all the time. ... Or because Hunger is now attuned to an Armament...
Cursebearer (Progression) - This character has agreed to serve as one of the Cursebearers for the Accursed. The character's nature is that of a Progression-type Cursebearer. Link to the Accursed provides comprehensive protection against mental and spiritual interference above the Allowable Threshold. Protection is rated 100% effective for intrusions of less than NaN strength and valid through NaN transfinite escalations of cardinality originating from continuums of less than NaN dimensions. decoupled from physical processing substrate. Link to the Accursed provides comprehensive protection against hostile physical or metaphysical influence upon the . Protection is rated 100% effective for known intrusion parameters.
Depends on how you interpret interference; but since this is the direct regard of the Accursed through our connection I don't think he'd accept "I'm not actually mincontrolling you, I just see all possible futures and calculate my resopnses to give the outcome I want" type stuff because of technicalities. If it interferes with our behavior above the allowable threshold, it gets slapped down.
I think the concern with taking adventurers from the Voyaging Realm is that there are repercussions to giving them magic/getting ones with native magics, because we get punished for bringing them out of the Voyaging Realm. This means that we have to either invest time or resources into investigating this, might be smarter to recruit from the Human Sphere.

Though I agree that taking them out of the realm would require investments, it's not like we can't just let them do their own thing in the voyaging realm. Expand Hunger's own influence in a place that even the Human Sphere can't just fuck around with willy nilly. It'll split up our resources a bit, but it can act as a substitute base for Hunger and the gang in the case his main Human Sphere base gets exploded.

A good Tyrant will have a fortified home base. A better Tyrant will have a back up base in case the first one gets fucked. Something something.
How'd they get this?

How'd they get this?

How'd they get this?

How'd they get this?

All valid questions! These mysterious figures sure do seem well connected!

Hmm... Interestingly, this update does give us an important new diplomatic tool: the ability to threaten to hunt the Outer and Middle temples unto oblivion. If we did so, the Ring's call would reach far and wide, bringing all and sundry down on the heads of the Moon Temple Civ. The Councilors know this!

We can thus prod with both the carrot of Ennoblement and the stick of certain doom at the hands of an infinite horde of squabbling murderhobos.

[X] Stealth

Be cool if we stuck with an idea for once. :V

There's nothing actually stopping them from attacking you in the Ritual Grounds, it's just that that's typically the Groundskeeper's job!
How'd they get this?

How'd they get this?

How'd they get this?

All valid questions! These mysterious figures sure do seem well connected!
Simple answer.

The Encampment is infiltrated by the Temple. Does it not beg the question of 'Why does the Temple allow the Encampment to survive when they can obviously blow it up'? Because the Encampment is a management technique, to assay the Adventurers who come into the Temple and seeking to free the Ring.

That begs the question of why they have these precious documents available though, a concerning OpSec breach.
That begs the question of why they have these precious documents available though, a concerning OpSec breach.
Video game logic. Remember Ber? You think a filthy Gamer type will try to figure out stuff instead of using the OP Observe?
Or just counter inteligence. Last week we had multiple USB sticks scattered on the ground around our campus. Everybody who picked them up and put them in his pc to see what they contained had a nice and long chat with the security team afterwards. Curiosity killed the cat after all.
now that we have unleashed the Jewel of Blood and secured +2 Rank for our Chief Dominion, if we could manage to secure 2 more base Rank, a task which I see as being arduous but possible, and then took Super Juggernaut Undead Chimera and selected Rank twice, we'd reach 8 Rank and so have Rank 10 Blood Buffs, which would be relevant in full power Armament fights.

It seems like it could be a viable plan to securing relevance on strategic battlefields of the Human Sphere before we leave the Voyaging Realm.
That begs the question of why they have these precious documents available though, a concerning OpSec breach.

Well let's see how these documents are classified first.


That's pretty confidential!

My guess is there's politics and civil war afoot. A counciler is empowering the encampment for political gain, perhaps to embarrass a rival faction responisble for maintaining Temple security. Perhaps this is why the Fairbright family lost one of their own to execution? Recall that Gabrielle Fairbright was willing to assist us in killing the Magus, a fellow Inner Temple resident. And we all kinda assumed that she'd assist us further in our one-man-war. So clearly civil war is a possibility.

None of this is a surprise. The ring provides a set amount of power, meaning that everything is a zero-sum competition for a finite resource. Every time you kill a rival, you gain that much more power for yourself.

It's also possible that the councilor is physically present in the encampment.
start of a larger character sheet

could've had Super Gisena princess carry US to places and spare us the effort, smh

gisena is definitely not misato, as i will prove by putting her in misato's outfits
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Tally incoming:
Adhoc vote count started by Conjured Blade on Jul 2, 2020 at 3:47 AM, finished with 161 posts and 36 votes.
If he's going to be in a relationship with Gisena he'll need to give her a ring as well.
I like the way you think.

I like how everyone's sig is now full of traded votes. Maybe we need a trading market so tokens can cancel out!
If people start trading vote tokens between themselves then they become more valuable since it'll make it easier for one player to control and sizable portion of the votes.
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Anyway. Another topic I've been wondering about...

Voyaging Realm civilizations, and sources of supernatural power for humans, seem to have a Power::peril tension thing going. That, for every source of power or wealth that the Voyaging Realm has and which people try to extract or use... The Voyaging Realm will send Tribulations against them. The ability to construct Evangelions, comes with the fate of being attacked by Angels; the ability to delve deeply and gather Mithril (or tap lava or Hell itself for power), comes with the risk of unleashing Balrogs; the Healing Springs... are met with the emergence of the Rotbeast.

The Progression-type Cursebearer, and the Apocryphal Curse...

So! What is the Tribulation or Calamity of the Temple civilization? Because it surely can't be the adventurers being called here, right? I mean, the civilization has way outlevelled the adventurers at their doorstep... Or does that mean that it "won" its Evangelions vs Angels conflict equivalent? That, they used to be imperiled by raiders, this used to be their Rotbeast equivalent... but they won, by outpacing the adventurers? If yes, If the Mooncalled Adventurers were their "peril" then... does that mean the Voyaging Realm will go "Nah, screw that, you don't get to win!" and throw a new narrative enemy/threat against the civilization? Or, does the Voyaging Realm go "Okay, you won, grats. You've outpaced the adventurers and so long as you remain vigilant, you've 'won.'" and it was just sheer bad luck for them that a ring-bearing Cursebearer happened by?

... But anyway. The reason I ask is... What if their Tribulation is something else?

What if the adventurers on the doorstep are just small-fry, and the 'real' challenge for them is something that the Moon throws at them? Perhaps Eldritch monsters from Bloodborne. Or a powerful Astral Lord seeking to emerge and wreck their shit. Or... something.

And how/when does it manifest or appear? e.g. Does it perhaps naturally come as a result of 'mining' the Stars -- that, when they drain energy from the stars, they also have to fight off Star-Monsters? (Hence the reason they carefully parcel out the energy, as I speculated in the previous post. And why they can't go full bore on the Adventurers; because most of their energy is being spent on keeping a lid on the monsters. 'course, the other speculation was that creating Immortals is risky somehow -- maybe it's like having an Active Armament around; you have to deal with shit like the Decimator's Affliction -- or that Immortals themselves are unstable or weird or unsettling somehow.)

On a different note... I gotta wonder -- how the heck do you mine a Ring of power for energy anyway? It doesn't quite make sense. It's just a ring if nobody is wearing it; you can't just take a mining pick to the band of metal, and get gold out. And yet, they talk about this thing, as if it created a Sub-Dimension; which they are then siphoning and draining the stars out of. But, how the heck did they get a Ring to activate and make a dimension?? You, probably, can't do something like that unless you've got a ring wearer or possibly a master of said ring around to use its magic, right?... But in that case... Did they enslave a Ringbearer or something? Forcing them to use their power to create worlds entire?

So basically, the issue I'm having here is it feels like there's a contradiction; that, the amount of effects and power given off by the Ring, feels like it's something that should only be doable by a Ringbearer or a Ringbearer who has mastered it. And yet, the Temple people are still getting such effects anyway... while not being the master of the ring? That seems contradictory; if you've got so much control over the ring that you can do this, then it sounds like you have mastered it. And yet, there is a call going out anyway? So... did they entrap and enslave a Ringbearer who had mastered the Azure Ring? They exercise control over the bearer, who then uses the ring. That'd make sense... but. If there is such a Ringbearer, how the hell did these guys trap them in the first place? Would said Ringbearer had to have been pretty badass? Or, is the civilization managing to get more out of a ring than its bearer would; whether due to having magics and resources and technology of their own (heck, perhaps Foremost tech or an Armament or whatever), or due to a willingness to drain its very lifeforce/nature/etc... maybe over time, an advanced civilization was able to get more out of a ring. Eh.

Or... Or, is there no Ring at all?

And instead, it is some kind of dimensional-strangeness or Astral Phenomenom or trapped Astral Lord they are mining for power; and it's just that it sends forth a siren call; and it's just we weren't high-enough Rank to be able to see through it, and were tricked by it. Maybe we were able to shrug off the forceful compulsion to rescue it... but weren't able to shrug off the illusion/deception entire. So, while not being forced to rescue it, we still are at least tempted by the call and led by our nature (and curiosity and desire for shinies) to do it anyway.
Hero-Defeating Stance does have much to recommend it even if you can't use its Arete towards All-Defeating Stance. It's really a question of whether you want to go hard on Stances - All-Defeating is more generally applicable, while Foe-Defeating is best against strong enemies or unfavorable odds. One could say that Foe-Defeating Stance is actually superior!
Hero-Defeating Stance does have much to recommend it even if you can't use its Arete towards All-Defeating Stance. It's really a question of whether you want to go hard on Stances - All-Defeating is more generally applicable, while Foe-Defeating is best against strong enemies or unfavorable odds. One could say that Foe-Defeating Stance is actually superior!
The question is if the other Foe-Stances and the Foe-Defeating Stance have their own Praxis-equivalents like the HDS does. Wouldn't want to implement it in something other than Praxis then. Ofc there's the question of time and accessibility, so it might be worth it despite that consideration.
Simple answer.

The Encampment is infiltrated by the Temple. Does it not beg the question of 'Why does the Temple allow the Encampment to survive when they can obviously blow it up'? Because the Encampment is a management technique, to assay the Adventurers who come into the Temple and seeking to free the Ring.

That begs the question of why they have these precious documents available though, a concerning OpSec breach.
My guess is there's politics and civil war afoot. A counciler is empowering the encampment for political gain, perhaps to embarrass a rival faction responisble for maintaining Temple security. Perhaps this is why the Fairbright family lost one of their own to execution? Recall that Gabrielle Fairbright was willing to assist us in killing the Magus, a fellow Inner Temple resident. And we all kinda assumed that she'd assist us further in our one-man-war. So clearly civil war is a possibility.

None of this is a surprise. The ring provides a set amount of power, meaning that everything is a zero-sum competition for a finite resource. Every time you kill a rival, you gain that much more power for yourself.

It's also possible that the councilor is physically present in the encampment.
Or maybe they're farming them? Maybe their civilization or magic is fueled by deaths -- or fresh souls. ((Is their civilization at 10 million people precisely, and kept limited at that cap? Or does that just happen to be their population currently, and no funky limitations are in play?))

The Call of the Moon might be an anglerfish lure by the Temple civilization; meant to bring forth lambs to the slaughter.

Or maybe it is a genuine call for help from the Azure Ring... it's just that they allow it, the Ring, to do so. i.e. They have enough control over the False Moon that they can fine-tune the astral emissions that escape, and are using it as bait. It's just the False Moon is desperately hoping that maybe its call will one day catch the attention of somebody who is powerful enough to release it. Someone stronger than the Residents were prepared for. Just because they're using your cries for help to lure in bystanders, doesn't mean that you're going to give up crying for help. (Or alternatively, maybe you're being poked and prodded into yelling.)