Large Silver of Evening Argument Post
So, let's talk about how Silver of Evening is the best. Silver of Evening does five things, which I'm going to go through one at a time and then as a whole.
First, let's talk about the Agilty buff. We have Cut Through. That allows us to kill essentially everything, provided we can hit it. It also allows us to intercept and cut through any attacks launched at us. The main limitation of Cut Through is that we have to actually be able to hit opponents to kill them, and we need to be able to react fast enough to intercept attacks with our Praxis blade. Guess what stat determines both of those? That's right, Agility. Silver of Evening gives us +130% Agility, +145% under enhancement.
Silver of Evening is the most synergistic EFB with Cut Through. You know what's better then two EFBs? Two EFBs that
synergize with each other. Furthermore, we've been investing in physical stats all game. Remember my huge history and analysis post? We've invested more in physical stats then any other thing, period. Silver of Evening multiplies the most important and powerful of the physical stats. As such, it has the highest synergy with our current build of anything we could get.
Next, let's talk about the charisma buff. We're going to have to rule an empire eventually. Having massive charisma will help with that. Furthermore, being able to steamroll people in social is always valuable. And then we have Vigor Incarnate - a 2-Arete option that adds our Charisma to our Protection. This has immense synergy with Silver of Evening, allowing us to get truly monumental protection for very cheaply. Silver of Evening, in addition to synergizing with Cut Through and our entire build's greatest strength, also synergizes incredibly well with the Blood Advancements, which are already our most effective no-Arete and low-Arete options.
Now we get to defensive rank. I should remind people that Once and Future, a mixed power/potential EFB, gives +1 rank, +2 in many relevant situations. +1 Rank applied defensively is worth perhaps a quarter of that. So the entire rest of Silver of Evening should be considered as if it was only costing 3/4th on an EFB, and it's already kind of completely ridiculous.
Now let's talk Edeldross. I've already touched on it with Agility and Charisma, factoring the doubled potency into the calculations for those. But it bears repeating that Edeldross apples to every stat. Including Willpower, which is our Praxis-associated stat and also adds to our Might and Agility (ohe hey look
even more agility). This also applies to Protection, Intelligence, and any future stats we might gain access to like Wisdom, Luck, Stealth, ect. And remember, our Edeldross proficiency will increase in the future, and all future increases will also be doubled, giving Silver of Evening high potential growth as well.
Now let's talk about that once-a-month perfect defense. This has many uses. For example, if Hunger would suddenly die because we made a bad decision or got an unlucky roll, this could save him. It could also be used to de-fang the Apocryphal curse for two days, if we ever need to do something vital that we can't afford a severe interruption of. It could also be used to buck the Tyrant's Doom for brief periods, which may be necessary if we ever have to interact with a powerful civilization we can't afford to piss off. I should note that this is the only thing we've seen so far that can bypass the drawback of Uttermost. We haven't actually have a Tyrant Proc all game, so I think many people are underestimating how bad it could be. Having some form of assurance for that could be very very helpful for Not Dying.
Final Thoughts: I've been harping on synergy this whole post, but it bares to be said that Silver of Evening is
the single most synergistic EFB with our current build. It synergizes very well with Physical stats, the thing we have the most investment into. It synergizes with Cut Through, our previous EFB. It synergizes with Edeldross, which we've spent 9 Arete on. It synergizes with Quickening and Blood Buffs, which we've spent 7 Arete and many picks on. It provides a method of bypassing the Doom of the Tyrant, which is a major weakness of our current build since we can't mitigate it. Silver of Evening also provides a lot of immediate power, in a situation where Rihaku has warned us that we should probably not take potential-based options. Silver of Evening does provide some potential though, by massively multiplying the effectiveness of Vigor Incarnate and giving our future Edeldross Advancements more oomph.
In Conclusion,
I think Silver of Evening is somewhat being overlooked due to the convenience of Crimson Flare, but 1 pick is not a very onerous requirement and the power it offers is very synergistic with your build. Consider that Super Juggernaut Undead Chimera gives a total of +500% distributed among 5 stats, whereas this grants +30% to all stats (~360%) and +200% distributed to Agility and Charisma. What's more, it grants an even greater bonus the further you develop your Edeldross magnitude! That +30% might become +50% or +70% one day, which means it would give you an almost unprecedented level of value!
+Defensive Rank is great as well, and situational Tyrant mitigation can get you out of a lot of pinches, to say nothing of the perfect defense's value against ultimate attacks. Crimson Flare is decent with your build too, but given how stats-heavy you are Silver of Evening is incredible.
I suppose it should be no surprise that the most synergistic option is also the furthest behind...
Rihaku himself has noted Silver of Evening's immense synergy with our build. Note he calls it "very synergistic" and "the most synergistic." We have
word of Rihaku that Silver of Evening is the most synergistic thing we could get, and anyone is considering voting against it? I don't understand. Haven't people complained in the past about our lack of synergy? Don't people want to achieve maximum power?
Silver of Evening brings together every single major Arete expenditure we've made all quest. It's an Evening Sky advancement, it massively benefits all the Sword options we've taken including Cut Through, our largest Arete expenditure, it plays perfectly with our massive stats, it enhances our Blood Advancements, which were unlocked by Chief Dominion, it buffs the magic system we bought and got an upgrade for...
That's right. Now that I think of it, and analyze all the options... Silver of Evening synergizes with
every major Arete expenditure we've made the entire quest. It also ties them all together, uniting everything we have into a single coherent build. How can anyone vote against that?
[X] Silver of Evening