In my view one of the best reasons to have previously built up a good relationship is so it can afford to take a hit when there's sufficient need. Relationship minuses are more generally voters kryptonite though. So there's not too much point spending a lot of time advocating for it.
Yeah that's a big no from me, at least that reasoning. Gaining relationship points and using them as ablative armor is like saying "I got along with you to lessen the impact of the thing I planned to do.". Maybe it's just me but I don't like looking things only mechanically in quests.
Uh... guys? Y'know, we don't actually have to use Vertex, right? We can just buff Letrizia's INT with a bunch of Blood Enhancements and get her to make some low tier ones for us. Alternatively, we can just kill a bunch of spawn, prove we're strong enough to take on the Rotbeast and have them load us up with a million buffs for our Evening Sky. After that, we could spend the picks and Arete generated on Opalescene and Iridescence to make sure we don't lose them when Gisena fires a Tide.

That would provide a shitload of immediate power with no serious investment on our part, saving lots and lots of our potential for either the Ring, Pearlesence or whatever else you want.
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Huh, did my NTR comment actually made the option more popular!? You all certainly have interesting tastes. Remember that if Cut Through takes a pick you are possibly screwing yourselves out of it given an average roll.
We can boost encounter rates by targeting a specific type of rotbeast so the roll matters less.
Uh... guys? Y'know, we don't actually have to use Vertex, right? We can just buff Letrizia's INT with a bunch of Blood Enhancements and get her to make some low tier ones for us.
This is a great idea! Get her to use all her free time crafting while we're finishing the temple!
Yeah that's a big no from me, at least that reasoning. Gaining relationship points and using them as ablative armor is like saying "I got along with you to lessen the impact of the thing I planned to do.". Maybe it's just me but I don't like looking things only mechanically in quests.

I see it more like the relationship is strong enough to not disintegrate over a disagreement. Stridently avoiding any option that would mechanically come with a minus feels more mechanical and unnatural to actual interactions to me.
[X] Relaxing at the Hot Springs
[X] Studying the Blade
[X] Vertex

Doom+Power+Emotional Activation-Control=Uh

Surgecraft Tyrant, nice city you had there. That'll teach 'em to bug me about laws. *PTSD intensifies*

Might be paranoia, but I just got told not to underestimate Tyrant, so.
So, let's talk magic systems for a second.

We're getting Swrod Praxis. Praxis is explicitly good at killing stuff and protecting stuff. Sowd Praxis is likely to be even more specialized in the killing stuff direction because it's specific to srods, especially early on when we don't have access to wonky conceptual effects yet.

As such, what we need most out of a magic system is "everything except offense." Surgecraft seems to be very offensively-focused unless we get a high cost element. As such, I think we either want Vertex or a 7-Arete element.

It's not implausible for us to be able to afford Cut Through and another 7-Arete option, such as a Surgecraft element, within two updates or so. We might need some more fanwork to do it though. I'll see what I can contribute tomorrow, but keep in mind if you want Surgecraft we really want to be spending 7 Arete on it, otherwise it may end up redundant with our Sording.

Vertex is less costly, because we can get access with picks. It also covers our versatility niche very well. People are complaining about Nullity, but honestly making it immune to nullity is likely to cost the same as or less then a 7-Arete element. And we can buy the Nullity Immunity later, so it avoid creating an Arete crunch now.

Also, Vertex explicitly has something going on with Evening Sky, so we can likely get Evening Sky advancements, either Arete or picks, that boost Vertex. Due to this, I think Vertex may scale better in the long run then Surgecraft.
I see it more like the relationship is strong enough to not disintegrate over a disagreement. Stridently avoiding any option that would mechanically come with a minus feels more mechanical and unnatural to actual interactions to me.
Maybe some -s will be over disagreements but Bloodwraith option isn't simple disagreement. It's straight up a hurtful action made by Hunger, thanks to the Tyrant curse.
Because of that even as a fervent supporter of Bloodslayer I can't support Bloodwraith here.
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[ ] Studying the Blade - While they ranted about the shackles of Imperial representation, he studied the Blade. While she participated in frivolous antics, he studied the Blade. And now that the rot spawn are at the gates, they turn to him for help?

Well, fine. But it'll cost 'em.

*Hunger fights the Rotspawn, the semi-undead army created by the Rotbeast, greatly relieving pressure on the town's defenders for a bit. He may encounter either mundane Rotspawn, Elite Rotspawn, or Primary Rotspawn.
*The vast majority of Rotspawn are mundane, but by presenting such an overwhelming threat, it's likely Hunger will force out more powerful specimens.
*50% chance of +1 pick
*35% chance of +2 picks
*15% chance of +2 picks, +.5 Arete, +1 major complication
*You may choose to 'target' a specific type of Rotspawn, greatly increasing encounter chances, by reaching a consensus on discussion of which to target and directing discussion and omake power towards it. You'll still get Arete for those omakes.
*Improves your value in the eyes of the townsfolk, reducing the penalties of any Tyrant proc.
This would allow us to pick Cut Through next update, it also come with a 15% chance of one more complication... We can reduce that chance through discussion and omakes, though.
[ ] Pursuing Technological Solutions - While they don't have anywhere near the facilities appropriate for properly maintaining an Armament, the Elixir Sovereignty is still a functioning small-scale technological civilization with sufficient industrial base (mostly automated) to produce outdated Imperial technology. This should really be Letrizia's job, but with her occupied on her mission it falls to Hunger and Gisena to procure repairs for Verschlengorge's armor and hydraulics, as well as re-stock its supply of missiles and kinetic ammunition.

*Improves Verschlengorge's combat capability without increasing its Rank, making it more self-sufficient and relevant in battle
*+Gisena, Gisena weaponry upgrade
*+1 day consumed; repairs take time
Upgrade Verschlengorge and Gisena and get relation +s. Would be a must pick if not for the fact that it spent one more of our precious Apocryphal free day... As is, it's still tempting.
[ ] Relaxing at the Hot Springs - This is supposed to be a vacation, and that means only one thing: the absolute bliss of a worry-free existence at the Elixir Springs! Tomorrow there may be travail and fearsome tribulation, but today there is only the healing power of the geothermally-heated waters!

*+10% healing chance, +10% Double Healing chance
*Pillars of Creation** is unlocked and can be purchased during any reasonably plausible Experience spend point for 1 pick, 25 Arete.
*Pillars of Creation is extremely powerful utility, offering Curse Mitigation, powerful buffs, and level-appropriate enemies in a reasonably safe environment. It would be extremely useful in the mid to late game.
Increase the chances of healing our conditions, which is very important, get +Gisena and unlock Pillars of Creation. It's nice.
[ ] Bloodwraith [2 Arete] - There must be a way to overcome the limitations of the spirit form. Its lack of blood renders it an underwhelming combatant compared to Hunger's fleshly body, and given his reliance on it in the past that cannot be allowed. The purview of Progression is the achievement of any feat, no matter how impossible it may seem. Now that he has time to slow down and actually think, might he discover some way of overcoming this weakness? Perhaps the answer lies in Verschlengorge's blood, for, as Letrizia mentioned, its body is spirit and flesh united, a thing not entirely of the physical world. With a sufficiently large sample and diligent experimentation, perhaps he could selectively enhance specific attributes of his own blood such that it could be retained in ghostly form?

*Doom of the Tyrant: Hunger will extract large quantities of Verschlengorge's blood for his experiments without even thinking to ask Letrizia, weakening its Astral Rank to 4. After all, he's its bonded Cursebearer, a position both he and Verschlengorge know is above that of its pilot!
*--Letrizia, -1 future pick
*Hunger's Second Stage is now treated as having corporeal blood for all purposes. It benefits from Quickening, regenerates via the Ring of Blood, and so on. Not only does this double your effective HP, it also allows you to make use of Quickening's benefits alongside the phasing and increased speed of the Second Stage!
This is incredibly powerful but the --Letrizia hurt my soul. The debuff to Verschlengorge is pretty bad too, for that matter. It also cost 2 Arete and I don't think it's fair to ask even more from our Omake creators at this point.
[ ] Market Day [2 Arete] - It's been a long time since he's conmingled with the common people as anything but their forlorn champion. Though he's never been much a proponent of enjoying 'normalcy' for its own sake, there is something to be said for walking through civilization with the relative anonymity of the unknown. Though it's somewhat risky given the Tyrant's Doom, there's hardly a safer place than this to learn how to manage it, inasmuch as that is possible at all.

*Extensive practice under potentially risky circumstances yields one purchase of Vigor Itself [++Might, +Cha]
*Gain some potentially priceless experience with the Doom of the Tyrant in a relatively controlled scenario, allowing Hunger to better plan around it when engaging with civilization in the future.
Getting a Vigor Itself for 2 Arete and one of our two actions... I don't think that's a good deal right now even with the benefit to planing around the Doom of the Tyrant in the future.
[ ] Vertex - The design and construction of semi-autonomous magical Vertices, points of power that can be used by anyone initiated into the art. Inset into equipment or orbiting their wielder, these points of light can produce a number of functions so long as they are not destroyed: acting as smart- or dumbfire elemental drones, passively augmenting the Attributes or other aspects of their wielder, ablatively interposing themselves before enemy attacks, and so on. Raw power, complexity of Vertex effects, and intelligence of active Vertices are all determined by separate combinations of skill and Attribute, as well as other factors. For example, the raw power of high-tier effects is influenced in large part by the amount of lifespan the crafter shears away in the process of its creation.

*Can be destroyed by Nullity
*Hunger and Letrizia can theoretically learn to wield and create Vertices, though it's a demanding and time-consuming field, and Hunger would require either picks or Arete to overcome the requirement that one be initiated in one's youth, before the age of twenty-one. You may also buy Vertices even if you don't spend any effort making them yourself, though you'll need something to carry them in.
*The Evening Sky can serve as a natural carrier of Vertices.
This is, by far, the most versatile choice, unless we spend a lot of Arete on our Surgecraft element. We'd need to spend some picks on actually getting initiated into it, it's demanding and time-consuming and does not have the raw power of Surgecraft, so I understand why people prefer Surgecraft, but we need that versatility, I think.
[ ] Surgecraft - A seemingly simplistic but bizarrely powerful art by which its practitioners manifest and control vast quantities of a personal Imaginary Element. These range from the mostly physical (Ironflame, with the stability and density of steel but the heat and mobility of fire) to the highly conceptual (Fellspite, a slow but all-corroding mist that induces hatred and despair in those it touches; Fullmight, which simply amplifies the raw power of anything to which it's applied). Even the weakest Surgecrafter can unleash walls and torrents of their element sufficient to annihilate a large building, but control comes slowly and unsteadily for them, if at all. One can imagine the instability of a society populated by such mages.

*Hunger and Letrizia can theoretically learn Surgecraft, though blood manipulation will be needed for Letrizia to acquire it.
*The quality of Hunger's Imaginary Element, should he decide to pursue this route, will depend in part on Arete spent.
*Though none have accomplished it so far, it's relatively easy for experienced Surgecraft practitioners to unleash blasts of their Element that would be relevant on national, planetary, or even interstellar scales. Simple power is something that it develops easily.
*A Surgecrafter's strength in a given moment depends highly on their emotional context, personal circumstances, momentum of the battle and so on. It is at its heart a spontaneous art that disdains preparation.
Really powerful but it's extremely one-dimensional, as I doubt we'd actually want to spend the Arete necessary to get Hunger a high quality element.

So, for now, let's go for this:

[X] Studying the Blade
[X] Relaxing at the Hot Springs
[X] Vertex
Uh... guys? Y'know, we don't actually have to use Vertex, right? We can just buff Letrizia's INT with a bunch of Blood Enhancements and get her to make some low tier ones for us. Alternatively, we can just kill a bunch of spawn, prove we're strong enough to take on the Rotbeast and have them load us up with a million buffs for our Evening Sky. After that, we could spend the picks and Arete generated on Opalescene and Iridescence to make sure we don't lose them when Gisena fires a Tide.

That would provide a shitload of immediate power with no serious investment on our part, saving lots and lots of our potential for either the Ring, Pearlesence or whatever else you want.
points of power that can be used by anyone initiated into the art
Unless i'm mistaken, this means that we need at the very least to spend the arete towards being able to acess the art. But regardless, apart from the initial cost, it seems to be an very arete efficient magic system.
Uh... guys? Y'know, we don't actually have to use Vertex, right? We can just buff Letrizia's INT with a bunch of Blood Enhancements and get her to make some low tier ones for us. Alternatively, we can just kill a bunch of spawn, prove we're strong enough to take on the Rotbeast and have them load us up with a million buffs for our Evening Sky. After that, we could spend the picks and Arete generated on Opalescene and Iridescence to make sure we don't lose them when Gisena fires a Tide.

Well, we need to be initiated to benefit from the passive buffs/control them. But yeah, I don't see a need to spend the cost to get initiated right away unless we're able to buy some really useful ones. She can always do so later when a more significant stockpile of effects is built up.

Maybe for some -s will be over disagreements but Bloodwraith option isn't simple disagreement. It's straight up a hurtful action made by Hunger, thanks to the Tyrant curse.
Because of that even as an fervent supporter of Bloodslayer I can't support Bloodwraith here.

The disagreement is whether or not he had the right to use the blood here unilaterally, many disagreements involve hurt feelings. Anyway this basically circles round to my point about kryptonite, it makes her sad so needs to be avoided. Going against that sentiment is like going against the tide.
The Tide

It's an old rule that power begets power. And when Progression Cursebearers are involved that rule doesn't even come close to doing what comes next justice. The growth curve of a progression cursebearer is often closer to vertical than anything more reasonable. Which is why the first few moments with a new power are generally the most hilarious and amusing - once they have it any longer they are going to be good enough with it to make most mortals cry at the sheer absurdity.

And so we make note of Hunger's first real use of Surgecraft. Hunger doesn't learn faster than an intelligent mortal, most of the time. So he wasn't very quick to grasp the basics. (Gisena had, annoyingly, already figured it out within the first few minutes. Apparently it is surprisingly easy to use for the Findross wielder). And then a Rotspawn broke in. Which was completely ridiculous. How a rotspawn managed to even get into the city to begin with... Still, there Hunger was, frustrated by his lack of talent, with a rotspawn he could have batted away with the Forebear's sword without even noticing trying to be menacing. So... he just kinda lost it. For a moment the world was still. Silence consumed all that was. And then that moment was over. And the world was Bright and Loud. Power begets power. And when you give a cursebearer a power that is hard to control and put them up against an annoying enemy while already frustrated? Hunger didn't really mean to unleash enough power to wipe away the city. But he did. It was fortunate that all of the elements he could have had he would end up with a form of Purity. It didn't really fit him at all, and yet it fit who he should have been perfectly. Perhaps it was just a bit of Destiny still clinging to him, after all this time, that even now, after taking up the Curses he would run across a bit of power that acts to oppose corruption... and make it part of himself without even realizing he was doing so.

No one is entirely sure how many rotspawn got destroyed by that event, given everything for miles was Purified. Hunger was too saddened by it to have really noticed. After all, if he had had this power earlier... If he had been able to fight the Tyrant with this... could he have won without sacrificing everyone he loved? Could things have gone differently? The thoughts only lasted moments, Hunger used to the occasional moments of painful introspection, but they would be tied to this new power of his forever. Ad with every use the universe would be just a little bit better. And with every use he got just a bit closer to having back those who he lost.
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So I just realized a few things about Vertex.

1) It manifests as a bunch of points of light floating around a person like a miniature solar system thing. That aesthetic is actually pretty cool, and would look great with Evening Sky.

2) You get the best Vertexes by sacrificing lifespan. We have lifespan regen as long a we sleep. Do the math. The focus on sacrifice may also hint as to possible similarities or synergies with Praxis.
...You're trying to get us to skip straight to Pillars? No. It's a utility type and we are totally not in a position to make use of it till after the temple is done.
"Hey, this utility immediately transforms into absurd amounts of raw power if circumstances are right. It's kind of cool, right?"
"No. It is utility, not raw power."

Literally what. At least tell me about how sordgang and magegang would try to kill me, that would make some sense at least.

...Well, whatever, I am off to the reaction-mines. I'll be still voting for Cut Through, don't worry about it. Consider this a commitment as if I promised it to someone.
If we want Letrizia to sit around and craft Vertices, that's better done without having a difficult moment just before. So I kind of don't want it if Bloodwraith wins.

Otherwise, the concept of having stars inside the Evening Sky providing us with power is very cool too. So I'll switch:

[X] Studying the Blade
[X] Pursuing Technological Solutions
[X] Vertex

I think that technological solutions is being seriously slept on. It improves the combat abilities of both our party members and improves our relationship with them. The upgrade to Gisena is especially relevant given we'll be taking on the Inner Temple; we need all the help we can get.
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"Hey, this utility immediately transforms into absurd amounts of raw power if circumstances are right. It's kind of cool, right?"
We can't easily bring Versch into the Temple with us, and we do not know what would happen if he broke in. Just that it would probably be... unpleasant.

So the amount of raw power this actually grants us is hard to know since what we need to worry about is the inside of the temple.
[x]Studying the Blade
[x]Relaxing at the Hot Springs

After looking through this I actually like Vertex and Hot Springs because it adds more use to the Evening Sky due to Pillars and Vertices being able to be stored in the cloak. While we have invested heavily into the Ring and Sword the Evening Sky has been largely ignored despite us having spent 7 arete getting it in the first place.
I think that technological solutions is being seriously slept on. It improves the combat abilities of both our party members and improves our relationship with them. The upgrade to Gisena is especially relevant given we'll be taking on the Inner Temple; we need all the help we can get.
I think the better chance of removing a condition in the Hotsprings is probably more useful for survival, since Gisena is ultimately a Nullity mage. While getting her better weapons would be nice it doesn't really improve her best shtick, and Hunger is likely still going to be better at killing anything not spitting out magic.

But I admit I'm biased because I want to unlock Pillars when we have a chance, since it is a long-term goal.
If you're okay with a noncombat Surge, then a 2-Arete narrow but useful Element is still something to consider. If you want Surgecraft to function as a close to 'full' magic system, that would probably take 25 Arete. Functioning as a reasonably versatile 'school' of one magic system would be 7 Arete. Of course, these costs are balanced with Surgecraft's incredible power and easy scaling in mind. When less than a year's study suffices to output enough energy to wipe out tank columns the system has different considerations than more typical magics. Still, something like a 7 Arete surge could come close to replicating some aspects of the Inheritor: Librarian pick - you'd get swift access to immediately relevant utility effects with fairly broad application, something that would require a lot of work to achieve with the Sword Praxis alone.

Poor Hunger, he never gets to interact with NPCs. Market Day offers such useful Tyrant experience, and yet has been almost entirely overlooked... not every danger is represented by mechanical value, guys!
Uh... guys? Y'know, we don't actually have to use Vertex, right? We can just buff Letrizia's INT with a bunch of Blood Enhancements and get her to make some low tier ones for us. Alternatively, we can just kill a bunch of spawn, prove we're strong enough to take on the Rotbeast and have them load us up with a million buffs for our Evening Sky. After that, we could spend the picks and Arete generated on Opalescene and Iridescence to make sure we don't lose them when Gisena fires a Tide.

That would provide a shitload of immediate power with no serious investment on our part, saving lots and lots of our potential for either the Ring, Pearlesence or whatever else you want.
Oh wow, good point. This got me to change my vote, there.
Poor Hunger, he never gets to interact with NPCs. Market Day offers such useful Tyrant experience, and yet has been almost entirely overlooked... not every danger is represented by mechanical value, guys!
The problem is it's just of such limited utility compared to survival. And it costs Arete for some reason!

We can practice later, after we finish the Temple. I'm sure Letrizia will understand we want to make a pitstop in a few small towns before we actually interact with anyone.