[X] Farm, then Clear
[X] Sharpbright
[X] Don't Buy It

I'm reluctant to buy it immediatly, especially since we can panic-buy it in shitty situations, but can easily be convinced orthewise!

Uhhhh this was supposed to be a joke about why Letrizia SHOULDN'T grab Exavolt but uhhhhh

yeah I dunno I kinda like Post-Timeskip Letrizia who's taken after Hunger WAY TOO MUCH
Holy shit that's amazing.

I said my magic was a tool of justice! Not used in anger, not used for vengence, but now...i'm not so sure. And besides, this isn't my magic!
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On an unrelated note, I've always wondered about the Talon remittance.

[ ] Talon

A long, raking talon of yellowed ivory, stained with blood on its lower side and warm to the touch. Upon slaying an enemy of notable strength, the body can be processed to yield an amount of wealth, resources, or relevant equipment commensurate to the power of the foe. If the bearer is in particular need of food, water, or shelter, slain foes become more likely to provide an appropriate resource. Can break, but can repair itself from a sliver by feeding on a notable foe's blood. Intimidating if worn.

The hunger ring came from the Tyrant, the Forebear's blade came from the Forebear, so where would the talon have come from? What story would it have had? The Ring ties into other rings of power, and the Forebear's blade ties into the Forebear. How would the Talon have tied in?

Perhaps if we'd taken it, then we'd learn that the Hero slew some monster and kept a piece of it. A dragon, I think. And then perhaps later on in the story we'd meed the descendents of that dragon in this world, same as we met the other ring. We haven't seen any dragons yet but I'm hopeful. Stories can always use more dragons.

(I am ignoring the boring answer which is that Rihaku would only have made something up if it had won.)
If you get your Rank up high enough, you might be able to make it to the Human Sphere before Ber tries to go after you! What an unpleasant surprise for him that would be, to stumble onto the 'Secret' Full Power Mode of the boss he'd thought already conquered.

These games, man. The headfakes...
[X] Farm, then Clear
[X] Exavolt
[X] Don't Buy It

The hunger ring came from the Tyrant, the Forebear's blade came from the Forebear, so where would the talon have come from? What story would it have had? The Ring ties into other rings of power, and the Forebear's blade ties into the Forebear. How would the Talon have tied in?
I figure Talon might have been the legendary dragon weapon he got chosen to be the hero wielder of. It basically makes enemies drop money and equipment, how else can these JRPG esque isekais justify killing a horned rabbit giving you physical coins and a shield?
By the by - we talked a lot about Apocrypha, but Train offers a possibility of interesting strategy: rather than having to rush through temple before it triggers(Bias) or resigning ourselves to tanking it(Farm) we can choose to wait extra time outside of temple and tank first trigger Apocrypha there. We can just randomly farm or finish some other quests(kill the Rotbeast?).

Remember, power of trigger is related to how much time Curse spent getting ready, so if we tank first proc outside then ones we tank inside the temple should be relatively easy.

Of course, if Curse decides to just wait until we head for the temple then we just wasted time.
The apocryphal can just choose not to trigger until it'll be more difficult for us. It doesn't have to go off as soon as the grace period ends.
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That was fun to write, even if surprisingly exhaustive:

1302 words.

(Again, would really appreciate feedback and a vote!)

Yet another simple transaction part 2

Cursebearer, please choose if you would like lesser remittances:

(Due to the nature of Try again, you start at -1 lesser remmitances.)

[ ] Take Lesser Remmitances

[ ] Don't take Lesser Remmitances

Major curses (worth 2 Lesser Remmitances):

[] The Affliction of the Black Cat

[ ] The Curse of Misinformation –

[ ] The Geas of the Anathema –

[ ] The Eyes of Justice

Lesser curses (worth 1 Lesser Remmitances):

[ ] Curse of The Beggar – The cursebearer loses access to any form of currency and cannot hold any valuables with the intention of using it as currency. He can still gain goods in exchange for service provided.

[ ] Curse of The Call – Occasionally the cursebearer will be put into situations where he must undergo a great quest. He can refuse to go into these quests, but doing so always have non-crippling negative consequences.

[ ] Affliction of The Broken Mirror: The people around the Cursebearer have bad luck, which intensify with time and with proximity with the Cursebearer. Individuals with sufficient power can mostly ignore the Affliction.

[ ] Affliction of Leprosy – The cursebearer suffers from an eternal low-level illness. Proactive use of any physical attributes imposes a penalty scaling with the power of the attribute. Horrific leprous appearance can only be overcome by physically covering the body.

Cursebearer, please choose your lesser remittances:

Try again:

[ ] Muscle memory[1-3] – The cursebearer retains some of his Skills later gained later in his life, and allows him to re-learn these Skills much quicker. Degree of how much he remembers varies according to Lesser Remmitances spent.

At 1 he would retain the very basics, and would be born with access to The Exalted Sun, not needing to Gaze.

At 3 he would retain one technique that can be used at full power and would allow quick re-learning of all skills.

[ ] Crystalized memories[1] - The cursebearer will retain perfect memories of all events that happened, allowing to much easier plan for the arrival of the Conquering King.


[ ] To Shatter Heaven [1] – Potential, enough to pierce trough the very skies.

Greatly improves the cursebearer's rate of training in The Exalted Sun, and allows you to break its conceptual limits. You are unaware of any conceptual limits of The Exalted Sun.

[ ] Intensify[1] – Greatly enhances the power of The Exalted Sun, but makes it less versatile. If taken with To Shatter Heaven, in time, allows user to use develop techniques equivalent to these of the Praxis.

[ ] Twice-great[2] – Allows the cursebearer to learn one more of the magical systems of the world, something that is conventionally impossible to do. Theoretically possible to do without a Remmitance, but would take an immense amount of time, research and resources to do so.

The magical system chosen will have Intensify and To Shatter Heaven applied to it, if they are chosen.

*Thaumaturgy + To Shatter Heaven would allow for either immense versatility or immense power, with Intensify enhancing either even further.

*Selfhood + To Shatter Heaven would allow you to actively shape the way your power develops.


[ ]The Crown – The cursebearer will greatly increase the rate in which he learns outside of direct conflict, while diminishing his progression trough conflict.

[ ]True Companion – The Cursebearer can designate one individual as a True Companion, slightly reducing his own rate of growth, but greatly increasing the companion's own. The Cursebearer cannot remove him as a True Companion, unless they betray the Cursebearer in some way. If the companion dies or betrays the Cursebearer, he can designate another companion.


The Hero has inside him the power of The Exalted Sun. In his youth, he somehow gazed into The Sun Above The Sun, and this allowed him to transcend the usual limits of skill.

What was his specialization?

(This will greatly increase the rate in which he learns skills in the chosen area.)

[ ] Combat – The most obvious for the Hero. In his prime, his blows could tear space and time asunder, he could walk the space between spaces and move halfway trough the world in but a few steps, block blows capable of destroying mountains.

If chosen, what weapon he used:

-[ ] The Sword – Cutting Trough all, his sword was death incarnate, distance had no meaning, defense had no meaning, opposition had no meaning. The blade would Cut Trough.

-[ ] The Spear – Pierce Trough all, his spear was doom incarnate. Unblockable, Undododgeable, Unfathomable. Nor armor in the world could withstand it.

-[ ] The Body – Overcome all, the body was the basis of it all, punches that could destroy mountains, kicks that could create canyons, and a body that could withstand plasma.

[ ] Crafting – While less flashy than combat, weapons and armor made by those of The Exalted Sun should not be underestimated. Create swords capable of cutting mountains, armor capable of withstanding atomic fire, Rings Of Power and much more.

[ ] Medicine – Unorthodox, if just a viable. The Hero had knowledge of transcendent medicine, allowing him to restore his body from the worst of wounds, and to enhance it beyond human limits.


The Hero was an individual of great importance to the world, whom was vital in slowing The Conquering King's advance. Where did such an individual come from?

[ ] A Farm – The hero was a mere farm boy until he saw The Sun Above The Sun, allowing him to reach much greater heights. He was late to arrive in the wat against The Conquering King, yet vital yet the same, for the humblest of starts make for the greatest histories.

*The Hero starts in a farm in the middle of nowhere, with little threatening his life in the short-term.

*Not a whole lot of potential for non-training advancements. The region is mostly peaceful.

*Lessens The Hero future knowledge due to arriving later in the war and due to being a farm boy. He knows little about the secrets of the world.

*Even as a progression type cursebearer, it's unlikely that The Hero would be able to outscale The Conquering King without a lot of multipliers.

*This Hero is more talented than others.

[ ] The Streets – The cold and deadly streets where The Hero's home until he saw The Sun Above The Sun. He quickly rose trough the ranks until he was someone of true importance. Then The Conquering King came.

*The Hero is very knowledgeable about his city and surrounding areas, and likely can leverage his future knowledge.

*Somewhat dangerous without some degree of immediate power.

*Curse of The Martyr would be problematic in these streets, however…how much change could a True hero make?

[ ] The First Kingdom – The first and greatest kingdom that fought against The Conquering King. The Hero was its prince, and saw as his kingdom was turned to ruin as an example. That day, he saw The Sun Above The Sun and swore vengeance, no matter the cost.

*Provides the least time to prepare for the arrival of The Conquering King.

*Many opportunities to gain personal power, and to strengthen the kingdom.

*Not nearly enough time to get access to The Spear.

*Gives you immense future knowledge.

*You have a determination of steel.

*Curse of The Martyr could be even more problematic as a prince.

*You will fight against The Conquering King when he first arrives. It will take time until he personally comes to the frontlines, but when he does, pray you are ready.
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[X] Stay and Train
[X] Exavolt
[X] Buy It

If we stay and train we will have plenty of time to build Arete back up before getting any new picks:
* Training session -> Temple means we have ~28 hours before the absolute earliest next chance at a build vote
* Training session -> Encampment -> Temple means we have ~48 hours before a build vote is unavoidable

Spending on Magic Defeating stance is a good way to improve our integration of Edeldross into our fighting style. Learning Surgecasting and then immediately changing the rules of engagement w/r/t magic defense seems silly. Better to know from the beginning which attacks we can take and which we must dodge.
If you get your Rank up high enough, you might be able to make it to the Human Sphere before Ber tries to go after you! What an unpleasant surprise for him that would be, to stumble onto the 'Secret' Full Power Mode of the boss he'd thought already conquered.

These games, man. The headfakes...
Strange thought: how much does our bargain bin nemesis even know about the Human Sphere? He's working for an Astral Lord, sure, but the Voyaging's vast and contains multitudes. Bearic's ontological compass clearly doesn't point to true north. He could've just looked at the XP bounty (pretty good, since Versch used to be Rank 10; brings back memories of Coldbriar aiming to Absorb the Strategist) and clicked through the expository dialogue.

BEARIC: "Backstory? The fuck would I care about lore for, I can just look up strats on Realmpedia!"
[X] Farm, then Clear
[X] Sharpbright
[X] Yes, Buy It

I think I'm in favor of going for 3 Forbearer Sword EFBs. Both All-Defeating stance and Once and Future seem to be basically power-only EFBs, and let's be honest, that's what we need. We're already a Progression type cursebearer, we don't need progression EFBs to the same extent as say Nameless. We'll want them eventually, sure, but for now we're pretty far behind the power curve in the human sphere. Let's catch up a little.