Yeah, as I said the issue with the ring is unlike Cut Through - which took 0 picks and was done automatically because we bullied ourselves into it - completing the ring seem to actually require we burn the 4 picks at some point. There will never be a perfect time to do so, but this isn't a bad one.

The King Stands Alone isn't nearly as good as it sounds once you take into account it has relatively limited capacity in our current Temple-breaking situation, and that we should be able to force rare picks to drop via Pillars. It will take awhile but worth it to massively increase our current growth and heal our conditions entirely before Apocryphal comes back.
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If there's no voting bloc yearning for EL STATS: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO then I'm going to have to optimize something else. My instinct is to optimize combat techniques, and for this update that means

[X] Upgrade Letrizia's Magic (from 2 Arete-equivalent to 7-Arete equivalent)
[X] Forebear's Blade - Ruinous Valor
-[X] Zweihander
[X] Check up on Gisena

Zweihander scales Ruin to our strength score
. Uttermost allows us to spam blade projections without end. Thousand Cuts multiplies the speed and power of each blade projection by 7, with a 10% chance per blade projection of amplifying the Ruin effect & tripling the base damage. Fall of Night lets us manipulate those blade projections. This adds up to a constant outward pressure doing AOE damage and slowing or parrying incoming ranged attacks. Zweihander's +++++STR is just icing on the cake.

Zweihander applies Ruin to our unarmed attacks. This is a fairly major combat advantage: every backhanded strike, blade-lock, or grapple suddenly applies bonus damage that scales with both STR & WILL.

Zweihander gives us an extra arm. This unlocks OP Tactics like "being able to hold the Forebear's Blade" and "Gun". There are ancillary utility benefits like "carry all the groceries in one trip, even if they cannot be carried" and "Bridal-Carry Gisena."

Zweihander unlocks various stances, including two potential EFBs. Mage Defeating Stance, in the short term, seems to be the key that unlocks the Inner Sanctum of the Temple.

The most compelling reason I can think of to endorse Zweihander is all the theory crafting that we did last night. With Cut Through, everybody was on the hype train for Team Coherent Build Synergy. If we fail to get Ruinous Valor now that we got a surprise 3-pick fight then we will be showing Rihaku that even unprecedented thread Unity associated with getting access to (sword) Praxis is not enough to keep us focused on the long-term plan. I'm afraid skipping Zweihander signals that we have no ability to commit for even two consecutive turns. This is likely to be factored into Rihaku's bribery algorithm and reduce the shininess of blurbs he deploys to foment chaos. If we hold to the plan and get Zweihander then we'll be laying the gauntlet down & demanding even shinier blurbs to distract the thread each update.
Also if you re-read Friends in High Places it does state he's a progression-type
reading comprehension

wots dat

{x} A Mirror, Endless
{x} Brand of the Addled
{x} The Prophetic Doom

I am contractually obligated to vote praxis even in quests that do not exist
And kind of tired of taking geas in every transaction so I guess just grit those teeth and mitigate, mitigate, mitigate
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Zweihander scales Ruin to our strength score. Uttermost allows us to spam blade projections without end. Thousand Cuts multiplies the speed and power of each blade projection by 7, with a 10% chance per blade projection of amplifying the Ruin effect & tripling the base damage. Fall of Night lets us manipulate those blade projections. This adds up to a constant outward pressure doing AOE damage and slowing or parrying incoming ranged attacks. Zweihander's +++++STR is just icing on the cake.
According to Rihaku Ruin scaling is... not nearly as valuable, now that we have Cut Through. The name is apparently rather literal.
I think people that are ignoring Valor focus purely on the Strength and the power of Ruin scaling. While good you are sleeping on the stances. Magic defeating stance will buff our magic defense considerably.
Currently if we are up against a magic user/soul evocation user and we don`t have Gisena with us, we better hope we are faster than him.

Our Evening sky remains underutilized as well. At least get Valor so we can later take the stances for 0 picks.
Though I will note for anyone taking Valor that Magic Defeating Stance is apparently better for our current situation than King Stands Alone, and is available if we purchase Valor.
Praxis does offer stance-equivalent effects. We actually got one right now, and Rihaku WoG'ed that we theoretically do not even need to spend arete if we are willing to wait and assemble an equivalent.

It is true that just rushing MDS still has pretty good benefits tho, yeah. Temple aside, it also offers minor mitigation against every curse that is possible to mitigate.
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Oh right, Wolfy would you mind specifying which dominion in your vote? Vote merging is a bitch when I'm not sure which you want.

Our current build lacks magic defence and the thread is weirdly againts buffing Evening Sky. I hope Gisena can keep up in the Inner temple.
Gisena is explicitly capable of keeping up in the middle temple now. We spent arete on it, even.

The King Stands Alone
{x} A Mirror, Endless
{x} Brand of the Addled
{x} The Prophetic Doom

I am contractually obligated to vote praxis even in quests that do not exist
And kind of tired of taking geas in every transaction so I guess just grit those teeth and mitigate, mitigate, mitigate

Sounds like that combination is going to make leaving the hospital rather difficult, especially since it gives you no immediate power nor means of transportation, be it spatial or temporal... the praxis isn't as easy as 123, ABC after all!!

What if I told you his acceleration has no upper bound??
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According to Rihaku if we want that we can just get all 4 Vigor+Quickening boosts we have left to buy and probably be safe as long as we don't pull a stupid.

So King probably isn't a needed expenditure.

I can be talked out of the ring purchases but not into spending Arete for anything else at this point. I'm mostly getting them because we keep putting off taking them and being 4 picks away from completing the ring bugs me.

Here's the thing, we've been at least somewhat concerned about the contest of primacy, yes? But The King Stands Alone is almost exactly what we've been looking for. Given the Tolkeinesque nature of the Rings, chances are that any contest is not going to be a matter of who can blow up the biggest planet or anything. Much as it was with Sauron and the three Elven Ringbearers, it'll likely be a matter of supernal Rank and sheer Willpower. Something that limits any advantages of the former and boosts the latter could do a huge amount for our chances, especially considering it applies to all forms of direct contest.

This could be exactly what we've been looking for.

You're completely right, but also consider that this will always be the case, and taking the domains is about paying towards future power acceleration and not immediate power. I get your case about balancing power and potential, but given how hard we've unintentionally gone recently (between Vanrier and this last update), this is a good, Apocryphal-Free time to dump into potential-type EFB progression if we're planning on taking it. Any other time, taking less than maximum power puts you behind the curve. Here, it doesn't, since Apocryphal will come back outscaled and then readjust to whatever level of power we have. It might even be worth purposefully putting off taking the strongest efficient options, so that we can take them during Apocryphal to scale better.

Not that situational +rank is no power, but it won't compete with basic blood advancements. And that makes sense.

While I'm always happy to be brought around to S A V E, the main worry here is that we'll buy both Domains and potentially not have enough Arete to afford what really matters i.e. a Preeminence. I imagine we'll likely end up fighting the Rotbeast after this, which will likely drop that kind of a reward for being such a singular exemplar. Wouldn't we be better off just taking +STATS and waiting to see what we can pick up? Even if it doesn't, we'll still be able to grab both Dominions from the picks we can get from it.
Sounds like that combination is going to make leaving the hospital rather difficult\
Difficult does not mean impossible, and, for once, we do not seem to be thrown right into hell right of the bat. Just, grind arete/bp whatever and break out eventually. Temporary humiliation is better than basically eternal servitude, I think.
I have a hard time imagining we're not going to be dogpiled in the Temple honestly. Just feels like the obvious response when the Inners actually need to respond to a threat. It's possible there's just one God-king in there reigning over relative plebs instead. But the backstory we got makes me feel this is less likely.
Okay, having evaluated the omakes and arguments including last-minute clarifications I have determined that Surgecrafting is the victor. Though Zweihander is already currently winning, I would be remiss in not mentioning that having two hands is helpful for most Surges, especially if one is trying to perform combat at the same time.

Eh. At least I won't have to justify why killing something with four arms leads to Hunger regrowing his arm. You guys should consider your Arete consumption in light of this. However, I'll apply a 20% bonus to Arete generated for the next sixteen hours.

Praxis does offer stance-equivalent effects. We actually got one right now, and Rihaku WoG'ed that we theoretically do not even need to spend arete if we are willing to wait and assemble an equivalent.

It is true that just rushing MDS still has pretty good benefits tho, yeah. Temple aside, it also offers minor mitigation against every curse that is possible to mitigate.

It does bear mentioning that Sword Praxis effects do require you to be wielding a sword, whereas Stances are permanent, always unlocked and cost no picks!
While I'm always happy to be brought around to S A V E
If we buy 2 Fierce Quickening & 2 Vigor Itself then we will have the maximum possible short-term enhancement from the Ring of Blood. Even better, it doesn't cost any Arete!
Surgecrafting won?

I cannot understand how Rihaku evaluates these things.

Anyway that requires a vote change.

No spending Arete.

Stats people: Should we go all in on stats or grab rank in the process? We know the Rotbeast has even higher rank and we will probably run into it on the way out.