Yeah, I think I'd like to call it in, thank you for the alert.
Okay, you're currently on... checking, Study & Slayer.
[X] Study the Blood
[X] Bloodslayer
The biggest thing Bloodslayer has going for it? Momentum. The Star-Blade Saint's the safest option overall, but my guess is that it achieves that by avoiding rewarding fights in the near future. And it
has to do so, because of Exhausted. We all remember the King Fish fiasco and how much of a pain the aftermath was to deal with, right? We only have 25% mitigation of the condition from Amaranth Star.
We can't afford to spend to spend roughly a quarter of our remaining Apocryphal-free time (8 to 9 days left) taking it easy, not if we want to resolve the Temple before the grace period expires. And we
definitely do, because an Inner Temple Apocryphal proc sounds like quest-ending shenanigans to me. Lingering Paralysis isn't fun, but Bloodslayer offers methods of resolution in 'short order', so we may not have to tank it for the full fortnight.
Speaking of debuffs, Chill of the Grave? Still exists. I believe we still have half the original 10% buff from I Am the Danger, but if the multipliers are applied sequentially, we were operating at just shy of 100% going into the Outrider fight. It'll expire at the end of the month, but the description could provide clues to early resolution. If we're 'too eager to pierce the veil between life and death', perhaps concentrating power in our primary form and eschewing Second Stage for a spell's the key there. With only a few hours of downtime before we regain flesh, we can get straight back into the grind with minimal delay.
Plus, this path's got high synergy with Study the Blood's potential insights. Does anyone really believe our position's good enough that we can neglect even a
chance at new or improved advancements? Whatever secrets Letrizia is keeping, will keep. Verschlengorge doesn't seem to have comms with the port, so she's not getting new information. We'll have a chance to dig into the exposition buffet if we walk away from the Temple and resume our long, slow trek to civilization, but it's currently irrelevant. First, we have to survive.