Are there other hidden Rihaku works?
There is a bunch of old Rihaku Quests on SB. Three? Two? Variations of Odyssial/Ulyssian quests, Dnd Wizard in Warhammer, Grail War Quest with Hector, Bleach Quest, Naruto Jonin Quest, Stillborn Paladin Quest (dark times, forum hardware was dying and running quests was basically impossible) and a couple of others I can't recall out of hand.

Not all aged perfectly, but all still have that Rihaku Flavor from what I remember. Out of these, Jonin and Bleach Quest are most like modern Rihaku style games, IIRC. IIRC. It was awhile I might be talking out of my ass.


"Thread activity fell to zero"

Fuck what have I done
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We could offer blood healing or the Pearl, or even to enhance some stuff for a while? We can offer some valuable things, really.

And so the Devil's advocacy rears it's head, making me much more interested in Surgecraft again. Fatebending, really?
Yeah, reliable healing in a tech-based civ's an exorbitantly value service, more than enough to outweigh needing to navigate our personality. And hey, Fate's a full Sign of the Diagram! That tracks with a 7-Arete Imaginary Element being versatility on par with a single school of magic. First Slice Fate and now this, is Rihaku trying to tell us something?
Nah, she has a set one. As does Gisena if you managed to give her one, though Gisena's would be supremely redundant...
Well, if she ever decides to found the Intergalactic Fun Police, she can acquire abilities equal to the task! As expected of a genius... though the first person she'd have to arrest would be herself.
It doesn't take much for the underdog options to become competitive at this stage! Just look at how Vertex has surged against Surgecraft itself! Market Day, Bloodwraith, Technological Solutions - all have substantial benefits in the here and now, versus the mostly potential based pick of Hot Springs. Plus, while killing Rotspawns will get you lots of money, it's not like you can't get those picks from somewhere else, such as Middle Temple Outriders or the like.
It doesn't take much for the underdog options to become competitive at this stage! Just look at how Vertex has surged against Surgecraft itself! Market Day, Bloodwraith, Technological Solutions - all have substantial benefits in the here and now, versus the mostly potential based pick of Hot Springs. Plus, while killing Rotspawns will get you lots of money, it's not like you can't get those picks from somewhere else, such as Middle Temple Outriders or the like.
Well, hotsprings comes with a major boost to our chances of healing a second condition. Which is very nice.

And we can never be sure when we next get picks, so we should do so now before we lose our nerve and spend arete on something other than Cut Through.

Also we have two people indentured until it comes up so I feel obligated to help them out.
There is a bunch of old Rihaku Quests on SB. Three? Two? Variations of Odyssial/Ulyssian quests, Dnd Wizard in Warhammer, Grail War Quest with Hector, Bleach Quest, Naruto Jonin Quest, Stillborn Paladin Quest (dark times, forum hardware was dying and running quests was basically impossible) and a couple of others I can't recall out of hand.

Not all aged perfectly, but all still have that Rihaku Flavor from what I remember. Out of these, Jonin and Bleach Quest are most like modern Rihaku style games, IIRC. IIRC. It was awhile I might be talking out of my ass.


"Thread activity fell to zero"

Fuck what have I done

Will we ever learn more about Faust Alberich? Can Ishida take on Yhwach? Will we ever get back to Geomancy? Find out next time on Rihaku Lore Z!
I realized something. The fact initiating into Vertexes takes picks or arete means we may not ever actually initiate into it.

[x]Studying the Blade
[x]Pursuing Technological Solutions

Edit: I meant picks or arete, not and. This has been corrected.
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Yup, pinnacle-grade Vertex + Accretion is basically = a Silmaril.
Uhh, I almost want to ask you if you're sure, but you're rarely uncertain about things. Those are pretty high octane nifty. As in, makes the One Ring look like a cheap toy. Heck, the Sun and Moon in that setting were discount replacements created because the Valar didn't have access to the Silmarils.

And the Ruling Ring is fairly nice as it is.
Another thing. From a meta standpoint, Surgecraft is more likely to be compatible with Verschlengorge by virtue of the fact it takes us investing blood awakening effort into Letrezia to make that happen.
I'll note that Sword Praxis can be developed to be as versatile as you'd like, right to the point of, yes, enabling broad spectrum reality-warping by SORD'ing enough. Remember Null Slice?
Naturally, almost any conceivable effect can eventually be realized even through the medium of swordplay
And it would also work in dimensions where Surge would just shut down and cease functioning, too.

We also have a discounted 18 Arete Ruling ring that gives us the approximately the same ability set, and also gives us ++allstats and ++Progression.

I am just saying, if you feel like 25 Arete Surge is your one way to getting broad cool conceptual abilities, well. Don't? We have a bunch of ways to get there. We even got discounts on those paths. Considerable ones. Ring costs 18 and could be bought piece by piece, Cut Through 18.
I think our best option right now is to spend 18 arete on Cut Through, then grab a ring domain... or both of them if we get to 4 arete and 2 picks. Otherwise we grab another Fierce quickening.
Another thing. From a meta standpoint, Surgecraft is more likely to be compatible with Verschlengorge by virtue of the fact it takes us investing blood awakening effort into Letrezia to make that happen.

As a sidenote, Vertex isn't a good magic system for Letrizia, not if she wants to achieve any real attainments. She's been exposed to the Decimation from a young age; no matter what mitigation effects she pursues, she might not have the lifespan necessary to create high level drones. Meanwhile, she's supremely well suited to Surgecraft, being a passionate, fiery person.

And it's just more obviously magical too. Don't you want to protect Letrizia's smile? Then give her the ability to launch Imaginary Element fire blasts.
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Rereading the options, can I just say that high-tier Vertices requiring lifespan is pure oof from Letrizia's perspective? The Decimation's not an insoluble problem in the medium term with our Ring, but casting from longevity's not something she'd enjoy. Though to Hunger it's a renewable resource, and I bet we can rapidly regenerate our youth by investing further in the Slumber of Aeons skill tree. Surgecraft feels cool and personal, very much my speed. But with Vertex and our mantle, we can truthfully tell those opposed to us that all the stars in the Evening Sky are their enemies!
Strictly speaking, we are also capable of regenerating youth with Pillars, but that is an undiscounted 25 Arete pointer. We want it eventually, but IDK when that eventually happens.
So for the sake of random epileptic trees, there's an energy source called the Bleak Light that got mentioned in Even Further Beyond in Broken Kaleidoscope.

Even Further Beyond [Complete] Original

True Incarnation Does Nameless choose to create a Magnum Opus? Given his rate of advancement via Overgrowth absorption, he believes he can (bar exceptional outliers) reliably reach Immortal Awakening even with a Magnum Opus before the Heroine herself awakens. This would maximize his effective...

*You will receive something like a Remittance, which can easily be structured in a way to interface multiplicatively with your existing capabilities. For example, you might be able to harness an energy called The Bleak Light in a myriad of meta-technological applications, or employ with great proficiency the Noble Praxis, a diminished form of the Accursed's Imperial Praxis that is often used by his diffidently favored servants (it goes without saying that even the Accursed's diffident Favor has the potential to yield power incomparably vaster than anything you might attain in a trillion mortal lifetimes).

I'm not fully sure what meta-technological applications means here, but for ludicrously overpowered light sources that may be what casts the shadow on the Astral Plane from having a high Astral Rank, could this be it?
[X]Pursuing Technological Solutions

Just caught up in the quest. Was an interesting ride. Mostly voting for one thing because if I voted for the other choices I like it would just decrease the chance
Technological Solutions makes it in.